[00:07] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [00:12] *** NefariousC has quit IRC () [00:19] *** PS|bot2 has joined #tikiwiki [00:22] *** NefariousC has joined #tikiwiki [00:26] *** PS|bot has quit IRC (Nick collision from services.) [00:26] *** PS|bot2 is now known as PS|bot [00:30] *** Caarrie|away has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [00:32] *** Caarrie has joined #tikiwiki [00:45] *** grobda24 has quit IRC (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) [01:08] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [02:08] *** Paragtim has quit IRC ("A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well") [02:40] *** NefariousC has quit IRC () [02:59] *** chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [04:11] *** SEWilc1 has joined #tikiwiki [04:19] *** SEWilco has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [04:48] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [05:19] *** lizi has joined #tikiwiki [05:19] Hi everybody [05:22] chibaguy are you here ? [05:22] I wanted to ask you, are you the author of the undergroud theme ? [05:22] Have you noticed the problems I was talking about the other day ? [05:24] Hi lizi [05:25] I'm not the original author, but I adapted it for Tikiwiki [05:25] Sorry but what problems, again? [05:27] errr. various things :D [05:28] divs are the wrong size, position of left and right column seems weird, etc [05:28] oh and the "apply" buttons in the admin panel appear outside the div. just an example [05:29] Can you look at http://themes.tikiwiki.org/Underground and see if that page has the same problems with layout? [05:30] Actually Underground originally is only two columns, left and center. I added the right column, too, for sites to have the option, but the theme works best with just left and center. [05:31] it does have the same problems [05:31] The margins in the stylesheet are optimized for left + center only. This is in the readme. [05:31] I can't test everything though [05:31] What browser are you using? [05:31] ff3 [05:31] OK, same as I use for testing. [05:32] it may be I am too demanding [05:33] the theme is quite good looking, it just has these annoying little things. [05:33] Maybe it's because I'm a girl :D [05:34] not necessarily [05:34] My bf says there's too much fancy stuff and I should stick with the neat theme :P [05:34] the neat theme is crap [05:34] (imho) [05:34] ;-) [05:34] btw, the theme doesn't validate. I believe it says "Title" instead of "title" [05:35] OK, I'll run it through the validator again. [05:35] Did you try hiding the right column? (using the link on the themes.tw.o/underground page)? [05:35] it's on the line that says design by st5yleshout [05:36] I'll try now. but I like the right column [05:36] Ah, the santizing script hit that -- it can get out of control. [05:36] or else a typo by me. [05:37] You mean you like all three columns? In that case the margins or padding should be reduced. I should do a doc page on that. [05:38] (uh, maybe that's your typo -- "st5yleshout"? 14:35 above? [05:38] thats my typo [05:39] ok [05:39] Underground [05:39] see the title attribute [05:39] *** Timothy has joined #tikiwiki [05:40] *** Timothy has left [05:40] Yes, what's the problem? [05:40] or question? [05:40] the T doesn't validate :D [05:40] ah, ok, thanks. [05:40] I'll fix it. [05:41] Well, I'm interested to know specifically what problems you see with the layout, etc. [05:42] i removed the right column and I still have all the same problems [05:42] I know these themes aren't perfect. When I commit them to the repository, it's kind of like, ok, here it is to use and improve if anyone wants to.... [05:43] I'm steadily finding things to fix, and do updates a few times a week usually. [05:44] hmm it's a bit difficult to describe all this stuff [05:44] the original theme wich i just found on styleshout is fine [05:45] it sucks very much because it's only using a fifth of my monitor, but everything else is fine [05:45] in fact, your code is gpl, right? [05:45] but their design has some sort of annoying license [05:45] i was thinking maybe I'd roll my own based on your code, and repair the stuff I dislike [05:46] then post it on TW [05:47] what do you think ? [05:48] Their code is Creative Commons Attribution, which means you can do whatever you like with it as long as you leave a link to their site. [05:49] Well, it'd be great if you wanted to do your own adaptation. Of course, if there are problems with this theme, they should be fixed, too. [05:49] well their code is the css, is that right ? [05:49] the tpl is yours [05:49] in fact i should check :D [05:51] Yes, I get their css file and look at their page html, then adapt to Tiki. [05:51] ...kind of map their css selectors to Tiki's, and especially in this theme the header area is quite different from