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chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [04:19]
chibaguyIs anyone else having trouble getting ad banners to work? Or is it just me....
(this is tw 2.1)
Hmm. I enter the banner info on tiki-edit_banner.php?bannerId=8 for example and click submit, but it doesn't save.
(Well, text-only saves, image info doesn't). Clicking on tiki-view_banner.php... shows something like this for the image: ?PNG  IHDR?<.....
for raw data. Is it supposed to be that raw?
anyway, it's borked.
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PS|botSVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 14957 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] blog post list: pagination links [04:52]
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jimbo has joined #tikiwiki [05:35]
jimboi cant log in help!
i changed my setting now my log in is not visible help me!
chibaguyjimbo, try going to tiki-login_scr.php at your site. [05:40]
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ruthi changed my template settings and now my log in wont come up so i cant log in =[ HELP! [05:43]
chibaguyruth, try going to tiki-login_scr.php at your site. [05:44]
ruthok 1 sec wait how
ok in cpanel?
chibaguyNo, with your browser, just go to www.yoursite.com/tiki-login_scr.php [05:45]
=] oh thank you so much you are such a life saver
chibaguyyou're welcome :-) [05:47]
ruthchibaguy i am looking for a template that has no side modules everything is in the middle can you link me please? [05:47]
chibaguyOffhand I don't know of any that are specifically designed like that. You can actually disable the side modules in any theme as long as you add the navigation, etc., you need to the center column one way or another.
What Tiki version are you using?
ruthok =[ i will check it out i am using 2.1
i just want anavigation bar on top under the header that is all
chibaguyThen in the Look & Feel admin section, you can activate the top bar menu.
This will give you a horizontal menu at the top of the center column.
ruthok will check it out ty =] [05:53]
chibaguyI'm not sure what the default menu includes now days. Before, it had everything + kitchen sink, so a smaller one is better.
See http:themes.tikiwiki.org for alternative themes. Some might work better for one-column design.
ruththanks so much chibaguy [05:54]
chibaguySure. We've got a special on Candii Clouds this week...
... just kidding.
ruthi checked that one out actually i wanted to edit it
but it seems so difficult to edit
chibaguyWhat do you want to do with it? [05:56]
ruthi want that horizontal menu bar like a myspace style layout
i dont want anyside modules
just one horizontal bar up top
i also want a search bar in the middle
it is a shame they dont have any normal templates
chibaguyWell, go to http://zukakakina.com and select Candii Clouds, if you like. I have the side columns turn-off links there, so you can see it with just the center. [05:58]
ruthok 1 sec is that your theme? [05:59]
chibaguyI'm not the original author, but I adapted it to Tikiwiki. [05:59]
ruthok cool let me ask you than
see how the home and the themes buttons is on top i would like that all the way across
can i work with you on designing a template for my site?
i am not looking for anything crazy and i will give you credit
chibaguyyeah, I put the searchbox in that space, as people often expect one around there. But it can be turned off. [06:01]
ruthby placing a link on the home page
would you be intrested in working with me
chibaguyWell, I do themes for a fee, generally, when working with someone for their site. [06:03]
ruthi can design it in photo shop so you can see exactly what i want
cool i meant free lol but i will certainly put a link on our site
our site is gonna get around to
so you will get publicity might be able to make money from it eventually
do you have a few hours of time tonight?
i could send you a pic from photoshop in about 20 minutes
chibaguyeh, my plate is pretty full, and it isn't night here (I'm in Tokyo, at "work".) ;-) [06:05]
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ruthoh lol sorry no prob [06:05]
chibaguyWell, I try to hit a balance between contributing to Tiki, etc, for karma, and also trying to get a little $ along the way. [06:06]
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chibaguyI think doing a theme specifically for a site is pretty much in paypal territory. [06:07]
ruthlol yea i hear ya dont have the money =] [06:07]
chibaguywhat's your site about? [06:07]
reviews on various things
chibaguyWeren't you Mary yesterday? [06:10]
ruthyes i am actually kevin you see my ip
women get help easier =]
oh you see the site
finally got tiki up problem with the way files unzipped
chibaguyWell, we never know who we're trying to help, here, and I guess shouldn't care, but I gotta admit, I'm kinda irritated about this mary/ruth/kevin thing. Just to let you know.
