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sylvieg1I think it is a broken feature.. [00:00]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r17103 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-install.tpl: [ENH] Install steps terms improved, etc. [00:00]
nkoth3tarballs for testing, before we tag the real beta1: http://vps2.etazo.net/tikiwiki-3.0.prebeta1.zip http://vps2.etazo.net/tikiwiki-3.0.prebeta1.tar.gz http://vps2.etazo.net/tikiwiki-3.0.prebeta1.tar.bz2 [00:04]
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sylvieg1the release is planned in April.... need to plan doc/ translation / debug
one month...
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SEWilco2sylvieg1: How to score a non-forum Article post? I think that wasn't working in 2.2; we fixed it locally but haven't had time to port to trunk. [00:23]
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....... (idle for 31mn)
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03campbe13 * r17104 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-install.tpl: [FIX] installer buttons [00:56]
sylvieg1my husband gets a job - begining next Monday - :-)] [01:07]
chibaguygreat! [01:07]
sylvieg1yeh -- with the economy it was scaring [01:07]
chibaguythat's for sure. [01:08]
sylvieg1chibaguy: do you have a full time job now?
chibaguyNo [01:09]
sylvieg1ok - so any theme job we can find must go to you [01:09]
chibaguyHave some possibilities, but nothing for certain.
Heh, that would be nice, thanks. :-)
sylvieg1tricia is going into the tw business - I will not be the only girl - good
me too
and if you check both it is not working
+1 for marc
we need only one and not an option but ...
the ticket thing must not be optional
mose's dead feature
not really
you find a 'bad' feature
+1 for tricia
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sylvieg1if you activate the both csrf on a site - is it working [01:21]
slordjettePatricia, are you there ? [01:21]
sylvieg1was not working for me
sebastian is a great tw user
never afraid - always trying idea
slordjetteWhat's the topic ? [01:22]
sylvieg1and he did a lot of nice sites [01:22]
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triciaseb: yes crashed browser 'm back [01:23]
sylvieg1csrf security .. why it is optional - and why we have choice? [01:23]
slordjetteDid you succeed with the menu ?
I saw you made a few attempts...
Back to square 1, I guess...
tricianot yet, i get it to show up but still drop down
we had 3 preferences sections now back into 1
but menu .......
slordjetteAny YAML specialist in tha house? [01:24]
sylvieg1do not give choice to an admin [01:25]
triciano yaml-ers showed up [01:25]
slordjetteGrrr [01:25]
sylvieg1security tw must take care of it [01:25]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r17105 10/branches/3.0/lib/setup/prefs.php: [MOD] Turning off some features on a new install of the bare bones install. Relevant features will appear in appropriate profiles. [01:25]
sylvieg1BUT - personally I never understood the 2 choices
perhaps I know btter now
but the bos 'CSRF security' must dissapear
I am not a security person - I trust everyone
you need to have an evil spirit to understand
it is .. like you know where you come from - it is not fake
so you can not genreate fake url
i will go for Protect against CSRF with a ticket. in a core feature
slordjetteTricia : you keep on trying or do you abandon? [01:30]
sylvieg1and delete the choice 'csrf security [01:30]
triciaone last try then it's yours [01:31]
sylvieg1but i am not an expert on security - i never find a security hole
triciaslordjette: it's all yours I want to throw it
through a window
slordjetteWell, you are in the right room for that ! [01:34]
triciatrue but not a good idea, are you going to try ??? [01:34]
chibaguyA few jquery quirks in branch 3 -- hide/show columns only changes side column display but not center column width; changing a jquery effect preferences also changes the theme to default. [01:36]
slordjetteI'll continue tomorrow... I'll ask Louis-Philippe. [01:36]
triciaok bonne idee [01:37]
chibaguyTool tips over user names have no content. [01:37]
sylvieg1if slordjette can have lph back +1
sylvieg1 will work on parsing plugin tomorrow so wish lph help
marclaportemarclaporte wonders where to play with feature_userlevels [01:40]
sylvieg1.. is it the menu option?
look at the cnrs sites
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r17106 10/branches/3.0/installer/tiki-installer.php: [FIX] Get rid of double call of Smarty_Tikiwiki in some circumstances, and overall simplification [01:42]
sylvieg1the idea with user-level was to show to user - only menu options they can understans [01:44]
marclaportegreat idea [01:45]
sylvieg1have a good dinne [01:53]
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sylvieg1do we have apge with all the top rated bu
on tw?
