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***SEWilco2 has joined #tikiwiki
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16749 10/branches/experimental/jquery/ (4 files in 4 dirs):
tikiwiki: [NEW] mod-webmail_inbox v0.1 - module showing contents of webmail account
tikiwiki: Early days... (experimental jquery branch only for now)
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kutti has joined #tikiwiki [03:08]
kuttihi everbody, could you provide me some good meterial for tpl language? [03:10]
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kuttimarclaporte, Thank you [03:59]
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SEWilco2marclaporte: Thanks for answering that. When reading the backscroll, I was trying to figure out how one told good joke material in tpl. :-) [05:55]
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luciashpolom [08:32]
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huh ? nice image but why ? → http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-browse_image.php?galleryId=1&imageId=63 [08:48]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16750 10/trunk/installer/schema/20090212_forum_tiki.sql: missing forums_queue update [09:25]
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Iramonanyone going to madrid this weekend? [11:06]
marclaporteyes [11:08]
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ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [12:49]
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ricks99hi all
i have a completely revamped installer. seems ok, but really needs more testing though, ok to check into head?
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q: is there a setting to treat singular/plural tags the same (like we do with wiki words)? [13:40]
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zauber3rits possible export pages to pdf with head and foot lines? [14:53]
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luciashricks99: it's very nice, go and commit ;) [15:02]
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xertokhi @ all
Tikiwiki|botYou can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . [15:03]
ricks99k...on luciash's say so..... :) [15:11]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r16751 10/trunk/ (installer/tiki-installer.php templates/tiki-install.tpl): [MOD]revamped installer. new ui. installation steps. performs some basic checks. allows for some configuration. [15:12]
ricks99pls test [15:12]
philippebackwill do [15:12]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 finds the new installer is so shiny, he has to wear shades. [15:13]
ricks99lol [15:13]
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kerrnel has joined #tikiwiki [15:33]
Anyone ever upgraded mysql from 4.1 to 5.0? Ever have problems running the mysql_upgrade script? I'm running it as root with correct password but it keeps telling me I don't have permission
luciashkerrnel: hi, i probably did, but i don't remember anymore unfortunatelly :-) [15:40]
kerrnelYou don't recall any errors when running the upgrade script? [15:42]
luciashnope [15:43]
this is killin me. :(
luciashmaybe root needs to be allowed first somewhat ?
check the docs once again ;)
kerrnelroot has universal privs on my 4.1 install. So I'm upgrading to 5.0 and now running the mysqlcheck to go from 4.1 to 5.0 but now root can't access it [15:46]
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luciashi'm not sure but maybe even user root must be first created/allowed to use mysql databases first [15:48]
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luciashin 5.x [15:49]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r16752 10/trunk/templates/tiki-install.tpl: [FIX] unclosed div [16:05]
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kerrnelThere's something about the way 5.0 does something different with sockets and host names
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r16753 10/trunk/templates/tiki-install.tpl: [FIX] validation errors [16:17]
luciashricks99: this is very controversal: "Tiki was able to send a test message to info@tikiwiki.org"
ricks99: i think it shouldn't do eutomatically without user's permission in the installer
ricks99other then actually sending an email, how to test? [16:22]
luciashit could be considered as a privacy breach without knowing what is going on in the background
ricks99: when it's necessary it should be explained before sending and it should be optional on user's will [Yes/No] to send it to info@tw.o or email specified by user
ricks99so u think have prompt first will b ok? [16:31]
next step, now there's a bug it seems: "Tiki cannot find a database connection. This is normal for a new installation."
but i didn't delete my db/local.php
it should say there's connection found if i want to upgrade or reinstall
*and ask if i want to upgrade or reinstall
o the left menu disappeared at this step
ricks99how to check? (i dont think the old installer did that) [16:33]
luciashyes, it did
i remember that because i did this pretty frequently last days
(going to tiki-install.php and testing the installation process)
ricks99k. ill look [16:35]
tx luciash. other than that, what did u think? [16:41]
luciashi didn't go further than to the step "Reset database connection"
i don't see a way how to upgrade/run another install script now ?
philippebackmaybe you have to set the password with OLD_PASSWORD ?
the PHP client may be unable to get to mysql.
ricks99after running the script, on step 6, thres a link to run anotherscript [16:46]
luciashalso in tiki-install.php?install_step=6 there's no menu on left side in FF
and why some links in the menu are accessible and some not ?
ricks99there were sine validation errors. i put anew file in a few minutes ago [16:47]
luciashah, so when i want to upgrade i go directly to step 6 ? [16:48]
ricks99some screens reqd, some not. welcome & license always.
