[00:00] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [00:03] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [00:16] *** Timoth1 has quit IRC (K-lined) [00:31] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [00:37] *** timotiCK has joined #TIKIWIKI [00:39] *** franck1 has joined #tikiwiki [00:40] *** franck has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [00:50] SVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 14683 /mods/trunk/themes/litejazz/styles/litejazz.css: [FIX] url of topbar bg image corrected. Admin tabs improved. [00:50] SVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 14682 /mods/trunk/themes/litejazz/styles/litejazz/botbar_custcode.png: [NEW] Missed adding this to package. [00:52] *** chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [00:53] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [00:54] *** Paragtim has quit IRC ("Clap on! , Clap off! Clap@#&$NO CARRIER") [00:57] SVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 14684 /mods/trunk/themes/litejazz/styles/litejazz.css: [ENH] Admin tabs improved. [01:21] *** NefariousC has quit IRC () [02:00] *** navirao has joined #tikiwiki [02:01] *** navirao is now known as navster [02:19] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [02:25] *** timotiCK has left [03:05] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [03:18] *** Timoth1 has joined #tikiwiki [03:30] *** rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [03:45] *** franck1 has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [04:01] *** navster has quit IRC ("Ah, IRC, where men are men, women are men, and 14-year old girls are FBI agents.") [04:04] *** vilisi_t has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [04:44] *** Timoth1 has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [04:45] *** Timoth1 has joined #tikiwiki [04:49] *** CIA-54 has quit IRC () [05:36] *** CIA-55 has joined #TikiWiki [05:48] *** PrezKennnedy has joined #tikiwiki [05:49] polom polom [05:49] Looks like hotwords/wikiwords in a page description may not "travel" too well. Pages that link to that kind of page (and dispay the linked-to page description in the mouseover) have problems and the link breaks.. [05:50] hi lucash [05:50] hey gary [05:50] Just coincidense that you got my comment here :-) [05:50] np :) [05:50] danopia: L0gg3r is ran by amette [05:51] see http://irc.amette.eu [05:51] I was looking at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestPorto and wondering why the link to the video page was messed up. [05:51] chibaguy: ah, is TikiFest a hotword ? [05:51] ah, i see, TikiWikiTV [05:52] ...or something, I didn't check too carefully [05:52] TikiWIki is a hotword there [05:52] err, small "i" ;) [05:55] *** Timoth1 has left [05:56] well, I changed to "Tiki" in the description, so the link to the page works ok now. [05:56] thanks, but well, it should check if it's not a hotword anyway, so it's a bug for sure [05:58] yep [06:00] I wonder about vulnerabilities in the minichat. [06:00] Is the input sanitized ok? [06:02] *** navishkar69 has joined #tikiwiki [06:02] . [06:03] *** navishkar69 is now known as navster [06:04] *** PrezKennedy has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [06:07] *** fane has joined #tikiwiki [06:20] chibaguy: i didn't played with it yet [06:36] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [06:36] *** navster has left [06:36] *** navster has joined #tikiwiki [06:36] . [07:01] *** Wilkins has joined #tikiwiki [07:34] *** teqal has joined #tikiwiki [07:34] hi all [07:36] i have tikiwiki 2.0 and want to know how i can activate the edithelpzone, which shows syntax and plugin help when i edit the page, do anyone know how i can activate this? [07:43] *** djst has joined #tikiwiki [07:46] teqal: it should be visible by default in default theme [07:48] theme called default, or the theme which is when i install tikiwiki? [07:49] which is (tikineat) [07:50] hm, i actived this and the helpzone isnt there [07:50] wiki help link should be under every edited page [07:51] yeah, i see it in my older version (1.9), but in 2.0 it isnt [07:52] weird, did u enable any experimental features on Admin -> Features ? [07:52] nope [07:52] did you clear caches after upgrade ? [07:53] expand Admin -> System [07:53] i installed it new, the older version runs too [07:54] ah, i don't know then... it displays here after frfesh install of 2.0 [07:54] *fresh [07:54] what did you mean with "expand Admin -> System"? [07:54] "expand the Admin menu and go to the System item" [07:55] but it's not necessary if you did fresh install [07:55] hum, yesterday i tried the wysiwyg editor (fck) but deactivated it 1 hour later, could this be the problem? [07:56] maybe, no idea, you can try clearing the Tiki caches anyway [07:57] how? :X [07:57] Admin -> System (and Tiki Cache [07:57] ) [07:57] ah i see [07:57] you mean ./temp/cache/ [07:58] yes, and templates_c/... you can do it from Tiki Administration or manually, as you wish [07:58] safer from Tiki Admin [07:59] ok [07:59] *** pkdille has joined #tikiwiki [07:59] *** pkdille has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [07:59] i did, but its not there :/ [07:59] *** pkdille has joined #tikiwiki [08:00] can i access it ? [08:00] intranet [08:00] ok :/ [08:01] in 1.9 the button is under the save button, maybe in 2.0 it is somewhere else? [08:01] one moment, i make a pic [08:02] *** teqal has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [08:02] you can see it is there on http://www.opensourcecms.com/cms/tiki/admin.html [08:03] admin:demo [08:04] *** teqal has joined #tikiwiki [08:04] (sorry, the menu item is called "Tiki Cache/Sys Admin") [08:04] you can see it is there (the wiki help link) on http://www.opensourcecms.com/cms/tiki/admin.html [08:05] admin:demo is the user and password there [08:07] user: demo, pw: there ? [08:08] http://img241.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tikiwikigt9.png [08:08] 1.9 is in german, im sorry for that [08:09] in 2.0 the buttons: edit, block, perms etc are not there [08:10] even after clearing your tiki cache (in tikineat theme) ? [08:11] yeah [08:12] if i remember correctly it happens when using an obsolete tpl file but tikineat has no custom tpl files... it should use the default template files [08:12] that's why i wonder [08:12] before i had the theme damian [08:13] "it should use the default template files", you know the name of it? [08:17] if you use tikineat there should be no tikineat/ folder under templates/styles/ [08:17] *** chibaguy has left [08:17] it isnt [08:18] (user: admin, pass: demo on the opensourcecms demo site) [08:18] yeah, im on it.. i had the correct page ;) [08:18] then it's ok and i don't understand what's the problem then, sorry [08:20] maybe i have to active something? [08:22] are you sure the templates/tiki-page_bar.tpl was overwritten by the 2.0 version ? [08:22] ah, sorry, you said it's fresh install [08:22] jeah :/ [08:22] browser cache ? :-p [08:23] i'm running out of ideas :-p [08:23] ^^ [08:23] hum [08:23] i try to copy a new tiki-page_bar.tpl [08:25] nothing changed.. tried a second browser too but theres nothing too [08:29] teqal: is "Help System:" on at Admin -> Admin home -> General ? [08:32] hmm, nevermind, just tried it on the demo site to switch it off and it doesn't affect the appearance of the Wiki Help link anyway [08:33] teqal: however [08:33] teqal: in the code of the tpl file i see"{if wysiwyg eq 'n' or prefs.wysiwyg_wiki_parsed eq 'y' or prefs.wysiwyg_wiki_semi_parsed eq 'y'} {* Show this button only in normal editing mode *}" [08:34] teqal: are you sure you switched all back to the previous state when you tried the wysiwyg feature ? [08:34] i deleted the fck_edit dir [08:34] oh ? [08:34] and turned it off in experimental [08:35] did i something wrong? ^^ [08:37] okay i think i did something wrong, i installed it local now and there is the button... [08:38] *** teqal has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") [08:38] *** teqal has joined #tikiwiki [08:39] teqal: maybe there's a little bug when you left "Content is partially parsed" switched on on Admin -> Wysiwyg page [08:40] wysiwyg_optional was enabled... [08:40] teqal: nope, again, it doesn't affect it on the demo site :-/ [08:40] maybe copy a new editor dir to the tiki? [08:41] or template [08:43] ok, i think i got it [08:43] erm [08:43] in my local wiki there isnt a dir called editor, maybe delete this? [08:44] there's a