[00:14] *** SEWilco2 has quit IRC ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") [00:24] *** mstef has quit IRC ("leaving") [01:07] *** chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [01:11] polom [01:49] Eror msg posted in tw.o forum by user of 2.0rc4 at hosted account: "Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated; If you would like to pass it by reference modify the declaration of preg_match(). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file in .../lib/tikilib.php on line 6173" [01:50] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [02:04] *** Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [02:06] chibaguy: : was fixed in trunk [02:07] hi marclaporte. So what is the response for this user? [02:07] [Tikiwiki-cvs/svn] SF.net SVN: tikiwiki:[14034]trunk/lib/tikilib.php [02:07] I don't know chibaguy [02:07] It's a Dreamhost account. [02:08] lphuberdeau : chose to commit to trunk, instead of 2.0 [02:08] I get the same problem [02:09] Does it break Tiki, or related to a specific feature, etc.? [02:12] *** dthacker has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [02:14] I can suggest that he use trunk, but it's not checked for vulnerabilities, right? [02:21] fixes in 2.0 are merged to 3.0 [02:21] *** NefariousC has quit IRC ("Read error: 69 (Important Things To Do)") [02:21] he could also patch 2.0 [02:23] OK, I can point him to the fix. As you know, for some users this is no problem, others will be over their heads. [02:24] *** lphuberdeau_ has joined #tikiwiki [02:24] *** lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [02:31] *** icltlfatppl has quit IRC ("This computer has gone to sleep") [02:36] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [02:38] TikiProfiles is cool. :-) [02:43] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [03:01] *** nickelodeon has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [03:08] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [03:10] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [03:19] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [03:20] *** franck has left [03:31] *** RobotGuy has joined #TikiWiki [03:33] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [03:37] *** franck has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [03:38] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [03:39] *** Valor has joined #tikiwiki [03:41] I get this error http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh267/TechDragon74/WIKIERROR.jpg when trying to add events to the calendar, any ideas? [04:00] Valor: you may need to create a calendar first? [04:02] I have created a new calendar, tried it, received the same error, then went into the permissions and granted all permissions to all groups, tried it again and received the same error [04:04] *** rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [04:07] The strange thing is that I have two separate tikiwiki's a personal one and one I created for work, I am the director of IT at my branch of a corporation, I was asked to create a WIKI to create a knowledge pool for our department across 20 some odd locations. I chose TIKI because it works flawlessly on my hosted website. Which is running "L.A.M.P" at work however the rules changed I had to... [04:07] ...figure out how to make Tikiwiki work on a 2003 server and IIS. I am using PHP 5 and the latest Mysql [04:08] Valor: which version of tw do you use? [04:10] well I started with 1.9 but received a multitude of requests for a WYSIWYG editor, so I upgraded to 2.0rc2 first and am currently running 2.0rc4 [04:11] I just saw the error message [04:11] marclaporte, sylvie backported the fix a few hours ago [04:12] lphuberdeau_: is that for Valor? [04:12] Everything seems to work except the calendar, on my personal site the calendar works (2.0rc4) on my work Tiki it does not [04:12] no [04:13] both = 2.0rc4 [04:13] *** nkoth3_ has quit IRC () [04:13] Valor: I would try to use the query directly in phpmyadmin to see what happens [04:13] this seems to be a mysql error [04:13] that is what I thought as well [04:14] but to be honest I do not have a lot of experience with mysql [04:14] well open phpMyadmin got to your db and paste the last INSERT statement in a SQL execution window and see what gives [04:15] k, I have to VPN in so I have to leave, I will take screen shots. [04:15] any other advice [04:16] if it throws an error is there a fixer? [04:16] well reading the SQL statement it looks like ok... I don't know why error is data truncated, like the insert would be too big? [04:17] yea, I tried it with 1 char even [04:17] well if it throws an error, we would know that problem is with mysql config and not with tikiwiki [04:17] everything is to big [04:17] then you look at my.cnf [04:17] I'm worried about the - in one of the field [04:18] ok, I can do that do you know where to look or what basic heading I would be looking for? [04:19] no sure, but in phpmyadmin it would also give you the parameters under which mysql is running [04:19] I can't IRC once I am VPN'd due to websense, just want to try as much as I can before coming back [04:20] ok, thanks for the advice, it gives me some places to go look [04:20] also check that you don't have the silly php security module, cannot recall the name, but it is a pain [04:20] I would also look at my log to see the php errors when making the calendar add [04:20] it may be more informative [04:21] ok [04:22] the module is suhosin and it enables many restrictions in php [04:22] and I assume that I can remove this by running the install script again [04:23] Sorry, I am kind of new to PHP as well [04:23] yes or just rename the .ini to .disabled of the module [04:23] ok [04:23] I = standard server 2003 and vb :_ [04:23] but usually I look in my httpd log, which usually log my php errors too [04:23] but then I have to enable that in my php.ini file [04:24] so here you go you have a few places to look [04:24] ok thanks for the advice [04:24] I will check it out [04:25] btw on windows... you can install apache instead of IIS [04:25] much better [04:25] Not allowed [04:25] my home branch is in CA [04:25] so like this you have WAMP [04:25] instead of WIMP [04:25] and they wouldn't allow the apache [04:25] haha [04:26] otherwise I would've just used Fedora on a box [04:26] like IIS is a professional web server.... [04:26] I know, they think apache is