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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r16796 10/trunk/installer/schema/ (2 files): [FIX] db schema change files need to have _tiki suffix. All existing trunk installs will have this change applied at their next upgrade. [00:08]
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navster has joined #tikiwiki [00:47]
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franckHi all
how the calendar support Ical?
can I add an event and send the event as an ical attachment in an email?
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16801 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [FIX]group tracker: some fix about perms: an item with a group creator field must be visible/editable to each group member
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16802 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php: [FIX]group tracker: trackerlist must also filter on group
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r16803 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php: [MOD]group tracker: use all the user groups
tikiwiki: 03sewilco * r16804 10/trunk/lib/mime/mimetypes.php: [FIX] Add missing popular m4v video/mpeg MIME type. [01:47]
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lq_881Is there a way I can add social bookmarking links to the bottom (under the content) of every wiki page? [05:07]
nevermind I figured that out. [05:20]
SEWilco2lq_881: Also note my {SHARE} plugin. Some minor improvements are planned soon. [05:26]
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lq_881I saw the plugin [05:42]
does anyone have or can anyone explain to me how to make an advanced rating and review system such as jreviews for joomla? [05:47]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r16805 10/trunk/styles/coelesce.css: [FIX] Typo (button background color) [06:04]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r16806 10/trunk/templates/module.tpl: [FIX] overflow=y parameter produces inline style="overflow:visible" (missing since 1.9* but handy for CSS menus) [07:53]
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luciashpolom [09:04]
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chibaguyhi luciash [09:15]
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luciashhi gary :) [09:37]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r16807 10/trunk/ (8 files in 4 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] CSS (suckerfish) menu treatment from experimental/ui-revamp. Multiple
tikiwiki: menus ok as IE6 sfhover js uses class not id and stylesheet selectors aren't
tikiwiki: specific to any module box; css/cssmenu_horiz.css and css/cssmenu_vert.css are
tikiwiki: consolidated and updated as css/cssmenus.css for layout but minimal styling.
tikiwiki: Theme stylesheets contain color properties, etc. Darkroom needs properties
tikiwiki: sorted out still since it already had some specified.
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KuttiHi Everybody, i am facing Problem regarding mods, Notable view the mods in mods configures, Whenever click the 'mods configuration' button, it's showing 'no mods', i have run the 'fixperms' and 'setup' shell scripts. what would be problem...
Can anyone help me?050005
chibaguyDid you click "Update remote index" and "Rebuild local list"? [11:05]
Kuttiwhile clicking 'Update remote index', i am getting three error message like a
"downloading 'mods.tikiwiki.org/Packages/00_list.public.txt'..."
"impossible to open mods.tikiwiki.org/Packages/00_list.public.txt : n/a"
"The content retrieved at mods.tikiwiki.org/Packages/00_list.public.txt is not a list of mods"
while clicking "Rebuild local list" i am getting "No mods" message
chibaguyWhat version of TikiWiki are you using? [11:10]
KuttiTikiwiki 2.2 [11:11]
chibaguySorry, I don't know the answer. But you can get and install mods by hand. See http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Mods+User&bl=y. [11:12]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jeremy_lee * r16808 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_dbreport.php: [11:12]
chibaguyMods admin works ok for me, so something specific with TIkiWiki config or environment seems to be a problem. [11:13]
Kuttiok, i want to set the proxy setting in some where.
i have install the tikiwiki 2.2 with dafult setting, could problem with this?
chibaguy, did you get something?