bad finger
do we have a page with top bugs whatever the feature is?
marclaporteyes, on right hand side of dev.tw.o
You can sort bugs
and people can vote with ratings
many people put priority 9 however
sylvieg1yes I know - I use it on feature basis - but I did not find something across feature
- in fact I think I can have the info by myself
marclaportehttp://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=All+Bugs [02:14]
sylvieg1thx [02:15]
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there is a glitch between persomal calendar and the perm - i ma onit
nylothi ma onit <= indian expression ?
sylvieg1i know I need to focus on typing - soory [02:28]
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nylothno problem ;p [02:28]
cratelhow do I enable the wysiwyg editor (v 2.2) [02:28]
Caarriewe just need a sylvieg1 spell checker ;) [02:29]
sylvieg1+1 for Caarrie [02:29]
nyloth:) [02:29]
sylvieg1cratel: admin->feature: experimental [02:30]
cratelwhy's feature? I'm new to tikiwiki.
sorry, why=where. Where is feature?
sorry. got it.
doesn't look like wysiwyg to me at all. The text still has all the formatting codes rather than looking like the layout.
sylvieg1goto to admin home --- then click on feature [02:35]
Jyhemonce the feature is activated, I seem to remember that you need to choose wysiwyg in wiki config (not sure) [02:35]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r17107 10/branches/3.0/lang/fr/language.php: [FIX] typo in french translation [02:36]
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sylvieg1jylem there is alot of options - tune your options
nyloth needs to put volume on the micor must be closer
s/on/on or
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sylvieg1something is definitely broken with calendar ... selecting a calendar must not give the select calendar box.. [02:44]
JyhemI was answering cratel [02:44]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r17108 10/branches/3.0/lib/setup/prefs.php:
tikiwiki: [MOD] Change __Allow same file to be uploaded more than once__ default behavior
tikiwiki: in file galleries from __Never__ to __Only in different galleries__ because it
tikiwiki: can cause user support issues and most people won't need this.
sylvieg1sorry Jyhem [02:45]
nylothsylvieg1: I agree. I would prefer to have one button per calendar, which includes a checkbox inside it (before the calendar name) that allows you to hide/show the calendar in the current view
well, I said button, but not necessarily a "button"
sylvieg1i think the behavior was like that before [02:46]
cratelthanks everybody. I seem to have it working more or less. [02:47]
nylothI don't remember, but it's my preference. I don't like to have a select box, and it's quite limited to just have buttons that only shows the calendar you clicked on [02:48]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r17109 10/branches/3.0/lib/setup/prefs.php: [MOD] Wiki page printing is not an essential feature for the bare-bones install [02:48]
sylvieg1visible calendar must be the list of calendar place - clicking on a calendar must be I select it
who has some cold>
CaarrieCaarrie sends sylvieg1 some snow [02:51]
sylvieg1we had one feet last day [02:52]
Caarriewe got about 3 inches and schools closed :P [02:52]
nylothsylvieg1: yep [02:52]
sylvieg1not too much but enough to freeze maschussetts infrastructure [02:52]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r17110 10/branches/3.0/templates/module.tpl: [FIX] div.box overflow=y was always on instead of being set by module argument. [02:53]
sylvieg1Caarrie: where do you live Carolina? [02:53]
CaarrieNorth yep [02:53]
sylvieg1it is a lot of snow for north carolina
we need one feet at least to close school
Caarriewell we have had even more then that at one time this year [02:54]
sylvieg1marc ned s to document a lot all the profiles because it is so... case specific
Caarrie: did you finish your school and are workin? or still learning?
Caarriestill in school [02:59]
amettechibaguy: now comes the scary part.... ;) [02:59]
CaarrieCaarrie shouts BOO in an attempt to scare amette [03:00]
amettegot a line for your hosts file: themes.tikiwiki.org [03:00]
sylvieg1Caarrie: you are learning a lot .. I think [03:00]
Caarriejust taking my time ;) [03:00]
ametteamette jumps back
whew... that was only Caarrie ... ;)
Caarrie;) [03:00]
sylvieg1Caarrie: when is your graduation? [03:00]
Caarriei hope december [03:00]
one year - can do a lot in one year
Caarrieyep [03:02]
sylvieg1wish you the best [03:03]
Caarriethanks [03:03]
sylvieg1nyloth speak out - I can not understand - thx [03:06]
nylothwell, I usually don't speak loudly :) [03:07]
sylvieg1i understand
but everybody is speaking here
nylothBtu as yuo can see it's possbile to undrestnad evne wihtout a prefcet message :) [03:09]
Caarrie:P [03:09]
:'(need tiki_p_admin_calendar to create a personal calendar - bad
nylothsylvieg1: probably should we consider this as a bug
sylvieg1yeh as a long time bug [03:13]
nylothprobably [03:13]
sylvieg1like the user tracker - whe it is yours - it is yours - you can create - modify... [03:15]
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sylvieg1so who is the one who have a cold?