bug where switching wysiwyg feature off is not enough [08:45] yeah? [08:46] you have to go to Admin -> (Admin home ->) Wysiwyg and (re-)enable the checkbox for "Content is parsed like wiki page" [08:46] yaaay [08:47] you fixed it ^^ thank you ! :D [08:47] u r welcome, but fix is on the way still ;) [08:48] "but fix is on the way still", sorry? [08:49] i mean i'll commit the fix for the bug soon ;) [08:49] ah ok ^ [08:49] for everybuddy, not just you ;) [08:50] yeah ^ now i understand [08:50] one question.. when i export the pages (of the old version) and import it via phpwiki dump.. the attachments will imported too? [08:51] mhh, no it doesnt :/ [08:58] *** Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [09:15] *** teqal has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") [09:19] *** teqal has joined #tikiwiki [09:30] *** teqal has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") [09:49] SVN: Commit by luciash :: r 14685 /branches/2.0/templates/tiki-page_bar.tpl: [FIX] when WYSIWYG is off don't check wysiwyg content is wiki parsed to show the web help link [09:51] *** MatWho has joined #tikiwiki [09:53] hi all, I just went to http://dev.tikiwiki.org/PromoSquad and clicked on the monitor button - I get an error "Column 'email' cannot be null" is it just me or is it everyone. Anyway it is a bit of an embarrassing bug on the dev site ;) [09:54] i think it shouldn't be allowed for anonymous since they have no e-mail for monitoring [09:55] i am logged in - not anon [09:55] oh [09:55] :) [09:56] then it doesn't get it via InterTiki from tw.o for the logged in user it seems :-/ [09:56] i have just checked my account inf, it has my email adress correctly [09:56] on tw.o or on dev.tw.o ? [09:57] on dev.tw.o [09:58] can you try monitoring the same page [09:58] you have to check tw.o [09:58] yes, i can monitor it [09:59] hi [09:59] * danopia pokes amette [09:59] MatWho: it takes user account info from tw.o iirc [09:59] yes and in dev.tw.o it has goy the correct info [10:00] goy = got [10:00] MatWho: well, i can monitor the page [10:00] luciash, you see why i want to talk to amette? his bot still the nick of my logger [10:00] stole* [10:01] heheh [10:01] i.e.: [10:02] *** L0gg3r starts logging #tikiwiki at Fri Sep 12 10:02:38 2008 [10:02] *** L0gg3r has joined #tikiwiki [10:02] luciash, because i own the account [10:02] *** navster has left [10:03] luciash: Well, I dont know what to say, I have the same information in my user preferences for tw.o and dev.tw.o so I dont know what to do next [10:04] luciash: any sugestions [10:04] MatWho: sorry, no idea then [10:05] MatWho: still in Porto ? [10:05] luciash: no I have to get back to work :( [10:05] ah, i see [10:08] danopia: amette is busy, tikifesting now ;) so he'll probably not respond here soon... [10:08] luciash, i want to put my bot in place and see how long until he figures it out [10:08] :) [10:09] np :) [10:11] gah i'm on linux and WINE can't handle my super complex sockets code :O i thought i made my app WINE-compat but obviously not..... it was probably from the 100% rewrite :P [10:11] luciash: danopia "amette is busy, tikifesting" is not quite correct "amette is drinking Porto dry" is more accurate :) [10:11] MatWho, fun! :) [10:12] * danopia is setting up his router to use his syslog server [10:12] danopia: make your sockets code super simple - it will work better :) [10:12] heheh, how you know when you had to return to work, MatWho ? [10:12] MatWho, i have a simple socket code somewhere..... [10:12] luciash: My wife phoned me in Porto! [10:13] luciash: I can send you some plug code (very simple) if you want to try it [10:13] MatWho: now i don't understand... are you still in Porto or not ? [10:14] MatWho, my L0GG3R has XML configs and looks in topics to see if the topic contians "This channel is publically logged" before it starts logging, and it can be forced either way by me dependant of topic :P and it allows users to set nick colors etc. [10:14] luciash: i am NOT in porto [10:14] the v2 rewrite is still beta [10:14] ok :) [10:14] it dones't actually LOG yet lol [10:15] MatWho: is your wife in TikiFest Porto ? [10:15] :-p [10:15] no -she did not want to sleep with a house full of geeks - strange but true!