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marclaporte: polom
lphuberdeau: : I am getting ISE 500 on UI.tw.o
maybe a setup.sh?
I am running now
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chibaguy: polom
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-: chibaguy_ wishes irc from this connection wasn't so flaky.
lphuberdeau: I made an update a few hours ago
did not touch it since
chibaguy_: ui.tw.o is ok for me.
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marclaporte: works fine after setup.sh
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chibaguy: rrr....anything to do with categories on my experimental ui-revamp test site shows a white page.
I guess it's a local quirk since categories at ui.tw.o are working ok
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marclaporte: polom
uSlacker: yo, marc
franck: glop?
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SEWilco: Having trouble with podcast configuration. Configure as /somepath/podcasts/ and I can upload, but can't download because /somepath is not a valid URL component.
If I configure podcast directory as /podcasts/ then the web browser can see the files but I can't upload because /podcasts is not in the filesystem.
Heh. And "../podcasts/" works.
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joomlagate: hi, I am a newbie of Tikiwiki, Need some help on Rewrite Rules, but the official page can't open
My problem is: I installed Tikiwiki in a subdirectory /wiki
Then I enabled SEF, but it can't work
I searched the official Docs website
on the Rewrite Rules page
those code about how to config .htaccess for subdirectory was lost
I can't got my answer from docs.tikiwiki.org
Anyone here know the Rewrite rules for subdirectory?
Could you please give me a copy of that rules ?
Thanks in advance.
hello, can anyone help me?
tomb: joomlagate, to activate rewrite rules you need to renamethe file _htaccess in .htaccess
joomlagate: I had did that
thank you tomb
my problem is, the tiki was installed in a subdirectory
but the default .htaccess rules was for root directory installation
I had read this page: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Rewrite+Rules
but the part about subdirectory was lost
There show me Not Found
that is to say, the official website has met some problem and can't retrieve those code
so I have to ask someone else who know the rules for subdirectory
If someone come here later can help me, please send a copy of that .htaccess file to my email : joomlagate@gmail.com , thank you!
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hhh: hi there!
i would like to know, where i can see the total number of wiki pages and total number of wiki pages in a certain category...
it must be somewhere, but... it seems i am confused by the menu again. Tiki is 1.9.9 or 1.10. i think
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hhh: hello?
-: hhh pokes random users to get an answer
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chibaguy: hhh, if you turn on Stats, you can see the total number of wiki pages. I don't know about per-category though.
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hhh: is that a tiki feature or a module?
ahhh! there is a menu selection: statistics
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-: chibaguy swears
chibaguy: just can't stay connected with irc these days
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Tikiwiki|bot: SVN: Commit by niclone :: r 15990 /trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] newsletters: added support for attached files.
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joomlagate: chibaguy ? are you Gary on Tikiwiki forum ?
chibaguy: Hi joomlagate, yes, that's me.
joomlagate: nice to meet you here
this is my first time use IRC for Tikiwiki
Can you see messages I had posted here 4 hours ago?
I am looking for the .htaccess rules for a Tikiwiki installed in a subdirectory, I had read the official site page, but that page was damaged, show NO code
chibaguy: Yes, doc.tikiwiki.org was moved to a new server. Maybe some things didn't survive the move.
(or paths broken)
I saw your question.
But don't exactly understand.
I have Tikiwiki installations in subdirectories, and using .htaccess for simpler urls works fine.
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joomlagate: oh, very sad
I enabled SEF at backend, the rename _htaesss to .htaccess
but the URL still has index.php? in it
don't know why
chibaguy: Yes, Tikiwiki will still use the long urls internally.
The difference is that you or others can use the short form and these will be converted.
joomlagate: I want to see some URL like: http://localhost/wiki/mypage
chibaguy: The url in the address bar won't change to that automatically, but you can write such a url and it will work.
joomlagate: Yes !
chibaguy: In other words, I can tell you to go to http://zukakakina.com/Kubrick, and that url will work.
joomlagate: I just tested , the short URL can work !
oh, my God !
-: chibaguy applauds.
joomlagate: why the URL in the address bar can't changed automatically ?
chibaguy: Well, it just isn't designed to do that. I suppose that would be a much larger coding challenge.
