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chibaguy | Is there syntax like <th>{th}Name{/th}</th> or should I figure this was meant to be <th>{tr}Name{/tr}</th> ? | [06:57] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 15019 /trunk/templates/ (188 files in 5 dirs): [ENH] <td class="heading> and <th class="heading> replaced with <th>; some deprecated tags replaced with inline CSS. | [07:11] |
luciash_ | chibaguy: typo imho | [07:11] |
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chibaguy | luciash, yes, looks like it to me. I'm fixing. | [07:16] |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 15020 /trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-webservices.tpl: [FIX] Typo | [07:17] |
chibaguy | luciash, did you see sylvieg's post about the divs in the page footer? Maybe some divs are unnecessary and due to my additions. But what about <div class="footerbgtrap">? Was needed for an IE fix? Still needed? | [07:20] |
luciash | yep, i believe so, it's needed for IE6
i didn't read the post yet though i think | [07:21] |
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GillesM has joined #tikiwiki
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GillesM | hello ... I don't have the search box on 2.1 release of tw .. idea ? | [07:36] |
chibaguy | GillesM, what theme are you using? | [07:37] |
GillesM | linuxmao ...
is it a 1.9 theme problem ? | [07:38] |
chibaguy | Ah, I received a mail from marclaporte about updating linuxmao for Tiki 2. | [07:38] |
GillesM | I don't see it on module nor in header feature | [07:38] |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 15021 /trunk/styles/ (7 files): [ENH] td.heading, th.heading properties given to th. | [07:38] |
GillesM | We have updated the site
but I can't show search boxes | [07:39] |
chibaguy | I didn't look yet at the changes in files for linuxmao from 1.9 to 2.0. | [07:39] |
GillesM | I can't active search boxes in modules .... | [07:40] |
chibaguy | IIRC, linuxmao uses the default template files.
(It has no custom .tpl files -- only linuxmao.css.) | [07:40] |
GillesM | yes | [07:41] |
chibaguy | Can you get a searchbar using another theme, like tikinewt or tikineat? | [07:41] |
GillesM | No with tikineat I don't get the search bar from modules
nor in search bar | [07:43] |
chibaguy | This suggests the problem isn't theme-related. | [07:44] |
GillesM | yes
and I have the problem iw search and search_box sorry search_new and search_box | [07:44] |
chibaguy | I don't know of specific upgrade problems related to search. Maybe, if the files and database upgrade are ok, then there could be a configuration or permission problem.
I didn't have such a problem when updating, but maybe my configuration is different. GillesM, is the linuxmao theme as used at http://themes.tikiwiki.org a good model for how you want it to look in 2.0/2.1? (That site is still using 1.9.) | [07:49] |
GillesM | it is not a theme problem | [07:55] |
chibaguy | I know. I was asking in order to update linuxmao.css, in general.
(Sorry for changing the subject suddenly.) | [07:56] |
GillesM | in the code there are tiki_p_search I need to define the permission $
tiki_p_search | [07:58] |
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GillesM | salut tomn
tomb | [08:03] |
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GillesM | I have a other problem on 2.1 .. before all the avatars were small .... now I have big avatars in forum .... how to fix it ? | [08:08] |
chibaguy | Apparently the automatic avatar image scaling is gone. You can add something like "span..avatar img {height: 45px; width: 45px}" to your stylesheet. | [08:12] |
GillesM | ok .. thanks | [08:12] |
chibaguy | (uh, that should be "span.avatar img" -- one dot.
