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***chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [01:07]
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lizi has joined #tikiwiki [03:50]
liziHi guys!
The phpfreechat package doesn't work
know how I can install it manually ?
oh i checked, there was something wrong with the filesystem owners
chibaguyhi lizi. Did you try minichat? [03:53]
lizifor some reson the tikiwiki script is not enough for phpfreechat. I suspect it tries to create a Dir in a non-writable dir such as tikiroot or something
minichat, no ?
where is that ?
It's not in my TW mods list
chibaguychibaguy tries to remember.... [03:55]
lizihttp://www.jibble.org/chatbox.php ? [03:55]
chibaguyah, it's in Tiki's trunk [03:55]
so.. that means it's not been released yet ?
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chibaguyNo, but last time I checked, it works with Tiki 2, though a table needs to be added to the database.
http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/trunk/modules/mod-minichat.php?view=log for the php file.
http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/trunk/templates/modules/mod-minichat.tpl?view=log for the .tpl file.
(php file goes in modules/ dir, .tpl goes in templates/modules/)
liziis it normal the .php is about 30 lines long ? [03:59]
chibaguyhttp://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Module+minichat for docs
Yeah, can be.
I don't know why there's no closing php tag, though.
liziwell, thanks, I'll investigate this :) [04:02]
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chibaguyHeh, the previous version of the .php file has a closing ?>, so that might need to be added back.
Anyway, I used it and it was used on a few other sites, but I'm not sure of the current status.
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chibaguyYou can use the MODULE wikiplugin to display it in a wiki page, of course, and so have a wider text window, etc. [04:06]
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chibaguyYep, still works at my Tiki 2.1 site.
The css is important, tho, so needs to be added to whatever theme stylesheet is being used.
(at least the positioning/display parts, not nec colors and borders, etc)
liziok :) [04:16]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 15188 /trunk/styles/tikinewt.css: [MOD] tikinewt: remove some borders [04:45]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 15189 /trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_rss.php: [MOD] rss wiki plugin: typo [05:19]
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lizithe minichat is already in tikiwiki 2.1
however it doesnt seem to work for me :(
I added the css to my theme, but I still can't see any text
chibaguyhmm [06:01]
lizii tried using one of the bundled themes, same pb [06:02]
chibaguyDid you turn on Ajax? [06:03]
lizicould it have something to do with the db that's not being written to ? [06:04]
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liziajax... should be on
lizi checks
it's on
chibaguyThe db should be ok; I see the minichat table statement is in the upgrade sql. [06:06]
lizias far as I can tell there is nothing in the minichat db
so whatever i typed didn't end in the db
chibaguyI see there are differences between the trunk and 2.1 versions of mod-minichat.php. Maybe you should try the files that I gave the urls for.
(I'm not sure offhand which I'm using.)
(Well, I'll check....)
Seems I'm using the 2.1 version of the php file.
and it's working
Probably the tpl is also 2.1 then
which theme are you using ?
chibaguyWell, tried different ones, Ohia and Dark Shine just now. [06:21]
lizisomething else must be interfering [06:22]
chibaguyI'm finding that even if the theme doesn't have the css, the msg inu
dang... the message input still works.
Switching to a theme with the css displays the message that the other theme could write but not see.
IOW, the chat should work regardless of theme, I think. Just not well.
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liziyes, it should be able to use the stuff that's already in the (massive imho) css [06:27]
chibaguywell, a few of minichat's divs are unique ids, so not caught by the existing mass of css.
(work is in progress to chip away at the css mountain, btw.)
liziwell guess what
geej I'm a stupid bitch
@[FIX]minichat: display an error message in module if feature is not set@
in the trunk version
so i'm like... "wait a minute, why would there be a need for such a fix"
upgrade my minichat.php, and guess what?
"[FIX]minichat: display an error message in module if feature is not set"
aw nope :P
wrong paste :D
"This feature is disabled: feature_minichat "
oddly enough, I haven't seen the feature minichat anywhere in the admin panel
chibaguyyou think you're stupid, I went through this once already but totally forgot. [06:35]
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chibaguyYou probably have to add the feature directly in the db.
