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gillesMMMsalut marc [00:08]
danopiaopps? [00:20]
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Nightworkhello all [00:22]
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NightworkIs it possible to create section of my wiki for different topics
I would like to put several pages into a folder to group them together
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Nightworkso the address would look somethine like www.mysite.com/tikiwiki/folder1/tiki-index.php?page=PageName
is that possible or do I need to make several wikis and link them together?
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marclaportecategories? [00:51]
Nightwork : ^^
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gillesMMMalors marc bien rentré ? [01:22]
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chibaguyAbout the phpfreechat wiki plugin, trying to set it up with Admin Mods causes an error because not all necessary files are transferred, as they aren't listed in its Packages info file.
But even when I move all the files manually, I only get a "Chat loading.... please wait" in my wiki page.
(Disclaimer: this is on my laptop WAMP, not a real server.)
Is anybody using the phpfreechat wikiplugin successfully in Tiki 2.0, I wonder?
Related question: this plugin apparently needs a separate lib/.phpfreechat directory full of files -- about 4.5MB. I guess this should be transferred intact with Admin Mods if the plugin is transferred.
Even the files not strictly necessary for the chat to work.
(But before editing the Packages info txt file to do that transfer, I'd like to see the plugin working.
marclaportegillesMMM: : now in Washington [02:01]
une fille dans chaque capitale !
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chibaguyTried phpfreechat on another site and got the same message, so will wait to do anything about its Admin Mods installation until it can be confirmed that the plugin works after being installed manually. [02:20]
luciashpolom polom
hi chibaguy !
sorry, no phpfreechat experience :(
chibaguyhi luciash, I was just checking because some errors were reported.
But even with all the files in place, something is stopping it from loading, it seems.
luciashi wonder it's the <x> again :(
i suspect
chibaguyA lot of lines show up in the page source (http://zukakakina.com/phpfreechat ) but give me no clues. I don't see any <x> though. [02:51]
luciashhmm, i'm not sure about hot to config it but i'd look for 'var pfc = null; // will contains a pfcClient instance', 'var pfc_server_script_url = "tiki-phpfreechat_ajax.php";' and '<div id="pfc_container"><!-- Will contains chat.html.tpl.php --></div>
if they're available
i don't see any <x> too :)
also it seems it uses phpfreechat included prototype JS so maybe try switching mootools or ajax off if it doesn't somewhat conflict ?
but it's just a wild guess ;)
chibaguyok thanks :-) [03:01]
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Geoffreyanyone using the ldap plugin? [03:28]
chibaguyGeoffrey, no (speaking for myself). But this is the quiet time of day here. You might want to check again in 8 or 10 hours. [03:31]
Geoffreymy tea time! yep! thanks
I am in Hong Kong!
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PS|botSVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 14791 /mods/trunk/themes/smooth/styles/smooth.css: [FIX] Contrast fixed for h1 text that didn't have pagetitle class. [04:02]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 14792 /mods/trunk/themes/ohia/templates/styles/ohia/tiki-bot_bar.tpl: [ENH] Deprecated img border="0" removed. [06:00]
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SVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 14793 /mods/trunk/ (28 files in 7 dirs): [NEW] Eatlon theme (see original at http://eatlon.com/work/eatlon/, Tiki demo at http://zukakakina.com/Eatlon ). Flexible "fixed-width" design with light blues and greys. [06:17]
chibaguyEatlon download: http://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-directory_redirect.php?siteId=60 [06:19]
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stix has joined #tikiwiki [08:01]
stixhi guys
Does anyone know if it is possible to display the content of a category on a wiki-page?
chibaguystix, you can use the Category wiki plugin.
stixah thank you :) [08:10]
chibaguysure [08:11]
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henjrvI've upgraded tikiwiki from 1.10 to 2.0 but in the "General preferences and settings" tab it shows "Tikiwiki version: 1.10.0b1" however in all php files where version is mentioned there it is 2.0
so which version do I have ?
stixwhat does local.php say? [09:12]
henjrv2.0 [09:12]
stixhave you noticed the icons changed in the admin generel section?
