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marclaporteluciash: : I think so
luciash: : did you happen to edit any plugins with the new edit plugin editor (javacript popup?)
the text area box is much too small .wikiplugin_edit textarea { width: 80%; height: 100px; } would be needed, but I am not sure where to put this. It shuld be for all styles
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r16527 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php: [FIX] Clearer documentation for tracker form plugin [00:09]
luciashmarclaporte: not yet [00:10]
marclaporteand profiles? [00:10]
luciashnot yet :) [00:10]
marclaportelet's do a two for 1
please go here: tiki-admin.php?page=profiles
find the "list" button
luciashbutton found :) [00:18]
marclaporteand pick contact form [00:20]
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luciashmarclaporte: where to pick it ? [00:22]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16528 10/trunk/templates/tiki-register.tpl:
tikiwiki: [FIX] renamed function and div for detecting capslock to not interfere with the same used for login module
tikiwiki: [ENH] added h1 with "Registration" string
tikiwiki: [ENH] added fieldset and renamed table class
luciashmarclaporte: ah, i have to click the button first .-p [00:23]
marclaportehehe [00:23]
luciashpicked it [00:23]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16529 10/trunk/styles/thenews.css: [ENH] add little space margin after fieldset [00:28]
luciashmarclaporte: it's hardcoded
no class to style
marclaportewhat is hardcoded? [00:38]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16530 10/trunk/styles/thenews.css: [FIX] little padding to fieldsets [00:42]
luciashwhen i pick up the contact form, the div window [00:42]
marclaporteWhen you use th edit plugin thing?
in my tests, .wikiplugin_edit textarea { width: 80%; height: 100px; } has an impact on the text area box, which is much too small by default
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16531 10/trunk/styles/thenews.css: [FIX] IE6 doesn't like bracket selectors and ignores the rest in multiple class styling [01:11]
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r16532 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_mouseover.php:
tikiwiki: [MOD] Various cosmetic and documentation enhancements on the mouseover plugin.
tikiwiki: Making rectangular, adding a padding parameter, setting some defaults (offset,
tikiwiki: background-color to light-grey instead of white for better visibility).
marclaportetiki-register.php is much nicer now. Thank you luci [01:26]
luciashthank you too :) [01:29]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16533 10/trunk/styles/thenews.css:
tikiwiki: [FIX] font size changes for #siteloginbar and little margin for its elements
tikiwiki: [ADD] wikiaction input styled as button
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16534 10/trunk/templates/tiki-register.tpl: [ADD] submit input button class [01:35]
luciashsetting siteTitle from Admin > General does work ?
seems it collides with setting title at Admin > L&F
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16535 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: [ADD] set some site title by default after installation [01:58]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16536 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php:
tikiwiki: [MOD] better siteTitle to prevent confusion with MyTiki, better site_crumb_seper
tikiwiki: [ADD] default bg color for sitelogo
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16537 10/trunk/templates/modules/mod-login_box.tpl: [ADD] button and submit classes to be easily styled [02:39]
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SEWilco2marclaporte: I do have documentation for {IMAGE} but polished version won't be ready until next week. Not that a developer needs much more doc, but users will need it sometime. [03:30]
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Where is the copyright/license notice for the site doc.tw.o? The following has no content: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Copyrights&structure=Documentation
There is a CC-Attribution-ShareAlike license in a page, but I can't tell what links to the page. http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Creative+Commons+Attribution-ShareAlike+License
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luciashpolom [08:26]
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chibaguyLatest trunk svn update causes: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _pear_call_destructors() (previously declared in /usr/lib/php/PEAR.php:775) in /home/garyc/public_html/tikithemes/lib/pear/PEAR.php on line 806 [08:44]
luciashhmm, didn't happen here but last i updated was yesterday evening [08:45]
chibaguyI recall a comment by sylvieg about this, I think. [08:46]
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chibaguyAh, I found the comment, was by marclaporte, in the tikiwiki cvs/svn mail list, after commit at revision 16517. He gets the same error. [09:08]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r16538 10/trunk/ (lib/init/initlib.php tiki-filter-base.php): (log message trimmed)
tikiwiki: [FIX] partial rollback of 16517 : I only rollbacked the Zend part, we need
tikiwiki: lib/core/lib in the include_path for Zend...
