[16:48] *** L0ggar starts logging #tikiwiki at Sun Dec 14 16:48:19 2008 [16:48] *** L0ggar has joined #tikiwiki [16:48] *** amette has quit IRC (":wq") [16:48] *** amette_ has quit IRC (Client Quit) [16:48] *** amette has joined #tikiwiki [17:20] SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 16036 /trunk/ (8 files in 5 dirs): [FIX] Multiple fixes in plugin alias and webservice plugins cause by other changes [NEW] Allow post requests to be made from webservice plugin [MOD] Loosen up handling of declared received types to handle bad services [17:52] *** GillesMM has joined #tikiwiki [17:53] hello iw there a doc to upgrade theme from 1 to 2 version ? [18:11] SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 16037 /trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs): [MOD] Add UI to set filters on plugin alias [18:28] *** GillesMM has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [19:10] *** grobda24 has joined #tikiwiki [19:38] *** Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [19:53] *** stefon has joined #tikiwiki [19:53] *** FrankP_german has quit IRC ("Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de") [19:53] Hi... Can I ask you a question concerning permissions and categories? [19:54] sorry... I just read the topic *g* I tried to use categories to seggregate a tikiwiki installtion into seperate spaces which cant be seen from one another [19:55] like there is a group A which can edit some wiki pages and manages some forums and group B which has another set of wiki pages and forums and they cant see the other ones. Is this possible? [19:58] not certain, may be really hard to do... improving this is on the roadmap [19:59] Isnt it possible to create categories for groups and seperating their objects (e.g. forums) for one another? [20:00] yes [20:00] I have this problem: I create a group called A, create a category called A and a user which belongs to group A [20:01] then i create a wiki page which gets assigned to category A [20:01] then I add the "view" permission of category A to group A [20:01] In my understanding, from this point on, users in group A should see this wiki page. Am i Wrong? [20:03] you know of tiki_p_view_categories and tiki_p_view_categorized? [20:04] I know that you can assign groups the permission to view and another permission to edit a category. do you mean this? [20:05] category permissions are quite complex at this time [20:05] there are special permissions required [20:07] Is there a document (beside the http://doc.tikiwiki.org/ ones) about the category system and how to use them? Because if I understand you, it should be possible to map a organization with suborganizations, but i would be complicated [20:10] not that I know of [20:11] there may be something in http://twbasics.keycontent.org [20:11] I read something about version 3 of tikiwiki, is this version in a usable state? [20:12] the change you need is not made yet, likely to be in version 4 [20:12] damn *g* [20:12] tw 3 is in dev and to be released in April 2009, first RC somewhere early March [20:12] Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ . [20:14] thx for your help... do you know of another open source groupware system which you find good? (i tested the popular ones and they didnt fulfill my needs, no usable forum systems for example) [20:21] *** rpg has joined #tikiwiki [20:23] stefon: : you can have many instances of tiki [20:24] This is what we are looking into: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Workspace [20:24] the problem is: I want forums and wiki pages which can be accessed by members of the two sub organizations [20:25] I understand [20:25] Like having a forum for the whole organization and special ones for the suborganizations [20:25] In Feb, we'll be working on this in Madrid: http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestMadrid [20:26] So is this possible (though complicated) in 2.2 and will the workspace feature allow me to do this easily? [20:26] stefon: : you can do all that now if you give individual perms per forum / wiki page / etc., but this can only work up to a certain volume [20:26] assigning groups to categories want to the trick? [20:26] how many wiki pages? [20:27] how many users/groups/forums? [20:27] hmmm ... 10 sub organizations [20:27] ok, so you make 10 groups [20:27] they should be able to create forums which only they can see [20:27] and you add users to one or many groups [20:28] 10 forums: you add perms individually on each (forget about using categories for this, just go one by one) [20:28] and what about allowing users in one group to create wikipages which can only be seen by their group and not the other ones? [20:29] and forums: it would be nice/necessary to allow the users to create forums themselves which ALSO can be only seen by their group... [20:29] impossible with 2.2? *g* [20:30] only issue is wiki pages. Either you get the category permissions thing to work for you. Or you have to give perms for each [20:30] forums: that is a bad idea [20:30] *** PrezKennedy has quit IRC ("Leaving") [20:30] how many forums do you want? [20:30] I dont know... in the current