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***Bilal__ has joined #tikiwiki [00:00]
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NefariousC has quit IRC ()
Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [00:18]
lphuberdeau_ has joined #tikiwiki [00:30]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by kerrnel22 :: r 14280 /branches/experimental/kerrnel-2.5/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] Added a URI option to make IP addresses provided via IP Selector in trackers linkable. Still a security problem with this though until the data submitted as an IP is properly checked. Currently there is no vetting of the manually-inputted IP values. May expand this to 4 boxes for each octet. Not sure yet.
SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14279 /branches/experimental/all-langs/templates/translated-lang.tpl: [ENH] Adding option in language droplist
SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14278 /branches/experimental/all-langs/lib/wiki/renderlib.php: [FIX] Missing scope on some variables
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jcyrisse has joined #tikiwiki [01:35]
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Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [02:01]
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RobotGuy has joined #TikiWiki [02:21]
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marclaporteTikiFest starts in 12 hours [03:17]
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lphuberdeau_more like 10.5 [03:35]
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everyone: please be ready for some massive changes to the admin section
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RobotGuy has joined #TikiWiki [06:13]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by kerrnel22 :: r 14280 /branches/experimental/kerrnel-2.5/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] Added a URI option to make IP addresses provided via IP Selector in trackers linkable. Still a security problem with this though until the data submitted as an IP is properly checked. Currently there is no vetting of the manually-inputted IP values. May expand this to 4 boxes for each octet. Not sure yet.
SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14279 /branches/experimental/all-langs/templates/translated-lang.tpl: [ENH] Adding option in language droplist
SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14278 /branches/experimental/all-langs/lib/wiki/renderlib.php: [FIX] Missing scope on some variables
..... (idle for 21mn)
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mattbmc has joined #tikiwiki [06:59]
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martinalex has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [12:00]
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marclaporte1 more hour [12:47]
NefariousCdon't be late.
Or I might pack up my toys and leave d:
NefariousC doesn't want to have a tikifest on her own d:
marclaportemarclaporte had another idea for the admin panel: a reset to default feature :-)
well, it's nyloth's idea really
AJAXy search box would be nice too
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NefariousCNefariousC should really find shoes. And unplug eleventy million cables from lappy. &c, &c. [13:15]
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marclaporte has quit IRC ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") [13:32]
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NefariousC has joined #tikiwiki [14:04]
NefariousCNefariousC made it to tikifest. yay me. [14:05]
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marclaporteIn exercise of the powers conferred upon me, I solemnly declare the 2008 Montreal TikiFest open! [14:13]
tomb:) [14:14]
marclaportewe'll soon see what NefariousC has cooked up for us
polom tomb
tomb: : how about that TikiFest in Paris?
NefariousCNefariousC will get out blindfolds for everyone, shortly. [14:14]
tombhave fun in montreal guys :)
for paris i don't know , i've been injured recently , i comme back at work after 2 month of illness :(
i won't be much available this year
marclaportethat's too bad
get well, tomb
marclaporte waits in anticipation for the bug show
big show :-)
***Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [14:26]
franck has left [14:38]
PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14282 /branches/experimental/all-langs/templates/ (27 files): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 14268 to 14281 [14:41]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14283 /trunk/doc/devtools/svnswitch.php: [NEW] Small script to avoid typing full svn path [14:52]
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jcyrisseso in version 2, is multicam not working? [15:49]
lphuberdeauI don't think anyone tested it [15:51]
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jcyrissek...I also couldn't find any documentation of how to set it up. is there any specific info on that? [15:53]
marclaportemarclaporte likes the multicam concept
marclaporte saw it work a while ago but couldn't get it to install via mods. Maybe a manual install?
***Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [15:59]
jcyrissei actually got it to install, but when i browse to page it is empty...but cant see where i go to modify it
and, thought maybe it was an edit template thing...but for the life of me...cant find the edit template settings in admin area...
think i am just having a ditsy time
also...in my image gallery and file gallery with images, my thumbnails are weird...they either dont show up at all....or are the wrong thumbnail for the image
i have tried removing all of them, starting over, rebuilding thumbnails, etc. and same thing
also...cleared cache...both on server and client
***franck has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [16:07]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14286 /trunk/lib/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [NEW] Mouseover plugin imported from mods and fixing bug #1550 [16:29]
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MatWhohi all, does anyone know about the vtiger mod? is there any further documentation, is it working? [17:14]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14287 /trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: [MOD] Allow to obtain default values independantly, first step to reducing session size [17:23]
lphuberdeau35kb is definitely too large for a default session [17:25]
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ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [17:35]
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marclaportematwho: the person who developed that is long gone [18:25]
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marclaporteI think it never worked
correction: I have never seen it work
MatWhomarclaporte: OK so I have just been volunteered to get it working! I realy need a link between TW and SugarCRM so I will get stuck in! [18:27]
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marclaporte:-) [18:28]
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NefariousCDon't let him bully you into commiting things before you want to d: [18:29]
MatWhoNefariousC: I feel the need for speed :) [18:29]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 14290 /trunk/lib/imagegals/imagegallib.php: [FIX] imagals sorting by image count (ticket 1962): fix request
SVN: Commit by rischconsulting :: r 14289 /trunk/tiki-admin_include_features.php: [FIX] Every feature change was disabling feature_edit_templates because that feature got moved off the features page and on to the look & feel page without removing feature_edit_templates from the features array.
.... (idle for 16mn)
NefariousClphuberdeau and marclaporte are mean d: [19:19]
marclaportetough love [19:19]
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NefariousCI'm not sure that's quite the word for it, [19:21]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 14294 /trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-freetags.tpl: [MOD] freetags admin panel: not sure it was really a help for the lost user... feel free to rollback this commit if you think this tip is usefull ;-)) [20:04]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by marclaporte :: r 14295 /trunk/db/features.csv: [FIX] Site style is a special type [20:06]
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franck4 has joined #tikiwiki [20:51]
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marclaporteyo [21:25]
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lphuberdeauafter using PDO and new Data class, and after my latest changes on session size... the slowest thing in tikiwiki is now that XSS filtering method
accounting for 30-50% of execution time
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......... (idle for 42mn)
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RobotGuy has joined #TikiWiki
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marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [23:53]
marclaportepolom [23:56]

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