full of security holes, and that IIS is more secure that literally made me laugh [04:27] They never had to run WSUS? [04:27] actually we do [04:27] The corp is Mercury Insurance [04:27] my branch is in Oklahoma [04:28] well, 40GB of security fix for MS products, compare to a a few 100MB for a linux distro... [04:28] It is a rather large company, they wanted share point [04:29] Valor: by the way look at Zimbra ... the exchange/sharepoint killer [04:29] tell me I know, I am kind of new to Linux world but I use Fedora Core 9 and love it, far better than Windows in my opinion [04:29] but then again I don't do much gaming [04:29] ok, do your vpn and come back with more questions before I head to the club for a few drinks [04:30] I have a PS3 for gaming ;) [04:30] me to [04:30] *** jcyrisse has joined #tikiwiki [04:30] I have heard you can install Linux on a PS3 I might look into that [04:30] yes, I have not tried yet [04:31] I would like to try it to check if it can play all my DVDs... I have all the regions... [04:32] I might not be back tonight it is almost midnight here, but I will do as you suggested, I posted on the forum as well if I find a fix I will post my resolution there, I will come back tho [04:33] thanks again for the options [04:34] no worries [04:34] I will check out Zimbra [04:34] check their blog and live demo [04:34] I don't have a lot of say though as I am considered the red headed stepchild :) [04:35] what is the best way to convert a cvs 1.10.1 to svn branch 2.0 on a remote server? [04:35] getting them to try a WIKI was amazing [04:36] oh and frank, youtube has video on installing linux to ps3 [04:36] *** Valor has quit IRC ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") [04:37] jcyrisse: did not find anything on www.tw.o? [04:37] or dev.tw.o? [04:37] well, yes...and no [04:37] i think i have a little problem [04:37] lol [04:37] i had a cvs version, but hadnt updated for awhile [04:38] I'm not a big specialist of cvs and svn, I just use them [04:38] nor i...trust me [04:38] and now, the 1.10.1 has been moved to svn... [04:38] most of my upgrades, I just mv the old directory, and then do a clean install, but using the same db parameters found in db/local.php [04:38] it has worked for me... [04:38] my remote server used the cvs, but does not the svn [04:39] I need to copy things from old dir to new, If I did new themes, etc... [04:39] yes...i tried that on a backup copy locally, and seemed to have some problems [04:40] yes...think my issue comes with some of the plugins, and getting blank pages [04:40] they changed the instructions for that...and i am a bit lost on that. [04:40] if you have installed mods, you need to re-install them [04:41] ah...yeah...that too [04:41] what mods directory is used for the branch 2.0? [04:41] same [04:41] is it the mods.tikiwiki or is it the svn? [04:42] mods.tw.o [04:42] ok [04:42] well, i will give it a shot... [04:42] heck...what is the worst that can happen....LOL [04:44] so, then, each time you update your branch 2.0, you do the same thing all over again? [04:49] no, I just download the official release [04:49] some people put their productions servers under svn... [04:50] it only make sense recently because 1.9 branch is so old.... [04:52] i see [04:52] yes...that is true [04:54] My domains don't have svn, so I do an svn-export locally and then update the server with ftp set to overwrite when source file is newer. Not too painful. [04:55] yes...that sounds like what I would need to do. [04:55] just gotta figure out my blank pages issue [05:00] hmmm....i keep getting an error when checking out from svn on this computer....never happens on my other pc...just this one...so i dont think i get the full copy of the branch [05:09] *** Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [05:34] i just posted the error message I get from my pc when trying to checkout branch 2.0 from this pc. what am i doing wrong? [05:50] *** srishti has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [05:53] *** priti has joined #tikiwiki [05:57] *** PrezKennedy has quit IRC ("Leaving") [05:58] *** PrezKennedy has joined #tikiwiki [06:00] well, it has to be something with my network. [06:00] tried a different network location...and no errors [06:02] *** jcyrisse_ has joined #tikiwiki [06:09] *** RobotGuy has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [06:12] *** chibaguy_ has joined #tikiwiki [06:19] *** chibaguy has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [06:20] *** jcyrisse has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [06:23] *** franck has left [06:53] *** jcyrisse_ has quit IRC ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") [07:05] *** Amorphous has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [07:14] morning [07:17] *** Wilkins has joined #tikiwiki [07:17] morning luciash [07:17] *** chibaguy_ is now known as chibaguy [07:18] *** idle- has joined #tikiwiki [07:18] HI. [07:19] I just used "Rebuild Thumbnails"in Tiki 2 and my thumbs got wiped. Am I "special" or can others confirm this works ok? [07:19] *** Amorphous has joined #tikiwiki [07:19] I updated a 1.9 to 2.0RC4 and now the password hashes are not the same as before [07:19] so we are connecting via ldap to active directory. [07:20] if i delete the user and he registers again, then it works again. [07:20] so did you change something from 1.9 to 2.0 with the password hashes? [07:21] if i look into users_users, I can see the difference... [07:21] can this be migrated? ;-) questions over questions... [07:21] chibaguy: no idea [07:24] chibaguy: when i try and confirm for you, what would you do ? :) [07:25] Hmm. [07:27] If you also lose your thumbnail images, then I guess it's a bug. If not, then I'll see what's wrong with my site. [07:27] sylvieg: thanks for backport of tikilib.php "Reference not required", i was just about to do it to realize you already did :-p [07:27] chibaguy: LOL [07:28] luciash, is sylvieg's backport about this kind of message: Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated; [07:28] yes [07:28] Ah, ok. A guy was asking about that in the tw.o forum. [07:28] svn up [07:29] but i wonder he got it in rc4, i thought i did it after rc4 [07:32] chibaguy: what kind of images should i load into my test gallery ? [07:32] Well, nothing important, probably. [07:33] LOL, it's test gallery, no worries [07:33] Actually my images are