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Bilal: hi all
i need little help with TikiWiki Meta Tags , anyone around?
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PS|bot: SVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 15256 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] application menu: structure option (in wiki section) has to be showed only if feature_wiki AND feature_wiki_structure are both active
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PS|bot: SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15257 /branches/2.0/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: indicate that the version is the svn version - otherwise we do not know if it is a released version or a svn one
SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15261 /trunk/categorize_list.php: [FIX] categorize area: users with 'tiki_p_view_categories' perm should also be able to see the categories in the list of objects (e.g. wiki page) they can edit
SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15260 /trunk/templates/ (categorize.tpl tiki-editpage.tpl): [FIX] categorize wiki page: do not limit categorization to users with global perm 'tiki_p_view_categories'... all conditions are checked in specific categorize files.
SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15259 /trunk/templates/tiki-upload_file.tpl: [FIX]fgal: edit file was broken+ some layout
SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15262 /trunk/tiki-upload_file.php: [FIX]fgal: only some errors were displayed causing an infinite 'in progress' with javascript
SVN: Commit by ricks99 :: r 15263 /branches/2.0/templates/find.tpl: [MOD]give users an easy way to clear a FIND filter
SVN: Commit by ricks99 :: r 15264 /branches/2.0/templates/tiki-listpages_content.tpl: [MOD]give users better feedback when filtering page listing
SVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 15266 /trunk/styles/transitions/1.9to2.2.css: [FIX] Text color added where background color is specified, to avoid no-contrast possibility with some themes.
SVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 15265 /trunk/styles/transitions/1.9to2.2.css: [FIX] Theme default colors should be used. Colors imposed arbitrarily by transition CSS causes problems in some themes.
SVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 15268 /mods/trunk/themes/smooth/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Pagetitle style updated with 2.2 changes; topbar custom code location improved; other misc.
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gillesMMM: I will develop some new features on Tikiwiki these days
the actual svn is different from 2.2 ?
sylvieg: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Where+To+Commit
PS|bot: SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15270 /trunk/templates/tiki-plugin_trackerlist.tpl: [MOD]tracker: be able to use {} and {} in pretty trackerlist
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gillesMMM: on the doc about svn I don't see svn --username ....the svn commit is anonymous now ?
sylvieg: it asked for a login the first time..
gillesMMM: ok thanks
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gillesMMM: hum on 3.0 i got Unknown column 'tip' in 'field list'
sylvieg: do you upgrade the database?
gillesMMM: yes ...
i applied 1.9 to 2.0 and 2.0 to 3.0 patches
sylvieg: strange installer/schema/20080905_feature_tip_tiki.sql:ALTER TABLE tiki_feature ADD COLUMN `tip` text NULL;
gillesMMM: in 1.9 to 2.0 ?
grep 'ALTER TABLE tiki_feature ADD COLUMN `tip` text' * => nothing
sylvieg: in tikitrunk
gillesMMM: in db directory
I don't have tikitrunk file
sylvieg: .. how did you svn co?
gillesMMM: svn co https://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tikiwiki/trunk tikidev
from doc http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Download
Using Dev branch from SVN (trunk) (future 3.x)
Use these steps to download the latest Tikiwiki 3.x from SVN:
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sylvieg: the upgrade file is in installer/scheme
do you have the file?
gillesMMM: I have this file
I installed my tikiwiki manually
sylvieg: sh doc/devtools/sqlupgrade.sh is not updating the database?
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gillesMMM: yes ... now it works
-: SEWilco2 congratulates whomever for whatever works.
sylvieg: ... strange...
gillesMMM: I have the right column at left ....
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gillesMMM: what is the correct style for 3.0 ?
ricks99_: q: when creating a tracker field, in what order is the "field type" list sorted? i can't understand the order, makes finding the right "type" difficult
sylvieg: TRACKERLIST has a param
ricks99_: i mean when creating the field (tiki-admin_tracker_fields.php)
sylvieg: the order is the order in tiki_view_trackers.php
gillesMMM: it is not decided - so far I know
ricks99_: sorry. i dont follow? i don't see in tiki-view_tracker.php where the orde of the field "type" is defined when creating a new tracker field?
I'm talking about when you create a brand new tracker and start defining fields for it.
the field type droplist appears in no distinguishable order?
sylvieg: ah ... field type .... yes
it is the historic order
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ricks99_: what is "historic order" ?
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ricks99_: i guess i don't quite understand? can it be made into abc order? would be much easier to find the field type im lookin for
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paulsstepdaughte: hello
well this is fun!
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grobda24: Hello. What feature should I be looking at to allow shot news items on my frontpage. Articles ? Newreader ?
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tom1: hi
anyone can help?
Fatal error: Call to undefined method domdocument::loadHTML() in
anyone there?
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SEWilco2: Lovely. doc.tw.o/Features again has most table content missing...this time with a line of ideograms as table content.
Anyone able to read "登録はありません"?
grobda24: Probably "Articles". Notice features such as "publish date".
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SEWilco2: I see 3.0 WebservicePlugin can import JSON/YAML data. Does TW emit JSON/YAML data?
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snarlydwarf: grobda24: articles is like slashdot type stuff... a short teaser, optional main body, and page with main body/comments
depending on what you want, that may be what, um, you want
blogs are similar, except no teaser/body seperation
or rss feeds if you want to steal content from somewhere else
really depends on what you mean by short news items
because tiki is.. odd, you can actually shove rss feeds into blog posts or articles.
and nest your news.
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PS|bot: SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15271 /trunk/templates/textareasize.tpl: javascript check
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