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what country? Caarrie: us lq_982: ok
tikiwiki is good wiki tool i think
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>last --from xavi Sug4r: Error: I couldn't find a message matching that criteria in my history of 5420 messages. luciash: >seen xavi Sug4r: xavi was last seen in #tikiwiki 2 weeks, 4 days, 18 hours, 21 minutes, and 47 seconds ago saying: <xavi> cheers luciash: !seen xavi ***: franck has joined #tikiwiki
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FrankP_german has joined #tikiwiki CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16208 10/trunk/lib/imagegals/imagegallib.php: [FIX]img: display the thumbnail is given (the thumbnail must have the right dimension Tikiwiki|bot: SVN: Commit by sylvieg :: r 16208 /trunk/lib/imagegals/imagegallib.php: [FIX]img: display the thumbnail is given (the thumbnail must have the right dimension Caarrie: :D CIA-49 is working again
sylvieg: you around? sylvieg: thx Caarrie Caarrie: yw
there is community access to the bot now on the cia website ;)
the bot was changed to #tikiwiki instead of tikiwiki so i fixed it ***: Tikiwiki|bot has quit IRC ("Caarrie")
Tikiwiki|bot has joined #tikiwiki CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16208 10/trunk/lib/imagegals/imagegallib.php: [FIX]img: display the thumbnail is given (the thumbnail must have the right dimension amette: w00t - thanks Caarrie :) Caarrie: yw ;)
anyone that has a cia account can change the bot and the project page ***: afahd has joined #tikiwiki afahd: hello?
am I in here or what? second time I use IRC, ever ricks99: hello afahd afahd: oh thank god, please tell me your not a bot :D ricks99: "I AM NOT A BOT" :) Jyhem: prove it :) afahd: that would be any bots responce, but ok...Anyone play around with Tiki Blog Permissions? ricks99: i think, therefore i am afahd: 01 <ricks99> Yeah that would make alot of my friends bots ricks99: lol afahd: so? anyone up for a headbanging on the Blog Permissions?
I hope I'm not out of IRC etiquette or sth ricks99: whats the issue? afahd: I can't seem to make it possible for the Blog creator ALONE to post to his Blog, even with "Allow other user to post in this blog " unchecked ***: tomb_ has joined #tikiwiki ricks99: what tiki version? afahd: 2.2 ricks99: i think any group with tiki-p-blog-post permission can post to blogs. may need to use categories to separate each users' blog
not 100% sure though afahd: doesn't make sense to create a category object for every blog? Its as if the "Allow other user to post in this blog " doesn't work, is this where I report a bug? ricks99: dev.tikiwiki.org afahd: thanks man, I have wasted all day on this, I hate it when I hit a glitch, I think I should just learn PHP and get it over with sylvieg: afahd: there is an option Allow other user to post in this blog afahd: ECHO: I can't seem to make it possible for the Blog creator ALONE to post to his Blog, even with "Allow other user to post in this blog " unchecked Caarrie: are you testing with an admin account or a user account? afahd: Admin, User, Registered and Editor
and a couple of my own
am I unique? ricks99: @afahd: i just tested on my2.2 and it does work, as expected Caarrie: yes there is only one afahd in the world ;) afahd: :D ricks99: check ur group perm settings. it *does* work
(at least for me on my 2.2 tiki) afahd: I will immediately for normal Users
just incase I have assigned the groups aforementioned special powers
the thing is, that when I assign Blog specific permissions, I can only assign them to groups, which makes it possible for all group members to post to each others blogs
and I don't see how categories fix it ricks99: dont need blog-specific perms...
dont need categories...
i have:
tiki_p_blog_post and tiki_p_blog_read for group Registered... afahd: yeah? ricks99: i have 2 users (userA and userB ) in Registered groupo
as admin, i created 2 blogs...
for Blog 1: assigned UserA as creattor, and did *not* enable the "allow others to post..." option..... afahd: ok ricks99: for Blog 2: left admin as creator, but *did* enable the "allow other users to post..." option....
now, logged in as User A, I can see both blogs and post to both blogs....
