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luciash | polom !
any news from tikifest ? | [06:05] |
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Paragtim | Are there problems with spell check? | [07:12] |
chibaguy | Hi Paragtim, I never use spell check, as ovbviously have no nede. Whay do you aske? | [07:15] |
Paragtim | Throws back an error relating to babl_words. Nothing showing in the docs but a bug report from marchlaporte in Aug 2007 | [07:17] |
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Paragtim | What a pigs ear. A link in the documentation to a 6 year old 8 Mb sourceforge file and forum entry by rick. Add that to a isp file size restriction of 2 mb and its gonna take a while to sort this out. In the mean time - No spell checker !! | [07:36] |
chibaguy | Apparently not a priority. Maybe devs use Firefox. | [07:50] |
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Paragtim | Could be! - My lot use IE. But I use FF and it won't work for me either :( I will have to have a look at the sql dump file, split it into smaller pieces and see what happens. I will keep you posted if I find a work around | [07:53] |
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chibaguy | FF doesn't work? I get misspelled words underlined, and a right-click brings up options, in the wiki edit textarea. | [07:59] |
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Paragtim | The site I am developing is using FCKEditor. That probably makes a difference | [08:00] |
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chibaguy | Ah, I don't have that turned on. | [08:01] |
Paragtim | It just came as a suprise when I selected the spell check feature in wiki, to get the box in the edit functions and for it to crash with such a spectacular error message | [08:01] |
chibaguy | I think the fckeditor integration has quite a few loose ends. | [08:02] |
Paragtim | Can't give that to a user as they will run away screaming and never come back - And that puts me out of a job !! | [08:02] |
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chibaguy | Well, again, it's marked experimental. Not really meant for normal users yet. | [08:03] |
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chibaguy | Now I just read somewhere (xavi?) that fckeditor is going to be replaced with something else. ??
Might be good to ask on tikiwiki-devel what the plan is. | [08:04] |
Paragtim | That will be a pity - I've got it working well now. Images and links working sweetly as well as most of the internal functions. And the suits like the way it looks | [08:06] |
chibaguy | Somewhere in the past somebody said anything else could be an alternative, not replacement. But I guess that's either offering choice or forcing bloat, depending on how you feel.
Doesn't fckeditor have a spellchecker of its own? (maybe not integrated here) http://docs.fckeditor.net/FCKeditor_2.x/Developers_Guide/Configuration/Spell_Checker | [08:07] |
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Paragtim | I've just checked on another installation, not using FCKEditor - same problem - Oh well further investigation required ! | [08:25] |
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ricks99 | hi all :) | [11:07] |
Paragtim | hi - All well with the world? | [11:10] |
ricks99 | hurricane hanna has come and gone. so, yes, all is well | [11:12] |
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Paragtim | I heard my mother in law was visiting Florida :) | [11:12] |
ricks99 | still having issues with wiki syntax spellcheck? | [11:14] |
Paragtim | Major! I was looking chop the sql dump down to about 5 files and uploading that. What do you think - will iy help | [11:15] |
ricks99 | not what u mean. simply take the langauge sql and drop it in ur db
worked fine for me | [11:16] |
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Paragtim | Local size restriction on PHPMyadmin of 2Mb. The sql dump file is nearly 8 Mb | [11:17] |
ricks99 | ah...
y. you'll need to chop the file up :( | [11:18] |
Paragtim | I'll have a go at that later in the day. More pressing .......
Do you know if the send and receive objects (Pages) is working ok | [11:18] |
ricks99 | don't know. never used | [11:21] |
Paragtim | Need to find a way of transfering about 20 Pages of documentation from the dev environment to the live site. Any ideas? | [11:22] |
ricks99 | move 20 wiki pages? | [11:22] |
Paragtim | Yep - As a structure !
In a perfect world send the structure as an object | [11:22] |
ricks99 | not sure you can save the structure, but moving pages is easy
just use the "export" pages option then re-import into ur new site | [11:23] |
Paragtim | Looks like its going to be cut and paste :(
Sorry eport pages ? | [11:24] |
ricks99 | http://doc.tikiwiki.org/wiki+config#Export_Wiki_Pages
use "export" option on the "FROM" site; use the "import" option on the "TO" site (or cut & paste will work, too) | [11:25] |
Paragtim | reading the link now !!