tikiwiki: It is the only library that needs this :(
tikiwiki: Not cool for people having ISP that do not allow modifications of
tikiwiki: include_path.
tikiwiki: For them the solution is to copy lib/core/lib/Zend to a directory
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16539 10/trunk/styles/thenews.css: [ENH] thenews.css tiki tabs beautification: way towards perfection :) [10:28]
luciashchibaguy: can you check ^^^ in IE7 pls ?
chibaguy: don't judge the tabs wrapping still please ;)
in FF and IE6 it is looking nice here
chibaguyhi luciash, I'll check. [10:35]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r16540 10/branches/experimental/ui-revamp/styles/coelesce.css: [FIX] some styling issues... [10:40]
chibaguyStill getting the fatal error related to pear. [10:41]
luciashouch :-/ [10:41]
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luciashchibaguy: if you don't mind fresh install try the basic enabled profile ?
chibaguy: ah, now i get it with basic enabled too :-p
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'Zend/Filter/Interface.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /mnt/sda1/Devel/SVN/Tiki/TikiTrunk/lib/core/lib/Zend/Filter/StripTags.php on line 27
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ElanHi all how to add TIps in home page
can ne on guide
luciashchibaguy: tiki-admin.php works though [10:52]
Elan*one [10:53]
chibaguyI was able to use tiki-install.php to update my db in trunk, but tiki-index.php shows the pear error. [10:53]
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ElanI need a add few tips in the home page can ne one guide on how to do this
*to add
chibaguyElan, what do you mean by "tips"?
luciash, I'm looking at trunk on my laptop now in ie7.
ElanTIPS - message as in tiki doc [10:56]
marclaportepolom [10:56]
chibaguy(no pear problem here)
Elan, do you have a doc.tw.o url we can see as example?
sh*t, on tiki-admin.php in ie7, icons in center col overlap right column...
ElanHi chibaguy this the page tiki-admin.php?page=wiki where u can see the TIP icon and the content
to navigate to that page just click on wiki feature in admin .php page
chibaguyYou want to put that kind of tip in a wiki page, as wiki page content? [11:03]
Elanya Chibaguy [11:03]
chibaguyWell, it's a div class="rbox".
Use Firefox and Firebug add-on to check the CSS selectors and properties that create that kind of box.
luciashluciash wonders why can't we clear all 3 tiki caches by one click :-p [11:04]
chibaguyIn a wiki page, you can use the DIV plugin (or rather a few of them, nested, to produce that appearance.
Too easy, not enough meditation involved.
luciashchibaguy: after clearing the caches i get nomore then zend/pear error [11:05]
chibaguyah [11:05]
Elanthanks chibaguy i was able to identify it as rbox was not able to find the sector but now ll use fire bug to do that thanjs [11:06]
luciashmarclaporte: polom :) [11:06]
chibaguyfirebug is a great tool [11:06]
luciashexcept the icons overlapping, how do look the tabs ?
chibaguy: ^
chibaguyluciash, I also get the error on tiki-admin_system.php so can't use that, but I cleared with ftp and it didn't help.
Is there a site I can anonymously upload an image to?
So you can check the tabs?
luciashchibaguy: that's weird, basic enabled profile works here after clearing the caches
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chibaguyThat's it, but is taking a long time. You can see the tabs here: http://zukakakina.com/tiki-browse_image.php?imageId=143
Looks the same in IE7 and Opera, which is good. (I don't have FF running atm.)
But I don't like the top row of tabs being above the tabcontent border. That could be improved.
