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GillesMM: is there a way to have trackerlist in cache ? It is very slow
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billf: Anybody there? who knows about passing double-quotes to plugins?
or any wiki characters like %
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CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16297 10/trunk/styles/darkroom.css: [FIX]darkroom: find box tuning
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CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16298 10/trunk/templates/modules/mod-switch_lang.tpl: wysiwyg
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ricks99: q: which fields from the file gallery are indexed for a tiki search? i cant get any of my file galleries to appear in search results, even though the search term appears in the gallery description
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CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16299 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: [FIX]prefs: notice + to have site_language for instance correctly set on fresh instal
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16300 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX]switch-lang: to have all the languages on a fresh install
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16301 10/trunk/tiki-admin_tracker_fields.php: [FIX]tracker: default field type to text instead of action -> fix the incoherent text help
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CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16302 10/trunk/templates/tracker_item_field_value.tpl: [FIX]tracker: display 0 for a nul numeric
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16303 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [FIX]tracker: computed field must be sorted as number
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holyfeld: I'm trying to get google analytics to work with my website. I followed the instructions here: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Google+Analytics&bl=y It's been a week and I'm still getting the "tracking unknown" message from google. I used the "new" tracking code.
ricks99: @holyfeld: review the html source of the page, and verify that that google code was added correctly
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holyfeld: OK to post the footer.tpl code here?
ricks99: use: http://pastebin.com/
CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16304 10/trunk/_htaccess: [FIX]sefurl: allow also page name with .
holyfeld: @ricks99 - I'm new to pastebin. I have the code pasted (with the UA number changed). Typed in "holyfeld" for the name. If I hit "send" what happens?
ricks99: it gets posted
this way, folks can review ur code
holyfeld: So I'd need to paste the URL of http://pastebin.com/d749d3b0a here.
The google code is from lines 26 - 34
ricks99: looks correct to me
did u complete the google analytics verifciation step?
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holyfeld: I got as far as the analytics page that shows my website profile. It said it takes a day or so for the data to accumulate so I wasn't worried about the "tracking unknown" icon. A week later I'm thinking something's not quite right.
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holyfeld: The UA number in the footer.tpl matches the UA number on the analytics page
ricks99: when u editited the footer.tpl, did u use the template file for your style?
<TIKI>/templates/styles/YOUR THEME/footer.tpl
holyfeld: Oh. for my style? Hmm. You mean for the theme I'm currently using?
Oh. /That/ footer! I think you hit the nail on the head. You wait there, I have a little work to do. ;{)>
ricks99: b sure to clear ur tiki caches after making the change
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CIA-49: tikiwiki: 03sewilco * r16305 10/trunk/tiki-sefurl.php: [ENH] add feature_sefurl_filter for Smarty SEFURL filtering (web cache recommended).
lphuberdeau1: sewilco, nice hack
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ricks99: q: how to validate email of new user? my admin: users page shows "Need to validate email" for a user
holyfeld: @ricks99 - Interesting. tiki/templates/styles/tikipedia/ doesn't have a footer.tpl
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lphuberdeau1: sewilco, as part of a longer term strategy to get sefurl really working, could you add a some logging to it or something like that?
ricks99: @holyfeld: that means ur theme is using the default ../templates/footer.tpl
SEWilco2: lphuberdeau1: I might add logging if I can figure out a useful way to do so. I haven't noticed relevant TW logging tools.
holyfeld: @ricks99 - /tiki/templates/footer.tpl is the code I posted to pastebin.com
ricks99: @holyfeld: on ur site, review the generated html source. verify that the analytics code is there
SEWilco2: lphuberdeau1: Besides, my SEFURL filter seems to need adjustment. Imagedir pages are showing both normal and SEFURL links in various parts of the page, as if some of it is not being filtered.
lphuberdeau1: sewilco, I don't know of any either, but in debug mode it would be nice to get a list of the urls that were replaced... a bit like notice warnings
pattern may need adjustment
the same way we fix notices when we catch them, we could start fixing the links too
as long as it catches like 90% of em, it's not bad, patterns will be adjusted over time
SEWilco2: lphuberdeau1: Also someone would have to figure out how to make logging work within a Smarty filter environment. Maybe shared memory buffer of a few Kb.
lphuberdeau1: right now there are too many of em to really log them... I would think of something more simple, like dumping at the bottom of the page
(when in dev mode or something)
try just calling trigger_error with E_USER_NOTICE and see what happens ;)
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SEWilco2: I don't know when I'll have time for that. I need to figure out why some stuff isn't being filtered, and why logging in gives a blank screen until page reloaded.
lphuberdeau1: what do yo mean?
SEWilco2: I suspect the login problem is related to my proxied IP logging, but haven't found the connection between login and the log process.
What do who mean about what?
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lphuberdeau1: was wondering about the blank page thing
holyfeld: @ricks - on http://pastebin.com/d749d3b0a the script from lines 26 - 29 shows in the html, but for the script in lines 30 - 34 lines 32 & 33 don't show in the html code . I checked the code in the footer with a text editor and I see no spaces or odd characters.