when i log in as UserB, I can see both blogs, but only post to Blog 2
no need to override any blog perms afahd: aha, I will do exactly that and let you know what happens... Caarrie: just dont blow up in the process ;) ricks99: by following my instructions... who knows... :) -: Caarrie laughs ricks99: * YMMV ***: bethrezen has joined #tikiwiki bethrezen: hi. i've installed latest tikiwiki with slash profile. i've added article but it doesn't display's on home page for anonymous users. also anonmyous users can't list forums. what's my error? i've checked all permissions. it seems they are ok ***: tomb_ has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) bethrezen: also i've cleared cache, but nothing changed
in admin account all works ok ricks99: @bethrezen: some things to check:
1. confirm that Anonymous group has permission to read/list articles & forums. bethrezen: ricks99, it can ricks99: 2. when u posted the article, did u set the publication date for a future date? bethrezen: no .. ricks99: 3. When u creted the article, did u approve it, or simply queue it for approval?
4. r u using categories? if so, confirm that the Anonymous group has permission to view the category and its objects bethrezen: 3. approved
4. it has permission afahd: checking stuff out bethrezen: here is my permission list for anonymous http://pastebin.com/m71ec1ce2
tiki_p_view_categorized and tiki_p_view_categories are turned on ricks99: not sure... looks correct 2 me
when admin goes to tiki-view_articles.php, u can see the articles, but not for anonymous? bethrezen: yes Caarrie: are there perms on the articles? bethrezen: yes
btw, what's the difference between submissions and articles? Caarrie: what perms are there are on the article? bethrezen: none Caarrie: [Thu 9:54:07 am] <Caarrie> are there perms on the articles?
[Thu 9:54:19 am] <bethrezen> yes -: Caarrie is confused ricks99: ur overriding the perms on an article-by-article basis? bethrezen: i thought the question meant if anonymous has permissions to read article Caarrie: that was not what i asked ;)
do you have perms on that specific article
perms on articles/wiki pages override the group perms
same as catagory perms bethrezen: no.. now i've created article using tiki-edit_article.php and it showed, before i used tiki-edit_submission.php ricks99: submissions have to be approved before they become live (see my item #3, above) bethrezen: maybe forum list is not showed to anonymous because there is no topics in forums?
ricks99, i see. thanks Caarrie: if you have perms on the boards they need to allow the group to view them bethrezen: i didn't set permissions on forum. i'm using only group permissions ricks99: for details on editing articles vs submissions, pls see docs: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Article%20User&structure=Documentation#Editing_or_Submitting_Articles ***: Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away bethrezen: ricks99, thanks ricks99: for forums, did u actually create a forum yet? or simply enabled the feature? bethrezen: ricks99, i've created 5 forums already ricks99: as long as the anonymous group has tiki-p-forum-read they should b able to read the forums
and you have no permissions assigned to any forum? bethrezen: no .. ricks99: hm...
not sure ***: afahd has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") bethrezen: all ok, the reason was in automaticall permission for categories. when i was adding them anonymous weren't allowed to view categires and items
thanks for your advices. but i have another question
i've renamed _htaccess to .htaccess and turned on Friendly URL's feature. But URL are still without rewriting ricks99: note that internally-created links are not changed.
see docs for details: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Rewrite+Rules&bl=y bethrezen: thanks ***: SEWilco2 has joined #tikiwiki CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16209 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [MOD]mytiki: {button} + able to display the icon and the text inna button + icon name with -
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16209 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [MOD]mytiki: {button} + able to display the icon and the text inna button + icon name with -
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16210 10/trunk/tiki-user_preferences.php: notice
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16210 10/trunk/tiki-user_preferences.php: notice ***: bethrezen_ has joined #tikiwiki
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xavi has joined #tikiwiki xavi: polom
sylvieg ?
