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lq_500does any one have mail notification working with v2.0 [00:26]
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marclaporte2.2, yes
your sender email is set?
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03stojanovim * r16589 10/trunk/lib/core/ (2 files in 2 dirs): - Google Translate wrapper can translate text of more than 1800 chars (urlencoded) [05:43]
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RockHi Everybody, actually i am doing the Forum configuration, while doing forum configuration i am facing one problem,can any one help me,
is ther anybodys?
Not showing any message box when canceling a new topics, step1: Create new topics with attachments and all step2: by mistake Cancel the new topics step3: unable get any popup message or nothing, Needs : can able to get the popup message or i need write any coding for that? can any one help me?
anybody is got my point?
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marclaporteRock: : no idea but I send you postive waves to solve it [06:44]
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Rockmarclaporte, did you got the solution? [07:58]
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RockHi Everybody, actually i am doing the Forum configuration, while doing forum configuration i am facing one problem,can any one help me, Not showing any message box when canceling a new topics, step1: Create new topics with attachments and all step2: by mistake Cancel the new topics step3: unable get any popup message or nothing, Needs : can able to get the popup message or i need write any coding for that? can an [08:50]
luciashhi [08:54]
Rocksee my problem boss? everyday i am getting different problems
can you help me ragarding this?
luciashi see, it's usability bug, you need to code that [08:59]
Rockdo you have any idea about where can put this code and all,
which file tpl or php
luciashif you don't mind javascript quick fix could be putting onclick="if (!confirm('Are you sure ?')) return false;" parameter to the link in the tpl
i don't remember the tpl from top of my head
usually the tpl files are named closly after the php file name, just with .tpl in the end
Rockok.........Thank you, i will let you know.. [09:13]
luciashRock: you said the same last time about the group inheritance ;)
that you will let us know, did you ? :)
figured that out ?
RockAgin thank you that also i can able to do...
luciash, here your are talking about "javascript quick fix", it is kind of software are anything else
luciash>g javascript [09:26]
Sug4rSearch took 0.131814 seconds: JavaScript .com (TM) - The Definitive JavaScript Resource ...: <http://www.javascript.com/>; JavaScript - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript>; JavaScript Source: Free JavaScripts , Tutorials, Example Code ...: <http://javascript.internet.com/>; JavaScript Tutorial: <http://www.w3schools.com/JS/default.asp>; How do I enable (2 more messages) [09:26]
luciashthe javascript code is in the onclick parameter i sent you [09:27]
i will try
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luciashamette: mail [10:48]
ametteluciash: just saw it - I'll do that later (in an hour or so) [10:50]
luciashamette: thx bro [10:50]
amettenp, yw :) [10:50]
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xavihi all.
this is just to confirm that info.tw.o doesn't allow login in. It shows (also for me):
Error XMLRPC: 5 - Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server. (HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error)
amette , any idea? (if related to tw.o master intertiki)
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xavior ricks99 (he's not here right now) if an issue with the client side on info.tw.o? [11:19]
amettexavi: we had those problems before, but I thought it was fixed...
... no idea what happens there right now - is info.tw.o already upgraded to latest stable? (I somehow recall that there was some incompat between info.tw.o and tw.o master)
but otherwise I got no idea
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luciashamette: you host info.tw.o too now ? [11:35]
ametteluciash: nope, only dev/doc and hopefully themes after this weekend [11:35]
gotta run - later, guys [11:41]
xavisee you
marclaporte , any idea about which version is info.tw.o based on? (latest 2svn?)
marclaportebranch-1-9 whihc explains problems with InterTiki
Sylvie started work of porting to 2.2
marclaporte changes the theme here
ok, it's changed to thenews.css but there is still stuff about SiteIdentity
sylvieg : would know best...
perhaps luci can make like this: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/img/wiki_up/devtwologo.png but for tikiwiki community site and info.tw.o information
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luciashluciash can make anything :-) [12:11]
marclaporteyay! [12:20]
sylvieginfo.tw 2.x needs a theme - [12:22]
luciashwhat about my proposal info.tw.o => tw.o (or www.tw.o) and tw.o => community.tw.o ? [12:26]
marclaporteIn the ideal world, yes [12:27]
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marclaportebut a lot of broken UR
you meant logos?
luciashat least we could have info.tw.o == www.tw.o and keep tw.o unredirected [12:28]
marclaportesome poeople have subscribed to RSS feeds for both
(it's a mess)
luciashnope i mean it's annoying when i want to go to tw.o directly i have to type tikiwiki.org/Home
luciash doesn't like the redirect to info.tw.o
marclaportehow about on all tiki sites, direct ovious links to dev, doc, info, community, etc.