...if there's no gui for it yet.
db table tiki_preferences feature_minichat - y .
chibaguy needs to make/use notes or something.
chibaguy realizes unaided brain ain't up to the task. ;-)
lizihmm the feature is enabled but it says it's not :( [06:46]
chibaguygive it a slap.
also clear your caches.
liziyes i did that:P [06:47]
chibaguyyay [06:47]
liziand... It works ! [06:48]
chibaguyyay again [06:48]
liziall this work, just to get something that simple to work :P
thanks by the way :)
chibaguysure. It should have been easier, definitely this was the long path to go a short distance.
I need to keep track of things better.
liziIs there other hidden stuff in TW ? [06:51]
chibaguyMaybe. . . . Is tiki-action_calendar.php hidden? [06:53]
lizicalendars? I hate them things :P [06:54]
chibaguyin that case, best leave it hidden. [06:55]
lizi:D [06:55]
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chibaguywell, I think there's a lot of stuff that's hidden in the sense that people might not have come across it or tried it, so don't realize what it can do.
Like in trackers, I've only touched the surface, myself.
lizinot activated over here :P [06:57]
chibaguydid you try shadowbox? [06:57]
liziit's activated but I havent tried it yet
is it anygood ?
Also in an image gallery: http://zukakakina.com/tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=6 -- click on image for shadowbox display. (arrow keys can be used for navigation.)
liziI have to say, this stuff is pretty sweet
I think TW really needs to work on themes now
It's so hard to find a decent one
(and mittwoch isn't available for v.2 :( )
chibaguyhttp://themes.tikiwiki.org [07:05]
liziyes, i know :P [07:05]
chibaguywell, it will be eventually I guess. not really much left to do. [07:05]
liziwhat I mean is, i think tiki is superior to other CMS feature wise, but looks bad in comparison, which drives people off I think [07:06]
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liziyes, not much left to do :P
lizi can't wait
chibaguydoc.tikiwiki.org is using Tki2 and mittwoch, so it's that close.
but some things haven't been updated for quite a while.
Do you have any particular kind of theme in mind?
liziwell, I have mittwoch in mind :D
it's the greatest :D
chibaguyheh, ok [07:08]
liziI like neat.css, which kinda looks like plone
though there is some graphic work to do on this one, the plone default is superior me thinks
I am using Andreas at the moment, which is plain broken
chibaguyIt is? [07:09]
liziI have to investigate some of the others, but there are a few (new themes) which I don't like
chibaguywhat specifically?
or generally?
lizihmm things aren't clean. not centered, div inside divs that obviously are the wrong size
the top bar menu doesn't look so good and breaks if the window is a bit small, etc...
chibaguyUm, ok. [07:12]
liziwell, compared to some legacy themes it's heaven.
but still
I have seen themes for hacked smf with MW withJoomla that actually looked great (and integrated)
under the hood it's all crap, but visually it was awesome
chibaguyWell, the more feedback the better. The themes look pretty solid when I put them up, but there are so many browser versions, Tiki site configurations, logo img sizes, menu widths, etc., that it's hard to anticipate everything. [07:14]
liziV2 was supposed to change the way in which themes are made... Was this achieved ?
oh yes. I'm using the default stuff, no logo, nothing
liziI tested TW around a year ago
I did some hacking on mIttwoch css and tpl
and the graphics as well
chibaguyThe theme process is in transition. I wanted it to go faster but the need to keep supporting legacy sites slowed it down. By Tiki3 (next march) it should be more complete. [07:16]
liziyou guys need to drop the legacy stuff
only make bug fixes for the old stuff, and change that api thing
chibaguyI'm for that pretty much, but we need to help people transition who have large sites that have been around for a while. [07:17]
lizithis was a year ago, and already a year ago I thought the old themes/api were just not worth maintaining anymore
chibaguywell, it's collaboration, and things take time. [07:18]
liziif the only thing that changes is how themes (plus breadcrumbs logos and such) are handled, then all they need to do is rewrite the theme or pick a new one
I'm sure writting new stuff is easier than maintaining compatibility with the old one.
