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Amorphous has joined #tikiwiki navster has joined #tikiwiki | [00:03] |
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bkey | allo anyone here? | [04:14] |
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bkey | !help | [04:16] |
Tikiwiki|bot | You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . | [04:16] |
bkey | just installed Tiki, when i login and log out i am getting a in my url "http://www.myurltosite.com/tiki-index.php" any suggestion? It is ONLY happening when i click login or or logout | [04:18] |
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Caarrie | bkey: try reading some of http://irc.tikiwiki.org/irclogger_log/tikiwiki?date=2009-02-20,Fri which is about your / issue | [04:38] |
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bkey | now thats a riot, $base_url has to be defined in tiki-login.php and tiki-logout.php as $base_url = '/'; | [05:06] |
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Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) gerbert has joined #tikiwiki Caarrie|sleeping has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | [06:23] | |
gerbert | Are there any modules/features/plugins, besides Score, FAQs, polls and surveys modules available to create questions/answers type of site? | [06:25] |
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CIA-71 | tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r16857 10/trunk/styles/darkroom.css: [FIX] Bad mix of old and new CSS menu properties. | [07:55] |
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chibaguy | gerbert, trackers are another way to get user input. More of a learning curve, but much more powerful than those other features. | [07:59] |
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luciash | polom | [09:07] |
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tobi_h | Good Morning all! ;) I fool around with tags, and when I write a new blog posting, I miss a convenient way to choose from existing tags - do I miss something here?
What I have is an input field, where I can type all tags I feel appropriate for the posting - what I'd like is, somewhere in the vicinity, a list of already existing tags I could add by clicking - can this be done easily? | [09:37] |
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marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki | [09:58] |
marclaporte | polom | [09:59] |
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amette | polom | [10:25] |
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luciash | polom2 | [10:50] |
amette | *g* | [10:50] |
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CIA-71 | tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16858 10/trunk/styles/thenews.css: [FIX] partial rollback of 16830 changes
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r16859 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin-include-i18n.tpl: [FIX] typo | [11:00] |
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luciash | polom3
this kind of sucks :-/ → http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Features | [11:55] |
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marclaporte | yes
one of the most important pages perhaps it should become a wiki page the new MediaWiki style table plugin perhaps would help data is here: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=7 | [12:10] |
amette | umpf - again? :(
has something changed there? more tacker items or something? I'll write a nagios-check for that page.. and I raised memory_limit | [12:14] |
mlaporte | amette: tks
I don't think more items were added What would be a good icon to replace the second text link? | [12:18] |
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amette | which "second text link"? | [12:34] |
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marclaporte | amette: : look for wrench: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Features | [13:19] |
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amette | ok | [13:35] |
yay - strasa looks promising :)
btw - we need a new star name for 3.0 finding new star names every half a year - I bet no one thought of that when deciding on the new release schedule ;) | [13:46] | |
luciash | oh, i somewhat thought it was already chosen Arcturus but apparently this was the name for 2.0 already ? :-p | [13:48] |
amette | yup, it was the name for 1.10 already ;)
which then was released as 2.0 - so Arcturus is fair :) but 3.0 needs to become something else to stay true to the history of the project ;) | [13:48] |
luciash | luciash wonders why in strasa some menu items folders have folder icons and some light blue arrows | [13:50] |
amette | all the same here
( folder icons ) | [13:50] |
luciash | amette: sure +1
oh, i have wiki and trackers icons displayed as folders | [13:50] |
amette | MyTiki, Wiki, File Galleries, Admin - all folders and no other features activated | [13:51] |
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amette | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astronomy_portal ;) | [13:52] |
luciash | oh, must be some module caching weirdness, now i changed to thenews theme and the blue arrows stayed :-p | [13:53] |
amette | hehe ;) | [13:54] |
luciash | wtf, i changed to "Site default" and the ugly tikineat appeared ! *g* | [13:55] |
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luciash | luciash votes for betelgeuze | [13:56] |
amette | yeah, it is somewhat confusing at times - also the notice in Admin->Look&Feel, when changing the theme doesn't make no sense to the first time user at all and once you understand it, you don't need it any more ;)
hmm, sounds good - I'M with that :) | [13:56] |
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luciash | after i logged out from admin all the menu items are back to normal ;) | [13:57] |
amette | weird... but ok :)
