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***Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [00:40]
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danopia has joined #tikiwiki [02:34]
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MartinComeau has joined #tikiwiki [03:07]
I have a sandbox on my tikiwiki site but with some groups, they can't see the "preview"... no other button than "help" on the page :-( With the admin, it works, I see the butotn.
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MartinComeau_Hi again - I have a sandbox on my tikiwiki but unable, for some groups, to have the "preview" button, any clue?
Tikiwiki|botYou can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . [03:13]
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Can you see what I am writing here?
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newnickCan you see what I am writing?
Tikiwiki|botYou can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . [03:49]
newnickBye! [03:50]
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Elan has joined #tikiwiki [04:25]
ElanHI all im using the task modul .. when i try to add a new task with out adding the tittle the task gets saved im try in include a pop message so as to give user a info the task should be added which tpl file i need to use
pl guide thanks in advance
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ElanHI all im using the task modul .. when i try to add a new task with out adding the tittle the task gets saved im try in include a pop message so as to give user a info the task should be added which tpl file i need to use [05:19]
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ElanHI all im using the task modul .. when i try to add a new task with out adding the tittle the task gets saved im try in include a pop message so as to give user a info the task should be added which tpl file i need to use [06:14]
HI all im using the task modul .. when i try to add a new task with out adding the tittle the task gets saved im try in include a pop message so as to give user a info the task should be added which tpl file i need to use [06:26]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r16641 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_quizzes.tpl: [MOD] list quizzes: indenting code - no changes [08:25]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r16642 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_quizzes.tpl: [MOD] list quizzes: move actions in an Actions column and Description in Quiz column [08:49]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r16643 10/trunk/templates/tiki-edit_quiz.tpl: [MOD] edit quiz: move description field in quiz column [09:00]
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luciashpolom [09:50]
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mycomputerI'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but do you think it's possible to create something like that http://www.accesoabierto.net/dulcinea/ with tikiwiki?
I am very interested in the alphabetic search
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luciashi don't think we have alphabetical search implemented iirc [11:04]
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mycomputerluciash: thank your for your answer [11:25]
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xavianybody here using tikitrunk for production? [11:37]
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xavihi marclaporte [11:38]
marclaportepolom [11:39]
xaviI'm getting an error at forums when plain reg. users attempt to read a post
but admin can see the posts with no problem
I thin it's a trunk from early january
marclaporte2.2 or trunk? [11:39]
xaviand I'm wondering to u pgrade to latest trunk
but I don't know if all the merging has started on trunk and then, it's temporarily bug-full
it's a demo site for a cooperative where they are reviewing tiki to consider using it for production in the following months
so it's a kind of trunk-demo site
oh, well, no problem. I?ll test myself on a test site with a backup copy of the database
luciashhey xavi :)
hi marclaporte :)
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xavihi luciash [11:51]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03niclone * r16644 10/trunk/templates/setup_fckeditor.tpl: [FIX] fck: prefer <br> instead of <p> (better for converting from/to html <-> wiki syntaxe, and less problems with wiki parser) [12:21]
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kutti has joined #tikiwiki
kuttihi everybody, i need one help regarding changing the module name,
Actullay tikiwki has already inbuild module, when i am assign this module into my page, it's showing default module name, this not good i want to change the module name.. can anyone help me.......?
which file i need to navigate?
is there anybodys?
help me?
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ . [12:42]
kuttii thing luciash, can help me?
are you available?
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kuttiwhat elango.. what are you doing?
girl friend ya..
can able to help my question
Actullay tikiwki has already inbuild module, when i am assign this module into my page, it's showing default module name, this not good i want to change the module name.. can anyone help me.......? which file i need to navigate?
luciashhuh ?
