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***lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [00:08]
gferreira has joined #tikiwiki [00:17]
gferreirahello world
i am having trouble with calendar permissions, maybe someone can help me out?
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gferreirai have all calendar permissions set for a certain group, but i am still getting a "Permission denied you can not view this page" error when i try to create an event
i can view the empty calendar, but can't create events
am i missing something? is this a bug? i'm using tw 2.2
lphuberdeaudid you create a calendar? [00:25]
gferreiranot a new one, no
i'm viewing the calendar that appears in the application menu, right under 'home'
ok, i've created a calendar and now it works fine
thanks for the hint! :-)
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lphuberdeauI remember asking myself why it didn't work before... not easy to understand there is no calendar when you see one ;) [00:46]
gferreirayes, maybe there should be a note somewhere explaining this... :-)
thanks again, bye!
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chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki
chibaguyAre there any docs on the "Edit plugin" icons that are displayed in wiki pages, in trunk (when logged in as admin)?
These appear for all images, in Opera.
The popups don't have close icons, in IE7,
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chibaguyAnd appear down at the page bottom, in FF3.
In my local test, making changes in the fields and submitting has no effect.
I take it "Edit plugin" is for fast modifications of images, plugins, etc., without going to the wiki edit page?
I hope devs are able to check in browsers besides FF. Anything using popups, javascript, etc., seems fairly likely to not work as expected in all browsers.
(thinking of the new wiki edit help sidebar here)
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marclaportefyi: http://tech.yahoo.com/news/ap/20081203/ap_on_hi_te/tec_tech_bit_wikipedia_editing [02:48]
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marclaportechibaguy: : I see edit plugin as the start of a plugin builder/helper [02:55]
chibaguyProbably so. [02:58]
marclaportewould be nice to have some more like this for wiki syntax
to build urls for example
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chibaguyHopefully it'll work ok in all browsers eventually. I submitted a few bug reports about problems in Opera and IE. [02:59]
about ui.tikiwiki.org, do you forsee any problems/ missing stuff with patrick's designs?
chibaguyRight now I'm working on the main layout for the design he said was the actual one for COE.
And can pretty much use default templates so far.
I assume the wiki edit page will need significant template changes (which I guess Pascal is going to do?) for the tabs interface like we saw at TikiFest.
Actually some of the design details for COE may be specific to that theme, like the way the search and login are at the page top, and not necessarily the way to go for the default Tiki themes, but that's a minor issue.
I haven't looked at Patrick's designs for the forum and so on, so don't know what's needed there, yet.
marclaportesignificant template changes could be done by lph as well. We'll see who has time
ok, bedtime for me (4am)
chibaguyAlso the new design uses a very narrow icons-only left column, which probably wouldn't be recommended for Tiki sites in general. [03:08]
marclaporteok [03:08]
chibaguyok, good night. :-) [03:08]
marclaporteyou online tomorrow? [03:08]
chibaguyShould be, yes. [03:08]
take care!
chibaguyok, you too. [03:09]
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voraistos has joined #tikiwiki [05:55]
voraistosdo you know how i could get a top-bar menu (with phplayers and nice js drop down) but without having a menu module on the side ? [05:56]
chibaguyvoraistos, you can set the top-bar menu with the Look and Feel config page, and use the admin modules (tiki-admin_modules.php) to turn off the side-column menu. [06:00]
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voraistosit doesn't work chibaguy. I tried that earlier [06:18]
chibaguyWhich doesn't work? displaying the top menu, or turning off the side menu? [06:19]
voraistoson another hand, my gf did screw her theme up quite a lot, so I'll try with a clean theme [06:19]
chibaguyThat's a good idea. [06:19]
voraistosknow what the default theme is ? [06:19]
chibaguyIf it's a recent Tiki version, I 'd say TheNews.
Technically, Tikineat is still the default theme, but uses old methods and will be replaced.
voraistosok. got thenews
I think my gf should have based her theme on this one... hmpf
so you say I should remove the side column menu?
you mean press the red cross?
I already tried to forbid the display of the right column, and move the menu in there. It worked, and the menu-bar would still show, however it wouldn't drop down (display the menu items basically)
luciashpolomorning [06:27]
chibaguyAre you on admin_modules.php ? And the red cross is for the menu module?
polomiddleofafternoon, luciash
^ tiki-admin_modules.php
I tried deleting it and both menus disappear. If i move it to the right column, the drop down disappears, but the top-menu still shows. So its not a theme thing
I was thinking, there is this menuID thing. I don't really know what it does. maybe thats the problem
chibaguyWell, menus in modules (side columns) and the page-top menu are set independently of each other. Turning one kind on or off shouldn't affect the other. [06:31]
voraistosbut it does :D [06:31]
chibaguyHow? [06:31]
voraistoswell obviously [06:32]
luciashchibaguy: :) [06:32]
voraistosIf I delete one, both disappear [06:32]
chibaguy(sorry if I seem slow on this.) [06:32]
voraistoslol [06:32]
chibaguyThe second menu isn't in a side column, but is at the top of the page (spans all columns)? [06:33]
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luciashvoraistos: sure, if you delete the menu on Admin > Menus and at both places you use the same menu of the same id .... [06:34]
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Now I am the slow one :D
ok. So, right now I have no menu
to create a new menu, i clcik on the assign (+) button of the menu in user modules
luciashremoving it at Admin > Modules shouldn't affect the top menu... i guess obsolete tpl is there in between or you didn't cleared caches at Admin > Tiki Cache properly after upgrade [06:37]
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voraistosI upgraded from 2.1 to 2.2 [06:37]
luciashTheNews theme should display the menus fine
voraistosI'm on TheNews
anyway. when I add this module, it displays the top-bar menu thing and the side menu. If i move my (column)menu from the left to the invisible right, topbar menu is still visible, but I dont get a drop down on mouseover
chibaguyDid you set a topbar menu at tiki-admin.php?page=look?
...under General layout options....
luciashsorry, household stuff here, dogwalk, etc. :-p
chibaguySomething like: [x] Top bar [x] Site menu bar Menu ID [43] ? [06:42]
voraistosOk. I sorted it out
it was the menu Id thing that was all funky
btw, if you guys are hungry i think i have a bug for you
So: I had a menu (in admin>menus) with ID 42
when i was adding this menu module, it was adding the menu with id 42
in my top bar config
i was using menu ID 43
but it was displaying menu 42
(I know that because I customized the default menu)
and of course there is no menu 43 on my install
this is the bug
chibaguyI haven't seen any other reports of this problem, and people regularly use more than one menu. [06:47]
voraistosthat caused this weird behavior i was describing [06:47]
chibaguyAnyway, I'll see if I can reproduce the behavior. [06:48]
voraistoskk [06:48]
chibaguyIt's possible that maybe a cache needed to be cleared at your server or browser, that caused the problem in your case. [06:49]
voraistosI'll clear the cache and see if i can reproduce it
it's not the browser, I always purge
chibaguyAt my zukakakina.com site (running Tiki 2.2), I have a menu 44 set in Look and Feel, for the top, and usually one or two more menus in the left column. There hasn't been a problem with the id's getting mixed or anything. [06:53]
voraistosI reproduced it
you don't understand
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chibaguy(apparently ;-) ) [06:53]
voraistosMy top-bar menu was displaying menu 42 instead of menu 43
probably because there is no menu 43 anywhere on the system
chibaguyah [06:54]
voraistosso for some reason, this bug caused all the weird stuff
i was describing earlier on :)
now that i have specified the right menu ID (in look and feel menu top bar thingy) which is 42, everything works fine.
