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***CIA-14 has quit IRC () [00:12]
lphuberdeauwell.. worked in plugin_ui before merging
or cache is tricking me
nyloththe best is to test with browser cache completely disabled [00:15]
lphuberdeaujust did that, now it works in trunk
I don't get it
nylothit does not work in trunk, I think it's again a cache problem (maybe not browser cache this time)
Or did you changed a pref or something ?
lphuberdeauFF on my computer keeps nothing from session to session... closed the browser, disabled cache from web dev extension
just works in trunk
nylothyes, but tiki/smarty cache
happily you saw the problem in trunk too (even if ou don't have it right now) :)
(neither working here, nor on sept_7 laptop)
Probably not that, but maybe check if disabling cache in webdev also don't use old cache that you may already have
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jcyrisseheyas....need some help troubleshooting my image gallery after convertng to 2.0
my site is cytopathnet.org, you have to register to view the images
but i am seeing corrupted images....thumbnails seem ok
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nylothjcyrisse: hi. Could you give a direct link to a page with problems ? [00:35]
jcyrissek...sec [00:35]
lphuberdeaunyloth, might be breaking it, but those files are innocent... they really do nothing [00:36]
a lot of them, when i click on the thumbnail, no image even shows
nylothlphuberdeau: I understand your point of view, I would have said the same :) .... But you agree that the problem started after commit 13991, no ?
lphuberdeau: well, no problem if you stop searching, I'll have to find the problem (or sept_7 will do)
jcyrissehttp://cytopathnet.org/tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=1&offset=0 [00:38]
nylothjcyrisse: I'm able to see the image on the first link you sent [00:39]
jcyrisseis it clear though? [00:40]
lphuberdeauI have the feeling it's just a timing issue... it's loading a lot of files and fckeditor panics... [00:40]
nylothlphuberdeau: If so, it's surprising that it only occurs since this commit and even on localhost on multiple computers [00:42]
lphuberdeauin tiki-jsplugin.php ... if I add die; on the very first line, before require of tiki-setup, it works
if I put it after require, it breaks
both have the same output
nylothjcyrisse: do you have some sort of http compression used (either setup in tiki, or due to server settings) ? [00:43]
jcyrissehmmmm...dunno...i might. [00:44]
nylothlphuberdeau: well, what do you suggest ? :) [00:44]
jcyrissechecking in admin area... [00:44]
nylothjcyrisse: try to disable it, it may be related [00:44]
lphuberdeaujust stating facts here [00:44]
nylothlphuberdeau: sure, me too ;p [00:45]
jcyrissenyloth: yes, gzipped compression checked...unchecking it [00:45]
lphuberdeaunyloth, on thing for sure... plugin help or wiki help is not required on that page
that would solve the problem
just added some caching... that works too
nylothlphuberdeau: that would solve it temporarily, yes. But there is an option to use wiki plugins inside wysiwyg... But ok to not investigate more right now. We should try to find the exact problem later, because it seems chaotic and may happen with any other modification... [00:49]
jcyrissenyloth: well, cant tell that made any difference...but is it better to leave that off anyway? [00:51]
nylothjcyrisse: I had some problems with compression, in the past, but it should have been fixed. It was just to test.
jcyrisse: It seems tiki sends zero size images for an unknown reason. Do you forked some templates or do you use only official code ?
