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Who | What | When | |
Mary | i just checked on another pc nothing
i have had nothing but problems with them mochahost =[ | [00:05] | |
Norrin_Rrr | and just this site is bad ?
u can reach other sites ? | [00:06] | |
Mary | yes i can
all other sites | [00:08] | |
Norrin_Rrr | twilight zone ?
;à ;) | [00:08] | |
Mary | they must of blocked my ip some how
http://www.vistainter.com/reviews/M/mochahost.com/ nothing new apparently | [00:09] | |
Norrin_Rrr | do you have a dynamic IP ? | [00:09] | |
Mary | dont know what you mean? | [00:09] | |
Norrin_Rrr | your internet access either give u a static IP or a dynamic one | [00:10] | |
Mary | where is everyone here norrin usually this place is jumping 1 sec let me check | [00:10] | |
Norrin_Rrr | with a dynamic u can change it by resetting the connexion | [00:10] | |
Mary | i dont kniow it doesnt matter let me ask why dont the hosts jsut updat to the newer tiki
automatically tikiwiki should implement something like a auto update | [00:11] | |
Norrin_Rrr | you mean they provide site ready to use ? | [00:12] | |
Mary | yes but it is 1.9 | [00:12] | |
Norrin_Rrr | but only have 1.8
1.9 | [00:12] | |
Mary | yea | [00:12] | |
Norrin_Rrr | well it should be possible to install 2.x, simply do it manually
do u know what is SSH ? start with a totally blank site | [00:13] | |
Mary | i do have a blank site | [00:14] | |
Norrin_Rrr | do u know what is SSH ? | [00:14] | |
Mary | no | [00:14] | |
Norrin_Rrr | ah its important | [00:15] | |
Mary | dont know =[ | [00:15] | |
Norrin_Rrr | its simple, ssh is just a shell console on the host
it allows to type command on the distant computer U need a ssh connexion to install TW by hand ur provider should allow this, very likely just upload by FTP the tikiwiki zip file on ur site then connect urself with SSH u should reach your directory that way and see the archive | [00:15] | |
Mary | no its ok norrin
i wanna a fresh install | [00:19] | |
Norrin_Rrr | there should be a command to decompress type "unzip tikiwiki.zip"
then u need to set some rights manually its written in the doc enter the tikiwiki directory and type the comand to set the rights | [00:19] | |
Mary | its ok i am going to cry for a lil while i will be back =[ | [00:20] | |
Norrin_Rrr | :-| | [00:20] | |
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Norrin_Rrr | Q: how to perform the 2.0 ->2.1 upgrade just decompress/copy the file in the tikiwiki dir ? | [00:25] | |
amette | and then run tiki-install.php again to perform the DB upgrade | [00:29] | |
Norrin_Rrr | Q: probably sh setup.sh ? | [00:30] | |
amette | that might be good, too ;) | [00:30] | |
Norrin_Rrr | amette, are you sure for the DB upgrade ? the doc don't say that | [00:30] | |
amette | http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Upgrade | [00:31] | |
Norrin_Rrr | "This release contains multiple bug fixes and preventive security corrections. No database update required by this release." | [00:31] | |
amette | if the release notes tell it, then it's true
2.0->2.1 - I just noticed - yes, should really be true | [00:31] | |
Norrin_Rrr | oki
well the site doesn't seem to complain :) | [00:31] | |
amette | :)
still it is one of the facts in tw-community that it never does harm to run the DB-upgrade script.... so if you feel like making sure - just do it | [00:32] | |
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Roxanne has joined #tikiwiki Roxanne has quit IRC (Client Quit) | [00:37] | |
Norrin_Rrr | amette, good to know | [00:44] | |
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Mary | hello everyone i am having a hard time installing 2.o my host provides 1.9 is it easier to just upgrade? | [00:47] | |
amette | Mary: sorry, I don't understand your question. | [00:48] | |
Mary | i am having a hard time installking tiki wik 2.o | [00:49] | |
amette | yes | [00:49] | |
Mary | my host already has 1.9 ready to install should i just update the 1.9 | [00:50] | |
amette | why? | [00:50] | |
Mary | because i cant install 2.0 | [00:50] | |
amette | well, my first guess is: if you don't have any chance to upload a 2.0 then you won't have any chance to upload a 2.0 for an upgrade either....
... but as I said: I don't really understand your question (circumstances). | [00:50] | |
Mary | i cant pull the file up in my browser tiki-install.php | [00:51] | |
amette | hmmm, I don't know hosting companies...
... so hard to tell for me (whatever hosting company you got)... | [00:51] | |
Mary | mocha host provirdes clients with the 1.9 | [00:52] | |
amette | ... but this seems more or less like a tough one. | [00:52] | |
Mary | www.mochahost.com | [00:52] | |
amette | ah, cPanel | [00:53] | |
Mary | i have read and watched all tutorials and still can not get the install file to open in my browser to start using tiki
yes c panel | [00:53] | |
amette | ok, don't know much about it - sorry :-/
have you looked through tw.o forums? | [00:53] | |
Mary | my host wont assist me on this at all becuase it deals with 3rd party in fact they have now blocked me from getting live support =[ | [00:53] | |
amette | wow | [00:53] | |
Mary | yes i have done nothing wrong
i should be able to pull it up in the browser but can not 12 hours straight with this =[ | [00:53] | |
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amette | ouch
yo chibaguy :) | [00:54] | |
Mary | i feel like crying is that ok to admit =[ | [00:55] | |
amette | sure | [00:55] | |
chibaguy | did I come at a bad time? ;-) | [00:55] | |
Mary | yes mary cant install tiki wiki
=[ | [00:55] | |
amette | chibaguy: no, personal confessions aren't made in public channels.. ;)
chibaguy: are you going to Montreal? Do you know already? | [00:55] | |
Mary | so amette is it easier to update? | [00:56] | |
amette | Mary: I got no idea | [00:56] | |
chibaguy | amette, I hope so, and should know today or tomorrow. | [00:56] | |
Mary | oh =[ | [00:56] | |
amette | chibaguy: please let me know - I cancelled this project yesterday and then found out that marc talked Simmi into going - so now I could have a cheap flight and yesterday my boss was very positive overall - so I might ask him for special holidays.... well, if you would come for sure, I wouldn't think twice any more.... ;) | [00:57] | |
Mary | i need help
anyone ? is this tiki wiki support? | [00:58] | |
chibaguy | ok amette, I will try. | [00:58] | |
amette | chibaguy: cool | [00:58] | |
Mary | please someone help me =[ | [00:58] | |
chibaguy | Mary, I'm reading the log to see your situation (not that means I can help, necessarily). | [00:58] | |
Mary | i need help
ok ty = [ boohoo | [00:58] | |
amette | Mary: we are all volunteers - if you want guaranteed support with fees, contracts and penalties - then you need to buy it | [00:59] | |
chibaguy | Where are you installing Tiki? On your own server or hosted? | [00:59] | |
Mary | hosted server | [01:00] | |
chibaguy | You used ftp to upload the files? | [01:00] | |
Mary | yes
amette i understand you cant hel me it is ok i have chibaguy helping me now thanks though | [01:00] | |
chibaguy | So the Tiki installation is in a subdirectory of your web root? | [01:01] | |
amette | ok, shift changeover - I'm going to bed - have a good time, Gary ;) | [01:01] | |
Mary | night night | [01:01] | |
chibaguy | OK, amette, thanks. | [01:01] | |
Mary | sweet dreams | [01:01] | |
amette | thanks, thanks | [01:01] | |
Mary | toodaloo
chow chibaguy thank you for all of your support | [01:01] | |
chibaguy | chibaguy comes back with coffee. | [01:04] | |
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chibaguy | .... | [01:05] | |
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.......................zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.................. HELP ME | [01:05] | |
chibaguy | Mary, stay calm, please ;-) | [01:06] | |
Mary | ok
=[ | [01:06] | |
chibaguy | Breathe deeply...