I try to help whoever, so am insulted by your idea that you posing as a woman made any difference. :-|
Was the hysteria part of the acting, or was that your natural tone when stuck?
ruthlol i know you guys are cool as hell
i am use to it because of my host
so i am sorry didnt mean to offend
my host is horrible
hysteria was real lol
i was going crazy
i noticed pretty quickly that my host treats me diffrent when i am mary they help a lil more it just carried over to here
chibaguyWell, seems to me what matters, about getting help, isn't whether your male or female. It's whether you're calm, explain the problem clearly, treat the other side with respect, etc. [06:21]
ruthyou are right i agree
you guys are rare here really cool as hell
chibaguyIf that doesn't work, bail. There are other hosts out there that know how to offer good service. [06:21]
ruthin fact i hang here more than i should because so
it seems we all do =}
its a nice community
i felt bad to
was gonna come out of the closet tonight
chibaguyI agree about that -- a very nice community. [06:22]
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KOhey its mary i mean ruth =]
chiba =]
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chibaguyok, well, I like to assume I'm seeing accurately, dealing with people even on the Internet, so whatever name you use, as long as you sincerely think it represents you. ;-)
I think that's how it should be....
KOyour right [06:30]
chibaguyI see your site but no sign of Tiki. Is it installed in the web root directory? [06:31]
i am having a prob with getting it as home
right now i wanna put a image on top having problems wanna change all the colors
chibaguyMaybe you can move all the files using cpanel's file manager. [06:33]
KOi have it in the public html
i need to screw with it it is all overwelming for me simple for you
chibaguywell, yeah, but it's in a subdirectory of public_html. [06:34]
KOyou are right
where should i put it than?
do ya see how i have the horizontal menu
chibaguyThe contents of the tikiwiki-2.1 directory should be moved to public_html directory. [06:34]
KOoh all of them ok 1 sec
i dont think so unless i do them one by one
too many
chibaguyYes, I see the horizontal menu. Looks like you're using the CSS menu option. Using PHP Layers menu is a better idea. css menu isn't fully developed yet.
It might be faster to just upload the contents of tikiwiki^2.1 again (ftp) into public_html.
KOok ilol i really dont have a clue i will change 1 sec [06:37]
chibaguyThe current public_html/tikiwiki-2.1 directory can be ignored and deleted later or whatever. [06:38]
KOi dont know how to change to php [06:38]
chibaguyChange what to php?
oh, the menu
KOok where?
i am putting all the files in the public html directory now
chibaguyOn tiki-admin.php?page=features, under the UI Enhancements tab, check PHPlayers Dynamic Menus.
chibaguy didn't know topbar menus would default to css if phplayers isn't activated. Scary.
KOi think i screwed everything up
i might have to disconnnect
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Koios has joined #tikiwiki
Koiosi hope everyhtnig is ok chiba
i am really didnt want all those files in my public html =[
chibaguyAre you the former KO? [06:51]
Koiosyea lol
this is the name i will stay with
it keeps saying cant create directory it alredy exsists =[
now i am scared
chibaguyI'd just upload the contents of tikiwiki-2.1 to your public_html. Any existing files will just be overwritten or skipped. Eventually you'll have all the files there. [06:53]
Koiosyou are certain this is the best way? [06:54]
chibaguynothing in life is certain [06:54]
Koios=[ [06:54]
chibaguythere's nothing to lose [06:55]
Koiosi guess
i wanted to design this template from scrath but i am to unfamiliar with tiki
chibaguyMaybe you can adapt an existing theme. [06:56]
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chibaguyBut you need a certain level of experience/skills, like in anything else. [06:56]
Koiosyou are right [06:56]
chibaguybasic html & css.... [06:57]
Koiosyea me no good [06:57]
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stixMorning guys. I'm creating this tracker with two radio-buttons, and it collect's data just fine. But how can I collect the users username and email also? And this should happen hidden from the user. [07:11]
chibaguystix, sorry, I guess the answer guys on this topic are still having coffee. ;-)
chibaguy means 'guys' in non-gender way....