Maybe in Tikiwiki 4 or 5. ;-)
joomlagate: I had seen a post on Tikiwiki forum that , someone said, a CMS without SEF is NOT a CMS, low
Since the short URL can work now, why not make it as the standard URL in the address bar ?
I think the Tikiwiki core team should list this task as the top one
chibaguy: The .htaccess method doesn't actually change Tikiwiki's urls, it just rewrites them when the server receives a request.
I don't know how high a priority SEF urls have been; they are more important to people who depend on search engines for site visibility, etc.
For Tikiwiki users who serve an organization or something, where members know about the site already, it isn't so important.
lphuberdeau: it's a huge task and we don't have enough hands typing to do it, how about you join and help?
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liuhualh: hi
joomlagate: oh
I can only help on Translation
I know nothing about php and MySAL
lphuberdeau: not required for SEF thing, only template manipulation... loads of it
joomlagate: sometime later, I will submit my Chinese translation to Tikiwiki team
lphuberdeau: nice
joomlagate: You had developed a great software
lphuberdeau: just ask for commit access... we don't accept patches... you need to apply them ;)
liuhualh: does tiwiki has a website for chinese?
joomlagate: I noticed that the official site has a http://chinese.tikiwiki.org page
but not been updated for a loooooooong time
lphuberdeau: may be very old
chibaguy: yes, a guy was very enthusiastic for a week or two....
joomlagate: hehe
In fact I only use the WIKI feature of Tikiwiki
chibaguy: It would be great if a group of people could maintain a Chinese Tikiwiki site.
And grow a community of users.
joomlagate: Can I say something not sounds good for Tiki fans?
lphuberdeau: btw gary, I updated http://ui.tikiwiki.org/Technical+Changes
joomlagate: When I post on the official Tiki forum, I even can't find the Quote button to quote part of post by others !
I think Tiki team should improve that forum more
lphuberdeau: we have a lot of things to improve ;)
joomlagate: As someone had mentioned, why not integrate phpBB forum inside Tikiwiki to save time, and offer a more powerful forum?
Caarrie: i hate phpbb
chibaguy: Yes, previously the replied-to post was quoted automatically, but that changed. I'm not sure why.
joomlagate: oh
I personally love SMF forum program the most, but SMF is not GPL, phpBB is GPL
chibaguy: Heh. We prefer to use our own forum. Then syntax, plugins, searches, etc can be the same throughout tiki features.
And it is gradually improving.
joomlagate: yes, I agree
we must consider the syntax and plugins
lphuberdeau: we can't use GPL code anyway
joomlagate: Ok, I will still support Tikiwiki
because I only need the Wiki feature, the forum feature can't affect me, lol
chibaguy: joomlagate, when you are ready to improve Tikiwiki's Chinese translation, I can help submit the file, etc.
joomlagate: no problem, when I find sometime to work on that, I will contact you
In fact, I had translated a little
Of course, based on the current translation in your download package
you can see my translation working at: http://www.joomlagate.com/wiki/
It is not completed yet
ricks99: *rick still cannot perform a new/clean install from trunk svn checkout :(
joomlagate: about 30% was translated
Some terms seems too hard to understand, so I need some more time to do this job
If you accept my current non-complete translation, I can submit it now
chibaguy: Sure, it's more complete than before, right?
You can email it to me (gary at tikiwiki.org).
At any time that you want.
It will be helpful to any other Chinese-language users.
joomlagate: OK
I will repair some minor error and send it to you soon
chibaguy: Thanks.
lphuberdeau, about the Technical+Changes page, that's good to see. I'm interested to see how the page controls can be done with other visual appearances, etc.
lphuberdeau: well, now you can do about anything by changing the template
chibaguy: Yep.
lphuberdeau: I don't know so much about how CSS can change things around
chibaguy: I hope to explore that.
btw, with the comments tab at the top, will comments display at the page top, or at the bottom?
May seem like a dumb question, but when I moved the page-bar to the top for the Tikipedia theme, the comments moved up too.
