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***Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [00:46]
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rlpowellHey guys.
I've just upgraded to svn trunk; I ported most of my data over, but dropped admin settings and so on.
How do I change the wiki page that tiki-index.php shows? There's a bunch of home page settinsg but they don't seem to actually work.
I also noticed that the old admin view and the new admin view on the same options look very different.
MacLeod@rlpowell: tiki-admin.php?page=wiki has a setting for "Wiki Home Page". Worked for me.
using v2.0
rlpowellMacLeod: WHere on the page? I don't see anything like that.
Oh, wait, no; I'm not where you mean. Sec.
Ah, neat.
MacLeodWorked? [01:23]
rlpowellDunno yet; I"m just surprised because since Look & Feel is where the Wiki settings used to be, I assumed it had subsumed them.
So I'm just surprised that that section still exists. :)
MacLeodin something this complex, I'm sure it's hard to achieve a perfectly intuitive admin interface [01:25]
rlpowellAnd, and that option isn't in http://www.lojban.org/tiki/tiki-magic.php?featurechain=/1/2 , which is where I'd expect it to be in the new style. [01:25]
MacLeodso many features & functions could be placed in more than one spot [01:25]
rlpowellMacLeod: Oh, sure. Just commenting, mostly on my own stupidity. [01:25]
MacLeodMacLeod waves goodnight [01:27]
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rlpowellNeat. All wiki page links point to /tiki/page+name instead of /tiki/tiki-index.php?page=page+name
Anyone know what that's about?
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rlpowellOh, that's the search-engine-friendly URLs. Not so much with the working, apparently. :) [02:12]
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rlpowellOr maybe there's httpd.conf stuff I'm supposed to do. [02:12]
PS|botSVN: Commit by rlpowell :: r 14703 /trunk/lib/tikilib.php: Makes a PHP error go away. [02:13]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by rlpowell :: r 14704 /trunk/lib/setup/categories.php: Another PHP error fix. [02:17]
It's a miracle.
I don't update for a few months, and nobody broke the mail <-> forum gatewaying.
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luciashpolom [05:45]
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marclaportepolom [07:44]
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luciashpolom marc :) [08:28]
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marclaportehi luciash!
marclaporte is sleepless in New York
and hungry
how are you?
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GovnorHi. TikiWiki is stripping out the javascript on the front paeg of our site, ModernSciFi.com. Which .tpl is most likely corrupted? [09:04]
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Govnorcorrection: "front page" [09:04]
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ametteGovnor: if you mean that you put javascript into a wiki-page and it is stripped - that's a security feature [09:18]
marclaporteIt's a feature, not a bug :-) [09:18]
ametteyeah, didn't want to put it that way... reminds me so much of Microsoft... ;)
moloq marc btw :)
GovnorI tried to ad Google Adsense code just below the picture of Heath Ledger.(modernscifi.com) It is being added, like everything else on the page, within an HTML editor. And yes, it was stripped out the java code. Is there a work around? [09:20]
amettethere is an adsense plugin afaik [09:20]
marclaporteput it templates/footer.tpl
polom amette
how is return to reality?
amettemuch worse than ten days of fiction ;)
how's it with you?
GovnorI'll look into it. I have a unique way of putting html content into my page and was hoping I could insert the adsense peppered within that content. But i will look into the plugin and the footer suggestion. thank you. [09:22]
amettenp, you're welcome, Govnor - good luck [09:23]
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luciashhey bro :)
marclaporte: i'm fine, it just started to be damn cold here so we have to burn some woods already :-p
marclaporte: enjoy the big apple if that's all you can eat now to get rid of the hunger ;)
PS|botSVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 14705 /trunk/templates/ (2 files): [MOD] formatting navbar in some templates [09:47]
I am not really back to reality
My life used to be about project management and web development. Now, it's conferences, meetings, talks and hotel rooms...
what about cats ?
marclaportemy parents are taking good care of my cats
luciash: : is it thinkable for you to come to Montreal for a 5 day tikifest on design/marketing ?
in November?
luciashmarclaporte: that's good, at least they're not hungry ;)
marclaporte: i'll *think* about it ;)
we'd start with http://www.webcom-montreal.com/
luciashmarclaporte: sounds tempting, i'll let you know [10:02]
marclaportethen, 4 days of TikiFest Nove 13-14-15-16 [10:03]
luciashgotta run now to pick up my son and wife
marclaporteok! [10:04]
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marclaporteWe have 2 people from Portugal confirmed (Matthew and Pauline)
+ local people (Patrick, Nelson's team)
need Gary, Rick and you and we have the dream team all together for 4 days!