SEWilco2: When I log in, I get a blank page. Refresh the page or go to any other of my pages and all works, and shows me as being logged in.
Because it knows I'm logged in, most of the login process worked. The TW log shows me as having logged in, but includes phrasing as if the logged-in status was detected on a page other than tiki-login.php.
Thus I suspect that the login process is crashing, and upon reentry to the site the log entry is being created to report the login.
I noticed this happening after I added logging of the user's IP address through a proxy (web cache), but I was logged in for a while so am not certain.
holyfeld: @ricks99 - cleared the cache and still nothing ...
SEWilco2: Actually, I added recognition of proxied IP addresses, not only logging of it. Needed for things like IP blocking to work behind web cache.
ricks99: @holyfeld: not sure. if u updated footer.tpl (and there's no theme-specific footer.tpl) it should work. might be something specifc to the tikipedia theme... (maybe it doesn't use footer.tpl)?
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holyfeld: I'm guessing it uses the templatesfooter.tpl. I am getting most of the two scripts from google. If the theme didn't use a footer how could that happen? http://pastebin.com/dd8121a5 has corresponding html from my home page
ricks99: dont know why its not working. try moving the last </script> to a separate line
holyfeld: is there a spare () between the catch and </script>?
ricks99: fwiw, on my google code, i do not have the try/catch look at all
holyfeld: This supposedly a "new" set of code. Is the var pageTracker and such is part of the previous script?
ricks99: dont know. this is the script i use: http://pastebin.com/d776e8987
SEWilco2: holyfeld: Try switching lines 26-29 and 30-34 just to see what is emitted (not caring about javascript error).
holyfeld: @SEWilco2 - I left the try/catch in as I switched the lines. The resulting html is same as http://pastebin.com/dd8121a5 except lines 5 - 6 now precede 1 - 4
I am cleaning my cache after each change before I look at the html.
ricks99: *rick doesnt have the try/catch loop on his sites and analytics works just fine
holyfeld: do you have one script or 2? This will be my next change.
ricks99: see http://pastebin.com/d776e8987
holyfeld: got it. lemmee try that.
That puts the UA number on the page. and another. almost like the footer gets attached to every page.
ricks99: r u editing the footer.tpl via tiki's internal template editor?
holyfeld: No.
I guess this means there is one?
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ricks99: y, but dont use it for templates that contain <scripts>
im out of ideas as to why it wont work for you, sorry :(
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holyfeld: actually, I have hope that it /is/ working for me. The tracking code now shows in the html.
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cellvia: anyone ever seen this error before?
Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'UNION'
its having problems with the sql query for creating a file gallery
lphuberdeau1: check the table charset
how did you install?
oh, and which version?
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cellvia: latest version of 2.2
well i exported my db from my online hosting to apache2triad local hosting
and everything seems to work fine so far
it loads everything
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cellvia: except i ran into that error
let me look at the table charset, i dont see why it owuld be latin
lphuberdeau1: make sure all the tables have the same encoding and it should be fine
the export script probably messed up some of them
cellvia: weird, none of them say they are latin
they all say utf general
lphuberdeau1: that would mean the connection's encoding is different
ricks99: is there a restrition on which (if any) plugins can be used in forum posts?
lphuberdeau1: I guess it's all or nothing
don't know which one
I don't know which option is used for forum parsing, but plugins are either enabled or disabled globally
ricks99: k. thee ones im testing seem to be working
odd that forum post page has its own mini-help instead of the regular wiki/plugin help link
thats what was confusing to me
cellvia: one more question, if i locked the installer script from begin accessed again, how do i unlock it
for database
ricks99: @cellvia: remove the ../db/lock file
cellvia: removed, but keeps sending me back to ../index.php
tiki-index i mean
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TheDayAfter: Hello from germany
cellvia: heya
TheDayAfter: Hello cellvia
ricks99: @cellvia: can u access tiki-install.php directly?
TheDayAfter: I work as an administrator in a german company, we primary are cartographs
sorry my english is not the best... lol
cellvia: nope, it keeps sending me back to tiki-index
whats cartographs?
even when i access directly
TheDayAfter: wait a minute
ricks99: @cellvia: what tiki version?
TheDayAfter: cartography
cellvia: 2.2
TheDayAfter: we work with 2.2
cellvia: oh cool, you make maps
ricks99: need to rename tiki-install.php.done to tiki-install.php
TheDayAfter: yes we make maps, very nice maps....
and we work in berlin for a company for public transportation, they produce ther own map of berlin
we controll the change of map in berlin and we use the TW to documention the changes
with tracker, that work very well
Now we will build a secound company to consult the TW for other companys, we thing TW is the best Wiki
We want to provide the TW in germany
is there anybody outthere?
ricks99: i am here
TheDayAfter: The provide in germany is very bad, we think
cellvia: sounds awesome, you should talk to the TW developers
TheDayAfter: and now we will complete the german translation to 100%
and we will work on a german docomentation
we have two developers an a very good english speakink member of our company
speaking sorry
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TheDayAfter: it is possible to work together to provide TW in Germany?
ricks99: German translations? definitely. see: http://tikiwiki.org/TikiWikiInternationalizationAndLanguages
TheDayAfter: First and most problem is the decimal separator we work in europe with , in US it is the point (.)