jcyrissenyloth: official code [00:54]
lphuberdeaupatch should solve the problem now... does not make fck more robust thought
oh, and I knew that code could not conflict ;)
issue is probably based on when fck loading is triggered
if triggered before the page is ready, it can cause that kind of problem
should be moved onload if embeded in the body
nylothlphuberdeau: lol. We are not sure of the real cause yet, and there is js code conflicts between some well-known libraries as you know :)
lphuberdeau: maybe
lphuberdeauif you want to modify the onload property without actually modifying the header, there is some code doing that in wikiplugin_annotation [00:56]
nylothlphuberdeau: ok, but I may wait until another problem like this, since I already have a huge todolist :) [00:58]
lphuberdeaudon't we all ;) [00:58]
nylothlphuberdeau: yes, I suppose :)
jcyrisse: there is a button, in image galleries, to rebuild cache (thumbnails and so on)... maybe try this
jcyrissedone that
didnt help...and seems messed up....the thumbnails generated didn't belong to the image
some images appear fine, others dont
but when i rebuilt...it overwrote the images
or at least it seemed to
nylothjcyrisse: no idea then. Images tat displays seem not very nice... are you using gd or imagick ? [01:07]
jcyrissegd [01:07]
nylothjcyrisse: do you have imagick installed ? [01:07]
jcyrisseoh man...i just rebuilt thumbnails....something really wrong
cause now....they all look the same
no...no imagick
nylothjcyrisse: it would have been nice to have imagick (better than gd) [01:08]
jcyrissenot sure if i can install on my host or not
but i never had a problem before
nylothjcyrisse: do you store images in DB or on filesystem ? [01:10]
jcyrissein a file system [01:10]
nylothdo you have an access to list files on the filesystem ?
If so, could you try to remove all thumbnail files ? and check if you have empty files ?
and be sure to have backups if not alreay done
jcyrissenyloth: yes....i have access. not sure what you mean about if i have empty files...guess you mean...kb's? [01:15]
nylothjcyrisse: yes, files that are 0 kb
jcyrisse: and you should try to delete files that ends with scaled_(something)
or scale_(something)
jcyrissek...will give that a try [01:17]
nylothjcyrisse: in fact, there is a plan to make image galleries obsolete in 3.0 and keep only filegalleries that should be more powerfull [01:18]
jcyrisseso, the files would include images, i am guessing? [01:19]
nylothjcyrisse: yes [01:19]
jcyrissenyloth: does filegalleries take images now? [01:19]
nylothjcyrisse: you already have thumbnails view and a little slideshow in filegals of 2.0
jcyrisse: it should evolve and become a media gallery
jcyrisse: and filegals are already usable for wiki images
(by enabling the "filegal manager")
jcyrissenyloth: is filegal manager a module? where would i find that?
nyloth: here is one of the really weird images, http://cytopathnet.org/tiki-browse_image.php?galleryId=1&imageId=608
nylothjcyrisse: it's a feature in admin > text area > Use File Galleries for images inclusion [01:22]
jcyrissenyloth: ok...thanks...this is helpful info...especially about the image gallery
nyloth: might as well start converting it now
nylothjcyrisse: if filegaleries are already ok for your needs, you can migrate manually, yes. There will be many enhancements to filegaleries for 3.0 that will be released in 8 months [01:24]
lphuberdeauspeaking of release... anything stopping 2.0? [01:25]
jcyrissenyloth: that sounds great...i am guessing things like for podcasts and the like? [01:25]
nylothlphuberdeau: nothing important. I was planning to add a mimetype check to file indexation, tomorrow, to be sure images won't be indexed for search, which may take too much time. And also a little fix I have to commit on sanitization, but it works nearly the same without the fix, so no hurry.
lphuberdeau: will you release tommorow ?
well, can wait for those fixe
nylothlphuberdeau: ok for me. I will try to commit those two little fixes in the morning [01:28]
lphuberdeauisn't it already the morning for you? [01:28]
nylothlol yes, but I need to sleep a bit before commiting on stable ;pp
it's 3.30 am here
lphuberdeaualright [01:29]
nylothso, I'll probably commit around 10 am [01:29]
lphuberdeauI'll barely be home at that time, no worries [01:29]
nylothok [01:29]
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nylothjcyrisse: yes, and I'll probably add more optionnal ajax enhancements
jcyrisse: for your problems on images, well... I have no other clue right now (and will have to leave)
jcyrisse: If possible (and not too private), you can send me by mail with a link to download a backup of your DB + code, and I'll try to reproduce the problem on my laptop and fix it asap
jcyrisse: so, if this is ok for you, my mail is nyloth AT tikiwiki . org
marclaportepolom [01:33]
nylothhi marclaporte [01:33]
jcyrissenyloth: so are the images supposed to have a thumbnail in the file gallery? [01:34]
marclaportehow are you doing? [01:34]
nylothjcyrisse: yes, in the thumbnail view, and even in the list view when your mouse is over the name of the image
marclaporte: fine, and you ? :)
marclaporte: all good [01:35]
jcyrissenyloth: i am not seeing it, here is another link, http://cytopathnet.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=208&display=y
nyloth: not seeing the thumbnail
PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14138 /trunk/lib/setup/sanitization.php: [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/2.0 14111 to 14133 [01:37]
nylothjcyrisse: it seems your image lib is not well detected
jcyrisse: could you try to modify a file ?