(design/marketing dream team)
GovnorHi. I tried putting my adsense code into the adsense module and the module is stripping out my java script. I use an html editor for my front page and tiki is stripping out the java code eveywhere on the site. (modernscifi.com)
Is there a particular tpl. that may have been corrupted?
marclaporteGovnor: : just put your adsense code directly in tpl
if it's for that type of ad
top baner or bottom banner
GovnorI have done that as well and it is still being stripped.
The same thing was happening to my games section and then I uploaded a fresh copy of the games tpl. and it fixed it.
Is it possible that I have corrupted a tp that is stripping the java code from my site?.
I'll try the banners. one moment
marclaporteif it's a type of ad, for a banner, you can use the adsense module but it's a little tricky to setup [10:15]
GovnorI just tried the banner and it is stripping the java code out there as well. For some reason, no matter how I approach it, the java script is being stripped out. [10:19]
marclaporteimagine you are an evil hacker
and everytime you are trying an evil xss maneuver, tiki is blocking you
(to lower frusutration until we find a solution)
Govnor: : http://doc.tikiwiki.org/adsense
If you put js in Smarty, you need to put {literal} {/literal} around it
GovnorThank you for the tips. I'll keep at it. You've been very helpful. [10:35]
marclaporteI updated wiki page
please make sure to update as well once you find the solution
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GovnorI will. Thank you. [10:53]
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MacLeod'morning! :) [12:41]
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MacLeodQ: If I wanted to modify my theme to make the comments link in tiki-view_blog show up highlighted when comments>0, how could I do that? It doesn't seem to be feasible with just a *.tpl change, and I'm not sure if or how it can be done in the *.php file(s).
I like how the ARTICLES plugin does this, but again, I'm not sure how it does it.
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amettemornin' MacLeod ! How are you? :) [13:00]
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MacLeodfine, amette! you? good flight? stayed warm at the train stations? :) [13:02]
amettehehehe, yeah, I'm pretty well - I then with lots of luck got a nighttrain to munich, so I could sleep six hours on the train instead of at Hannover train station ;) [13:05]
MacLeod has been to Munich, and loved it.
ametteyeah, nice city - just not too much going on there at night ;) [13:06]
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Caarrie|macamette: you around? [13:20]
MacLeodah, I think I found the answer!
class="linkbut {if $listpages[ix].comments_cant > 0}highlight{/if}
dunno how the hell i missed that b4
Caarrie|macCaarrie|mac does not think that answers the question of if amette is around [13:23]
MacLeodearlier question. :) re: yours, she was around a few minutes ago. [13:25]
Caarrie|maci think amette is a guy [13:25]
MacLeodhe, then :) [13:26]
Caarrie|maci got an idea about his irc logging issue but i cant seem to find when he is active on irc ;) [13:28]
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MacLeodan "online" indicator here would be nice. [13:43]
ametteamette is happy that MacLeod didn't mistake him as a her while he was sleeping at MacLeod's place... ;P
Caarrie|mac: pong
Caarrie|machey [13:44]
ametteho [13:45]
Caarrie|maccan you run an eggdrop on your ssh? [13:45]
ametteyeah, I'm pretty sure about that [13:45]
Caarrie|maceggdrops can do the logging and you can run the rss script for the commits that i do ;) [13:46]
ametteyeah, that sounds like a good idea...
I thought of running a bot for the logging, too... but here are many bots already... ;)
Caarrie|macif you run the bot i can take PS|bot away ;)
tiki|bot sounds better anyway :P
amettestill: with doing the logging _and_ offering the commit messages - it would make real sense to run that combination on irc.tw.o
hehe ;)
do you know how to setup an eggdrop?
amettenever did that, but I'm sure I will find out ;)
and otherwise I have you as my living manual! ;)
Caarrie|machehe [13:48]
amettehow is eggdrop compared to supybot? [13:48]
Caarrie|macnever used a supybot [13:48]
ametteI ran a supybot once for this channel and I found it rather nice..
Sug4r*click* [13:48]
that's the _best_ feature of a supybot ;P
eggdrops have lots of scripts already on the net and are not too hard to setup [on linux]
MacLeodheh... to an American reader, anything with an "-ette" ending suggests a feminine name or word of French origin :) [13:49]
Caarrie|maclike the rss script i use i found on the website of the irc client i use :P [13:50]
ametteMacLeod: yeah, that's true.. ;)
Caarrie|mac: there are RSS scripts for Supy, too... I had something like that set up... don't remember for what.. I think Tiki bug-tracker...
hmm, nope :P
Caarrie|machehe [13:51]
Sug4r(help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. [13:51]
>plugins list
>help rss
Caarrie|machelps to know how to use the bot ;) [13:51]
Sug4rError: There is no command rss. [13:51]
PS|botSVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 14705 /trunk/templates/ (2 files): [MOD] formatting navbar in some templates
SVN: Commit by rlpowell :: r 14704 /trunk/lib/setup/categories.php: Another PHP error fix.