stixyes I understand :)
okay, well I havn't had my morning coffee yet too
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luciashpolom [07:46]
stixpolom? [07:51]
chibaguystix, polom is traditional greeting in tikiland.... [07:56]
stixokay - polom then :) [07:56]
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chibaguyhi luciash [08:06]
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stixIs it possible to only let users fill out a tracker once? [08:21]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 14959 /trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Some modifications : o add wikiplugin_edit class to the form in edit plugin o add a class in CSS icon_edit_section for the icon edit_section o some modifications to tikineat and tikinewt for cssmenu [09:27]
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sylviegstix - there is an option an user has only one item - and with no edit perm - i think to be check he can create it but not change it - to be tested [10:57]
stixoh okay [11:00]
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GillesMMhello marc [14:14]
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SimmiAwake yet? ;-)
Oop's sorry, wrong window.... ti$h
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14960 /trunk/tiki-editpage.php: notice [15:04]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14961 /trunk/lib/setup/categories.php: oops [15:43]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14963 /trunk/tiki-list_file_gallery.php: notice [16:10]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14964 /trunk/lib/tikihelp/css/main.css: lib/tikihelp/css/main.css is not used [16:50]
SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14965 /trunk/styles/ (5 files): some unused heading classes [17:02]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 14966 /trunk/lib/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] Allow generic parameter passing in the flash plugin [17:14]
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GillesMMhi tomb [17:25]
MatWho_hi marc
marclaporte: Kick :)
sylviegDoes somebody know if it is php or the system: I have $a='123', on one tiki $a[0] == '1' on the other one $a=='123 [17:35]
sorry my test was not the same on the 2 tws - I found a bug [17:41]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14967 /trunk/tiki-upload_file.php: [FIX]fgal: when coming from the fgal list galleryId is a numeric not a table [17:52]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14968 /trunk/lib/tikilib.php: notice [19:24]
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SEWilco2My tw.o login doesn't seem to work on ftp://tikiwiki.org/ so I can't look for nor upload the doc.tw.o:Tasks images.
I'll browse Task history and see who inserted the images...
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SEWilco2Aha, the page came from tw.o and the images are still in there. I just need to update the <img> incantation. [19:38]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 14969 /trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: [FIX]setup: lastUpdatePrefs needs also to have a default [19:56]
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SEWilco2Oh, goodie. On v2.0RC4 someone created a page called "Monitoring/NOC" which can't be addressed. Another called "Remove "wiki page"" can't be wikilinked but at least the URL does work. [20:06]
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SEWilco2A slash seems to be a forbidden WikiName character. I think quotes confuse ((wikilink)) parser but at least the URL with quotes does work. [20:08]
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marclaporteSEWilco2: :-) [20:23]
SEWilco2":-)" [20:23]
macjaegermaybe i'm missing something... is there a module or apps menu entry to show a user list? i'm especially looking for an easy way to select the user to send an internal message too.
and i can't get the chat module to work... *sigh*
it just shows the chat-window, but nothing i type shows up
SEWilco2macjaeger: I was just wondering the same thing about a user list. [20:28]
macjaegerhmm... if you don't know, then maybe there isn't :-/ [20:28]
SEWilco2No, I just started looking. Seeing if there's a non-Admin list of users. [20:30]
macjaegerthere isn't a "p_tiki_view_user_list" permission or similar
i guess there'd be one, if users were able to list users
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SEWilco2You're right, unless there was no restriction.