(will be back later.) | [08:13] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15022 /trunk/templates/list_file_gallery_content.tpl: some th | [10:50] |
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Paragtim | Can anyone tell me how to get rid of relevance from the returned search data. I have done it before but am onsite and I do not have access to my docs | [10:57] |
stix | Where do I setup who gets an email everytime a new user registers? | [10:57] |
Paragtim | mail notifications in admin home
bottom of the page | [10:57] |
stix | thanks :) | [11:00] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by ricks99 :: r 15023 /mods/trunk/Packages/wikiplugins-jskitrating.info.txt: [fix] updated file list for jskitrating plugin | [11:07] |
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stix | when adding new users via a csv-file is it then possible to force them to change password upon first login? | [11:24] |
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Paragtim | I don't think so. I remember having to edit each one when I last did this | [11:26] |
stix | oh okay, well I only have to do it with 70 users then :) | [11:26] |
Paragtim | Why not edit the csv file and see if you can force it? | [11:28] |
stix | how should I do that? | [11:31] |
ricks99 | q: using 2.1.... i have a fourm that is confiigured with a password. however, tiki allow me to post (as anon) *without* prompting me for pw. what am i doing wrong? | [11:31] |
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Paragtim | Sorry stix, Load the csv file into excel and insert a column for change password in the relevant place. Save the file and try the import. If you get it right the import will work, if not it will fail | [11:56] |
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stix | I have this header in the csv: login,password,email,groups | [12:03] |
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marclaporte | http://tikiwiki.org/forums -> Too many connections | [12:14] |
Paragtim | Sorry Stix, I am due in a meeting now. Look at the page in tiki that shows the info you want ( Password Change) and insert a row in the relevant place in your csv file. Save the file and try the import. I suggest you make the csv file smaller by only using 5 users. If it doesn't go it on the first pass it will not work. Will be back later - good lusk | [12:19] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15024 /trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX]edit section: was broken since move of maketoc in its own function
SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15025 /trunk/tiki-editpage.php: [FIX]wiki: /take away the <p> that fck introduces around wiki heading ! to have maketoc/edit section working when content is wiki parsed in on | [13:18] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15027 /trunk/styles/darkroom.css: [FIX]right background | [14:53] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15029 /trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] wiki parsing: fix parsing of plugins that were not parsed anymore when there was, for example, a maketoc or an unknown plugin before them in the page. | [16:18] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15030 /trunk/tiki-list_comments.php: [FIX] comments list: do not show the approve filter when feature_comments_moderation is not enabled + keep the filter value in links (sorting, find, ...) | [16:28] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15031 /trunk/templates/tiki-list_comments.tpl: [ENH] comments list: new mass actions 'approve' and 'reject' for feature_comments_moderation + use images instead of buttons for mass actions | [16:30] |
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sylvieg | Does somebody j=know before I do a plugin : How can I set the color to a link in the wiki syntax? | [16:40] |
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ricks99_ | other than via css? | [16:43] |
sylvieg | yes | [16:43] |
ricks99_ | ((link|~~#ff0000:description~~))
(( link | ~#ff0000 : description ~~~ )) <sigh> pls excuse the typos | [16:43] |
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sylvieg | ricks99_: you are sure it is working? or I messed up my copy/paste | [16:47] |
ricks99_ | works in my 2.1. u must use the ((link|description)) format however. | [16:48] |
sylvieg | success | [16:48] |
ricks99_ | place the color code in the description | [16:48] |
sylvieg | thx so much ricks99_ | [16:48] |
nikhilodeon | hi - i am using tw 2.0 - is there a problem with the <x> code insertion in the "MOUSEOVER" plugin in the 'url' parameter? | [16:48] |
sylvieg | sylvieg will put this on the doc | [16:48] |
ricks99_ | ((foo|~~#ff0000:foo~~)) | [16:48] |
nikhilodeon | i am experiencing this when i try to use the MOUSEOVER plugin | [16:48] |
sylvieg | :-( it is working with (( )) but not [ ] | [16:51] |
nikhilodeon | also - is there any reason that ALT tags show up in IE but not Firefox?
ah - nevermind, this is a firefox vs. ie issue, not TW | [16:52] |
ricks99_ | havent tried w/ external links.... | [16:54] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15032 /trunk/templates/tiki-list_comments.tpl: [FIX] comments list: fix 'reject' mass action | [17:14] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15033 /trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX]wiki: to be able to have [link|~~#ff0000:description~~] as it is possible for (()) | [17:26] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15034 /trunk/_htaccess: [MOD]sefurl: sefurl for a trackeritem: ex: item34 | [18:21] |
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SEWilco2 | Anyone working on social bookmarking? I want to add a JS menu full of bookmarking sites to every Article, with an Admin checkbox to enable the feature. | [18:49] |
ricks99_ | @SEWilco: i just use the ADD THIS script (http://www.addthis.com/)
good hosted solution i also created a wiki plugin for something similar a while ago | [18:52] |
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SEWilco2 | ricks99_: Yeah, I'm looking at sharethis.com which is similar but has more sites listed.