name? stay awway..
ametteamette raises his hand
sorry sylvieg1 - but don't fear, technology isn't yet far enough to transport viruses over video streaming afaik ;)
i do not care I am french - not like the american people fearing about all thebacteria
amette:) [03:19]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r17111 10/branches/3.0/lang/ (35 files in 35 dirs): [FIX] Update translations after installer strings chnaged [03:21]
sylvieg1category perm will be like group perm - one categ perms can have the same view than group perm
it will simplify so much code
amettenyloth: tiki-login.php - line 326 [03:28]
nyloththx [03:28]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r17112 10/branches/3.0/tiki-login.php: [FIX] tiki-login: assign_by_ref is using the second param by reference, so it needs to be a variable [03:31]
tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r17113 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-install.tpl: [FIX] Handle release versions with spaces (like beta versions) [03:39]
sylvieg1admin can validate
- I think
sylvieg1 whishes to have simple database format - because this provpass is very ambigous
waht clear the cache when you run the installer - I think it is missing
marclaporteok, I will clear cache manually [03:45]
nylothsylvieg1: how do you translate this in French : "Configure the General Settings" ... we didn't found something very good here
sylvieg1Mettre a jour les parametres generaux
generaux globaux?
terminoly setting = confugaration
nylothterminoly seulement si fatigué ;p
"globaux" is more a translation of "global", no ?
hmm... well, I'll put "généraux" I think
sylvieg1meere a jour la configuration generale
dammit typing
I only pickup the translation that is already done - assuming that as a wiki vague - translation finishes to be the right one
nyloth"Mettre à jour" implies existing settings... I think I'll put "Configurer les paramètres généraux" for the moment. If someone want to change after, no pb :) [03:51]
sylvieg1+1 [03:52]
nyloth:) [03:52]
sylvieg1i appreciate pkdille job .. he homogenize a lot - a lot more to do [03:55]
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sylvieg1somthing is not working with paginatinion in list tracker [03:58]
marclaportemarclaporte is looking forward for jonny to come back
have IE6 buggies
2 secs
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Tikiwiki|bot??[x]: Usage: ?? <word> [> nick] [04:05]
sylvieg1ok I have one page of documentation about what happens whith registration/validationn status
perhaps I can publish it
it is a 'prvapss' dance
or perhpas it is secret behavior for securyt rason
wil do an email to admion
slordjetteWhat's that noise?
Anyone knows what is the feature name of the "TikiWiki Assistant" module?
Still messing with the profiles
marclaporteslordjette: : look at system name of module [04:13]
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marclaportetiki-admin_modules.php [04:13]
sylvieg1can not focus anylore - time for bed for me - good night [04:13]
triciaslordjette: hi I got it working to a point [04:14]
slordjetteNo way ! [04:15]
triciaif drop down only at end I can have several singles, try it out [04:16]
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slordjetteYeah, I know... But this is not want we want...
We can't adapt the message to technology, we must adapt technology to the message.
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slordjetteStill looking for that feature name... Assistant... Someone knows ?
Is there a feature listing somewhere?
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r17114 10/branches/3.0/lang/fr/language.php: [ENH] No : at the beginning of next line
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r17115 10/branches/3.0/lib/setup/prefs.php: [MOD] Turning off __user watches translation__ in barebones install
marclaporteslordjette: you want to deactivate module? [04:30]
OK, Good night everyone ! See you tomorrow. Don't forget to clean up a bit if you want the clean-up guy to do the rest!
marclaportehttp://profiles.tikiwiki.org/Module+Handler [04:32]
chibaguyslordjette, good night. :-) [04:33]
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nylothricks around ? [04:40]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r17116 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-editpage.tpl: [FIX] Wider edit comment textarea [04:41]
nkoth3we're about to package beta 1 for real. Any more final commits for beta 1? [04:44]
marclaportedrum roll please
Beta1 is coming out!