... that's it... | [01:06] | |
Mary | I cant get tikiwiki to open in my browser
my host wont give me support | [01:06] | |
chibaguy | You can see the files, in your ftp program?
..on your serer...? server | [01:06] | |
Mary | yes
sure | [01:07] | |
chibaguy | what happens if you enter a url like this: (yourdomain)/styles/tikineat.css ? | [01:07] | |
Mary | the url that c panel gives me for the file the tiki-install.php wont open in browser | [01:07] | |
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Mary | i never tried other files | [01:08] | |
chibaguy | Well, I'd say never mind cpanel. Just point your web browser to the url where Tiki ought to be, like yourdomain/tiki/ or whereever you put it. | [01:08] | |
Mary | are you saying to try other files give me one i should try
i did that | [01:08] | |
chibaguy | ok, what subdirectory is Tikiwiki in? | [01:09] | |
Mary | 1 sec
i have it in public html when i click on file they give me a url but it does not work | [01:09] | |
chibaguy | So, what happens if you go to your web site's home, like www.maryswebsite.com ? | [01:12] | |
Mary | i havent created any pages or anything yet my site will be based on tikiwiki
here is my site www.reviewnreport.com | [01:12] | |
chibaguy | Well, I'm sorry but this is a problem mochahost has to solve. It doesn't actually involve Tikiwiki.
Once your server is working, then we'll be happy to help you get TIkiwiki up and running. | [01:14] | |
Mary | o k i'll b back | [01:15] | |
chibaguy | http://www.reviewnreport.com/styles/tikineat.css doesn't turn up a file either
that should show without any processing, so paths might be messed up on the server. Sorry. | [01:15] | |
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agvivino | who is your host? | [01:16] | |
chibaguy | agvivino, she logged off, but she said mochahost.com. | [01:17] | |
agvivino | looks like hostgator | [01:17] | |
Norrin_Rrr | Good night to everybody !! :) | [01:17] | |
agvivino | oic | [01:17] | |
chibaguy | g'night Norrin_Rrr | [01:17] | |
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agvivino | Hi All... Is there a diff between tiki_p_edit_categorized and tiki_p_edit_categories? | [01:21] | |
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Mary | I am not able to acces my hosts site can anyone else? www.mochahost.com | [01:21] | |
agvivino | yes - I did but it was very slow | [01:22] | |
chibaguy | I got it ok. | [01:22] | |
Mary | how is it than that i can not? | [01:22] | |
agvivino | Mary - their admin front looks like hostgator.com are they a middle guy or same company going by diff name?
your cpanel, the port that they have established for admin all the same | [01:22] | |
Mary | i dont know they are suppose to be independent but quite small | [01:23] | |
agvivino | uh huh... | [01:23] | |
Mary | 2 years for 90 bucks not bad support horrible | [01:23] | |
agvivino | your having support issues? | [01:23] | |
Mary | hell yea
they have 3 poeple on support and i have pissed them all off already cause the first 4 days of sign up the site builder wasnt working and i bothered them about it this is day 6 | [01:23] | |
agvivino | you just started with them? | [01:24] | |
Mary | 2 days of wikitikibiki pestering
yes 6 days now | [01:24] | |
agvivino | they are reselling hostgator - I'd almost eat my hat if they are not... | [01:25] | |
Mary | i still have nothing accomplished except tiki 2.0 in a file on my hosts server = [
i wanna cry really =[ they are cheaper than gator but less support | [01:25] | |
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chibaguy | Maybe helpful: http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFriendlyHosts | [01:26] | |
Mary | yea too late for that i am not switching
once i am up and rinning i should be good | [01:27] | |
chibaguy | good luck, then. :-| | [01:27] | |
agvivino | have you tried putting a basic straight index.htm in the www file to see if you can access? | [01:27] | |
Mary | i wanna know why i cant acces there site can someone else hit there live support up for me and tell them that reviewnrepot cant access their page | [01:28] | |
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agvivino | I'll do it | [01:28] | |
Mary | that is www.reviewnreport.com
please thanks you will see what i mean | [01:28] | |
chibaguy | http://www.reviewnreport.com/favicon.png produces a 404 error.