chibaguyok, I see. So the top-bar menu needs some error-checking to make sure the specified menu exists. [06:56]
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chibaguysomething like that. [06:57]
voraistosi think so [06:58]
chibaguyI'll do some checking and submit a bug report. [06:58]
voraistosbtw, chibaguy, are you really making a hello kitty theme ? [07:01]
chibaguyah, you're lizi's bf? [07:01]
voraistosyes :) [07:02]
chibaguyMaybe so. Kinda busy right now, but it'd be fun, when I get to it. [07:02]
voraistoshas she been annoying ? :D [07:02]
chibaguyNah. [07:03]
voraistosgood :P [07:03]
chibaguyFor a few days a while back she was on here kinda steady, but I haven't seen her here for a while. [07:03]
voraistosyeah, she can't really sit in front of the computer anymore
or use my laptop
she's pregnant
chibaguyhey, congratulations. I hope all goes well. [07:05]
voraistosthanks :)
she used to put the laptop on her belly, then I told her how laptops kill babies and why geeks really don't understand girls and have difficulties to procreate.
she may not be a geek but she is a true FOSS convert
Also the really cool thing is that when i show her something she actually understands
she can be harsh though
chibaguyHeh, I believe it. [07:11]
voraistosIf she thinks it's crap, she'll tell you
like this guy who spent years devellopping sis drivers
chibaguyI picked that up from the chat here, but I enjoyed our conversations. [07:12]
voraistosthat's why I asked if she had been annoying :P [07:12]
chibaguynah, I don't mind people being direct or having strong opinions, if they're thinking people, logical, etc.
makes life interesting.
voraistosI like her criticism. I find it constructive. she's an end user that knows what she wants.
But also I kinda love her so she can't hurt me, not tru for random guys she meets on irc :P
luciashre, heheh
luciash never heard laptops kill babies :-p
voraistosdepends. If the alptop heats a lot then yes
that's why if you use your laptop as a laptop, it will cook your balls.
And I'm not making a sad dirty joke.
chibaguyI used to commute with my laptop on my lap maybe an hour and a half total each day. But I guess my laptop doesn't get that hot. [07:17]
luciashLOL [07:17]
chibaguyAlso I already have two kids and don't need more, so maybe some heat is ok. [07:18]
voraistoslol yes :D [07:18]
chibaguy(not dependable enough to let us toss the other birth control methods, unfortunately) [07:18]
luciashmy laptop doesn't heat a lot too, but anyway i guess my balls are not on my lap but somewhere down under there :-p [07:19]
voraistosyou can always get an athlon thunderbird with some sort of big graphics card. that should do it. Or one of these batteries that explode :P [07:19]
luciashwell, exploding bateries can be dangerous, i agree :-p [07:20]
voraistosmine almost exploded the other day :O
no idea why
luciashwow, scary [07:20]
voraistosthere was the battery light blinking weird (and laptop on AC )
I touch the battery and it was burning
smelling bad too
I removed it and put it back, no more blinking and no more heating
I have no clue what happened
I was almost crying cauz' the warranty had just expired and i took the biggest (and quite expensive) battery, and din't have the cash to replace it :P
chibaguyMaybe the circuitry to prevent over-charging stopped working. [07:23]
luciashthat sucks for sure [07:23]
voraistosi suspect so chibaguy
So are there any serious plans to make nice themes?
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voraistosI mean on the how-to-implement side of things
I find the current methods to be messy
It's just too hard to make a theme
luciashsure, we're taking it seriously all the time ;) [07:27]
chibaguyFor one thing, there's work to simplify the templates, reduce or combine CSS selectors, etc. [07:28]
voraistosgood [07:28]
chibaguyThat'll show up in the next big release. [07:28]
voraistosit wa supposed to show up in tiki 2 [07:28]
chibaguy(I hope)
that's FOSS for ya ;-)
luciashplanning is good, we already agreed on lot of stuff we should go on... it's just time and prefernces to do that actually [07:28]
voraistoswell, actually chibaguy I find that FOSS tends to just drop support for things quite suddenly. [07:29]
chibaguyluciash and I had it all worked out, but other opinions had to be heard. ;-)
(just kidding)
luciash:-p [07:29]
voraistossomeone comes up with some great idea, then everything is changed, or we get a fork. basically [07:29]
luciash"we're workin' on it" [07:30]
chibaguyTikiWiki is kind of unusual, I guess, in that way.
"preserve the environment"
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voraistosAlso I think some more work needs to be done on the admin interface. It's better than it was, but I still manage to get lost in there.
actually all I've ever done in php is hacking, I might learn it for real and get some work done over here
luciashactually, lot of stuff is already much better than before and we get cleaner and cleaner tpl files thanks to never getting tired contributors like pkdille ;) [07:31]
voraistosYou seem to have a small dev team [07:31]
luciashvoraistos: LOL, you're welcome to join !
for real
voraistoshahahaha [07:32]
chibaguyThere's quite a few people who can contribute, but actual active contributors are not that many, day to day. [07:33]
voraistosHowever just to be annoying I'll exclusively speak french [07:33]
luciashvoraistos: just let me know when you feel to commit a code i'll add you to the devs [07:34]
chibaguyMost of the more active contributors will have no trouble with that, voraistos. [07:34]
voraistosto be even more annoying I'll dump code on IRC muahahahaha [07:34]
luciashvoraistos: technically all you need is sf.net account and a svn client [07:34]
voraistosyes i can do that :) [07:34]
chibaguychibaguy recalls the conversations in Montreal when luciash and me were the only non-french speakers.... [07:35]
voraistosmarc laporte is from quebec is that right ?
I see
geej that was some lag :D
chibaguyYes, he is. [07:37]
voraistosI guess most contributors are, if you two were the only non-french speaking guys there :P [07:38]
chibaguyWell, we weren't the only ones, but at some times that's how it was.
By virtue of meeting in Montreal, and also there happen to be quite a few devs in/from France.
voraistosI saw a few tiki-based french websites
there is hidden text on doc.tw.o
is this normal ? Or just a theme issue ?
chibaguyMaybe a server-change issue.
Where is it?
luciashdon't tell me it's between <u> and </u> :-p [07:46]
voraistosin the header
"This documentation is a community effort. Join us!"
luciashah, that was visible there before
before theme change
voraistosthe "in" that goes after the search box is gone too. [07:47]
luciashseems theme issue [07:47]
That'll get fixed, but there are more basic things to straighten out first, I think.
luciashgary, btw, i found an interesting blog post for you ;)
work for you for the next year if you still enjoy porting themes to tiki ;)
chibaguythanks. I already go to some of those sites for themes to convert, etc. [07:51]
luciashi see :) oswd is pretty well known :)
(or opensourcetemplates)
chibaguyyeah, and no problem about license afaik.
A lot of new templates at the smashingmagazine link -- nice. :-)
as if I didn't already have enough of these already to last me until Tikiwiki 6.0.....
luciash:D [07:56]
chibaguyI really like doing the first parts of a theme or adaptation. It's the little details and browser compatibility stuff that I don't like.
I'd like a team of house elves for those parts.
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luciashhahah, yeah, you're at the right place then ;)
btw, smashingmagazine is pretty cool resource for inspiration
chibaguy: i can exchange some links of my favorite resources (sites/rss feeds URLs) with you gary, if you like
chibaguyok, that'd be good. [08:10]
luciashi can send them to you by mail or via FB [08:14]
chibaguymail is ok. I'll send you some too (if I have any you don't have already), but it'll take me a little time to find them.
I've gotta go now, but will be back later.
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Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by Jyhem :: r 15891 /trunk/lang/fr/language.php: [MOD] Correct translation tense [10:04]
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shishir_gsocHello I am trying to register as a new User at tikiwiki.org
but when I press on register after entering the details it says " You are not logged in. Go to Login Page"
When I use Forget password module it says "Error Invalid or unknown username."