Which was actually kind of neat.
lphuberdeau: they used to be called from page_bar
I'm kind of hoping on some input from the designer on that side
if they are tabs, I would expect them to replace the content
chibaguy: right
lphuberdeau: one of the next steps may be to bundle multiple control styles and make it an option in admin
ricks99: q: in the new ui page layout, where will my folksonomy tags appear?
lphuberdeau: like tabs, classic bottom, classic top
ask the designer ;)
ricks99: so they will be in a tab? not always visible?
lphuberdeau: I want to remove as many conditionals from those templates as I can... of course, my real objective is to be able to understand them
ricks99, I have no idea, they were not part of the mock-up
ricks99: o... the reason i asked, the "most popular tags" module looks like it was enabled.
chibaguy: I don't see tabs displayed anywhere on wiki pages at ui.tw.o...
lphuberdeau: but the point of those changes is to reorganize the code and add consistency
how we decide to display each item can still be decided
on this, I need to run
chibaguy: ok, see you later.
Personally, I think Tiki's wiki pages have been way too cluttered with things, especially at the page top. So I'm happy to see this more systematic approach.
I expect there will be enough flexibility for layouts and styles.
ricks99, I think tabs are working at ui.tw.o but the wiki templates in their current form aren't displaying them. They'd show up if the "tags this page has" module was activiated, I believe.
activiated -> activated
ricks99: http://ui.tikiwiki.org/Wiki is tagged with "wiki". where would/should the page's tags appear? in the "tags this page has" module -- not on the actual page?
*rick loves tags :)
chibaguy: Could be on the page. Where would you suggest? Between the tabs and the page content?
ricks99: *if* tags are used to describe the page content (as opposed to the page's *type* of content) then imho they should be as high on the page as possible, as the tags give users an overview of the page's content...
joomlagate: !help
Tikiwiki|bot: You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot .
ricks99: but i could also make a case that they should appear in the Actions > Similar > Tags tab
theres too much crap at the top of the page already (page id, decription, show/hide meus, etc)
chibaguy: Right, I think a lot was turned on to find places for it, not to be a model of good configuration. :-)
The design pretty much has to account for every config option.
Even all at once.
ricks99: maybe its time to 'fix' some config options -- maybe there should b more dependencies -- maybe its not necessary to support page ID + description
for example:
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ricks99: *if* using structure, maybe the page ID could b placed within the structure path where we already show the page name
this could possible clean up some things
chibaguy: Is there a purpose to display page ID other than for testing or something?
ricks99: i assume there is, otherwise why have the option?
(not that i ever use it)
chibaguy: I've used it in urls, to avoid strange strings when the page name is encoded (Japanese), but never actually wanted to display it on the page.
I assume it's not actually going to be shown.
ricks99: maybe time to prune out some features...
chibaguy: If you want to use page Id in a url, you need a way to find what a page's ID is, but this could be in the list-pages table.
yep, it could be pruned from wiki page display afaik.
ricks99: or a site-wide option: use wiki pagename or pageid.... just saying.... i *love* tiki's huge number of options, but i also *hate* tiki's huge number of options
joomlagate: You can enable Show page ID in config
then the ID will be shown just on the top of the page
chibaguy: Right, but the question is: is it necessary to show the page ID on a page?
What good is that information, actually, to someone reading the page?
ricks99: y, that is my exact point
joomlagate: en, that is right, I disabled too
ricks99: so if 99.99% of users disable the it, is it time to rethink why tiki still supports it? would be gr8 if there was a way to pull stat data from each tiki install... which options were enabled, etc.
chibaguy: But joomlagate, you may use page id in a url, if you want to have a simpler url (when page names are in Chinese, for example).
Tikiwiki|bot: SVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 15991 /trunk/ (8 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] calendar : fix display of short events, of events starting before the calendar hour, of all-day events.
joomlagate: oh, yes, I noticed that if I use Chinese pagename, the URL show some unreadable code
I think that was utf-8 encoded Chinese characters
chibaguy: Yes, that's right.
joomlagate: how to use ID instead? Do you have a link to related docs?
chibaguy: I was trying to remember the syntax....
joomlagate: hehe
chibaguy: Well, I'll tell you later when I find it or remember it.
joomlagate: OK
don't worry
it is not so important to me , if compared to SEF URLs, hehe
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joomlagate: I just read this page: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=BatchUserImportAdmin
I think that may help me to add batch users by CSV file
but, I have a question: if my website continously have new users registered , how can I update the users in Tiki by CSV ?
