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***mono has joined #tikiwiki
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mono has joined #tikiwiki
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monosan_ [00:09]
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anti_de has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [01:21]
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danopia_ is now known as danopia [02:53]
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^Ripperanyone alive down here? [09:24]
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monosan has joined #tikiwiki [12:17]
monosanHi @all. Is there any way to fix fckeditor toolbar in 2.2? Thx [12:20]
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monosanHi @all. Is there any way to fix fckeditor toolbar in 2.2? Thx [12:32]
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GillesMM has joined #tikiwiki
grobda24 has joined #tikiwiki [15:51]
PS|botSVN: Commit by gillesm :: r 15824 /trunk/templates/edit_file_gallery.tpl: [ENH] templates don't show group alert if freature is desabled [15:52]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by gillesm :: r 15825 /trunk/templates/edit_file_gallery.tpl: [FIX] Oups mistake [15:54]
sylviegamette: btw _ I remembered thre is 2 things I backported from trunk to old dev: cache on menu page - just for speed - but cache also in RSS - perhaps the rss bugs is responsible for breaking dev sometimes [15:55]
ChtilandHello i really need help with new installation of tikiwiki, does anyone can help me ?
My problem : I don't have any menu (modules), rows are set to 10 for each module, and there's nothing
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Chtilandok 24 hours to install tikiwiki is too much time... [16:00]
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Chtilandnobody ?
30 connecteed are sleeping ?
ok i found how to resolv my problem : FTp -> Remove tikiwiki, Mysql Drop all tables and go back to wikimatric to find a better one
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sylviegthe top line on irc is : do not ask to ask - ask .... [16:10]
Chtiland(16:57:41) Chtiland: My problem : I don't have any menu (modules), rows are set to 10 for each module, and there's nothing [16:11]
sylviegdid you read my answer in the forums? [16:11]
Chtilandabout rows ?
sylvieg: french ?
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sylviegwhen I post in the forum in tw.org, it is very slow- nobody else? [16:21]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by gillesm :: r 15826 /trunk/templates/edit_file_gallery.tpl: [fix] Editor mistake [16:31]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15827 /branches/2.0/lib/wiki/wikilib.php: [FIX]plugin: bug2178: if plugin file ned readeable ->loop: do not merge [16:52]
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Chtiland has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [17:15]
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MatWho has joined #tikiwiki
aoirthoir has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [18:49]
nyloth has joined #tikiwiki [19:00]
nylothHi all [19:01]
MatWhohi [19:01]
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GillesMMhi [19:44]
MatWhoGillesMM: how are things [19:46]
GillesMMmathWho : fine
I think about add individual perms on menus ..
MatWho:) [19:47]
GillesMMand to allow user who create a file galery, a tracker or a calendar to chose a menu to add the object à the end of these menu [19:48]
MatWhoyes that is a good idea, it would make things much easier to setup menus [19:49]
PS|botSVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 15828 /trunk/ (16 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] pagination_links: deploy to some templates [19:55]
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Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [20:51]
PS|botSVN: Commit by gillesm :: r 15829 /trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] Object Permission for menus [20:51]
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SEWilco2What's with trunk's "INSERT INTO tiki_feature" error?
Or, to be more precise, how do I get my copy of trunk working again?
sylviega fresh install? [22:16]
GillesMMhi sylvieg [22:21]
sylviegGilles in your last commit users_permissions with a s
and _tiki must be at the end of the schema file
GillesMMgilles ? [22:22]
sylviegyes commit 15829 [22:23]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by gillesm :: r 15830 /trunk/installer/schema/20081130_tiki_users_permission.sql: [FIX] mispell fix [22:26]
GillesMMdone [22:27]
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PS|botSVN: Commit by gillesm :: r 15832 /trunk/installer/schema/20081130_tiki_users_permission_tiki.sql: [FIX] change of name end
SVN: Commit by gillesm :: r 15831 /trunk/installer/schema/20081130_tiki_users_permission.sql: [FIX] Change of name of schema file
sylviegthx :-) [22:28]
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sylviegGillesMM: did you update also tiki.sql? [22:43]
GillesMMno ..
where is ti located ?
sylvieg: N
sylviegdb/tiki.sql [22:45]
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GillesMMdone [22:49]
PS|botSVN: Commit by gillesm :: r 15833 /trunk/db/tiki.sql: [ENH] object user permissions for menus [22:49]
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Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [23:32]
GillesMMsylvieg: ? [23:46]
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