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lortega has joined #tikiwiki
I need help please!
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luciashhi lortega [10:56]
lortegahi lucia thanks
i epeak a litlle english
I have a problem whit my tikiwiki: Is not possible save the changes ina wiki pages, or upload images ...
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luciashlortega: try memory_limit
Sug4r: whatis memory_limit
Sug4r'memory_limit' could be the most frequently asked question about trouble getting blank pages. The PHP memory_limit should be >= 16M (see your php.ini). You can check it with <?php echo ini_get('memory_limit'); ?> and read more at http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Requirements+and+Setup&bl#PHP [11:18]
lortega32M in php.ini [11:19]
luciashdescribe more please what is the problem
version 2.2 ?
lortegaI edit a wiki page and I save changes and exceed time connection
version 2.0
luciashi'd recommend gzip enabled and also try even more (64M in php.ini) and check your max time script is allowed to execute, maybe that's low value too
also upgrade to 2.2 for more security
lortegagzip enabled? where? [11:28]
luciashAdmin > General
what's your max_execution_time and post_max_size ?
post max sixe=55M
luciashamette: ping, check your mail
lortega: hmm, that's more than enough
lortega? [11:30]
luciashit's ok i mean, we have 128M memory_limit though
on one server
ametteluciash: pong, already answered [11:31]
luciashamette: ping, great :) [11:31]
ametteand fixed ;)
err: pong and fixed
lortega: 64M doesn't help ?
lortega: also, does it on every page (no matter how long the page is) and on every image upload ?
do you like acces to my web site
whit user admin?
luciashlortega: thanks, but sorry, i think i will not realize more than you there... got some work here too [11:36]
lortegaOk Thanks [11:36]
luciashamette: much better now
amette: i get the error nomore
lortegaAdmin/general/ Use gzippet output is not market. I market this? [11:39]
ametteluciash: you need to surf around the site for a couple of hours - the error only occurs after some time when a PHP-process has accumulated too much memory..
luciash: ... that it is gone now is just because of apache restart
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sylviegamaette around?
amettesylvieg: yup [13:35]
sylviegin fact I was sudo on tw.org - so I was able to replace remote.php with the svn one - the groups Admins is sent back to doc.tw.. so seems a problem on doc.tw [13:35]
amettehmm, ok...
... any idea what it could be?
I could try updating users_users with the values it had before...
sylviegyou do have a group Admins? [13:36]
amette... or drop the contents of users_users completely? They should be retransmitted once people log in!?
on doc.tw.o? lemme see
sylviegafter a little trace in tiki-login.php can be helpful [13:37]
ametteyes, the groups are there [13:38]
sylviegline 151 print_r($groups); print_r($user_details['groups']); [13:38]
ametteok, added [13:39]
sylviegdammit - I do not see the trace ... but perhaps it is because redirection... [13:40]
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ametteyeah, don't find it either... but somehow the left column moved a bit [13:40]
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sylviegif ($user == 'sylvie') { print_r($groups); print_r($user_details['groups']);die;} [13:41]
sylviegif ($user == 'sylvie') { print_r($groups); echo '-';print_r($user_details['groups']);die;} [13:42]
amettebtw - you want it before the preg_split, right?
moved it there now, had it after it first
sylviegah no after [13:42]
amettek, updated
oh, ok, wait...
ok, moved after it again
sylviegso $user_details['groups'] is empty ... [13:44]
amettelike it would take it from the database instead of from intertiki...
... should I delete your user from DB?
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sylviegno it does not matter in intertiki [13:45]
amettehmmm, ok... but intertiki does update the users_usergroups table?
otherwise I can't explain why it was there after the import and then gone later.
sylviegin lin e 128 if ($user == 'sylvie') {print_r($user_details); die;} [13:46]
amettedone [13:47]
sylviegcan you check in tiki logs if I login intertiki was successful? [13:48]
ametteyup, mom
35077 login Do 04 Dec, 2008 14:47 CET sylvie983 Punkte intertiki : sylvie@tw.o Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U;...
seems so
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marclaportepolom lphuberdeau
I see you are on ui site :-)
main thing is I would like to use plugins annotation and thumb (not together but seperatly) so we can coordinate efforts on site
lphuberdeauI tried them... they work
as for thumb... what is that?
marclaportethumbnail plus, you mouse-over a small picuture to see big one [14:07]
lphuberdeauexists? what's wrong with it?
btw... I have today and tomorrow reserved for all this
1st thing: I tried to make annotation plugin using plugin helper. And then to add a comment. Here is what happened: http://coe.notrewiki.net/tiki-pagehistory.php?page=ForumsUI&diff_style=sidediff&compare=Compare&newver=0&oldver=4&tra_lang=en
lphuberdeauwas that a manual entry? [14:11]
marclaporteno [14:13]
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lphuberdeauok, reproduced
now, explain the problem with thumbnails
I am also on this for next two days
Patrick & Gary too I think
so we can get a lot done
lphuberdeaugrr... rollback leads to a blank page...
is trunk that broken or only that branch?
I think it would be important to avoid breaking everything if we ever want to merge it back
marclaporteis trunk that broken or only that branch? -> I don't know
maybe a sync trunk to branch first?
I hope we don't find more bugs ;-)
wiki plugin helper is VERY nice Louis-Philippe. You made an amazingly useful UI contribution
Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15892 /branches/experimental/declfilter/ (214 files in 26 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 15786 to 15891 [14:23]
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marclaportemarclaporte senses large svn operations are happening in the background... [14:32]
lphuberdeauonly updated a branch from trunk for a hundred revision... ~1 week [14:42]
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marclaportemarclaporte is testing semantic links [14:49]
lphuberdeausourceforge is slow.. [15:03]
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lphuberdeauso... annotations, thumbnail plugin... what else on my plate? [15:10]
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marclaportequicktags overhaul [15:12]
ricks99hi all :) [15:13]
marclaporteand help re-cut tiki to support new design, with tabs
hi ricks99!
ricks99q: with openid... how can i allow users to associate their openid with their tiki login *only after* registering?
that is...
i need to force users to register (and select a tiki username) first, and *then* go back and associate their openID with their tiki ID
is this possible?
lphuberdeauthat breaks the whole point of openid
like, not to have a password at all
ricks99just for registration [15:14]
lphuberdeauyou need to select a username when you register using openid
well, more like confirm username
because it's provided by the openid provider
ricks99maybe need to ask a different way....
when a user attempts to register using openid, i want to force the selection of an existing tiki username -- i do not want to allow creation of a new tiki username
lphuberdeauI know what you want
I don't know why you would want that
ricks99because i need to authenticate users (using external sytem) before allowing them access
patching my authentication before tiki-register.php is easy... openID not so much
lphuberdeauit uses the normal tiki-register in the end [15:18]
ricks99ah...ok then
maybe easier than i thought
lphuberdeaujust receives less parameters
the return page allows to login or register for new openids
when you register, it's the normal register page called, just a different form to it
ricks99k. i'll play some. tx lphuberdeau
no simple switch to simply allow openid for login, but not for registration?
lphuberdeauwouldn't be hard to add, but there are none
and because it's really anti-openid, I wouldn't want that option in trunk
2nd question... how do i "unassociate" an openid with a tiki username?
lphuberdeauI don't think there is an option for that [15:24]
ricks99i see nothing in user admin that shows openid = username
Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15893 /branches/experimental/ui-revamp/ (225 files in 27 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 15779 to 15891 [15:25]
lphuberdeauui.tw.o is up to date [15:28]
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TransMisja is now known as nietaki
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ricks99ui.tw.o -- nice theme... but horrible in IE [15:36]
lphuberdeauthat's not my fault ;) [15:36]
ricks99just saying... [15:37]
lphuberdeauif you want to help out however, the branch is open [15:37]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 thinks it's appropriate for IE to be named as a choked-off scream. [15:38]
ricks99i'll leave theme work to the xperts. just providing feedback
ie 6 ~ 25% market share, fairly significant
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lphuberdeauthat's quite sad I would say [15:40]
MatWhowho is doing what on ui.tw.org - I could fix some of the IE problems just need to know if I am stepping on toes [15:45]
SEWilco2doc.tw.o: "New in Tikiwiki 2.0" in DOCUMENTATION MENU needs to have an absolute URL like its neighbor, because .htaccess does not like the dot in "2.0" (or else someone needs to fix .htaccess).
