polom polom Hi all Sylvieg - Are you available? hello SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15310 /trunk/tiki-admin_bar.php: notice Do you know how to turn date enties in the Db back to real dates? no sorry Ok thanks SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15311 /trunk/tiki-admin_bar.php: dos2unix and Ido not think it is easy... dates in the DB? you mean unix timestamps? date() ... suppose paradigm wnats ate like 2008-10-27 and unix stamp strtotime() is kind of helpful too Sorry Guys - Got dragged away. Using Tiki_pages the table returns the created date. It shows this a a long int but I need to turn it back into a user friendly date on the returned query I will be back in 30 mins - location change - See ya SVN: Commit by gillesm :: r 15312 /trunk/ (5 files in 5 dirs): [NEW] file gallery has a preferred group to allow to alert by Mail users of this group. The feature is not added yet but ready to be set. snif - since my last svn up - with he ajax feature - I can not edit a page anymore.... hi sylvie in 3.0... when using the TRACKER plugin, why does the description fora text area appear twice (above and below the field)? is this a bug, or by design? all other descriptions seem to appear only below the field find out my problem with ajax - it was one of my trace ricks99__: I have the problem it is not my fault I wait the problem is fixed to continue my deve @gillesMMM: is it be design? is the field desciption supposed to be shown twice for TEXTAREA fields? I designed below - and I think pkdille added it up - better to ask devel to sync suppose pkdille needs above.. y. all others show below only. i agree, should be standardard I am adding a new functionality from tiki-view_tracker, appears only once (above) but when using TRACKER plugin appears both places when you modify a tracker, a calendar event or a filegalery : you will have a list of member of a preferred group that will me showed as checkbox ... alle the checked users will be alerted by email this function is not usefull for forum ... SVN: Commit by gillesm :: r 15313 /trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [NEW] Preparation of Group to alert by mail in Calendar gillesMMM: : I am going to use this feature marclaporte: it is not yet implemented I know but I thank you in advance marclaporte: I am discussing with sylvieg about better implementation I just installed tikiwiki for the first time and I'm getting an error message "Tikiwiki is not properly set up:" and listing some directories that it can't find. Can someone point me to the correct place to change the directory pointers? you need to make sure that the directories exist Ah, I was hoping I could keep them out of the system root. Hopefully a few copy/pastes will take care of it then. gillesMMM: : http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=1730 ok marclaporte marclaporte: for newsletter you can send a newsletter to a group .... yes, I just updated the tracker item for forum : people who post don't know who will receive the email ... perhaps it is usefull for workflow implementation : tracker, calendar, file gallery forum has the outbound feature - almost a group... I don't know everything needs to be centralized.. I need to know what information I put in my table Object, groupalerted, capabilty do select individually each user of the group by yes/no other information ? It will be possible to subscribe more than one group to notifications? Will it be possible for someone to be in a group, be ask to stop receiving emails, without leaving the group? Will it be possible for someone to be in a group, be able to ask to stop receiving emails, without leaving the group? If so, we'd need admin interface to see who opted out of notifications, but is still in group With groups that people can join, it would be amazing and if we can group watch categories, it would be more than amazing marc the feature is for collaborativ work I put an doc in filegallery and I wan to alert pierre, paul about this new doc but not patrick ans sylvie etc it is a workflow feature and if there is no group selected, the people will not see alert notification if they modify tracker or filegallery allo ? ok I am not sure ... but how do I know who is in what group? I just want to understand normail users don't see groups they don't see who is in each group with my function : when you modify a tracker item you have a list of check boxes with all the users of a group and you select each one who will be alerted ahhh ok, that is not what I had in mind but this is VERY VERY useful as well :-) please go to private message to test ok, so we need a second feature, where admins can make groups watch something and for what you arew working on (whis is GREAT), we need to think about if user list grows what if I have group of 150 people I can totally see this used for project management we can define all or nobody or each user if the list is less that 50 ... I don't know SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15315 /trunk/tiki-editpage.php: [INDENT] No changes SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15316 /trunk/tiki-editpage.php: [FIX] Killed a prenthesis accidentally in last commit SVN: Commit by gillesm :: r 15317 /trunk/installer/schema/ (3 files): [NEW] modification of tables, I will change this point later but you need to have feature working SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15318 /trunk/tiki-editpage.php: [FIX] Conversion from WYSIWYG to Wiki of multilevel lists added undesired blank lines in version 3.0 on fileupload we have just 1 file to upload ? before we had 6 ... you might want to check the svn log to figure that one out... ok I doubt a feature like that was removed... would guess it was made optional it was a nice feature used by a lot of people use the add file... it will do the same ok I don't see the add file .. who should I thank for the checkboxes on categories? sept I think much better indeed anyone knows what the type column is for in tiki_history? can't find where it gets populated and only contains nulls on my side SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15319 /trunk/installer/schema/20081027_trackers_tiki.sql: [FIX] Patch already existed SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15320 /trunk/installer/schema/20081027_trackers_tiki.sql: [FIX] Oops.. uncommited file on my side, sorry lphuberdeau_: Nobody is answering. I assume you considered "type" might be to indicate wiki/article/blog type. Did you examine if it is used to indicate normal/minor edit? SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15321 /trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] Keeing HTML-state of the page in history, improves diff performance when switching from wysiwyg to wiki, also fix inconsistency allowing a wysiwyg page not to