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r17117 10/branches/3.0/db/tiki-secdb_3.0_mysql.sql: [REL] SecDB for 3.0beta1 [04:49]
nkoth3ok . final check: http://vps2.etazo.net/tikiwiki-3.0.prebeta1.zip http://vps2.etazo.net/tikiwiki-3.0.prebeta1.tar.gz http://vps2.etazo.net/tikiwiki-3.0.prebeta1.tar.bz2 [04:54]
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.... (idle for 16mn)
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nkoth3beta 1 packaging underway... [05:29]
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lq_842I've changed the _htaccess to .htaccess in order to get the rewrite rules and enabled sefurls, however my homepage still shows /tiki-index.php and the rewrites seem to work when I list pages but I can't access them
can anyone provide some insight?
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chibaguylq_842, does www.example.com/HomePage work (I mean that url style?) [05:32]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r17118 10/tags/3.0beta1/: [REL] Tagging release [05:32]
lq_842no it does not. same thing as the others, 404 not found [05:33]
marclaporteiis or Aapche
lq_842Apache [05:35]
ametteAllowOverride set correctly in apache config to allow for .htaccess ? [05:36]
lq_842it's on a shared host. someone the other day showed me theirs worked on the host Blue Host, so I switched to them
so I would think the settings are correct on the host
it seems to rewrite the page names and all, except for the homepage
but none of the links it writes work
chibaguyWhat do you mean by 'links it writes'? Can you give an example? [05:39]
amettewhat do you mean by "it seems to rewrite the page names and all"
chibaguy: :)
lq_842when I list all pages in the wiki, it rewrites them as mysite.com/name1+name2+name3, however the page links do not actually work [05:40]
amettethen the .htaccess is not being used by your installation
ask your hoster, if you need to enable something or so
lq_842it would have to be or it wouldn't perform the rewrite I thought? [05:41]
amettethe .htaccess goes only in one direction...
... it makes mysite.com/HomePage go to mysite.com/tiki-index.php?page=HomePage without you noticing it...
lq_842nevermind I just figured out it's the SEF option that rewrites the page names [05:43]
amette... Tiki rewrites the links [05:43]
lq_842do the rewrite codes on the rewrite rules wiki page work? I mean do they need updating of any kind? [05:43]
chibaguylq_842, what TikiWiki version are you using? [05:46]
lq_8422.2 [05:47]
chibaguyI think the .htaccess that's included in the version is up to date.
(for that version)
lq_842hmmm, I'll try downloading it again. I pasted the stuff of the website to try it [05:49]
ametteyou might want to try the newest beta - just about 58 minutes old [05:52]
lq_842will do! since the other didn't work
also I'm talking with my host
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r17119 10/branches/3.0/lang/fr/language.php: more french translations
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r17120 10/branches/3.0/ (installer/tiki-installer.php templates/tiki-install.tpl): [MOD] installer: only propose profiles installation when tiki can connect to the profiles website
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lq_842I have been assured they have mod rewrite enabled on all servers. Any other ideas? [06:11]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r17121 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-install.tpl: [FIX] installer: remove the 'By clicking Continue you agree to the terms of this license' sentence because the user can bypass this page anyway. [06:17]
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lq_842ok I got the rewrites working, except the main page still comes up as tiki-index.php
do I have to add another rule of some kind to make it just mydomain.com/
chibaguynot that I know of...
http://tikiwiki.org/HomePage works but if you enter http://tikiwiki.org/ , it'll complete with tiki-index.php. Is that what you mean? If so, I don't know how to avoid that.
time to go home here. will be back later.
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..... (idle for 21mn)
luciashluciash re-poloms in
good morning europa
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lq_053any idea why I get a 404 error when trying to save a wiki page with sefurls enabled? The page saves, but still the error is annoying. [07:20]
luciashredirection bug [07:23]
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lq_053how can I fix it? [07:28]
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lq_053hey marclaporte, any idea why I get a 404 error when trying to save a wiki page with sefurls enabled? luciash says it is a redirection bug, any idea how to fix it? [07:34]
marclaporteyou using structures? [07:34]
lq_053I use categories instead of structures [07:35]
luciashwhat do you see in the URL bar when receiving the 404 error ?
good early morning marclaporte ! ;)
marclaportemorning [07:37]
lq_053The requested URL /HomePage&bl=n&saved_msg=y was not found on this server. [07:37]
luciashmarclaporte: congrats for releasing the beta, now the big fixes must continue !