(maybe imageshack doesn't like Opera. "uploading" never stops...)
luciashyea, imageshack sucks mostly [11:22]
chibaguyOh, sorry, luciash, what I commented on was what I wasn't supposed to. ;-) [11:22]
luciashbut it's only one i know from top of my head [11:22]
chibaguyThe tab behavior is really good.
(highlighting and bottom border display, etc., right?)
ElanHi CHibaguy how to download eatlon theme in ur site?? [11:23]
luciashchibaguy: heheh :) [11:23]
Elanits too good also ur darroom theme is damn good [11:23]
chibaguyGo to http://themes.tikiwiki.org and click the download link under the thumbnail of the theme. [11:24]
luciashon L#F or Trackers the tabs align nicely then ? sounds good :)
chibaguywhen the right column is turned off, so the tabs don't wrap, they sit nicely on the tabcontent top border.
Is that the alignment that you mean?
but i see a little glitch there
compared to IE6 and FF3 the inactive tabs shouldn't cover the top border of tabcontent, i'll have to fix that
the blue line should be visible under them
chibaguyI see what you mean. In opera the line is visible. [11:27]
luciashonly active tab should cover
chibaguy(opera and FF are quite close on most things.)
But what do you think about the tabs when they wrap? Then the second row is aligned, but the top row is elevated above.
luciashluciash sees konq kde4 needs fix too [11:29]
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luciashi'm not sure... it's not common either
this kind of tabs wrapping
chibaguyThat's why I changed .tabs and .tabcontent margin/padding to move the tabs downward so the top row of tabs is at the top border of tabcontent when tabs wrap. [11:31]
luciashi understand, but what happens when you resize text ? [11:31]
chibaguyI guess your display is bigger than mine. :-) I get this wrapping all the time on admin features. [11:31]
luciashand the downwrapped tabs have no connection with tabcontent too [11:31]
chibaguywell, the downwrapped tabs sink down into the padding-top of the tabcontent. [11:32]
luciashyea, only L&F or trackers have tabs nicely aligned on small displays
i have 1920x1680 btw
My desktop is something like that, but I usually use 1024px laptop for this stuff.
luciashi test in FF WebDeveloper resize mostly [11:33]
chibaguy(desktop is usually in use by family members with higher priority than me... ;-) ) [11:34]
luciashand my second dualhead LCD is smaller too
gotta some work here now, thanks for testing gary
chibaguyWell, as we said before, it seems some tab disconnect is inevitable, depending on wrapping/nowrapping, but there is probably a way to manage with some color tricks or something.
ok, see you later..
Elanhi chibaguy i am stuck in forum feature
where i have created a forum
and i have a grid with dispayed list of forum enteries
then one colum displays the time and title of replay
in this colum i only want date and time not hte replay title were to change this one
chibaguyOn tiki-admin_forums.php, you can indicate what columns are displayed when the forums are listed. [11:41]
luciashah, sorry chibaguy, i've found only tiki-index.php works but not tiki-index.php?page=HomePage
the zend/pear error remains
c u later :)
chibaguyok :-) [11:46]
ElanSorry Chibaguy i was nto able to find ne such option to customize colum options in the tiki-admin_forums.php page kindly guide [11:48]
chibaguySearch in page for "Topic list configuration" on tiki-admin_forums.php.
It's a small table with "Replies Reads Points Last post Author"
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Elanok Chibaguy thanks ll do that [11:55]
ricks99hi all :) [11:55]
chibaguyhi ricks99
hey, is this the anniversary of your nick?
Sug4rAye... [11:56]
ricks99? [11:57]
chibaguy1999 -> 2009 ? [11:57]
nick is a bit older than that...
if i said i first started using it on BBSes, does that date me?
chibaguyi'd say so, yep. [11:59]
ricks99* rick misses is 300bps modem.... [12:00]
chibaguychibaguy misses hearing those geeky dialup tones coming over the modem speaker.... [12:00]
ricks99real q: for 3.0, is the default theme (for new tiki install) going to change? [12:01]
chibaguyit'll be TheNews afaik.
luci made the change in code yesterday or so.