Should I make it a plugin or an integrated Admin-enabled option? Do you remember the name of the plugin? Somehow I didn't notice it in the list. Ah. Found tracker 1436: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=1436 | [19:11] |
ricks99_ | submit = plugin | [19:16] |
SEWilco2 | OK, so the SUBMIT plugin can be manually used on wiki pages. I think Articles are a better tool for my client. | [19:16] |
ricks99_ | u can add plugins on articles (acccpet full wiki syntax) | [19:16] |
SEWilco2 | I don't recall a default footer... but I could create a template with SUBMIT, to make it easy to create an Article with it included properly? | [19:17] |
ricks99_ | do u mean making the plugin an admin-level option?
u want it to appear at the bottom of each article? | [19:17] |
SEWilco2 | Yeah, I was thinking of integrating it so you an Admin can check a box and every article and Wiki page would have it. | [19:18] |
ricks99_ | y. u will need to add it to tiki-view_articles and tiki-read_articles.tpl | [19:18] |
SEWilco2 | I haven't used templates, but I think they're just files which are inserted in the Edit text area as guidance, and can be altered at will. So templates might be sufficient. | [19:19] |
ricks99_ | no. TPL templates -- not content templates | [19:20] |
SEWilco2 | I'm talking about content templates. I already know that automatic usage requires altering the TPL templates.
I'm considering the two approaches. | [19:20] |
ricks99_ | ahhh.. understand now.
good luck | [19:21] |
SEWilco2 | The two options are SUBMIT's technology with a content template as guidance, or automatic Admin-configured option. | [19:21] |
ricks99_ | personally, i think it should be integrated with tiki's "send this link" functinality
especially since add this has an 'email' option already but, there's always a danger of relying on a hosted, 3rd party solution... wont work for intranets with no firewall access | [19:23] |
SEWilco2 | (back from reading your SUBMIT stuff)
I see you used addthis. I'm thinking of adding parameters to turn on addthis, sharethis, or whatever else gets defined in the plugin. | [19:33] |
A solution for those behind firewalls is for someone to add to the plugin something equivalent to addthis but selfcontained.
I prefer the 3rd parties so those people can figure out what are the presently popular sites which should be listed. And, actually, I think plugins accept several parameters, so I can give addthis and sharethis their own options...in case someone wants to turn on both. | [19:39] | |
ricks99_ | so ur just going to create a "generic" plugin that folks will use to define their own params? | [19:45] |
SEWilco2 | I think I'll modify yours, and wrap whatever you have inside an option to select that format. Default will produce what it currently does. Other options will emit other formats.
{SUBMIT(sharethis=>y)}{SUBMIT} would instead emit the sharethis stuff. | [19:50] |
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SEWilco2 | That way various things can be added, each with their own option. Each site (each editor!) can choose what to use.
Are there hooks for Admin configuration of plugin options? If not, then usage will merely be controlled by each invocation's options. | [19:51] |
ricks99_ | but how do i send my account info?
(sharethis = y, account=foo, pw=bar) ? | [19:53] |
SEWilco2 | No, that would be visible in article source to other editors.
I thought if one had logged in to these sites that a cookie took care of login. | [19:54] |
ricks99_ | right. so how will ur plugin work? | [19:54] |
SEWilco2 | I thought it would work like yours does, but I haven't looked at it yet. You have account info inside it? | [19:55] |
ricks99_ | my add this has the account name | [19:55] |
SEWilco2 | I'll have to look at it.
Is there a usual way for a site to configure plugin options? Somehow I think they're too isolated by design and thus have no Admin interfaces. | [19:57] |
ricks99_ | correct | [20:01] |
SEWilco2 | I don't see anything in SUBMIT about addthis nor accounts. Looks like a standalone tool at first glance.
Tsk, wget downloaded it under the name of the download URL. | [20:02] |
ricks99_ | i created a separate plugin for add this | [20:03] |
SEWilco2 | Oh.
doc.tw.o alert: Features page again has truncated tables. http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Features&bl=y The comments to the SUBMIT ticket indicate there's a mod. Trying to find it. | [20:04] |
ricks99_ | my addthis plugin: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_blog_post.php?blogId=26&postId=305 | [20:09] |
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SEWilco2 | Yeah, it would be nice to not have to edit php to configure the plugin. Hmm.
I haven't found the SUBMIT mod... but is there a configuration difference between a plugin and a mod? Is there an admin interface for mod configuration, or only installation? (Yes, I downloaded the SUBMIT plugin. I'm looking for the mod which was mentioned in tracker comment) | [20:12] |
ricks99_ | no difference. plugins are *types* of mods
a *mod* is antthing beyond the base "zip" | [20:17] |
SEWilco2 | OK.