try name=MyModule as module param
ElanHi Luci
i was also lookin for the same issue
but there is no name= param in admin_modules
param field
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03niclone * r16645 10/trunk/setup_fckeditor.php: [FIX] fck: use the right css file with multitiki [13:03]
luciashElan: you have to write it in the parameters field [13:03]
Elanya luci did the same
admin_modules page selected the module for config
luciashmaybe your module doesn't support it... i only know quick_edit module supports renaming [13:05]
Elanand in param field entered the name= [13:05]
luciashor try title=MyModule [13:05]
Elanoh ok but title param is not working
i tried it first
ok got it sorry
some time i have a issue with page refresh in my system
kuttiThanks luciash, i got solution... [13:07]
Elansorry luci anf thanks alot [13:07]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16646 10/trunk/ (lib/setup/prefs.php tiki-view_tracker.php): [FIX]tracaker: chack antibot + antibot activated by default [13:23]
R|SKIt's me again. ;) Is there any way to takeover data from Dokuwiki? [13:25]
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marclaporteR|SK: an updated mediawiki procedure will be published any day now
there is an old phpwiki to tikiwiki script somewhere
R|SKI fear mediawiki won't be of help for me, as the dokuwiki syntax veries from the one mediawiki uses in some details.
I found the phpwiki skript, but can it also be used for dokuwiki? I'm not sure as I never checked on phpwiki.
marclaporteI expect you'll need to fiddle a lot anywhich way
maybe even dokuwiki -> mediawiki -> tikiwiki
R|SKIndeed. :-| [13:45]
marclaporteR|SK: I regularly get requests offlist for all this [13:46]
R|SKI can imagine that. [13:46]
marclaportemigration scripts are a problem by definition
once you use them, you don't want to maintain them
R|SK:D [13:46]
marclaporteAre you concerned with syntax conversion, loading page data, loading users, loading meta data? [13:47]
R|SKDokuwiki and ist pendants are good when you just need a small wiki. But if you have bigger projects in mind or want to include lots of your enterprise communication under a single solution you need sth. Like Tikiwiki or Twiki.
So you start with Dokwiki but as soon as it comes to bigger plans you need to migrate. And that's more than a pain in the ass. :(
I guess we need to make a script to do this, as we have lots of wiki pages by now.
marclaporteFiles in files gallery can be indexed Does this work for wiki page attachments as well?
R|SK: that is a lesson for TikiWiki: it should be clear to people that it's also good just as a wiki
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R|SKYes but somtimes a big sofware frightens people, expecially as they do not think about the long term issues. [13:58]
marclaporteR|SK: we can develop a simple-wiki profile at profiles.tikiwiki.org
mw to tw script handles version history as well
R|SKIt's not the software profile, I guess, as you can disable all the features you don't need.
It's the way tiki is promoted. ;)
(And the way, people are thinking.)
Errr... the cache used for tiki should be deleted everytime a new feature is enabled per default... [14:08]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16647 10/trunk/lib/commentslib.php: [FIX]forum: ambigous approved column [14:26]
ricks99q: how to add an "onclick" event to the {button ...} smarty?
using {button _href="javascript:onclick='....'" does not seem to work.
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chibaguyIs anyone else getting a fatal error with recent trunk installs?
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'tikisession-adodb.php' (include_path='C:xampphtdocsTiki-trunkG/lib/pear;.;C:xamppphppear;C:xampphtdocsTiki-trunkG/lib/core/lib') in C:xampphtdocsTiki-trunkGtiki-setup_base.php on line 80
Was working until I updated today.
(but previous update was several days or more ago)
I thought my old WAMP package was out of date (uses an old PHP version) so I installed a new xxamp and still get the error.
luciashhi gary, sorry, i use linux only [14:41]
chibaguyafaik the server should be ok. A new Tiki 2.2 works fine. [14:42]
luciashi'm doing svn up and will try here [14:43]
chibaguyok [14:44]
luciashchibaguy: upgrade says "Operations failed: 101 SQL queries." [14:46]
chibaguyUnusual for so many to fail. [14:46]
luciashbut it should be ok, mostly duplicates and table already exist [14:46]
chibaguyoh, ok. [14:47]
luciashlooks fine, i'll try fresh install now
chibaguy: i feel some messup with your inlude paths and adodb
chibaguy: obvious question: cleared cache ?
chibaguy: i don't have any problems with default installation profile either
chibaguyHmm. Yes, templates_c is empty.
I guess my upgrade went work somewhere, or something.
Well, was good to update my server package anyway.
eh, went work -> went wrong
luciashheh, i was wondering
btw, is it possible easily uninstall a mod ?