"review install" can't be accessed directly, only after executing ascript
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r16754 10/trunk/ (installer/tiki-installer.php templates/tiki-install.tpl): [MOD] mail test now optional [16:50]
luciashthanks ricks99 [16:52]
ricks99no. ty [16:52]
luciashso the only major bug now is that user cannot upgrade database without going through the all steps and filling all db connection data again even when he has to confirm current database username and password (at least that is what i had to) to access the installer [16:54]
ricks99y, but imho step 1 & 2 (welcome & licesne) shoud always b requried (upgrade or new install)
i can see skipping system requirements, but should user be allowed to confrim (or change) their db connection?
maybe in the beginning make a choic "do you want new install or upgrade ?"
otherwise it looks much better than what we have had before imho, thy ricks99
i mean thank you ricks99 :)
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r16755 10/trunk/templates/tiki-install.tpl: [MOD]tell user if existing db connection found, and allow to keep it or create a new connection. [17:09]
ricks99tx. still neds i18n support. cant figure out how to include the switch-lang module [17:09]
luciashit is great that tiki-install.php?lang=cs works [17:09]
ricks99y, but id like to have a lang drop list on step 1 [17:10]
luciashwould be cool if it worked for tiki.install.php in case of "Tiki Installer Security Precaution" too
ricks99: it is already working ! :)
just the precaution cases were hardcoded in english
ricks99but user has to know bfore hand to add &lang=xx to the url. not very useful [17:11]
luciashah, yup, so just include the lang_switch module ? [17:12]
ricks99i did but got blank drop list. i think the problem is thtat the installer does not fully load all the stuff. plus, the module requires that feature_multi = y and that user_can_swithc=y, both of which are not yet set
i dont know how to get these things to work even before populating the db
luciashyou can also make hardcoded bar of languages flags or dropdown list with the languages which would redirect to ?lang=... [17:17]
ricks99flags are bad.... so is hardcoding :) [17:18]
luciashso make a php function which will read all the languages from the lang/ dir ;)
don't use the module then
ricks99u mean copy/paste from the existing module's php? i guessthat would work, but seems like a lot of work.
is there a way to "temporarily" set a prefernce?
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SEWilco2Grr. Blank screen on my copy of trunk. Is it my last edit or someone else?
ricks99: Can't you just set the global preference's variable in order to make it be set during the current request? Won't be set for next interaction without a parameter or something.
ricks99@SEWilco2: but theres not even a database built yet (in the case of a brand new install) [17:57]
SEWilco2ricks99: Or instead of copy/paste, yank the common code out into a library so there's only one copy to maintain? [17:57]
ricks99enitrely beyond my hack & slash abilities [17:58]
SEWilco2ricks99: For temp setting a preference, I think you could force the global tiki_p_whatever at the start of the install php code, so all the rest of the code sees that preference variable as being set.
ricks99: The true setting of the variable won't appear until the program being called is no longer the install program, and prefs read from DB.
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r16756 10/trunk/ (installer/tiki-installer.php templates/tiki-install.tpl): [MOD]Now checks for upgrade and allows user to jump directly to the install/upgrade script page. [18:32]
SEWilco2In trunk I tried to upgrade my DB. Error looks like missing ').
Oh, no, there is the ')'. Hmm.
INSERT INTO `tiki_menu_options` (`menuId`, `type`, `name`, `url`, `position`, `section`, `perm`, `groupname`, `userlevel`) SELECT 42,'o','Content Templates','tiki-admin_content_templates.php',1256,'','tiki_p_edit_content_templates','',0 WHERE @fgcant = 0;
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE @fgcant = 0' at line 1
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r16757 10/trunk/templates/tiki-install.tpl: [FIX]add missing labels. done? [18:49]
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luciashricks99: good job :) the installer is very nice now ! [19:13]
ricks99tx for ur help
should also b tested in multitiki -- i have no environment locally
luciashno multitiki here either
i think we could add Install/Upgrade link in the Admin menu too
ricks99there's already an upgrade button on admin: general [19:18]
luciashah, didn't notice that [19:18]
ricks99*reworking the admin panels is my next step... [19:18]
luciashi've just made both, upgrade and re-populate database with default installation profile and both went flawlessly
ricks99: i'm already working on it if you can wait a bit ;)
ricks99woo hoo! [19:19]
luciashi'll commit my changes/fixes tonight i hope and i'll try to respect your ideas of the revamp pages
i'd like to move the checkboxes left and avoid tables
ricks99uv seen my tpl: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Regrouping+the+General+Admin+page [19:21]
luciashi'll download it [19:21]
xertokhello everybody - can someone help me with the error-msg 'Auth_Container_LDAP: LDAP Extension not loaded' - i had no idea, already checked the whole settings :( [19:22]
luciashsorry, xertok, no LDAP here
ricks99: this is wrong sentence i guess: "This script will populate (or upgrade), to populate the database."