So either the files weren't uploaded to the right place, or the server isn't serving anything correctly. | [01:29] | |
Mary | i know =[ i am so upset guys really i havent been able to sleep
they wont help me at all brb i need to get a tissue =[ | [01:29] | |
chibaguy | Mary, your health is the most important thing. | [01:30] | |
agvivino | <<< looking at "live help" window and little green dots scrolling across window
oh here tehy are Mary I have them on the line | [01:30] | |
Mary | yes | [01:31] | |
agvivino | just tell them you cant access them but can everyone else right? | [01:32] | |
Mary | well i cant acces there page in win or firefox
i sent email to support yes ty it is tod right? | [01:32] | |
agvivino | yeah
his response after all that I said is "tod: yes, and what can we do for you? " he's asking whey you sent the email | [01:33] | |
Mary | why | [01:33] | |
agvivino | prob so he can look for it | [01:34] | |
Mary | ok 1 sec
ticket [#WAL-270008] | [01:34] | |
agvivino | I just pasted that in | [01:35] | |
Mary | and thanks agvivino apreciate it
=] | [01:35] | |
agvivino | no worries | [01:35] | |
Mary | was it tod you spoke too | [01:35] | |
agvivino | yes - in live chat with him now. | [01:35] | |
Mary | tell him he is an ahole
no dont =[ | [01:35] | |
agvivino | he has not yet responded to my post giving him your ticket numbe | [01:35] | |
Mary | he is checking
1 person does everything sales support when i complain about someone they reads the email =[ | [01:36] | |
agvivino | ummmmtod:
Im afraid that there is nothing that I can do. You will just have to wait for a responce to your ticket was his response | [01:37] | |
Mary | i know | [01:38] | |
agvivino | then he basically closed the session out on me
I asked him how long for a response | [01:38] | |
Mary | that is the usual response =]
could be 24 hours | [01:38] | |
agvivino | he said "a couple of hours" or something like that | [01:38] | |
Mary | yea i knwo
horrible | [01:38] | |
agvivino | then I asked him if he "really wanted me to post his response back" to you in the IRC channel where there are a good number of people | [01:39] | |
chibaguy | Mary, did you pay by credit card? I wonder if you can cancel payment or something. | [01:39] | |
agvivino | he said that pasting his response "wouldn't be necessary" | [01:39] | |
Mary | i never thought it would be this hard to get started =[
lol thta sfunny i dont wanna cancel they are cheap | [01:39] | |
agvivino | my serious recommendation is to cancel with them and move to hostgator. You wont' loose any time in learning curve they look to be exactly the same. | [01:40] | |
chibaguy | If cheap and useless, then what's the point? | [01:40] | |
agvivino | you can get the same price from hostgator if you do a long term 1 or 2 year pay upfront... or what I do is 10 bucks a month | [01:40] | |
Mary | it will cost too much i dont have much money this is my last shot at making money i lost my job | [01:40] | |
agvivino | and tikiwiki is SIMPPLEEE to install
I'm in the same boat | [01:40] | |
Mary | i know it should be it is really my lack of pc knowledge | [01:41] | |
agvivino | Mary - message me | [01:41] | |
Mary | i know a lot are with recession | [01:41] | |
chibaguy | hostrocket.com is just as cheap and has terrific service. | [01:41] | |
Mary | hostgator is good
well 2 late ? mesage dont understand? | [01:41] | |
chibaguy | so the point is there are alternatives. maybe it's better to cut your losses now and switch. | [01:41] | |
agvivino | I've got to run but want to give you my email address - I have an option to help you | [01:42] | |
Mary | i am no quitter guys it is just a lil road bump i will get through it
ok hey i can get on their page now! | [01:42] | |
agvivino | Mary - I've got to run but look for me later I have an option for you... | [01:44] | |
Mary | ok you got it! | [01:45] | |
hey guys her is the chat that just took place i am todd_0 the tech is todd
Tod_0 : Question Hello i am having trouble bringing a file up in my browser can you talk me through it please? Domain Name reviewnreport.com tod : Welcome to MochaHost's Live Help ! How may I help you ? tod : You allready have an open ticket, please wait for a responce to that ticket. We will contact you as soon as we have any information concerning your problem. tod : It was pleasure serving you. Please do not he great support huh =[ | [01:52] | ||
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tomb_ has joined #tikiwiki
Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki | [02:03] | ||
Mary | hello | [02:05] | |
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danopia has quit IRC (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) | [02:06] | |
chibaguy | Mary, sorry, but this is the Tikiwiki support channel and not for hosting problems not related to Tiki. Just to remind you. We feel your pain but the channel log shouldn't be filled with non-Tiki conversation, for people searching through for into, etc.
I hope that comes across ok. | [02:07] | |
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Mary | ok no prob
well let me ask you than should i just install the tikiwiki that they provide me the 1.9 and update it? | [02:14] | |
Caarrie | to update it also the same process as installing new
*almost | [02:15] | |
Mary | oh do you not think it will be easier since the c panel installs the 1.9 itself | [02:16] | |
Caarrie | no
it could cause a few more issues | [02:16] | |
Mary | oh ge wiz
is there that much of a improvement over 1.9 | [02:17] | |
Caarrie | i did that once with another package and it set the usergroup for all the files to another usergroup other then me, so i had issues
yes | [02:17] | |
Mary | oh =[ | [02:18] | |
chibaguy | Mary, I think if mochahost provides the service it should, then you should be able to install Tiki 2.0 -- well, 2.1 is out now -- easily.
Or, doing the upgrade is easy, too. But the key is having the domain host do its job properly, either way. | [02:18] | |
Mary | yea i meant 2.1
well i have nothing to lose i will let the fantistico istall 1.9 | [02:19] | |
Caarrie | then you still have to upload all the tw files and set the db up | [02:20] | |
Mary | i need to upload files it does not install it on its own | [02:21] | |
chibaguy | You need to be able to get files in your web directory, like favicon.png, without an error, first.
or changelog.txt or other files that should display even if Tiki isn't working yet. If these files give a 404 file not found error, and you say you FTPed them to your web root, then something's wrong with the server. | [02:21] | |
Mary | i have already uploaded 2.1 to a directory | [02:25] | |
chibaguy | To public_html, right? | [02:25] | |
Mary | correct | [02:25] | |
chibaguy | Then http://www.reviewnreport.com/changelog.txt should show that text file. | [02:25] | |
Mary | so what exactly have i done wrong (it does not show) | [02:26] | |
Caarrie | we have no idea | [02:26] | |
chibaguy | Ah, just thought of something: did you unzip the files before uploading them? | [02:27] | |
Mary | i uploaded this file hang on i will link you
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/tikiwiki/tikiwiki-2.1.zip?modtime=1222188270&big_mirror=1 | [02:27] | |
Caarrie | you need to unzip it first then upload it | [02:28] | |
Mary | i unzipped used my ftp put it in its own folder in the public_html directory that was it | [02:28] | |
Caarrie | and what is the name of that folder it went into? | [02:28] | |
chibaguy | So you used ftp to upload a lot of separate files, etc? | [02:29] | |
Mary | i i named it tikiwiki | [02:29] | |
Caarrie | like this http://www.reviewnreport.com/tikiwiki ?