That will be worth a look - Many thanks. How did tikifest go? | [11:26] |
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ricks99 | wasnt there :( | [11:30] |
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Paragtim | Time to hit the real world - Later All | [11:39] |
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ricks99 | is there any way to get freetags to appear for each item when displaying search results? | [12:37] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14634 /trunk/templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.tpl: [FIX] label for trackerfilter | [13:13] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14635 /trunk/tiki-switch_lang.php: [FIX] to have the right page name in the bar with sefurl, page must also be switch in switch_lang: the best should be to get the full url somewhere | [13:43] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14636 /trunk/templates/tiki-editpage.tpl: sefurl | [14:01] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sampaioprimo :: r 14637 /branches/2.0/lang/pt-br/language.php: pt-br translation | [16:57] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14638 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD]tracker: disoplays item list value in TRACKER | [18:08] |
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magowiz | Hi, I've just upgraded tikiwiki from 1.9.11 to 2.0 , it works but I cannot see the menu | [18:11] |
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sylvieg | do you see them as admin - or with another style? | [18:14] |
magowiz | I cannot see nothing as admin and nothing as anonymous user, you can see it to www.magowiz.net
I can access to admin panel only using direct link to tiki-admin.php . Is it a cache issue ? | [18:16] |
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sylvieg | it can be - clear all the cache
I see the menu | [18:21] |
kerrnel | Anybody know if there is/was a bug related to the auto-increment field? | [18:22] |
sylvieg | ... so perhaps it is the browser cache | [18:22] |
kerrnel | I'm trying to get the 'itemid' option to update with the actual item ID, but for some reason it's not displaying it
Using 2.0...wondering if there was a fix in trunk or if this is a legit bug | [18:22] |
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magowiz | sylvieg now I can see the menu but I cannot login anymore | [18:24] |
sylvieg | kerrnel: the doc is wrong it is intemId | [18:26] |
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kerrnel | itemId ? | [18:26] |
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magowiz | I don't see any error but after I click "login" it loads a bit but it returns the same page | [18:26] |
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sylvieg | kerrnel: working for me | [18:26] |
kerrnel | I may have typo'd with a lowercase i. Checking... | [18:27] |
sylvieg | the param ,,,itemId is workign for me | [18:28] |
magowiz | sylvieg : I tried with epiphany firefox and konqueror but I have the same problem , I cannot login anymore | [18:29] |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14639 /trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: typo | [18:29] |
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magowiz | how can I discover which is the problem ? I cannot login at all with my new tikiwiki, I enter correct username and password but I get nowhere | [18:50] |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by Jyhem :: r 14640 /trunk/lib/setup/absolute_urls.php: [FIX] url_host is not meant to include the port number | [18:51] |
kerrnel | sylvieg: That was it. I guess I must have typo'd the documentation as well. itemId works, thanks | [18:51] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14641 /branches/experimental/all-langs/ (102 files in 22 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 14521 to 14639 | [19:08] |
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magowiz | I opened a bug report about it | [19:11] |
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sylvieg | magowiz: check your php error - perhaps you have not enough memory.. | [19:22] |
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magowiz | where can I found this error ? | [19:27] |
sylvieg | in the server log / perhaps your hosting give you access in the panel... | [19:30] |
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magowiz | sylvieg : I'll try to ask to my webhoster , I cannot find any option to see the log
I used a clean firefox profile, now I can enter but I cannot see the menu, which theme is the default one ? switching to simple gets me to a no-login issue | [19:35] |
sylvieg | I saw your menu before - did you only switch the theme? -
if yes - clear the cache | [19:47] |
magowiz | sylvieg : can you see the menu now ? | [19:49] |
sylvieg | no | [19:49] |
magowiz | mmm... I really don't know what to do... :( | [19:50] |
sylvieg | do you see something in tiki-admin_menus.php? | [19:56] |
magowiz | yes Application Menu
nothing else | [19:58] |
sylvieg | and if you click on the option (the table)? | [19:59] |
magowiz | wait a minute
I clicked on configure and now I get back my menu no... I spoke too soon, if I change to home I cannot see the menu anymore | [19:59] |
nikhilodeon_____ | hi, is there any way to suppress the whitespacea at the top of a module when you add it to a column? i just want to call a module with no title, and have very limited white space above it | [20:01] |
sylvieg | did you play with the perms in the menu option? | [20:02] |
magowiz | no definitely no
I have nothing in permissions the strange thing is that if I update the menu, moving for example "Home" up I can see the menu on the left in that page, but if I click on Home I cannot see the menu anymore | [20:03] |
SEWilco2 | What is a good way to show whitespace? I'm trying to show a table of names and phone numbers on a form which the user will print and write in the blanks. Table formatting keeps removing spaces. | [20:06] |
magowiz | how can I see a list of orphaned pages ? | [20:09] |
anyway I discovered that I cannot register a new user anymore... I'm full of bugs.... so I think I would restore my backup and get back to 1.9.11 .... | [20:14] | |
sylvieg | register a user can be a bug ( I did)
a column is misssing | [20:14] |
magowiz | yes I noticed that bug report
I made some comment on it anyway I noticed that I had problems on updating the db, some queries didn't work | [20:15] |
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sylvieg | so did you add email_confirm?
