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***marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [00:00]
sylviegthe people fromthe cnrs/paris will offer the space.. [00:01]
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marclaporte:-) [00:02]
PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15668 /trunk/tiki-list_file_gallery.php: [FIX]fgal: oops: need also to have the list of all galleries when moving files ->todo get the list with ajax [00:02]
sylviegI suppose one theme that they can like is - how to have an easy theme customisation in a multitiki
sylvieg needs to think about this
... clone marc...
marclaportehahahahahah [00:15]
SEWilco2sylvieg: Enhancement request: Document how to organize a tikifest. Include how to find a dogfood caterer.
A bad pun is a good ending.
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leons007Hi. Anyone knows how to have Javascript in the banners that are managed by tiki?
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leons007anyone? [05:50]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 15669 /trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] missing Ajax API changes... noticed by Sylvieg, thanx. [08:26]
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am33hi all' [08:38]
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Melwolf has joined #tikiwiki [09:02]
MelwolfHi, I am using intertiki between multiple sites and it is working. There is one problem though, I would like that the user only have to login once at the main site, is this possible to do?
That is not have to login to each client site also when visiting, it should be as a single-sign on.
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Melwolf2Hi again, seems like my IRC client died and I am not sure that the question was asked so I ask it again: I am using intertiki between multiple sites and it is working. There is one problem though, I would like that the user only have to login once at the main site, is this possible to do? (That is not have to login to each client site also when visiting, it should be as a single-sign on.) [09:20]
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luciashpolom polom [09:36]
Melwolf2Sorry? [09:39]
luciash>whatis polom [09:41]
Sug4r`'polom' could be (#1) a geeky greeting in #tikiwiki channel, simmilar to hello ;), or (#2) a common greeting in #tikiwiki that is often mirrored for answering like 'moloq' or 'bolow' or answer whatever you feel like right now, or (#3) a greeting in #tikiwiki that was once used by someone and quickly stuck to become common culture of the community, or (#4) just some word of babytalk ;P [09:41]
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Melwolf2Ok , hello then :). [09:44]
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luciashhi Melwolf2 :) [09:44]
marclaporteleons007: : there is a way [09:48]
Sorry, wrong window :)
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***axold has joined #tikiwiki [10:14]
axoldhi guys!
I've one question about mods.tikiwiki.org
I want to upload a previous version of a mod, more precisely aulawiki 1.5
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guys I hope you can help me plz!! [10:40]
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marclaporteaxold: why? [11:13]
Melwolf2No one that can help out with the intertiki single login problem? [11:18]
marclaporteMelwolf2: : can you elaborate? [11:27]
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Melwolf2Yes of course. I have set up several tikis in a multi-tiki setup using the different domains technique. I also use intertiki. It works but if I log into the master and then go on to one of the clients I have to log in again. I would like it to be transparent on the clients, that is you log into the system on the master and the auto-login in the background on the clients when you visit them. Is it possible?
The tikis are actually on the same server using the RecipeMultiTiki technique.
....... (idle for 34mn)
sylviegMelwolf2: there is a sliding login process -
sylvieg does not remember if it is in 2.x or 3 - and knows that there is some restriction on the domain or cookie...
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sylviegMelwolf2: I think it is the functio get_remote_user_by_cookie that does the job [12:43]
Melwolf2Thanks sylvieg, I am using 2.2 and the option "Intertiki shared cookie for sliding auth under same domain" (however, there is no documentation on this option) [12:46]
sylviegif you want to do the doc - you are welcome - the guy who wrote that doest not work anymore on the project [12:47]
Melwolf2I see :)
How do I use the function you specify or are you telling me its code browsing time to solve the problem :)?
sylviegthe code is in the function - so it can help you to understand why it is not working [12:49]
Melwolf2So it it should be working with that option, is that what you are telling me?
