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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by ricks99 :: r 15771 /branches/2.0/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php: [FIX]Correctly parse the tracker description, if option is enabled. | [00:41] |
SVN: Commit by ricks99 :: r 15772 /branches/2.0/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php: [FIX]correctly span heading type tracker fields, and style as a heading.
SVN: Commit by ricks99 :: r 15773 /branches/2.0/templates/header.tpl: [FIX]fix xhtml validation | [00:55] | |
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marclaporte | dev.tw.o slow | [01:35] |
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Geoffrey has joined #tikiwiki | [04:13] | |
Geoffrey | Anyone familiar with the Wysiwyg editor? I seem unablke to stop the Browse Server from inserting &display on the end of an image link!
This is when inserting an image! | [04:14] |
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GillesMM has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) | [06:05] | |
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luciash | polom | [08:20] |
seems amette got not enough spam yet ;) | [08:25] | |
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amette | spam? | [11:49] |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by jonnybradley :: r 15774 /trunk/tiki-tc.php: [FIX] Handle changing theme (style) options better. Remove correct file from $headerlib and cope with empty ('None') option. | [12:02] |
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marclaporte | polom | [12:25] |
Iramon | I have a problem with access to wikipages in categories:
I have 2 Groups for rights: GrUsers, GrAdmins... those define the general rights of my users then I have 2 Groups: W2 and W2a all users of W2 inherit rights from GrUsers and have access to the category W2 W2a has access to the category W2 too, but inherits rights from GrAdmins I have 1 user who is member of the Group W2 and is not able to access the wiki-pages of the category W2... when I add the user to the Group W2a he is able to access the pages... the only difference in rights is currently: tiki_p_admin_categories W2a has this right, W2 not... but W2 has: tiki_p_view_categories, tiki_p_view_categorized, tiki_p_edit_categorized why isn't my W2 member not possible to access the pages???? is...not... (not isn't...not...) the sense of this is to have another group and categroy W3 (W3a) later... W4 (W4a) and so on... and the users won't be able to access stuff of the other groups unless they release it uncategorized or under a category that is accessible to everyone | [12:32] |
marclaporte | marclaporte doesn't user category perms yet
Iramon: : Are you interested in vaporware? | [12:48] |
Iramon | vaporware??? what kind? | [12:51] |
marclaporte | ideas, projects, RFEs,
Stuff that you could possibly help with http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Workspace | [12:51] |
Iramon | I am ever interested in interesting stuff ;) but I have so many personal projects, that I don't have time currently to work on anything else... | [12:53] |
marclaporte | I understand
I suspect that perms on categories will become handled by workspaces | [12:53] |
Iramon | yeah, writing my masterthesis atm and tiki is a part of it for knowledge management... until end of january I am totaly busy with it... | [12:54] |
marclaporte | it'll be better in the future
cool! You are studying Tiki? or using Tiki to collaborate? | [12:54] |
sylvieg | a general error about perm on category is that people set the perm tiki_p_view_categorized in admin->group and not in admin->category | [12:56] |
Iramon | I am working on easy setting up knowledgemanagement for compoanies from organizational charts and the software-component for the knowledge management is tikiwiki (wiki, forums, blogs...)
I have this: Group Permission Action Web2 tiki_p_view_categories Remove from this Category Only (Remove from this Category & all its Children) Web2 is my W2 group, just used shorter names above... that is the permission for the category | [12:56] |
sylvieg | in tiki-categpermissions.php?categId=xx you need a perm tiki_p_view_categorized for the group you want
if you do not see tiki_p_view_categorized in the list of perm - clear the cache temp/cache in tiki-admin_system.php | [13:00] |
Iramon | I see it there
tiki-categpermissions.php?categId=2: Current permissions for this category: Group Permission Action Web2 tiki_p_view_categories Remove from this Category Only (Remove from this Category & all its Children) Web2a tiki_p_admin_categories Remove from this Category Only (Remove from this Category & all its Children) Web2a tiki_p_view_categories Remove from this Category Only (Remove from this Category & all its Children) | [13:01] |
sylvieg | you need tiki_p_view_caetgorized with an -ed at the end | [13:02] |
Iramon | it just works with tiki_p_admin... I cannot view it with tiki_p_view
-ed??? I cannot select that from the drop-down box at categories... it just offers this 2 options... view_categories and admin_categories | [13:02] |
sylvieg | so my next point is clear the cache ... in which version are you btw? | [13:04] |
Iramon | 2.2 | [13:05] |
sylvieg | did you tiki-admin_system.php?do=temp_cache | [13:05] |
Iramon | not yet... I have disabled my browser-cache and refresh with STRG+F5 when I think it is still cashing
do you have more then 2 options in the drop-down for rights at categories?? I never had more then 2... | [13:06] |
sylvieg | I have 5
so again clear the tiki cache | [13:07] |
amette | Iramon: that sounds interesting - I'd be interested in your thesis - please let us know when you're finished :) | [13:08] |
sylvieg | seems that there is somewhere a bug when upgrading... the cache is not refreshed correctly | [13:08] |
Iramon | yeah I cleared whole tiki-cache