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ricks99q: do *all* groups automatically inherit Registered?
is it possible to have a group that does *not* include registered?
R|SKNot afaik. [15:20]
ricks99k. (need a note as such on the admingroups page....) [15:20]
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chibaguysorry luciash, closed irc by mistake.
Trunk now is working ok here. The trouble was with a copy of trunk that I use for working on. It's incomplete or broken somewhere.
R|SKDoes anyone knows how to display calendar entries within a timeline?
So for example it can be used dto see how long someone is on vacation.
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16648 10/trunk/tiki-view_tracker_item.php: [FIX]tracker: check perms to go to the right tab
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16649 10/trunk/tiki-download_item_attachment.php: [FIX]tracker: you can also download the attachment even if an admin has downloaded the file for your item
luciashR|SK: no idea [15:35]
ricks99i guess every group also includes Anonymous by default, too? [15:35]
luciashricks99: i wouldn't say so [15:35]
R|SKIndeed, this wouldn't be so good. [15:36]
ricks99hm..that cant be right...
if i give tiki_p_view to anonymous, i don't have to re-grant to Registered.
seems to me, any group I make automatically includes Registered and Anonymous
R|SKThis would caus conflicts when anonymous is prohibited to write, but registeres is allowed.
chibaguyGroups can inherit group perms by including the group, but group members don't get inherited. Does that make sense? [15:38]
luciashwhen i create new group i don't have them listed in "Includes" column [15:38]
ricks99@luciash: so u have to douplicate perms to anony & others? thats not what I am seeing on my tikis [15:38]
chibaguyI think you can make groups inherit the perms of another group, can't you? (been a long time since I did anything with groups and perms.) [15:39]
ricks99if i give tiki_p_view to Anon, my Registered group *automatically* can view. if I give tiki_p_edit to Registered, *every* group I manually create can now edit (since anyone who logs on is automatically a member o rgeirsted)
@chibaguy: y. but my question/observation is, it seems that Anonymous and REgistered are automatically included in any group I create, regardless if I select to "include"
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ricks99confirmed. i just added a perm to anonymous. my registered group does not explicity include anonymous. but now when i look at registered perms, it says "inhereted from anonymous" [15:42]
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luciashricks99: i'd consider it a bug that Anonymous isn't listed in the "Includes" column on tiki-admingroups.php then [15:43]
chibaguyRight. I think that relationship is built-in. Anonymous is always a subset of Registered, and Registered always a subset of any other group that's created. [15:43]
luciashi confirm the behaviour
but lets make it clear then
that they're included
ricks99@luciash: y. or a note needs to be added tat any group will automatically include Anon and REg
both Anon and Reg should also be automatically selected (by default) in the INCLUDE field when creating an new group
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luciashyup [15:46]
ricks99so there is no way to have anon visitor do something that a reg vistior cannot? for example, i have a tracker that i want ONLY anon to acess. this is not possible? [15:47]
luciashwhat happens when i remove my test user from group Registered and assign to Test group ? can he still login ? [15:47]
ricks99@luciash: i woudl assume so. i think Test will automaticlaly inherit Registered [15:47]
luciashricks99: only if you assign individual perms for that tracker/category
i guess
ricks99how? if all groups automatically inherit Anonymous? i dont see how to make it anon-only
i applied tiki_p_view_trackers = anonymous to the tracker, but registered users can still see it :(
i thought that wiki individual permissions work like that actually
ricks99appears it is *not* possible to have something special only for anonymous?
luciashthat you can have something to be displayed to anonymous only
maybe modules only ?
and some plugin GROUPS content ?