be considered as html marclaporte: ping. SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15322 /trunk/lib/diff/renderer_htmldiff.php: [INDENT] No changes Odd. One of my TW sites does not finish loading in browser, but access.log says state 200. emgent: pong I sense FrankP_german will soon share some code is the community site on 2.x / 3.x? ? http://tikiwiki.org/forum6 what version of tikiwiki is that? you mean the url format? just a tweak through URL rewrites SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15323 /trunk/lib/wiki/histlib.php: [ENH] Remove attributes from title elements because fck keeps changing the order, they are not relevant in the diff is the 3x series stable enough for someone who knows what they are doing? depends on the days mostly usable, but you're not really allowed to complain if something breaks beyond reporting it I wonder why I get duplicate results: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-searchresults.php?highlight=mediawiki&where=pages&search=Go lol, I don't think you can complain in general on open surce projects... :-P kind of worst on dev branches ;) I have 2 operational sites on 3.0 SVN: Commit by Jyhem :: r 15324 /trunk/templates/ (2 files): [ENH] Capitalisation it's technically 'bad' to use a trunk of any package as if it was a real release, but :: knocking on wood :: I haven't been burned by it yet. Sometimes I get an update that breaks things, but those get fixed within minutes I have even not more tracker filter box in 3.0 SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15325 /trunk/setup_smarty.php: [FIX]smarty: strtolower in if and status icons dirs security setting one step forward - 2 backwards... ok ... my bad.... 100 steps forward, 3 steps backward it is only the day to day that is hard .... globally - yes I agree SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15326 /trunk/ (lib/tikilib.php tiki-editpage.php): [FIX] Roundtrip conversion for center and superscript in wysiwyg SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15327 /trunk/tiki-admin_tracker_fields.php: notice maybe the theme? ... humm I have a javascript error on dev... Does this TW Multimedia podcast work for anyone else? It "Plays" and "Pauses" but no sound comes out. Volume control also isn't working. FF3 XP Pro http://redbull.bizmeasure.com/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=9 The embedded URL is correct, and plays in QT when I point browser at the .mp3 URL. Hello! I am new to hacking my Tikiwiki and am wanting to add link parsing to the file descriptions of the File Galleries. I have found the code that adds the descriptions to smarty. I've been looking at a lot of the other code to figure out how to parse the text that would output the links for ((article_name)) and [external|artical], but they have eluded me. Can someone point me in the... ...correct direction? BTW, I'm on TW 1.9.11 Hello? Is anyone there? Does anyone have instructions for installing 2.2 on windows yet? should be exactly the same as 2.0 the install process hasn't changed so much even for 2.0 PaytonByrd: there is a function called parse_data in tikilib Thanks for the tip PaytonByrd SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15328 /trunk/tiki-list_file_gallery.php: [FIX]fgal: do not compute all_galleries and build the tree if explorer is off OK, so the TW MP3 player is broken. Anyone know of a usable player? polom I don't see the relevance. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polom_(Rychnov_nad_Kn%C4%9B%C5%BEnou_District) i think you are looking in the wrong wiki :P hehe Not documented. http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-searchindex.php?highlight=polom&where=wikis&search=go dev.tikiwiki.org is slow SEWilco2: : http://tikiwiki.org/Glossary I found an MP3 player called "SoundManager 2"... now to see if "Hello, World" mentions how to include a JS library. Nope, only one mention of "javascript". And mimicing the implementation of multiplayer is probably a bad idea, as whatever it is doing seems to not be working. Hmm.. SVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 15329 /trunk/templates/tiki-user_watches.tpl: [MOD] user watches: translated strings I assume a wikiplugin_* function is only called when the plugin is to be displayed. Is there a way to emit Javascript library loading code for pages which invoke a JS function? Or does one try to load the JS lib for every plugin incantation? hey all, does anyone have any experience using TRIM? robferguson: must ping lphuberdeau or marclaporte.. prettty new feature SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15330 /trunk/lib/menubuilder/menulib.php: [FIX]menu: to have tiki-index.php highlight in the menu SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15331 /trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [FIX]tracker: to effectively have all the tracker items SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15332 /trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: strange code + tabs SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15334 /trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.query.php: [FIX] smarty query function: do not add a '?' after the script name when there is no query arguments SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15333 /trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.button.php: [FIX] smarty button: just some reindentation SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15339 /trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.fileinfo.php: [NEW] smarty fileinfo function: Display one info/property of a file (from a file gallery) SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15338 /trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] file gallery browse / thumbnail mode: * add the 'thumbnailcontenerchecked' CSS class to div with ID 'thumbnailcontener' when clicking on the select checkbox of a filegal thumbnail (this is, for example, used in tikineat theme to set a different background to selected thumbnails), * force a css 'margin-bottom:4px' to thumbimagecontener div when there is no info shown, to put th SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15337 /trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.select_all.php: [NEW] smarty select_all function: Display a checkbox that allows users with javascript to select multiple checkboxes in one click SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15341 /trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.fgal_browse.php: [NEW] smarty fgal_browse function: Display the content of a file gallery in browse mode (i.e. with thumbnails) SVN: Commit by nyloth :: r 15340 /trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.thumb.php: [NEW] smarty thumb function: Display a thumbnail of a file/image (from a file gallery)