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billf has joined #tikiwiki billf: Hi - I've written a new plugin and want to know if it's worth committing chibaguy: Hi billf, I suggest that you ask on the tikiwiki-devel mailing list. billf: ok - thanks - bye chibaguy: Sounds good, esp. for people used to Mediawiki. ***: billf has quit IRC (Client Quit)
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am new to this chat..may i know how this support works ***: babush has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC")
Wilkins has joined #tikiwiki luciash: polom CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r16258 10/mods/trunk/Packages/features-aulawiki.info.txt: [FIX]Automatically (re)set the workspaces-assistant module to the right column at install time (it was lost for some reason long ago) ***: xavi has joined #tikiwiki xavi: polom
chibaguy or luciash , hi, and I need your help to update aulawiki tpl's to work fine with Tiki 2.x
and/or the worksapces.css ...
chibaguy, btw, where do you specify "theme options"? I see that thenews.css in trunk have "wider_left_column.css" optional... and I was in process to adapt workspaces to use thenews.css as base
but I haven't foud out where to add this optional css to the new workspaces.css
"options", I got it. ***: Caarrie|sleeping has quit IRC (verne.freenode.net irc.freenode.net)
Caarrie|sleeping has joined #tikiwiki xavi: luciash ? luciash: re :) xavi: hi again here also, then :-) luciash: ok, so your question is above or something else now ? xavi: I've just tried the old workspaces.css theme style (css and tpl's), and one of the things I don't know how to improve/solve, is why the main application menu just dissapeared each time I change theme to workspces.css-1.9.ready luciash: ah xavi: there it is ***: navster has joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: hi xavi, sorry, wasn't paying attention. xavi: Where should I look for? I mean, ...
hi chibaguy ! :-) (long time no speak) luciash: yo chibaguy :) xavi: chibaguy: not today, I mean in general
I'm doing my best to set also the workspaces theme as "2.x ready"... luciash: xavi: can we test ? xavi: and I feel I'm getting close, but not yet there... chibaguy: Yeah, my schedule has been kind of irregular lately. xavi: luciash.... mmmm, yes (so far I'm testing my "potential mesh" only in local)
s/mesh/mess (oh, my English) chibaguy: Theme options are new in trunk, so I don't think they are relevant for Tiki 2. xavi: yes, chibaguy, but I'm also making it ready for 3.x ;-) chibaguy: Oh, good. luciash: chibaguy: cool, you implemented it (?) xavi: I don't want to make the same effort, if possible, in a couple of months... chibaguy: No, it was Jonny B. luciash: chibaguy: i think thenews.css should have it wider by default though, is it ? xavi: luciash: +1 luciash: the left column, as we spoke chibaguy: luciash, for now I left the narrow left column as default and the wider one as the option. But am totally open to switching that, if it's better the other way. xavi: luciash, Im uploading the theme files to edu.tw.o for testing there... luciash: chibaguy: i think so because then everything fits in there perfectly by default
xavi: cool chibaguy: Sure, luciash, I'll change it then. xavi: chibaguy: +1 to set wider by default (it's been the frist thing I've just done, nowadays that I saw the option -> mostmodules were not fully showing) luciash: xavi: my terminal beeps now ;) chibaguy: Is the width OK to you (on side columns)? I forgot what px size you said before. luciash: what is it now ? xavi: chibaguy: good enough on the optional css right now. so I would say take that one as default chibaguy: 214px
for both left and right cols.
xavi, btw, to add a theme option for a theme, you just need to make an "options" directory inside styles/the_theme/ and put the option style sheet in there.
(I don't know if that was your question or not....) ***: franck has joined #tikiwiki
navster has quit IRC () xavi: chibaguy: yes, that was one of the questions, which I could find out some minutes ago. Thanks for the answer, anyway :-)
mmm, packaging mods from tikitrunk doesn't save the "options" directory though... :-/ chibaguy: Are the options directory and files listed in the package file?
I don't see them there (http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/mods/trunk/Packages/features-aulawiki.info.txt)
(I'm looking forward to updating the Tikipedia theme using the ui-revamp page control tabs. Should be much better than my kludges in the past. ;-) ) luciash: +1 :) xavi: chibaguy: :-) you are right, it's my problem, then! :-) I'll update that also, and commit back to svn once the theme is working
I'm half way to leave a beta-testing copy on edu.tw.o to be installed by admin mods interface from any tiki...