jcyrisse: I can explain which php file to modify
jcyrissenyloth: yes [01:39]
nylothjcyrisse: add this on line 18 of your lib/images/images.php :
$detected_lib = 'gd';
is it better with this ?
jcyrissenyloth: sec...logging in to edit [01:40]
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jcyrissenyloth: hmmmm....it appears that file already has that added [01:49]
nylothjcyrisse: on line 18, it should not
jcyrisse: but a bit above in a test, yes
jcyrissenyloth: ah...ok [01:50]
nylothjcyrisse: you should place it just above if ($detected_lib != '') { [01:50]
jcyrissenyloth: well, i dont see that made any difference :( [01:54]
nylothjcyrisse: which version of gd do you have ?
jcyrisse: if you send me a link to a backup, please also send me a copy of what is listed in your tiki-phpinfo.php when you go there as an admin
jcyrisse: maybe you gd version is a bit too old, maybe there is a bug somewhere, hard to say yet
jcyrissenyloth: 2.1.9
nyloth: free type version, 2.0.34 compatible
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nylothjcyrisse: it should be ok. And which php version ? [02:02]
jcyrissenyloth: 5.2.6 [02:04]
nylothjcyrisse: ok, strange... your gd version is very old compared to your php version... [02:05]
jcyrissenyloth: k. i noticed, even avatars dont show up [02:05]
nylothjcyrisse: try to upgrade you gd version, or, really better, to install imagick
jcyrisse: but please, send me as much details as you can. It is surely possible to find a fix for this environement
jcyrissenyloth: ok...thank you so much...i may have to send to you later. but will also look at imagemagik...looks like it is installed on my host [02:08]
PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14139 /trim/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Site would not get locked using ext/ssh2 [02:09]
jcyrisseso, how would i change the point to that [02:09]
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nylothjcyrisse: to make imagick work, you will have to remove the line I told you to insert on line 18 of lib/images/images.php [02:10]
jcyrissenyloth: they say version 6.7 [02:10]
nylothjcyrisse: of imagick ? [02:10]
jcyrissenyloth: 6.0.7
nyloth: yes
nylothjcyrisse: do you see it on tiki-phpinfo.php ? [02:11]
jcyrissenyloth: no [02:11]
nylothjcyrisse: then I don't know, it's like it is not installed for your php environment. Maybe you have to do something specific to your host [02:12]
jcyrissenyloth: dont know....they say located in /usr/bin [02:13]
nylothjcyrisse: yes, maybe you can use it as a command-line tool, but they did not installed the php extension
jcyrisse: is it a debian host ?
jcyrissenyloth: no...dont think so...but i look in that directory, and there is nothing there...so i am thinking that they used to have it but now dont...i will contact support
nyloth: i use hostmonster.com
nylothjcyrisse: ok, and for imagick, you should specifically ask to have it for php, not command-line tool
jcyrisse: so, I leave now... you have my mail
jcyrissenyloth: ok [02:17]
nylothgood night all [02:17]
jcyrissenyloth: thank you
good night!
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nylothHi all :) [11:15]
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nylothlphuberdeau: around ? [11:38]
yonixxxHi nyloth [11:38]
nylothhi yonixxx :) [11:38]
PS|botSVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 14142 /branches/2.0/lib/setup/sanitization.php: [SEC] XSS sanitization: also handle 'lowsrc', 'codebase' and 'xmlns' html attributes + simplify one of the original regexp patterns
SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 14141 /branches/2.0/lib/search/refresh-functions.php: [FIX] filegals: quickfix to not index all files with fulltext (depending on their mimetypes) since it make filegals nearly unusable with binary/images files and tiki (non-mysql) fulltext search.
SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 14140 /branches/2.0/ (5 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] filegals: show a more correct max upload size info for file upload (follows commit revision 14096 from ricks), especially when using DB storage + fix most important uses of kbsize (units were wrong).
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nylothlphuberdeau: for me it's ok to release today, when you have time. [12:49]
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nylothbbl [12:55]
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lphuberdeaunyloth, done with the last few fixes? [15:30]
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nylothlphuberdeau: well, yes, I think it's quite ok now... there is always things that should be done (for example the problem with image galleries that someone reported here yesterday), but I think we should not wait and wait, instead we will never release ;) ... So, other things will either be for 2.1 or for 3.0 :) ... For me you have white card ;p [17:25]
lphuberdeauI would need some help with updating copyright and changelog [17:26]
nylothlphuberdeau: No problem. Do I have to update copyright in all files ? with "2008" ? [17:27]
lphuberdeauno no
just update the copyright.txt
nylothlphuberdeau: for changelog, I can update the changelog.txt file [17:27]
lphuberdeauyou're not listed in ;) [17:27]
nylothlphuberdeau: I don't care :)
lphuberdeau: If it was only me, nobody would be listed nowhere ... just the community as a whole
lphuberdeauwell, that file is just a log of who worked on the project [17:28]
nylothyep [17:28]
lphuberdeauprotects the project in some way, because there is no way the licence can change unless all copyright holders agree
and since there are over 100 copyright holders well...
lphuberdeauupdate the changelog, I handle the copyright [17:30]
nylothok... do you know how to retrieve countries informations ? [17:31]
lphuberdeaunot really [17:31]
nylothwell, btw I see this information is not available for everyone [17:31]
lphuberdeaupoint is mostly to list commiter names, then someone willing to find all the info can do it ;) [17:32]
nylothand the link http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-community.php is broken [17:32]
lphuberdeauhmm [17:32]
lphuberdeau: for copyright, we should write a script to add new people to the file (for 3.0)
lphuberdeauworking on that right now
writing a script is the only sensible way to retrieve the info
nylothlphuberdeau: yes, but I was thinking of a script to retrieve infos also from tw.o (like dates, country, ...) [17:35]
lphuberdeauoh, that will be incremental [17:35]
nylothlphuberdeau: yes [17:35]
lphuberdeaufor now I focus on digging the log [17:35]
nyloth(this is why I said for 3.0 ;) ) [17:36]
lphuberdeauI can add it to the release script, which is 3.0 anyway, but I still use it to package 2.0 ;) [17:36]
nylothyep [17:36]
lphuberdeauI'm pretty certain sourceforge hates me by now
I spend half my days doing requests on svn
admins are already in discussion with them to calm them ;p
more seriously, I'm quite sure they even don't see this little activity, compared to the huge number of hosted projects :)
lphuberdeauwhen I work on trim, I do checkouts every 15 min
with release scripts, I keep digging history
merge scripts too
nylothsf is sooo slow :/ [17:42]
lphuberdeauand when we changed to svn, most thought it was fast [17:43]
nylothlphuberdeau: no, really, svn is hugely faster than before for diffs and updates [17:47]
lphuberdeaupart of it is because it dumps less junk, so your IO does not lag [17:48]
nylothlphuberdeau: but sf is slow whatever the service is (cvs or svn)
lphuberdeau: well, for diffs between you last local modifications and your last update, it's only on client-side (cvs was doing it server side)... and updates are faster because it has a unique referential (revision) instead of a version for each files
lphuberdeaualso true
simple version check makes it easy ;)