ricks99y, i can "hide" the {TRACKER} form with {GROUP}, but registered usrs can still access it via the tracker page :(
im trying to make a form/tracker that is accessible ONLY to anonymous. there should be no way a registered user (except admin) can view the tacker and its data
... other than hard-coding checks for that specific tracke id in the template :(
luciashi have removed my test user from Registered group (so theoretically it's in no gropu) and still he can login and tiki_p_view :-/ [15:54]
ricks99y. thats what I would expect. i think Registered = Logged in [15:54]
chibaguybut if test user isn't in Registered group, how can he log in and have tiki_p_view? [15:56]
ricks99anyone with a login is Registered. it appears to me [15:57]
chibaguyDidn't luciash say he removed test user from Registered group? [15:57]
luciashyep :-/ [15:58]
ricks99y. and users still was able to login and inhereited all reg perms, right? [15:58]
chibaguyOh, is he in another group? [15:58]
ricks99i think what im asking form (anon-only) is not possible [15:59]
luciashno, my test user have got _no_ group, still it behaved like he's in Registered which inherits Anonymous tiki_p_view [15:59]
ricks99y. that's expected
*everyone* is anonymous
chibaguyoh, ok. he became anonymous again. [16:00]
ricks99*anyone* with a login is registered [16:00]
chibaguyo wait, he can log in? [16:00]
ricks99therefore, any custom group automatically inherits Registered and Anonymous [16:00]
luciashyes, looged in but anonymous :-p [16:00]
luciashi guess this automatic inheritance of anonymous for registere group should be rethinked
i think it is not good thing®
ricks99not sure i agree luciash. for example,
if u want the world to have read access, currently you only need to assign tiki-p-view to anon,
and it will be picked up by everyone else
otherwise, i would have to duplicate perms to mulitple groups, a real PITA
luciashso how would you make a content visible to anon only ? [16:04]
ricks99what i want is a new, "special" group Anon-Only :) [16:04]
luciashi see, but at installation/upgrade time it can be copied to Registered group and everyone is happy [16:04]
ricks99much like the "admin" group special, it will automaticlly inherit any newly created groupo -- you dont have to explicity add the group to admin [16:05]
luciashbut that new special group how you would assign to anonymous users ? [16:05]
ricks99no need to assign uers. it is for anonymous (not logged in) [16:05]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16650 10/trunk/templates/tiki-register.tpl: layout [16:05]
ricks99i dont know the ins-and-outs. im just trying to describe how i would envision it to be [16:06]
luciashso everybody (anonymous) will have automatically two groups: Anonynmous and Anon-Only ? [16:06]
ricks99no, only to Anonymous.
Anon-Only is "special"
the current workings are fine, but i think im asking for an enhancment. something new
luciashheh, you said anonymous == everybody [16:07]
ricks99y, i know...
i guess i want a non-Group :)
{if $user} group includes Anonymouse {else} group is Anon-Only {/if}
but is my use case clear? way perm to allow *only* anonymous users (+ admin) to access?
luciashwell, i think i found a way how to do it now [16:10]
ricks99how? [16:10]
luciashwell, theoretically it should work, but it doesn't as i just tested :-p [16:15]
ricks99brb [16:16]
luciashcreate new group Anon-only, give it tiki_p_view, remove tiki_p_view from Anonymous group and inherit Anon-only for it
ricks99: but it's a bug because this inheritance of Anon-only group doesn't work for anonymous users anyway (as i think it should)
on tiki-admingroups.php?group=Anonymous it states that "Anonymous" will have all the permissions of the included groups. but that is not true...
a bug
because it doesn't show any permissions included from Anon-only on tiki-assignpermission.php?group=Anonymous
chibaguyThe fatal error I posted above was due to having "Store session data in database" checked. [16:30]
luciashchibaguy: ah, oh [16:31]
chibaguyI commented it out in tiki-setup_base.php and could log in and deactivate it.
Don't know why it would cause an error though. This is with a fresh install of xampp, which I thought was pretty standard and up to date.
...unless I missed some Tiki config option?
I ddn't do any config changes with xampp.
just defaults
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fantoms has joined #tikiwiki [16:58]
chibaguyTheme-specific folder icons is kind of quirky. They don't predictably replace the defaults.
In a menu I'm looking at, all folder icons are default except for one, which is specific for the theme. :-)
At a site where more than one theme is used, the folder icons tend to lag behind the theme changes, for some interesting effects.