Tikiwiki|bot: Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, Please just ask your question, dont ask to ask, someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay awhile
Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc channel, Please just ask your question, dont ask to ask, someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay awhile
-: Caarrie kicks Tikiwiki|bot
joomlagate: I hope someone can develop an authenticaiton plugin to do this job automatically
chibaguy: If new users are registering, they don't need to be added by CSV file; they already added themselves.
joomlagate: no, I mean, my website don't use Tiki for user management, they register with Joomla instead
Neil_A: Hello all, I can't seem to get the "files" wiki-plugin to work with either 2.0 or 2.2 can anyone else get it to work in 2.x?
joomlagate: So at present, I have to add users manually to Tikiwiki
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chibaguy: I suggest replacing Joomla with Tikiwiki. ;-)
Tikiwiki|bot: SVN: Commit by chibaguy :: r 15993 /branches/experimental/ui-revamp/ (7 files in 3 dirs): [NEW] Theme-specific template versions for site header. Also CSS file update and search form background image.
SVN: Commit by niclone :: r 15992 /trunk/tiki-send_newsletters.php: [MOD] newsletters: check that email seem to be valid before sending it.
ricks99: @joomlagate, need to use some sort of cas system then. there's no (afaik) joomla+tikiwiki users link
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chibaguy: Neil_A, sorry, no definite answer on that. I think maybe there's a problem with that plugin in the recent Tiki versions.
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chibaguy: Neil_A, sorry, no definite answer on that. I think maybe there's a problem with that plugin in the recent Tiki versions.
joomlagate: sorry for my delay
Maybe you don't know too much about Joomla
Joomla 1.5 version has powerful and flexible API
chibaguy: I'm sure there's a lot I don't know about Joomla.
joomlagate: one can develop Authentication plugin for Joomla to synchronize users between Joomla and other php program
For example
someone had already programmed a plugin for vTigerCRM
no, plugin is for Joomla
but can login vTigerCRM users to Joomla
sorry for my poor English
Another example is for DocuWiki
ricks99: blog trackback pings not working in 2.2? I enabled the option on blog: admin, but when creating a new post, there's no place to add trackback url?
Neil_A: Oh dear my site is pretty muched based around that plugin ...looks like I'm staying with 1.9 till I or (someone else) can sort it out. Thanks chibaguy
chibaguy: Tikiwiki's focus has been to provide features, not enable plugging into other software.
(an approach that has strengths and weaknesses, of course.)
joomlagate: People just install that plugin to Joomla
Then the users registered in Joomla can also login in DocuWiki installed on the same website
without need to register again in DocuWiki
chibaguy: Yeah, that's neat.
But Tikiwiki has a wiki.
So no need for docuwiki.
joomlagate: Don't you think that is very cool ?
So I hope someone also develop an Authentication plugin for Joomla to do same job on Tikiwiki
Tikiwiki|bot: SVN: Commit by niclone :: r 15994 /trunk/tiki-send_newsletters.php: [MOD] newsletters: don't send newsletter more than one time to same email address.
chibaguy: That'd be good for Joomla users.
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chibaguy: I think that plugin idea is cool, for sure, but the downside is you get two quite different softwares on the site. The one-time authentication for both is good, but there is the weakness that each, like Joomla and DocuWiki are otherwise dissimilar. TikiWiki's strength is the same gui and useability across all features.
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chibaguy: So each approach has plusses and minuses.
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chibaguy: joomlagate, by the way, I remembered that forum posts can have the replied-to message quoted by default. That's a forum configuration option.
But isn't turned on at tikiwiki.org
Tikiwiki|bot: SVN: Commit by niclone :: r 15995 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] newsletters: show errors messages on sent report.
joomlagate: oh
IMHO, I think the forum inside Tikiwiki is the worst forum program I had met
I have to learn some Wiki syntax to use the forum
this is very bad
because I don't like wiki syntax
I use ONLY WYSIWYG when I use Tikiwiki
I hate to learn wiki syntax
I think, a WYSIWYG editor can do most job when editing a page in wiki
so, why should we spend so much time to learn some NEW rules ?