amette: ok all caches (browser and tiki) are cleared now... but even when I first created a category I just had this 2 options in the drop-down field so what would be the correct right I should select there? I'll try to write it directly to the DB to see if its working | [13:09] |
sylvieg | so now in the drop down iki-categpermissions.php?categId=xx where xx is your category Id - how many perms? | [13:12] |
Iramon | tiki-categpermissions.php?categId=2:
wow... 4 permissions now :S wth... | [13:13] |
sylvieg | log out and log in again
ok.. sory sorry | [13:13] |
Iramon | is 4 correct? | [13:13] |
sylvieg | 5 in tw2.x, 6 in tw3.x | [13:14] |
Iramon | it works :D
ok I got 4 now... strange but I got the 1 I needed ;) | [13:14] |
sylvieg | so now assign to your group tiki_p_view_categorized | [13:15] |
Iramon | yep I did and it worked, thx :) | [13:15] |
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sylvieg | .... Was it a fresh instal from 2.x or and upgrade from 1.9 | [13:15] |
Iramon | fresh | [13:15] |
sylvieg | it is the 3 time I see the problem - it must be fixed.... | [13:15] |
Iramon | its just on testing environtment (local XAMPP) atm | [13:16] |
sylvieg | a fresh 2.3? | [13:16] |
Iramon | 2.2
I downloaded the latest release... 2.3 isn't released yet, is it? | [13:16] |
sylvieg | .... no idea why the problem happens... | [13:17] |
Iramon | :S and I thought I am too stupid for it... ever good to hear it wasn't my fault XD | [13:19] |
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Iramon | btw... I have another bug on categories
when I delete or add a page (from/to a category) at the categories admin site, it just loads a blank site. The operation is executed though... My php memory limit is 32M, thought that would be more then enough. | [13:19] |
sylvieg | did you try after the cache cleaning? | [13:21] |
Iramon | nope not yet, I will
http://localhost/tikiwiki/tiki-admin_categories.php: blank site after adding a site | [13:21] |
sylvieg | I do not have the problem on my tw2.x | [13:22] |
Iramon | same behaviour as before | [13:22] |
sylvieg | adding a site? | [13:22] |
Iramon | yep adding a site | [13:22] |
sylvieg | in admin_categories? | [13:22] |
Iramon | yes
but the query gets executed, as I can press "browser back" and the site is added | [13:23] |
sylvieg | sylvieg wondering why I can not add site - only page, article, blog, image gal, file gal, forum, poll, faq, tracker, quiz | [13:24] |
Iramon | I meant "page" ;) just typed "site"
I tried again adding another page and it still occurs, cleared tiki cache, browser cache and reloged I can try setting a higher memory limit... but I guess the script shouldn't use 32+MB... | [13:26] |
sylvieg | adding a pave in category use on my local 26mb and 1629 queries ... I must have a look | [13:28] |
Iramon | you get the info via debug-module or so? | [13:28] |
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jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki | [13:29] |
jonnyb | hi all - does anyone know how to turn off this new autosave feature (while keeping ajax on)? | [13:33] |
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lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki | [13:42] |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15775 /trunk/tiki-browse_gallery.php: [FIX]categ: feature needs to be checked - thx bem | [13:48] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15776 /trunk/db/features.csv: [FIX] missing feature_comments_moderation? | [14:55] |
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SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15777 /trunk/ (10 files in 4 dirs): [MOD]feature: create a feature groupofalert as it can be consumming ressource on large sites | [15:27] | |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15778 /trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_annotation.php: [FIX] n would be added for no apparent reason, moving JS to header | [17:34] |
SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15779 /trunk/templates/tiki-calendar_listmode.tpl: tr | [17:40] | |
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SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15780 /branches/experimental/ui-revamp/ (261 files in 57 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 15665 to 15779 | [17:56] | |
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xTremePower has joined #tikiwiki | [19:16] | |
xTremePower | hello all
can someone help me for Private Message fonction in TW ? nobody here ? | [19:16] |
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obnox has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net)
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grobda24 | Hello. I installed Tikiwiki 2.2 on Sourceforge. Symlinked all the needed directories to "persistent" directory. Install reported all writable. DB connected OK. Memory set to minimum 16mb. Admin loaded to change password, but now when I load front page it's a blank. Any ideas ? | [20:11] |
PS|bot | SVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 15781 /trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] user tasks: deploy pagination links | [20:17] |
grobda24 | Does a blank screen mean out of memory ? Where can I check. Is there a log ? | [20:19] |
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lphuberdeau | can mean multiple things... make sure you enable error reporting to verify | [20:38] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 15782 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] user files: deploy pagination links | [20:55] |
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PS|bot | SVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 15783 /trunk/ (6 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] pagination links: deploy to some templates
SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15784 /trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD]upcoming_events: new params: showDescription, showEnd, showColor+fix date_format | [21:39] |
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