SVN: Commit by rlpowell :: r 14703 /trunk/lib/tikilib.php: Makes a PHP error go away.
ametteLOL - yeah, it has been some time ;)
>help list
Sug4r(list [--private] [<plugin>]) -- Lists the commands available in the given plugin. If no plugin is given, lists the public plugins available. If --private is given, lists the private plugins. [13:52]
amette>list [13:52]
Sug4rAdmin, Alias, Anonymous, Channel, Config, Factoids, Filter, Fun, Google, Lookup, Misc, Owner, Seen, Services, and User [13:52]
amettetadaaaa! :D [13:52]
Caarrie|macand no rss [13:53]
ametteyup, seems so
>list misc
Sug4raction, apropos, author, contributors, help, hostmask, last, list, more, notice, plugin, private, revision, source, tell, and version [13:53]
amette>list services [13:53]
Sug4rghost, identify, invite, nicks, op, password, unban, and voice [13:53]
amette>list admin [13:53]
Sug4raddcapability, channels, ignore, ignores, join, nick, part, removecapability, and unignore [13:53]
Caarrie|mac>list amette [13:53]
Sug4rError: 'amette' is not a valid plugin. [13:53]
Caarrie|machehe [13:53]
>whatis amette
Sug4r'amette' could be (#1) real mind-bro of luciash, or (#2) a bot answering greetings [13:53]
amette*g* [13:54]
Caarrie|mac>whatis Caarri [13:54]
Sug4rError: No factoid matches that key. [13:54]
Caarrie|mac>whatis Caarrie [13:54]
Sug4r'Caarrie' could be a clever Tiki girl [13:54]
well, I'll look into the bots once irc.tw.o is setup... thanks for the good input Caarrie|mac :)
Caarrie|maci have not found a decent logging script but i bet you could ;)
amettewell, I will do my very best ;)
gotta work a bit now - cu later :)
Caarrie|macCaarrie|mac is in class anyway [13:56]
amettehehe ;) [13:56]
Caarrie|macit is just starting [13:56]
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luciashLOL at all [14:18]
Caarrie|machi luciash [14:18]
luciashhey Caarrie :) [14:19]
Caarrie|macenjoy laughing at us? [14:19]
luciashsure :)
enjoy your class Caarrie|mac
Caarrie|macbusiness law
not sure how much to enjoy
luciashaye :) but maybe you could re-use it sometime though to fight for open source ;) [14:25]
Caarrie|maci am not going to school for law ;) [14:27]
luciashi see :-p [14:29]
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ParagtimIs it possible to move a complete installation from one domain to another? [15:24]
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scooby99what's the best way to set up a bunch of wiki entries that one group can read add and edit while another group can only read, do I have to set the prermisions on each individual page? [16:01]
lphuberdeauyou can use categories [16:04]
SEWilco2scooby99: assign permissions to the categories of the pages.
SEWilco2 is waiting for dev.tw.o to get around to displaying tracker items. DB busy?
scooby99I did that but some of the pages still can't be accessed... [16:07]
luciashParagtim: sure, just dump out the database, put all the files in a package, unpack, import db [16:08]
MacLeod@scooby99: what permissions did you assign to the categories? [16:15]
scooby99the catagory perm says the user even has rights to view but they still can not "Permision denied" [16:16]
MacLeod@scooby99: there's a new category permission in v2.0, tiki_p_view_categorized [16:16]
MacLeodGive them tiki_p_view_categorized as well [16:17]
SEWilco2By "them" he probably means the user groups. Look under Admin for "Groups" and give the proper groups that permission. [16:18]
scooby99still no joy :( [16:19]
MacLeodI was thinking he'd need to assign it for the categories that he wants the read-only group to view [16:19]
scooby99Do I need to log out and back in again?
I wouldn't think so... but :S
MacLeodi wouldn't think so, either [16:20]
SEWilco2I think I saw someplace that permissions are cached. Refresh the page which you're testing.
