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***Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [00:06]
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CIA-53tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r16345 10/trunk/lib/core/ (9 files in 3 dirs): [NEW] Started writing tests for plugin parsers... which apparently executes plugins backwards [03:00]
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chibaguyHmm, white screen after svn trunk update.... [05:47]
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chibaguyYay, progress. Doing ftp "overwrite" instead of "overwrite if newer source" (lib dir) to update remote server and now am getting Tiki content. :-) [06:09]
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CIA-53tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r16346 10/trunk/styles/thenews.css: [FIX] Improvements from experimental/ui-revamp (not including CSS menus or page controls, etc.) [06:35]
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r16347 10/trunk/styles/feb12.css: [FIX] Improvements from experimental/ui-revamp (not including CSS menus or page controls, etc.) [06:43]
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CIA-53tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r16348 10/trunk/styles/ (feb12/header.jpg feb12/page.jpg feb12/pagebg.jpg feb12.css): [FIX] Improvements from experimental/ui-revamp (not including CSS menus or page controls, etc.) [07:21]
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r16349 10/trunk/styles/feb12.css: [ENH] Minor edits.
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r16350 10/trunk/templates/tiki-site_header.tpl: [FIX] Prevent div overflow in IE.
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CIA-53tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r16351 10/trunk/templates/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [SVN] Moved wikiplugin tpl to its directory; please rollback if necessary. [07:58]
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chibaguyhmm. white screen again...
well, Tikineat doesn't produce anything either (I changed theme pref in db), so I don't think my style updates are responsible....
Installer works ok.
But no page views.
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chibaguyphp memory isn't a problem [08:31]
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Singamhow to get the chat room in Tikiwiki 2.2? [10:35]
franckfeatures chat
admin-> features
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Singamadmin-> features then
admin-> features, there i cannot find any chat option
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chibaguySingam: "Bug in TikiWiki 2.0+
The minichat also must be activated as a feature, but there's no admin interface for doing that in Release 2.*. So the tiki_preferences table must be edited (with phpMyAdmin or other tool), with "feature_minichat" and "y" inserted as a new row."
if Singam checks back here again.
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CIA-53tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16352 10/trunk/installer/schema/20090120_lost_2.0to3.0.sql: typo [11:49]
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chibaguyIn trunk, anon visitors can't flip modules, it seems?
module.tpl has a "$module_flip eq 'y'" condition. Where is this set in admin?
ah, tiki-admin.php?page=module
chibaguy didn't recognize module admin icon
I'm getting different behavior in trunk and ui-revamp than in 2.2: anons can't flip the modules, and some are "stuck" closed. [12:46]
CIA-53tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16353 10/trunk/templates/ (7 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] some smarty sefurl [12:48]
chibaguyIt's the "if $module_flip eq 'y'" that causes the problem. Is this really needed, in addition to the admin setting ("Users can Shade Modules")? [12:51]
Hmm, I see that the if statement controls the flipping, and now it's working for anons also. I guess was a problem in my install. [13:00]
lphuberdeaugary... please avoid backporting stuff from ui-revamp to trunk... will make merges harder [13:00]
chibaguyok, thanks for letting me know. [13:01]
lphuberdeauso far it's mostly CSS, so it shouldn't be too bad, but you'll have to double check when I merge trunk updates next time [13:02]
chibaguyok [13:03]
CIA-53tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16354 10/trunk/installer/schema/ (20090120_lost_2.0to3.0.sql 20090120_lost_2.0to3.0_tiki.sql): must be finished with _tiki [13:04]
chibaguylphuberdeau, btw, should i not ftp files to ui.tw.o, and wait for the site to be svn updated? [13:08]
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chibaguyA while back, I ftped some but then thought I might be causing problems with the svn update.
Also, recently the pagecontrols "backlinks" is empty, though pages were showing up before some update. Do you find "backlinks" is working ok?
lphuberdeauon your site, no... need to verify on my install
language is also strange
yep... definitely broken
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lphuberdeaufixed [13:29]
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chibaguy:-) [13:47]
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CIA-54tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16358 10/trunk/tiki-admingroups.php: [FIX] Couldn't modify a group if it existed
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16359 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php:
tikiwiki: [ENH] Add use of flashvars to embed_flash() (defaults to empty)
tikiwiki: Also use "id" param if passed for object
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CIA-54tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16360 10/trunk/tiki-admingroups.php: [FIX]group: need to check if group name not already taken [14:40]
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CIA-54tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16361 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [NEW] AJAX version of the ShoutBox - v1.0
tikiwiki: Initially developed as an add-on to 2.0 with mpvolt (but it's no longer compatible with 3.0)
tikiwiki: Retains compatibility with non-AJAX mode and should replace the old ShoutBox before release and when everyone's happy with it!
tikiwiki: Committed as a new module because Nyloth had some comments on better ways for modules to "do" AJAX, but i don't think this is doing what he suggested (help?)