Seem ok to you?
ricks99running a fresh install now....
looks good 2 me
(of course, now i need to fix *all* images on Smarties....)
chibaguya fresh install of trunk? You don't get a fatal error involving pear? [12:06]
ricks99just svn'd up
no error
chibaguyok, seems to depend on the server configuration maybe. [12:07]
ricks99btw, good job on 'thenews' chibaguy! [12:07]
chibaguyMy laptop is ok, but hosted domain gets the error.
thanks, but also much help on details from luci and others.
ricks99File Gallery will be enabled, by default, on new install? [12:09]
chibaguyI think thenews is adequate (not embarrassing) but not really eye-catching, so more work is needed on better original themes...
About the file gallery, maybe because there seems to be a trend (or something) to make it the default source of images for wiki pages. (my guess).
I don't recall any discussion of why, otherwise.
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ricks99k. makes sense [12:12]
chibaguyIt would be good to ask for clarification.
BTW, do you know where to set the choice between "upload from local disk" and "use galleries" for wiki page images in trunk? I can't find it.
I had to set it once, but don't know where now.
ricks99wiki admin?
ooo... its in admin: text area
"use file galleries for images inclusions"
chibaguyah, ok. [12:17]
ricks99<sheesh> we *really* need an editor..... "images inclusions"? [12:17]
chibaguyheh, Tiki is the work of engineers... :-) [12:17]
ricks99yup [12:18]
chibaguyHow about if we target Tiki 4 for a thorough cleanup of language? [12:18]
is magic admin not used in trunk?
chibaguyWe can list strings that need to be changed,
then go through templates and language files to change them.
ricks99more than that... need to set standards. [12:19]
chibaguySure, that too.
magin admin isn't being maintained any more, so is destined for an experimental branch maybe, IIRC.
ricks99hm.... [12:20]
chibaguymagin -> magic [12:20]
ricks99i was hoping that magic would go a long way in "cleaning" the admin pages... a page (such as wiki admin) with 60+ optsion and 5 "set config" buttons is ... um... er.... poor design
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chibaguyI guess magic has|had that potential, but still has a long way to go... and the magician has left the building.... [12:24]
ricks99so, back to hacking up the tpls... :( [12:24]
chibaguymaybe someone will pick up magic again. [12:27]
Swan!help [12:28]
Tikiwiki|botYou can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . [12:28]
SwanHello! Sometimes I receive error PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function adonewconnection () db/tiki-db.php there Is it once at some o'clock. Prompt with what it can be connected? [12:33]
ricks99btw: doc.tw.o admin, i re-enabled the google analyitics [12:33]
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marclaportericks99: : tks For version 3.0, we'll be able to save setting in control panel and reduce chance of accidental loss when we swap themes [12:36]
ricks99k. also turned on search stats.. i am very intested in seeing *what* noob r looking for
(the stats on Smarties were quite interesting)
chibaguySwan, what version of TikiWiki? 2.2? And this happens only sometimes? [12:37]
marclaportejyhem wrote a script to update English language strings and all their occurrences throughout tiki [12:38]
chibaguymarclaporte, great. Then we just need to coordinate on what changes to make, etc. [12:39]
I there should be a table of "current string", "proposed string", and maybe "reason for change", either in wiki page(s) or trackers or whatever is the best way to display a long list.
And along the way create a style/usage guide for future strings.
And maybe a procedure for language-checking prior to new-string commits.
marclaporteDo you want to start that somewhere? [12:45]
ricks99+1 style guide [12:46]
chibaguyok, I put a page on dev.tw.o related to this, a while back.