like joomla
you change sites but you don't really notice in the theme
I also find annoying when i want to go to tw.o directly i have to type tikiwiki.org/Home
amettethat /Home is a great trick... I was always typing tiki-index.php :P [12:31]
luciashor at least don't redirect www.tikiwiki.org there, only the one (tw.o)
not both
marclaportewon't that cause confusion that www. and non www. is not the same? [12:32]
luciashamette: LOL, yep, me did that first too and it was even more annoying [12:32]
amette*g* [12:32]
luciashppl want go to tw.o and who doesn't know the trick always end up at info.tw.o :-/ [12:33]
marclaportewhat about 4 big menu items right at the top [info] [community] [dev] [doc] ? [12:33]
amettethat sounds good...
what's about patricks design?
marclaporteJo public may type www.tikiwiki and end up on community site [12:33]
ametteIt was pretty and it is rather common art nowadays on the web to make slick sites with many different sub-sites like that. [12:34]
luciashamette: you could ask the same about me... what a shame :-p [12:34]
ametteluciash: hmmm.... ;) [12:34]
marclaporteI ask Patrick to send to Gary to finish [12:34]
luciashmarclaporte: what you mean by "Jo public" ?
can we have www.tikiwiki.org redirected only ?
to info.tw.o ?
marclaporteRandom visitor that wants to learn about tiki
this is why we have info.tw.o less info/clutter and more focused on promoting tiki
the three other sites are a litttle scary
luciashi mean beginners still tend to write www.tikiwiki.org instead of http://tikiwiki.org when referring to some site, nope ? [12:37]
ametteamette nods
this is really no easy thing...
especially as we basically "have" to keep http://tikiwiki.org as it is...
... and "www." doesn't really fit into any usage scheme of ours...
... at best it should be an alias for http://tikiwiki.org...
luciashluciash votes for redirecting www.tikiwiki.org to info.tw.o only, no URLs will break then [12:38]
amette... which again sucks, as this should be the page that john doe sees first...
luciash: yeah, probably the best solution...
... but I usually never type www. when I visit some site and then get angry that people don't get their DNS right... :P
luciashwe can put "Get Started" in big letters on tw.o Home too which will link the user to info.tw.o too [12:40]
amettethat is pretty good, too!!
actually that might even do the trick!
a redesign of the tw.o homepage...
luciashplus the change not redirecting tikiwiki.org, please ;) [12:40]
amette... then tw.o (and www.tw.o) are the main starting point as the domains suggest...
... and the community is again at the center of it...
... and then give direct, easy and unmistakable clues to what else there is INFO, DOC, dev...
... and info.tw.o becomes a subdomain again - which it technically _is_!
luciashyes [12:42]
ametteso - how about the redesign I asked about? --^ ;P [12:42]
luciashthat sounds more logical to me than current redirecting :-p [12:42]
ametteabso-fuckin'-lutely!! ;) [12:42]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16590 10/trunk/lib/admin/magiclib.php: path [12:42]
luciashseems sylvie got figured out the lock ;) [12:43]
amette:) [12:43]
sylviegyes - I read the doc ... should have done that before [12:43]
ametteLOL ;) [12:43]
sylviegbut really somebody looking file to have piece in an open source
this morning is not good - sorry
amettenp :) [12:44]
luciashamette: first remove the redirect please ;) [12:45]
ametteluciash: can't do that [12:45]
luciashit wasn't directed you have to do it but as a reply ;) [12:45]
ametteah, ok :P
well, I think that first cleaning up the tw.o start page and making everything ready is the better way around...
... then write an article on tw.o that tells about restructuring of domains and then remove the redirect with a big Ta-DAAA! ;)
luciashbah, but then nothing changes because it will not push me to fix that situation ;) [12:46]
ametteLOL :P [12:46]
luciashbut i agree good guys in ideal world would do it like that :-p [12:47]
amettewelcome to the weird land of procrastination and pedantery ;) [12:47]
luciashit's all about the reward weight ;) [12:48]
ametteI'll organize some lead.. ;) [12:48]
luciashsmall change vs big reward or hard work vs small reward ? ;) [12:49]
ametteyour reward for your hard work will be big as ohertel will remove the redirect then ;) [12:49]
luciashamette: go for it ! [12:49]
ametteuhm, I meant "lead" in form of the metal - but yup, nice play on words ;) [12:50]
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sylviegthis is a mess textarea has a required params cols... but value to choose to satisfy all the styles [12:51]
luciashsylvieg: ? [12:51]
sylviegif I put textarea cols=80 it can be too large for a style [12:51]
luciashstyle can override that [12:52]
sylvieg.... but it is hard to figure out the context [12:52]
luciashyou mean it is global ?
that cols=80 ?
sylviegin some place can be 80 - in other 40... I know we need to put everywhere the enlarge stuf... but [12:53]
luciashwhere specifically it is a problem ?
you mean at Admin > textarea it has required params for cols and rows ?
sylviegtiki-contect.tpl tiki-admin_modules.tpl ... people wnat the largest possible textarea [12:54]
ametteluciash: I'll svn up doc/dev - any special risks? which one do you want first? (and why actually?)