(just got your email)
luciash ?
luciash, I saw your query to the bot about my last seen here... :-) ***: Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
SEWilco2 has joined #tikiwiki xavi: !help Tikiwiki|bot: You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . ***: lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) sylvieg: hi xavi xavi: hi sylvieg ***: lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki xavi: related to the email (tracker items created by a user, shown on that users' MyTiki page), I wonder if I said that clearly... sylvieg: I think so xavi: with "My Tiki" I meant "MyTiki" page sylvieg: are only shown the trackers with item of type user sector - creator xavi: that already shows tracker items assigned to that user ...
.... if I understood how it works
mmm, no, that's what I expected, and I think it's not working... sylvieg: but I do not have the information in the database - tracker_items does not record the creator xavi: I have an example where there is a field for user_creator added to the tracker...
and at MyTiki, the items from that user are not shown... sylvieg: 2 solutions - you create a user selctor/creator in your tracker - or I add a field cerator in the database -: xavi is going to check again, just in case
sylvieg too - I checked only the code xavi: well, using Tiki 2.2 (I think), it's not working for me using thenews.css : http://moviments.net/intercanvis/tiki-user_information.php?userId=2
I have several items assigned to that user (xavi), on several trackers, but no item is shown on the page of that user
and that user has selected to show tracker items under the user prefs. page
I can grant you admin perms on that site, if you like, sylvieg
(so that you can check whatever tiki settings on there) sylvieg: ... the status of the items must be open xavi: And I recently set up a parallel site based on trunk, to test new bug fixes, etc.
yes, status is open on many
(btw, any url based on apache rewrite rules is not working - temporarily - will be back when the official domain, intercanvis.net is up again) sylvieg: can you set and admin account sylvie for me - thx xavi: yes, np. please registeer as you wish, and I'll add you to admin group
mmm, or wait, you might already have an account... hold on
sylvieg , yes , you already had an account with admin right (last logged on july, it says)
(when it was intercanvis.net ) sylvieg: yes I just lost my password xavi: ah, ok, hold on then ***: lphuberdeau1 has joined #tikiwiki xavi: mmm, sylvieg, and using tikitrunk, I get the same behavior: http://moviments.net/intercanvisarxius/tiki-user_information.php?userId=2 ***: Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki xavi: mmm, btw, could it be related to the bug report about usernames being mixed??? -: xavi is looking for the bug report url... xavi: sylvieg , see above ^, and this bug report: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=1902&trackerId=5 ***: liquidape has joined #tikiwiki liquidape: Hi all. Happy New Year. xavi: hi liquidape. same to you sylvieg: moviments is dead for me... xavi: :-(
well, I think it could be related to the bug report I just reported above. sylvieg: can be also firefox.. xavi: firefox? sylvieg: seems that since the last update it has a memory leaks xavi: firefox has memory leaks? or tiki has?
( I don't get it)
or moviments.net, you mean? sylvieg: firefox seesm to be bugged on my fedora - sometimes it uses all my memory xavi: oups...
epiphany or seamonkey, for instance? CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r16212 10/branches/experimental/ui-revamp/ (81 files in 54 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 16177 to 16211 xavi: or konqueror, opera, etc. (ir they are in fedora repos) sylvieg: yeh opera is working... CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r16212 10/branches/experimental/ (81 files in 55 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 16177 to 16211 xavi: mmm, sylvieg, to avoid confusion, when I said "at MyTiki page", in fact I meant at tiki-user_information.php
sorry for possible confusion due to this mistake reporting) luciash: hola xavi :) liquidape: Curious guys, have you ever seen "artifacts" in images on your tiki? Intermittently I will get a "dusty" look to images when viewing them in firefox. Can't repro it consistantly though. Very strange. luciash: xavi: i was looking for you because of the EBM
xavi: i've updated the stub page from 10/2008 EBM, created new stub for this month and edited the EBM wiki page template but i'm unsure about how the participants are counted
liquidape: sounds strange xavi: luciash :-)
I was also unsure the first time...
as far as I understood EBM: every participant in a meeting is listed on that page
every participant which was active in the last or the second last meeting is also listed (a part), and this is the "voting" list, in case voting is needed because no full agreement is reached
does it make sense to you?