are you mysql 4 or mysql5 | [20:16] |
ittosde | Getting this on most pages: PHP (5.2.5) NOTICE (8):
File: csslib.php Line: 167 Type: Undefined variable: dbversion_tiki shows as bottom of tiki pages | [20:16] |
sylvieg | i fixed this one | [20:16] |
nikhilodeon_____ | hi all, I posted the following item at dev.tw.o - TikiWiki 2.0: Suppressing Whitespace Above Module - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=2018&trackerId=5 | [20:16] |
sylvieg | ittosde: you need to change $db_version with $TWV->getBaseVersion(
dammit - the fix is only in the dev version | [20:17] |
magowiz | sylvieg : I added manually the email_confirm field on table users_users, now seems to work
mysql 5 | [20:20] |
sylvieg | magowiz: thx | [20:20] |
ittosde | when I sent an internal tikimail, I get three error message:
PHP (5.2.5) NOTICE (8): File: csslib.php Line: 167 Type: Undefined variable: dbversion_tiki PHP (5.2.5) ERROR (E_WARNING): File: core.write_file.php Line: 44 Type: unlink(templates_c/en^%%40^400^400EAC0F%%messu_message_notification_subject.tpl.php) [function.unlink]: No such file or directory PHP (5.2.5) ERROR (E_WARNING): File: core.write_file.php Line: 44 | [20:21] |
sylvieg | ittosde: better to ignore the notice error
you will still have some (if not plenty) | [20:21] |
ittosde | Type: unlink(templates_c/en^%%06^06F^06F28856%%messu_message_notification.tpl.php) [function.unlink]: No such file or directory | [20:22] |
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sylvieg | ittosde: you can ignore this one too | [20:22] |
ittosde | ok. What about the other two errors? | [20:22] |
magowiz | sylvieg : how can I get a list of orphaned page ? I get some problems on character set so some pages that contains "รจ" in the title has become orphaned | [20:22] |
sylvieg | csslib I gave you the fix
magowiz: tiki-orphan_pages.php | [20:22] |
ittosde | sorry...didn't see it
going to flash my ignorance, how do you change $db_version? | [20:24] |
magowiz | sylvieg : thanks... sorry but I have to ask for every pages until I get back the menu | [20:26] |
sylvieg | ittosde: are you on 2.0 svn ? if yes svn update otherwise see http://sh.nu/p/24885 | [20:27] |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14642 /branches/2.0/lib/csslib.php: backport the undefined dbversion | [20:28] |
ittosde | yes, on 2.0 | [20:28] |
thanks. These errors are on the a forum page.
PHP (5.2.5) ERROR (E_WARNING): File: core.write_file.php Line: 44 Type: unlink(templates_c/enen^%%DF^DF4^DF431467%%tiki-view_forum_thread.tpl.php) [function.unlink]: No such file or directory PHP (5.2.5) ERROR (E_WARNING): | [20:33] | |
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sylvieg | it is warning - it is not important | [20:34] |
magowiz | sylvieg : another problem : I cannot rollback a page , it says : Sea Surfing (CSRF) detected. Operation blocked. | [20:35] |
sylvieg | working for me in 2.0 you did youtr rolback without refreshing the page?
refreshing creates the pb sometimes | [20:39] |
magowiz | sylvieg : no refresh : only diffing two versions, choose one to rollback and then clicked to "b", I give confirm and then the error comes
on every rollback | [20:41] |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by kerrnel22 :: r 14644 /branches/experimental/kerrnel-2.5/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [FIX] Corrected documentation for auto-increment using itemId option. Typo showed itemid instead of itemId, which was incorrect and doesn't work.