the (my) standard Tiki, so site-header.tpl and maybe tiki.tpl had to be changed some. [05:52] SVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 15246 /mods/trunk/themes/ (11 files in 11 dirs): [FIX] Make link title lower case to validate (thanks, lizi). [05:52] quick, eh? ;-) [05:52] yeah :D [05:52] I had my editor open already and did a search and replace. [05:53] :) [05:53] hey I gotta go get some food [05:53] brb :) [05:54] ok [05:58] *** jerkface03 has quit IRC (Nick collision from services.) [05:58] *** jerkface0 has joined #tikiwiki [05:58] *** jerkface0 is now known as jerkface03 [06:07] *** nkoth3 has quit IRC () [06:09] SVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 15247 /mods/trunk/themes/underground/styles/underground.css: [FIX] .height property of .clear was a mistake; removed. [06:23] *** SEWilco has joined #tikiwiki [06:23] *** SEWilc1 has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [06:37] *** Timoth1 has joined #tikiwiki [06:37] *** Timoth1 has left [07:01] *** franck has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [07:02] *** franck has joined #tikiwiki [07:03] back. I see you are correcting underground chibaguy :P [07:07] the css doesn't validate either btw :P [07:07] *** Wilkins has joined #tikiwiki [07:08] are there any good tutorials for making TW themes from scratch ? [07:08] or documentation ? [07:10] I haven't checked the validation in a while, so will again. [07:10] Well, there's a little documentation, but it's out of date. [07:10] :-| [07:12] I wrote this up a while back as background for the way I approach themes, and the path I recommend: http://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Tiki_110_Theme_Ideas [07:12] (General layout considerations, etc.) [07:13] I generally start with this CSS file: http://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Tikiwiki2_CSS_selectors [07:14] It has selectors for *litecss-based themes (no table for main layout) and also for table-using layouts such as Kubrick, Dark Shine, etc., in mods. [07:14] ok [07:14] It also has color placeholders. This isn't perfect, but helps avoid light-on-light contrast problems. [07:15] And it consolidates colors to some extent. [07:15] I update this file from time to time as new selectors are added to the templates. [07:17] For template files, there isn't an actual set that's a model. For full-width themes, I recommend the *litecss method for the reasons stated in that wiki page. You can use the files from /templates/styles/thenews or /darkroom or /feb12 , etc. They're all pretty similar if not identical. [07:18] I use Firefox and the Firebug add-on to examine theme's pages in progress, or to check the original if I'm doing an adaptation. [07:20] It is possible to do a new theme by making a stylesheet only, but in this case it will use the default template files. The default files in Tiki 2 are "old style", so using the tpls of one of the themes I mentioned will be more in line with what's planned for Tiki3. [07:21] Actually I added the color properties to the model CSS file to help avoid dark-on-dark contrast problems. People add colors to templates or CSS files assuming the the background is always white/near-white and the text is always dark. [07:22] -- engineers..... ;-) [07:23] Doing some docs on theme-making is high on my to-do list. [07:48] what's the body.jpg in ohia for ? [07:51] IIRC, I wanted a background for the header and footer areas that wasn't a solid color, so used an image. The reason I made it the body background is that when pages widen enough for a horizontal scrollbar, IE doesn't redraw the header bg, so it looks weird to me, only going as wide as the initial page width. [07:52] (Now I'm noticing FF3 doesn't widen the body background image on widening pages, so I need to keep checking on this. [07:52] ) [07:53] IE will apply the body bg image full-width even when the page widens. [07:53] just saying this because body.jpg doesn't look like the body background [07:53] or maybe I'm using 2 different versions [07:55] There's only one version as far as I know. [07:56] But div#middle has a dark gray background, so body.jpg doesn't show completely. [07:57] Well, this was kind of an experiment. I made the header and footer transparent-background and sort of guestimated window heights where the body.jpg would show through the way I wanted. It's pretty rough. [07:59] (I mean bg image placement is a bit loose relative to things on top of it. But it never actually "breaks".) [07:59] might be a good idea to reduce the jpg then [07:59] It's only 1.19KB. [08:00] 1 KB too large muahahahaha [08:00] I was thinking about using ohia to do a plone-like theme [08:00] that's why I've been looking around :D [08:00] Ah, one other point on the bg image. . . [08:01] A more or less totally red image would worked well for the