If user info were public, I'd expect hotlinks in Shoutbox and Wiki's page lists. No links. I wonder if I check "public" on an account if one user wikilink will appear.
macjaegerat least some other modules that list users (like "who_is_online" or "whats_new") make the names into links to the messu_compose function
and forum does as well... but the messu-compose form could use a drop-down or search box as well
ideally some fancy ajax auto-completion feature for the "to:" textbox... :-)
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sylviegdo we have a better page than http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=TikiWiki 2.0 to show what is new in 2.0 [21:21]
philippebackis the custom site footer feature working ?
doesn't shows up :-(
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sylviegphilippeback: no pk for me [21:30]
philippebackpk ? [21:32]
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macjaegerhmm... is anyone here using the build-in chat module/plugin ? [21:32]
sylviegproblem [21:33]
philippebackI activated the feature and then put some data in there but it is not shown in my site. Is it done in footer.tpl ? [21:35]
sylviegclear the smarty/templates_c cache
sometimes it does not refresh
philippebacklet's see
for my info, where is this done ? cannot see in tiki.tpl or footer.tpl
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sylviegi do not remember ... like that [21:39]
philippebackit is not showing, even after cleaning the cache [21:40]
SEWilco2philippeback: Try turning on more stuff in the same Admin page, in case the footer code got tangled in a dependency with another part of the page. [21:42]
sylviegdid you checked activate? [21:42]
but there is no publish like there is for the custom header (which works)
but bot bar doesn't contain anything for the custom footer
sylviegchange style - perhaps your style is not up to datwe
it is working for me in darkroom
philippebackwill look in there
I am using tikineat
sylviegI see my foot bar in tikineat too [21:46]
philippebackdarkroom has no special tpl, just css
in view source, cannot see it
will try to enable all bars at the bottom then...
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SEWilco2SEWilco2 alerts the liquor stores about the increase in demand from so many bars. [21:47]
CaarrieCaarrie laughs [21:47]
philippebackbottom bar is required. But custom footer is above in the admin panel. Quite misleading order. [21:48]
SEWilco2So found a button to make it work? [21:49]
philippebackyes, [X] Bottom bar, which is just under the custom site footer (which also has an [X] Activate).
But then I get other content that is already in the footer by default.
so, need to change footer.tpl anyway
tikibot bar.tpl sorry
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sylviegI had a tikisite that I upgraded from 1.10 (before prefs) to 2.0 - I got a problem with the prefs. There were loading each time
nobody else?
(I hate this bug ... because I have to redo all the upgrade process)
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Koios has joined #tikiwiki [22:15]
Koioshello everyone i am having problems changing the color of a theme along with font color can anyone tell me how?
sylviegnotan easy one - too much depending on the theme .. [22:19]
Koiosreally how so
i thought it would be simple lol of all things
i cant change the master template for my theme somewhere
sylviegnot yet - next version only [22:20]
Koioswow i wanted to make my own theme but that was to hard
sylviegso grep in the .css all the color: the_old_colr and change it [22:22]
Koiosi dont know what to do there is so much i need to improve the themes are not that great considering all of the great suppotrt tiki has from people like all of you
now we are talking sylvieg
what menu will i find that in
sylviegno you need to edit the css file
what theme did you choose?
Koiosok how do i get to it
i want the black to be orange and the gray to be blue
here is my site so you can see the header colors www.reviewnreport.com
sylviegyou can edit the css via tiki
... features edit css I think
Koioslet me see [22:24]
sylviegor you can ftp styles/darkroom.cs [22:24]
Koiosi do not see edit css on admin menu? [22:25]
SEWilco2I'd try Admin>Look & Feel [22:26]
Koioshey also i just noticed my home page and how no one can create a account what is up with that?
SEWilco2I think you have to allow account creation. Mention it when done with the CSS issue. [22:28]
Koiosok yes in look and feel i clicked on edit css
now what though?
oh lol i have it now
thank you so much (so hlpful you guys)=]
SEWilco2Sire, we seem to have been demoted. We're now just guys! Forsooth, what a plight!