that's why I added the split among the two lists of participants: all, and the ones "considered active" for this meeting ***: lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) xavi: and each time, it takes some time to find out who are considered active for each meeting (you need to manually review the last 2 meetings)
it's not me who designed this way of working, but I liked it, and attempted to clarify better who was taken into account if no full agreement was reached to pass or defeat a motion
Caarrie , can the bot do the url rewrite? (as external wiki does in tiki)? like ((doc:ebm)) ?
or with another markup? ***: navster has joined #tikiwiki Caarrie: xavi: can you code it in tcl? -: xavi is laughing? the what???
xavi presumes that he's answer is no, sorry for that xavi: s/he's/his Caarrie: xavi: i could look into it but not atm ;)
should not be too hard xavi: Caarrie, not that important, in fact, just curious. please, invest your time in what you think is more important to you Caarrie: atm i have a few minutes to test it ;) then i need to go install centos xavi: and thanks for the work/improvements so far with the bot! :-) Caarrie: yw
and just yesterday got CIA-49 to start speaking too ;) ***: tricia_ has joined #tikiwiki luciash: xavi: yep, but it was written there "if you vote" and i was unsure if it counts for votes carried over too ***: idle- has joined #tikiwiki xavi: luciash: good point. What would you say? I would say that they count if they were made when that user was considered "active", for instance... luciash: xavi: so i counted as current those who voted in last two meetings and added it to 08 and 10/2008 pages
added them xavi: ... even if I would also accept the other case: "only current active members are taken into account for current voting" (or similar) luciash: so then the result of motions passed and defeated and carried over is different xavi: mmm, I'm not sure , however, if I get what you say. can you say an example? luciash: for 10/2008 EBM ***: Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away luciash: yes, example: dthacker was missing from current members on 10/2008 EBM xavi: luciash: and did he say anything on the previous two meetings? luciash: he didn't edited the 08/2008 page but his vote was carried over there though i considered him as participant in last two meetings xavi: ah, ok... luciash: so i added him as current for 10/2008 page
and then +1 is 4 votes required xavi: ok, either case is fine for me, whatever you think that will promote users to participate again! :-)
or even suggestions to make the system simpler are also welcome! ;-)
I'll do my best to participate in the following days/weeks (I'm getting close to finish grading my students' work of the last three months! :-) )
(back to grading) tricia_: hello all, problem w trunk install of 3.0 (tried several) always get blank page for tiki-install.php found in forums but no solution anyone ??? luciash: xavi: i think if noone votes on any new motion but his votes are just carried over and over from the non-passed/defeated motions, i don't know... but on the other hand i think it would be unfair to consider them as non-current when they decide not to vote on a new motion which is out of their interest/knowledge
yep, suggestions and discussion edits are welcome, but if the people do not vote...
are they considered for simple editing the page as participants too ?
do i need to check their userpage to see if they really want to be EB members ?
if they edit the page ?
hello tricia_ :) xavi: luciash: yes, just by editing and adding their name to the list, they show that they want to be considered current, read the motions, and dropped their opinions (if any) on whatever motions they felt they could to
or at least that's why I counted users/participants... CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16213 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD]user_information: displays also the user items and the forum topics tricia_: hi Luci we met @ Tikifest, how's the weather there (snowing here) luciash: xavi: so i don't know... i'm confused xavi: luciash: I didn't really count that think about the user page (for many months it was disabled). just the edits on the page
tricia_: blank pages are usually due to memory limit issues. Did you check you have 32Mb at least at your memory_limit in php.ini? tricia_: luci: yes I did & do (I have 2.2 running on the same sever) just 3.0 trunk does this luciash: tricia_: yep, i remember you :) weather is snowy and freezy here too xavi: tricia_: then it looks like the bug tracker is waiting for you... ;-) luciash: xavi: so i don't know if i count them correctly
xavi: can you check 08 and 10 and 01/2009 EBM pages ? tricia_: xaviL will do :( saw same prob reported bi ricsapir will try to find him again xavi: tricia_: problems really exist when they are reported in the bug trackers, not just in forums or irc (they might vanish easily...)
