tiki 2 seems quite nice. the wiki page about it is, at least :) luciash, I think it was a mistake to restore breadcrumbs to tiki-show_page.tpl, etc. Now that I see it and think about it, I remember it was decided to remove this. The thinking was that "site index > current page" is not a useful breadcrumb trail, and doesn't add any info/links that aren't already on the page. chibaguy! This human requests knowledge. What is the prefered unit for font sizes? (I philosophically prefer ems.) % or em. One common practice is to give font a % size in the body tag, then use ems below that for specific areas. I'm not sure what the diff is between ems and % in that case. 1em seems to equal 100%. So it seems to have the same effect either way. Uh, yeah. I believe the size of an em is relative to the parent. Be aware that IE6 doesn't cascade font sizes down well, especially into tables, so something like * html table {font-size: 11px} is often needed. SVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 15070 /mods/trunk/themes/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Minor improvements. Any one know of a Form generator/template for Wiki, we got a user base ask us if they can have a form for people to fill in and be stored for review, print etc, I thought about the Spread sheet plugin might do! Any suggestions? Geoffrey_, seems like Trackers are Tiki's tool for this kind of thing. ok, ill havea look into that! See http://tikiwiki.org/I+Think for an example of use. sound good, looking, Also looks like I need to re-write the Tiki Ldap module, so that all passwords are verified against the ldap instead of through tiki DB. chibaguy: Breadcrumbs "site index>page" may not be useful, but would breadcrumbs within structures be useful? Or would structure paths appear separately from breadcrumbs? I guess that's a rhetorical question, as I have to leave. dang, and I had an answer ready.... OK. Structures already have a breadcrumbs, so the Look & Feel one is redundant for structure pages. Structure crumbs would be useful when people pop into the middle of a site due to a search result link, so one can find their way out. Right. Plus, the structure ones can be several layers deep, as many as their are parent/child levels in the structure. L & F strucutures are always "site index > current page". I mean L & F breadcrumbs... The only case, then, when "index>page" would be useful is on a site where there is no navigation link offered, if "index" page has links. I suppose, but that's a pretty rare case. I can envision a site where each page has links to other pages, so if you pop into the leaf node which has no uplink then you're stuck. At least that requires deleting the default navigation modules. So we can say it's a configuration which is deprecated in the default configuration. Nighty-night. Well, you're stuck one step from the site index, which isn't exactly being lost. This is a flat hierarchy. G'night. You're "lost" if there is no navigable link. Have to edit the URL to remove trailing stuff to get to top then. Well, something to think about. I'm bothered by the clutter at the top of wiki pages, so would like to see things cleared up if possible. One thing is that most features have some link or title at page top: "Articles" "list blogs" etc.. This should be standardized. For wiki pages, it could be "home" or something. (This are links to get back to the feature home or main listing or whatever.) Yeah, it's cluttered. I also had to remove the word "wiki" because a client didn't want people complaining they couldn't modify the collection of pages. I find that using the Wikimedia theme, and disable the header Text, there is a massive space left at the top of wiki pages Empty space gets worse when you insert images, one per line, and the newlines are visible. Yeh, and also image in Articles does not get changed when you change the Image! the title chages, but no the image.. Tikipedia is a special case because of the way things are moved around. I tried to do as little template modifying as possible. There's room (no pun intended) for improvement, no doubt. Is there a tutorial anywhere in setting up a Tracker form? Seems the demo is the bug tracking page Did you check "Tiki for Smarties"? (I'm not sure of the url offhand, and don't know if it covers trackers or not.) Geoffrey_, you mean any image in an article? Found a bug in the Wysiwyg editor, Try inserting a link that refers to the inframe page. so the page has something like page=f&url=httpetcetc. and it places a in the url like this, $url=httpetcetc. if you select to use Own image, then you can change it. I had to delete the article and crate a new one to make the change. ah. I would have used the topic image if it had scalability, but it didnt, so needed to use Own image option The should have been fixed by now. What Tiki version are you using? where can I find the version? It's on the Admin General page tiki-admin.php?page=general Ah, got it. Damn, Version 2.0, I just installed this 4 weeks ago, thought I had the latest version, now need to do the upgrade! eek thanks. is it straight forward to upgrade a tiki site? I ftp the files "overwrite if source newer" and then run tiki-install.php to update the database. sounds straightforward enough, thanks To be safe, backup the