lq_053: i see, there is ? needed instead of the first &
lq_053: as a workaround you can adjust your rewrite rules to change first "&" to "?" when there's none
lq_053lol more rewrite stuff ; ; [07:41]
luciashtry with /HomePage?bl=n&saved_msg=y if you'll still get the error [07:41]
lq_053no that does fix it, you are right [07:41]
luciashsorry that i can't help you with building the regexp from top of my head currently now [07:42]
lq_053it's ok I'll be posting for help on the modrewrite.com forum anyway [07:43]
luciashfine :)
you can share then ;)
lq_053I'm reading through trying to figure out how to change it so that tiki-index.php just goes to my main site address [07:43]
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luciashlq_053: hold on [08:07]
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lq_053sup? [08:12]
luciashtry this:
RewriteRule ^(.*)tiki-index.php$ /$1 [R=301,L]
lq_053gives me a loop error [08:16]
luciashmaybe you'll need this before: RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET .*/tiki-index.php HTTP
or you have to set in your apache conf that tiki-index.php is equiv to index.php, index.html, etc
oh, in the RewriteRule should be a "" before the ".php"
lq_053still no good
I tried with and without the condition and with and without the /
luciash[08:25] <lq_053> yeah I typed it wrong ^^ I tried it correctly in the htaccess file though
but i think you have only to tell apache to treat /tiki-index.php as / and it should work
lq_053I'm on a shared host [08:25]
luciashah, maybe there's another Rewrite rule for that.... [08:26]
try DirectoryIndex tiki-index.php [08:32]
lq_053what do you mean try that? [08:38]
luciashput this in your .htaccess file [08:38]
oh snap!
that's awesome and so simple
thank you
was just a deduction ;)
you're welcome
lq_053maybe you can help me with one more thing. I want to change the tiki icon that shows up in the tab [08:41]
luciashfavicon ? [08:41]
lq_053I've changed the icon file, favicon.png that is in the root directory
but still the icon does not change
luciashchange it at Admin > L&F and clear all your browser cache [08:41]
lq_053I tried clearing the cache already
I'll rename it and try that
ok, all I had to do was rename it for it to work
luciashwhat browser ? [08:44]
lq_053firefox [08:45]
luciashok [08:46]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17122 10/branches/3.0/styles/thenews.css: [FIX] CSS class .diffheader: oops, missing td [09:16]
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marclaporteyo jonnyb
jonnyb: I found some IE6 bugs
thought I would pretend they are related to jQuery
So I could get you to fix them :-)
jonnybgreetings - wasn't expecting anyone to be still (already?) up
marclaporteI need sleep
just preparing the day
jonnybgo sleep - you guys had a busy day! [09:26]
marclaporteBeta1 is quite impressive [09:26]
jonnybwas the ie6 bug the pnghack thing?
(i was just replying to it)
marclaportein 8 hours: http://tikiwiki.org/TikifestMontreal-meeting2009-March-03
dunno the cause
1- red button for edit help is not clickable
2- plugin edit helper doesn't work
jonnybok, "see" you at the meeting - sweet dreams! [09:30]
..... (idle for 21mn)
luciashhi jonnyb
1- red button for edit help is still not optional :-/
luciash goes to read what jonny replied
jonnybhi luciash
it was the pngfix thing i was planning on making optional
luciashsame here ;)
i thought it's obvious from the thread
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jonnybme2 [10:00]
luciashi propose to put another tab on look and feel called experimental too and put it there
and the other tab can be merged with the first one i guess (only favicon there anyway)
jonnybi was thinking the stuff at the bottom of tab 2 could go to "other" (like use folders etc) [10:09]
luciashah, ok, that's logical too [10:10]
jonnybi'll make an experimental one - or maybe the "ui effects" jquery one should be renamed? [10:10]
luciashyup, that would be better maybe
rename ui effects tab and put the correctPNG there too
you can have fieldset named UI effects inside
the tab
jonnybindeedy :)
by the way - where has "user can switch languages" gone?
luciashi think later we will need to rewrite the function bit to match only images having rel="fixpng" or something like that so it will be more stable
jonnyb: it has accidentally disappeared by rick's revamping
jonnybi'll hunt it down... [10:14]
luciash(or class="fixpng")
more revamping still on the way
don't you sleep?