system, suborganizations have around 10 forums and can administer them themself [20:31] users can create new threads in each forum, that should be sufficient [20:31] so you can have different perms for each forum, with different moderators [20:31] 10 forums is ok to administer manually [20:32] The only tricky part is the wiki page creation [20:32] yeah but I cant allow one user to create a forum for their group. if they want a additional forum, they have to ask me. Am i right? why is wiki trick? [20:32] y [20:32] yes, they ask you [20:32] (for forum) [20:33] for wiki, it's trickier because you may end up with hundreds of pages [20:33] so handling manually may be too much overhead [20:33] yeah, thats what i thought.... [20:33] would the workspace concept solve my problems? [20:33] yes [20:33] and much more [20:34] it will segregate not just wiki pages and forums [20:34] is this concept getting integrated into 3.x or 4.x? [20:34] 4.x for sure [20:34] too big of a change, can't sneak in 3.0 [20:34] Understandable [20:34] but some people have got the category permission thing working [20:35] it's just tricky to setup [20:35] and there can be some weirdness [20:35] So categories COULD solve my problems, if i get my head around them? [20:35] like someone adding a wiki page to a category and being locked out (not sure if this is accurate but the type of issue you could have) [20:36] This would be something i could accept *g* [20:36] stefon: : as far as what I understood from sylvieg: yes [20:37] You can also have page name collisions [20:37] Ok then I will try to explore the categorie concept... 4.0 is not ready for a long time I guess? [20:37] http://dev.tikiwiki.org/RoadMap [20:37] (page name collisions: this can be handled by explicit name conventions) [20:37] yup [20:38] Impressive RoadMap! Another questions *g* Is there a difference between 2.2 and 3 concerning the category system? [20:38] http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Organic+Groups -> Many things are done in 2.x [20:39] stefon: the stuff in 3.0 in the roadmap is already coded. not vaporware. Currently available from trunk [20:39] http://ui.tikiwiki.org/ -> This is 3.0 [20:40] Yeah but the question was, does 3.0 make it easier to solve my specifiy grouping problem than 2.2 *g* [20:40] stefon: : nothing that I am aware of [20:40] maybe some UI enhancements [20:41] is it advisable to use 3.0 in a more or less productive environment? [20:41] depends on so many factors [20:42] 1- tolerance to instability [20:42] Ok i try it to say it more concrete *g* [20:42] 2- need for new features [20:42] 3- if you have devs to fix things [20:42] 4- which features you use (some are just as stable in trunk) [20:43] Many people on the dev team run production sites with trunk [20:43] but they know the risks and accept the consequences [20:43] That a great difference to me, thats true *g* [20:43] and they let other people know when someone breaks something [20:43] Will there be a easy way to upgrade from 2.2 to 3.0? [20:43] yes [20:44] nice... [20:44] upgrades in tiki are always easy [20:44] because of all in one design [20:44] If you customize your templates, you may have to redo [20:44] especially from 2.0 to 3.0 because of major overhaul of UI [20:45] I seached for some months now for a decent groupware system and just recently discovered tikiwiki, dont know how i didnt knew about it before [20:45] best kept secret [20:45] Yeah, a masterplan for a open source project: dont tell anyone *g* [20:45] so now, you are in the secret [20:45] :-) [20:45] the first rule of tikiwiki is... *g* [20:46] hehe [20:46] If you have trouble sleeping [20:46] and what to know everything that's wrong with TikiWiki [20:46] And everything that's right [20:46] http://tikiwiki.org/SWOT [20:47] Ok so now i know that MAYBE i can get the system to work by investing my time in exploring the category system .. thats a rather valuable information. Thx for that! [20:47] http://marclaporte.com/TikiSucks [20:47] Nice picture of yours *g* [20:47] stefon: : and try to catch sylvieg with your questions about categ perms [20:48] stefon: : do you code? [20:48] Dou you think it would be wise to formulate my problems and post in to you tikiwikis mailing list? [20:48] i'm a programmer, decent in java, little bit in php [20:49] Surely, as you are using for 10 units, you will find bugs, and ways to improve Tiki. It's very important to share: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/How+to+get+commit+access [20:49] *** sylvieg has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [20:49] stefon: : yes, it's very important to formulare on a wiki page, linked from the workspaces pages. We should make sure that the new code addresses it [20:49] *** sylvieg has joined #tikiwiki [20:50] I dont know if you would be happy with my php coding abilities *g* but thx for your confidence [20:50] stefon: : did you look at trackers? [20:50] hehe, some bugs are trivial, but with lots of eyeballs... [20:50] Trackers? Not really [20:51] in a corporate context, the combination of trackers and wiki is where TikiWiki really becomes amazing [20:51] SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 