I managed to make it work in local... so I'm uploading the files to edu.tw.o to make it temporarily an alternative install site for aulawiki 1.6.2 (so that you can test from those files, if you want) luciash: xavi: thanks :) chibaguy: :-) CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r16259 10/trunk/styles/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] Make normal-width side columns version the default, and narrow-left, wider-right the theme option (based on advice from luciash). luciash: chibaguy: thanks :) chibaguy: :-) ***: marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) xavi: gosh... no way to have it properly set at edu.tw.o
there is some 403 error, when tiki attempts to pull the mod on a server (tgz with perms 644 on the remote server, servir tikimods) luciash: xavi, manually ? xavi: yes, even manually through wget... I don't understand what's wrong
try wget http://edu.tikiwiki.org/mods/Dist/features-aulawiki-1.6.2.tgz
403 forbidden
but the file is 644 on the server
however, on local, it worked fine (from a tiki20svn to a tikitrunk, both on my local box)
and this type of problem with mods has also been reported by several users wit tiki 2.2 recently
when you try through tiki admin mods interface, you get a message: "File mods/Cache/features-aulawiki-1.6.2.tgz is not a valid archive"
because what it retrieves is not a valid tgz file, because it doesn't get the file itself but something else (some 403 response by the server, I guess) luciash: yeah i get 403 here too
must be edu.tw.o server configuration ***: marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki marclaporte: polom xavi: hi marclaporte
luciash , could htaccess be responsible for that? hold on... luciash: yep
i believe there's tgz forbidden xavi: this is the files match at .htaccess tiki root: http://pastebin.com/m52e89bba
but there is nothing in there for tgz
I'll try with a txt or so
rrrrr, not even at simple text file: http://edu.tikiwiki.org/mods/Dist/features-aulawiki.info.txt
how can I grant permission to that directory?
argh, it's a problem with the permission of the upper level directory "Dist"!
let's see...
yes! that was it!
luciash , and chibaguy, you can install aulawiki for 2.2 (nearly bug free) through setting this mods repository: http://edu.tikiwiki.org/mods luciash: xavi: kewl, thank you, i'll try it later today xavi: thanks for testing, luciash. the tpl files might not be 2.x ready, but the theme workspaces.css are least nowadays is taking thenews.css as its base.
after insstalling, change theme to workspaces.css and the main application menu should be gone (happened to me on tiki20svn and tikitrunk
I?ve seen a templates/styles/workspaces/modules/mod-application_menu.tpl ... which might be old... maybe that's why?
anyways, your feedback, whenever you can look at it, will be very welcome. no urgency luciash: fine :) ***: deepcut has joined #tikiwiki
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billf has joined #tikiwiki billf: msg NickServ identify beefheart Caarrie: thanks for your password :P billf: I don't unnerstan irc!
it said identify!
anyway not a lot to hide :-) can anyone give me advice on (perhaps) committing a plugin
I tried posting to the tikiwiki-devel list but there doesn't seem to be a lot happening there ***: bethrezen has joined #tikiwiki xavi: billf: you seem you missed the starting slash / in front of msg
(I know how you feel, it happened to me some time ago :-/ )
it takes some time, but you can change that passwd on irc
billf: did you read how to get commit access , on http://dev.tikiwiki.org ? sylvieg: SEWilco: tiki-sefurl.php is missing ***: Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki sylvieg: billf: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Wiki%20Plugins#Creating_A_Plugin xavi: chibaguy, what's the setp by step process to add a new folder to svn (that options folder for workspaces styles in mods)?
my kdesvn is complaining that I can't upload it...
s/upload/commit marclaporte: billf: I saw your mail on dev list
Started an answer CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r16260 10/mods/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [FIX] several tiny fixes for display at Tiki 2.x and 3.0 + my first own bugfix for workspces desktop (pingus forgot on his patch to fix that same old variable for wstypeId at tiki-workspaces_desktop.php) xavi: marclaporte: any nesws for your trip details to the TikiFest in Madrid? deepcut: marclaporte: you gave me developer access on the project some time ago. you may as well remove me though
oh right, I can remove myself from it
the issue I was interested in has been resolved in the latest versions anyway CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16261 10/trunk/tiki-admin_include_features.php: [FIX] contact_anon's admin is on the general admin page now
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16262 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: [ENH] Better defaults for wiki_3d marclaporte: xavi: : we are looking for plane tickets now
lph, matthew and myself coming for sure
15-16-17 feb
deepcut: no harm in keeping
I hope Jonny and Youcef will come as well ***: abc123 has joined #tikiwiki xavi: ok, I'll do my best to be there 15 and 16th, then. Nowadays, I kind-of-know the state of the art of the AulaWiki mod (revised already the patch by pingus, and the (stopped?) work on svn from the guys in Madrid...) ***: abc123 has quit IRC (Client Quit) xavi: the Mod is back working on Tiki 2.x, afaik (only issues with the theme style, from today onwards, afaik, after my last patch this morning)
my "problem" is that it took me 5 hours to find & fix the bug for the Mod to work (and install from the admin mods interface).