luciash: I'll do my best (I'm getting short of time for today; I'll see if my time for today lasts enough :-) tricia_: thought it was a config tweak, not a problem (my misuse of semantics) luciash: xavi: sometimes it's the other way around :-p ***: idle-_ has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) xavi: luciash, unluckily, I agree, you are right, in fact :-) luciash: :D
and i hope, someone will edit the 01/2009 stub page too ;)
btw :D xavi: oh yeah , everybody has good hopes for the New Year, I know ... ;-) luciash: i think lot of the motions will be carried over from 10/2008
that's also why i consider the carried over voters as current because then only me and you would be considered as current for this month :-p xavi: luciash: btw, do you know who uploaded the new logo to doc.tw.o? CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16213 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD]user_information: displays also the user items and the forum topics luciash: nope, it wasn't me, i thought it was you actually :) xavi: it was not me.. I don't have access yet to doc.tw.o server luciash: huh ? we already have admin rights thanks to sylvie xavi: maybe your bro' ("bot: learn that luciash' bro is amette") luciash: she fixed the intertiki issue for doc.tw.o
yup yup
or si si :) xavi: ah, yes, that's right, through tiki interface, yes, I didn't realize (last times I) uploaded directly to server, editing tpl... I forgot that it's much easier nowadays)
your spanish (or Catalan) skills are improving! :-) luciash: LOL -: xavi fancies the TITLESEARCH plugin! -> http://doc.tikiwiki.org/ebm will list new meetings in 2009 (if any more! :-) ) luciash: cool
xavi: may i ask you what is the purpose of using xavi and xavidp for editing ebm pages ? veto right ? ;)
might be confusing too :) xavi: oups, nope. I tend to use xavi for mosts tasks (it's a plain user, so that I dogfood the perms and so on for normal users). only use xavidp when I need to use admin rights in tiki for whatever reason... luciash: hmm, "after the third month contributing in EB meetings you'll be considered a current member" ?
ah :) xavi: maybe some day I forgot and I made an edit as xavidp... :-( (sorry for that) luciash: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Editorial+Board+Meeting
i thought last two months are considered current xavi: "current member" was the word I found there... equivalent to "active" that I was saying before on irc. Should we change that word?
ah, yes, it should be, then, after the second month (in the third month)... luciash: nope, current is ok ***: tomb_ has joined #tikiwiki xavi: I mean: user A contributed in month1: current. but not on month 2: current yet. no contributed on month 3: then not current (he/she's been two months with no contribution)
... not current for month 3, after the month 3 finished (because he was not there), and not considered current for month 4 already at the beggning ***: danopia has joined #tikiwiki CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r16214 10/branches/experimental/ui-revamp/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] Removing useless clicks required and simplifying style luciash: xavi: yep
xavi: i modified slightly the sentences on http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Editorial+Board+Meeting
to match the EBM wiki page template
what about month 5 :-p ? xavi: ok luciash: i mean if he/she contributes in month 4 again but not in month 3 ;) xavi: he/she will be cointed as current, because he/she didn't miss the last two meetings
s/cointed/considered ***: navster has quit IRC () CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r16214 10/branches/experimental/ui-revamp/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] Removing useless clicks required and simplifying style luciash: xavi: ok, but new ppl must contribute for first two months at first, right ? ***: rpg_ has joined #tikiwiki
rpg_ is now known as rpg luciash: xavi: i didn't count user klang as a contributor to the meetings as he didn't vote on the motions, is that correct ?
xavi: as on 08/2008 page is e.g. "Contributors to this meeting: dthacker, xavi, marclaporte, mlpvolt (MLP), MatWho, chibaguy, luci (+ add your name if you vote for anything)" xavi: :-), well, I would say to count to that user also for the next meetings
I wrote "if you vote", but it should be "if you express your opinion", to be more precise. We look for participation from the community, and voting is only needed if no agreements seemts to arise from everybody...