nylothsure :)
so, changelog is up-to-date
lphuberdeaugood [17:51]
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lphuberdeauok.. sf is absurdly slow today [18:33]
nylothyes :) [18:34]
lphuberdeaudoing the release takes extremely long [18:34]
nylothlphuberdeau: about plugins syntax, there is currently two supported ways : {PLUGIN(param=>value)} and {PLUGIN(param=value)}. I propose that you display the second one instead of the first one, because it's better (to use them in HTML content for example). [18:45]
lphuberdeauhum... didn't know of the second one [18:46]
nylothlphuberdeau: a lot of plugin help was written with the second one. If you take an old version, you will see it was already the case for TRACKER, TAG, TRACKERITEMFIELD, etc. [18:47]
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nylothlphuberdeau: in fact, the second one was intended to replace the first one [18:47]
lphuberdeauoh [18:48]
nylothlphuberdeau: I think sylvie started to use the second one for plugins help on which she has worked [18:48]
lphuberdeauI just used the one I saw [18:49]
nylothlphuberdeau: the first one add nothing, but uses '>' which is not a very nice choice of delimiter [18:49]
lphuberdeaucan now be changed in a single file [18:49]
nylothlphuberdeau: yes, that's nice now :) [18:49]
lphuberdeauI still have a few to transition, but will be done in time [18:51]
nylothok [18:51]
lphuberdeaujust happens to be extremely boring work, so I do it piece by piece [18:52]
nylothlphuberdeau: I can imagine :) [18:52]
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lphuberdeautarballs to test: http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/tikirel/
oh, these are the pre release tarballs for the official 2.0 release ... testing is important
nylothlphuberdeau: strange, I didn't noticed that doc/devtools was removed from branch 2.0. Is it due to the release scripts ? [19:19]
lphuberdeaualways been removed from releases [19:19]
nylothok, didn't noticed it before
lphuberdeau: but it includes sqlupgrade.sh ...
lphuberdeaunot my call
but really, I doubt those scripts are used by people downloading tarballs
nylothdon't know, we will probably have feedback if they were used ;p [19:22]
lphuberdeauhas been like that for years
tikirelease.sh does that
nylothok [19:24]
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pujibhi! where can i ask questions about 2.0rc4? [19:27]
lphuberdeaumight want to try the final release
pre release tarballs are available for test
pujibyes, already tried, but tiki2.0 seems much prettier :) [19:28]
lphuberdeaufinal release of 2.0 [19:28]
pujibthis is rc4 with some bugs fixed? [19:29]
lphuberdeauyes [19:29]
pujibthanks, will try [19:29]
lphuberdeautell me if you make it to install
nyloth, did it work for you?
nylothlphuberdeau: wait 5 min, just doing a bit more test cases... [19:44]
lphuberdeauthanks [19:44]
nylothlphuberdeau: weird, reallly weird :(
lphuberdeau: the fresh install works fine, the upgrade of 1.10 and of 1.9.11 too... but if you had image galleries in 1.9.11 (at least when stored on filesystem), they are completely dead in 2.0. Thumbnails are randomly made...
lphuberdeau? [19:48]
nylothlphuberdeau: so, no problem with install, but... a major problem with image galleries
lphuberdeau: there was a guy yesterday that had this exact problem. I wanted to test and it's reproductible
lphuberdeauis it an easy fix? [19:49]
nylothlphuberdeau: I installed a fresh new 1.9.11, enabled image galleries, uploaded 5 or 6 images in a new gallery, set the storage on filesystem, and upgraded to 2.0 .... very bad result
lphuberdeau: don't know, I'm not sure yet of what is causing this. Maybe not due to upgrade but to broken feature in 2.0 ? The problem is that I'm not using imagegals (only filegals)... I can investigate, but it would be nice if you have some time to help finding the bug :)
lphuberdeau: btw, I'm looking at it right now. I propose to decide what to do in an hour maximum
lphuberdeau: is it ok for you ?