Oooh. Text search is nicely fast on the new doc.tw.o server.
lphuberdeaumat, generally, patrick does the design and gary does the integration, I do random stuff
I guess for the IE problems, you could coordinate with gary
ricks99is ui.tw.o not intertiki? I was going to login and add a screenshot, showing IE issues [15:47]
lphuberdeauI don't think it is [15:47]
ricks99k [15:48]
MatWhoricks99: It would be better to just let me fix the problems, I have both IE6 and 7 on my mac so will sort it out with Gary [15:48]
ricks99k. sounds good [15:48]
SEWilco2doc.tw.o: Is "This documentation is a community effort.Join us!" in the banner supposed to be invisible? I happened to notice a text cursor appearing in an empty space. Also "in:" by Search. [15:48]
marclaportelphuberdeau: : http://ui.tikiwiki.org/tiki-list_file_gallery.php Internal Server Error
and http://ui.tikiwiki.org/tiki-assignuser.php?assign_user=ricks99 aswell
ricks99hidden text on doc.tw.o now unhidden [15:51]
Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15894 /trunk/tiki-wikiplugin_edit.php: [FIX] Edge case where no parameters are defined and short syntax was used for plugins in annotation plugin [15:52]
MatWhodooom and gloom - no don't let it get to you - lp is doing random things - all will be well :)
hey ui.tw.o is looking good
marclaportewe love lphuberdeau [15:52]
lphuberdeaumarc, where can I get the apache error log? [15:53]
MatWhothis project has no errors - so we don't have a log [15:53]
lphuberdeauhmmm.. thumb is not even supposed to worth with file galleries... not a bug, missing feature
sadly, I don't guess apache's errors from a generic 500 screen
SEWilco2No thumbs on file galleries, but a slide show? And thumbs on image gal without slide shows.
This page is not fully loading. Maybe the new server has a problem with the video? http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=TikiWiki+2.0&highlight=categorized
marclaportemarclaporte hunts for error log [15:57]
SEWilco2Of course, right after I sent the comment the page completed loading...but there's an empty space where video should be. [15:57]
lphuberdeaumarc, want me to add file gallery support in the thumb plugin? [15:58]
marclaporteyes, please
otherwise, we have to change back to image gallery and it's a pain to coordinate
lphuberdeau: : sent in PM and Skype
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marclaportepolom tomb!
tomb: I am in Paris!
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MatWhomarclaporte: are you staying there? or planning a move? [16:09]
marclaporteMatWho: Thanks for your help on IE6 stuff :-) [16:10]
MatWhono prob [16:10]
marclaportehere for a few days more
then, London, probably
also possibilities for Rome, Portugal
MatWho:) [16:11]
marclaporteand for sure Strasbourg to see Regis
For now, I need to treat a huge backlog of work
many things need to be done for the end of December
rpgI was wondering --- does tw have an equivalent of soft links so that we could always have a wiki link to "NextMeetingMinutes" that would point to different wiki pages as time goes by? [16:12]
marclaportelphuberdeau: : I found it
lphuberdeau: it's a perm problem
my server doesn't like [2008-12-04 08:12:51]: error: file is writable by others: (tiki-list_file_gallery.php)
fixperms should fix
MatWhomarclaporte: Paris to Lisbon 175 EUR return [16:14]
marclaportenot bad!
Are there any dates that are better than others?
MatWholook at eayjet.com tell me if you want a lift from the airport! [16:15]
marclaporte10-4 [16:15]
MatWhoeasyjet.com [16:15]
marclaportelphuberdeau: : I am running setup.sh
ricks99: : you are now admin on ui [16:23]
MatWhomarclaporte: any dates are fine [16:27]
ricks99me as admin? asking for trouble.... [16:28]
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SEWilco2In 2.2 I created Group "Approver" which includes Editor permissions. It shows it has "tiki_p_rename" (labeled "Inherited") but Editors doesn't have that permission. [16:42]
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SEWilco2What does the "Inherited" label mean when it is in a tan box and doesn't say where permission is inherited from? [16:44]
.... (idle for 15mn)
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Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15895 /trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_thumb.php: [MOD] Adding support for file galleries in the thumbnail plugin [17:00]
marclaporteSEWilco2: check group inclusions [17:01]
SEWilco2marclaporte: I only defined "Editors" to be included in "Approvers". Oddly, in the list of groups it lists that relationship but not the inheritance of the other groups. [17:03]
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any body help me to inSTALL TikiWiki on Windows 2003 server with IIS
lphuberdeaumarclaporte: annotation and thumbnail fixes were pushed to ui.tw.o [17:04]
SEWilco2I'm not seeing "inheritance" options in 2.2 Group creation, only an "include" option. [17:04]
marclaportelphuberdeau: : tks
SEWilco: 2: that would be it
lq_836: : sorry, I don't know about that
lq_836: : do you get any error messages?
lq_836: : is php & mySQL installed already?
Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15896 /branches/experimental/ui-revamp/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 15891 to 15895 [17:06]
lphuberdeaumarc, did you make tests on the forumui page? [17:06]
lq_836I tried to follow the steps mentioned in http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Windows+IIS+Install&bl=y but I could not found any mentioned lines in new version TikiWiki 2.2 [17:06]
lphuberdeauinstructions are the same as 2.0
which was very similar to 1.9 anyway
lq_836when I browse the URL it displays main page
Yes PHP and mySQL is installed and working, I also created a database in mysql
when I browse the TikiWiki URL (hosted on IIS, PHP ISAPI is already configured)
when I hit the page it displays the main page with "TikiWiki could not find your local.php file. This is normal for a brand new TikiWiki installation. Run the TikiWiki installer (tiki-install.php) to create and add information to your db/local.php file. This file contains the information (username/password/database name/etc) to connect to a database. Please see the documentation for more information. " messag
but when I click on "tiki-install.php" it displays blank PHP page
lphuberdeauI get 500 again [17:11]
lq_836can you please help me to sort out the issue, or to check the error log? [17:11]
marclaportelphuberdeau: maybe when TRIM updates, perms are changed
lphuberdeau: : run setup.sh
lphuberdeaulq_836, can't help on IIS [17:12]
SEWilco2My group "Editors" has permission tiki_p_rename greyed out with a blue "Admin" box on the far right. Why? Editors does not inherit from Admin and does not say "inherited from Admin". [17:12]
marclaportelq_836: : blank page hint could be in error log [17:12]
lq_836hmm, what is alternative? is Apache? [17:12]
marclaportelq_836: : yes, Apache
You can also try manual install
SEWilco2Editors does have tiki_p_minor labeled as "inherited from Registered" followed by an "Admin" box. I don't understand the permission relationships. [17:13]
marclaporte1- make db/local.php manually and 2: populate mysql with phpmyadmin or something [17:13]
lq_836actually I have multiple applications installed on my web server and I was willing to stick with existing infrastructure instead of increasing administrative efforts for multiple servers etc...
how can I enable error log to resolve the issues, can you please help me?