SVN: Commit by kerrnel22 :: r 14643 /branches/experimental/kerrnel-2.5/tiki-view_tracker_item.php: [FIX] Forgot to repoint get_displayName to tracker lib instead of tiki lib. | [20:45] |
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ittosde | the csslib.php fix was great!
thanx | [20:47] |
sylvieg | magowiz: are you back 1.9? | [20:47] |
ittosde | get tons of core.write_file.php line:44 errors | [20:47] |
magowiz | sylvieg : I mean : I click "b" , then the rollback button, then "click here to confirm" and then I get that error | [20:47] |
sylvieg | ittosde: it is a warning | [20:47] |
magowiz | no I'm still with 2.0 for now | [20:48] |
sylvieg | so doto admin->system and do not display warning | [20:48] |
ittosde | so I can simply ignore | [20:48] |
sylvieg | yes - | [20:48] |
ittosde | ok. thanx for the help sylvieg | [20:48] |
magowiz | sylvieg : I think that anyway I would upgrade to newer tikiwiki so it is better to keep 2.0 and help to find/solve issues with that | [20:49] |
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magowiz | I also tried with a new page, created , inserted some text, save, then add some other text and then rollback to first version : Sea Surfing (CSRF) detected. Operation blocked. | [20:56] |
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scooby99 | having problems with creating a new page with an apostrophe... ie ((Bob's Page)) any suggestons? | [20:56] |
sylvieg | magowiz: neat is not very well maintain - there is some problem in the tiki-editpage.tpl
perhaps it is better to use tikineat | [20:56] |
magowiz | ok I'll switch to tikineat | [20:57] |
sylvieg | scooby99: did you check in admin->wiki which charset you use | [20:57] |
scooby99 | not sure what I'm looking for on the wiki admin
wiki link format is set to english is there not a breakout character of some sort | [20:58] |
magowiz | sylvieg : two piece of news : a bad one and a good one : the good one is that switching to tikineat gives my menu back, the bad news is that I have still the rollback issue | [21:00] |
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sylvieg | scooby99: try complete | [21:00] |
scooby99 | That's better thanks! | [21:02] |
sylvieg | magowiz: which csrf method do you use in admin->login | [21:04] |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by kerrnel22 :: r 14645 /branches/experimental/kerrnel-2.5/templates/tiki-view_tracker_item.tpl: [MOD] Cosmetic change to put a ':' at the end of the field names to aid separation of fields from data in display. | [21:05] |
scooby99 | Anyway of doing with brackets in the name ie ((this is a test(of brackets))) ? | [21:05] |
SEWilco2 | Is it a known bug that PP stuff in a table would emit junk? "|| | ~pp~ Name ~/pp~ | ~pp~ Phone # ~/pp~ ||" emits junk.
It looks OK on Firefox but prints as bar of blocky stuff with "1DPH" and "8KRQH" instead of "Name" and "Phone #". | [21:06] |
magowiz | sylvieg : I cannot find csrf in my admin->login page , what is CRSF for ? (so I'll try to search it) | [21:07] |
sylvieg | yes it is the one you said | [21:07] |
SEWilco2 | Hmm... and a ~pp~ row of underscores prints as BBBBBBBBBBBB. Maybe I have a DB character set problem. I thought I had it all UTF-8. | [21:08] |
magowiz | sylvieg : I didn't explain myself well : I cannot find CRSF on my admin->login page | [21:08] |
sylvieg | you do not find Protect against CSRF with a ticket:? | [21:09] |
magowiz | I found it : I have enabled : "Protect against CSRF with a ticket:" | [21:09] |
sylvieg | and the line above? | [21:10] |
magowiz | and disabled : Protect against CSRF with a confirmation step: | [21:10] |
sylvieg | ok this should work
so I have no idea why you can not rollback.. | [21:10] |
magowiz | mmm... I'll try again but I didn't change anything so I think I'll get again that error | [21:10] |
sylvieg | if you want to rollback - you can unckeck bit boxes - rollback and check again | [21:11] |
magowiz | should I try to disable ticket and enable confirmation action ? | [21:11] |
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magowiz | sylvieg : I noticed a strange thing : If I enable only confirmation I get only a page on which I should click Rollback, when I have ticket enabled I get that page, after that a page that asks me to confirm , is it normal behaviour ?