administration home
henjrvi don't have access into tikiwiki so dont know [09:15]
stixokay when you edit a wiki-page it also looks different
there's a new toolbar
henjrvtoo bad but i don't have any access into tikiwiki i can see only login screen [09:17]
stixokay [09:17]
henjrvis there any other way to make sure what it is 2.0 ? And or change version numer shown i n preferences tab? [09:21]
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MatWhoits Monday morning here in Portugal :( [10:00]
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luciashhey MatWho, it's weird but it's monday morning here too :( [10:54]
MatWhono [10:54]
luciashno ? que no ?
MatWhoIs there a smiley for "ironic smile"? :) [10:56]
luciashhmm :] [10:59]
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MatWhoOne site I just found suggests %-{ it will have to do [11:10]
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ricks99hi all :) [11:11]
MatWho[:) [11:13]
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luciashhi ricks99 :) [11:24]
ricks99hi luciash :) [11:28]
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marclaportepolom [12:23]
MatWhohi marc [12:36]
luciashpolom, marc :) [12:50]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14796 /trunk/ (lib/ointegratelib.php tiki-listpages.php): [FIX] Removing hardcoded paths [13:18]
SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14797 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [NEW] Allow to copy template in form from suggestion
SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14794 /trunk/templates/tiki-register.tpl: [FIX]ergistration: remember antibot if email is incorrect + fix remember group + take the float style (for tikinewt)
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stixHow can I insert the login-module on a wiki-page?
I would like to get rid of the login-box when a user is logged ind. There is no need for it to be there. It should only be visible on the startpage for anon-users
sylvieg{MODULE(name=login_box) /} [13:43]
stixI have assigned the login-module only to anonymous group but it seems like the other groups inherit it [13:43]
sylviegsorry .. {MODULE(module=>login_box) /} [13:43]
stixthanks sylvieg
do you also know if I can assign the module so that only anon-users see it?
lphuberdeautake a look at the GROUP plugin [13:46]
stixhmm okay, will do [13:46]
sylviegthree is also an option in admin->modules where you say Hide anonymous-only modules from registered users: [13:47]
marclaportepolom luciash [13:47]
ricks99i believe the "hide anonymous only" only refers to modules in the left/right column. i don't think it works with the MODULE plugin [13:47]
stixricks99, that's okay, cause it is exactly what I need :) [13:48]
marclaportericks99: : saw message about pickle book? [13:48]
ricks99o... thought u were trying to display it in a wiki page
pickle book? no. did see ur email wrt blog, 1 per page...
why 1 per page? see http://tikiwiki.org/ricksrequests, esp. gary's comments
marclaportericks99: : I see now [13:51]
ricks99(not that anyone actually reads my blog) ;-P [13:52]
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MatWho_I just did :)
marclapickle: How are you on this fine day
stixHow can I display this rss-feed on a wiki-page: http://nyhederne.tv2.dk/rss/nyhederne.xml ? [14:22]
MatWho_marclaporte: is it OK to commit back a change to the spanky.css file, it makes the magic menu visible on the safari browser? Or should I send the changes to the developer and let them do it? [14:23]
ricks99@stix: use an rss feed. see the docs http://doc.tikiwiki.org/RSS+User [14:23]
stixricks99, wow that was easy, I only saw the other module where I create the feed myself :) [14:24]
ricks99tikiwiki == easy :) [14:27]
stixI have tried with several rss feeds and everytime I click to view the feed it just says "content for the feed" and then nothing. Am I missing something? [14:31]
ricks99did u update the feed? [14:32]
stixyes I did
and no errors occur
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ricks99hmm.. looks like it is broken in 2.0 ?