chibaguyI didn't do anything special. [11:27]
Kuttiok let me try, xavi not avaliable today [11:28]
chibaguyIn my case, it works from a windows laptop with no apache security, as it's just for local testing. [11:31]
Kuttii am using Linux Fedora 9 server [11:33]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r16809 10/branches/experimental/jquery/ (34 files in 13 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 16791 to 16808 [11:50]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r16810 10/trunk/templates/ (13 files): [MOD]Added new parameter so the antibot-code row in the table will match the style of the rest of the table. [12:24]
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lucihi, i don't get the "discovery of the day" :-p
on http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestMadrid&bl=y
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kamil_khello, I have trouble with "Default category assigned to uncategorized objects edited by a user with this default group:"
it looks like it doesnt work
it looks like it doesnt work
when category choosen for example "guests" still there is NO CATEGORY
when category choosen for example "guests" still there is NO CATEGORY
ricks99does group GUESTS have a default category? [12:31]
kamil_kmnt I will check
Yes, for group guests there is category guests
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kamil_kSo as member of group guestes i can create wikipage, but that page should belongs to category guests. But it doesn work for me)
maybe any permissions conflict ?
maybe any permissions conflict ?
ricks99does the group have the tiki_p_edit_catgorized perm? [12:37]
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kamil_ki think for sure, mnt I will check
i think for sure, mnt I will check
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kamil_kso there is no mentioned perm. So i will check if it could be solution for me.
so there is no mentioned perm. So i will check if it could be solution for me.
maybe it could be...
maybe it could be...
thx for now
thx for now
luciashluciash wonders why the messages are submitted twice ? [12:44]
kamil_kunfortunately it doesnt work for me.
unfortunately it doesnt work for me.
now i have created page as member of 2 groups( registered and quaily). Every registered user has tiki_p_edit_catgorized now. But new page has still no category.
now i have created page as member of 2 groups( registered and quaily). Every registered user has tiki_p_edit_catgorized now. But new page has still no category.
I can set page to any category manually.
I can set page to any category manually.
but I should work automatically for me
but I should work automatically for me
ametteROFL - what's that discovery of the day at Madrid? :P [12:51]
ricks99not sure. sorry [12:51]
kamil_kmaybe it is not possible
maybe it is not possible
than you anyway
than you anyway
ametteluci: ah, you were wondering, too - I guess people were just as surprised as me that I once knew what a pass-by-reference is ;) [12:52]
luciash doesn't know it still
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relena has joined #tikiwiki [14:24]
relenahello [14:24]
luciashhi [14:30]
relenaI have a problem with form
you know form?
luciashwhich form ? the html tag ? [14:39]
relenano a tracker
sorry no speak english
luciashah [14:40]
i use this tutoriel
is good
luciashwhat's your language ? [14:43]
but I would like to do again the similar by resuming of list dynamics but I nor arrive not
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luciashthere's quite a lot of ppl talking french here, unfortunatelly not me :) you can also try #tikiwiki-fr [14:47]
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relenayes yes but the channel is often empty
understands my problem?
luciashi see
unfortunatelly i don't understand what you mean by "do again the similar by resuming of list dynamics but I nor arrive not"
i use tutoriel
use list of program, create module for program (ex : windows : XP, Vista; solaris : 1, 2)
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luciashrelena: you have trouble creating it ? [15:00]
relenano is good
I would like to make the similar and to have this result
windows => XP => home, familly ; Vista => vista1, vista2
you understand?
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luciashrelena: yes, but i don't understand where's the problem ? [15:08]
relenahaving filled form: 1 for xp, vista and 1 for home familly. I use a form which gathers information very and puts her home / familly is empty [15:12]
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ricks99_q: are the "Display all modules to all groups always" and "Hide anonymous-only modules from registered groups" supposed to be mutually exclusive?
what happens to a module if both are enabled?
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relenaricks99_ speack me?