SEWilco2 opens a guy's beer.
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Koioshey when i edited the color and went back to edit it the css code is now gone for that theme why is that? [22:33]
SEWilco2Installation problem: it says "For information about tiki-secdb_*.sql files, please see http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Security+Admin. " but that doc page does not have information about when or why the tiki-secdb* should be used.
I think I saw that once. I think it happened when a forbidden incantation was entered. Guys, anyone recognize this as an <x> problem?
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sylviegbbl [22:36]
SEWilco2Koios: The contents of that file are probably completely gone. Expand the source code into another directory and copy the appropriate CSS file from the "styles" directory.
If it's a Linux site, the following will show file info for the most recetly altered CSS files (and probably size 0): ls -lt styles | head
Koiosoh my =[
ok i copied the code the whole code what do i do now?
You mean you copied the whole code to a different directory?
Koiosno when i edited the css code and pressed save (all i did was change one color) nothing happened than i went back to edit it the whole code was gone
but before i edited the code i copied it so i still have the darkroom csss code when i paste it in the screen nothing gets saved there is still nothing there
SEWilco2I see.
Do you have shell access to the system? How do you load the TikiWiki php files on the system?
Koiosi loaded them via ftp filezilla
something is wrong because that is the screen i need so i can edit the css
its just not fuctioning properly
wait a sec now wy them is allF'd up and it still says it is the darkroom theme arghhhhh
my theme is all f'd up
=[ i feel like crying see what tiki does to me all becuase it has to be so tricky it is so confusing you have to be a genius and that makes me feel icky =[
SEWilco2sorry, my own site admin needed to be finished. all done.
OK, so you have your CSS on your browser screen. Select all that CSS, copy it to clipboard, then open Notepad and paste it in there...
... then save that file someplace.
Then in Filezilla connect with FTP to your site, and switch to the "styles" subdirectory.
Koiosok i will and thank you for your help in this difficult time
SEWilco2So on the right side you'll be in "styles". Make your left (local) pane be the directory where you saved your CSS text file.
In the "styles" directory find the CSS which you edited. It will have the name of your theme, and is probably size zero.
Koioswait a sec left side right side do you mean folders like the style folder
ok i can get to my themes style
SEWilco2Filezilla shows two panes on the bottom (I also use it) [23:10]
Koiosok [23:10]
SEWilco2left pane is the local files in your computer, right side is the FTP directory. [23:10]
Koiosso should i just delete the darkroom theme and re add it? [23:10]
SEWilco2On the right side, find the name of the damaged CSS file.
On the left side, rename your CSS text file to have the same name as the damaged file.
Koiosi reinstalled my darkroom theme is that ok? [23:11]
SEWilco2Yeah, that's what I was trying to help you do. [23:11]
Koiosok i just did that lets give it a min =] [23:12]
SEWilco2So your site should again be functional. You might have to Refresh your browser.
Probably better for you to edit that file in your machine and FTP the new version over.
For that matter, make a copy of the file and add your site name to it -- leave original darkroom alone.
Koiosok i am doing it now [23:14]
SEWilco2The darkroom-yoursitename.css file will show up as a 'theme' to in theme selection.
You can edit your own file and still have the original. Might also make updates safer.
I have to go get supper and get home to laugh at Biden.
Koiosok thank you [23:16]
SEWilco2Basically, I think your CSS edit encountered code which protects against bad stuff like javascript. The code can't be disabled for the CSS edit screen.
The protective code sometimes does things like make "javascript" appear as "ja<x>vascript", so we call it the "<x>" bug.
I don't remember the actual name of the protective code.
I think I had a CSS file erased when I tried to add something forbidden. I didn't confirm what caused it but I suspect the <x>-causing protection.
The protective code is intended to defend against evil stuff being typed into messages, so the code itself is not a bug. Some undesired effects have been noticed.
Good night.
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