I don't know who created those special syntax for wiki
but I think he had did something very bad
If he think HTML tags is not safe
why not use BBcode ?
chibaguy: Wikis have always had special syntax.
joomlagate: ASAIK, almost all forum programs support BBcode
chibaguy: Does everyone who has wanted to use a wiki already know BBcode?
joomlagate: some guestbook programs also support BBcode
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joomlagate: that means, BBcode has more users thann wiki syntax
We can learn and understand BBcode easily
I am sure that, many users know how to use BBcod before they become a user of wiki
chibaguy: Well, the people who created wikis haven't been stupid. If they didn't say "Let's just use BBcode", there must have been a reason.
joomlagate: haha
chibaguy: I haven't studied and compared, so will leave it at that.
pkdille: hello
chibaguy: Hi pkdille.
joomlagate: yes
I also did not study that so much
but to myself
pkdille: joomlagate: so, it seems you have a lot of strong ideas about how the world should turn....
joomlagate: I will still use WYSIWYG
pkdille: that's fine !
joomlagate: haha
Caarrie: chibaguy: how about an option that cant be changed back between tikiwiki or bbcode ;)
joomlagate: I think many users will love WYSIWYG editor
pkdille: hello chibaguy
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pkdille: hello Marc
ricks99: Or a "Use Joomla instead" admin option
joomlagate: the wiki creator maybe not stupid, but he also is very great when consider the editor
ricks99: anyone able to use trackback pings on 2.2? I enabled the option, but see no place to enter a url when creating a blog post?
chibaguy: Personally, I really don't like the indirectness when using WYSIWYG. I much prefer to input the exact code I want to use. To me, wiki syntax is not difficult, except in very complex pages such as with large tables.
pkdille: I was really happy to have wysiwyg in tw... but now, after more than 2 years, I'm not so sure it's the right way
chibaguy: joomlagate, that is your opinion, and you have the right to have it. But many, many people happily use wiki syntax also.
Caarrie: i know of another cms that uses the same wysigwg editor and i disabled it ;)
pkdille: IMHO fckeditor is not the problem...others, IMHO, are not much much better
chibaguy: I accept that some users, who are comfortable with WYSIWYG word processes, think wiki syntax is a step backward. So for them, I'm happy TikiWiki has that kind of editor.
processes -> processors
But in my wikis, I never turn it on and don't miss it.
joomlagate: yes, I also welcome the new feature of WYSIWYG editor
I noticed that this feature is a newly added feature in Tikiwiki
for me, it is a good news
pkdille: ...we did it for you !
joomlagate: thanks!
what is the version of FCKeditor now integrated inside Tikiwiki ?
It seems that it is not the latest version of FCKeditor
pkdille: If you're on 3.0, it is the latest stable version of fck !
Don't remember which version we have in 2.0
joomlagate: 3.0 of Tikiwiki ? OK, I will wait
chibaguy: (In the few cases when I had to do a page that was too much labor to do with wiki syntax, I did it first in Dreamweaver and then replaced en masse the html tags with wiki syntax. ;-) )
joomlagate: I tried to see the version, but it seems that you had removed the About button
chibaguy: It's on the Admin General page.
joomlagate: Oh, why not just import HTML page ?
chibaguy: I don't want to maintain an HTML page.
Tikiwiki|bot: SVN: Commit by niclone :: r 15996 /trunk/installer/schema/20081211_newsletter_files.sql: [FIX] newsletters: sql table for attachements
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joomlagate: oh
chibaguy: Creating a large data table with wiki syntax is not so fun, but it's not much trouble making small additions/edits once it's made.
joomlagate: I noticed that below the editor area when editing a wikipage
there is an option to Import from HTML page
I think you can save your dreamweaver page to HTML, then import
chibaguy: Sure, but I don't want to do it that way.
joomlagate: that is very fast
I think so, but never tried that feature
chibaguy: I don't trust Dreamweaver's HTML, for one thing. I just use the basic table creating, etc. And the editor itself is pretty good.
Caarrie: http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_BBCodeParser
joomlagate: oh, understand
chibaguy: Using Dreamweaver as a wysiwyg tool results in html tags being strangely placed, etc. Maybe the finished page looks ok, but underneath it can be ugly.
joomlagate: oh
chibaguy: But it's a good prototyping tool, IMO, if you need to make a complicated table, etc.