lphuberdeaunever used em either... [19:53]
nylothlphuberdeau: ok, if you want to do some tests for other features / install cases, don't hesitate... I will give you feedback on this problem asap [19:54]
lphuberdeauwould be good to have someone using them to help out [19:55]
PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14154 /trunk/ (12 files in 6 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/2.0 14133 to 14152 [19:55]
nylothlphuberdeau: not sure. Happily everything is fine on filesystem... So, if we are lucky, it's just a small bug [19:56]
lphuberdeauenabling the feature... [19:56]
did you try rebuild thumbnails? [20:01]
nylothlphuberdeau: yes, sure
lphuberdeau: thumbnails are changing randomly
lphuberdeauseems to work ok with new data [20:02]
nylothlphuberdeau: ok, so probably related to the upgrade. Maybe the format has changed, or something like that ? [20:03]
lphuberdeauno idea [20:03]
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nylothlphuberdeau: I have a clue... more info in some minutes [20:10]
lphuberdeauok [20:10]
..... (idle for 22mn)
Jyhemtikiwiki.org seems to be in the process of being reinstalled ??? [20:32]
lphuberdeaunever heard of that [20:33]
Jyhemone moment I was looking at how ricks99 comments could belong to INSTALL file, the next i see messages about missing permissions
the site looks OK, until I go to tikiwiki.org/Installation and then i's TikiWiki is not properly set up:

The directory '/home/tyc5/public_html/clean/tiki/backups' is not writeable by apache.
and so on
lphuberdeauthat looks like the page content... [20:39]
Jyhemthat was the page content half an hour ago: [20:42]
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Jyhemhttp:// [20:42]
amettepolom [20:43]
***ChanServ sets mode: +o amette
amette changes topic to: Welcome to TikiWiki! - Just ask, don't ask to ask !!! - Support only for stable 1.9.11 - TikiWiki 2.0rc4 is available for testing at http://tinyurl.com/56df5e - Don't paste code/errors here, use http://sh.nu/p - IRC-logging at http://irc.tikiwiki.org - Thanks and have fun! :)
nylothhi amette [20:44]
***ChanServ sets mode: -o amette [20:44]
amettehi nyloth :)
you guys are really busy with tiki lately - great to see all those commits! :)
Jyhemhi amette [20:46]
amettehi Jyhem :)
the wine is excellent btw :)
amette just opened it up :)
thanks again :)
nylothlphuberdeau: I've just commited something that should fix problems... could you just try it on your fresh install to see if it breaks nothing for you ? [20:49]
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lphuberdeauupdating [20:51]
nylothok [20:52]
lphuberdeauall good
re-doing the pre tarballs
lphuberdeau: and I confirm, the problem was in 2.0 even on fresh install, but when storing galeries on filesystem
lphuberdeaumissed that option [21:00]
nylothlphuberdeau: the problem was there since nearly 3 months (revision 12816) [21:03]
lphuberdeau1000+ commits in 3 months? :) [21:09]
nylothyes amazing :) [21:09]
ametteamette gave up trying to read them all :) [21:10]
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yayto [21:19]
nyloth...._ P [21:20]
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nylothlphuberdeau: still alive ? ;p [21:38]
lphuberdeaufell asleep while files were uploading
new tarballs are up
nylothok :)
lphuberdeau: maybe send the URL again to be sure everyone here will test the 2.0 tarballs before the final release :)
lphuberdeauhttp://profiles.tikiwiki.org/tikirel/ [21:44]
nylothlphuberdeau: ok for me, I've tested .tar.bz2 as well for a fresh new install or for an upgrade + checked secdb. Everything seems to work quite well :) [21:51]
lphuberdeaugood :) [21:52]
nylothnow we have to hope that it will be ok for others too (amette, Jyhem, ...) ;) [21:52]
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nylothlphuberdeau: not important enough to make new tarballs (in my opinion), but we forgot my last fix in changelog [21:54]
lphuberdeauoh, yeah, no new tarballs for that
you'll get credit in the next release ;)
nylothlol, don't care of credits :) [21:56]
lphuberdeauI know [21:56]
amettesorry, busy right now, but will test in the upcoming days... is there a final release scheduled already? Sounds like you guys are confident about this being pretty much the last pre-release tarball!? [21:56]
nylothamette: there is a final release schedule : now() [21:57]
ametteoh :P [21:57]
nyloth:) [21:57]
amettewell, then, uhm... [21:58]
nylothmarclaporte: around ? [21:58]
amettedamn... I don't wanna carry that wiki-rel-link regression into 2.0....