database and any custom files, but I've never had a problem that caused data loss, etc. done it and testing, is it the case when you run the tiki-installer.php its almost instant? Geoffrey_, yes, it's fast. polom polom polom hi chibaguy, that breadcrumbs topic is a controversial issue ;) Not for me ;-) ha, thats why I asked, it seem to fast to be real, but you may like to know, I am converting Dairy Farm, who own 7-11, Welcome, Mannings, IKEA and a few others, to use tikiwiki as the coorparate Collaboartion tool, and its scope is growing as I massage it! And the performance plus open source is the 2 may reasons, we are kicking that 1million dollars per year licens fee to MS out. and incomes open office and Tiki!! Well php actually, chibaguy: nowadays most common way to display breadcrumbs is something like: home link > some page link > subpage of some page link > current page (highlighted without link) imho thats true users get familiar with that approach luciash, yes, absolutely right. But I don't see the purpose of a two-part breadcrumb "trail" when the first link is always the index page and the second is always the current page. chibaguy: so removing the current page from breadcrumbs would be confusing i think Hmm, what other links are in the breadcrumbs? Am I missing something? ah, you mean this "breadcrumb" ! right, that's useless, but if it would be home link > current page (which is not home link) i think it makes sense too Geoffrey_, that's an impressive list of companies. :-) dont know if anyone else gets this, or what the cause is, but when I am editing in the wysiwyg editor, click on source to edit, and get a FCK.EditorDocumet.body' is null or not an object error. thank, I am the open source specialist for this company, Dairy Farm Asia. based in Hong Kong. Head office! Company has to much red tape, chibaguy: i think the breadcrumbs we have still need some work because they don't display correctly everything, e.g. it should be: home link > blogs link > my blog link > my blog post which doesn't work like this currently luciash, looking at the tiki feature pages, there is usually something like a "back to list" link. It's a little different for blogs, forums, articles. This should be standardized. (we're thinking same at same time, I believe.) Geoffrey_: ouch :-) yeh, but open source guys find ways of breaking it down! chibaguy: *g* Geoffrey_, you're in Singapore? In hong Kong oh (I recall reading something like that in the logs or somewhere.) chibaguy: he just wrote it ;) We have another Kind of Head office in Singapore, thats where the Asia Director resides, but operations for global are run from Hong Kong, and supported by Philipines Duh. np :) chibaguy: great you updated themes.tw.o yesterday ! did you figured some issues still ? it deserves new logo i think... I've fixed a few css problems in some themes. Yeah, new logo would be good. About the breadcrumbs, even when it's turned off, the pagetitle is and centered..... i've noticed darkroom has somewhat padded sub-lines of the application plm menu to the right That accounts for some of the wiki page strangeness at the top of some themes (which already had a center class with a text-align:center property). chibaguy: i had trouble to understand how it was meant to use bredcrumblib even when bredcrumbs feature is off just to display h1 chibaguy: i had to do some compromise when i wanted to keep displaying the bredcrumbs in some sensefull way as laetitia pointed that out It's not good that styles are coming from breadcrumbs even when it's turned off. chibaguy: there's still this un-logical "use large font for whole bradcrumb" display :-/ Yes, can that be deleted? i believe nobody will find that useful +1 from me to delete it yes i was just too tired to do it myself after working on the fix to allow display of the page title in h1 while having breadcrumbs on ;) :-) sorry I can't help you out, but I'm totally clueless in that area. luciash, any idea about Geoffrey_'s FCK.EditorDocumet.body' is null or not an object error? (15:44 ^^) the option to display it "in larger font" which was actually h1 only for current page on the end of the breadcrumb path looked ugly too because it showed the last ">" arrow and then the h1 title was broke down under it Geoffrey_, I don't use that editor much, but haven't seen that error. chibaguy: no idea, maybe IE JS related ? i didn't played with w5g lately yeh odd, still works, Line 77, only when I clock opn the source button, but this may be the Editors problem and not the tiki What browser? Both, Firefox and IE, let me check IE again though!