SEWilco2The admin list of all groups does not mention that any groups include other groups, other than my newly created "Approvers" including "Editors". [17:14]
lq_836If someone of you guys help me to fix the issue, then I can promise to contribute to release TikiWiki installation document for Windows with IIS.
I am sure it is not too much hard to deploy on IIS
marclaportelq_836: I can try to help you with the Tiki aspect but I have no idea on how activate things such as error logs, on IIS.
lq_836: : maye you should try installing something like http://www.wampserver.com/ first and isolate the problem
installing Tiki on WAMP should be trivial and you can try with IIS after
lphuberdeau : [2008-12-04 09:11:11]: error: file is writable by others: (/home/coe/public_html/tiki-wikiplugin_edit.php
so TRIM changes the perms and causes this issue
strange because SVN up doesn't change perms I think
lq_836actually it is required to enable error logging in PHP, let me google to enable PHP error log [17:21]
marclaporteMatWho: I am planning multi-destination trip. Do you recommend another site? Or I just buy many tickets from here? I don't see multi-city option on Easyjet.com [17:22]
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marclaportelq_836: I will hold you up to your promise :-) [17:22]
MatWhomarclaporte: hold on checking .. [17:23]
marclaporteParis->London 35 Euros!!! [17:24]
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MatWho:) [17:24]
lq_836I will, however it's deffinetly conditional to my success with IIS :) [17:24]
lphuberdeaumarclaporte: can't find information about tags and the rest of the stuff on my plate [17:25]
marclaportelph: can I call you?
lphuberdeaudon,t know, you mentionned that before [17:26]
MatWhomarclaporte: with easyjet their price is the same for a return or one-way so just book the legs you need on the easyjet web site [17:26]
lphuberdeaubut yes, you can call [17:26]
porsh_aka_shishiHello I wish to commit the code of a wikiplugin ANNOTATION to dev......I want your help
ppresently I have an account at tikiwik.org, sourceforge.net
lphuberdeaugot commit access yet?
how many code changes were made?
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porsh_aka_shishihow to get it........I went through http://dev.tikiwiki.org/commit .........bu couldn't get much help [17:28]
marclaportemarclaporte looks forward to dogfooding porsh_aka_shishi's creation [17:28]
porsh_aka_shishithe whole code for wikplugin ANNOTATION is almost written
how to get commit access
I have also registered for svn commit mailing list
what is your SourceForge login?
porsh_aka_shishi: : what do you think of the 3 rules?
lphuberdeauis it backwards compatible? [17:30]
MatWhoIt looks like we need to welcome a new committer to Tiki - Hooray :) Hi there porsh_aka_shishi [17:31]
porsh_aka_shishimarclaporte: sourceforge login name: porsh [17:33]
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porsh_aka_shishimarclaporte:the 3 rules are simply awesome. I respect them and would follow them :) [17:37]
marclaporte:-) [17:37]
porsh_aka_shishilphuberdeau: what do you mean by backwards comptible.....please explain in a bit detail
MatWho: thnq :)
SEWilco2porsh_aka_shishi: Are you aware there is already a plugin called ANNOTATION? [17:38]
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marclaportehttps://sourceforge.net/users/porsh/ [17:39]
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porsh_aka_shishiSEWilco2: lphuberdeau wrote the initial ANNOTATION plugin. Am not sure whether it is being used or not [17:39]
hi i need help with tikiwiki 2.2
SEWilco2porsh_aka_shishi: I think ANNOTATION is used on some *.tikiwiki.org sites. That's what is meant where it refers to "this site". [17:41]
porsh_aka_shishiSEWilco2: Can you provide me with a link to a page where its being presently used [17:41]
SEWilco2porsh_aka_shishi: Does your ANNOTATION behave the same as the existing one when given the old parameters? That's what lphuberdeau meant by "backwards compatible". [17:42]
mib_32wx6sdoes anyone know how to fix page can not be displayed after creating a new page in wiki? [17:43]
ricks99@mib_32wx6s: r u getting an error? do u have permission to create/view the page? [17:44]
lphuberdeauold version of annotation was released, thus is used [17:44]
mib_32wx6syes I am the admin
when I hit the back button the page was created
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porsh_aka_shishimarclaporte: So now I am part of TikiWiki CMS/Groupware Community at Sourceforge. thnq :) [17:45]
marclaportelphuberdeau: : http://ui.tikiwiki.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=29&display [17:45]
ricks99r u using the "search engine friendly url" option? [17:45]
mib_32wx6sbut everytime you create or update the wiki it goes to page can not be displayed and I have to hit the back button [17:45]
porsh_aka_shishiWhat should I do now to upload the code to the trunk? [17:46]
mib_32wx6s"search engine friendly" was that for me if it was then yes [17:47]
ricks99@mib_32wx6s: did u remember to enable the .htaccess file (requried for sefurl), too? [17:47]
mib_32wx6senable it under where [17:48]
ricks99in ur file directory. pls see docs: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/rewrite+rules [17:49]
MatWhoporsh_aka_shishi: do you want some help with svn? [17:49]
porsh_aka_shishimarclaporte, lphuberdeau : the new user interface is simply rocking [17:49]
SEWilco2porsh_aka_shishi: See http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=PluginAnnotation [17:50]
porsh_aka_shishiMatWho: I just want to upload my code for wikiplugin annotation...... i have accounts at tikiwiki.org,sourceforge.net, joined the svn commit mailing list, downloaded subversion......what should I do next?
I went through http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Where+to+commit , so I know it has to committed to dev trunck branch
mib_32wx6sdo i remane _htaccess in apache or the wiki file [17:54]
lphuberdeauporsh, I would commit it to an experimental branch first
you forked the code a long time ago and getting it to work might not be about copying files
ricks99@mib_32wx6x: it is a file on your apache server. pls see this known issue: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=1963&trackerId=5&show=view [17:55]
lphuberdeauI can create the branch for you if you're on windows [17:55]
porsh_aka_shishiI am on linux
ubuntu 8.04
lphuberdeauok, see http://dev.tikiwiki.org/SvnTips
there is a section on experimental branches
porsh_aka_shishiok [17:56]
lphuberdeauI need to go offline for around 15 minutes [17:56]
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lq_836hi marclaporte
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare installer_is_accessible() (previously declared in F:inetpubwwwrootwww.newwebdemo.ascertia.comwwwwikitikiwikitiki-install.php:11)
do you have any idea about?
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare installer_is_accessible() (previously declared in F:inetpubwwwrootwww.newwebdemo.ascertia.comwwwwikitikiwikitiki-install.php:11) in F:inetpubwwwrootwww.newwebdemo.ascertia.comwwwwikitikiwikitiki-install.php on line 15
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lq_836Fatal error: Cannot redeclare installer_is_accessible() (previously declared in F:inetpubwwwrootwww.newwebdemo.ascertia.comwwwwikitikiwikitiki-install.php:11) in F:inetpubwwwrootwww.newwebdemo.ascertia.comwwwwikitikiwikitiki-install.php on line 15
any idea about this error, trying from IIS, PHP and mysql
marclaporteporsh_aka_shishi : & all : annotations plugin used in production : http://ui.tikiwiki.org/Forums [18:18]
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marclaporteporsh_aka_shishi: : did you sort out the licenses? [18:20]
MatWhomarclaporte: I am helping him get the branch set up [18:20]
marclaportethanks! [18:21]
porsh_aka_shishimarclaporte: I don't there should be any problem with me using the the two code snippets....as the author has clearly permitted to use them anywhere
one of the code has also LGPL licence
the other has no associated license...and can be used till I mention the credit notice he told
marclaporteyes, I understand
but we need something more clear
porsh_aka_shishiSo what should I do? [18:28]
marclaporteHe should pick among a major license the one which corresponds to his wishes
Are you in email contact with author?