but well, You guys seem to be a fairly small team as well, no ?
chibaguycorrect [07:20]
liziI suspected so, usually the project leaders don't hang around IRC, i remember chating with marc :D [07:21]
chibaguyactually the total number of contributors is big, but a relatively small group account for most of the commits [07:21]
liziyou were there too and luciash as well and sylvieg :) [07:22]
chibaguyyeah, it's a small, friendly group :-) [07:23]
liziis it possible to run TW behind varnish ? [07:23]
chibaguyI don't know, I haven't heard one way or the other. [07:23]
liziAfter not being satisfied with TW, I decided to run plone...
plone is fairly slow, but I liked what I saw under the hood
then I installed varnish
I fried a 10 mbps modem in trying to make the site crash
the server wasn't stressed in anyway :P
the only thing is that Plone had to be aware of varnish, so it could ask varnish to refresh its cache whenever the page changed
I guess to make it work with TW that'd be the only thing to do.
though to be honest , i feel TW is faster than the last time I used it
chibaguyYeah, I don't know. I'm not really very familiar with the server aspects.
Yes, Tiki is getting performance enhancements, here and there.
Well, maybe more than just here and there.
Anyway, it'd be good to ask about tikiwiki and varnish sometime when the heavy-duty coders are on here.
Because of the support.mozilla.com project among other things,, this is a significant topic.
i just broke my tiki :(
installed akwa theme
and now I get a blank page :(
know how I can revert it in the db ?
nevermind, I just deleted the css from the FS, and it reverted back to default :) [07:51]
chibaguyhey, you're pretty smart. ;-) [07:55]
lizisomething was meant to happen :P [08:02]
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chibaguytime for me to go. cya later. [08:17]
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ParagtimAnybody having any success with WikiPluginsDb. All I'm getting is a blank page and a support link that doen't exist :( [11:55]
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sylviegwhich plugin? [12:02]
ParagtimHi Sylvieg WikiPluginsDb (http://tikiwiki.org/WikiPluginsDbTutorial) [12:03]
sylvieginteresting - I never saw this one [12:11]
ParagtimIt look like it could be quite good, but all i'm getting is ablank page. If I could make SQLPlug in return a record could I would be part way to where I need to go. Any ideas?
sorry record count
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rahantest [12:18]
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ParagtimI have locked a page (so that registered users can't see the source) but registered users can still see the source. I've set the object perms to view only, thinking this is only the page that can be seen, but the edit icon is still available. Any idea what i'm missing? [12:58]
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lphuberdeausylvieg, you need to be extra careful when merging tikilib... because the file changed a lot, automatic merges put things out of context [13:26]
sylviegI did a svn diff and did not see a lot of change
did you see something wrong?