Smarter people can remember how to put the colspans and so on, but I rely on references and tools. ;-)
joomlagate: hehe, I also use dreamweaver to make Table
even the FCKeditor can't do it better
Caarrie: http://www.christian-seiler.de/projekte/php/bbcode/index_en.html
joomlagate: an question about translation:
I see an option on i18n : Quantify change size
What does this mean?
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chibaguy: Hmm, I don't know.
joomlagate: oh
it is located on the Admin -> i18n page
ricks99: @joomlagate: if enabled, it will show the aprox % of translation
joomlagate: tiki-admin.php?page=i18n
ricks99: the "up-to-dateness" of the translation
chibaguy: Ah, so if a page is 30% translated, for example, this is reported...
joomlagate: cool !
understand now !
thank you ricks99
ricks99: note that it works off of byte size, so (imho) not very accruate
joomlagate: I translated as: show the translation progress
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ricks99: no chinese translation for "up-to-dateness" :)
chibaguy: I think we need an English translation for "Quantify change size" ;-)
ricks99: see http://wiki-translation.com/tiki-index.php?page=Benvinguts%20a%20Wiki-Translation as example. note that this calan page is "73%" up to date
the problem is, unless the user knows which is the "master" language, the % is usless.
is that 73% of the english? of the french? etc
both EN and FR are shown as "better"
chibaguy: 50% would be a convenient level to pause at..
...for accurate change size quantities.
joomlagate: another sentence to be translated :
Use login as email
I think this should mean: User email as login ?
use email as login ?
does this mean: users can use email address as their login name ?
ricks99: y. see docs: http://wiki-translation.com/tiki-index.php?page=Benvinguts%20a%20Wiki-Translation
oops: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/login+config#Login_Settings
Tikiwiki|bot: SVN: Commit by niclone :: r 15997 /trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] newsletters: sql files..
chibaguy: "Use login as email" LOL.
That is strange.
Much of the English in TikiWiki's interface needs to be improved, actually.
ricks99: agree 100%
chibaguy: I brought this up several months ago (or more?) but was told about the size of the job. No way before Tiki 3, but let's shoot for Tiki 4.
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chibaguy: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=EnglishLangProposedChanges
joomlagate: my GPRS connection is very slow, so I just got your messages
sorry for my delay
It is late night in my place, I should go sleep now. See you later !
Thanks you all for your help !
chibaguy: You're welcome, joomlagate. See you later.
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marclaporte: polom
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btiffin: Hi, I'm creating a Guide to OpenCOBOL set of wiki pages. I created a Structure, but as I'm new and this will evolve as I go, I didn't enter the Tree ... now when I Edit the Structure I don't see a way of updating the Tree. Do I start from scratch? Or if I Add pages to current node will this start building up the Structure Tree?
ricks99: if the pages already exist, u can add them to ur structure
or u can create new pages, from within the structure
btiffin: And this all gets built into the Navigation? I won't have to manually link?
ricks99: y, u can also move pages around, within the structure (re-order), as needed
try this: http://twbasics.keycontent.org/Using+Structures
btiffin: Nice! Thanks ricks99. (Off topic - TikiWiki is pretty cool) ;) I'm going to try and make it to TikiFest Montreal Feb 28-Mar 3. Here's hopin.
ricks99: :)
Tikiwiki|bot: SVN: Commit by niclone :: r 15999 /trunk/templates/tiki-send_newsletters.tpl: [FIX] newsletters: when adding a new file line, previous added file inputs was cleared
SVN: Commit by niclone :: r 15998 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] newsletters: when sending directly whithout saving as draft, files wasn't sent
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Tikiwiki|bot: SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16000 /trunk/tiki-view_tracker.php: [FIX]tracker: do not check writeCanModifier if not logged in
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rpg: Probably a dumb question: how do I respond to a comment attached to a page on doc.tw.o?
Tikiwiki|bot: SVN: Commit by sept_7 :: r 16002 /trunk/templates/tiki-calendar_weekmode.tpl: [FIX] calendar : viewmode == week, in case of too many events just display the popup events once... and not every hour of the day...
SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16001 /trunk/db/ (6 files): db sync
rpg: I'm looking at the comments, and am logged in, but there's no obvious "reply" button.
ricks99: do u have permission to reply to comments?