at least that's my view of the process... luciash: hmm, that's what i wasn't sure
ok, so it should state "if you vote or express your opinion" xavi: +1 luciash: so user klang will be considered current for this month ;)
(because his expressions were carried over to the 10/2008 page he was contributing two meetings)
xavi: correct ? xavi: ok, I agree
I have to leave. Cheers ***: xavi has left tricia_: !tikibot
!help Tikiwiki|bot: You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . ***: franck has quit IRC () luciash: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=2 has broken images (wrong store path after server move ? missing ?) ***: marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki
franck has joined #tikiwiki CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16215 10/trunk/tiki-user_information.php: [FIX]user: when displaying tracker info in user info, look for the exactvalue of the username not a value like (dev.tw1902)
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16215 10/trunk/tiki-user_information.php: [FIX]user: when displaying tracker info in user info, look for the exactvalue of the username not a value like (dev.tw1902) SEWilco2: Is the phrasing for voting correct for the desired meaning if one votes "Present"? CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16217 10/trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs): [FIX]mytiki: add my articles ***: FrankP_german has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16218 10/trunk/tiki-user_information.php: [FIX]user_info: do not redirect to the login box ***: Iramon has joined #tikiwiki Iramon: is there a documentation of the tikiwiki source code? except comments in the sources ofc... e.g. UML-Diagramms, lists of classes, interfaces, methods, etc? CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r16216 10/branches/experimental/ui-revamp/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [MOD]?Add file to modify categories independently (categorize tab)
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16217 10/trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs): [FIX]mytiki: add my articles
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16218 10/trunk/tiki-user_information.php: [FIX]user_info: do not redirect to the login box luciash: SEWilco2: ?
Iramon: we have no such things except partial doxygen stuff
Iramon: sorry Iramon: ok, its not a problem... I assumed that, but I had to be sure, because I already wrote this in my masterthesis ;) luciash: np :) Iramon: and would be bad, if my prof. at uni checks tiki subversion or has luck googling and sees 2000 sites tikiwiki source doc^^ luciash: heheh
i think you don't have to be worried
you could google that too btw ;)
if there was some
bbl SEWilco2: Iramon: This IRC channel is logged and indexed by Google. Iramon: no problem if my prof sees me asking in here for it ;) SEWilco2: The source does need more doc. I've been trying to use more comments in my code than traditionally present.
I hope your thesis is TW doc. That would be an improvement in the world's knowledge. Iramon: did you try using something like javadoc? to autogenerate some documentation automaticly from the comments?
nope sorry, I am just using TikiWiki in my thesis, not documenting it ;) ***: jerkface03 has quit IRC () SEWilco2: Few of the comments are properly formatted for the usual tools. lphuberdeau1: not using doc gen tools, but those are mostly useless anyway SEWilco2: There are standard formats for documentation comments, but few items have been properly commented. ***: tomb_ has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) Iramon: maybe one can at least get a documentation of the main classes like tikilib and stuff
but atm I am not the man for that^^
6 days to write 60 pages and correct like 40 more pages of my thesis :S lphuberdeau1: oh, you're good ;) SEWilco2: Oh, his prof will be the judge of that. :-) Iramon: not really :S if I'd be good, I had all the pages now and just needed to correct some typos ;) lphuberdeau1: 10 pages in a day is not monumental ***: rpg has quit IRC ("Leaving...") SEWilco2: Depends whether his thesis is about a monument or not. Iramon: lol
<-- back to work ;) ***: Iramon is now known as Iramon|busy
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Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) SEWilco2: Can a plugin know if it's being displayed within a Module? IMAGE detects if it's in an Article or Wiki page, but needs to behave differently in a side module. ***: ricks99_ has joined #tikiwiki SEWilco2: $section identifies the kind of center section, but that's not relevant to what is in a module. ***: lphuberdeau1 has quit IRC ("Leaving.")
ricks99 has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) SEWilco2: Found something which detects being within a module: $smarty->get_template_vars('module_params');
If that's not empty() you're in a module. ***: cellvia1 has joined #tikiwiki
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Amorphous has quit IRC (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
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cellvia1 has left SEWilco2: Is there a reason why imagegals considers the default scale to not be a valid scale when restricting scaling sizes for an image?
Looks like imagegallib rebuild_image() ignores global scale if it's not forced, but one can't input that scale on individual galleries.