if I switch to "confirmation" it comes out " feature_ticketlib enableddisabled feature_ticketlib2 disabled" if I switch to "confirmation" it comes out " feature_ticketlib enabled disabled feature_ticketlib2 disabled" I mean "feature_ticketlib enabled" and "feature ticketlib2 disabled" | [21:18] |
sylvieg | (05:11:14 PM) sylvieg: if you want to rollback - you can unckeck bit boxes - rollback and check again the second choice | [21:21] |
scooby99 | Anyway of doing with brackets in the name ie ((this is a test(of brackets))) ? | [21:21] |
SEWilco2 | My odd printing character problem does not seem to be a simple character set problem. Unicode prints OK. | [21:22] |
Any idea why on printer "Web site: ~pp~___________~/pp~" shows as "Web site: BBBBBBBBBBBB"? | [21:29] | |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14646 /trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php: [FIX]tracker: to have a trackerlist with view=user working for anonymous | [21:35] |
magowiz | is there a way to enable captcha on page edit when edited by anonymous users ? | [21:37] |
SEWilco2 | magowiz: Maybe "Anonymous editors must input anti-bot code:" on the Admin>Wiki page. | [21:38] |
magowiz | thanks SEWilco2 | [21:39] |
SEWilco2 | Aha. "~pp~Web site: ___________~/pp~" emits "%DWXRQ: HEH BBBBBBBBBB" with many characters which I couldn't type. PP is printing all text oddly. | [21:40] |
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magowiz | perhaps I've done a bit confusion with menus, now anonymous users sees 2 identical menus on the left.... where should I check to remove one of them ? | [21:42] |
SEWilco2 | magowiz: An administrator should see a list of options under "Admin". One of them is called "Menus" and another is "Modules".
magowiz: The "Menus" is for editing custom menus but because you didn't look there you probably did not use that. See "Modules" to see if there are two menu modules assigned to be displayed. magowiz: When a module is assigned it becomes visible. You'll see two lists of modules, one for the left side and another for the right side. Clicking on the red "X" by a module will de-assign it. | [21:43] |
magowiz | SEWilco2 : thanks again, I had two modules for the main menu, I removed one. | [21:46] |
SEWilco2 | Hmm. Maybe my problem is in CSS when <pre> is present. Found mention that "Firefox's print function does not seem to like web fonts. " | [21:52] |
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magowiz | I think I solved all my issues, I'm happy , I really appreciate your help sylvieg and SEWelico2 . Thank you very much . The only thing I think it needs to be fixed is the creation of email_confirm field in users_users . Perhaps it was a problem on the 1.9 to 2.0 sql script update. | [22:00] |
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ittosde has joined #tikiwiki | [22:00] |
magowiz | all I have to say is that tikiwiki is a very good and powerful CMS I choosed it for 2 sites (only because I have only 2 sites :) ) | [22:02] |
ittosde | I've created a poll. When I vote, the poll times out. The vote looks like it took when I view the poll though | [22:03] |
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Simmi has joined #tikiwiki ittosde has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) | [22:08] |
amette | hi Simmi
:) | [22:11] |
Simmi | Hi All
How's the WikiSym? | [22:12] |
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xavi | polom | [22:13] |
amette | moloq :) | [22:13] |
xavi | hi Flexi - Simmi ;-) | [22:13] |
Simmi | WHAT ?? :-) | [22:14] |
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amette | you know ;) | [22:14] |
xavi | oh well, that is to let the other users get used to the "Flexi" keyword... | [22:15] |
amette | hehe | [22:15] |
xavi | ... which is going to produce some "wuuuouuuu"... | [22:15] |
Simmi | Yup, they had better - cos it's a coming.. | [22:15] |
amette | *g* | [22:15] |
xavi | ...very soon, when others see you nice work, Simmi, using Flex with Tiki...