But then, caching is screwed up if you have parts of the page restricted based on permission. But that's different from access control to the page.
scooby99still no joh
going to start the catagories from scratch
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scooby99this is starting to piss me off!!! now it's worse!! ! [16:31]
SEWilco2scooby99: Did you use the TikiWiki tool to clear the cache? [16:34]
scooby99multiple page delete doesn't work eiter... :(
not sure where that is...
found it
that seems to be working :D
SEWilco2Which is "that"? The act of clearing the cache, or are your categorized permissions working? [16:39]
scooby99hmm as soon as I add the pages to a catagory I get Permision denied.... [16:39]
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SEWilco2You mean the permission denied comes when trying to save an edit which adds a category to a wiki page? [16:41]
scooby99no, I have pages that exist and when I add them to the catagory and browse them I get the permission denied...
when the page was not in a catagory I could browse it...
SEWilco2Does the user which is trying to browse belong a group which is allowed to read wiki pages? Their group has to be able to access wiki, then the categorized permission restricts what they can view.
The wiki read permission has a name something like tiki_view_wiki
scooby99that is on by default "inherited from anonymous" [16:44]
SEWilco2OK. Are you tying to browse the page as the same editor which added the categorization? That implies that the editor was earlier able to access the page.
Oh, wait, I remembered something... looking for it..
scooby99the pages were built by admin, the person I'm trying to get to view the pages is called support [16:46]
SEWilco2Go to Admin>Categories and you probably have to turn OFF "Permission to all (not just any) of an object's categories is required for access"
If you have topic categories, rather than only permission categories, you need that OFF because your topic categories have no permissions assigned.
(topic categories are for things like "forest" and "tree" rather than the new "Group category editor" type of permission categories)
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scooby99That's got it!
not sure what a topic is...
SEWilco2Categories used to be used for connecting pages by subject, such as due to the pages being related to "forest" or "family" or "cars". Those categories probably don't have permissions attached. [16:52]
scooby99okay I get that, but where would the topic be set?
or how
SEWilco2I was referring to something like "cars" as a topic.
I'm presently working on one site where topical categories include "family" and "event". I freely mark pages related to those topics with topical categories. The more restricted pages also get some "categoriezed" permission cats.
scooby99ah okay, I see what you mean
what did we toggle off though, it's not supper clear as to what it does
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MacLeodhas anyone noticed a problem with the search_new module not producing results from categories with individual permissions?
we've got one tree of "restricted" categories and an associated group, but users in that group are not finding pages in that category with the search module.
SEWilco2I think I saw documentation that it's not supposed to unless you have the permission. There are several options to turn off the restrictions on searching. [18:33]
MacLeodi saw at least one restriction option, and left it on, because we're going for WYSIWYCA.
but these users *have* permission
SEWilco2You might check dev.tikiwiki.org for bug reports about searching. [18:35]
MacLeodMacLeod nods [18:35]
hm, looks like plugins can no longer be self-closed, e.g. {MODULE()/} [18:49]
SEWilco2In 2.0 I'm having trouble getting stuff to show in debugger console. $debugger->msg('ID is now: '.$id);
I did use "global $debugger;"
Ick. In 2.0 debugger console, typed: "print $url" Displayed was "print $ur<x>l" and error message. I thought the <x> was fixed in 2.0 stable. [18:57]
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lphuberdeau: Would the cache permission leak bug be solved by adding smarty variable "group" to the $_smarty_cache_id in setup_smarty.php? [19:18]
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SEWilco2Is smarty_setup.php part of Smarty, or is it TW addons to Smarty? [19:39]
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MacLeodhmm... what's the purpose of the freetag_current module, given that the freetag module does all the same stuff and more, and looks cooler? [20:50]
SEWilco2There isn't a comment in either one stating why one was created? [20:51]
MacLeodyou mean in doc.tw.o ? [20:52]
SEWilco2No, I meant a comment in the *.php [20:52]
MacLeodhaven't looked at the code yet
many users won't :)
SEWilco2Oh, sorry. Thought it was a dev question rather than a doc question. [20:53]
MacLeodmod-freetags_current.php doesn't have any explanatory comments
doesn't look like any of the mod-freetag* modules do
SEWilco2Well, then they obviously don't exist. No worries, then. [20:56]
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rlpowellWhat is db/features.csv used for? [21:16]
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lphuberdeaufill tiki_feature ... which is used to display the new admin menus [21:40]
SEWilco2Grumble. The wiki cache is only about parsing the wiki? So I'll have to add an external cache. How do I make external cache aware of permissions? Alter the URL structure? [21:42]
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SEWilco2lphuberdeau: You "Louis-Philippe" for the caching bug? http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php
I've been stumbling around it all day. Looks simple...again.