ok, but one thumbnail was missing, so I clicked "rebuild thumbs" and now they're all gone. [07:33] *** jcyrisse has joined #tikiwiki [07:33] including the originals ? [07:33] or just the thumbnails are gone ? [07:33] Not a big problem for me either, as it's just a test. The original images are there, just the thumbs are missing. [07:34] any idea how i can get rid of this error about needing to run setup.sh? apparently, i dont have permission to do this on my server [07:34] PNGs, GIFs or JPEGs ? [07:34] so not able to add modules [07:34] jcyrisse: manually set writing permissions to the required dirs [07:34] yup...did that [07:35] you have to set them on all folders specified in setup.sh [07:35] chibaguy: ? [07:35] chibaguy: doesn't matter ? [07:35] i did do that [07:35] got no errors on install...it is after....and wanting to access mods [07:36] SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 14059 /branches/2.0/lib/tikilib.php: [MOD] wiki: support 'lnk' param for img wiki tag to do the same than 'link' but that is not affected by sanitization. [07:36] hmpf. [07:36] pngs and jpgs [07:36] should mods be writable still after install? [07:37] idle-, sorry I guess no ldap users here. [07:37] There's more activity later. Maybe someone who knows will see your question. [07:38] Obviously ldap should work in 2.0. [07:38] jcyrisse: then set the perms on mods/ (i think that handles the fixperms.sh, not setup.sh) [07:38] ah...so it should be chmod 777? [07:39] hmmm...no mods/ anymore, just modules/ [07:40] chibaguy: i guess there's a bug in image galleries setting by default now size of thumbnails to 0x0 so if you rebuild them they get 0x0 size and you think they're gone [07:40] i have set manually size of thumbnails to 80x80 and rebuilding thumbnails works [07:40] mods get created probably by setup.sh, right [07:40] so you have to manually create that dir [07:41] jcyrisse: ↑ [07:41] Thanks, luciach. [07:41] np, chibahay [07:41] ah...let me try that [07:41] :-p [07:42] duh [07:42] jcyrisse: permission granted [07:42] maybe it's coffee time [07:42] hehe [07:42] chibaguy: so how you cope with that now ? ;) [07:43] bug report ? fix ? or just workaround at your site by manually setting the correct thumbnail size ? [07:43] that did the trick! [07:43] (after the coffee of course ;)) [07:43] ty! [07:43] np [07:44] I think even after coffee 'fix' is probably out of reach ;-) [07:44] *g* [07:44] gotta work, later guys ! [07:45] cya luciash, have a good one. [07:45] good work ? thanks :) [07:45] well, as good as possible. :-) [07:45] well...hmmm...spoke to soon [07:46] trying to rebuild the list and update remote index [07:46] and says it is not a list of modules [07:47] oops [07:47] k [07:48] fixed it...removed the link in tikiwiki that gave mods.tikiwiki.org/index.php [07:54] ok changing the authentication to "tiki old hash" solved the problem ;) [07:57] ok, seems reasonable. :-) [07:57] *** lorinc has joined #tikiwiki [07:57] *** lorinc has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [07:59] *** jcyrisse has quit IRC ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") [08:06] *** Lucy has joined #tikiwiki [08:09] *** chibaguy has left [08:18] *** Jyhem has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [08:23] *** Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [08:27] *** Lucy has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [08:43] *** ElDios has joined #tikiwiki [09:17] *** Paragtim has joined #tikiwiki [09:18] SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 14059 /branches/2.0/lib/tikilib.php: [MOD] wiki: support 'lnk' param for img wiki tag to do the same than 'link' but that is not affected by sanitization. [09:18] SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14058 /trunk/lib/tikilib.php: oops - thx nyloth [09:18] SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14057 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD]wiki: new syntax --text-- for deleted text [09:22] imho nyloth's last commit should go to trunk [09:37] *** mstef has joined #tikiwiki [09:41] *** yonixxx has joined #tikiwiki [09:42] Hi all [09:45] SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 14059 /branches/2.0/lib/tikilib.php: [MOD] wiki: support 'lnk' param for img wiki tag to do the same than 'link' but that is not affected by sanitization. [09:45] SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14058 /trunk/lib/tikilib.php: oops - thx nyloth [09:45] SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14057 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD]wiki: new syntax --text-- for deleted text [10:08] *** mstef has quit IRC ("leaving") [10:09] *** mstef has joined #tikiwiki [10:09] *** mstef has quit IRC (Client Quit) [10:11] *** lorinc has joined #tikiwiki [10:11] *** lorinc has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [10:13] *** mstef has joined #tikiwiki [10:18] *** xaman has joined #tikiwiki [10:18] *** xaman has quit IRC (Client Quit) [10:24] *** Jyhem has joined #tikiwiki [10:45] *** neil-nms has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [11:23] *** Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie [11:23] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [11:39] *** MatWho has joined #tikiwiki [12:00] hi all [12:01] *** otabz has joined #tikiwiki [12:04] Can someone help? What is the purpose of having transition style sheets? If I want to make a modified version of tikineat.css, do I just merge the 2 .css file and edit that. Or is there something better? Thanks. [12:09] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [12:16] *** lphuberdeau_ has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [12:19] transition css is supposed to help people to have a nice upgrade if they have their own style. It is the list of new styles [12:20] you can not use it if your style has been updated [12:25] sylvieg: Thanks, so I guess its best to combine the original css file with the transition one and start modifying the result. [12:25] exactly [12:25] sylvieg: Great, thanks :) [12:40] does somebody know how to rollback in svn svn merge -r HEAD:14054 lib/trackers/trackerlib.php is not working [12:45] *** loick has joined #tikiwiki [12:49] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [12:51] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [12:52] Hi ricks [12:52] hi yonixxx [12:52] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [13:03] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [13:07] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [13:26] *** MatWho_ has joined #tikiwiki [13:30] *** MatWho__ has joined #tikiwiki [13:40] *** mathieso has joined #tikiwiki [13:41] *** mathieso has quit IRC (Client Quit) [13:47] *** MatWho has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [13:48] *** MatWho_ has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [13:48] hi [13:52] *** mathieso has joined #tikiwiki [13:52] *** RobotGuy has joined #TikiWiki [13:53] Hi. Never used IRC before, seeing what happens. [13:54] it is ok :) [13:54] welcome to the party [13:55] party? party where? [13:57] Thnx! Question: recently created a VERY simple plugin for my own use. HIGHLIGHT - highlights text like a yellow highlighter marker (or whatever color). All it does is set foreground and background color of text. Is that worth adding to the Tikiwiki CVS? [13:58] sure, add it to the mods. [13:59] don't we have wiki syntax for that? [13:59] to change color, y, but not the ability to change color & background [13:59] (that i'm aware of) [14:01] I didn't find anything to change background color, which is what it really does. There's a sample at: http://mis.mathiesons.com/tiki-index.php?page=Highlight+plugin+demo [14:01] I think the plugin syntax is a little heavy for that kind of stuff [14:02] Hmm, so some new wiki markup would be better? [14:02] maybe an extension of the current one, but you probably don't want to modify the parser [14:03] i like, but would b nice to configure fore/background color: {HIGHLIGHT(foreground=######,background=######} [14:04] ricks, what is the wiki syntax for text highlight? [14:04] bye all ! [14:04] wasnt aware that there was one... [14:04] *** yonixxx has quit IRC ("Leaving") [14:05] Colored text is like this: ~~#FF0000:text~~ Sets foreground only. [14:05] oh [14:06] mathieso: would be nice to take ur plugin and make it configuraable (foreground/background colors) [14:06] probably wouldn't be too bad to add a second parameter to it [14:07] done converting the plugins begining with A! [14:08] OK, I'll make a plugin with 2 params. Now the hard stuff. I've never used CVS or contributed to an open source project. I do PHP in Windows with Aptana or Notepad++. Suggestions as to what CVS client to use, and how to proceed? [14:09] we don't use CVS anymore [14:09] project is on subversion, you can use TortoiseSVN on windows... works decently [14:09] http://dev.tikiwiki.org/SVNTips [14:10] Great, thnx, I'll take a look. [14:10] *** Paragtim has quit IRC ("I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not too sure.") [14:13] adding it to the wiki syntax is easy enough [14:16] *** nickelodeon has joined #tikiwiki [14:20] I'll add the plugin for now, since I can do that without causing too much damage :-) . Will look at changing the wiki syntax later, when I get the hang of things. Thnx for everyone's suggestions. [14:20] almost done with it [14:21] *** jcyrisse has joined #tikiwiki [14:26] *** otabz has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [14:26] *** mathieso has left [14:28] *** otabz has joined #tikiwiki [14:29] i am having trouble with installing mods in 2.o rc4....says they download, and appear to be published, but i still get messages that plugin doesn't exist [14:30] does the modules/ and mod/ dir both need to have chmd 777? [14:34] lphuberdeau: do not forget to update the wiki help too [14:36] done [14:36] well, doc updated [14:36] :-) [14:37] hi can someone tell me where the 'delete Wiki page' screen would be within Tiki? [14:37] *** ElDios has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [14:38] *** ElDios has joined #tikiwiki [14:40] n/m - found it thanks [14:54] is it possible to create a menu automatically from a structure (wiki)? [14:55] and I think wiki_download_attachment doesn't uses the right permissions for downloading attachments from a wiki page with special permissions [14:55] hum, there is a module that allows you to include a wiki page... if that page contains a table of contents, it might work (just guessing here) [14:56] if I try the link f.e. tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=96&download=y as a user with no rights for this page it can download the attachment [14:56] (the user has the global right to tiki_p_wiki_view_attachments [14:57] (2.0rc4) [14:57] idle-: yes, in custom module on Admin > Modules [15:00] ricks99: what about {TAG(tag=>span,style=>background-color: yellow)}highlighted text{TAG} ? [15:01] *** mstef has quit IRC ("leaving") [15:01] i wonder.... [15:01] there's already a 'highlight' class in the css. anyway to simply use that? [15:01] {tag(tag=span,class=highlight)} [15:02] *** nkoth3 has joined #tikiwiki [15:03] luciash: that works. thx. [15:04] anyone know what the files for "submit" wikiplugin are? i am getting "array" messages from mods.tikiwiki.org [15:05] TAG plugin doesn't support class afaik [15:05] @jcyrisee: they are the the png for each site [15:05] jcyrisse: ??? [15:06] ok...the icons were showing prior to update to 2.0 from 1.10.1 [15:06] ricks99: but you can use class on some other plugins iirc [15:06] now, i get the links, but no icons [15:07] @jcyrisse: if u did a ftp update, u probably overwrote the directory that contained the graphcis [15:07] so, were those pngs stored in a folder? [15:07] ricks99: DIV e.g. [15:07] yes...but have a backup...just trying to locate where that directory was [15:07] @luciash: y. maybe {TAG} should be updated to include class info [15:08] ricks99: {DIV(class=highlight,type=span)}higlighted text{DIV} [15:08] usually, i get a list of the files and locations from the mods page [15:08] but just says "array" [15:08] *** loick has quit IRC ("Bye :-)") [15:09] i believe the pngs were in ../img/icons2/ [15:09] hi, can someone tell me all the tables that get touched when one selects 'remove' from the pulldown on tiki-listpages.php? [15:09] k...will look there [15:09] but then.. whoever wrote that plugin probably had no idea what the heck he was doing (*blush*) [15:10] yup...that is it... [15:10] ricks99: what plugin ? [15:10] sorry, that was for jcyrisse: submit plugin [15:11] ah :-p [15:11] lol [15:12] jcyrisse: pls feel free to 'fix' anything in the SUBMIT plugin. it was one of my early attempts and im sure there are better wasy [15:13] ricks99: if i knew what the heck