16038 /trunk/lib/categories/categlib.php: [FIX] WYSIWYCA... breaking profiles [20:51] Im not really in a corporate context, more in a NGO organization which is distributed in a country (Austria) [20:52] stefon: : http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Tracker&redirectpage=Trackers [20:52] we are paying for a proprietary groupware system which sucks *g* Using open source would be way better [20:52] stefon: : do you need multilingual capacities? [20:52] (which doesnt mean that we would not want to invest money also in open source *g*) [20:53] stefon: hehe [20:53] We are speaking german mainly, so i dont think this is needed for our organization [20:53] or invest time from people in your NGO [20:53] To solve your needs and to be useful to tens of thousands of other TikiWikis [20:54] If we would be big enough, sure *g* but we are around 100 people being full of work to change the university and education system... sadly there is little room beside being politically active [20:54] BUT sharing is a thing we support for sure [20:55] stefon: : with trackers, you can empower non programmers to build simple applications [20:55] Interesting, there might be situations we could need them [20:56] I can 100% guarantee that within a year, you'll be using trackers more than the other features! [20:56] IF i am able to get categories to work with forums and wikipages *g* [20:56] the ultimate flexible groupware tool [20:56] haha, yes [20:56] just wiki pages [20:56] forums, you can do manually [20:57] btw. I read something about using IMAP and tikiwiki. is this advisable? using tikiwiki as a webmailer for an IMAP server? [21:00] AFAIK, IMAP is not supported [21:00] only POP [21:00] and webmail is quite basic [21:00] Oh ok... maybe I got this wrong [21:00] There has been some work in 3.0 webmail [21:00] to improve [21:00] as a group inbox thing [21:01] so much features to explore, so little time *g* [21:01] SVN: Commit by lphuberdeau :: r 16039 /trunk/ (8 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Missing alter in the table [21:01] and more work is ongoing, in the context of a charity, where several people are responding to inbox [21:01] which would be a use case for my organization [21:02] sylvieg: can i ask you something about categories? marclaporte recommended me to ask you [21:12] *** Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) [21:13] you can ask - not sure I will answer [21:13] will be able to answer [21:14] sylvieg: i have one organization with around 10 suborganization. the goal is to have some forums and wikipages which can be accessed by all members of the organizations. some forums and wikipages should only be accessed by suborganizations. [21:15] sylvieg: is it advisable to use cateogories to accomplish this? [21:15] yes why not [21:16] * marclaporte thinks Sylvie is the authority on this topic... :-) [21:16] you have only 2 ways to organize - groups and catregories - so you have to find the appropriate way to assign group /categ [21:16] *g* there were some voices in the channel who werent that sure about this [21:18] so i CAN have a group which has permissions for a category which allows it to have a list of forums and wikipages which only they can see. can I appoint a user who is able to create forums for this subgroups or do I have to do this for them? and can the members in the subgroup create new wikipages themself which only can be seen by members of their group? [21:18] *** Caldavien has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [21:19] perhaps some aspects are still missing for your case - but it is not a big deal to implement them' [21:20] we have some comments about this in a page about tiki feast montreal with the last detail of a discussion we had [21:21] nice to hear. Ok then I will try to accomplish my goal with the categories. Is there a prefered location where I can document my experiences and problems while organizing the tikwiki in that way? like a howto wiki or something? to be of help for other people with similar needs? [21:23] *** gizwill has joined #tikiwiki [21:25] whereever you want ... the page I was speaking about is http://tikiwiki.org/Technical+Group [21:27] Thx for you all, now i try to implement your suggestions. Ill try to contribute back to you during this proccess [21:27] Have a nice day! [21:27] *** stefon has quit IRC () [21:41] SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16040 /trunk/lib/categories/categlib.php: [FIX]what_is_related: check for perm for each object [21:46] *** GillesMM has joined #tikiwiki [22:21] SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16041 /trunk/templates/tiki-admin_tracker_fields.tpl: [MOD]tracker: a remarks box to explain the role of fieldId when exporting [22:26] *** xTremePower has joined #tikiwiki [22:26] hello all [22:28] *** Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki [22:32] *** xTremePower has quit IRC () [23:44] *** franck has quit IRC () [23:44] *** Blammo has joined #tikiwiki [23:45] *** Blammo has left [23:50] wiki way graphics are fun... http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/Webservice_Sequence_Diagram