( sorry, but it's a bit unstructured still and one needs to know what you're doing when doing it... once I finish the scripts, it should be easy to do )
amette goes get a coffee
luciashamette: just to fix thenews.css and lite.css
you can svn up only these files
backported some fixes from trunk
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ametteluciash: ok, that is very handy... lemme svn up those files on doc.tw.o first, then you can check...
lite/lite.css and thenews.css now at revision 16590 on doc.tw.o
please check, then I'll do dev
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luciashamette: thx, i'll check
amette: perfect :)
luciash dreams maybe dev could run on trunk soon ?
ametteok, going for dev then now
dev styles are upped
luciashcool :)
ty bro
amettenp, yw, bro :)
and I gotta run again - later
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16591 10/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]textarea: fix form in admin modules + reintroduce cols are it is a mandatory param in html + option in {textarea} _enlarge to show only the enlarge buttons that are not dependant on the quicktags [14:20]
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luciashsylvieg: validator says textarea params cols and rows is mandatory ? [14:56]
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alain_desiletsRick, you there? [15:03]
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alain_desiletsDecided to go with EasyPHP instead of WAMPP [15:04]
R|SKHey guys, is there any more documentation on how to set up a content template for a wiki page. [15:04]
alain_desiletsSince the instructions on this page were based on EasyPHP.
Installed EasyPHP. But when I start it, it tells me that port 80 is already used by httpd.
Now, I try to access this URL, as per the instructions:
404 Not found.
Wonder if I there is another version of Apache installed.
Hum... looks like there was one. I will uninstall it, uninstall EasyPHP too, and then start from scratch.
Will check that PHP and MySQL are not also installed somewhere else.
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ricks99ping alain_desiletes [15:17]
Getting rid of all versions of Apache, MySQL and PHP before starting with EasyPHP install.
ricks99np. using easyphp? r u on xp or vista?
for vista, u need to disable uac for the apache directory
alain_desiletsusing vista. Will try EasyPHP since there are detailed instructions on the web. [15:21]
ricks99k. should be very easy. i was up & running in minutes. [15:21]
alain_desiletsJust did a disk search for php, mysql and apache
Nothing to be found.
ricks99k. run the easyphp installer. accept all defaults [15:25]
alain_desiletsdoing that. [15:26]
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luciashR|SK: basically you can just copy some wiki page content syntax and use that as base for your wiki page template [15:27]
R|SKWell, the problem is more, how to configure the wiki to get this features to work [15:29]
luciashAdmin > Wiki [15:30]
R|SKI've set the option "Use tamplates" there, but I don't get the "Content templates" entry in the Admin menu. [15:30]
luciash>doctwo Content+template [15:30]
Sug4rhttp://doc.tikiwiki.org/Content+template [15:30]
R|SKThat's what I've already read, Sug4r [15:31]
luciashhmm [15:31]
ricks99@ R|SK: http://twbasics.keycontent.org/Configuring+Content+Templates
<shameless plug>
R|SKThough ist not as informative as it should be.
Ricks99: That's the site I'm currently visiting.
But according to this, I only have to select the Use Templates option on the Administration: Wiki page.
luciashR|SK: you can go directly to tiki-admin_content_templates.php to see if you have permission [15:33]
R|SKI'll try it, luciash [15:33]
ricks99maybe option missing in the menu? try tiki-admin_content_templates.php directly [15:34]
luciashmaybe it just got deleted accidentaly from your Admin menu ?
ricks99: i guess i'll leave it for you :) i see we're duplicating answers here :-p
R|SKI haven't deleted anything from the menus yet, nor do I have even changed anything there. ;) [15:34]
ricks99lol [15:34]
R|SKI can manually open the Admin templates page right now, but why is there no link in my menu? [15:35]
luciashyou got bad bad naughty menu, man ;) [15:36]
R|SKIndeed... :-| [15:36]
luciashit's playing tricks with you :D [15:36]
alain_desiletsRick, if want EasyPHP to start when windows start, should I install I ask for it to be a service?
Or just Start on windows startup?
ricks99@alain: if u want. theres an option in easyphp to start at startup [15:37]
alain_desiletsWhat have you used?
Want to stick with what works!
Hurray! works now.
now just put ur tiki stuff in c:/program files/easyphp/www
I have the tiki sources under my eclipse workspace.