I was doing, i would [15:13] ricks99: you could also do %hls%higlighted text%hle% ;) [15:13] hsl? [15:13] hls? [15:13] ricks99: i am afraid that i wouldn't be help [15:13] yup, dynamic variable [15:14] for %hls% you put and for %hle% you put [15:14] * lphuberdeau is writing a script to package incremental releases after 2.0 [15:16] lph I was just updating the quicktags for strike text ... do you think the syntac of colored quicktags will be changed - or we stay simple on quicktags? [15:17] hum... no idea... mostly the same [15:17] really it's only as if you split the color in two... ~~blue,yellow:text~~, ~~blue:text~~ is just like before [15:18] .... my question was more - quictags insert all the params or the main ones? ... I have no idea what is the best? [15:18] can't say, never used quicktags [15:19] probably leave as is [15:19] bg color is mostly an 'advanced' feature [15:19] - ok [15:25] *** tomekkott has joined #tikiwiki [15:26] *** RobotGuy is now known as RobotGuy-Out [15:27] bueheheh, where's my avatar gone on tw.o ? :'( [15:29] does anyone here have any experience writing the installer for tw, specifically the oracle db connections? [15:30] the problem is that my university provider only installed php with: --with-oracle (etc.) not --with-oci8 [15:30] hi, can someone tell me all the tables that get touched when one selects 'remove' from the pulldown on tiki-listpages.php? alternatively, which functions I need to call in tikilib.php to remove a page? ie, remove_object, remove_all_versions [15:30] since tw only checks for oci-8, that's gonna be a problem [15:30] and I really (REALLY) want to use tw [15:32] tomekkott, to be honest, oracle support has not been tested in years and I am really not certain it works at this time [15:32] well, I'm happy to work with it (it's my only option), I'm just having trouble digging through the installer [15:33] which version are you using? [15:33] if you plan on making fixes, you should work from trunk [15:33] tw 2.0rc4, or do you mean oracle? [15:33] tw [15:33] trunk and 2.0 are fairly close at this time [15:34] ok, for now i'll just be working on local, I'll find out where to upload changes if I get it working... :) [15:34] Does tw generally abstract all db connections to ADODB? [15:34] yes [15:34] and so would it be just making sure that tw interfaces with ADODB using the correct driver on ADODB's part? [15:34] table creation scripts are converted through mechanism unknown to me [15:35] yeah, but we might be dropping adodb soon (in favor of PDO) [15:35] man, these hurdles are just piling up for me [15:35] hehe [15:36] oracle is the only DB supported at your workplace? [15:38] the only one that can be used to power an external site apparently, even though they compiled php with mysql and postgres support...I've just learned not to argue, they seem stuck in their old, expensive ways. [15:38] they can get expensive support from MySQL if it pleases them [15:39] wouldn't THAT be nice. *sigh* I sometimes wish that the university IT department were outsourced to someone who keeps up to date with new software... i guess they just need the stability that much [15:40] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [15:40] outsourcing the hosting is a good way to escape them ;) [15:41] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [15:42] polom [15:45] *** Darkbee has joined #tikiwiki [15:48] would love to escape them, but they won't provide forwarding from a domain name to an external host [15:49] Do the email capabilities (across multiple features) work in tikiwiki 1.9.11? I can't figure how to set the smtp server that should be used. [15:53] *** Redhatter has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** nickelodeon has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** pkdille has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** r1 has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** amette has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** CIA-14 has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** tomekkott has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** ElDios has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** Amorphous has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** Sug4r has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** lphuberdeau has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** Wilkins has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** Petjal2 has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** jcyrisse has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** PrezKennedy has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** priti has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** sylvieg has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** tomb has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** Caarrie has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** Jyhem has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** PS|bot has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** caralluna has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** niclone has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** otabz has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** franck has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** SEWilco has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** jerkface03 has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** nkoth3 has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** Darkbee has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** MatWho__ has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** idle- has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** caralluna___ has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** RobotGuy-Out has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** luciash has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:53] *** hooch has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [15:54] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [15:54] *** jcyrisse has joined #tikiwiki [15:54] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [15:54] *** Wilkins has joined #tikiwiki [15:54] *** PrezKennedy has joined #tikiwiki [15:54] *** priti has joined #tikiwiki [15:54] *** sylvieg has joined #tikiwiki [15:54] *** tomb has joined #tikiwiki [15:54] *** Caarrie has joined #tikiwiki [15:54] *** Petjal2 has joined #tikiwiki [15:58] oh, it had been a while since I last saw a netsplit [16:00] *** Wilkins has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [16:01] woah [16:02] *** jerkface03 has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** SEWilco has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** otabz has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** RobotGuy-Out has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** luciash has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** Darkbee has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** nkoth3 has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** MatWho__ has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** idle- has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** caralluna___ has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** Jyhem has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** PS|bot has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** caralluna has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** niclone has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** hooch has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** Sug4r has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** Amorphous has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** ElDios has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** tomekkott has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** Redhatter has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** nickelodeon has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** r1 has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** pkdille has joined #tikiwiki [16:02] *** amette has joined #tikiwiki [16:06] welcome back all :) [16:07] *** luciash_ has joined #tikiwiki [16:11] Hi - has anyone encountered the issue referenced in the following tw.o bug post - TikiWiki Plugins – Issues with Using Double Quotes to Pass Parameters in 1.9.11 http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=1934&trackerId=5&show=view [16:13] *** luciash has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [16:13] *** CIA-14 has joined #TikiWiki [16:14] *** SEWilco2 has joined #tikiwiki [16:18] *** otabz has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [16:21] *** snarlydwarf has joined #tikiwiki [16:21] Darkbee: I never left, so that makes me loyal :) [16:23] hardcore ;) [16:27] *** CIA-14 has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [16:35] *** ElDios has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [16:35] *** ElDios has joined #tikiwiki [16:37] *** ElDios has quit IRC (Client Quit) [16:45] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [16:50] *** nkoth3 has quit IRC () [16:51] Hi - has anyone encountered the issue referenced in the following tw.o bug post - TikiWiki Plugins – Issues with Using Double Quotes to Pass Parameters in 1.9.11 http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=1934&trackerId=5&show=view [17:02] *** jeremyclarke has joined #tikiwiki [17:10] *** jeremyclarke has left [17:11] Seems excessive for listing 50 entries in a 157-file File Directory: [ Execution time: 247.28 secs ] [ Memory usage: 23.69MB ] [ 543 database queries used in 244 secs ] [ GZIP Disabled ] [ Server load: 0.00 ] [17:18] *** camgirl29 has joined #tikiwiki [17:20] *** camgirl29 has quit IRC (Client Quit) [17:31] *** RobotGuy-Out is now known as RobotGuy [17:32] *** RobotGuy has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [17:32] *** RobotGuy has joined #TikiWiki [17:35] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [17:37] *** kerrnel has joined #tikiwiki [17:40] sylvieg: were you able to rollback? [17:40] I already did it [17:42] nickelodeon: in 2.0 {REMARKSBOX(title=>"Comment, ffffff",type=>comment)}sdfsfsdfs{REMARKSBOX} is working [17:42] ok cool thanks, sorry, I'll take a look and see what's up. I suspect it's as you say, I didn't do an update first [17:42] normally svn catches that [17:43] except if you copy your files from somewhere else [17:44] *** idle- has quit IRC ("Verlassend") [17:51] sylvieg: For SEFURL, URLs hardcoded in templates could be processed by a template function sefpage(page,type)... same as sefurl modifier but page is a constant rather than variable. [17:54] sylvieg: At first I thought I also had a special case where URLs are stored in arrays, but now realize when I get to the code which assembles the URL then the URLs will be properly formatted before being stored. [18:02] *** RobotGuy has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [18:03] will have to remember that, thanks [18:05] sylvieg: thanks; i am running 1.9.11; is this a known issue in this version? am planning to upgrade soon, but wanted to know if i am out of luck (regarding using double quotes to pass params to plugins) unless i upgrade [18:06] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [18:06] But I just test in 1.9 it is working also [18:06] you need to put a comma btween the params [18:07] *** priti has left [18:07] see my answer in dev.tw.org [18:08] sylvieg - thanks, actually i did put it in with a comma, but it got stripped out when i posted the comment [18:08] *** srishti has joined #tikiwiki [18:09] http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=1934&trackerId=5&show=view it is working for me [18:10] is it working for you? [18:11] *** RobotGuy has joined #TikiWiki [18:11] *** RobotGuy has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [18:14] *** RobotGuy has joined #TikiWiki [18:23] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [18:24] I'm inserting $debugger->msg statements. Is there a superglobal variable with the name of the current program? [18:25] *** Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [18:25] marclaporte: Tikiwiki (http://dev.tikiwiki.org/) is unable to connect to the database [18:27] srishti: : thanks [18:31] marclaporte: Also we are not able to load info.tw.o and wiki-translation.com pages [18:41] *** oddle has joined #tikiwiki [18:46] *** oddle has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") [18:47] *** oddle has joined #tikiwiki [18:52] *** oddle has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") [18:57] *** otab1 has joined #tikiwiki [19:00] sites should be back now [19:01] yes, all sites are up [19:02] *** MatWho has joined #tikiwiki [19:12] *** MatWho_ has joined #tikiwiki [19:16] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [19:22] *** CIA-14 has joined #TikiWiki [19:23] Oh, ick. Anyone improved file gallery SELECT in the last few days? Database is taking 3 minutes to get a list of files. [19:24] trunk? [19:25] trunk 2.0RC4. I updated my copy on Friday. [19:25] that's not trunk [19:25] but no, no changes there [19:25] http://sh.nu/p/24785 [19:26] Yeah, you're right. I have 2 copies. This is on trunk, not my 2.0RC4. [19:27] Obviously I added those debugger messages, as trunk only has a handful of debugger messages. [19:29] *** MatWho has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [19:30] SEWilco: you can use the log of sql queries and after scan the table adodb_logsql [19:30] *** MatWho__ has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [19:31] * sylvieg needs to do an UI to read the table directly in tw [19:31] Thanks, but I didn't know until I zeroed in on that code where the delay was coming from. [19:32] trying to see if there is anything terrible in that query [19:32] *** RobotGuy has left "I'll be back.." [19:33] is adodb_logsql accessible as a PHP variable, so I can display it from the Debug Console? [19:33] it is only from phpmyadmin or other ... (i know I need the UI) [19:34] but at least you can run the log and sort on time consuming [19:36] I've been in phpmyadmin (I do see indexes exist on tiki_files). I don't see any adodb_* tables. [19:37] ... seems to be broken - daamit [19:39] I see "Enable Statistics" on the phpmyadmin Database page. [19:41] *** Darkbee has quit IRC ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") [19:41] *** PGamache has joined #tikiwiki [19:46] *** mstef has joined #tikiwiki [19:52] hum... the indexes on tiki_files are terrible [19:52] who searches by exact description? [19:58] I think I saw a sort by description option. That's probably why description is indexed. [19:58] sewilico, run EXPLAIN on that query and see what it tells you [19:59] I get nothing good because I don't have data [19:59] Running EXPLAIN. What's the incantation for LogSQL? I'm not finding the object which it is a member of. [20:00] explain select ... [20:00] basically the same query with explain in front [20:00] *** MatWho has joined #tikiwiki [20:00] should list you the steps mysql take to execute it [20:02] marclaporte: We cannot load the info.tw.o page. [20:03] profiles gone too [20:03] *** mathieso has joined #tikiwiki [20:04] *** martinalex has joined #tikiwiki [20:04] *** MatWho_ has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [20:05] phpmyadmin is whining about my filegal EXPLAIN SELECT... http://sh.nu/p/24786 [20:05] Unable to connect to the database ! [20:05] you need to replace the ? with the actual values [20:06] User infotw_infotw has already more than 'max_user_connections' active connections [20:06] (fuck) [20:06] should be 1 at both places [20:06] I guess that could be a nice problem of more visitors on the site [20:06] marclaporte: maybe [20:08] Fortunately, the EXPLAIN didn't take 3 minutes to run. http://sh.nu/p/24787 [20:09] is there a way you can get better formatting? [20:10] hard to read without the table [20:10] * SEWilco2 expresses sympathy for the poor, battered, info DB server. [20:11] ok, the query is just messing up the optimizer [20:11] 3 filesorts, that explains why it's so slow [20:13] I pasted in the table source, but it sh.nu did not parse it: http://sh.nu/p/24788 [20:14] since the last adodb upgrade - logging the adodb queries is limited by a timer (query exceeding 0.0.5s ...... So - it is not doing what I want .... can I change in 2.0 - or it is too late [20:14] :-( :-( boohhh [20:15] the query definitely needs fixing [20:15] but to do anything about it, we need test data [20:15] is the data confidential or you can post it somewhere for us to use? [20:15] It's a file gallery. Zip the TW php directory and batch upload it. [20:16] My data is confidential, but it's not hard to fill a file gallery with something. [20:16] need the tiki_file_galleries and tiki_files table dumps [20:17] I suspect what you really need is my settings for file gallery options. I think the main thing I did was select ascending file name sorting. [20:18] if it's going to take me 2 hours just to create data, I'm probably not going to do it (sad truth) [20:19] have to go now, back in a little while [20:20] *** lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [20:20] Do you have a zip program? Use the TW php directory as a bunch of files. [20:20] *** Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [20:20] *** mathieso has quit IRC ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") [20:21] mathieso wanted to commit his highlight plugin in trunk - I told him in mods as lph did the job in trunk - he quiet - upset ...:-( [20:22] lph already did a highlight plugin? [20:23] I think he modified the text color widget to accept a background color [20:23] Pronoun trouble over what "the" was referring to. [20:26] *** MatWho_ has joined #tikiwiki [20:27] *** MatWho_ has quit IRC (Client Quit) [20:28] marclaporte: the status info for info.tw.o says 'Did not find 'Content Management System' in the page content' [20:35] *** nyloth has joined #tikiwiki [20:35] Hi all :) [20:35] hi [20:40] how do I merge only one file from 2.0 to trunk? [20:44] It doesn't involve 'cp' or 'copy', followed by svn? [20:44] *** MatWho has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [20:46] polom nyloth [20:46] srishti: : I am impressed with your monitoring [20:46] marclaporte: thank you [20:47] when guys are ready to switch to pdo - I will dev the sql log in pdo - it is so convinient [20:49] not sure I will be able to do the sql log with PDO :-( [20:51] sylvieg: You might check if there are other poorly documented debugging tools besides "PDOStatement:::debugDumpParams() which will return a string with with the sql query and the bound param's. " [20:52] Or, from another viewpoint, the cool phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) will last about 30 years so there will be plenty of time to get used to it. [20:54] *** lepei has joined #tikiwiki [20:54] what do you mean SEWilco ? not sure if I well understand? Is there a debugdumpparams? [20:54] i [20:55] I fixed the sql log in trunk with adodb ... but if we change to pdo ... there is no equivalent - so far I llok at the poor doc... [20:55] i came