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btiffinIf I wanted to integrate an OpenCOBOL app to feed and retrieve from TikiWiki, where's the best place to start looking for API docs? Is the best path (of least resistance) Integrator? [05:56]
I have a proof of concept gtkhtml embedded in OpenCOBOL and I'm looking for a quickish proof of concept to show the add1tocobol team how we can partner our efforts with TikiWiki without (initially) leading some of the COBOL people to PHP. ;) [06:02]
franckbtiffin: not sure what you are trying to do [06:03]
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franckbtiffin: you want from cobol to write directly in the wiki mysql db?
or read from it?
btiffinWell, we use ISAM files in the main, and the team wants to build up some CMS functionality. We're already running a TikiWiki site and I'd like to see synergy versus a rewrite ... if that make any sense. And yes, we have a libdbi layer coded up so direct to and from MySQL would be one option. I'd prefer something at a slightly higher layer that didn't risk SQL mismatch though [06:05]
franckwell there is a tiki-index_raw.php or something like this that returns you a wiki page html formated without the interface
would that be enough?
btiffinOk, I'll give that a read franck; Thanks for the heads up. I've coded up a few modules, but I'll admit to being green when it comes to the vastness of TikiWiki and I'm guess I'm flailing around for a place to start looking, avoiding the overwhelmed with information syndrome. And yes it may well be enough to get a proof of concept to show the team that we should play with others instead of building our own sandbox [06:10]
franckwell this tiki-index_raw.php will allow you to include any wiki page from your tikiwiki into your cobol app, but it won't allow you to create a tiki page
but sometimes this is all is needed
the page will have to be viewable by anonymous too ;)
btiffinOh, that'll be ok for the initial show; I don't want to spend too too much time, just in case... ;) [06:14]
franckwell give it a try on your tiki put tiki-index_raw.php?page=<name of page>
and see the result
look at the source, as firefox may display it funny ;)
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btiffinSome of the team have started to think the Tiki way is "too big". I'd like to show them that that is part of what makes Tiki the "thing". ;) (And a side note, I use Konqueror, so yeah, I'll view the sources. Thanks franck. [06:16]
franckwell konqueror or not, the result does not contain any <html> nor <body> tags, it is only the html to generate the wiki, so you need to load the css separately and embed it in another page
it is great for ajax calls as you can update the wiki part and not the whole interface
have fun
btiffinSorry franck; I'm getting 503 Service temporarily unavailable (which isn't the case) ... so I'll read up. [06:21]
franckoh while I'm thinking another way would be to have 2 sites reading the same db, one would have a full style, the other one would have all the menu, columns header and footr of tiki removed
so you can embed the pages in the gtkhtml of cobol
btiffinYeah, that would be a sweet spot to show off, for sure ... but it seems I've got a little digging through some source code so I get this all straight in my head. [06:22]
franckcheck http://www.avonsys.com/tiki-index_raw.php?page=FireFox-FJ
and compare with http://www.avonsys.com/tiki-index.php?page=FireFox-FJ
got it?
btiffinYep, those worked and thanks ... I think that this sequence will do nicely for a quick demo come Sunday's meetup. Thanks for the tip franck. [06:25]
and good luck
btiffinYeah, I'll do my best to shine lights ... ;) http://add1tocobol.com is our still building site if you care about such things. Much to do still.
This url might be more palatable for some stranger on IRC; http://add1tocobol.com/tiki-index.php
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KyujiWhen a new user registers on my site he/she has to fill in some fields for the tracker but. Now I have 2 Questions. Is it possible to use some sort of auto-fill option on the name that was previously entered anyways (on the register site). Second question: Is there any link after registation between the user information (accessed via tiki-adminusers.php) and its entry while registration in the tracker?
I'd be glad about recieving an answer :)
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marclaporteKyuji: there is a way to access user meta-data via trackers [20:50]
Kyujiso I can see under the tracker entrys who is the corresponding user?
If thats wrong, I didn't get it... A link or so would last...
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KyujiWouldn't it just be possible to add a field to the "User Information" panel with an url to the tracker entry? [20:54]
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Kyujimarclaporte: How? [21:05]
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marclaporteI was worried you would ask that [21:07]
I just want to have a connection between the user and its entry in the tracker
marclaporteother scary questions are "when?" and "who?"
did you setup as a user tracker?
although im not sure if its set up correct: http://www.abload.de/img/usertrackeral6t.jpg
marclaportehttp://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=User%20Preference%20Field&structure=Documentation [21:15]
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Kyujiso not option "1"
its type 1?
i dont get it
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marclaporteuser tracker is tricky to setup [21:20]
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Kyujiapperently [21:20]
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marclaportewhen user tracker works, you have link from user preference screen to corresponding tracker [21:21]
ikecoafternoon all--got a question--Is it possible for an Anon user to change languages, i can only get it to work for registered users [21:22]
Kyujican u give me s screenshot of that? [21:22]
marclaporteonce it works, people can update email & password from that tracker, in addition to having the option of changing via the preference screen [21:23]
Kyujiis there a help for setting it up?
What is that type 1 anyways?
marclaporteKyuji: : I will try to find you a live example in my site, back in 5 min [21:25]
Kyujithats awesome [21:25]
marclaporteikeco: yes, should be possible, you are referring to the switch language module? [21:26]
only seems to work if user is logged in
marclaporteKyuji: in version 3.0, it's going to be a lot easier to configure. You may be interested in: http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/User_Trackers [21:27]
Kyujiwhen is 3.0 released? [21:27]
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lphuberdeaufirst RC in March, official release early April [21:29]
marclaportemarclaporte sees that Mike Pilling has been very busy on profiles.tw.o :-)
Kyujiis it easily upgradable? [21:31]
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Kyujiso im gonna run fine without for now and then upgrade and boom its awesome? [21:32]
marclaporteyes [21:32]
Kyujii was hoping to see that written
marclaporteyou may need to redo theme customization
me too
Kyujiye ofc, but no major things... at least if your theme is something major
marclaporteall data is migrated through one script [21:34]
Kyujiaight [21:34]
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marclaporteKyuji: so let's get user tracker working for you
and update the docs as we go
and I'll update profile as well
Kyujiwell ^^ ok
ok i can read the screenshot
the french :>
and that link down there is then
and that +user is alternated to a.corbeil?
when klicking
marclaporteif that user is logged in
that URL is a permanent URL to update the profile of whoever is logged in
so often, I will set that as the group home page
Imagine using for an event
User logs in, is sent to profile page to update info about him/herself
so if a user edits infos about himself/hereslf its updated in the tracker aswell?
marclaportelet's go through: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/User+tracker [21:47]
have you got teamviewer?
marclaportemarclaporte checks teamviewer.com
Kyujimay you dl it quick? its 1,5 mb [21:49]
marclaporteok [21:49]
Kyujino need to install, just run [21:49]
marclaporteusb version? [21:50]
you got that?
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so, just run?
that's a nice installer
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look @ query
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marclaporteKyuji: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-pagehistory.php?page=User%20tracker&compare=1&oldver=18&newver=19&diff_style=sidediff [22:05]
Kyujiyy got that [22:05]
FrankP_germantiki-browse_gallery.tpl : at the bottom the text 'You can include the image in a tiki page using one of these lines'
better 'You can include the gallery's image in a Wiki page using one of these lines' ?
sorry Wiki = tiki
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FrankP_germanor the HTML poage text for tiki page text [22:08]
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KyujiPROBLEM SOLVED!! - Updating Docs [23:15]
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