looks like a problem with your hosting setup | [02:30] | |
Mary | no i unzipped all files on my desktop into a fresh folder than i took that folder and used the ftp to bring it in
really carrie? | [02:30] | |
Caarrie | might be
put in a support ticket with your hosting company they can help better then we can | [02:31] | |
chibaguy | Yes, a problem. http://www.reviewnreport.com/tikiwiki produces an internal server error, not a 404 page not found error. | [02:31] | |
Mary | i have for days now maybe i should go with phpwiki | [02:32] | |
chibaguy | So the file or directory is found, but isn't being served. | [02:32] | |
Mary | not sure | [02:32] | |
Caarrie | Mary: i dont think that will fix anything | [02:32] | |
Mary | how can i tell | [02:32] | |
Caarrie | ask your hosting company to take a look | [02:32] | |
chibaguy | Mary, this has nothing to do with Tikiwiki -- it's your server configuration, as far as I can tell. | [02:32] | |
Caarrie | you pay them so they _should_ help you | [02:32] | |
Mary | i think so too
they say this is third party | [02:32] | |
Caarrie | Mary: do you have a simple html file you can upload? | [02:33] | |
Mary | that is why i posted my convo to show you how they work with me | [02:33] | |
chibaguy | Like we said, if mochahost doesn't give you satisfaction, move to a new company. That's my advice. | [02:33] | |
Mary | right but thisis alot of guessing chiba we dont know excatly do we
simple html? | [02:33] | |
Caarrie | ask your hosting company they _do_ know
a normal html doc nothing that is php | [02:34] | |
chibaguy | Caarrie, the changelog.txt file should display even if Tiki isn't operating yet. | [02:34] | |
Caarrie | unless there is a problem with the folder | [02:34] | |
chibaguy | But I get an Internal Server Error. | [02:34] | |
Mary | can you type exactly what i should ask them guys maybe i am not using right terms cause i am not all that pc swift | [02:34] | |
Caarrie | there is a problem with my hosting, no pages are showing i am getting an internal server error, help me
^^ | [02:35] | |
Mary | ok
ok chattin with them now carrie thank you so much do you want me to let you know what they say? | [02:35] | |
Caarrie | just if you can get tw installed and working ;) | [02:38] | |
Mary | he said i have a open ticket and than closed session
he is mad at me | [02:39] | |
Caarrie | should not be as you are paying them | [02:39] | |
Mary | well nothing i can do thank you all for your support i apreciate it night | [02:40] | |
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Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping | [02:54] | ||
chibaguy | chibaguy thinks Mary should switch from mochahost to espressohost..... | [02:55] | |
........... (idle for 51mn) | |||
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agvivino has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | [04:07] | ||
chibaguy | Links vs. buttons in web design: http://discuss.joelonsoftware.com/default.asp?design.4.403046.14 . Interesting discussion.
"Links should _only_ be used for navigation . . . . Something that is going to change data or throwaway data should be a button. . . ." -- one opinion. Sound reasonable? (Was thinking about this related to styling of <a> tags in Tiki tpls... | [04:11] | |
Also: "If it tells the computer your intentions or performs a specific action it's a button." "If it's [for navigation] but doesn't impact data it's a link." (http://www.raizlabs.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=26) | [04:25] | ||
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chibaguy | So looking at, say, an image gallery navbar, we have List Galleries Edit Gallery Rebuild Thumbnails Upload Image Perms List Gallery All Images.
For each, navigation? or action? These are all a.linkbut, btw, so should be styled as buttons. I guess even though "List Galleries" navigates to a new page with the list, it is considered implementing an action? gray area Anyway, I hope that's the assumption, since it's in a row of buttons and would look strange there as a normal link. chibaguy thinking maybe links/buttons in themes I've done need to be looked at again... Strictly speaking, "List Galleries" should probably not be in the navbar row of buttons. It should, as a navigation link, be maybe above the row, implying the hierarchy. ...Similarly, List Blogs on the blog page (which has a linkbut class) should not be styled as a button. That's a clear case. Actually div.navbar, containing the "buttons", is named wrong, as it contains action buttons, not navigation links, mostly. But maybe that's getting too anal. | [04:42] | |
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chibaguy | ooh, facebook killed my opera 9.27.... | [05:27] | |
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agvivino | Hey All
wondering if there is a difference between tiki_p_edit_categorized and tiki_p_edit_categories I'm going through a procedure for setting up access according to http://www.oops-again.co.uk/tiki-index.php?page=Approval%20System&structure=001 and not sure if I'm facing a typo or something is wrong with my setup which is why I have a categoriZED and not a categorIES | [05:50] | |
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agvivino | belay my last - I found that there is a difference but ??? don't have the option of checking it off...
grrr | [05:55] | |
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chibaguy | agvivino, tiki_p_edit_categories refers to the categories themselves, not their contents. _categorized refers to the categories' contents.
oh, you found that out already, I see.... | [06:03] | |
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agvivino | <<< is an almost bald guy pulling out what remaining hair he has left
I'm in Assign permissions to category screen... the procedure I'm following suggests that I should have 4 options in the Assign Perms drop down menu but I only have 2 I read somewhere else when I wasn't looking for this that in a later verson there are more options??? but can't remember where that was because I've been so many places does any of this make sense to anyone? | [06:22] | |
chibaguy | agvivino, yes, that sounds familiar....