lphuberdeauyeah, but it changed one line for something completely unrelated
check my last commit, it fixes it
I had trouble like that too when merging
sylviegah the serialize ... yes i took me a while
next time you commit to 2 and do not want a merge - better to put in the commit message
lphuberdeauit had to be merged
but the automatic merge could not find where to apply the patch because the code moved too much
sylvieghmm... [13:29]
lphuberdeauplaced the str_replace line in some other function which is now about where parse_data was [13:29]
sylviegif we have only one error in a merge - we are on the good way [13:30]
lphuberdeauusually it aligns itself on existing code, but re-indenting code causes all lines to change, so it just becomes lost and only relies on line numbers
it just means we need to spend more time reviewing changes
even on auto merges
sylviegsure - I merged yesterday - because I did some change in 2 that could potentially be hard to merge [13:31]
lphuberdeauthats good [13:31]
sylviegsorry for the mistake - but you catch it ;-) [13:32]
lphuberdeaubest would be to avoid changes in tikilib 2.0 as much as possible [13:32]
sylviegor to merge as soon as you do a change.... [13:32]
I was planning on doing it after 2.2 release
which I should be doing right now
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PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15192 /trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] Plugin validation broken by bad merge
SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15194 /branches/2.0/db/tiki-secdb_2.2_mysql.sql: [REL] SecDB for 2.2
SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15193 /branches/2.0/ (10 files in 4 dirs): [REL] Pre-release updates
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lphuberdeauFresh tarballs to test (2.2): http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/tikirel/
zip is still uploading
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lphuberdeauzip now done uploading too
I will package the final release in 4 hours from now, making sure there are no obvious problems would be nice
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15195 /trunk/tiki-upload_file.php: [FIX]fgal: perm where not check if galleryId was not set [14:50]
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lphuberdeau_still no results from the tarball tests... http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/tikirel/ [16:48]
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peterMN299Hello -- I recently upgraded my tiki from 1.9 to 2.0.1 -- but since then I am getting database errors when new users attempt to sign on... is it possible to re-upgrade/convert the database? or will that destroy the database? [17:39]
sylviegwhich error - because in 2.0 there was an error
check the column email_is_due is in the table users_users
peterMN299column email_confirm is unknown [17:40]
sylviegit is this one
... it is easy to fix
either you upgrade to the latest 2.x
lphuberdeau_I never heard of 2.0.1 [17:42]
sylviegor in phpMyAdmin or other ALTER TABLE users_users ADD email_confirm int(14) default NULL AFTER pass_confirm; [17:42]
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peterMN299any other field changes that I should check? 1.9 to 2.1? [17:47]
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sylviegif you have run the database upgrade, it should be ok [17:49]
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peterMN299is the database upgrade process a single shot process or can it be re-run? [17:50]
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lphuberdeau_2.2 will be released in a few hours [17:55]
mac|jaegergood to know [17:56]
lphuberdeau_http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/tikirel/ - you can use the prerelease packages
(need testing, but worked for me)
mac|jaegeris there a changelog somewhere? [17:56]
lphuberdeau_in the tarball [17:56]
mac|jaegerah, oki [17:57]
lphuberdeau_changelog.txt [17:57]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15196 /tags/2.2/: [REL] Tagging release [19:05]
is there any alternative to the calendar?
sorry to say, but the one built in really sucks :-(
lphuberdeau_being reworked for 3.0 [19:19]
mac|jaegera pity
when 3.0 is due, my project will be almost over
ricks99when using the "Add messages from this email to the forum" option for a forum, how do i configure how often to check for new messages?
i see no such setting?
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lphuberdeau_final packages for 2.2 are available on http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/tikirel/ - will put up on sourceforge in 3 hours [19:30]
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NefariousCLook who it is! It's marclaporte! [19:39]
polom NefariousC
ParagtimIn SQLPlugin does anyone know the code to count the number of rows in a table? SELECT COUNT (*) FROM does not seem to work for me [19:40]
marclaportemarclaporte wonders if/how to filter trackers but based on a higher/lower than, instead of filterby text contained. [19:41]
PS|botSVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 15197 /trunk/templates/tiki-admin_content_templates.tpl: [MOD] admin content templates: no changes just code reindenting [19:42]
snarlydwarfsylvieg: you there? got a style question for you (as in code style not /styles/) [19:56]
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snarlydwarfprob: i am (still, between dumb work projects) messing with modifier.sefurl.php for propogating sefurl's all over the place, but need to be tricky with "urls with lots of arguments"
ie, /tiki-view_gallery.php?galleryId=38&rebuild=38 ... /gallery38&rebuild=38 works fine
but the only way i know to fix that in smarty is to add a param to smarty_modifier_sefurl for 'args' being present, and end the replacement of 'gallery38' with a '?'
or a '&' if sefurl is off
anyone know something cleaner.. sending the whole arg string to sefurl would work, i guess but then i'd have to rip it apart, grab the galleryId from the string, and glue it back together
sylvieghref="$galleryId|sefurl:fgal}&rebuild=38" ?
forgot a {
snarlydwarfbut would that work when sefurl is off?
in that case you would want a ? instead of the &
sylviegyeh - I do not know what is the rule for additional parameter is it ? or / or & [20:04]
snarlydwarf? for the 1st, & for subsequent
which is why it sucks.