header/footer backgrounds, but on slow page loads I didn't want early-arriving text to not have the gray background, so I made the middle band of the bg image dark. [08:02] btw, what is a plone-like theme? [08:02] the footer isn't an image it's just plain red [08:02] plone.org [08:04] ah, I forgot to update the img name in the css file. [08:04] hmm maybe not [08:05] after reducing the menus the page is now shorter and i can see a different red [08:05] below the "powered by TW" box thingy [08:06] Yeah, the footer bg color, not image was being used. [08:06] I just corrected it. [08:08] SVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 15248 /mods/trunk/themes/ohia/styles/ohia.css: [FIX] Wrong footer bg image name corrected. [08:08] Well, it's ok except the show php errors bg needs fixing..... [08:10] Hmm, specifying a footer bg color/img conflicts what I said about them being transparent, so maybe I need to recheck my notes, etc. [08:10] do you know if it is safe to use png (any type) on the web nowadays ? [08:11] without javascript hacks for IE ? [08:12] IE6 doesn't recognize alpha transparency in png. [08:12] So uses a gray instead. [08:12] Notice some of Tiki's icons. [08:12] do people still use IE6 ? [08:13] Plenty, unfortunately. [08:13] hmm well, blast em [08:14] I gotta go now. Will try to get back later. Thanks for pointing out the probs, etc. [08:14] ok :) [08:14] *** chibaguy has left [08:14] was about to report an icon problem :D [08:27] *** Paragtim has joined #tikiwiki [09:15] *** mac|jaeger has joined #tikiwiki [10:06] *** emgent has joined #tikiwiki [10:06] hello [10:46] *** chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [10:52] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [11:12] *** deepaks has joined #tikiwiki [11:32] *** NefariousC has joined #tikiwiki [11:37] *** nkoth3 has joined #tikiwiki [11:52] *** tomb__ has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [11:54] *** tomb__ has joined #tikiwiki [12:01] *** marclaporte has quit IRC () [12:10] *** feindbild has joined #tikiwiki [12:10] hello :) [12:10] moin [12:11] I somehow can't give tiki_p_post_shoutbox and tiki_p_view_shoutbox permissions to the Registered group :/ I check the boxes, hit update but the perms don't appear :/ [12:11] any hint? [12:11] is shoutbox active? [12:12] in features? [12:12] tiki-assignpermission.php [12:12] yes, the shoutbox is active, and it's module is added for all groups [12:12] but only the admins group can view it :( [12:13] sec, let me check here [12:13] what version of tw are you running? [12:13] feindbild, you can try clearing your caches (tiki-admin_system.php). [12:13] Sometimes that helps. [12:15] no, still can't add permissions :/ [12:16] hmm, no problems here. adding and removing from registered without trouble [12:16] so... what version? [12:17] 2.2 [12:17] *** NefariousC has quit IRC () [12:17] did you start with 2.2 or upgraded? if so, did it work before? [12:18] (I'm still running a snapshot 2.2 alpha, your is more recent) [12:18] I started with 2.2, never used tikiwiki before [12:18] http://pastebin.com/m556e8955 [12:18] those are the perms I already assigned ... [12:21] can you add the perms to other groups? [12:21] can you add other perms to registered (seems so) [12:23] I can't add the shoutbox perms to Anonymous [12:24] I just successfully added tiki_p_vote_chart to Registered group [12:24] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [12:26] but no shoutbox group :/ [12:26] s/group/perms/ [12:31] *** grobda24 has joined #tikiwiki [12:34] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [12:37] *** lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [12:47] is there a way to iterate a {foreach ..} loop in ABC order? i want to modify cateobjects.tpl to show the objects in ABC order [12:50] i know i can assign a sort order from the php, but i'd rather find a way in the TPL so my upgrades are easier [12:57] something like {foreach ... order=ascending} maybe? [13:04] polom [13:04] ricks99: : sometimes, accents are not alpha [13:04] État ends up being at the end [13:05] thats ok. this site is us english only [13:05] i just want to somehow change the default to be a-b-c instead of last modified [13:05] and don't want to have to change the php ('cause then i need to rmember to replicate the change for each tiki upgrade) [13:06] *rick learned the hard way -- keep your mods to the TPLs and life is easier :) [13:07] hehe [13:07] ricks99: :we are all "condemned" to collaborate :-) [13:07] there is a sortlink smarty block that can eventually do that [13:09] "sortlink"? i can't find any such item on smarty.net [13:09] no it is our block [13:10] it is sorting the html output [13:10] .. it is used in the admin menu section [13:10] *** grobda24-ghost has joined #tikiwiki [13:11] tiki-admin_menus.tpl? [13:12] *** grobda24 has quit IRC (Connection timed out) [13:12] lib/smarty_tiki/block.sortlinks.php [13:14] {sortlinks}....{/sortlinks} [13:15] yes ... it can work otherwise you acn have a look and sort on what you have... [13:16] hm... close... [13:18] it is stripping out the html