\ chibaguy: also i noticed when user didn't set any site title the breadcrumbs showed "empty" link for coming back to the index page so it appeared like the breadcrumbs start with an arrow and no link back to homepage... so i added an exception to display "Home" or something like that instead when not set no,, IE has the prob! Firefox doesnt report it Tellyou what though, its odd, doesnt do it on every page, must be somthing in the text forcing it, ill investigate a little to see what it is chibaguy: thanks you changed themes.tw.o to eatlon :) i hope nbc will not sue us soon ;) ;-) The publicity might be good. :D Geoffrey_, IE reports various javascript errors. I notice them on the turn on/off column links too, IIRC. But the devs generally don't use IE so they don't get much attention. Geoffrey_: i hope you'll not come with that again, the is really annoying me ;) nope, the is fixed in 2.1, upgraded allready, dont think I need to test it, but I can if you want me to Geoffrey_: my experience is that the still pops up here and there from time to time... it would be too good to hear it doesn't re-appear somewhere else anymore ;) ah ok. ha! thats funny, I still got the even after the 2.1 upgrade. I ran the upgrade, should I have done the full Version 2.1? Geoffrey_: nope, it should do the same Tell you what I am trying to do, I want a of site link to apear within the tiki frame, to do this, I create a Featured link, then copy the featured link url, and put it into a page link! of=off then I get the. ?type=f&url=http%3etcetc/ where is the comingfrom? Geoffrey_: the produces some lib which was intended to prevent javascript misuse and other kinds of insecure injection but unfortunatelly it appears on places which originally were not intended to So while I have this prob, I just make the links popup a window instead of inframe. but i think for this what you try to do there's a more correct workaround I am infavour of more correctness! use this e.g. [yoursiteurlyouwanttopopup|click here|shadowbox] enable mootools and shadowbox in admin → features before still a note about the : it sanitizes "dangerous" strings like: url, script, javascript, ... which appear in the wiki page source to prevent users to inject bad stuff in the wiki pages chibaguy: where is eatlon coming from, is it your original piece of art ? there's nothing about it on http://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=new_themes Not original; it's from http://eatlon.com . thanks is there any conflict with moo tools and soemthing else? I find enabling it, causes a Javascript error in IE broswer when ever I click apply to any feature in the admin! Geoffrey_, I haven't seen any reports of that (but probably because most Tiki devs etc don't use IE). Quite likely, though. infact,when ever I click the admin link!! Yeh, I use 3 browsers, cose our user base use IE, I need to be sure it works for them, I use FireFox, and there is no problem in Firefox! I think having a better experience in IE should be on the todo list for Tiki 3. ...if motivated fixers can be found. ;-) Hmm, shadowbox works with no js error for me in IE6, and Tiki 2.0, I think the version is. just running some test now, seems IE7, on my other installation is ok, might be a module conflict or somthing! upgrade ie 6 to 7 currently, see if it still exists. I get an error with IE7 on a shadowbox link. God I hate MS sometimes! Heh, familiar words. pity there is no avatars or anicons here, ill show you what I think! Looking at the LDAP module within the Smarty, I find there is a nice mod I could do, that would allow passwords to always veryfy with LDAP rather than the tiki. but I dont know how to intergrate this into the admin for selection! Post on the tikiwiki-devel mailing list, would be a good idea. I'll be back later. cya. Geoffrey_: what is the javascript error saying ? maybe try to disable some other JS powered features you don't need ? I get object does not support this property or method, line 57, on the first page, which is a wiki page, after mootool and shadow is enabled. its on IE7, not sure what the conflict is yet. infact only with mootools, shadow is turned off Well its nopt a consistent error, I only get it on IE on the work station, but not on my portable. could be a content difference, module wise, they are the same. SVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 15072 /trunk/templates/tiki-upload_file.tpl: [ENH] layout of the categorization in tiki-upload_file... SVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 15071 /trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [FIX+ENH] fix categorization in tiki-upload_file and enhance categories selection... SVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 15073 /trunk/templates/tiki-show_page.tpl: [FIX] BPB for lphuberdeau and automatic merge 15067 :( please test before ci wb chibaguy :) chibaguy: any idea why in opera the fonts are always much tinier (smaller) than in FF/IE ? yo luciash, no idea. polom salut marc hi all does anybody know about including rss feeds in a wiki page? my feed just renders as "{rss=2 max=5}" (just spits my code back at me) ur syntax is wrong. use {rss id=2} pls see docs for details: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/rss or http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=RSS%20User (very bottom of page) full usage documented here: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=PluginRSS thx, trying it out works. superb! np sylvieg ... the pluginedit icon now shows up in the middle of the content... that's bad the content of the plugin? ot the content of the page? perhaps - it need to be a setting... the icon no longer floating on the right as it used to but I have no other solution perhaps we could add a flag in the info function I have text You can click {file} or {file} and I need only one line I agree for a flag differentiate from plugins that are meant to be inline and the block ones no plugin UI for inline ones bbl back looks like only