I imagine image caching is the problem.
luciashi think store sessions data in db is buggy for some time already [17:04]
chibaguyIf mainly one theme is used at a site, then it can have alternative icons with no problems, probably.
ah, ok.
luciashwhat do you think about the anon-only problem ? [17:06]
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chibaguyI never thought about such a need. But since rick mentioned it, I guess it could be useful to isolate anons somehow.
chibaguy heads to the bath. bbl.
luciashluciash always did it on smarty/templates level
c u later :)
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ricks99tx for looking into it luciash [17:10]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 wonders why chibaguy said "be bathing later" when he just said he's bathing now. :-)
I recently also tried to tinker with Anonymous permissions, but it didn't work. Kind of behaved as if Anonymous wasn't a user. Which it isn't.
I think I was trying to do something odd with Categorized permissions to anon, but I don't remember what it was.
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chibaguySEWilco2, because I wasn't bathing "now" , not til later, so... bbl. ;-)
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r16651 10/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Moving AntiBot feature checkbox to more appropriate admin panel [19:15]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16652 10/trunk/ (6 files in 3 dirs): [MOD]forum: from sumo: possibilty to filter in a forum view on topic type, topic with no answer, topic I participated + some optimisations [20:40]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r16653 10/branches/2.0/templates/mail/user_watch_wiki_page_changed.tpl: [FIX] Correct link in mail notifications. [20:51]
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CIA-51tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r16654 10/branches/2.0/templates/mail/user_watch_wiki_page_changed.tpl: [FIX] Putting at htmldiff since this is the default in 2.x In v3.0., it will be configurable by site [20:59]
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luciashis it possible easily uninstall a mod ? [21:28]
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SEWilco2luciash: I think there's a link you can click on the left side of the mods admin page to disable a mod.
luciash: I think the disabled mod's files might still exist, so it might not be "uninstalled".
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NickolousGentlemen, what is the most expeditious method to remove elements from tiki-browse_categories.php - if i wanted to, say, simplify the options available. [22:52]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r16655 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] Incompatible syntax on older versions of MySQL [22:54]
NickolousFor example - I'm hoping to invoke category selection directly by URL, and thus would like to remove "Hide subcategories objects," "Current Category," the list of available categories. [22:55]
SEWilco2Nickolous: Sounds more like you just want to disable categories.
Nickolous: If you want to alter the appearance, see if there are CSS markings so you can have CSS hide stuff.
Nickolous: Or alter the ...um.. templates/tiki-browse_categories.tpl file?
Nickolous: You might start any of those by creating a new style/theme, as a custom theme supports local alterations of CSS and template files.
NickolousSEWilco2, nope. I like categories, the list of categorized pages is just ugly and full of buttons. I have an index that loads tiki-browse_categories.php with different categories chosen at the outset - or to put it another way, i want to just be able to list (and link to) all pages of a given category without any fuss or options. [23:04]
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16656 10/trunk/tiki-theme_control.php: notice [23:05]
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SEWilco2Nickolous: Oh, so you have certain categories which you want to always display? As a navigation aid? [23:05]
NickolousSEWilco2, kind of. [23:06]
SEWilco2Sounds like maybe a module with some standard content, which happens to be sucked from categories. Whatever.
Well, I think a custom theme would be the way to modify the category appearance in a standard way.
Nickolousi'm looking at the CSS now and it looks like I can probably do it that way. probably. [23:08]
SEWilco2I assume there isn't an existing configuration option to disable that category display. [23:08]
Nickolousnot that i've found so far, no. [23:08]
SEWilco2Well, if you use a custom theme and modify the CSS within that theme then an update won't blast your changes. [23:08]
Nickoloustrue. [23:09]
cndIs there a way to get updates for 2.2 ? There's a few annoying bugs I expect someone has fixed already (eg: in the settings pages - some options turn on and off even though they're not listed on the page itself) - or if not - should really *be* fixed... [23:09]
SEWilco2I think dev.tikiwiki.org's "Hello World" might have a summary of theme creation and the relevant directories. I saw them someplace.
cnd: I'm not aware of minor versions of 2.2. I don't know if backporting requests tend to appear in the bug reports on dev.tw.o. You could try a bug/feature request for such fixes.
Got a pumpkin to catch.
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fantoms has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
CIA-51tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16657 10/trunk/ (lib/tikilib.php tiki-tc.php): [FIX]wiki: update theme control when deleting a page [23:14]

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