  • item
  • [13:18] and i get just item item item item [13:18] when i want:
  • item
  • item
  • etc [13:23] odd... it retains the but strips out the
    • [13:29] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [13:34] do you know which tpl invokes siteloginbar ? [13:34] I want to mod it but i cant find it [13:37] tiki-site_header_login.tpl [13:39] cheers [13:41] *** tomb__ has left "Ex-Chat" [13:45] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [13:46] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [13:56] *** chibaguy has left [14:02] *** lizi has quit IRC ("Leaving") [14:26] *** grobda24-ghost has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [14:35] *** Amorphous has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [14:39] *** Amorphous has joined #tikiwiki [15:26] *** Simmi has joined #tikiwiki [15:32] *** feindbild has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [15:32] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [15:51] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [16:18] *** Wilkins has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [16:30] *** snarlydwarf has joined #tikiwiki [16:41] *** emgent has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [16:53] *** SvenAERTS has joined #tikiwiki [16:57] *** SvenAERTS has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [16:57] *** grobda24 has joined #tikiwiki [17:02] *** SvenAERTS has joined #tikiwiki [17:11] *** SvenAERTS has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [17:12] *** SvenAERTS has joined #tikiwiki [17:19] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [17:21] *** SvenAERTS_ has joined #tikiwiki [17:22] *** SvenAERTS has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [17:36] *** GillesMM has quit IRC ("Konversation terminated!") [17:38] *** GillesMM has joined #tikiwiki [17:38] *** SvenAERTS_ has quit IRC () [17:39] *** SvenAERTS has joined #tikiwiki [17:39] *** GillesMM has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [17:39] *** GillesMM has joined #tikiwiki [17:40] *** GillesMM has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [17:40] Has anyone experience with the TRIM tool? Getting problems making instance. [17:40] *** GillesMM has joined #tikiwiki [17:41] I'm using Ubuntu Server 64bit. Maybe this is untested on 64bit. [17:48] *** SvenAERTS has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [17:48] *** SvenAERTS has joined #tikiwiki [17:56] *** franck has quit IRC () [17:58] *** SvenAERTS has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [17:58] *** pkdille has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [17:58] *** pkdille has joined #tikiwiki [17:58] *** SvenAERTS has joined #tikiwiki [18:07] *** SvenAERTS has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [18:08] *** SvenAERTS has joined #tikiwiki [18:17] *** SvenAERTS has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [18:17] *** SvenAERTS has joined #tikiwiki [18:21] *** mac|jaeger has quit IRC ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)") [18:22] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [18:26] *** SvenAERTS has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [18:27] *** SvenAERTS has joined #tikiwiki [18:38] I'm no Linux expert (I blame Amette - hehe) but I think there is a script error in ''make instance'. I followed the destructions in the TRIM setup, but, nothing seems to be going as planned. Would there be differences on a 32bit setup as opposed to a 64bit? [18:43] hey - that's not fair!! :P [18:43] lphuberdeau: you got some idea? -^ [18:43] * amette didn't work with TRIM yet at all [18:50] Oh, you are still alive then ;-). [18:51] I do not know if the mandated installed objects is ssh.so - I could not get this one to make into a package either, so just carried on. [18:52] yeah, I'm getting more alive every day... feeling pretty good again today.. [18:52] *** grobda24 has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [18:52] *** grobda24 has joined #tikiwiki [18:52] hmmm... from what you told about some ssh.so and so on... I'm really lost on your issue - sorry! [18:53] Anyways, at least for me, it's busted and I have no idea on Linux - still an M$ girl [18:53] *g* [18:53] So, I hope someone will pick this up when they have time. [18:54] well, it could be a 32/64bit issue for sure - as those libs are in different places on a 64bit system... that's really something that lph should be capable of answering rather easily, I guess as he built TRIM [18:54] * Simmi thinks amette had too many drinkies [18:54] hehe, nope, not lately ;) [19:01] *** SvenAERTS has quit IRC () [19:02] *** lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [19:07] * Simmi dreams of the old days of CPM and Digital PDP45's running RKMNSJ-11 twas much easier back then. [19:13] I doubt so - or did they have retarted GUIs like windoze does? ;) [19:14] s/ted/ded [19:16] Um, nope, we had simple tools back then. A DataDynamics-390 was a mechanical teletype operating at the blistering speed of 100baud full duplex. [19:16] SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15252 /trunk/lib/filegals/filegallib.php: [FIX]fgal: fix remove pod files [19:16] Oh, and paper tape to input programs with. [19:17] oops, mistake 110baud [19:17] - 10% faster - makes all the difference [19:19] SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15253 /trunk/tiki-list_file_gallery.php: notice [19:20] *** SvenAERTS has joined #tikiwiki [19:25] wow, that sounds like good times - the times in which people voluntarily chose telnet, cause it has to transfer less over the wire... ;) [19:25] s/telnet/minicom :P [19:27] * Simmi thinks to self Telnet?? Telnet was not invented back then. [19:28] yeah, and minicom is a rather new program for serial connections, too... but sadly I'm too young for that, you know? ;) [19:28] mid 70's [19:29] I'm wearing well. [19:29] :) [19:29] *** SvenAERTS has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [19:30] *** SvenAERTS has joined #tikiwiki [19:34] *** emgent has joined #tikiwiki [19:43] *** Simmi has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [19:46] *** SvenAERTS has quit IRC () [19:51] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [19:55] *** SvenAERTS has joined #tikiwiki [19:58] *** SEWilco has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [19:59] *** SEWilco has joined #tikiwiki [20:04] *** SvenAERTS has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [20:05] *** SvenAERTS has joined #tikiwiki [20:14] * snarlydwarf misses z80 assembly language, but pretends that smarty is the same thing. [20:25] ROFL :D [20:43] did somebody try the zend_search_lucene ? we could put it in tikiwiki... [20:45] we can even overwrite the permission on luicene with our permission.. [20:47] http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.search.lucene.html [20:47] :P [20:51] saw a demo of it... works, but not quite google [20:52] yes google uses some natural language knowledge - like thesausus.... [20:52] lucene not [20:53] certainly better than what we have or what mysql does [20:53] yeh - and it seems easy to implement [20:53] http://www.phpriot.com/articles/zend-search-lucene [20:53] only the indexing part could be annoying [20:54] very simple [20:54] yes but you can index in real time [20:54] you still need to extract the text from PDF and such... won't do it for you [20:54] you need a handler .... it is not the term - but seesm very easy [20:55] however, it means we bundle the zend framework... there is probably more stuff we can use from it, no doubt [20:55] it's not meant to be broken down as there are dependencies between packages [20:56] - yes..... :P [20:56] is there many cms out there witten with zend [20:56] I don't think so [20:57] zend arrived after the big CMS wave... not so many new projects anymore [20:57] it's mostly used for custom app development [20:58] I think we could use the Zend_Auth parts of it to clean up our auth process among other things [20:58] *** Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [21:00] it is very seducing.... [21:01] we have a lot of legacy, can't hope it will all go away, but we can clean up piece by piece [21:04] zend_mail can be a good candidate too [21:04] very clean, yes [21:09] *** SvenAERTS has quit IRC () [21:15] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [21:51] *** SvenAERTS has joined #tikiwiki [21:52] *** SvenAERTS has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [21:56] * SEWilco2 wonders why FF keeps showingspinning icons although progress bar seems complete and pages look OK. [22:13] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [22:18] *** NefariousC has joined #tikiwiki [23:10] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [23:17] *** SEWilco2 has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [23:24] SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15254 /trunk/lib/ (search/searchlib.php searchlib.php): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/2.0 15194 to 15221 [23:25] and the guy I fixed the search on directory ... did not thank me - sometimes..... [23:30] *** snarlydwarf has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [23:52] *** nkoth3 has quit IRC () [23:54] *** gillesMMM has joined #tikiwiki [23:55] *** GillesMM has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [23:57] *** lizi has joined #tikiwiki [23:57] Hi everyone [23:58] hmmm chiba's not around :'(