here for a couple of problems last month. Now i have a (big) part of the solution. [20:55] sylvieg: the work-in-progress for pdo is already commited in branches/experimental/tiki-pdo ... don't hesitate to get your checkout and test or add new features ;) [20:56] it was a feature that has to be modified by the provider. [20:56] i suppose it could be interesting someone ? [20:57] sylvieg: As you will see in tiki-pdo, we have some overloaded class/methods... so, you should be able to make what you want... [20:57] the problem was : when connect, no access was given to the admin [20:57] nyloth: ye - as I have the adodb function , I can use some copy / paste [20:57] do i have te report this to someone ? [20:58] *** caralluna____ has joined #tikiwiki [20:58] but I am very upset with adodb - they broke the login stuff with the last upgrade [20:58] lepei: yes it can be be very helpful to write this in doc.tw [20:59] or if you want to explain here - and after copy/paste in doc.tw [20:59] but ! where and i think i should be beter that my comments are validated by an 'expert' [21:00] ok sylvieg, i will collationate (en français : récolter) all the usefull data and send a message this week. [21:01] because i would solve a last (lol) problem : when i login, the url change to 'nowhere', so i have to clic 'back' to reset the page. [21:01] thx it is very good to have this kind of feedback - because hosting configurationg can so so diverse [21:01] the hosting is on servage.net [21:06] * nyloth have to go... see you tomorrow [21:06] bye [21:06] * sylvieg co experimental [21:06] sylvieg: ok, give me (and sept_7) some feedback :) It should be really faster ;) ++ [21:07] *** nyloth has left "Kopete 0.12.7 : http://kopete.kde.org" [21:07] *** caralluna____ has quit IRC (Client Quit) [21:08] I have a quick question about the move from ADODB to PDO: what is the timeframe that this change is going to happen on? [21:12] it will be tiki3.0 - april 2008 - if I undestood well [21:12] in trun I do not know [21:14] Last april? [21:14] :-> 2009 [21:14] sorry [21:14] I suspected that is what you meant. :-) [21:16] *** caralluna___ has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [21:16] sylvieg: About PDO debugDumpParams(), search for debug in the Notes on http://us3.php.net/pdo [21:17] i see it - but I do not think it is what I am looking for [21:17] bye [21:17] * sylvieg thinking about joing the pdo dev to add logging [21:17] *** lepei has left [21:17] sylvieg: Just thought I'd point out that undocumented debug tool in case it helps to find more such things. It's something to try in Google. [21:17] *** PGamache has left [21:22] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [21:22] *** martinalex has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [21:23] lphuberdeau: I changed templates/tiki-admin-include-general.tpl in 2.0 and trunk - trhe will be conflict. Either you explain me how to merge , either when you merge you ignore 2.0 [21:23] sorry about that [21:24] I documented the merging on svntips [21:24] ok thanks will give a try [21:29] cabn I use svnmerge.php for merge 2.0 to trunk? [21:29] no [21:29] marclaporte: http://security.tikiwiki.org is unable to connect to the database [21:29] need to use svnbranchupdate [21:30] php doc/devtools/svnbranchupdate.php branches/2.0 [21:30] from a trunk checkout [21:30] resolve conflicts, then svn ci -F svn-commit.tmp [21:31] sorry was on the bad paragraph [21:31] marclaporte: site is back up [21:33] srishti : thanks [22:00] *** NefariousC has joined #tikiwiki [22:02] SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14079 /trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-general.tpl: [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/2.0 14049 to 14076 [22:03] thx lph [22:03] sylvieg, only one file in the merge? [22:04] no - there are 2 more - but I was testing little by little [22:04] bad [22:04] will check this other one [22:04] you need to commit all at once [22:04] ah? [22:04] the other are lost [22:04] ? [22:04] well, you only have them locally, but it makes it hard to trace afterwards [22:06] ok merge done - will not do next time [22:06] SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14080 /trunk/lib/ (setup/sanitization.php tikilib.php): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/2.0 14049 to 14076 [22:06] replace will do all next time [22:10] cool liv svntools lph... [22:11] s/liv/lib [22:13] just does a bunch of small things needed all around [22:14] buit it is clean and easy [22:36] *** nickelodeon has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [22:42] *** Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [22:43] *** franck1 has joined #tikiwiki [22:43] *** franck1 has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [22:46] *** franck has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [22:46] *** franck1 has joined #tikiwiki [22:47] *** franck1 is now known as franck [23:01] *** snarlydwarf has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [23:09] *** Xun has joined #tikiwiki [23:11] Anyone have any idea why the mittwoch template doesn't display correctly in Internet Explorer? [23:12] I used firefox to dev my wiki, but I just checked it out in IE (http://picentral.net) - the bottom of the page is overlapping the top! [23:14] There are some CSS extensions that IE doesn't support that Firefox does [23:15] I used to use the Damian theme with rounded corners on some of the boxes, but I soon found out that IE doesn't support the rounded corners. [23:16] dang...is there anyway I could fix... it? It just moves the body/footer up to overlap an important piece of the header [23:24] *** lorinc has joined #tikiwiki [23:24] *** lorinc has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [23:29] *** Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [23:35] *** RobotGuy has joined #TikiWiki [23:42] Dunno, I haven't messed much with the themes. chibaguy could definitely help you out. Post something on the forum or go to themes.tikiwiki.org and leave a comment for him [23:42] *** Xun has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") [23:45] *** Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [23:51] *** SEWilco2 has quit IRC ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") [23:55] *** otab1 has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [23:57] *** franck has quit IRC ("Leaving.")