So will work from there.
ricks99why not doc.tw.o? [12:48]
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marclaportei18n.tikiwiki.org could be one day the place for language-related stuff
that's where people will suggest translations
chibaguyricks99, because I think it's a dev issue, not a user issue. [12:54]
marclaporteok [12:54]
chibaguy(or i18n.tw.o could be the place -- I don't know where the line is drawn....) [12:55]
ricks99hm... i gues i see screen labels as a end-user issue. it is (imho) a type of "doc"
probably more used/useful than the acutal guide
if the labels were better, maybe wouldnt need so much doc...
just my $0.02
chibaguywell, I agree that labels, etc, are an end-user issue in that end-users need good labels, but I think determining the labels should be done on a dev or language site and then the results applied to doctw.o [12:57]
ricks99k [13:00]
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luciashre [13:03]
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chibaguylooking at dev.tw.o and i18n.tw.o, I wish we had INCLUDE(site=tikiwiki.org,page=English_strings)/}.
...to include pages from other sites/wikis easily. Thinking also of doc.tw.o and theme.tw.o
Maintain one place, publish several. Of course that might complicate collaboration if somebody wants to edit at the downstream page. They'd have to be redirected to the original or something.
Maybe the include plugin would have an argument "cite source" which would put a line at the top of the page something like "This page is redirected from ____ . Edit at this link: ____. " [13:13]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r16541 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] This is a special commit for Marc. Style of the default diff can be
tikiwiki: changed in the admin panel... Since we already have it in the admin panel but
tikiwiki: it was not uptodate... Now it is :D
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r16542 10/trunk/tiki-install.php: [FIX] tiki-install.php : check for PHP5 else says it needs PHP5...
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r16543 10/trunk/lib/tikidate.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] tikidate : better version checking to see if we can enable the PHP5 date
tikiwiki: functions...
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luciashchibaguy: good idea [14:20]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16544 10/trunk/ (5 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]contact: putting cols in the tpl can kill some styles [14:49]
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tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r16545 10/trunk/tiki-filter-base.php: [FIX] tiki-filter-base.php : try to better detect from where we are executed...
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16546 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: [FIX]default: no ssl by default
marclaportechibaguy: : you can use an iframe [15:20]
luciashmarclaporte: dangerous [15:20]
marclaportemarclaporte is having problem to rollback wiki pages in trunk [15:21]
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R|SKHey guys, can somebody tell me to to realize name-/workspaces in Tikiwiki?
I'm a little bit irritated by the misleading infos I've found on the web.
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marclaporteR|SK: : what did you find and how was it misleading?
luciash: : in 3.0, there is better security
luciashhi R|SK, i guess you would need to catch xavi here... he's da workspaces guru
marclaporte: clickjacking
R|SKFirst of all, are workspaces already intergrated in Tiki?
Or do I need a mod?
Ah, I just found the answer myself I guess.
luciashthere's upcoming TikiFest in Madrid wher this is one of the main topics [15:33]
R|SKCurrently workspaces are only available as a mod, but it is to be intergfrated into tiki in future version, right?
Luciash: Yeah, I've ras about it.
luciashwe hope so [15:34]
But it is only planned for tiki 4.0?
That seems to be lightyears away. ;)
marclaportehttp://dev.tikiwiki.org/Workspace should have all the info [15:35]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16547 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: rollback sorry [15:35]
luciashluciash would like to learn more about workspaces himself [15:35]
R|SKMarclaporte: I can't open the link. :(
Ah, just a server issue in here.
marclaporteR|SK : Can you tell us a bit more about your project and we can provide advice
Advice could be : either uses workspace mods, or use category perms, or use several instances of tiki, or wait, or give up
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r16548 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] forum list: add a pref for the length of the forum description (it was hardcoded to 240) [15:39]
R|SKWell, we are currently looking for an alternative for dokuwiki here in our company. Our focus was attracted to tikiwiki, as it provides most of the features we need - and probably a lot more, but the plans are only in the pipe.
We have two sepparated divisions, one for online, one for offline development and they have very different needs.
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r16549 10/trunk/tiki-filter-base.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] re-add lib/pear in include path as it is too much trouble if you use
tikiwiki: PEAR::Auth...
tikiwiki: For sites that are not permitted to change their include path,
tikiwiki: copy or link the needed stuff in proper locations... Sad but we currently have
tikiwiki: no other choice :(
R|SKAs mentionead we are using dokuwiki at the moment but ist loose user rights management is problematic for us.
