[00:22] *** d34df00d has left "No matter how dark the night, somehow the Sun rises once again" [00:31] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [00:32] *** ^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^ has joined #tikiwiki [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> °_° [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> hola [00:33] *** Soul-Dier has joined #tikiwiki [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> °_° [00:33] °_° [00:33] 13*0_13* [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> chiesi [00:33] hi [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> a mio [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> nonno [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> sono [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> cojone? [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> °_° [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> mio [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> nonno [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> disse [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> si [00:33] 13:0O [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> :O [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> uahuahauhahauh [00:33] 13x0D [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> 11x7D [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> °_° [00:33] °_° [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> duermen todos [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> lamer :O [00:33] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> 11x7D [00:33] 13x0D [00:33] lol [00:34] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> namosene ja 11-7.11- [00:34] <^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^> cia' [00:34] auhasuhaushauhsa [00:34] *** ^XxLaDyAnGeLxX^ has left [00:34] 13P0rrrrrrrrr13RRRRRRRRRRRR0rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [00:34] 13x0D [00:34] čart [00:34] part [00:34] *** Soul-Dier has left "Ciauz" [00:38] huh? [00:38] better just don't react [00:39] SVN: Commit by marclaporte :: r 14023 /trunk/doc/devtools/tikirelease.sh: [MOD] Remove email to avoid spam [00:50] *** fane has joined #tikiwiki [01:17] SVN: Commit by marclaporte :: r 14024 /trunk/doc/devtools/tikirelease.sh: [FIX] Clarifying release procedures, following exchange with Nelson [01:18] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [02:58] *** NefariousC has quit IRC () [03:02] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [03:03] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [03:20] Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of preg_match(). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file in /home/.grub/trimtiki/trim.rclaporte.com/svn/2.0/lib/tikilib.php on line 6173 [03:28] tiki-change_password.php?user=admin gives me blank page [03:28] latest branches/2.0 [03:33] r14020 is guilty [03:35] hun, 14020 has nothing to do with what is breaking... [03:35] grrrr [04:00] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [04:01] *** rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [04:01] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [04:01] *** rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Client Quit) [04:22] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [04:37] SVN: Commit by marclaporte :: r 14025 /trunk/db/profiles/slash.prf: [DEL] Remove SlashDot profile, as this aspect will be managed at profiles.tikiwiki.org [05:07] *** RobotGuy has joined #tikiwiki [05:18] *** RobotGuy has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [05:19] SVN: Commit by marclaporte :: r 14026 /trunk/templates/tiki-admin.tpl: [MOD] Adding a link to profiles, which is a hidden feature in 2.0 but will be a star feature in 3.0 [05:19] SVN: Commit by marclaporte :: r 14025 /trunk/db/profiles/slash.prf: [DEL] Remove SlashDot profile, as this aspect will be managed at profiles.tikiwiki.org [05:19] SVN: Commit by marclaporte :: r 14024 /trunk/doc/devtools/tikirelease.sh: [FIX] Clarifying release procedures, following exchange with Nelson [05:20] *** tomb_ has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [05:53] *** Timothy has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [05:55] *** navishkar69 has joined #tikiwiki [06:41] *** fane has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [06:41] *** fane has joined #tikiwiki [06:45] SVN: Commit by marclaporte :: r 14026 /trunk/templates/tiki-admin.tpl: [MOD] Adding a link to profiles, which is a hidden feature in 2.0 but will be a star feature in 3.0 [06:45] SVN: Commit by marclaporte :: r 14025 /trunk/db/profiles/slash.prf: [DEL] Remove SlashDot profile, as this aspect will be managed at profiles.tikiwiki.org [06:45] SVN: Commit by marclaporte :: r 14024 /trunk/doc/devtools/tikirelease.sh: [FIX] Clarifying release procedures, following exchange with Nelson [06:52] *** fane has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [06:53] *** fane has joined #tikiwiki [06:53] *** navishkar61 has joined #tikiwiki [07:03] *** navishkar61 has left [07:03] *** franck has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [07:04] *** navishkar61 