sylviegcaching does not support perms - you can ony cache pages with no perm [21:46]
lphuberdeauit may be assigned to me, but I have no plans for fixing it in the near future... priorities [21:48]
SEWilco2sylvieg: In 2.0 I don't see a perm test in tiki-index.php. [21:48]
sylviegget_perm_object redefined tiki-Pview.... [21:49]
SEWilco2And a page with no perms still gets cache refilled by someone who is an editor, causing edit icons to appear for non-editors. [21:50]
sylviegthe cache should include a perm checking - but it is not done yet ... [21:51]
danopia. [21:51]
sylviegicons on section?
because I do not think edit on navbar are cached...
lphuberdeauit's only the section edit stuff [21:54]
sylviegand it is the plugin too [21:54]
lphuberdeauthat's 3.0 ;) [21:54]
SEWilco2Also {GROUP} gets cached, allowing invisble stuff to show up for wrong group. [21:54]
sylviegno plugin like GROUP.. [21:54]
lphuberdeauyou need to disable the cache on those pages [21:55]
sylviegsylvieg wonders what happens if you use apache cache... [21:55]
SEWilco2How about if I add &$group on the page name, then have invalidate_cache($page) delete LIKE $page&% [21:56]
sylvieg... an easy patch will be to add the group who builds the cache
and in tiki-indes if the user does not belong to the cache - rebuild the cache
- this is easy to do....
but perhaps not efficient
SEWilco2What do you mean "if the user does not belong to the cache - rebuild the cache"?
I'm thinking of just creating different "page" names for each $group, so each gets own cache. Then making sure invalidate_cache clobbers all.
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sylvieggodd idea - we have / had ? already that for menu or module... I do not remember... [22:00]
SEWilco2Looks like I just have to change a little in tiki_index.php and only change needed in tikilib.php is using LIKE in invalidate_cache().
Is '&' a good separator character? It seems illegal in wiki page names, and something impossible is best in such a separator.
sylviegsylvieg getting old - do not remember what object has cache on group basis [22:08]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 does not remember what a group basis is.
SEWilco2 tosses some sea basis in the wok.
sylviegthe cache name has a md5 or something like that of the list of groups of a user [22:09]
SEWilco2sylvieg: Eh? lib/wikilib.php shows no md5 on $page in update_cache().
sylvieg: Oh, I see. You think some kind of object has a group hash but can't remember which of the numerous kinds of objects has it.
I think I noticed such a group hash someplace also as I stumbled around looking for this cache, but don't remember either where it was.
sylviegI can not remember .. but i think that doing a name cache pageName.md5(concatenated list of group order by alphabetic name ) should work [22:19]
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SEWilco2Yup. I'm trying to test now the format of $group. Hmm... the debug console isn't appearing for my normal multigroup user on my multigroup site. Better add Admin group to my list.
Heh. Broke my debug console with a php typo in the print command.
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SEWilco2Does SQL with 'LIKE stuff&%' have portability problems? [22:47]
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SEWilco2Eh? The wiki cache is kept within the same table as the original page? Ick. [22:56]
.... (idle for 15mn)
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SEWilco2One line change in tiki-index.php to make only anon users get cached pages... is_null() might be enough, so is this overly cautious programming?
Oh, foo. I closed my X terminal and lost the paste buffer.
Landonis there any page that explains how to link to a file in the file gallery (or is this possible?)
I'd rather not link to a download page, but the file itself
so it can be viewed inline if necessary
SEWilco2if($prefs['wiki_cache']>0 and (is_null($group) or $group=='' or $group=='Anonymous')) {
Landon: no. When files are uploaded they get a unique filename, so only TikiWiki knows the relationship between the given name and where the data is stored.
With some hacking, in some configurations, it might be possible to do what you intend, but it would be a fragile situation.
Landonhm, I figured it would be that way
what about attaching a file to a page?
I've seen it referenced in places, but I've never seen the option on the tikiwiki I'm using
SEWilco2Good question. If nothing else, you can insert an IFRAME using {TAG}.
.. with the IFRAME pointing at the file URL.
Let's hear if someone else is aware and has other suggestions. Me, it's time to leave.
Landonthanks for the suggestions [23:34]
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sylviegto view inline - I think you have to change the code
tiki-download_file does a header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="$file"")
soo it means you are asked to download
Landonok, well, I guess I might have to just put them in the main directory then and link from there [23:39]
sylviegseems to have a parameter display not to do that.. [23:39]
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