I would prefer to keep it that way.
ricks99can't use virtualization/links. need to actually place items in *www* folder to deploy [15:39]
alain_desiletsTiki DB was created. [15:39]
ricks99no simlinks allowed :(
but, in eclipse, u can redefine ur workspace to use /www/
alain_desiletsI'm sure it's possible to configure httpd.conf to look for the tiki stuff elsewhere, but I'll stick with what works.
Yes, I know.
But I don't backup my Program Files area. Just my data area (which includes the eclipse_workspace).
I'll just have to add an exception for the www directory in my backup configuration.
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alain_desiletsOK. Have to figure out how to tell Eclipse to use www for the tiki sources.
When you say put tiki stuff under www.
ricks99to redifine www location, u can use DocumentRoot in httpd.conf
i guess can make it anywhere u want
alain_desiletsHow do I redefine DocumentRoot? [15:43]
ricks99in easyphp, select configuration > apache
in http.conf, find the DocumentRoot entry and simply change it
alain_desiletsActually, reconfiguring DocumentRoot work work.
Don't want all of eclipse workspace to be dcument root.
Best to move the tiki sources to www.
ricks99k. either way [15:45]
alain_desiletsWill take me a couple of minutes to figure out how to move Eclipse project. [15:45]
chibaguyI wonder why, when you change the site theme in trunk, the selection doesn't change, but instead you get a note: "Note: Theme displayed differs from "site" theme (thenews.css)." [15:47]
ricks99just add a new source location (/www/ then drag/drop flies to in in the eclipse nav
folder > new (then select "link folder to file system"
chibaguyThe message is actually inaccurate. This "site" theme isn't thenews.css. thenews.css is what I want to change the theme _to_. [15:48]
alain_desiletsBTW: should the tiki-index.php and all other docs at the root be right under www, or under say www/tiki^ [15:48]
chibaguyAlso, why the message at all? Why not just do what I ask?
ricks99@alain: i use www/subdirectory/ 'cause i have lots of other items -- not just tiki
../www/tiki2.2/, ../www/trunk/, etc. to have mulitple installs
How do you add a new source location in Eclipse? I always create projects by checking them out from CVS or SVN.
Right click New gives me lots of options and dunno which one to use.
ricks99file > new source folder [15:51]
chibaguyThe site theme has to be selected twice, with page refreshes in between, before the desired theme name shows up as selected. Then click apply. Is this a feature? [15:51]
ricks99for "folder name" click brose and select ../www [15:51]
Created a project tiki-trunk under www.
Expected it to create www/tiki-trunk
instead, assumed www itself was the project.
Then I deleted it.
Eclipse deleted the www directory.
Was there anything there that was importantn?
ricks99no. don't u alredy have an eclipse project? just add a new source folder to it, and define the source folder as ../www [15:54]
alain_desiletsI have an Eclipse project called tiki-trunk
it resides under a directory blah blah/eclipse_workspace/tiki-trunk
ricks99ok. in eclipse file > new > souce folde [15:55]
alain_desiletsClick on the project tiki-trunk first? [15:56]
ricks99doesnt matter
in new source folder dialog, for projectname, select ur existing project
for folder name, click browse and go to ../www/whatever
alain_desiletsFile > New > Folder (no source folder)
No browse button.
have to do Advanced
ricks99what kind of eclipse project (type?) [15:57]
alain_desiletsNot a PHP type.
Never got round to install the PHP plugin.
So it's just a resource file project.
ricks99k. use file > new > other. use wizard filter for "source" [15:58]
alain_desiletsOnly see Java > Source folder [15:58]
luciashchibaguy: it's buggy, yep [15:58]
ricks99k. that will/should work [15:59]
alain_desiletsBut I'm not doing Java. [15:59]
luciashchibaguy: it gets changed via JS onchange i guess [15:59]
chibaguyhi luciash, ok. [15:59]
alain_desiletsHOw about File > new > other > General > Project [15:59]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16592 10/trunk/ (styles/darkroom.css templates/tiki-adminusers.tpl): [FIX]style: rollback 16550 -> style in darkroom [15:59]
ricks99@alain: sorry. r u tyring to create a *new* project, or just add a source folder to an existing project?
if u r just using a generic project type (not php-specific) just add a new folder to ur porject and define it as the ../www/whatever location
then actually *move* ur tiki files to that location
alain_desiletsI have an existing project called tiki-trunk. Contains the tiki sources already.
If I just move the files, eclipse won't know about the move.
ricks99ok. u need to either (1) move the tiki files to ../www/ (will need to re-checkout from svn to that location) then re-add the folder to edclipse or [16:02]
alain_desiletsUnfortunately, when I right click on the tiki-trunk project in Eclipse, the Move item is greyed out.