I changed the function to 'smarty_modifier_sefurl($source, $type='wiki', $args = FALSE)' which works
and if $args is set I spit out a ? or & depending on how I had to encode the gallery
ie, gallery23? or ?galleryId=23&
but just seems... icky.
<a href="{$galleryId|sefurl:gallery:1}rebuild={$galleryId}">
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sylviegI do not understand the rebuild
yes I like the 1
perhaps with_next can be nice
snarlydwarfwith_next? [20:10]
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sylviega parameter a little more explicit [20:10]
only other alternative i see is to pass the whole "nonsefurl" to smarty and rip it apart/glue it back depending on if sefurl is set.. but thats a lot of slow string ops
sylviegit will be probably nicer - for instance to put the language in a sefurl way ... but it can also be done with 2 sefurls
reparsing the parsma is too slow..
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GiovanniHello, everyone, I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction towards modifying the stars that show up by the usernames in tikiwiki dealing with the score feature. I want to change the point level at which the stars change color, and I can't seem to find where that is located [20:37]
sylviegtikilib.php -> get_star [20:38]
GiovanniThanks! [20:40]
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SEWilco2Does "Tell a Friend" try to block spammers, or is it not safe to allow Anon to use it? [21:01]
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sylviegif you activate the antibot, it will be safe
so far ... i know
snarlydwarfi keep stumbling on ancient and icky code :/ ... revision.. 2.
well, 2, 1100 and 5567, @75-77 of /tiki-galleries.php making a silly variable called 'url'
SEWilco2sylvieg: Thanks. [21:10]
snarlydwarfwhich fails massively if you use the sefurls in .htaccess. [21:10]
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snarlydwarfor around 411 of tiki-browse_gallery.php... it grabs the URL (tiki-browse-gallery.php?galleryId=23) rewrites it to the t-b_g to show_image, and then passes that to smarty.. but Smarty already knows that galleryId=23, so its a lot of hoops for no real reason that I can see [21:20]
oh, i see why since it wants to prepend http://<server>/<maybe-path-to-wiki>/ [21:30]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15200 /trunk/templates/tiki-admin_modules.tpl: [FIX]module: there were 2 #assign [21:57]
snarlydwarfand I see Nyloth did the hardpart, most of the 'foo' code (grep foo *php) can be replaced with $base_url stuff. [22:08]
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SEWilco2That's odd. I enabled MooTools and that disabled contact_anon. The MooTools doc page doesn't mention such a dependency. [22:49]
snarlydwarfthat is odd... i notice some odd changes when i use the 'new' admin menu... is that what you used? (ie, set values become unset.. language likes to switch to arabic...) [22:50]
SEWilco2I'm using the 2.1 admin tools. Haven't seen arabic yet. [23:01]
snarlydwarfif you go back and turn contact_anon back on does it come back?
cant think of a reason the two would conflict
.... (idle for 18mn)
SEWilco2snarlydwarf: I turned off Mootools and turned on contact_anon for the time being. No time now to deal with those two arguing. [23:23]
snarlydwarfindeed, 7mins until the end of my day... not that i am counting down [23:24]
SEWilco2In Admin>Freetags, what is format for color specification? red,green,blue did not do anything. Hex needed?
Hmm. #FF000,#00FF00,#0000FF didn't work. Maybe if I clear cache.
Nope, tags module colors aren't changing. I wonder where the hinted-at larger cloud is.
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SEWilco2Aha, there it is. Yes, the colors did change in "Freetags" display, but not in "tags suggestions" (what is in module). [23:30]
lphuberdeau_https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=64258&package_id=266122&release_id=634082 [23:35]
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