the remaining bug, I mean (pingus did the previous good job, luckily)
oh, well, there seems to be another error yet...
sylvieg , can I ask you for advice?
I'm attempting to debug workspaces, and nowadays I find some error sometimes, not always
that's the error I'm finding in some ofmy tests: http://pastebin.com/m16a67617
duplicate entry 1 for key 1, at insert into `tiki_categorized_objects` (`catObjectId`) values ('1')
however, if I start with a blank new tiki, I can create workspaces with no problem. Several workspaces
If I remove the workspaces mod, and install it again, and try to create a single workspace, this error occurs. lphuberdeau1: I just hate that table... completely useless xavi: lphuberdeau1: tiki_categorized_objects , you mean? lphuberdeau1: yes
well, required by the code, but it serves no purpose xavi: ah, ok ***: Kyuji_de-en has joined #tikiwiki
lphuberdeau1 has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) xavi: sylvieg , another quick advice request: how can I force that after publishing a mod on a tiki site (a .tgz) is generated, this file is chmodded to 644 ? (some servers like edu.tw.o (ourorpject.org) and possibly mods.tikiwiki.org set those files to 600)
I identified the line in tiki20svn , modslib.php, around line 513, I guess sylvieg: I know absolutely nothing about mods...
I hate mods xavi: oups.... ok, but do you know how to force a file to be chmoded to 644 in php?
I can test the mods part... sylvieg: chmod
http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.chmod.php xavi: ok, thanks ***: Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
Simmi has joined #tikiwiki xavi: thanks, sylvieg, it worked. I'll commit it ***: nkoth3 has joined #tikiwiki CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r16263 10/branches/2.0/lib/mods/modslib.php: [ENH]Force chmod to 644 the published .tgz seems needed on some servers
tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r16264 10/trunk/lib/mods/modslib.php: [ENH]Force chmod to 644 the published .tgz, since it seems needed on some servers ***: Lucymoz has joined #tikiwiki
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SEWilco2 has joined #tikiwiki xavi: luciash, you can report anything related to the theme style on aulawiki mod here: http://edu.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=ToDo
the version which I left on http://edu.tikiwiki.org/mods server works fine on a new install, at least. See (if needed: http://edu.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=AulaWiki )
uff, back to grading students...
bye marclaporte
(I closed the other tab too early) ***: xavi has left
Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away marclaporte: l8er! ***: deepcut has left Simmi1: I have just hasd an alert from Olaf that the www.tikiwiki.org site has been hijacked. Anyone else getting the site of XP2? ***: Simmi1 is now known as Simmi Simmi: I have tried accessing to the site via two countries.. So, is there a security issue on www.tikiwiki.org? CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r16265 10/branches/experimental/ui-revamp/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [MOD] New interface to manage quicktags (non-functional at this time) amette: apache is misconfigured and presents the default host (xp2.de) when using http://www.tikiwiki.org Simmi: Thanks for the info Amette. ***: Kyuji_de-en has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) SEWilco2: Hmm. XP/2 <> XP^2 for most values of X and P.
X = P = 0 ? ***: nkoth3 has quit IRC () lphuberdeau: why would it?
do you see ^ as exponent or binary xor? ***: PrezKennedyJR is now known as PrezKennedy lphuberdeau: XP/2 === XP>>1 SEWilco2: Exponent. The logo has a little, raised, 2.
My trunk test site has DB error on nonexistent table. SELECT `group` FROM tiki_group_watches WHERE object = ? AND type = ? AND event = ? lphuberdeau: (for integer values of X and P ;))
run DB update ***: nkoth3 has joined #tikiwiki CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16266 10/trunk/ (lib/categories/categlib.php styles/transitions/2.0to3.0.css): [ENH] Removed hard coded line break and added span.categpath (defined as display:block) in transition 2 to 3 css ***: lq_106 has joined #tikiwiki lq_106: Hi, I wonder if I could get help from someone with a dev problem I have in TW?