But for now we are dividing the activities of both of our divisions using namespaces.
With Tikiwiki we would need sth. Compareable.
So, how can we realize this using tiki?
Any hints.
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R|SKNotto mention, that security is above all others needs. [15:44]
nkoth3R|SK: you need separate namespaces to have same pagename in both spaces is it? [15:44]
R|SKYes, for example. [15:44]
nkoth3security is probably doable with categories as it is, but the namespace collision on pages still needs to be solved afaik. [15:45]
Caarriewell he could prefix the pages with the dept name [15:46]
R|SKWell, this isn't dramatic for us, though it may be nice..
That what I had in mind either, Caarrie:
Caarrieas long as the catagorys are set correctly it should not be too hard to do [15:46]
nkoth3Do documents in one workspace link to documents in the other one often? [15:47]
R|SKAnd how about the security? It is still a mod, afaik!
Nkoth3: Currently, afaik not.
nkoth3Because if not, and if security is top most [15:47]
CaarrieR|SK: catagories are not mods [15:48]
nkoth3maybe multiple tikis with intertiki authentication, similar to the way doc.tikiwiki.org and dev.tikiwiki.org might work... [15:48]
R|SKSorry, I was reffering to workspaces. ;)
That's another idea. The problem here is, that we are alraeady planning to use to different wikis for internal and external affairs.
And the internal one needs the sub-separation for the subsidiaries
Caarrieyou could just use TW for both with the catagories/user groups [15:50]
R|SKHmm... [15:51]
Caarrieif there are perms on the pages or in catagories only those in the groups can view the pages [15:51]
R|SKI guess I'll have to check on for this user group idea. [15:51]
Caarrieyou make a group for dept A and dept B then the catagories for each group with perms for what they can see, anything not in the catagory would be visable to all [15:52]
nkoth3http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Category [15:53]
R|SKI'll give it a try tomorrow. [15:53]
Caarrieusually around this time there are people around who you can ask for more info if you run into issues, some people find the perm system in TW a bit complicated ;) at first [15:54]
R|SKThanks to all of you. Great support in here ;)
Btw. Whar is a perm?
R = t
Caarriepermission=perm [15:54]
R|SKAh.. Ok ;)
Head -> table :D
Caarriehehe [15:55]
R|SKI have to leave now. Thanks again and have a nice day. [15:55]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16550 10/trunk/templates/tiki-adminusers.tpl: [FIX]layout: findtable is often a float [16:36]
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marclaportedoes anyone know how I can use this? http://doc.tikiwiki.org/System%20Tracker%20Field
before, we could use for itemID, but now that is handled in auto-increment
SEWilco2I got no response last night: doc.tw.o seems to have no copyright/license notice. Makes participation legally awkward.
Maybe doc.tw.o has something in the site's Copyright feature, but it got turned off?
marclaporteno idea, a good question for EB [17:01]
sylviegsystem fields are created when rating an item wiht field name=Rating [17:02]
ricks99@SEWilco2: doc.tw.o uses CC. feature needs to be re-enabled and linked to: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Creative+Commons+Attribution-ShareAlike+License&highlight=copyright [17:07]
SEWilco2marclaporte: I didn't know that Encyclopedia Brittanica was involved. [17:18]
marclaporteLOL [17:20]
SEWilco2ricks99: doc.tw.o:tiki-admin.php seems to slightly complain about my bothering it. Maybe I should have sent flowers. [17:21]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16551 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: notice [17:24]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16552 10/trunk/tiki-admin_notifications.php: typo [17:30]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16553 10/trunk/ (lib/userslib.php templates/mail/moderate_validation_mail.tpl): [MOD]tracker: when admin must valid the user, send also the tracker fields values the user gave at registration [18:27]
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Iramonhey guys, can one tell me a specific difference between articles and blogs in just a few sentences? the features are realized quite common... [19:18]
ricks99articles = date sensitive info (can publish/exprire); blogs = chronological diary
see docs for details
Iramonk thx, I'll have a look in docs too ;)
can you check that page ricks?
it doesn't appear, maybe too low memory assigned to php?
ricks99page looks fine to me [19:23]
I just get empty screen..
other pages work, just not that one
and search doesn't work either...
does this URL work for you ricks:
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SEWilco2Iramon: That search page produced results for me.