I think Betelgeuse is really good, fits the first half-year-release Tiki 3.0 rather well: "Astronomers believe Betelgeuse is only a few million years old but has evolved rapidly because of its high mass." | [13:58] |
marclaporte | :-) | [13:59] |
luciash | yes, the onchange theme switch is really unnecesarry and the note is totally confusing
amette: cool :) | [13:59] |
amette | :) | [14:01] |
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CIA-71 | tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r16860 10/trunk/templates/styles/strasa/credits.tpl: [FIX] Correct theme name
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r16863 10/trunk/ (installer/tiki-installer.php templates/tiki-install.tpl): tikiwiki: [ENH] Installer : as requested by Rick99 : select language takes you to the tikiwiki: next installer step, and selected language becomes preferences site_language and tikiwiki: language after DB initialization... tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16861 10/trunk/styles/strasa.css: [ENH] strasa theme: nicer look of tabs | [14:47] |
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CIA-71 | tikiwiki: 03amette * r16862 10/trunk/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: Name 3.0 Betelgeuse | [14:52] |
SEWilco2 | SEWilco2 says "Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse!" | [14:57] |
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amette | :) | [15:07] |
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gerbert | i m looking for 'wiki answers' type of questions/answers site. The examples are http://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com/ and http://wiki.answers.com/. Any suggestions as to which modules/plugins/features i might use for this purpose? | [16:29] |
luciash | hi gerbert | [16:30] |
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luciash | gerbert: wiki, search, forums | [16:33] |
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gerbert | luciash: i am looking out of shelf solutiotions. those you suggested require custumization and development | [16:43] |
actuall search and forums might be used out of shelf . but not wiki as it is now | [16:48] | |
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herki | hallo | [17:24] |
marclaporte | gerbert: : what it missing? | [17:30] |
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gerbert | the form to enter the question similar to http://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com/ | [17:40] |
as well as subsequent association between the question and wiki answers - currently there is only association between wiki page name and wiki content. i more lookin for question to be more than just name - it should be possible to enter detailed
description, attach file etc to the question itself. | [17:46] | |
luciash | gerbert: wiki+trackers
amette: wow, that was fast decision ;) no voting this time ? | [17:47] |
luciash hopes there was no Betelgeuse Tiki release in the past :-p | [18:00] | |
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CIA-71 | tikiwiki: 03luciash * r16864 10/trunk/templates/modules/mod-assistant.tpl: [MOD] no changes - indent code only | [18:15] |
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gerbert | thank you luciash. i ll do more research on the trackers + wiki | [18:59] |
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tobi_h1 | rehi - I hope this works better now than the web-interface...
I am just looking for confirmation of my little tagging challenge: is it correct that currently, if you post a posting to a blog, there is no way to choose from existing tags to tag the posting? | [20:10] |
sylvieg | Perhaps you can use a module like freetags_most_popular... | [20:24] |
tobi_h1 | sylvieg: thanks for the input! do I get it correctly from reading http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Module+freetags_most_popular that the module does not list _all_ tags currently existing? | [20:26] |
sylvieg | try max=-1, it should work...
and if true, [;ease update the documentation ;-) | [20:28] |
tobi_h1 | testing right now, thanks... :) | [20:29] |
sylvieg | do you have a trunk version
? | [20:29] |
tobi_h1 | nope - running 2.2
...and rather new to tikiwiki. ;) | [20:30] |
sylvieg | I suppose you can pich up the version opf this modules from 3.0 | [20:32] |
tobi_h1 | hm - what would be the quickest way for both of us to teach me how to do that? ;) | [20:34] |
ok - what I have now is, in 2.2, freetags_most_popular with the parameter "max=-1" - what i get is a cloud with the most popular, but not all tags.
thanks, that is better than what I had before - but what I would like is a complete list, together with the chance to simply klick on an existing tag (instead of mistyping one and thusly creating a new one)... | [20:39] | |
on top of that, this would be sufficient to have when I am writing a blog post. Now, if you tell me that this is currently not possible, I can stop searching, and do with what I have - thanks already for your advice! :) | [20:45] | |
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sylvieg | the quickest will be to change the code on modules/mod--freetags_most_popular.php
$most_popular_tags = $freetaglib->get_most_popular_tags('', 0, $module_rows); must become $most_popular_tags = $freetaglib->get_most_popular_tags('', 0, -1); | [20:49] |
tobi_h1 | cool, works! :)
thanks a bunch! :) | [20:53] |
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yuiyhkjhikh | khkhk;) | [22:01] |
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luciash | polom
jquery still on experimental branch or merged to trunk ? seems still experimental | [23:16] |
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amette | luciash: no, there wasn't betelegeuse in the past...
... with half-a-year release cycle there need to be fast decisions ;) | [23:38] |
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luciash | hihi | [23:54] |
amette | yo, I'm going to bed now | [23:57] |
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