ricks99the "... to populate.." should b removed
<sheesh> and to think that english *is* my first language
luciash:) [19:24]
ricks99@xertok: sounds like the php ldap exentsion is notloaded [19:25]
xertoki checked php-modules loaded - there only two: mod_authnz_ldap util_ldap [19:26]
ricks99dont know. sorry. try posting in the support forum: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=17 [19:28]
luciashricks99: there's still a little typo on step 3 "to send a test messgae" [19:31]
ricks99"my kingdom for a spell checker" [19:33]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 prefers messgae when battered and lightly fried in canola oil. [19:38]
xertokbye & nn all [19:40]
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SEWilco2When trying to do a DB update, should the install script step 6 be run, where it asks for site name and admin email address? Looks like it's going to initialize what already exists. [19:48]
ricks99hm.. good point....
i guess step should b skipeed for upgrades?
or maybe populate from db. would b better
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SEWilco2ricks99: I think when doing a DB update, the button used to only do the DB update screen and not the entire installation process. [20:18]
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Simmi has quit IRC ("Leaving.") [20:39]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r16758 10/trunk/templates/tiki-install.tpl: [FIX]typos. installer will now skip general settings for upgrades
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16759 10/trunk/ (10 files in 6 dirs):
tikiwiki: [MOD]poll: from sumo: each poll can have a vote consideration span= last days nb
tikiwiki: for which statitics are computed + can choose the time span results are
tikiwiki: displayed + perm to see the poll voters (REPLACE THE FEATURE POLL IS PUBLIC +
tikiwiki: DISABLE LOCAL VOTERS LIST (as the option was already there - rollback 15708)
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16760 10/trunk/ (db/tiki.sql tiki-poll_results.php):
tikiwiki: [MOD]poll: from sumo: each poll can have a vote consideration span= last days nb
tikiwiki: for which statitics are computed + can choose the time span results are
tikiwiki: displayed + perm to see the poll voters (REPLACE THE FEATURE POLL IS PUBLIC +
tikiwiki: DISABLE LOCAL VOTERS LIST (as the option was already there - rollback 15708)
SEWilco2Looks like we need some water-cooled keyboards. [21:07]
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kerrnelI'm still running into mysql database sluggishness
Didn't have the problem in 1.9 but upgrading to 2.x just kills the system. I have upgraded to mysql5.0 and php5. Am I missing something? Our largest tracker has 2800 entries. Our tiki_tracker_field_items contains 180,000 records. An I doing something fundamentally wrong?
performance gets so bad that load hits 30+ and even ssh becomes slow
SEWilco2kerrnel: Flush your tiki caches?
kerrnel: Were you storing your images and files in files, and are you still configured to store them there?
kerrnel: I'm wondering if a database table needs to have an index rebuilt, but don't know the database well enough to know if that is relevant.
kerrnel: I'm out of suggestions. Let's see if someone else has ideas. Most of your content is in trackers, then? What kind of data?
kerrnelCaches were all cleared [22:22]
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kerrnelI'd say the majority of content is probably trackers, yes. [22:30]
SEWilco2kerrnel: Check if you have munin or some other monitoring tool installed. Maybe you can find something that's overly busy. [22:32]
kerrnelNot to my knowledge. I run this server and I didn't install any db monitoring software. [22:38]
Specifically the queries that are slowing everything down are the ones that build the first page for each individual tracker. [22:46]
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SEWilco2kerrnel: Actually, munin can monitor a bunch of stuff. It can show some DB summary also. It's more of a system tool than DB. [23:01]
kerrnelAt this point the db is slowing down the entire system
So it wouldn't matter what I used
SEWilco2At least you found the piece to examine. If you have phpmyadmin, I think that has a statistics viewing page. Look for red. [23:03]
kerrnelI turned on the sql debug in tiki which created another table, and that tells me which queries are hogging up the resources, but it doesn't really tell me how to fix it. Not even sure its fixable unless the query is rewritten. [23:05]
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SEWilco2kerrnel: Because it slowed so dramatically, I suspect the DB update rendered some indexes invalid.
kerrnel: I don't know if restarting the DB server would help. Do I remember an option to clear execution plan cache?
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SEWilco2In phpmyadmin, at bottom of Operations tab for a table are several maintenance options. Check, Analyze, Repair, Optimize, Flush. Optimize might help. That's a MySQL command.
There are several tracker_* tables. Don't know which have your kind of data.

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