Hi where is the best to fix 2.2? in branch 2.0 or in trunk? franck: branch thanks fixing this pear: auth!!! great do you use eclipse to develop? i did, but recently i used vim+svn command line somewhat subclipse got broken here, that was the reason SVN: Commit by franck :: r 15634 /branches/2.0/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] re-enable the capability to authenticate using IMAP in Pear:Auth ok another issue it seems the system does not pick up my custom style... I have no idea why it list it in the drop down menus but when it is time to display the stylesheet link is empty I'm lost... franck: I had a problem recently which seemed due to a hyphen in the style name. franck: Also, did you purge your Tiki caches? no my theme is avon.css yes I did No idea here. Check your file permissions on both .css and .tpl files. what's funny, it lists it correctly but refuse to use it looks ok it does not place it at the right place You do recognize that are the HTML symbols for a comment (which is ignored)? yes, that's all I get... it does not use the style I have chosen ah, I may have an idea... found it the change to $pref. in tpl greetings everyone... hope u can help me with the following question... I am trying to use "banner" system. It seems very promising. However, my banner that has javascripts in it, don't get displayed. If I just paste JS code into HTML area of the banner, then it get stripped out by tiki. If I try to use {literal} for smarty syntax - it doesn't seem to parse it I saw "http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=1848" - Need a way to insert SCRIPTS into banner code but wondering if anyone found a workaround... ? anyone? SVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 15635 /trunk/lib/images/abstract.php: [FIX] filegals : if exif thumbnail is empty then set it to NULL i just come to sayyyy i love youuuu :) Hello all how is tikifest? hi all :) anyone have experience/advice on converting a wordpress blog to tiki? how is tikifest so far? ....starting ! you're missing.... ;-) SVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 15636 /trunk/ (29 files in 7 dirs): [ENH] Introduce autosave feature for wiki edition both for normal edition and WYSIWYG via a FCKEditor plugin... First draft. SVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 15637 /trunk/templates/tiki-show_help.tpl: [FIX] new help feature : if javascript is not enabled then show the help at the bottom of the page as requiered by sylvie. looking for help with FAQ feature - specifically the ability to suggest a FAQ I have the feature activated, but users don't see it did u give the user group permission? yes hmm.. if they have p_suggest_faq, it should work (does for me) Are you depending upon the standard Application Menu, or did you create a custom menu which might have different permissions for the menu item? Can a user access the FAQ even if they can't see it in the menu? Not being able to access the FAQ tool would hint at a permission problem. u have the "users can suggest" for that particular FAQ, and the group has the tiki_p_suggest_faq perm? Try "Select All" in case your style has defined the "Suggest FAQ" thing in a way which makes it invisible. Or check source code for the page to see if the icon is there. FAQ and List FAQ is in the menu is suggest an additional menu option? r u using a customized menu? I don't know whether the usual access is through a menu option or icons on FAQ pages, so I don't know which method you're having trouble with. The FAQs menu should appear, by default, if you have permission u can access directly by: ../tiki-list_faqs.php I believe it is default FAQ and List FAQ are in the menu when it is working how does it appear on page? there is not much documentation on the feature there is a button that says "suggest" u can see my implementation here: http://twbasics.keycontent.org/tiki-view_faq.php?faqId=1 In Articles, can the articles not appear on the front page after the expiration date but still be accessible in an archive? It looks as if Articles only exist until the expiration date, but I'd like to have them available forever someplace. When an Article reaches the expiration date, is it deleted or hidden? Hmm. Articles can be configured to be shown after Expiration, so they must still exist in database. top o' the morning Hi :( dont hurt my bot he is here to help all :P he was a bit slow 2 minute delay + the sites delay but it does better job than CIA and it uses cia's rss feed :P curious, in trunk do permissions in sub file galleries inherit from the parent gallery? SVN: Commit by franck :: r 15638 /branches/2.0/lib/setup/prefs.php: [FIX] IMAP support in Pear:auth forogt to update setup/prefs.php with defaults ;) Caarrie: you are male or female? female feeling better now? (Tiki romance) LOL! when creating a file gallery, if i select type=any, can i use it for podcasts *and* other files? ricks99: I don't know. I think difference is that podcasts must go in the podcasts file directory. Try uploading and see if a file appears in the podcasts dir. exaclty how is it supposed to work with the "multimedia" feature? Whoa. IMAP is supported, so the PHP IMAP tool is available? Maybe that will work better for Mail-In than the POP3 tool is. hmm.. uploaded my mp3.downloads ok, but would really love to stream it.... look up who made the feature in sf and email them? y... does anyone do streaming audio from tiki? ricks99: Not yet. Have a server set up for that purpose, but haven't tested audio streaming. greetings from the TikiFest Montréal everybody ! I have a problem with 2.2 version .. when I save page I get The requested URL /accueil&bl=n&saved_msg=y was not found on this server. http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=eclipse hi luciash if you are not using eclipse with tikiwiki you should try it with the above franck ? GillesM: yes? when I save a wiki page I got an error ... inside TW don't know you may have enabled SERF but did not do the change on apache? GillesM: I think "The requested URL..." is a web server (Apache?) error, not TikiWiki. GillesM: Did you enable htaccess? no I am on a new provider ovh perhaps something changed http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Rewrite+Rules tiki-index.php?page= is truncated Read "Rewrite Rules" on doc.tikiwiki.org does anybody have any experience with the files plugin? Its working fine for me in firefox/chrome, but IE breaks every time I try to use it on a folder that has files in it it is not a rule problem it is when I save a page ... the page is saved but I got an error message