luciashjonnyb: we europeans do not sleep usually at this time of the day ;) i'm in czech rep. [10:23]
jonnybah - i thought you were in Canada
do you think Marc meant the plugin edit forms when he said "2- plugin edit helper doesn't work" (on IE6)
luciashhm, i think it stopped to work in IE6 recently :-p
you know, the little icon next to the wiki plugin
allows editing of plugin params
jonnybit (used to) depend on mootools, which would die if swfix was on
now can use jquery so might be more cooperative
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17123 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-user_preferences.tpl: [ENH] Add explanation about feature_community_mouseover (because i hadn't understood it for all these years) [10:33]
luciashhmm, jonnyb, isn't it now even more confusing ? ;)
actually what the checkbox does is that the user allows to be his info displayed in the mouseover tooltip
jonnybhmmmm? [10:35]
luciashwhen someone hovers his nick [10:36]
jonnybi think it's a stupid preference
i can understand not wanting to show _my_ info, but why not see other people's
how would you put it? (i still have the file open)
luciashit doesn't affect other's ppl mouseover, does it ? [10:37]
jonnybyes - apparently [10:38]
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luciashif it works as you say, then maybe someone got annoyed by the mouseover popups of overlib and wanted to make use of site more pleasure without them
for him, while admin still prefers to use them
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luciashactually i think it was mose who added this user preference but i'm not sure :)
jonnyb: when you think about it more it can really get annoying on bigger community site, so maybe it's not that stupid to have this user choice ;)
jonnybfair enough - so how to explain it best? [10:45]
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jonnybmeanwhile i have tiki-user-preferences.php doing WSoD when i save (dull!) [10:45]
luciashi'd put {tr}Displays users' info tooltip for every user who allows his information to be public{/tr} [10:52]
jonnybbut that's not what it does (afaict)
hang on...
you might be right :)
luciash*g* [10:55]
jonnybbetter than mine - i put it in
in fact i'll replace both lines with: {tr}Displays users' info tooltip on mouseover for every user who allows his information to be public{/tr}
luciashok, just s/Displays/Display/
and maybe his/her ? ;)
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17124 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-user_preferences.tpl: [ENH] Better wording for show_mouseover_user_info pref (thanks Luci) [11:01]
jonnyb2 late :) [11:01]
luciashoops, too late :) [11:01]
jonnybi'm still getting white page when i save user prefs though - more imporantly
do you?
luciashluciash goes to check his new svn upped 3.0 branch [11:02]
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luciashjonnyb: i have to enable user prefs first ;) [11:04]
jonnybmine's on a fairly old DB - like from a few weeks ago, so might be some mess in it [11:04]
luciashyou can mysqldump and try fresh install over it
then sql back
jonnybi will, but i'd like to know why [11:06]
luciashor just create fresh db and change in db/local.php the name [11:06]
jonnyb(this isn't even on my list!) [11:06]
luciashah :)
but you do db upgrades via the installer right ?
jonnybyup [11:07]
luciashhmm, a glitch, i just checked on the userPreferences feature and it says after apply: preference feature jquery disabled [11:08]
jonnybmy first step
i've often found initialising new prefs a bit "odd"
luciashi can fix it if you're lost [11:09]
jonnyb(btw, thanks for the pretty notifications on the admin - nice!) [11:09]
luciashi'm pretty familiar last days with these bugs
np :)
jonnybi'm more worried about user-prefs dying - it's in the template somewhere [11:09]
luciashi hope it's not low memory limit [11:10]
jonnyband i've never found a way to debug tiki smarty well [11:10]
luciashoh yep, the tpl looks broken from the first sight at the preferences screen
you use web developer for FF ?
you can easily check for xhtml validity by sending local file to the validator
jonnybdo you mean the .tpl? cos there's nothing coming out of the browser when it fails [11:12]
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jonnybhi Matthew [11:12]
MatWhohi [11:12]
luciashbut it doesn't die with WSoD here
after changing prefs
jonnybthink it might be the evil mootools! : [11:12]
luciashhey MatWho
you have them enabled ?
MatWhois Montreal awake yet? [11:13]
luciashMatWho: i don't think so
jonnyb: you have mootools enabled ?