Well, I guess at present editing the php is the only way to get account info defined. | [20:17] |
ricks99_ | still not quite sure what ur referring to. in the addthis plugin, there is a param for the account | [20:19] |
SEWilco2 | A more general solution might be to add an Admin option someplace to define plugin parameters in the database. Maybe a 'pluginconfig' table with name:value pairs, for whatever plugins need info. | [20:20] |
ricks99_ | not sure. imho, the whole idea is to be able to define ur params on-the-fly. this way i have reuse the same plugin on different pages with different params | [20:21] |
SEWilco2 | hold on... | [20:22] |
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SEWilco2 | I downloaded the addthis plugin too and threw both at my minion coder. | [20:25] |
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SEWilco2 | Yeah, minion agrees. We'll add params to SUBMIT to emit three formats. Hard part will be naming the format which SUBMIT currently emits. "bulitin" is too generic.
And if no format-selecting params are given, SUBMIT will behave as it does now. Because each format has its own param name, other formats can be added later. | [20:30] |
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grobda24 | Should my wiki RSS feed show more than just pages ? I want to show any change. | [20:37] |
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SEWilco2 | "Any change" is ambiguous. Do you mean you want it to show both Wiki and Article pages which are changed, or do you mean you want a 'diff' of each change? | [20:38] |
grobda24 | SEWilco, the RSS feed should show the latest edit to any part of the wiki.
SEWilco, It does'nt have to show the specific change just the page that was edited. | [20:39] |
SEWilco2 | grobda24: "Wiki" is a specific feature of TikiWiki. Other features are: Articles, Resources, Image galleries. | [20:40] |
ricks99_ | the wiki rss is similar to the tiki-lastchanges.php | [20:40] |
grobda24 | SEWilco, by "pages" I meant the wiki pages. | [20:41] |
SEWilco2 | ricks99_: So the wiki RSS should show changed Wiki or Article pages? | [20:41] |
ricks99_ | no. wiki rss shows changed *wiki* pges
articles rss shows changed *articles* pages etc | [20:41] |
SEWilco2 | grobda24: There are separate RSS feeds for the various kinds of changes. | [20:42] |
ricks99_ | see the docs for details: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=RSS%20Admin | [20:42] |
SEWilco2 | Well, not "kinds of changes". Various "kinds of things which are changed". | [20:43] |
ricks99_ | each tiki "feature" (wiki, articles, blogs, etc) has its own rss | [20:43] |
SEWilco2 | grobda24: Does that help? I suspect you thought "wiki" RSS was for all "TikiWiki" changes. But wiki RSS is for only changes of wiki pages. | [20:44] |
grobda24 | SEWilco, ricks99_ .... looks like it does what I want ... so it looks like I might have a problem with my site at the mo (unrelated to tikiwiki) ... thanks | [20:45] |
SEWilco2 | grobda24: Good luck. | [20:47] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15035 /trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.query.php: [ENH] smarty query: new _keepall param to force keeping all POST/GET params (and not only those specified in auto_query_args.
SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15036 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] ticket confirmations: fixes confirmations after POST actions. It uses 'PHP_SELF' instead of 'REQUEST_URI' in tikiticketlib since confirm.tpl now uses the new '_keepall' param of smarty query. SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15037 /trunk/templates/tiki-list_comments.tpl: [FIX] comments list: fix mass remove action + keep showing find.tpl when there is no results due to the approve filter | [20:56] |
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MatWho has joined #tikiwiki | [21:38] | |
MatWho | Hi all anyone know what "isMain" means on a tracker field? | [21:39] |
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lphuberdeau | something about it being used to link to the item from lists
but I may be wrong | [21:40] |
MatWho | so what is the best default value if you dont care | [21:40] |
lphuberdeau | you need one per tracker I guess | [21:41] |
MatWho | ok, thanks. PHP is much easier than sending out 1000 emails!! :) | [21:41] |
SEWilco2 | PHP script written. Please enter in the following space the 1000 email addresses to which message should be sent:
:-) | [21:44] |
sylvieg | lphuberdeau: is right for isMain | [21:45] |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15038 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD]fgal: do not return the number of files for the list of files used in fgal explorer: can save a lot of times on large fgals | [21:49] |
MatWho | :) | [21:52] |
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MatWho | lphuberdeau: sorry what do you mean about is right | [21:53] |
sylvieg | isMain creates a link to the item | [22:02] |
MatWho | great thanks. | [22:05] |
sylvieg | you can have as many isMian you want .... the first isMain will be used in some list as browse categ - I think | [22:06] |
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GillesMM | hello | [22:37] |
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sylvieg | sylvieg dreaming about a tool that displays all the perms a user has on a object and why
somebody ready to help me on this? | [22:42] |
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marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki | [23:52] |
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