I don't recall the solution, though. Is this a new Tiki installation, or an upgraded older one. | [06:29] | |
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Paragtim | chibaguy - Gday, Hopefully you are the right person to ask. I have been asked if the options in the menu module could be surrounded by dashes. I'm pretty sure that border: dashed will do the job but can you tell me what the stylesheet option name might be? | [07:22] | |
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luciash | polom | [09:15] | |
Simmi | luciash: Polom | [09:17] | |
luciash | Paragtim: try .linkmenu (ctrl+shift+f in web developer toolbar FF add-on will tell you)
hi Simmi :) are you _that_ Suzanne ? | [09:17] | |
Simmi | _that_ = _the_ ;-)
And yes.. | [09:19] | |
luciash | Simmi: yep, true :) just finished writing and sent you a short mail
are you from austria ? | [09:22] | |
Simmi | Check your reply. | [09:25] | |
luciash | thank you | [09:25] | |
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Paragtim | hi luciash - Thanks for the pointer. Its nearly where I want to be. I've added border: 1px dashed to the css and it does indeed put a border around the link. However thats not what i thought I wanted. I want to put a border around the cell that the .linkmenu item sits in. Any ideas on what thats called? | [09:31] | |
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luciash | Paragtim: you can add display: block to .linkmenu, maybe that helps | [09:32] | |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 14933 /trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] Better fix for plugin replacement pb in header | [09:32] | |
Paragtim | Please excuse my ignorance - what is display: block ? | [09:33] | |
luciash | forces inline tag (such as <a> tag is) to block type
it's CSS | [09:34] | |
Paragtim | I need to learn more css ;) - thank you. am installing ff web dev toolbar as we speak | [09:35] | |
luciash | Paragtim: yep, that's very useful stuff... _must have_ add-on in FF ;) | [09:36] | |
Paragtim | Just dropped the cursor over the item i'm trying to fix. There is a lot to be said for ignorance is bliss. I've just realized how little I know ! | [09:39] | |
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sylvieg | has somebody else the same problem, sourceforge is not sending all the svn commit . Yesterday I did not received the 14919, 1492, 23,27,28,29,30 :-(
and I so the commit on IRC | [11:14] | |
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lphuberdeau_ | sylvieg... same... has been going on for a few days already | [11:33] | |
erwan_taf | sylvieg: I got an email from sourceforge about a migration process
maybe svn in impacted by this | [11:40] | |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 14934 /trunk/templates/header.tpl: [ENH] include PHPLayer code only if PHPLayers is activated | [11:47] | |
ricks99 | q: is there a way to "mass specify" the languages for wiki pages? is it enough to simply change the "LANG" column in the db for the tiki_pages? or are there other tables affected? | [11:50] | |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 14935 /trunk/templates/modules/mod-quick_edit.tpl: [FIX] fix small JS syntax error in IE | [11:50] | |
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Paragtim | Hi all. Asked a question earlier about putting a dashed box around the items in the main menu. Luciash pointed me in the direction of .linkmenu. It almost does what I want in so much as it puts a box around the linkmenu text. The problem with this is I can't make it 100% of the column width. I think I should be amending the cell that sits behind .linkmenu and bordering that, but I can't figure out what it is called. Can anyon | [12:16] | |
sorry for the caps | [12:21] | |
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ricks99 | hm... really wish tiki had a 'translation dashboard'.... | [12:23] | |
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stix | hi guys. Do you know if there is an event-like feature in tikiwiki? Where you post an event with a description and then users can click if they want to attend and they can see other attenders. | [12:33] | |
sylvieg | there is a user subscription tracker field that looks like a little like taht to - but its cares also about invitation... | [12:42] | |
stix | hmm I'll look into that | [12:43] | |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14937 /trunk/templates/footer.tpl: [FIX]javascript: display box if no javascript | [12:49] | |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14938 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]fgal: memo only some vars in self link + a hr when javascript is not on | [12:57] | |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14939 /trunk/templates/module.tpl: [FIX]module: do not show toggle button if no javascript | [13:03] | |
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sylvieg | snif ... rss is a plugin now? the style has changed | [13:37] | |
lphuberdeau_ | no
{rss id=x} still works | [13:44] | |
sylvieg | :-( the plugin RSS has not at all the same style that the smarty rss | [13:44] | |
lphuberdeau_ | in fact, that syntax works for all plugins now | [13:45] | |
sylvieg | {trss goes to the plugin now
it does not use anymore the smarty function | [13:45] | |
lphuberdeau_ | I didn't really look deeply into it, but it seemed to call the same lib in the ned
end* | [13:47] | |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 14940 /trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] fix replacement in Tiki parser... | [13:57] | |
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sylvieg | I never understoos why the result of a plugin is parsed again and should have ~np~ : feature or bug? | [14:23] | |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14941 /trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_rss.php: [FIX]rss: align the plugin displays to the smarty displays as {rss} is now interpreted as a plugin + add np not to parse again the result | [14:23] | |
macjaeger | i guess that's needed to enable plugin-nesting? | [14:24] | |
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macjaeger | one plugin might generate source that makes use of other plugins | [14:24] | |
lphuberdeau_ | sylvieg... feature... plugins return wiki syntax | [14:24] | |
sylvieg | ok thx ... so some are still missing ~np~ | [14:25] | |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 14942 /trunk/templates/tiki-browse_freetags.tpl: [FIX] Fix typo introduce in rev 14871... | [14:25] | |
lq_896 | Hello - I am dying trying to figure out how to get a dsn connection to mssql in tiki 2.0. It works with mysql. any help?
An error is returned that "page cannot be displayed" | [14:26] | |
lphuberdeau_ | probably was a while before tiki was tested on mssql
wouldn't be surprised if it did not work | [14:27] | |
lq_896 | I am looking to return database query results into a web page. Basically, if I follow the same format as I did for mysql and adminDSN, I am not doing anything wrong?? | [14:28] | |
lphuberdeau_ | you configured PHP with mssql support? | [14:29] | |
sylvieg | there is a special perm too | [14:31] | |
lq_896 | I will look at the php config. All i need to modfy is the php.ini file, right? | [14:41] | |
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lphuberdeau_ | windows or linux?
on linux, you had to install something called FreeTDS ... but that was a few years ago... see php.net/mssql on windows, I have never done it | [14:46] | |
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lq_896 | mssql is in Windows... the tikiwiki server is on Linux.
I am working on it now... will let you know what turns up | [14:52] | |
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MatWho | hi all, I have a quick question about trackers. How can I set one up so unregistered visitors can create an item but not view all the other items? Thanks. | [15:10] | |
lq_896 | I'm retarded... It will be a while before I can get this right. | [15:10] | |
GillesMM | hi do you know a hoster supporting tikiwiki and where I can upload 50Mo ie where I can touch the php.ini file ? | [15:14] | |
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Mary-1 | hey guys can anyone help me with tiki installation
hello | [15:17] | |
Simmi | GilesMM: do you need a domain setting up? | [15:18] | |
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Mary-1 | i am having prob istalling tiki this is what my host wrote me
Please delete the directory "tikiwiki" which can be found under "public_html" folder, and re-upload it with the directory structure. Because you uploaded all files in the same directory (without the directory structure) your Wiki installation is not working. what do they mean? | [15:18] | |
Simmi | GilesMM: I ask because, I have an unused domain on my rootserver if you need | [15:19] | |
macjaeger | that means that you have probably unzipped the archive wrong | [15:19] | |
Mary-1 | oh really
so i need to re upload it | [15:19] | |
macjaeger | yes, most definitely | [15:19] | |
Mary-1 | ok | [15:19] | |
macjaeger | but before you do so: | [15:19] | |
Mary-1 | so how do i not do it wrong this time
yes | [15:20] | |
macjaeger | what kind of archive have you downloaded?