i cant get any new rss modules to work
I cannot google anyone else with the problem
ricks99i cant seem to create *any* new RSS modules [14:48]
stixI can do that just fine
but they are all 0 kb
ricks99y. thats the error im having [14:49]
stixbut it can fetch feeds from the previously added ones? [14:50]
ricks99is your tiki prehaps behind a firewall? check ur proxy settings? [14:50]
stixI guess it only needs to connect to a server on port 80 tcp
doesn't seem to be the problem. I created an allow all-rule and it didn't help
ricks99my issue was proxy. on my test server, i set the proxy and now it is working [14:52]
stixhmm I don't use a proxy server
okay it seemed to work anyway :)
just need a little patience
ricks99working now? [14:54]
stixyes it is [14:54]
sylviegricks99: I fixed this morning in trunk : freetag and perm checking + antibot at regsitration when wroing @ [14:54]
stixalthoug it is fucking up whenever there is a danish special letter :) [14:54]
ricks99@ sylvieg. tx. for freetag, if tag "foo" is used only by pages that user does not have permission, will the tag "foo" be omitted from the tag cloud? [14:55]
stixwell that was only one of the feeds, so it's not my problem :) [14:55]
ricks99or will it still appear in the cloud, but just not show any items when user clicks it? [14:56]
sylviegricks99: I thought about this - no :-( not so easy ....
perhaps we need a perm tiki_p_view_freetag
ricks99k... so the tag cloud will show all tags -- regardless of perm? [14:57]
and the weight will be regardless the perms... :-(
ricks99k... halfway there. tx :) [14:57]
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nikhilodeonHi, I had closed the following item at dev.tw.o, but wanted to find a better solution: TikiWiki 2.0: Filtering Search Results http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=2024&trackerId=5
am trying to refine the query used to search for pages, if anyone can point me in the right direction
lphuberdeaucould categories help you?
have some sort of category for all of your content pages, not the included ones, and restrict search to that category
nikhilodeonhmm - sure i could try that
can that filtering be set from the UI screens, or do the php files need to be modified?
lphuberdeauI don't know much about search... I just use google to search in tiki
tiki-listpages.php has a category search option
I guess the site search does not have that
nikhilodeonyeah let me check the list-pages
i put in a workaround, but the problem is, there is a discrepancy between the number of results and what is displayed on the page, which is not good
lphuberdeauthat's a common problem
because of the permission checks, tiki is generally inconsistent with the amount of results displayed per page
nikhilodeonah i see [15:19]
ricks99@nikhiloedon: i had a similar request to omit specific pages when using print [15:19]
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MatWho_lphuberdeau: Hi there, do you have time for a quick chat about profiles?
quick = 2 mins
lphuberdeausure [15:32]
PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14801 /branches/experimental/upgrade/installer/installlib.php: [MOD] PHP4 compatibility
SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14800 /branches/experimental/upgrade/ (191 files in 21 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 14720 to 14798
MatWho_great, This is to save me a lot of rummaging through code. I was planning create a tracker auto-magically when a wiki page is created and stick the correct plugin in to it so ti is all ready to use. Can I use the profiles system to do this?
ti - it
lphuberdeauuh, I don't get what you're trying to do [15:36]
MatWho_I will have a link in my new module - lets say called create - when it is pressed a new wiki page will be created, the user will see it and on it will be a TRACKER Plug-in to allow them to start adding items to tracker. The tracker was just created with out them knowing.
is that better?
lphuberdeauat this time, profiles are meant to be installed once
but is this part of your install/configuration process?
I don't think you will have any problem with calling the profile installer library directly from a module
MatWho_I guessed as much, but I really need to find a way to do this after installation. Ratherbtan reinvent the wheel I thought I might ask
Oh great, can you work out a way I can do this without "stepping on your toes" all the time?
lphuberdeauyou just need to load a profile and send it to the installer [15:49]
MatWho_ok I will have a play! See what I can do with it. Thanks Ding - 2 mins is up. [15:50]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14802 /trunk/ (8 files in 3 dirs): [MOD]calendar: status can be optional + status can be displayed or not in calendar view mode + sttaus can be displayed or not in popup + fix default status [17:37]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by matwho :: r 14803 /trunk/css/spanky.css: [FIX] Adjusted the css so that the Magic menu bar is legible in Safari and presumably Konqueror as well. Also removed some ugly padding seen in IE. [18:27]
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nikhilodeonhi - i am trying to use a plugin to reference a javascript .js file but keep getting the white blank screen of death whenever i try to click save on a quickedit page...anyone have any suggestions? [18:51]
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MatWho_which plug-in or are you writing one? [18:56]
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nikhilodeonMatWho_ this is a custom plugin [19:14]
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MatWho_sorry about the delay are you still there? [19:24]
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nikhilodeonMatWho_ yes I am here
have you run into that issue before?