has joined #tikiwiki [07:04] *** navishkar61 has left [07:05] *** navishkar61 has joined #tikiwiki [07:07] *** navishkar69 has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [07:38] *** Amorphous has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [07:40] *** Amorphous has joined #tikiwiki [07:41] *** caralluna__ has joined #tikiwiki [08:01] *** martinalex has joined #tikiwiki [08:50] *** martinalex has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [10:21] *** vinux has joined #tikiwiki [10:38] *** martinalex has joined #tikiwiki [10:47] lo [11:03] *** vinux has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [11:17] *** vinux has joined #tikiwiki [11:22] *** NefariousC has joined #tikiwiki [11:38] *** fane has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [11:38] *** Redhatter has joined #tikiwiki [11:40] *** Redhatter has quit IRC (Client Quit) [11:41] *** Redhatter has joined #tikiwiki [11:52] *** vinux has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [11:53] *** Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie [11:57] *** sylvieg1 has left [12:16] *** tomb has quit IRC ("Ex-Chat") [12:21] *** tomb has joined #tikiwiki [12:24] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [12:30] *** Deepak has joined #tikiwiki [12:35] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [12:45] *** sylvieg has joined #tikiwiki [12:56] polom sylvieg [13:07] *** vinux has joined #tikiwiki [13:13] *** vinux_ has joined #tikiwiki [13:20] *** martinalex has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [13:26] *** pkdille has joined #tikiwiki [13:30] marclaporte: polom [13:31] *** vinux_ is now known as vincentk [13:33] *** vinux has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [14:29] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [14:37] lphuberdeau: : ping [14:42] polom [14:43] *** SEWilco has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [14:48] pong [14:55] *** SEWilco has joined #tikiwiki [14:58] he is up! [15:02] he is alive! [15:04] kind of [15:04] bug I was too late, couldn't roll back my memory to before that last exam and live a student life forever [15:05] You don't have to be a proper grown up, either <: [15:06] *** vincentk has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [15:08] marclaporte: that timesheet profile does not work too well [15:08] can't view the items [15:14] SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14029 /trim/src/appinfo/tikiwiki.php: [FIX] Remove temp/cache folder to avoid update breaks [15:23] lphuberdeau: : does syntax look ok? http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/CommunityPermissions [15:24] lphuberdeau: : yes, timesheet is broken because commas (,) were being stripped [15:24] I can fix now [15:24] *** vinux has joined #tikiwiki [15:27] marclaporte: I don't think 'include' is supported, but that could be added (not today!) [15:28] not certain tiki_p_admin_cms exists [15:30] I get blank page when trying to install http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/CommunityPermissions [15:32] * marclaporte likes the YAML thingy [15:33] it's a nice standard... easy to read and write [15:33] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [15:40] fixed [15:44] Can profiles be used yet for linked tables? I would like a second tracker, project list, used as item link by timesheet... [15:45] elaborate (direct answer is probably know, but I have the feeling this is more of a request) [15:46] *know -> no ... how did that happen? [15:49] *** csc1 has joined #tikiwiki [15:50] hello, [15:51] does anybody know a email address of the community forum administrator? [15:51] marc, I have a conflict merging templates/tiki-admin-include-anchors.tpl [15:52] gmap and i18n were removed in 2.0? [15:52] *** csc1 has quit IRC (Client Quit) [15:54] also removed in templates/tiki-admin-include-list-sections.tpl [15:55] can I emphesize a little bit more on "don't make cosmetic changes in stable branch"? [15:58] SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14032 /trunk/ (26 files in 9 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/2.0 13972 to 14030 [15:59] I can fix that [16:00] nothing was removed [16:00] sorted it out, but you can double check [16:02] on profiles: you created simplebugtracker and simplebugtrackerSD (Sample Data) 1- Is it ok to put data & definitions all on one page 2- It is OK to put 2 YAML sections on the same wiki page? (say I want both, but will split for readability) [16:04] I kind of like to separate both, but I have no issue with that [16:04] multiple blocks per page is not supported yet [16:07] *** RobotGuy has joined #tikiwiki [16:08] *** vinux has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [16:12] lphuberdeau: : can you tell me what I am doing wrong to get : An error occured during the profile validation. This profile cannot be installed. Message: Unknown objects are referenced: http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/project_list#project_summary, http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/project_list#project_description, http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/project_list#project_manager [16:12] when trying to install TimeSheet (now with sample data) [16:14] $project_list:project_description means you point to an object part of a different profile (profile_list) [16:14] just use $project_description [16:15] *** Xun has joined #tikiwiki [16:16] umm, hi [16:17] I have a question - if I canged my username (admin accoun) from "admin" to something else, does that make it impossible to log into that account anymore? [16:18] Because I canged my admin's username to the username I usually use for my admins... but its not letting me log in! [16:18] Using the old username (admin) or the new one... [16:19] Is there something I can do to fix this? [16:20] can cause problems [16:25] yeah... [16:25] which version are you using / how did you rename the admin? [16:25] there is probably something to be done, but it might not be simple [16:26] if you don't have much data or things configured, re-installing is definitely a simple way to fix it [16:26] *** Jana has joined #tikiwiki [16:27] *** Deepak has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [16:27] *** Jana is now known as jcyrisse [16:27] morning all [16:27] : morning jcyrisse [16:27] lphuberdeau : data is now working, thanks! [16:28] i am testing a local version of 2.0rc4 with my production site database [16:28] getting a freetag error message...not sure why [16:28] I'm using version 1.9.11, I renamed the admin by going to "Users" then clicking edit on my account and replacing the old admin name with the new one [16:28] I guess I could use phpmyadmin... [16:28] http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=7#q38 [16:29] Xun: you should create another user and add to admin group [16:29] xun, that is one way, but the username is used as a key in multiple tables [16:29] i have checked the lib/ folder and the freetags are listed there [16:29] http://doc.tikiwiki.org/lost+admin+password [16:30] message i get is Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchRow() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\Tikiwiki\lib\freetag\freetaglib.php on line 423 [16:30] oops [16:30] sorry bought that code past [16:31] posted to sh.nu [16:32] *** Xun has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") [16:33] *** RobotGuy has quit IRC ("SnaFU") [16:33] jcyrisse, will need more info to troubleshoot this... can't reproduce [16:33] i can browse freetags...but when i go to a page with freetags assigned...that is when i get the error message and no page displaying [16:36] I get the tags working just fine... can you give me a link to the error [16:37] it is on my home network :( [16:37] can you upload a screenshot somewhere? [16:37] i am testing something...sec [16:38] well, it is just a blank page with what the code error said [16:38] it could be a memory setting in my php.ini [16:38] sec [16:39] looks DB related [16:40] you ran the db update script? [16:41] yes [16:42] which php version are you using? [16:44] 5.26 [16:44] should provide you with a stack trace on crashes [16:47] could also help if you used the xdebug extension to provide more information about the crash [16:48] how do i do that? [16:51] well, it appears to be working in a clean install just fine [16:52] xdebug is just about enabling the extension [16:52] ah...kk [16:52] changes the way some internal functions work [16:53] well, i am getting blank pages...so something in my settings is amuck [16:55] where is that located...general features? [16:55] it's a php exension, not tiki [16:57] doh... [17:00] well, i dont see that ext listed [17:01] hmm.. may be part of pecl [17:05] *** RobotGuy has joined #tikiwiki [17:05] *** mattbmc has joined #tikiwiki [17:17] well, i think must be a combo of database and php.ini settings...i am mentally blocked...stepping away from it for awhile...thanks! [17:18] SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14032 /trunk/ (26 files in 9 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/2.0 13972 to 14030 [17:18] SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14031 /trunk/lib/profilelib/installlib.php: [FIX] Typo [17:18] SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 14030 /branches/2.0/tiki-editpage.php: [FIX] wiki: authors style can't be null in database, so initialize it to the empty string [17:18] *** RobotGuy has left "I'll be back.." [17:54] lphuberdeau: http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/TimeSheetTest -> I am trying to use variables as tracker field options [17:55] I am getting : An error occured during the profile validation. This profile cannot be installed. Message: Unknown objects are referenced: http://tracker/project_list,$tracker_field#project_summary [17:55] (very nice to have this validation BTW) [17:55] ref: timesheet_associated_project [17:55] data: [17:55] name: Associated project [17:55] tracker: $timesheet [17:55] type: item_link [17:55] options: $tracker:project_list,$tracker_field:project_summary [17:56] that is culprit [17:56] same error as before [17:56] refering to objects in an other profile that does not exist [17:56] it's part