.tar.gz ? or .zip? | [15:20] | |
Mary-1 | i have them on my ps's desktop continue
so i take my ftp and transfer them to where on my host *my pc's desktop | [15:20] | |
macjaeger | [17:20] <Mary-1> i have them on my ps's desktop continue <-- i don't understand that...
ah what do you have there? | [15:21] | |
Mary-1 | is my mistake on the transfer? | [15:21] | |
macjaeger | no, most probably _before_ the transfer | [15:22] | |
Mary-1 | i have the tiki 2.1 files on my pc | [15:22] | |
macjaeger | you _should_ have a folder, containing a lot of other folders
and a number of single files | [15:22] | |
Mary-1 | ok what i did was unzipped all the files into a folder that i made on my desktop than took that folder and transfered it into a folder i made on my host
i did | [15:22] | |
macjaeger | so there are a number of folder in that desktop folder? | [15:23] | |
Mary-1 | yes all of the tiki files were preszent | [15:23] | |
macjaeger | i didn't ask for the files
are there folders? | [15:23] | |
Mary-1 | ?
1 sec let me verify there is no folders just files | [15:23] | |
macjaeger | that's the problem | [15:24] | |
Mary-1 | when i unzipped into folder i created there was only files | [15:25] | |
macjaeger | what programm did you use to unzip ? | [15:25] | |
Mary-1 | ok what is up?
the trial version | [15:25] | |
macjaeger | trial version of...? | [15:25] | |
Mary-1 | winzip | [15:25] | |
macjaeger | ah.
thanks :-) | [15:25] | |
Mary-1 | are you kidding me | [15:25] | |
macjaeger | do you still have the original downloaded archive? | [15:25] | |
Mary-1 | meaning what | [15:25] | |
macjaeger | no, i'm just not using winzip
there are _a lot_ of other tools to unzip | [15:26] | |
Mary-1 | i will use whatver you want as long as its free
oh i see now how was i to know that lol | [15:26] | |
macjaeger | we'll get to that in a few seconds | [15:26] | |
Mary-1 | ok cool =] | [15:26] | |
macjaeger | do you still have the original downloaded archive? | [15:26] | |
Mary-1 | i do not understand i still have the folder that i unzipped all the files to | [15:27] | |
macjaeger | thats useless, sorry | [15:27] | |
Mary-1 | ok | [15:27] | |
macjaeger | you need the archive that you originally downloaded
before unzipping | [15:27] | |
Mary-1 | yes i have all of the tiki 2.1 files that i downloaded i downloade all of them because i was not certain which one to use | [15:28] | |
macjaeger | ok | [15:28] | |
Mary-1 | so i have them all =] | [15:28] | |
macjaeger | then lets use tikiwiki-2.1.zip | [15:28] | |
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Mary-1 | should i delete the previous tiki files i uploaded to my host? | [15:29] | |
macjaeger | yes | [15:29] | |
Mary-1 | ok i wanna get that done | [15:29] | |
macjaeger | you should delete the files on the webhost, and that large folder on your desktop | [15:29] | |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14945 /trunk/templates/list_file_gallery_content.tpl: [FIX]fgal: move the popup on the left as the colums in on the right - and it can be nothing else on the right | [15:29] | |
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macjaeger | you only need the tikiwiki-2.1.zip | [15:29] | |
Mary-1 | ok i will delete the others 1 sec | [15:30] | |
macjaeger | don't worry, i'll stay :-) | [15:30] | |
Mary-1 | ok cool ready to rool
*roll | [15:30] | |
macjaeger | ok. | [15:31] | |
Mary-1 | k | [15:31] | |
macjaeger | i don't know why winzip didn't extract the folders, because i don't use that one | [15:31] | |
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macjaeger | i'd use 7-zip | [15:31] | |
Mary-1 | so what do you want me to do as far as unzipping
can you link me | [15:31] | |
macjaeger | found at www.7-zip.org | [15:32] | |
Mary-1 | ok what link from there
2008 | [15:32] | |
macjaeger | yes, the .exe from 4.60 is ok | [15:33] | |
Mary-1 | ok i have it open so do i drag n drop | [15:34] | |
macjaeger | sek, telephone | [15:34] | |
Mary-1 | ?
oh ok =] no prob | [15:34] | |
macjaeger | back
easiest way: right click on tikiwiki-2.1.zip | [15:35] | |
Mary-1 | k | [15:35] | |
macjaeger | from the context menu select 7-zip/extract to "tikiwiki-2.1"
this will automagically unzip | [15:36] | |
Mary-1 | ok
done | [15:36] | |
macjaeger | now you should have a new folder, labelled tikiwiki-2.1 | [15:36] | |
Mary-1 | yes =] | [15:37] | |
macjaeger | and inside, there's ONE other folder
called the same :) | [15:37] | |
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macjaeger | and inside that, there are _many_ folders and files, ok? | [15:37] | |
Mary-1 | ok
yes lol 3 days of this i cant believe thanks so much for helping me | [15:37] | |
macjaeger | now upload these to your host | [15:38] | |
Mary-1 | how
can i take the whole folder | [15:38] | |
macjaeger | what ftp-tool are you using?