So you believe he should take a license for his other code?......One already has LGPL license which as you said is perfect
marclaporteyes, it would make things better/clearer
imagine if a company asks me what the license of TikiWiki is
and I say, well, it's mostly LGPL, but there is a part which ...
porsh_aka_shishibut the thing is the other code has no license..its just for free use by anyone
Still I will email him asking him to get a license preferably LGPL for the other code
but what if he doesn't get it?
marclaporteI will send you email template [18:32]
porsh_aka_shishithanks :) [18:32]
Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 15897 /trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [FIX]gal: good pagination if find not empty + clear find needs to keep param as galleryId+ use find.tpl [18:44]
Caarrieany comments or requests as to what else Tikiwiki|bot can do? [18:44]
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SEWilco2How do I clear text wrapping around an image? My tall image is stabbing the following section and I want to make next section appear after end of image. [18:50]
Caarrieluciash: you around? [18:50]
marclaporteporsh_aka_shishi: : you have mail [18:50]
porsh_aka_shishiyeah I got it [18:52]
marclaportemost of the time, people say yes to dual license
or they don't answer
if email doesn't work, hunting them on IRC can :-)
lphuberdeauwhat's the other licence? [18:53]
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porsh_aka_shishimarclaporte: So should I wait for him to response before committing the code?
marclaporteno, commit early [18:58]
Caarrie: yup ?
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Caarrieyou have any suggestions for more features for Tikiwiki|bot ;) [19:00]
luciashSEWilco2: put it in class="clearfix"
Caarrie: no idea, you can learn from what former tikibot did at tw.o
Caarriemaybe [19:02]
SEWilco2luciash: OK, I think there's a DIV plugin for that. [19:02]
Caarrielink? [19:02]
luciashhttp://tikiwiki.org/tikibot [19:03]
CaarrieCaarrie looks [19:03]
luciash>two tikibot [19:03]
Sug4rhttp://tikiwiki.org/tikibot [19:03]
but then what will Sug4r do ? :-p
Caarriehehe no idea ;) [19:04]
luciashit can do different tricks ;) [19:04]
amette>roulette [19:08]
Sug4r*click* [19:08]
that's Sug4r's killer-feature ;)
SEWilco2Well, just don't load any ammo before it pulls that trigger. [19:09]
Caarriewell off hand i know i can add a google search no problem ;) [19:09]
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Caarriealso a !learn script i can do [as i have one already] if you want one ;)
the talk on channel i can do too :P
Caarrie goes about adding scripts to do the above if no one complains
luciashamette: *g*, your favorite one :) [19:14]
Caarriewhich? [19:14]
luciash>g tikiwiki [19:14]
Sug4rSearch took 0.229324 seconds: info.tw.o - Welcome to TikiWiki CMS/Groupware : HomePage: <http://tikiwiki.org/>; tw.o : TikiWiki CMS/Groupware : Home: <http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php>; TikiWiki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TikiWiki>; SourceForge.net: TikiWiki CMS/Groupware: <http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki>; TikiWiki for Education : HomePage: (2 more messages) [19:14]
luciashi mean the roulette though
this was google search
Caarrie: look for what Sug4r cannot do ;)
Sug4rAdmin, Alias, Anonymous, Channel, Config, Factoids, Filter, Fun, Google, Lookup, Misc, Owner, Seen, Services, and User [19:15]
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Caarriei am first looking for scripts i have already ;) [19:16]
luciash>list Misc [19:16]
Sug4raction, apropos, author, contributors, help, hostmask, last, list, more, notice, plugin, private, revision, source, tell, and version [19:16]
ametteluciash: yup :) [19:16]
luciashetc. ;)
Caarrie: you can query Sug4r in private msg
Caarrieok [19:16]
SEWilco2>g g [19:17]
Sug4rSearch took 0.175964 seconds: Gmail: Email from Google: <http://mail.google.com/>; G - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G>; g -force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-force>; MTA NYC Transit Subway Line Information: <http://www.mta.info/nyct/service/gline.htm>; G .Loomis Home Page: <http://www.gloomis.com/>; Type G Electric (2 more messages) [19:17]
luciash>list alias [19:18]
Sug4rabout, add, am, any, are, bug, can, devtwo, doctwo, enlight, g, googldev, googldoc, googltwo, googlwiki, greet, h3110, have, helloya, help?, hey, hey,, how, hug, ideas?, infotwo, is, item, lock, luckydev, luckydoc, luckytwo, luckywiki, pingy, polom, pong, remove, s4y, sug4r, talk, teach, ti, two, unlock, wassup, what, when, which, whisper, who, whois, why, wish, and you [19:18]
SEWilco2>g what Sug4r cannot do ;) [19:18]
***Tikiwiki|bot has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [19:18]
Sug4rSearch took 0.236539 seconds: MySpace.com - Br0wn Sug4r - 16 - Female - Constanta - www.myspace ...: <http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=102730376>; MySpaceTV Videos: -[] + SUG4R -G00N+ []- Video Channel: <http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.channel&ChannelID=205116860>; Application: Sug4r - DENIED: (3 more messages) [19:18]
Caarrieopps [19:18]
SEWilco2There, as requested I searched for what Sug4r cannot do. [19:18]
Sug4r: is another bot needed in this channel ? what do you think ?
Sug4rThe answer is def-- oooh! shiny thing! [19:19]
luciashyea, another shiny ass :D [19:20]
***Tikiwiki|bot has joined #tikiwiki [19:20]
luciashmetal ass :-p [19:20]
SEWilco2>enlight Tikibot [19:20]
Sug4r(enlight <an alias, 2 arguments>) -- Alias for <<say $1: [whatis $2]>> [19:20]
Caarrie!google tikiwiki [19:21]
Tikiwiki|botSorry, no search results were found. [19:21]
Caarrie:( [19:21]
luciash>enlight SEWilco2 tikibot [19:21]
Sug4rError: No factoid matches that key. [19:21]
SEWilco2Aww, Sug4r can't teach Tikibot. [19:21]
CaarrieCaarrie does not know what is up with that script [19:21]
luciash>enlight SEWilco2 Sug4r [19:21]
Sug4rSEWilco2: 'Sug4r' could be a male reincarnation of H0ney [19:21]
SEWilco2>polom [19:22]
Sug4rpolom :) [19:22]
Caarrie*spin the bottle* [19:22]
Tikiwiki|botCaarrie spins the bottle .....
Where it will point nobody knows ....
Round and round it goes .....
Round and round it goes .....
and it slows and comes to a stop ...
pointing at ..... grobda24!!!!
Now Caarrie you must hugs grobda24!!!
luciashugh :-p [19:22]
CaarrieCaarrie pokes amette [19:22]
ametteouch [19:22]
SEWilco2>*spin the bottle* [19:22]
Tikiwiki|botSEWilco2 spins the bottle ..... [19:22]
Caarrielike that script? ;) [19:22]
Tikiwiki|botWhere it will point nobody knows ....
Round and round it goes .....
Round and round it goes .....
and it slows and comes to a stop ...
pointing at ..... porsh_aka_shishi!!!!
Now SEWilco2 you must kiss porsh_aka_shishi!!!
amettea bit noisy, but nice [19:23]
Caarriei can take a few lines out [19:23]
amette>roulette [19:23]
Sug4r*click* [19:23]
ametteis so straight-forward :) [19:23]
SEWilco2>g *spin the bottle* [19:24]
Tikiwiki|botSEWilco2 spins the bottle .....