Dunno why.
ricks99(2) redifine ur document root to look for ur current tiki file location [16:02]
alain_desiletsK. Will try to copy the files to www outside of Eclipse, then try to re-add them to Eclipse. [16:03]
ricks99if ur using a cvs repository project type, i dont think u can "move" files [16:03]
alain_desiletsIt's an SVN project. [16:03]
ricks99same diffeerence [16:04]
alain_desiletsMaybe simplest to just redo a checkout from SVN to the new location?
Would take about 30 mins I think.
ricks99y, but then u will need to address ur backup strategies [16:04]
alain_desiletsS'OK. I can deal with that. [16:04]
ricks99k. then do a fresh checkout to ../www/whatever/ [16:05]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r16593 10/trunk/templates/tiki-site_header_login.tpl: [ENH] put remember me after user and pass, before register link. [16:06]
ricks99i have q with forum mail-in... why does tiki strart the thread wiwth "use this thread to disuscss" post? i do *not* have the "discuss" feature enabled? [16:12]
chibaguyricks99, it's buggy still, looks like. [16:15]
ricks99other than that, works well.... :( [16:15]
chibaguyI haven't tried it in a long time. Before, there was always an extra post by "anonymous", and other problems. That doesn't happen now? [16:17]
ricks99i get an initial post with "use this thread to discuss..." then the actual post as the first reply
i get "anonymous" if the sorce email is not within the tiki user db (which is ok)
luciashbbl [16:20]
chibaguyok. I used to get an extra post by anonymous whenever I posted. so things have improved a lot. [16:20]
ricks99i just dont like the "use this thread to discuss..." with link to a wiki page that does not exist [16:20]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16594 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]menu: content template was in tiki1.8, tiki1.9 - and was lost in tiki2 [16:20]
chibaguycya luciash [16:20]
right, that needs to be fixed. [16:26]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16595 10/trunk/installer/schema/20090206_content_tpl_menu_tiki.sql: oops [16:29]
ricks99ping alain_desilets. got it tw running now? [16:36]
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alain_desiletsGot the tiki source under www
www/tiki-trunk actually.
have to go to a 60 mins meeting in 5 mins.
I am at step 4.
Create a MySQL user
I am here:
Clicked on the Privileges tab.
Don't se a Add new user item.
All the menus are in French BTW.
Cause Firefox knows French is my 1st language.
Is it normal that on the left hand side it says that no tables has been found in the tiki base?
Seems the EasyPHP panel only shows me the one user that exists (root) but doesn't allow me to create a new one.
Maybe I need to login as root somehow?
Rick, you there?
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alain_desiletsbtw: when you log with mibbit, does anyone know how to display the previous, say, 10 messages? Whenever I connect with it, I see nothing until someone posts someting. Sometijmes need previous messages to ge context. [17:04]
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chibaguyAlain, was phpMyAdmin installed as part of EasyPHP?
phpMyAdmin makes managing the database easier.
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chibaguyIn my local winxp installation (Reactor server, not EasyPHP, but similar), the db user is root.
by default, so I just used that.
ricks99back. sorry
@alain: u need to create a new user (not root).
chibaguychibaguy sees that his server noobiness is showing....
ricks99, for my enlightenment, what is the problem with user root for the mysql user?
Caarrieit has all access to all tables
not just the one that is used for that app
ricks99bad practice. i always set a db user/pw [17:15]
alain_desiletsI installed EasyPHP as is. [17:15]
ricks99i guess it would work [17:15]
alain_desiletsDidn't do anything special w.r.t. phpMyAdmin [17:15]
ricks99@alain: what step are u at? [17:15]
chibaguyI see, thx. [17:15]
alain_desiletsStep 4: Create a MySQL user
Looking at
Privileges tab.
But there is nothing there about adding a user.
Sent you a screenshot by email.
ricks991 sec... [17:16]
alain_desiletsscreenshot in French, sorry.
I have Firefox configured to know that French is my 1st language.
ricks99k. create a new user: click *prvileges"
then click *add a new user*
enter username & pw. in "grant privileges" area, click "check all"
alain_desiletsI clicked on Privileges tab.
But nothing there about adding new user.
ricks99uner the User overview list, small link
"Add a new user"
alain_desiletsSee screenshot I just emailed you.
Do you have the screen shot?
ricks99y. need to get out of the tiki table
click Home icon, then privileges
(have to create a user first, before adding to the db table)
alain_desiletsBingo! [17:21]
ricks99got the new user? [17:21]
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Now at step 5.
ricks99now go to tiki folder/tiki-install.php and u should b all set [17:24]
alain_desiletsStep 5 says to go to and click Reload MySQL.
No need to do thhat?
ricks99u can. not sure if necessary [17:25]
alain_desiletsI wen to, but no Reload MySQL anywhere.