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ricks99: are you aware of: http://de.tikiwiki.org
TheDayAfter: this is 75%
carlos7: is there a way to make the wiki's created by a user, only viewable to that group & admins?
TheDayAfter: we need 100% to provide the TW in germany, work is in progress
sorry de.tikiwiki.org is not very good, he is to slow to provide this wiki in germany...
we want to give all our power for TW in germany
can you contact me under lindow@cartogis.de
ricks99: @carlos7: u can use the "force and limit categorization..." option to require that newly created wiki pages be in a specific category. and give the group access to that category
carlos7: ricks99: I'll need to enable categories I guess?
ricks99: y
carlos7: thanks
ricks99: np
TheDayAfter: we think more of 1000 companys need a TW in germany, we will sale support and we will provide the TW community and the developers
we want to startup a businees
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carlos7: ricks: I don't find, where to assign a category when creating a new wiki
ricks99: click the SHOW CATETGORIES when editing a wiki page. see http://twbasics.keycontent.org/Categorizing+Objects
TheDayAfter: you want to provide TW in germany?
ricks99: who me?
not sure what you mean?
TheDayAfter: in germany we need a professionel Consulting
we will make the job
cellvia: that could be fun
TheDayAfter: but we need consulting in the TW developing for europe.. decimal separator is in europe the ,
cellvia: how much are you offering?
what if you dont speak german
i was born in germany :)
but we moved when i was 5
TheDayAfter: we have this day a meeting with one of the best SEO in germany
Ich spreche deutsch
you speak german?
cellvia: I don't know german :(
TheDayAfter: we want to make buisenees with TW in germany
but TW has problems with the european standards
cellvia: ahh, mainly the , problem?
for numbers
TheDayAfter: We think the TW is the best Wiki
ricks99: the closest i've been to germany is drinking Beck's beer
sylvieg: do you have a list of these problems? the Frecnh community is very strong...
ricks99: lol
TheDayAfter: we need , for seperating decimal separator
in US you work wit the point ..... (.)
sylvieg: ... where are decimals displayed? can be a server localisation problem too
TheDayAfter: in tracker computed fielp par example
no server problem
sylvieg: but this popint I think it is server localisation - to be checked
cellvia: you could always have a simple function that converts number output before being displayed
that might not be the best route but it would work
lphuberdeau1: then all users would have to set their locale
SEWilco2: Don't PHP and Smarty have options for handling numeric display?
lphuberdeau1: then there would be confusion in the input... I'm in Canada and we have this mixed standard... the fact that different installations may use . or , is just more confusing I find
sylvieg: the computed field is the result of eval
lphuberdeau1: PHP usually relies on environment locales for that... don't know about smarty... Zend_Locale can handle it
but still is one of those long tedious tasks
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TheDayAfter: we work with computed field in tracker but no way with , we can not work, no computed are possible
sylvieg: suppose it should be easy to replace the eval with a zend function
TheDayAfter: only with . as a decimal separator
sylvieg: it could be nice to add a param to computed field like format
TheDayAfter: TW is one of the best Wiki with CMS we will provide a work wiki in germay, we need help to provide the TW in europe / germany
Tikiwiki|bot: Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ .
lphuberdeau1: sylvie... requires a little more work than that as you still need to configure it with the appropriate locale
my concern is not so much about displaying values as it is about input... and inconsistency that is bound to arise
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TheDayAfter: it is late i must go to bed, i have this day a TW presentaition.. contact me via emal... lindow@cartogis.de
sylvieg: yeh input can be tricky...
TheDayAfter: on monday i am here...
Klaus nice day
lphuberdeau1: I wouldn't want a situation where writing 100,000 would have a different meaning in different fields
TheDayAfter: TW festival in germany????
Tikiwiki|bot: Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ .
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sylvieg: but the number of palce you can find real number is limitted? ...
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lphuberdeau1: you know them all?
sylvieg: probably not....
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SEWilco2: Testing what the bot does when the word help is mentioned within a sentence.
Testing what the bot does when TW and the word help are mentioned.
Testing if the bot is sensitive to TW and help when a question mark is present?
TW mentioned?
Tikiwiki|bot: Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ .
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cellvia: hello, so im having this problem:
Illegal mix of collations (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'UNION'
i reinstalled the database with the tiki installer
and i still get that problem, from trying to create a file gallery
any ideas?
everything else seems to work
my sql default character set is utf8
as well my php
cant think of what else im mising
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lphuberdeau1: check the client default charset as well
constants in SQL queries will be in the connection charset and that can cause conflicts
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lq_244: hi
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