Iramon: There is a possibility that search took too much CPU time the first time, and I got to see cached results.
Or that the disk was busy and the search script took too much wall clock time, but second search found cached disk data so was faster.
I also happen to be logged out of doc.tw.o at the moment. Don't know how much that would matter.
Iramon: The Features page looks OK now, but it is also sensitive to an overloaded server, as it includes several results in one page.
ricks99doc.tw.o search working for me, too [19:57]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r16554 10/trunk/templates/tiki-forums.tpl: [FIX] forums list: bad file merge during last commit :-( [20:07]
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marclaporteanyone have experience with show & hide in a wiki page?
it's for a schedule. I would like one line to show, and if you click on it, some text appears below it
fade-in/fade out
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marclaporteI tried !!!- which is nice but it's only for sections
Mouseover plugin is nice to hide a long text from view if you don't want it, but then, the text is not there when you print
ricks99maybe do it with javascript? [20:34]
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marclaporteyes, for sure JS
I would like to make something generic for Tiki
{FADE(label="This is the text of the presentation and is always shown")}
Here is the abstract which should fade in & out on click
Iramon<-- seems to have a bad day... doc still doesn't work for me on search (for arcticles) or features :/ I'll try tomorrow again... finished work for today :)
cu @ll tomorrow
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SEWilco2marclaporte: !- This is the text of the presentation and is always shown ... :-)
SEWilco2 thinks !- is the hiding incantation...
marclaporteyes, that is a possibility, but that only works at the beginning of a line
and not in a wiki table
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16555 10/trunk/lib/userslib.php: [FIX]tracker: sned not only the first field in the moderation mail [21:36]
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Hi there - I have a problem with calendar events being entered into the wrong calendar. One of you guys was kind enough to have a quick look and determined that it was indeed a bug. How can I see if any thing has happened about a fix? [21:51]
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SEWilco2latlink: See if there is a bug report on http://dev.tikiwiki.org/ and see the bug's status. [22:07]
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marclaporte: In the table put an {IFRAME()} which invokes a Wikipage with !- in it. :-) [22:29]
SEWilco2: thks - i'll go check [22:29]
SEWilco2marclaporte: If that isn't indirect enough, put the content in an included wiki page with dynamic content. :-) [22:30]
luciashSEWilco2: it wouldn't work ;) [22:34]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16556 10/trunk/styles/thenews.css: [ENH] default margin for all inputs [22:38]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16557 10/trunk/styles/thenews.css: [FIX] remove text-indent on box-title, using margin instead to prevent weird indentation in case text wraps [22:46]
stripmindi'm trying to embed a flash video, and it sounds like the FLASH plugin, FLASH wiki plugin (http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=PluginFlash&structure=Documentation), but that plugin is not listed in the Admin Mods list (2.0) or on http://mods.tikiwiki.org/. Am I looking in the right places? Or are there better ways to do it, and I'm looking at old documentation? [22:53]
luciashstripmind: it's part of the installation
in 2.2
stripmindhmm. I tried just using the syntax, and it didn't display, so I thought I was missing something. [22:54]
luciashupgrade to 2.2 at least for security fixes [22:54]
stripmindokay, thanks.
also, I noticed some bad links in the "for smarties" tutorials. I'd fix them, but are they publicly editable?
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luciashstripmind: i don't think so but you can register http://twbasics.keycontent.org/tiki-register.php [22:59]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16558 10/trunk/styles/thenews.css: [ENH] colorful .rbox [23:36]

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