Just trying to set the scene before I code dive :)
***ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [13:00]
ricks99q: i have a forum that uses the mail-in feature. how/where to i tell tiki how often to check for new mail to post to the forum? [13:01]
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ricks99anyone online this morning? [13:12]
sylviegricks99: If I well remember it is automatically done each time.... you a cess the forum - I think [13:12]
ricks99each time *anyone* access that forum? or just the admin?
this differs from article mail-in, where u can specify how often
sylviegat each tiki-view_forum.php and tiki-view_forum_thread.php for whoever can access these php [13:16]
ricks99hm... so it wont appear in the rss or last_posts module until someone actually views the forum? yuck [13:18]
sylviegit is easy to add in the rss function $commentslib->process_inbound_mail($_REQUEST['forumId']); ;-) [13:20]
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ricks99that would go in the rss function?
how do i get the posts to show in the lastforumposts module?
axoldhi I'm here again [13:29]
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axoldWell I want to upload the 1.5 version of aulawiki to mods.tikiwiki.org because the 1.6 is very slowly and has problems when you try to install on 1.9.X branches and in the 2.X branches does not work properly [13:34]
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sylviegricks99: it will be delicate to add also a process_inbound_mail in the module without doing a timing [13:41]
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ricks99i understand. but from usability pov, i need a new forum post (genrated from a mail-in) to appear in the last_forum_post module.:( [13:42]
sylviegthe best would be to do a cron outside tikiwiki that will call the process routine
we have always been stuck witht hese cron as it is not portable - ut this is the solution...
ricks99yuck [13:44]
sylviegfor your site can you do that [13:45]
ricks99would it be better to use the same process as article mail-in? just let the admin decide how often to poll the mail? [13:45]
sylviegjust a little php with tiki-setup and process_inbound_mail on your forum [13:45]
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NGZerohi guys [13:46]
ricks99y, but imho, this is a 'bug'. if 'new' posts should automatigically be shown in the rss and last_xxx modules. [13:46]
NGZeroI got a problem with tikiwiki 2.2 LDAP authentification and Microsoft Active Directory can anyone help me?
i have searched google and tryed what i've found... dunno how to solve
sylviegricks99: yeh - it could be done like that you are right [13:48]
NGZeroany tiki crack here who could help me ? [13:49]
sylviegmove all the process_inbound_mail in lib/setup/mailin.php and add 2 setiing [13:49]
ricks99would make it identical for *all* mailin features [13:50]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15670 /trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX]fgal: a gal is public by default + simplify by using gal_info in smarty + fix strip name when save
SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15671 /trunk/templates/edit_file_gallery.tpl: [MOD]fgal: string to explain what is a public gallery
***marclaporte has quit IRC ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") [14:32]
Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [14:37]
DStrevinas has joined #tikiwiki [14:50]
DStrevinasHello is the source of the Mapserver integration within TikiWiki available?
I can;t seem to find it either in the SVN
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15672 /trunk/templates/tiki-list_file_gallery.tpl: [MOD]fgal: add a upload button when listing all the fgals [15:56]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 15673 /trunk/lib/ajax/ajaxlib.php: [FIX] filegals+shadowbox+ajax : fix shadow box with ajax [16:53]
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sylviegif tiki-admin.php?page=profiles working in 3.0 ... I can not connecft to profiles.tw.org? [17:01]
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xTremePowerhy all
con someone help me for TW maps please ?
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aproulx has joined #tikiwiki [18:59]
aproulxHello. Does tiki override error_reporting ?
I am getting errors in trunk but nothing in the error log
sylviegnot all errors go to error log [19:03]
aproulxI have a error when i visit http://cgcompointcom.notrewiki.net/trunk/tiki-admin.php [19:04]
sylviegsince last update {pagination} is broken [19:04]
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sylviegwhat kind of error? [19:04]
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aproulxInternal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. [19:07]
sylviegthis error can be a lot of things... [19:10]
marclaportefor some reason, since we switched to php5, errors are no longer shown
well, no longer logged
sylviegmarclaporte: the default in php5 is no error displayed
you have change display_errors on in php.ini
or something like that
PS|botSVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 15674 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] find.tpl: change html structure from divs to a list. This will give more flexibility for changing the style of find sections. Every single part has a css selector. Transition is managed in transition style sheet.
SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15675 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]tracker: pagination + memo descriptionIsPardes
SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15676 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): pagination [19:26]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15677 /trunk/tiki-view_tracker.php: notice [19:30]
SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15678 /trunk/tiki-view_tracker.php: useless code [19:35]
marclaportesylvieg: : we changed php.ini on php5
but still no error_log file is being created
display_errors = on memory_limit = 128M error_reporting = E_ALL
aproulxlog_errors = On [19:41]
sylviegdid you restart the server? suppose yes.. [19:43]
aproulxno its a shared server but php.info has taking into account [19:45]
sylviegin tiki-phpinfo.php, you have display error on? [19:49]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 15679 /trunk/templates/tables/: [KIL] tiki_pages.tpl: remove unused file [20:07]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15680 /trunk/tiki-admin_trackers.php: fix ajax pagination [20:31]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15681 /trunk/templates/ (2 files): [FIX]smarty: strip is a nested tag->if you have a better idea to avoid the smarty error, welcome [20:41]
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StormriderStudiohi guys, I'm 100% new to tikiwiki and was hoping someone could answer a few questions for me? [21:51]
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StormriderStudioOkay, so I'm having some trouble formatting tables. All I really want is to be able to have a table and specify 0px border (it's for formatting)
any tips?
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axoldhey guys [21:57]
StormriderStudiookay, I just realised I can use direct html into this, nm [21:57]
axoldI've question
I fixed a bug in one mod and I want to upload to mods.tikiwiki.org
how I can achieve this?
any help?
SEWilco2axold: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=How+to+get+commit+access [22:02]
axoldoh thx! Im a big noob T_T [22:03]
StormriderStudiocan you make a wikilink to someone's profile, or do I have to copy and paste the url?
with all you lot talking I can barely hear myself think ;)
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SEWilco2StormriderStudio: I've seen mention of defining a User: namespace, but don't recall the details. [22:19]
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axoldwell guys I've read all the steps to gain commit acces to svn
so any of you can grant me access to cvs/svn commit?
SEWilco2axold: Seems kind of quiet at the moment. Might be more activity in the morning. [22:37]
axoldok dont worry :D
tomorrow ill repeat this again
SEWilco2: thanks for all, good night! [22:46]
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joemoe has joined #tikiwiki
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joemoehi to everyone
i'm totaly new to the community
i made some changes to the poll plugin and would like to commit them
so i'm looking for the next steps to do
to get access
StormriderStudiois there anyway to permit the use of html in wiki pages? it seems to work in the preview but then just shows code when I save the page [23:14]
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StormriderStudiookay, I found an 'allow html' tickbox in features but it doesn't do anything?
nevermind, just found an allow html tickbox on every page now, had to tick and resave
marclaportejoemoe: what is your SourceForge username? [23:24]
joemoeJohannesMoser [23:24]
marclaportejoemoe: what do you think of the 3 rules? [23:25]
joemoei think they are good
my changes are optional
and at least try to share early
and thinking about the others is built in
joemoe: thank you for your contribution
are you familiar with svn stuff?
joemoeyes that's me
and i know svn
We have quite a few events coming up, if you want to meet other contributors: http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFest
joemoei'm from vienna, so there's a little distance inbetween but maybe one day [23:32]
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marclaportemarclaporte always thought Europe was small, easy to travel and that's why Europeans often speak many languages...
that was until I travelled more :-)
joemoeit is, but not at the moment, i'm quite busy in here at the moment [23:39]
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marclaportemarclaporte is curious about poll enhancements... [23:47]
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marclaportemarclaporte will read the commit with attention
yo lp
joemoeok i'll commit it soon the next hours [23:49]
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