yep take the inner tikiwiki-2.1 folder | [15:38] | |
Mary-1 | and upload it to public html
ok now | [15:38] | |
macjaeger | i'd rename the folder to somethin shorter
like just "tiki" upload that to your webroot | [15:39] | |
Mary-1 | should i make a tiki folder in public html on my host to send them to? | [15:39] | |
macjaeger | i don't know what you mean by "public html"
you should have a folder inside your ftp that is the root of your webpage | [15:39] | |
Mary-1 | can you talk me through step by step so i dont make a mistake | [15:40] | |
macjaeger | depends... | [15:40] | |
Mary-1 | ok | [15:40] | |
macjaeger | question: | [15:40] | |
Mary-1 | filezilla
cpanel | [15:40] | |
macjaeger | do you want to use other things on your homepage besides tikiwiki? | [15:41] | |
Mary-1 | no | [15:41] | |
macjaeger | k | [15:41] | |
Mary-1 | my site will be tiki based | [15:41] | |
macjaeger | than it should be safe to upload only the _contents_ of your tikiwiki-2.1 folder to that public html folder | [15:41] | |
Mary-1 | ok | [15:41] | |
macjaeger | just fire up filezilla, connect to your ftp | [15:42] | |
Mary-1 | now shouldnt i upload all of these folders into one folder in my public_html
is that acceptable | [15:42] | |
macjaeger | you _must_ upload all folders
and they have to stay folders | [15:42] | |
Mary-1 | as is to public html | [15:42] | |
macjaeger | tiki depends on that
after upload you should have folders inside public html | [15:42] | |
Mary-1 | really so you mean they have to all be lose in the public html | [15:43] | |
macjaeger | lose? | [15:43] | |
Mary-1 | meaning i need to select all of these folders and drag them into my public_html for transfer | [15:43] | |
macjaeger | right
select everything from inside tikiwiki-2.1 and drag it into public html | [15:44] | |
Mary-1 | i cant just drag the tiki2.1 folder which contains all of these folders and drag that into the public_html | [15:44] | |
macjaeger | filezilla will dive into the folders by itself and create them on your ftp
you could, but then your url would be www.yourdomain.xy/tikiwiki-2.1/... | [15:44] | |
Mary-1 | ok i wont no prob | [15:45] | |
macjaeger | and you want it to be just www.yourdomain.xy | [15:45] | |
Mary-1 | i am going to do it now ok? | [15:45] | |
macjaeger | _if_ you want it to be www.yourdomain.xy/tikiwiki-2.1/... then drag the folder to ftp, but if you want to access your wiki-site at www.yourdomain.xy/... than you should drag the _contents_ of tikiwiki-2.1 to ftp | [15:47] | |
Mary-1 | ok i took the whole folder and am uploading it to my public_html =} | [15:47] | |
macjaeger | ok | [15:47] | |
Mary-1 | thank you so much will you still be on here in a lil bit? | [15:47] | |
macjaeger | after upload, rename the folder to something more simpler
like just "tiki" | [15:47] | |
Mary-1 | i have to wait for transfer but could still use your help
i will | [15:48] | |
macjaeger | I'll be at diner soon, and then my kids will want their daddy to kiss them goodnight | [15:48] | |
SEWilco2 | Mary-1: There may be several here. Just state your question and see if someone has an answer. | [15:48] | |
macjaeger | after upload you can just follow the steps outlined in "installation"
you know your database user and password? | [15:49] | |
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macjaeger | <-- off to dinner | [15:51] | |
Mary-1 | ok thank you so much mac
will see ya on here again ; } | [15:51] | |
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SEWilco2 | doc.tw.o problem: One page is full of tw.o images which aren't working. Where should doc images go? Of 3 imagegal on doc.tw.o, none are for user screenshots (one is for config screenshots).
| [15:53] | |
MatWho_ | SEWilco: it look like they need to be ftp'ed to img/wiki_up/tikiwiki.org/ on the server. | [16:02] | |
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Mary-1 | macjaeger thanks for your help! | [16:11] | |
SEWilco2 | FTP? That's not a TW tool. OK, I'll try my login on FTP. | [16:14] | |
GillesMM | after upgrade 1.9 to 2.1 : I got this Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchRow() on a non-object in htdocs/lib/categories/categlib.php on line 491
idea ? | [16:19] | |
SEWilco2 | GillesMM: Did you run all the required database updates? I haven't seen whether 2.1 lists one or two DB update scripts. | [16:23] | |
GillesMM | yes | [16:24] | |
lphuberdeau_ | depending on which 1.9, you may need to run 1.8to1.9 first | [16:26] | |
SEWilco2 | htdocs doesn't seem to be in my 2.1 directories. lib/categories/categlib.php is
The error is in processing an object's Categories. Have you been using Categories, or did you just enable them now? Chuckle. I just scanned the source code to see if EXIF was mentioned. It's mentioned inside three image files. Not quite what I was looking for. | [16:31] | |
MatWho_ | lphuberdeau_: Hi there.. :) | [16:40] | |
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SEWilco2 | EXIF data works well in an associative array. Is there a common PHP incantation for converting an assoc array to/from string for storing in DB text field? | [17:11] | |
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pcat14 | how do I lock my hompage such that user must login to view entire wiki? thanks! | [17:19] | |
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sylvieg | the JS plugin do we lwt it on mods or do we bring it back to trunk? | [17:31] | |
macjaeger | re | [17:44] | |
lphuberdeau_ | can go in trunk with 'validate' => 'all'
and disabled by default | [17:44] | |
sylvieg | thx lphuberdeau_ like this I will put the info routine | [17:45] | |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14947 /trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_split.php: notice | [17:48] | |
luciash | SEWilco2: is it serialize ? | [17:48] | |
SEWilco2 | luciash: Yeah, that looks just right. Thanks. | [17:49] | |
luciash | GillesMM: you need to upgrade to MySQL 4.1 i fear :/
GillesMM: is it 4.0 classic or mysqli ? GillesMM: i suspect the (int) on the 488 line is the problem just a guess | [17:50] | |
lphuberdeau_ | which file? | [17:58] | |
luciash | lib/categories/categlib.php | [17:58] | |
lphuberdeau_ | I see nothing specific to mysql 4.1 in that function
probably runs in 3.x | [17:59] | |
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luciash | i'm sorry then, thanks for review | [18:02] | |
lphuberdeau_ | I don't really know what that error is caused by... heard it before, but I don't really remember the solution
I would check file integrity | [18:04] | |
luciash | it happened to me to on 4.0 classic
s/to/too/ but i didn't have to solute it | [18:05] | |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14948 /trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_pluginmanager.php: [FIX]plugin do not tra constant | [18:16] | |
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sylvieg | lphuberdeau_: did you write a doc about info in wikiplugin ... I have no idea how to say disable by default? | [19:42] | |
lphuberdeau_ | it's just using prefs | [19:43] | |
sylvieg | and validate all? | [19:43] | |
lphuberdeau_ | all plugins have a wikiplugin_* pref requirement | [19:43] | |
sylvieg | and how do I say that I want an admin validate it? | [19:46] | |
lphuberdeau_ | that's the validate parameter... can be all, arguments or body... don't remember where I wrote about this | [19:47] | |
sylvieg | I think too to have seen something about it - but can not find it | [19:47] | |
lphuberdeau_ | first guess was http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=WebservicePlugin
but not it | [19:48] | |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 14951 /trunk/templates/tiki-list_posts.tpl: [MOD] reindenting code. No change | [19:50] | |
lphuberdeau_ | really can't find it | [19:55] | |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 14952 /trunk/templates/tiki-list_posts.tpl: [MOD] blog post list: unduplicate some code
SVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 14953 /trunk/templates/ (3 files): [MOD] edit and view blog: some tiny ui improvements | [20:01] | |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14954 /trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD]JS : back in trunk - disabled by default | [20:10] | |
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Koios | hello everyone i am having trouble downloading a theme and getting it in the right spot for me to use it
anyone? am i all alone =[ i feel lonely lonly lonrly alone hello anyone/ =[ | [20:50] | |
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Koios | hey | [20:59] | |
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Koios | i need help? | [21:04] | |
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macjaeger | hmm
you unzipped the theme? should be obvious where to put the files usually the archive contains the same folders | [21:06] | |
Koios | hey mac
i actually wanna start from scratch | [21:07] | |
macjaeger | start what... building a theme? | [21:07] | |
Koios | i have been creating folders in the styles section but can not view the,m?