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16362 10/trunk/styles/darkroom/options/ (. small-type.css): [NEW] Option for Darkroom theme with smaller type
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CIA-54tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16363 10/branches/experimental/jquery/ (92 files in 24 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 16295 to 16362 [15:10]
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cjprezI enabled the categories features, and assigned group permissions to a certain category. I'm trying to make wiki specific for a group. So all the tiki pages under a category will only be available to that group. However, I also want users to be able to create wiki pages, and when they enter the page editor the categories field doesn't show up. How can I do this? Also none of the wiki's that I (as an admin) have a [15:58]
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MattHgreetings.. I am trying to be able to view historical changes made to my wiki pages. I'm pretty sure tikiwiki will do this, but I have not been able to get any further than seeing that changes were made (but not what they were or being able to go back to them), or having one undo button. [16:31]
Caarrieare you admin of this install you are talking about? [16:31]
MattHyes [16:32]
Caarriethen you should see the history for the pages [16:32]
MattHhow to I allow regular users (who have logged in and edited pages) to be able to see the changes and roll pages back?
right now they can see 'recent history' and view who changed a page, and the comment, but can not view the historical record
Caarrieyou need to allow them the perms [16:33]
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MattHok and I guess that's where I am lacking in the knowledge, do you know what the specific permission name is? [16:33]
Caarrienot sure [16:33]
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MattHok... but that option (viewing the historical changes) does exist.. it just needs to be enabled? [16:33]
Caarriei think so, it might be a wiki_admin option though too [16:34]
cjprezI've enabled the category feature with the purpose of making some wikipages only-available to specific groups. However, when a user (not an admin) is creating a new wiki page the field of category doesn't appear, making it impossible to create a new page. What can I do? [16:34]
MattHgreat I will check into it more.. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't searching for a feature that didn't exiust [16:34]
CIA-54tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r16364 10/trunk/lib/core/ (5 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] More tests [16:34]
Caarriecjprez: make sure the correct catagory perms are set to that group so they can set the catagory [16:35]
stefan232Hi folks. Has somebody an idea how to get a deleted wiki-page back? [16:35]
cjprezCaarrie: they are. In fact, I can't even see the pages under that category and group when a user of that particular group (not an admin) click on list pages
Caarie: I've set tiki_p_view_categories, tiki_p_view_categorized to that group
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Caarriei think there might be other perms you need check the docs wiki [16:38]
cjprezthanks [16:39]
CaarrieCaarrie thinks TW has too many perms [16:39]
cjprezlol [16:39]
Guest90185. [16:41]
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cj07I have the category feature enabled. However, when a user creates a wiki page he/she can not even list it. The user selected the category assigned for the group he/she belongs and is the admin of the page, still can not list it. The only workaround I've found is going individually to the permissions of each wiki and allow tiki_p_view. Can't this be assigned overall from the categories preferences?
or automatically?
ricks99what perms do u have assigned *on the category*? [17:59]
cj07the only perms TW allows me to assing are tiki_p_admin_categories and tiki_p_view_categories [18:00]
sylviegis thre another than to fix gilles multiplayer to play mp3 in tw? [18:00]
ricks99@cj07: u need to clear the tiki system cache. ur missing 2 other category perms (view & edit categorized) [18:01]
lphuberdeauI think http://mediaplayer.yahoo.com/ is really nice and should be really easy to integrate ;) [18:01]
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cj07ricks99: how can I do that? [18:01]
ricks99select Admin > Tiki Cache
then clear all caches
cj07ricks99: thanks! [18:01]
ricks99np [18:02]
sylviegthx lphuberdeau - I will give a try (not in the mood to learn haxe) [18:02]
lphuberdeauoh, inclusion is just including a JS file and creating links to mp3 files [18:03]
cj07ricks99: excellent, it's working now! [18:03]
lphuberdeauno real code involved [18:03]
sylviegyes - seesm simple - thx a lot [18:03]
ricks99@cj07: when in doubt, clear the cache [18:03]
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cj07is there a way to duplicate a group (preferences, permissions) instead of starting from stracth a similar, new one. [18:32]
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ricks99dont' think so, but u can easily include one group inside another [18:40]
cj07ok .. when I click logout it takes me to /tiiki-index.php
how can I remove the [18:43] <cj07> was it an error during installation specifiyng my physical path?
ricks99i'm not sure about the extra "" [18:44]
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liquidapehi all [18:53]
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liquidapeAnybody have good suggestions on open source dashboard solutions? [19:08]
marclaporteliquidape: : please add here when you find: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Dashboard [19:09]
liquidapek [19:10]
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SEWilco2Does this mean thread 14 is asking thread 8 to talk to the backend? Log shows 8 then does a GET. " 14 Backend c 8 default default" [20:11]
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SEWilco2Oops, wrong channel. [20:33]
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CIA-54tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r16365 10/trunk/lib/core/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Started matcher implementation [21:50]
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CIA-54tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r16366 10/trunk/lib/core/lib/WikiParser/PluginMatcher.php: [MOD] Add skipping of no parse zones [22:07]
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CIA-54tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16367 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_audioplayer.php: [MOD]AUDIOPLUGIN: a simple plugin to insert mp3 player - see http://flash-mp3-player.net - for now the .swf are get from this site [22:30]
sylvieglphuberdeau: in fact I took the player from code.google that has no yahoo advertizing [22:31]
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CIA-54tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r16368 10/trunk/lib/core/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] All matcher tests now pass [23:31]
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