I want to create an extra area for modules to be placed in, is that posible?
tips? link? ***: marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki lq_106: I want to create an extra area for modules to be placed in, is that posible? SEWilco2: Define "extra area". ***: Wilkins has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16267 10/trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] Removed hard coded line breaks before p.editdate contents (wiki_authors_style) and increased padding-top in most themes and transistion CSS lq_106: Right now you can ad modules to the left or to the right, I want to be able to asign modules to the top marclaporte: you can put modules in wiki pages lq_106: ok but then I would have to ad that module to every wiki page there is?
I want the module to be there at all time marclaporte: which module? lq_106: I will create one of my own but it's a login module
If you're loged out the login module should be there at the top on every page ***: user_corrupt has joined #tikiwiki marclaporte: In site identity, you can activate login (I think) user_corrupt: howdy folks lq_106: I know how to activate the module and put it to the left och right but the problem is that I want it at the top marclaporte: lq_106: : there is a seperate feature "Site Identity"
http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Site+Identity SEWilco2: Do you want it to be a module, or just a link to the login page? lq_106: I want it to me a module
checking the link... marclaporte: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Home -> look at the top lq_106: looks close to what I want
is that done with site identity? marclaporte: no
yes lq_106: hehe, ok
:) marclaporte: http://pastebin.com/m19124318 -> here is code from http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Home
in version 3.0, there is a checkbox option in admin panel to have top login box lq_106: ok, nice :D ***: lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) user_corrupt: does anyone know how to add custom fields to the "create new page" function in Tiki?
I want to add a mandatory field for longitude and also latitide...and Id like to put them in a table associated with that page also CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r16268 10/branches/experimental/ui-revamp/ (5 files in 5 dirs): [MOD] Completed quicktags administration ***: lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki
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rpg_ is now known as rpg CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r16269 10/branches/experimental/ui-revamp/ (25 files in 12 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 16252 to 16267 ***: lq_106 has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") marclaporte: user_corrupt: page tracker feature, aka pretty tracker user_corrupt: thank you sir, i will look into that marclaporte: user_corrupt: : your description reminds me of google maps plugin
where it's possible to assign map data to a wiki page
and then, via backlinks, you can have many dots on a google map, which correspond to wiki pages lphuberdeau: any status update from chibaguy on ui-revamp? as far as I am concerned, it's ready to merge user_corrupt: whoa, they will correspond? marclaporte: chibaguy has some menu stuff to commit soon user_corrupt: i thought id have to build that myself marclaporte: any day now
user_corrupt: please describe your goal and I will point you the best I can user_corrupt: my goal is to have a google map above my wiki, and every new page that users make will require geocode info, so that a marker will be associated with that page...
then the marker will serach for that page+lat+long when clicked sylvieg: lphuberdeau: can you warn on devel one day at least before you merge to check how many features are broken ? marclaporte: user_corrupt: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Mod%20gmap&redirectpage=Google%20page%20map%20plugin user_corrupt: thanks lphuberdeau: I wish gary wasn't a full 12 hours ahead of us marclaporte: sylvieg: : page tracker starts in 3.0 ? SEWilco2: Hold on, I think I can make him be 12 hours behind of us. marclaporte: hahahah lphuberdeau: oh no, japan is well ahead sylvieg: yes thik so SEWilco2: Looks like that whole rotation of the Earth thing might be awkward to fix.
I can fix it, but I'll need a large budget to ship enough bricks to Italy.
No, I'll instead get paid for it. I'll start selling Chinese-decorated bricks.
Move enough bricks east and the rotation will go to the west. lphuberdeau: that would need to be enough bricks to have a weight relevant to the mass of the earth CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16270 10/trunk/ (tiki-editpage.php tiki-index.php): [ENH] Moved saved_msg "flag" from $_REQUEST to $_SESSION to avoid people linking to &saved_msg=y version of the page marclaporte: user_corrupt: for other meta data on wiki pages: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Page+tracker user_corrupt: thanks CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16271 10/trunk/templates/module.tpl: [MOD]module: use button ***: rpg has quit IRC ()
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I've turned it on, but there's no refresh button and nothing says "cached". Help? ***: btiffin has joined #tikiwiki
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