the float style was missing... no div required SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15090 /trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] Edit plugin icon should float right Grr. A spreadsheet vanished, and that's one of the data types without historical versions. I'll be implementing EXIF within a month. Someone want to assign Bug & Wish list 1816 to SEWilco? lphuberdeau: this solution is not working sylvieg... works for me... tested with an inline plugin this is my test {file name="readme.txt"} et blable a cote {file name="readme.txt" page="attached" desc="test"} {file name="readme.txt" page="attached"} misiing a clear somewhere.... where do the icons go? I really do not see how it can work... no icon option could still work, I just aimed for the fastest solution ;) yes I agree I'll get to that, but first I need to relocate on the list ;-) back in a few minutes is there a convention to display the feedbacks? {remaksbox type=feedback ? hi is there a way to mass-add groups in tikiwiki, similar to the batch upload (CSV file) feature on tiki-adminusers.php? i've got 3,500 groups to add so obviously mass quanitiies would be mucho coolo sorry 3,500 groups and 3,500 categories wow. may i ask what type of use generates 3.500 groups/cats ? (i have no idea on how to accomplish the mass import - you may need to insert directly into the database) yeh you can add in the database - it affects only one table sylvieg; oh ok - so doesn't necessarily need to be through the UI? this is for both category and groups? UI is just a human-friendly way of inserting data into the database UI sometimes needed for complicate tables but users_groups... is simple if you are comfortable with mysql statements (or have a decent database tool) you can preformat the list fitting to the database and insert it directly ok i will give it a whirl - thanks good luck! (i'm still curious what usage needs that many groups :-) ) sylvieg: done sylvieg: is that done pretty frequently, ie inserting data directly into the categories and groups tables? thx lphuberdeau nikhilodeon no we tray to avoid but thre is no bacthupload yet ... so ... ok so basically, i'm looking at INSERT statements into the tiki_categories and users_groups tables? yes either that, or you build a fitting csv and use e.g. phpmyadmin to import that csv into the table i'd really testdrive the process on a local copy of the database though... mac|jaeger - yeah i was gonna do that behind the scenes, but just wanted to look cool and show off my sql knowledge :) :-D mac|jaeger: My guess is he's trying to set up permissions for each user independently, thus one Group per User. Sounds overly individualized. hmm... and the cats to push the prems? nikhilodeon_: Are you trying to give each user a group for permission control? Might be better to create a Group for each permission. he's gone i'm her here Oh, yeah. [22:49] *** Signoff: nikhilodeon (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) oh *g* ZOMBIE! so stop talking smack about me :) puh, just in time You're in the right place for brains. :-) i was just typing my rant about your super-giant-overkill-database :-) Oh, sorry: BRAINNNNS here's the deal - i have some content that needs to be restricted on two levels - one is by category and one is by page content...sometimes page content encompasses multiple categories, so i would need to have a new group to handle that specific multi-category page have i confused you enough nikhilodeon_: Multiple categories can be attached to a page. If there are no categories with permissions then the user's Group permissions apply. all these permission things confuse me all the times mac|jaeger: I just untangled a permission mess today...which I made two days ago. is there some _comprehensive_ explanation about how permissions are overlayed (if at all) ? yummie there is your guide :P to permissions nikhilodeon_: So you just turn on the "categorized" permissions (read or write) in appropriate Groups (Anon, Registers, Editor, etc). i guess i'll rather stick to my most effective approach: trial & error :-) SEWilco2 - right, thing is i've got pages that include others...it's these included pages (which masquerade as section) that need to either be restricted or displayed based on membership so for most users, they only see specific included sections of ALL pages...others, they need to see all sections of just SOME pages nikhilodeon: Then to restrict access to Ford-related articles, attach the category "FordRead" to those categories with the categorized READ permission for certain groups. Only those groups will be able to read those pages. (oops, I meant attach "FordRead" to those pages with...) do you think the tiki db would choke with 3500 categories and 3500 groups? This way, uncategorized pages can be accessed by all. The pages with FordRead category are only available to the Groups specified in that category. You can also create a FordRead GROUP to control user access. SEWilco2 - right, that's exactly what I envisioned nikhilodeon_: I don't know, but your 3500 user/group/category figure implied you were thinking of one group and one category per user. Seems inefficient. nikhilodeon_: i think the issue is can you keep straight 3500 cats and groups? 