Where it will point nobody knows ....
Sug4rSearch took 0.374007 seconds: eSPIN-the- Bottle — teen chat, fun quizzes, good times!: <http://www.espin.com/>; Spin the bottle - Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin_the_bottle>; Spin the Bottle (Angel ) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin_the_Bottle_(Angel_episode)>; Spin the Bottle | Media Education Foundation: (2 more messages) [19:24]
Tikiwiki|botRound and round it goes .....
Round and round it goes .....
and it slows and comes to a stop ...
pointing at ..... CIA-55!!!!
ametteyeh, probably taking a couple of lines out makes sense [19:24]
Tikiwiki|botNow SEWilco2 you must hugs CIA-55!!!
Sug4r spins the bottle .....
Where it will point nobody knows ....
Caarrie*spin the bottle* [19:24]
Tikiwiki|botRound and round it goes ..and it slows and comes to a stop ...
pointing at ..... amette!!!!
Now Sug4r you must kiss the mouth of amette!!!
Caarrie spins the bottle .....
Where it will point nobody knows ....
Round and round it goes ..and it slows and comes to a stop ...
pointing at ..... marclaporte!!!!
Now Caarrie you must explain what you feel for marclaporte!!!
Caarriei took 2 out :P
!say help me i am trapped in a bot's body
!say #tikiwiki help me i am trapped in a bot's body
Caarrie pokes Tikiwiki|bot
Tikiwiki|bothelp me i am trapped in a bot's body [19:25]
Caarrie./msg Tikiwiki|bot !say #tikiwiki help me i am trapped in a bot's body [19:25]
***Tikiwiki|bot has left
Tikiwiki|bot has joined #tikiwiki
Caarrie!quote [19:28]
Tikiwiki|bot./quoteittw.data does not exist. You'll need to add quotes to the database first by typing !addquote <a quote> [19:28]
Caarrie!addquote <Tikiwiki|bot> help me i am trapped in a bot's body
Tikiwiki|botRandom quote on the way
<Tikiwiki|bot> help me i am trapped in a bot's body
SEWilco2Having trouble finding a clear incantation. This doesn't wait until image ends: {TAG(tag=BR, class="clearfix")}{TAG}
I do see .clearfix in CSS.
***Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [19:31]
luciashSEWilco2: wrap a div around the image
SEWilco2: or does the img syntax allow class ?
or just put {TAG(tag=div, style="clear: both")}{TAG} after the image
or put %clear% there and set the dynamic variable to <br style="clear: both" />
SEWilco2luciash: I'll try that [19:36]
luciashnext time you only use %clear% again [19:36]
SEWilco2The clear:both did the trick. My .clearfix does have that defined, but didn't seem to be working. [19:37]
luciashthe most clear way would be class="clearfix" directly on the image though [19:38]
Caarrie!google tikiwiki [19:38]
Tikiwiki|botinfo.tw.o - Welcome to TikiWiki CMS/Grou @ http://tikiwiki.org/ | tw.o : TikiWiki CMS/Groupware : Home @ http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php | TikiWiki - Wikipedia, the free encyclope @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TikiWiki | info.tw.o - Welcome to TikiWiki CMS/Grou @ http://info.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=homepage [19:38]
SEWilco2Yea, this is great Grou ware. [19:39]
Caarrie!learn Tikiwiki is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution [19:40]
luciash>googldoc clearfix [19:40]
Sug4rNo matches found (Search took 0.613648 seconds) [19:40]
luciash>googldoc syntax [19:40]
Sug4rSearch took 0.203552 seconds: doc.tw.o : Tikiwiki Documentation : Wiki- Syntax Text: <http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=wiki-syntax+text>; doc.tw.o : Tikiwiki Documentation : Wiki- Syntax Tables: <http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Wiki-Syntax+Tables&bl=y>; doc.tw.o : Tikiwiki Documentation : Wiki- Syntax Images: <http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Wiki- (3 more messages) [19:40]
luciash>more [19:41]
Sug4rSyntax+Images&bl=y>; doc.tw.o : Tikiwiki Documentation : Wiki- Syntax Lists: <http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Wiki-Syntax+Lists>; doc.tw.o : Tikiwiki Documentation : Advanced Wiki Syntax usage ...: <http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Advanced%20Wiki%20Syntax%20usage%20examples&structure=Documentation>; doc.tw.o : Tikiwiki Documentation : Wiki- Syntax Lists: (2 more messages) [19:41]
***Tikiwiki|bot has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [19:42]
luciashSEWilco2: according to wiki help you can use class on img syntax [19:44]
***Tikiwiki|bot has joined #tikiwiki [19:44]
luciashSEWilco2: {img src=http://example.com/foo.jpg width=200 height=100 align=center imalign=right link=http://www.yahoo.com title='Yahoo Website' rel='shadowbox[gallery];type=img' desc=foo alt=txt usemap=name class=xyz} [19:44]
Caarrie!learn Tikiwiki is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution
!learn add Tikiwiki is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution
Tikiwiki|botDifinition added [19:45]
Caarrie?? tikiwiki [19:45]
Tikiwiki|bottikiwiki: is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution [19:45]
***ricks99 has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [19:45]
marclaporteluci now admin on ui.tw.o [19:45]
luciashmarclaporte: tks [19:45]
SEWilco2luciash: Thanks, I'll try to keep that in mind. Actually, I'll update the WikiSyntax for Images page. [19:46]
luciashbut i'd prefer admin on doc.tw.o more ;) hint hint, amette :-p
SEWilco2: great, thanks
Caarrieanyone can now teach Tikiwiki|bot ;) via !learn add and recall the entry via ?? <keyword> [19:47]
marclaportehahahah [19:48]
luciashSug4r: learn Tikiwiki|bot as a bot trying to be more clever than Sug4r [19:48]
Sug4rOK, here we go! [19:48]
CaarrieCaarrie laughs [19:48]
luciashSug4r: whatis Tikiwiki|bot [19:48]
Sug4r'Tikiwiki|bot' could be a bot trying to be more clever than Sug4r [19:48]
luciash:D [19:48]
***franck_ has joined #tikiwiki [19:49]
Tikiwiki|bothey i can be clever, i can even be smart if i take time [19:49]
Caarriedo we have a seen <who> script in this channel? [19:50]
luciash>when amette [19:51]
Sug4rSure [19:51]
luciash*g* [19:51]
Caarriesure ?? what type of reply is that??? [19:51]
luciash>last --from amette [19:51]
Sug4r[20:24:11] <amette> yeh, probably taking a couple of lines out makes sense [19:51]
luciashSug4r has his own brain problems sometimes ;)
>last --from Caarrie
Sug4r[20:51:18] <Caarrie> sure ?? what type of reply is that??? [19:52]
luciashis that enough for seen ? [19:52]
CaarrieCaarrie does not think so [19:52]
luciashi can make an alias for it even ;)
Sug4r(seen [<channel>] <nick>) -- Returns the last time <nick> was seen and what <nick> was last seen saying. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself. [19:52]
luciash>seen Caarrie [19:53]
Sug4rCaarrie was last seen in #tikiwiki 20 seconds ago saying: * Caarrie does not think so [19:53]
luciash*g* [19:53]
Caarrie!seen luciash [19:53]
luciashSug4r: hey, nobody beats you up ;) [19:53]
Sug4rYou're kidding, right? [19:53]
Caarrie!seen Caarrie [19:53]
luciashluciash loves bots which try to make you feel stupid [19:55]
Caarriehehe [19:55]
SEWilco2Does one of the bots respond to: Is anyone here? Is anyone on? [19:55]
Caarrie!seen luciash
i could make a reply to that
!seen dogs
SEWilco2What is a good reply to "Can I ask a question?" and "I have a question" and "I have a problem" [19:56]
Caarriejust ask and wait for a reply? [19:56]
SEWilco2Maybe a good reply is "Just ask, don't ask to ask" [19:57]
Caarrieok lets see if i can make the script work ;) [19:57]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 waits for luci to finish editing a page. Ping luciash [19:59]
porsh_aka_shishilphuberdeau: In which experimental branch directory at https://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tikiwiki/branches/experimental/ should I commit? [20:00]
***Tikiwiki|bot has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [20:01]
CaarrieCaarrie is not the best script writer :P [20:02]
***Tikiwiki|bot has joined #tikiwiki [20:03]
Caarriecan i ask a question?