luciash: how is that rel-link currently - I'm not totally up-to-date on that one - is the fix good/ok/usable?
nylothamette: there is another syntax for the img tag : lnk=
amette: I think you should try
amettenyloth: I mean the [http://example.com|example|reltypehere|nocache] classic wiki-link
ah, yes, I saw that lnk= commit, didn't try yet though...
nylothamette: oh ok, I thought you was speaking about sanit'
amette: no idea for the other thing
ametteamette dug himself out under loads of stuff in the last weeks and starts to see light at the end of the tunnel now... ;) [22:01]
nylothbbl (need to get some drink) [22:02]
ametteI think that the current way is ok, but I would prefer [http://example.com|example|rel=reltypehere|nocache] - and that can't be done in 3.0, if we release 2.0 now like that... (drawback of short release cycles.. ;) )... [22:02]
lphuberdeauamette, too late for any changes in 2.0 [22:03]
amette... currently the only obvious drawback is that you can't use "nocache" as the rel-type..
lphuberdeau: I know :-/
then lets go for it...
lphuberdeauwaiting for 2 more tarball tests [22:04]
amettewhich ones need testing still? [22:05]
lphuberdeauI know they all extract correctly
nyloth did bz2
ametteamette getting gz [22:06]
lphuberdeauI did them all, but I don't count [22:06]
ametteok, succesful fresh install from tar.gz on Apache 2.2.9, MySQL 5.0.60 and PHP 5.2.6-pl2-gentoo - everything up and running, going to click through the stuff... [22:13]
lphuberdeauonly missing a test on zip then [22:14]
ametteah, nice, the installer even realizes that the admin-password was changed already :) [22:15]
Jyhemdid the corrected INSTALL file get into the tarball ? [22:18]
lphuberdeauI did not change that
not in the release procedure
JyhemI committed it 1 hour ago.
The one before gave obsolete instructions even in an 1.9 context :-(
lphuberdeauthat was probably after packaging [22:21]
JyhemNew testers look at INSTALL files (I noticed when i was looking over the shoulders of some) [22:22]
lphuberdeauI need to repackage for the release anyway, so txt file change will be in [22:27]
Jyhemgood [22:31]
ametteall seems to work, secdb is ok... I'd give green light [22:37]
nylothback [22:42]
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nylothlphuberdeau: so, what'up ? :) [22:51]
lphuberdeauofficially still missing 1 ;) [22:51]
nylothoh... nobody here to test the tarball ? Jyhem ?
tomb__: ?
lphuberdeau: do you know where marclaporte is ?
lphuberdeauhiding? [22:55]
lphuberdeau: do we have a timeout for tarballs tests ?
lphuberdeaunot if I rollback any commit made on branches/2.0 [22:59]
nylothsure [23:00]
lphuberdeaubut ideally I can tag/make final packages soon
so need one more test
nylothbbl [23:04]
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nylothlphuberdeau: about TikiObjects, did you wrote a proposal somewhere ? [23:14]
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nylothlphuberdeau: I really hope we will be able to have them soon, since it is a blocker for some important features I need [23:15]
lphuberdeauon dev, and I have a few more notes I need to clean up
but I don't intend on making this for 3.0
nylothlphuberdeau: I think we can help. It's quite important for me to have them in 3.0 [23:16]
lphuberdeaumany issues to consider before jumping in code
only way I know of considering ideas is to let them rest
and there is only so much time I can allocate to this
nylothlphuberdeau: well, there is no need to rest too much. We also need to brainstorm and discuss on the basis of a document [23:18]
lphuberdeaupart of it is on http://dev.tikiwiki.org/TikiObject [23:19]
nylothlphuberdeau: we just need to agree on something. After, even if you participate less in the development, we can make things happen :)
ok, thanx.
lphuberdeaubut there are still issues to solve in terms of caching, selective fetching and quite a few other things [23:22]
nylothok, I'll seee if sept_7 and me could work a bit on this document too
just keep it up-to-date if you have other infos to put in it
sadly there is some developments that are in stand-by just because of a lack of tikiobjects
so... I'll have to go now... see you later
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