Tikiwiki|bot: SVN: Commit by Jyhem :: r 16003 /trunk/lang/fr/language.php: [MOD] More expressive translations
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Tikiwiki|bot: SVN: Commit by jonnybradley :: r 16004 /trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.editform.php: [FIX] $base_url changed to $url_path as it was giving permission error on some servers (cpanel) using the absulute address in a parameter
rpg: ricks99: Why wouldn't I have permission?
ricks99: if you don't see the REPLY button, then you don't have permission
rpg: ricks99: What I really mean is "why would doc.tw.o be configured to prevent registered users from replying to comments?" seems like it is a bad idea to have people unable to freely discuss improvements to the documentation.
oh, well. Thanks. ttfn. Must meet someone for lunch.
ricks99: because, 99.999% of the comments *aren't* about how to improve the docs. rather folks have been using it for support questions
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Tikiwiki|bot: SVN: Commit by Jyhem :: r 16006 /trunk/tiki-send_newsletters.php: [MOD] Let's not reject valid emails (see RFC 2822, chapter 3.4)
SVN: Commit by jonnybradley :: r 16005 /trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.editform.php: [FIX] Observe $prefs['feature_ajax_autosave'] to prevent JS error
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lphuberdeau: rick99, about up-to-date-ness, it's really a percentage of everything ;)
it includes all changes from other languages that are yet to be incorporated
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ricks99: @lphuberdeau: if i have a 'master' language for a page (that is, all other languages are translations only -- no new content), does tiki know that the master language is always 100%?
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ricks99: q: when tiki shows search results, there's a filter to show only results from wiki pages, galleries, trackers, etc. however, it appears that tiki shows all enabled features, regardless if there are actually any search results from that feature
i want tiki to show *only* features that actually have search results.
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franck: marclaporte: dimdim: Powerful Integrations: Dimdim is now integrated with Zimbra open source email as a free zimlet, with Moodle LMS, with SugarCRM, and with Claroline. An open API and open source version is also available.
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melissaumd: hello, I'd like some help about tikiwiki, I am in the right place ??
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melissaumd: Hello, I'm working on the spreadsheet feature, and I get a php error, I would need some help ??
marclaporte: polom
melissaumd: : what is your error?
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melissaumd: marc laporte? C'est à toi que j'ai envoyé un mail hier pour demander de l'aide. Ca te dérange si on parle en français, ce sera plus facile pour moi
marclaporte: mieux en anglais pour les autres
#tikiwiki-fr sinon
melissaumd: ok
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melissaumd: with tikisheet, when I click on the graph icon, I get this error sentence: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /usr/local/4admin/apache/vhosts/bmaengineering.com/httpdocs/tikiwiki/lib/graph-engine/core.php on line 262. You told me you were not good at that field. I tried to change the php version, 5 instead of 4, which didn't change anything. So I don't know what to do now. Do you know somebody who can h
Tikiwiki|bot: SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16007 /trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]Score: only accessible from admin pannel
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melissaumd: excuse me ! is it for me ? :s
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liquidape: Hi guys
has anybody ever noticed that you can not edit pages from the Chrome browser?
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marclaporte: liquidape: : wow that's a big bug for Chrome, no?
liquidape: yeah, pretty big bug
I've had to tell a number of users not to use chrome because of it
it basically updates the version of the page. But no actual changes are saved
might be a problem with safari too since I believe they are built on the same engine
lphuberdeau: I guess we can't be blamed for having a bug with a beta browser that was unreleased at the time of our last major release
SEWilco2: I've seen mention that some TW <markup> are Smarty incantations, but I'm having trouble finding any such things.
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liquidape: the browser is no longer beta
as of today
Caarrie: "Google News: Google Tears Beta Label Off Chrome, Releases 1.0 - http://www.osnews.com/story/20641/Google_Tears_Beta_Label_Off_Chrome_Releases_1_0/"
liquidape: ding ;-)
Caarrie: hehe
liquidape: that was amazingly fast...you must have been reading the article as I wrote that
Caarrie: no i got the rss feed of it about 20 minutes ago
now it would be nice to release a mac or linux version of chrome :(
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