"can i ask a question?"
"can i ask a question?"
porsh_aka_shishilphuberdeau: do I need to to create a separate experimental branch directory at https://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tikiwiki/branches/experimental/ ? [20:04]
CaarrieCaarrie looks at her script again
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc [20:06]
Caarriethat is not right :P [20:06]
***franck has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [20:06]
Caarriequestion [20:06]
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, Please just ask your question, dont ask to ask, someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay awhile [20:06]
SEWilco2Yeah, it's not specifying if it's English Empire or British Empire. [20:07]
luciashSEWilco2: only if you ask Sug4r directly [20:07]
CaarrieSEWilco2: that good? [20:07]
SEWilco2Can I ask a question? [20:07]
luciashSug4r: Is anyone here? Is anyone on? [20:07]
Sug4rNo idea. [20:07]
Caarriei dont have it fully working so far ;)
just the text so far
SEWilco2question [20:07]
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, Please just ask your question, dont ask to ask, someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay awhile [20:07]
Caarriei have a question
"i have a question"
Caarrie looks at it again
luciashCaarrie: most common is "may i ask a question?"
Caarriei am working on it luciash ;) [20:09]
luciashso "question" or "ask" [20:09]
Caarriei have a question
"may i ask a question?"
Caarrie kicks Tikiwiki|bot
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, Please just ask your question, dont ask to ask, someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay awhile [20:12]
***GillesM has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [20:13]
Caarrie*i have a question* [20:14]
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, Please just ask your question, dont ask to ask, someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay awhile [20:14]
CaarrieCaarrie is confused
i have a question
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, Please just ask your question, dont ask to ask, someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay awhile [20:16]
may i ask a question
may i ask a question
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, Please just ask your question, dont ask to ask, someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay awhile [20:17]
Caarriemay i ask a question? [20:17]
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, Please just ask your question, dont ask to ask, someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay awhile [20:17]
Caarriequestion [20:17]
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, Please just ask your question, dont ask to ask, someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay awhile [20:17]
Caarriethat good for now?
any more to add?
tw [20:23]
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ . [20:23]
Caarriewhat is tw [20:23]
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ . [20:23]
Caarriewhat is tw.o [20:23]
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, tw.o is better known as http://tikiwiki.org or the official website of the project.
Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ .
what is tw.o
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, tw.o is better known as http://tikiwiki.org or the official website of the project.
Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ .
Caarrietw.o [20:24]
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, tw.o is better known as http://tikiwiki.org or the official website of the project. [20:24]
CaarrieCaarrie pokes luciash [20:25]
SEWilco2testing mention of doc.tw.o within a sentence
Good, no response.
Caarriedoc.tw.o is not in the script ;)
should i add it?
SEWilco2Caarrie: Not unless there's something worth saying. [20:29]
Caarrieok ;)
does the "3 rules" have a bot that replys?
SEWilco2luciash: In case you're interested I created a new section: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Wiki-Syntax+Images&bl=n&saved_msg=y#Clearing_text_wrapping
Ick, that's an ugly URL.
Hmm, I didn't find the right incantation for hiding HTML within a code block.
luciash>whatis 3rules [20:35]
Sug4r'3rules' could be 1. Preserve Environment 2. Commit early, Commit often 3. Make it Optional ( for more info see http://dev.tikiwiki.org/3rules ) [20:35]
Caarrieok ;) [20:35]
SEWilco2What's WikiSyntax which displays <BR> so it shows as text instead of browser swallowing it? [20:38]
luciash~np~<br />~/np~ [20:41]
***gizwill has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [20:41]
marclaporteporsh_aka_shishi: : yes, you need to create a new experimental branch but lphuberdeau would know the details [20:42]
SEWilco2luciash: The browser sees <BR> and gobbles that up. [20:43]
***franck_ has quit IRC () [20:44]
SEWilco2porsch_aka_shishi: Maybe you should rename ANNOTATE if it does something different from the existing plugin [20:45]
luciashalso if you want to clear after some longer text flowing around an image you can wrap the image an the text in a {DIV(class="clearfix")}...{DIV} and it will clear after [20:46]
***rpg has quit IRC ("Leaving...") [20:47]
SEWilco2luciash: In Preview <br> was invisible but it is visible if the page is saved. Hmm. [20:48]
luciashthere are some inconsistency bugs in preview <> after save
they're minor but can be annoying
SEWilco2They're not minor when you're trying to edit with/of/against them. [20:55]
Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 15898 /branches/experimental/annotation/: [BRANCH] Creation, trunk 0 to 15897 [21:00]
CaarrieCaarrie changed seen scripts
!seen Caarrie
!seen luciash
!lastspoke Caarrie
!lastspoke Caarrie
.lastspoke Caarrie
Tikiwiki|botCaarrie last uttered a word on #tikiwiki less than a minute ago. [21:08]
***porsh_aka_shishi has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client")
Tikiwiki|bot has left
Tikiwiki|bot has joined #tikiwiki
aoirthoir has joined #tikiwiki
Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away
rpg- has joined #tikiwiki
Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 15899 /trunk/templates/ (2 files): [MOD] indenting code - no changes [21:18]
.... (idle for 18mn)
***Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
jiffe88 has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
lphuberdeau has quit IRC ("Leaving.")
FrankP_german has joined #tikiwiki
Tikiwiki|botSVN: Commit by pkdille :: r 15900 /trunk/ (6 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] & [KIL] replace pagination.php/tpl with pagination_links in 2 grids. Remove pagination.php/tpl which is no more used [21:47]
***MatWho has quit IRC ()
marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
franck has joined #tikiwiki [22:05]
...... (idle for 25mn)
rpg- has quit IRC () [22:30]
marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [22:36]
Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [22:49]
Caarriesigning in at info.tw.org and i get
XMLRPC Error: 5 - Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server. (HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error)
***FrankP_german has quit IRC ("Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de") [22:55]
Caarrie.seen frankP* [23:07]
Tikiwiki|botFrankP_german (n=frankp@M0f07.m.pppool.de) was last seen quitting from #tikiwiki 12 minutes ago stating ({"Nettalk6} - www.ntalk.de"). [23:07]
Caarrie!lastspoke marclaporte
.lastspoke marclaporte
Tikiwiki|botmarclaporte last uttered a word on #tikiwiki 35 minutes ago. [23:11]
***aoirthoir has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [23:12]
Caarrie!tikiwikibugs [23:14]
Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #2193 - Newsletter plain text is lost - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=2193
Recent Bug: Tracker item: #2194 - catorphan plugin only seems to work with wiki pages?? - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=2194
Recent Bug: Tracker item: #2195 - Character substitutions in page names, search engine, usernames, etc. - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=2195
Caarriehttp://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot has been updated ;) to include some of the "major" commands for the bot [23:25]
***rpg has joined #tikiwiki [23:36]
mib_32wx6s has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client")
mib_32wx6s has joined #tikiwiki
raji2 has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection)
aoirthoir has joined #tikiwiki

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