K. Will try without doing it.
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xavihi all [17:26]
ricks99dont worry about it. can right-click in easyphp and select restart [17:26]
xavioups, hi alain_desilets !
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ricks99got tikiinstaller running? [17:27]
xavianybody here knows what the table tiki_content_templates is used for? [17:28]
alain_desiletsYep. [17:28]
ricks99@alain: all done :) [17:28]
xaviwe had a site (based on 2.1) hacked, and I'm checking that there is not leftover from the intruder at the mysql. [17:28]
ricks99@xavi: content templates? [17:29]
xaviAnd I see something rare in that table, that I don't remember adding to it
ricks99: yes, I guess so. But I mean, the content is like an encoded string, not just text
alain_desiletsPoint 6. of Step 7 says to click on "Click her to remove the install script and proceed into tiki"
I searched the page for "click here", and none to be found.
ricks99@alain: thats from an older tiki version. ur doing 2.2, right? [17:30]
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xaviI added a wiki template long ago to help my student create pages based on that basic page. But the content in that mysql table is 0x21212320416374696f6e206e616d650d0a21212123... [17:30]
2 at least.
Using tiki-trunk branch.
Fresh checkout from this AM.
ricks99should b similar to http://twbasics.keycontent.org/tiki-index.php?page=Configuring%20DB%20Connection&structure=TikiWiki%20for%20Smarties, step #6 [17:31]
xaviand this encoded string looks like the intruder script added to many places (php files)... [17:32]
alain_desiletsK. Clicking on "Login ad the administrator and lock installer (Recommended)" [17:33]
luciash uses root only on localhost webs testing
alain_desiletsScreen says Changer password enforced. [17:34]
ricks99see step 7
@luciash: y, but then u have to maintain 2 separate local.php files :(
@xavi: content data is stored as blob in db -- not tet
probably ok?
alain_desiletsOld password is admin, not the pwd I specified earlier? [17:35]
ricks99u obviously did not read the final page of the installer ;-) [17:35]
xaviricks99: yes, thanks, I've just found out the link again, and that content template is ok [17:35]
ricks99@alain: this is ur tiki pw -- not ur db pw
default for new install is admin/admin
xavimy (partial) problem was that I couldn't find the link to "admin content templates" under admin section in left column main app. menu
finally I got it linked again from the general links at the footer of other admin pages
ricks99y. u r the second person today to have that issue [17:36]
xavi2nd person: alain? me? [17:37]
alain_desiletsI see. [17:37]
luciashricks99: i don't understand, i have only one local.php
hi xavi :)
xavihi luciash! [17:37]
luciashalain_desilets: http://irc.tikiwiki.org to see past discussions [17:37]
alain_desiletsNow at Home Page!!! [17:38]
ricks99@luciash: i keep local copies my tikis for testing. if i use root for local, but something else for my live site, i need 2 local.php
just preference. i guess it doesnt matter if u use root.
xaviricks99: as far as you don't get you site hacked (cracked, in fact)... [17:38]
alain_desiletsLooks like I'm business!!!
Thx a lot Rick! Couldn't have done it without you!
ricks99@xavi. thats why i never use root
@alain: woo-hoo :)
luciashricks99: well, i don't maintain many live sites and they usually have different user/pasword too than on my localhost, but i understand now [17:39]
alain_desiletsI will update the EasyPHP doc to reflect minor changes that I have seen. [17:39]
ricks99@alain: r u running head or 2.x? (rick *still* cannot get svn head to run on easyphp+win) [17:40]
xavialain_desilets: you're da man! congrats!
so that you have your local win testing scenario (including phpunit) finally working and using trunk! :-)
+1 to woo-hoo :-)
xavi is back to looking for cracker leftovers - if any - at the db
no leftovers... so now I'm just wondering whether the security hole in that tiki 2.1 was not a new one not patched in 2.2 already.... [17:49]
.... (idle for 15mn)
chibaguychibaguy wonders if marclaporte will use Google Latitude for us to keep track of where he is.... [18:04]
Caarrie!sleep chibaguy ;) [18:05]
xavixavi wonders, but knows that he might be in Paris... (someone told me this morning) [18:05]
Paris now
Brussels in a few hours
chibaguyGetting there, Caarrie. Just have to brush teeth. ;-) [18:06]
Caarriehehe ;) [18:06]
xavig'night chibaguy :-) [18:08]
Caarrieanyone here ever used docbook? [18:08]
xavinot me, Caarrie. good luck. And bye everybody. [18:12]
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chibaguyg'night all :-) [18:13]
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ikecohaving issues with replacing article "Own Inmage" once posted. I believe it is a known bug. Has anyone played with fixing this, and have a thought at where I should start? [18:22]
ricks99@ikeco: whats the issue? working for me... [18:36]
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nikhilodeonhi, where within TikiWiki do we enable users to request a forgotten password? [18:40]
ricks99turn on the "Remind passwords by email" option
see docs: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/login+config
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ikecoRick--Once an article has been given an image and saved, my users are unable to edit the article and select a different image. It all seems to go to plan, but the image never changes. [18:45]
ricks99after uploading the new image, need to select 'use own image" [18:46]
ikecolove your tikiblog btw---lots of useful stuff [18:46]
ricks99ty [18:46]
ikecouse own image would already be selected. The problem is not in replacing the topic image with a "own image", but replacing one "own image" for another. [18:47]
ricks99ahhh [18:47]
ikecoI will check again to very problem--hang on.