yes i need to write my own template | [21:07] | |
macjaeger | that's way beyond my understanding, sorry
i'm a "unzip, upload, pray" guy | [21:08] | |
Koios | ok well i would like to edit a theme than | [21:08] | |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14955 /trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackertimeline.php: [FIX] Block positionning | [21:08] | |
Koios | ahhhhh i'll just fool with it | [21:08] | |
macjaeger | :-) | [21:09] | |
Koios | i have bothered you guys a lot and thanks so much mac =] | [21:09] | |
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macjaeger | np
good luck! | [21:09] | |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14956 /trunk/lib/wiki/renderlib.php: [FIX] Library not loaded | [21:22] | |
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Norrin_Rrr | Hello, it is really possible to use 2 tikiwiki cloned sites for load balancing ?
i have been told its possible but i don't understand how it would work | [22:09] | |
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SEWilco2 | Norrin_Rrr: It's obvious that several copies of TikiWiki could be configured to use the same database server, so at least the PHP load would be spread out. | [22:20] | |
Norrin_Rrr | mmh, but has it been tested actually ? | [22:21] | |
SEWilco2 | Norrin_Rrr: I haven't investigated redundant database servers. I'm aware of replicated copies, but don't know if the slaved copies can be updated.
Norrin_Rrr: I've run several copies of TW chatting with same DB server, but didn't load test them. | [22:21] | |
Norrin_Rrr | Are there things to know concerning pratical details ? | [22:22] | |
SEWilco2 | The DB server needs to be configured so the various machines running TW can talk to it. Probably requires allowing TCP/IP access from specific machines.
How complicated the TCP/IP access configuration is will depend upon your permissions on the servers and whatever IP firewalls exist. (Actually, the DB server could be allowed access from the entire Internet but it's better to restrict to certain known servers) | [22:23] | |
Norrin_Rrr | So the DB server is the element that cannot be spread
It has to be on one unique machine And all the TW installations are connected to it | [22:25] | |
SEWilco2 | I know read-only access to the DB server can be spread, but I haven't investigated what all the options are.
Which DB server type? | [22:26] | |
Norrin_Rrr | MYSQL i guess | [22:27] | |
SEWilco2 | For MySQL, start by searching for "MySQL replication" and maybe "MySQL replication update" and see if replication configurations support update access to the DB.
My understanding is that replication uses one master DB server and various slaves. I don't know how updates from third parties are handled by slaves. You might also try "MySQL redundancy" to try to find the general topic of multiple servers with that DB server. | [22:27] | |
Norrin_Rrr | In our current tikiwiki install, images that are uploaded for illustration of the wiki pages go to tikiwiki/img/wiki_up
if there are 2 tikiwiki then this directory should not be located there i presume may be there is an option so that this location is changed for something that is inside the database ? | [22:30] | |
SEWilco2 | For what kind of "something" in the DB? | [22:33] | |
Norrin_Rrr | ifnot the images will get stored in the local file system
an image gallery may be ? so that it can be shared | [22:33] | |
SEWilco2 | Oh, you're talking about a distributed system. | [22:34] | |
Norrin_Rrr | yes if the DB is shared | [22:34] | |
SEWilco2 | You'd need such directories to be shared. There are various networked file system services. NFS and Samba are common. Look those up and see what is similar for your operating system. | [22:35] | |
Norrin_Rrr | ah yes its a possibility
thank a lot SEWilco2 for your attention :) i apreciate a lot going here and learning a lot of things that are not trivial | [22:36] | |
SEWilco2 | Also see this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MySQL_Cluster | [22:39] | |
Norrin_Rrr | thx, its in one firefox tab, i will consume it later ;) | [22:40] | |
SEWilco2 | Also, looking at replication, I see mention that servers can be slaves and masters. So two masters can be each other's slaves, replicating each other's changes. I don't know how conflicts are resolved. | [22:41] | |
Norrin_Rrr | i am going to try the DB sharing with two installation of tikiwiki
nice to see that all that have been experimented already by others | [22:41] | |
SEWilco2 | I also see a Load-Balancing configuration where a router directs traffic to several slaves, and the master is not part of the request processing. http://jeremy.zawodny.com/mysql/managing-mysql-replication.html | [22:42] | |
Norrin_Rrr | added too | [22:43] | |
SEWilco2 | For performance, you'd probably want all DB servers at same site. For backup, consider one slave at a remote site which only keeps a copy of the DB.
(It is also commonly suggested to perform backups off a slave, so the slow backup process does not slow service) http://www.howtoforge.com/loadbalanced_mysql_cluster_debian http://www.mysql.com/products/database/cluster/ So both replication and clustering exist. I haven't tried comparing the two. | [22:43] | |
Norrin_Rrr | what is the distinction btw between replication and clustering ? | [22:49] | |
SEWilco2 | Looks like clustering ensures that updates are stored in at least two servers, while replication updates "later".
I think the MySQL site has descriptions of both. Above is the cluster page, and replication should be in there someplace. | [22:51] | |
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