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luciashricks99_: 1. you don't have to assign modules to groups to appear when creating them, 2. hides anonymous only modules [15:33]
ricks99_so the first option is really "dislay all modules to all groups *execpt* those that are anonymous only" ? [15:34]
luciashi guess so that the second should override the first [15:35]
ricks99_k. so #2 overrides #1
tx luciash
luciashrelena: hard to understand the problem without actually trying it... also i have no idea what version you talk about... [15:37]
relenause 2.2 [15:38]
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luciashrelena: maybe there's a bug... can we try at your site ? [15:40]
relenasorry my site is in intranet [15:41]
luciashah, ok [15:41]
ricks99_@relena: did you create the first tracker (step 1 in the documentation) with the name "WINDOWS", type "DROP DOWN" and the options "XP,VISTA" ? [15:47]
relenayes [15:48]
ricks99_did you populate each section (step 2)? for XP, did you add "HOME" and FAMILY? for VISTA, did you add "VISTA1, VISTA2"? [15:50]
relenayes [15:51]
ricks99_when you created the external user tracker (step 3) did you make sure that you are using the correct ID numbers (a common mistake) [15:54]
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relenaI think that yes, she makes me crazy I see not or I have fail [15:59]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03axold * r16812 10/branches/experimental/workspaces/: [BRANCH] Creation, trunk 0 to 16810 [16:15]
relenaI must go for your help there thank you [16:21]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r16813 10/trunk/styles/coelesce.css: [FIX] coelesce: fix width of actions zone in blog [16:47]
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mycomputerHello everyone. I am looking how to create a tracker : I am creating an new tracker and there is an option that I do not understand : "Item creator can modify his items?The tracker needs a user field with the option 1" What does it mean exactly The tracker needs a user field with the option 1 ?
I have looked at this page http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Tracker&redirectpage=Trackers but there's no information about this option
luciashmycomputer: you have to create user field and give it "1" in the parameters input [17:12]
mycomputerluciash: thank your for your answer : a user field in the tracker field?
Are you talking about the users preferences in the tracker field?
luciashmycomputer: create the tracker, then goto tiki-admin_tracker_fields.php?trackerId=1
mycomputer: choose "user selector" from the dropdown
mycomputer: put 1 in the input field below the dropdown
SEWilco2So who will edit these instructions into doc.tw.o? [17:18]
mycomputerI see now : thanks a lot luciash. [17:18]
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luciashSEWilco2 is rising his hand ? :-) [17:20]
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mycomputerWell I know that I repeat me but I think that tikiwiki is really great software! [17:28]
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SEWilco2luciash: Doc doesn't need revising. Searching for the config phrase shows there is clear phrasing at http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Creating+a+Tracker&bl=y [17:28]
luciashSEWilco2: ok, thanks for looking at it [17:29]
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luciashmycomputer: thank you :) [17:29]
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how can i disable "tiki assistent"?
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lino16hello? [19:39]
amettelino16: Admin->Modules as the assistant tells you afaik [19:48]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r16814 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_surveys.tpl: [MOD] list surveys: no changes - indent code only [20:02]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r16815 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_surveys.tpl: [MOD] list surveys: move description in title column in order to homogenize the look with other features [20:24]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r16816 10/trunk/templates/ (6 files): [MOD] no changes - indent code only [21:13]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16817 10/trunk/tiki-install.php: svn:keywords correct property (must be Id, not "Id") [21:27]
luciashpolom [21:30]
anybody knows difference between PHP die; and exit; ? [21:41]
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ricks99_any ebm folks online? [21:51]
luciashyo [21:55]
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luciashluciash is busy working on tabs smarty block [21:55]
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ricks99_im thinking it may be time to 'redo' the home page of doc.tw.o...
a page with29 links may be a bit... 'overwhelming' for new tikiers
luciashyup yup :) doctwoHomeRevamp :) [21:56]
ricks99_is there already a page/discussion? [21:57]
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luciashricks99_: nope [22:00]
btw, i love the new doc.tw.o logo :)
luciashcool :)
i have more here
no time to put it up
devtwo, infotwo and themes
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Amorphous has joined #tikiwiki [23:42]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16818 10/trunk/lib/tiki-js.js:
tikiwiki: [FIX] little fix to tikitabs
tikiwiki: [ADD] Id to svn:keywords

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