in fact, I'm looking forward to see an url in the http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestPorto page.... to see the sexy fancy flexi-Tiki work you are doing... | [22:15] |
Simmi | OK, watch this space - not this week though.. | [22:19] |
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sylvieg | xavi: redirecf on tw.org done | [22:28] |
xavi | hi sylvieg
thanks! I already saw that some hours ago from the Wikisym... 'cause my kind of short home page url tw.o/xavi was working (redirecting to userpage of xavidp) anyway, thanks! | [22:30] |
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SEWilco2 | Tsk. PP text didn't print until I told Firefox 3 to not allow web pages to specify their own fonts. I guess FF3 doesn't behave reasonably to the CSS "courier" specification. | [22:50] |
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magowiz | is there a way to redirect a english user to the english translation of the page ? | [22:52] |
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sylvieg | yes a couple of ways admin->i18n best language - or force lang... | [22:58] |
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magowiz | I enabled : Multilingual , Multilingual structures (this one after I translated 2 pages) , Show page in user's preferred language , Detect user browser language and user watches translations , should it work? Can you please go to page tran on my wiki and see if you see "prova" or "test"
? | [23:02] |
lphuberdeau | I would expect it to work | [23:06] |
SEWilco2 | magowiz: Does your page have a pulldown for the language which the page is being displayed in?
magowiz: I found one could create pages before turning on multilingual but then have to edit the page and tell it what language the page is. | [23:07] |
magowiz | yes I also noticed it, I'm going to set the language of each page I translate | [23:08] |
SEWilco2 | So maybe you have a page from before you turned on multilingual. Edit the page and specify what language it is. | [23:09] |
magowiz | anyway I created a test page named "tran" , I set it to Italian, then I choose to translate it in english, the translated one is named "tran_en" , if all works a user that points to tran and have english as browser language should be redirected to tran_en, am I wrong ? | [23:10] |
SEWilco2 | magowiz: I think that is correct... there is a preferred language flag which has to be set someplace. | [23:11] |
magowiz | the default language for my site is set to english
do you have a browser set to english ? | [23:11] |
SEWilco2 | I think the preferred language ("best language") is a URL with "&bl=y" on the end.
I think my browser has several languages enabled. I'm not sure how many this machine is configured for. I don't remember if "best language" is enabled in user preferences ("MyTiki") or system wide. | [23:12] |
magowiz | I'm following the howto build a multilingual site at this url http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=i18n+Admin&bl , but I cannot find the setting :" In the admin/features panel, you have to check "User Preferences Screen"" , it was changed since 2.0 was released? | [23:14] |
SEWilco2 | Admin>Features is at tiki-admin.php?page=features | [23:16] |
magowiz | yes I'm here but in which category is ?
which tab? | [23:16] |
SEWilco2 | "User Preferences Screen" is in the second block from the bottom in "User Features".
Grumble. Did a search for "%%%" on dev.tw.o and got a blank screen. | [23:19] |
magowiz | found it, it is enabled | [23:22] |
SEWilco2 | Table WikiSyntax irritating quirk: trailing %%% in a field is ignored unless it's the only thing in a table cell. | [23:23] |
magowiz | I have to find "multilingual" and "best language" to enable it | [23:24] |
SEWilco2 | magowiz: Are you not finding those someplace? I think Admin>Features is where Multilingual is enabled. If not there, then try Admin>Wiki. | [23:29] |
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magowiz | multilingual found
but I cannot find best language, I'm trying in Admin->wiki | [23:30] |
lphuberdeau | admin -> i18n | [23:31] |
magowiz | yes, there I found Multilingual but not "best language"
I found and enabled "Show pages in user's preferred language:" but it doesn't make my links include bl | [23:32] |
xavi1 | magowiz, please, whenever you find it, improve (fix) documentation about that for Tiki 2.0 | [23:35] |
magowiz | for example , in this page http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=i18n&bl=y it is enabled
the bl parameter | [23:35] |
xavi1 | so that we can all contributing to improve doc.tw.o | [23:35] |
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magowiz | the bl parameter is for backlinks or best language ? | [23:40] |
xavi1 | best language : that should be explained somewhere in doc.tw.o (if not, it should be added somewhere wherever users expect to find that explanation...) | [23:47] |
magowiz | I cannot find anything using "best language" on doc.tikiwiki.org | [23:50] |
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