3500 cats? wow that's a lot of cat food! that also means to manually assign the group and catagory to each page in your wiki or whatever 3500 times atleast well, it's one of those cases where we'll have 3,500 categories, but only a handful (maybe 100 tops) will have active traffic if you dont give one group proper access they cant do anything and it will catch up to you to the point you cant control it as you have to add each group to each page or part or whatever sounds like a rats nest of issues Each time you create a new category you might have to add permission to 3500 groups. Can you give a more specific example of your design? Before it's created is a good time to get it chewed on, before you find a mess that wears out your teeth. or one new group you have to add perms to 3500 catagories Maybe I should go add an example to the category perm page. Showing permission control for several Groups to categories ReadFord, ReadFordPickups, and ReadFordRanger. just dont use ford or some people will not read it i'd really appreciate that What? No car analogy? some people HATE fords [found on road dead] Well, maybe marsupials then. :-D There are only, like 4. about 3500 tw devs ;) :P ARE there 3500 ford models? i dont think so, or i hope or at least 3500 sold ford cars... yea that all broke down in the middle of nowhere :P Less than 400 marsupial species. yet of course 3500 ways for a ford to brake down might be suitable to subcategorize hehe Nah, Fords only have 4 brakes, one on each wheel. :P *break oh, but they have lots of other parts that can randomly wreck you in the midst of nowhere This is not a CB channel, no need to break. sorry for my rants, but my first car was a ford rbt and i still don't know if thats short for rabbit or rebate mine was a 1989 ford tempo :P hehe yes i know i am not that old compared to some ;) mental note, dont let dad by your first car for $300 *buy Age of car does not indicate age of owner. I might buy a 1989 Tempo now. for a first car it can ;) Although the '69 Malibu sounds more interesting. hehe *sigh* i'm in for a new car too - need more seats soon :-) talking about some 6 to 8 seat van hehe i have a toyota camry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Camry I'm not going to use Toyota or Honda as a category example. They have too many subdivisions. hehe then they are perfect examples ;) that car's too small not for 2 people :P i'm in for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Sharan now again what does this have to do with tw? we're helping SEWilco2 to pick the right cars for his cat example :-) It's helping us to stay focused on the channel while waiting for nikhilodeon_'s example. hehe well, i'm going back to my video work... hehe That's a beer, right? jaeger literally means hunter of course actually it's my last name and mac=apple=mac user=macbook ;) and mac my first too bad :( not another mac user but you may picture me hunting apple users ... hehe just dont "hunt" me (only to rip them from their sweet powermacs) do not fear i dont have a powermac :P i'm in for a powermac video workstation this xmas i have a leopard blackbook, and i have a kubuntu 17" widescreen laptop ;) so now we are pushing SEWilco2 to use notebooks as cats example? :-) hehe we are just silly people ;) *silently walking to the other screen, reluctantly diving into 3++ hrs of footage* No, I'm avoiding things which are named after cats when making a category example. dont walk into it you might get hurt :P sorry i missed the latest discussion! hehe Caarie i have a camry too woohoo! * Caarrie ;) nikhilodeon_: Can you give an example of what you're trying to do? Maybe we can suggest a simpler configuration. [Fri 5:01:54 pm] SEWilco2 - right, thing is i've got pages that include others...it's these included pages (which masquerade as section) that need to either be restricted or displayed based on membership Can each user select their memberships, and there are 3500 things to be a member of? (for reals. I fail at being a grownup.) NefariousC: nevermind, it's no necessity :) Indeed! Not when you live in the city (: I touched a steering wheel once... car was out gas and I had to get the car to turn while others were pushing (simple weight equation, not about lazyness) lol at least the Canadians without car do not have to shovel... when is the first snow expected? lalalalalalala I don't want to know lalalalalalaa first snow in Boston will be last week of November or first of December - (seems to be the rule since 10 years) heheh, when i look at the globe parallels montreal is pretty south compared to europe, must be warm there ! :-p luciash: needs to review is currents his dang, you're missing the gulf stream :-p luci, we get the cold part of it eek, i hope i will miss "the day after" ;) ok, so should i bring snow-shoes with in my backpack ? hehe and your rain coat and your ...... kitchen sink tiki is my kitchen sink ;) hehe SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15094 /trunk/tiki-list_file_gallery.php: [FIX]fgal: a little more fix on fgal sort SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15095 /branches/2.0/ (2 files): backport sort in fgal SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15096 /trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD]search: mysql search - option to do a boolean search