MatWho_ok sorry I had to eat!!
so what are you trying to do
nikhilodeonMatWho_ : well, basically I am trying to throw in an external javascript form, to do some ajax
sorry javascript file
so i tried a proof of concept with a helloworld.js through the plugin - no luck
MatWho_so can I see the php file put it on http://sh.nu/p [20:17]
PS|botSVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 14804 /trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [KIL] tiki setup: remove some PHP4 compatibility files since it's no more supported in 3.x+ [20:20]
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nikhilodeon__http://sh.nu/p/24924 [20:23]
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nikhilodeon__MatWho_ - just posted the file in sh.nu [20:23]
MatWho_ok just counting " marks!
try this http://sh.nu/p/24925 with } at end
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nikhilodeon__MatWho_ jeez - i must be going blind; can't believe I didn't see that - thanks for that - it worked [20:36]
MatWho_8) [20:36]
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lphuberdeauMatWho_, http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/Event+Management+System now provides a credible example for plugin alias [21:28]
MatWho_looking right now thanks [21:28]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14808 /branches/experimental/upgrade/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] Invalidate cache when modifying plugin alias
SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14807 /branches/experimental/upgrade/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [NEW] Display tracker items on a timeline
MatWho_lphuberdeau: yes great example. I will then want to create a wiki page with the contents in it already, including an invocation of the plug-in [21:33]
lphuberdeauproblem is that examples require dates
kind of annoying to generate bad data in a profile
perhaps the profile page should document examples rather than create them
PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14809 /branches/experimental/upgrade/ (5 files in 5 dirs): [ROLLBACK] Wrong branch... [21:36]
MatWho_lphuberdeau: just thinking a bit more. You know the longer term consequences of the profile system will be that future enhancements to TW especially plug-ins will become very long winded with loads of parameters, to support lots of different profiles. It will make using plug-ins directly much harder. [21:37]
lphuberdeauhum, not really
have you looked at the trackerlist plugin recently?
MatWho_lphuberdeau: back to your point about demo data - when you load the profile, cant you just ask for replacements for the demo data
lphuberdeau: the data in the YAML could be the default
what bit of trackerlist plugin is of interest?
lphuberdeauthe parameter list, which is terribly long and scary [21:42]
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MatWho_yes, that's my point - it is trying to do everything and so it needs lots of parameters. When some of us are using your profiles we will demand more and more parameters on all the plugins. [21:43]
lphuberdeauI don't see the point, the problem was terrible before arrival of profiles [21:44]
MatWho_ok, you are pouring fuel on the fire :)
which is good! if you like profiles - not if you are a wiki page writer
what about the demo data issue. "demo data values" = "default values" for questions at profile load time
lphuberdeauI just don't see significant questions to ask for that profile [21:49]
MatWho_How about: schedule - lower? Upper? start date? etc [21:51]
lphuberdeauthing is, an event is likely to use multiple of those [21:52]
PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14810 /trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [NEW] Display tracker items on a timeline [21:52]
lphuberdeaulike one per day [21:52]
MatWho_just to get things going, but for other things it could be much more useful. For example How many products do you sell?
back to the schedule, yes so in this case it would just be usefull to have a single example all ready to copy after the load
lphuberdeauthat's not going to happen [21:54]
MatWho_why do you say its not going to happen? Do you mean no mat you are going to have to write some php to do that sort of thing? [21:55]
lphuberdeaulike ask questions and loop based on the value
I don't want this to become a programming language
sorry yes was for the first question. We have PHP for programming
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PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14811 /trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] Invalidate cache when modifying plugin alias [21:58]
MatWho_I need to spend some "still time" working out what I think about this. But your work is fantastic, it is really going to transform TW [21:58]
At the moment I seem to spend all my TW time fixing/enhancing the webmail feature. I really need to add IMAP and secure POP but that is so boring! [22:03]
lphuberdeauyou are the first person I see taking care of that feature in a long time
you really use it?