ricks99works for me
what is ur tiki version?
ikeco2.2--Problem verified. [18:49]
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ikecoA user can use the "choose" button to select an image, but afgter save, the image hasn't changed. and if you then try and edit the article again, the original "own image" is still displayed on tiki-edit_submission page. [18:51]
ricks99works in my 2.2svn
(i mean 3.xsvn)
might need to clear cache.. let me c with 2.2
ahh... i see now (looks like it is fixed for 3.x)... [18:57]
ikecorick---are ther many db changes between 2.2 and 3.0? Wondering If I can just grab the new version of the php... [19:03]
ricks99i think lots of changes [19:03]
ikecosigh [19:05]
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...... (idle for 28mn)
marclaportemarclaporte is having fun with plugin aliases
warning to all: I will become annoying at how amazing they are
sylviegis doc/devtools/sqlupgrade.sh only working for php5? [19:49]
marclaportesomeone fixing something at profiles.tw.o? the theme changed
sylvieg: : I don't know
ah, it's patrick that is playing on the theme there
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alain_desiletsRick, still there?
After installing Tiki, I decided that I preferred to se the Default profile instead of the other profile I had used (for easy use or something like that).
So I tried to run tiki-install.php again.
Told me I had to remove a lock file.
I did.
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alain_desiletsIt ran, and I choose the Default profile and clicked on Reinstall database. Page went blank, Firefox cranked for about 30 secs, and then I had a blank screen.
In firefox that is.
So I went back to tiki-index.php.
It's running, but... when I try to login as tikiadmin, using the pwd I had set previously, it's refused.
What to do?
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luciashalain_desilets: you reinstalled db so the pass is again "admin"
it should sent you to change password enforced anyway
alain_desiletsOH, I see.
u: admin, p:admin?
luciashyep [20:09]
alain_desiletsworks. Thx. [20:09]
luciashnp [20:09]
alain_desiletshow can I instantiate the smallest tiki db that would still run? [20:13]
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alain_desiletsHi rick, someone else answered my problem (db reinitilising pwd).
But I have another question.
ricks99sure [20:16]
alain_desiletsI need to create the smallest possible tiki DB that would run, and create a dump of it.
This is in the context of automated tests, where I need to rapidly restore the DB to a particular clean slate.
ricks99"small" meaning fewest number of tables, or "size" of overall data? [20:17]
alain_desiletsSmall meaning "that will take the shortest time to restore using the mysql command"
Not sure what it means in terms of tables, etc... but probably equal to fewest tables.
luciashyou use trunk, alain_desilets [20:18]
alain_desiletsTried with the Default tiki profile, and it takes 30 seconds to restore.
Yep, trunk.
luciash? [20:18]
ricks99the default installation profile is pretty much the base. it includes all the necessary tables, but most are blank. [20:18]
luciashor 2.2 ? [20:18]
ricks99and the only feature enabled is "wiki" [20:18]
alain_desilets30 seconds is way too long, considering that I may have to do this thousands of times. [20:19]
luciashi'd recommend install using default profile and then only use the profiles feature which will fill your db with some example data [20:19]
alain_desiletsmysqldump --opt -uroot tiki > tiki_default_profile.sql
produces a pretty large file
luciashyep, thats because galaxia tables etc.
whatever profile you use the db tables count is always same
you just pre-fill the db with different data
alain_desilets262K [20:20]
luciashlike user groups, permissions etc. [20:20]
ricks99262k db is pretty small [20:20]
alain_desiletsSo, I can't get any smaller than that? [20:21]
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luciashyou'd need to modify the sql file [20:21]
ricks99could edit the sql script to remove things that ur positive that u dont need (galaxia, categories, etc) [20:21]
alain_desiletsSounds pretty dangerous.