of current profile, but doesn't exist yet [17:57] my profile creates two trackers, and they are linked together by item_link but I can't guess what the numbers will be [17:59] It's not possible or it's just that I am not using the magic formula? [17:59] *** Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [18:00] maybe I should move around the fields to create project tracker first [18:05] Eureka! [18:05] (I think) [18:06] *** navishkar61 has quit IRC ("bye") [18:11] *** srishti has joined #tikiwiki [18:13] that should not be required [18:14] $tracker:project_list,$tracker_field:project_summary [18:14] that is wrong [18:17] I have discovered many wrong things [18:17] I have yet to discover the right thing [18:17] it resolves order dependencies by itself when it creates the install plan [18:19] An error occured during the profile validation. This profile cannot be installed. Message: Unknown objects are referenced: http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/TimeSheetTest#project_list,$project_summary [18:19] when I use options: $project_list,$project_summary [18:20] I am so so close [18:20] looks like the comma is a valid identifier character [18:21] ah [18:21] can you add spaces around the comma and still get the trackers to understand? [18:21] I will try [18:22] An error occured during the profile validation. This profile cannot be installed. Message: Unknown objects are referenced: http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/TimeSheetTest#project_list , $project_summary [18:23] follow up to my previous described issue, http://sh.nu/p/24774 gives the database error code. ok...out for awhile...to the movies [18:23] checked the pattern matching, looks like that syntax is only for whole values [18:24] need to use the alternative syntax: http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/ObjectReferences [18:25] $profileobject:project_list$,$profileobject:project_summary$ [18:30] An error occured during the profile validation. This profile cannot be installed. Message: Unknown objects are referenced: http://profileobject/project_list$,$profileobject#project_summary$ [18:32] it don't like me [18:32] ambiguity [18:39] * marclaporte is in the dark [18:39] marclaporte: maybe you need more lightbulbs! [18:40] your profile now works in trunk [18:41] SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14033 /trunk/lib/profilelib/profilelib.php: [FIX] Reduce the amount of accepted characters to improve matching in complex situations [18:45] except that trunk is not working for me in IE & FF for profiles [18:45] JS error in FF2 [18:46] "error loading page" [18:48] to fix my trunk so IE6 can load: svn up -r14000 lib/tikilib.php [18:48] U lib/tikilib.php [18:48] will look into it an other day [18:48] It works!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [18:51] I don't see anything different in tikilib that would break profiles between 14000 and now [18:52] RE: [Tikiwiki-cvs/svn] SF.net SVN: tikiwiki:[14020]branches/2.0/lib/tikilib.php [18:52] I wrote the devlist [18:52] strange indeed [18:57] fix is easy [19:05] try head version [19:24] * marclaporte confirms that profiles work in trunk with IE6, Opera, but not ff2 [19:28] I get it to work in FF2 [19:28] SimpleBugTrackerSD seems to be broken thought [19:29] can you try ff2 on win? [19:29] no [19:30] but they are exactly the same [19:34] what does not work for you? [19:36] you have mail [19:36] when I click to refresh cache [19:37] Status always stays yellow near profiles.tw.o [19:38] when you refresh, is it green? [19:41] *** martinalex has joined #tikiwiki [19:42] no, I get "error loading page" [19:42] in a JS popup [19:42] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [19:45] marclaporte: Does it say anything interesting in the error console? [19:47] just some css errors [19:48] also, when I click on profiles, they don't open up [19:48] so no INSTALL button [19:49] funny thing, upon first load of page, I have green light, but if I refresh, it stays yellow and pops the error loading page" in a JS popup [19:59] *** RobotGuy has joined #tikiwiki [20:12] *** RobotGuy has quit IRC ("It's Knoppix time..") [20:43] *** marclaporte has quit IRC ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") [20:57] *** Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [21:09] *** martinalex has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [21:13] *** RobotGuy has joined #tikiwiki [21:25] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [21:30] *** Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [21:45] *** Lucy has joined #tikiwiki [21:57] *** ElDios has joined #tikiwiki [22:03] *** Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [22:35] *** RobotGuy has quit IRC ("SNAFU") [22:36] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [22:48] *** ElDios has quit IRC (".") [23:11] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [23:12] polom [23:15] *** NefariousC has quit IRC ("Beeees! Why are there beeeeees chasing me?") [23:35] *** Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [23:48] *** Lucy has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))