MatWho_well its quite important for a charity to be able to answer emails!! [22:08]
PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14812 /branches/2.0/tiki-editpage.php: [BACKPORT] Second part of the sanitization fix [22:08]
lphuberdeauright... but can't you hook them up to gmail like everyone else? [22:08]
MatWho_so I have decided to make the webmail system more a group email Q management system, ideal for a group to monitor and manage a generic incoming email list such as help@charity.org [22:09]
lphuberdeauthat sounds like a good idea [22:11]
MatWho_it will be much more useful integrated in to TW because as they open a mail it will look for relevant wiki/tracker information and build a history so the user can provide an informed reply All without moving between e-mail and wiki. It will be a joy! [22:11]
lphuberdeauI don't think it's reasonable for us to compete against large, general-purpose webmail clients, but for a niche, it should be possible [22:12]
MatWho_Exactly, I see it more as a team responsibility management system. Who did what to who with which email [22:13]
lphuberdeauhelpful to avoid double-responses as well [22:13]
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lphuberdeauin fact, you could probably open a tracker item for each email [22:13]
MatWho_Yes so I have beefed up the message flags - so if you mark an email q as public, If you set a flag on a mail everyone else sees it as well. So while you are working on it someone else can get on with the next unflagged one
yes the tracker idea is what I am planning to do. My plan A is to look up the from: email address and decide if we know the person already. If not create a wiki page, with a new tracker to hold all the future correspondence, emails, course bookings etc
now you ca see why I asked those questions earlier. About creating a wiki page with a tracker plugin already in it
ca = can
lphuberdeaualmost ;)
but yes, trackers can create wiki pages
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lphuberdeauarrrrggggg... can't type anymore [22:20]
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agentileamette were you involved in the anti scripting code for sanitazion.php? [22:20]
MatWho_trackers can create wiki pages. Where is that in doc.tw.o [22:20]
lphuberdeaumatt, just read the following sentences [22:21]
ametteagentile: no [22:21]
MatWho_amette: hi [22:22]
amettehi MatWho_ :)
you're heavily into coding as I see from commit-mails! ;)
agentileso any idea who was involved? [22:22]
ametteGreat stuff! :)
hmm, check svn log?
lphuberdeauagentile, Nyloth handled most of the security issue
don't know who did the code thought
MatWho_lphuberdeau: am I still waiting or did I misunderstand :) [22:24]
francklphuberdeau: we need to fix an issue urgently, the issue is that is sanitise the text in a mapfile due to the editor... [22:24]
MatWho_lphuberdeau: i am waiting ... [22:24]
agentileyep thats the issue [22:24]
lphuberdeaumatwho - confusion came from typing dyslexia [22:25]
agentileit will be easier if nyloth joins the chat.the problem is that we are trying to determine what inserts the <x> into map file [22:26]
lphuberdeaufranck, hum... feel free to fix it... basically you just need to perform replacements [22:26]
franckok will look in the code... [22:26]
lphuberdeausanitization is called from tiki-setup_base.php ... performed on all input [22:27]
need to create an exception I think
lphuberdeauyou somewhat need to unsanitize it if you know the ouput is not HTML and properly filtered
no exceptions made in that file... lower code needs to handle it
franckyes output is not HTML and plain text [22:27]
lphuberdeaujust str_replace( '<x>', '', $foo ) on the values
there are quite a few of those all around the code by now
really annoying, but it's for the greater good...
franckok I see...
yes good idea
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lphuberdeauwell, I'll stop working really soon, so if there are any more questions, ask now [22:36]
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.... (idle for 16mn)
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ricks99ping sylvieg [22:55]
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