I don't know enough about Tiki to be able to do that.
luciashand remove, somment out some db tables creation, but then it means you know what you're doing and what db tables are not necessary when you will focus only on testing one feature e.g.
i see
alain_desiletsI think it's better to just accept that a DB restore will take 30 secs. [20:22]
ricks99look at tiki.sql. should b pretty easy to remove some that ur 100% don't need [20:22]
alain_desiletsI don't think comments slow down execution of the SQL file. [20:23]
luciashmaybe we can later create some lightweighted sql profiles [20:23]
alain_desiletshow do I know that I don't need something? [20:23]
ricks99using galaxia?
if not, then remove alll the "galaxia_" tables
using articles?
if not, then remove the tiki-articles_ tables
@luciash: is there antying in tikilib that checks db for required tables (i know we check for specific directories & perms)
alain_desiletsI see.
So each "feature" in tiki has an associated table.
ricks99or mutliptle tables
but be careful,
alain_desiletsIf I am only using the wiki feature, then I don't need the other tables. [20:25]
ricks99some features cross mutilple tables [20:25]
alain_desiletsBut then, there are tables that are needed by everything.
Ex: user tables.
Permissions tables,
ricks99y. keep those [20:25]
I will experiment with that approach.
ricks99if too slow still, u can always increase the buffer size in mysql's ini file [20:27]
alain_desiletsgrepping for CREATE TABLE in the .sql file, I count 223.
How will buffer size help?
ricks99may also try increasing the max-allowed-packet size
afaik, the read/write buffers control how much mysql can handle at a given moment. might try increasing
(or buy a faster pc) ;-)
alain_desiletsHow do I change the buffer size and max-allowed-packet sizes?
I guess right click on EasyPHP icon, then Configuration and then mysql?
ricks99yup [20:31]
luciashricks99: i don't think there are such checks in tikilib [20:31]
alain_desiletsthere are many statements that relate to buffer size in the mysql.ini file. [20:32]
luciashluciash dreams about full sqlite support ;) [20:32]
ricks99@luciash: k. thats what i thought. theres a tiki admin page to "check db tables" but i guess that just runs the db repair function? [20:32]
alain_desiletswhich shoudl I increase? [20:32]
luciashricks99: i think so [20:32]
ricks99any/all? not sure. im not a mysql xpert :( [20:32]
alain_desiletsNot an expert? You could have fooled me ;-)! [20:33]
luciashluciash neither ;) [20:33]
ricks99its all smoke and mirrors [20:33]
alain_desiletsno statement containing the word packet in there either.
Rick Sapir, the Illusionnist.
you seen that movie (The Illusionist).
r u looking in my.ini
alain_desiletsNo max_allowed_packet in my .ini.
File is called my.ini right?
ricks99its in mine
details: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/program-variables.html
alain_desiletsI'll try setting it manually at the command line during restore. [20:35]
ricks99r u looking in: C:Program FilesEasyPHP 2.0b1conf_filesmy.ini
alain: ur on windows, right?
can also set the os priority to the mysql process to high to improve performance
alain_desiletsyep, windows.
Just tried with --max_allowed_packet=16M, then 160M, then 1600M.
About 30 secs each time.
ricks99out of ideas [20:41]
alain_desiletsI changed my.ini to increase all buffer vars by x10.
Do I need to restart EasyPHP or just MySQL or neither?
ricks99just mysql [20:43]
alain_desiletsStill about 30 secs. I guess deleting tables is the only way to go. [20:47]
ricks99could maybe write custom script that simply empties the tables instead of dropping them. then just re-populate each time (wouldn't need to re-create the actual table)
dont know how much/if any time u would save
as i said, im *not* a db xpert
gotta sign off. good luck alian. email if u have other issues
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lq_253I got a piece of html code from clustrmap.com that i want to insert into Wiki. It doesn't work if I simply paste it in. Anyone knows how I can get this to work? [21:03]
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Iramonhi @ll, I still can't access http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Features ... loged in or loged out doesn't make a difference... can someone please save the page and send it to me via email? (iramon@gmx.de)
I ever get a blank page as if the site takes too much memory...
http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Features&bl=y <--- same result
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SEWilco2Iramon: Features looks OK now. Server was probably backed up, and now it caught up enough to cache it.
Hmm. 69 online users. Not an unusual level.
Iramonwait I'll try again
still blank for me :S dunno why it just happens for me...
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nikhilodeonhi, i am trying to change the sender that is used when a user forgets their password for our site
could someone tell me how to change this? I have looked in tiki-remind_password.php and password_reminder.tpl
.... (idle for 16mn)
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nikhilodeonor is this changed in the GUI [22:15]
SEWilco2nikhilodeon: Isn't mail address in Admin>General? (second icon from the left) [22:24]
nikhilodeonhmm...i am looking on general,tiki-admin.php?page=general but do not see it
oooh i see it
sender email
SEWilco2Yup, just enter the name of your General there. :-) [22:31]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16596 10/branches/experimental/jquery/ (179 files in 64 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 16487 to 16589 (second try after timeout) [22:38]
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