MatWhowell good morning all you happy Europeans [11:13]
luciashgood morning to the UK [11:13]
jonnybdidn't - tried it, still WSoD [11:14]
luciashi have mootools on btw
i'll try to switch to jquery (can be both on ?)
jonnybshould bo ok
luciashit works with both enabled
do you have ajax enabled ?
jonnybyup [11:17]
luciashthat might be it [11:19]
jonnyball experimental stuff off - most of everything else off, and still doing it... [11:22]
luciashhm, try clear the tiki cache then, i can't think anythink else than low php memory_limit causing this [11:23]
jonnybdid that
mem set to 128MB
don't worry - i'll get there - thx
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jonnybluciash: seems to be to do with the display_timezone pref - when it's set to "detect" or "site" i get WSoD - not if i pick a zone... [11:34]
must be server related, it works for me
jonnybi also get 100s of notices about it [11:35]
luciashwith "Detect user timezone if browser allows, otherwise default"
Site default works for me too
jonnybwhere do you set site default?
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17125 10/branches/3.0/lib/tikidate-php5.php: [FIX] Fix timezone_open() failing with empty param [11:39]
luciashproblem with tooltip is it displays blank tooltip, when pref feature community mouseover is disabled
preference name: feature_community_mouseover
jonnybi know - but i can't set prefs here without WSoD, so i thought i better fix that first... (tangents! tangents!) [11:42]
i think this will be hard to fix as it's server settings dependent it seems (or some bultin php function)
and it doesn't show my avatar, bueheheh :)
jonnybthe not showing empty tooltips thing should be easy... once i get there! [11:51]
luciashsure [11:51]
jonnybi also had a missing avatar at one point... might be worth adding to the 3.0 page [11:51]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17126 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-admin-include-general.tpl: [FIX] 2 divs not closed (led to missing tab boxes in Safari) [11:52]
sylvieg1+1 luciash for th CSRF - I forgot the point [11:56]
luciashsylvieg1: np :) [12:00]
..... (idle for 22mn)
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17127 10/branches/3.0/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.userlink.php: [FIX] Suppress empty user info jquery tooltips [12:22]
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17128 10/branches/3.0/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] JQuery tooltips (clueTips) not high enough z-index to show in front of admin panels - now set to z-index of 400 [12:27]
MatWhoI am listening to the MP3 of Jquery/quick tags conference call - so far the best Jonnyisums are - "coding till I cant see" and "It's always a bad idea to test when lots of people are watching" ;) [12:34]
jonnybI thank you! 8) [12:37]
MatWho:) [12:42]
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MatWholunch time see you soon ... [12:57]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17129 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-user_preferences.tpl: [FIX] Notices (not fix my WSoD on save prefs when display_timezone is empty or Site) [13:02]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r17130 10/third_party/htmlpurifier/ (324 files in 30 dirs): [UPD] HTMLPurifier update to 3.3.0
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17131 10/branches/3.0/tiki-modules.php: [FIX] Notices
sylvieg1mouse over on user is broken for me [13:12]
.... (idle for 17mn)
luciashthis is weird, i reinstalled database (not upgrade) but still i see my previously set stuff (even after all cache clear) [13:29]
sylvieg1there is als the SESSION [13:29]
luciashi cleared all
two days ago it warked as expected still
jonnybhi syvlieg1 - user info how broken now? [13:32]
sylvieg1the < in the html are &gt;.... [13:32]
jonnybah - which browser? (Fx seems to work it out) [13:33]
but I do not think it is a browser issue - the html code has been 'htmlspecial'...
jonnybon the mac it displays fine
it needed some sort of encoding to live in the title attribute, that one seemed to work...
luciashjonnyb: when i have mootools and jquery on, which one is used for shadowbox ? [13:36]
ricks99something broken/change with CODE plugin? on doc.tw.o all examples are now parsed? see: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/pluginversions#Usage [13:36]
jonnybjquery (of course ;) ) [13:36]
sylvieg1if ($prefs.feature_jquery_tooltips) { should be if ($prefs.feature_jquery_tooltips == 'y') ?{ [13:36]
luciashjonnyb: jqueryTiki.replection = true; in head javascript section... is it a typo ? [13:36]
jonnybsylvieg1 and luciash - both yes [13:37]
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luciashhi ricks99 [13:38]
ricks99hi all: beta looks nice. good work all [13:38]
luciashricks99: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Release30process#Blockers [13:38]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17132 10/branches/3.0/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.userlink.php: syntax [13:40]
ricks99its not just the hash.. it is acutally parsing
(or is it all tied together)?
luciashtogether [13:41]
also, version plugin is busted. :(
if u have more than 3 versions, the "middle" version show all children :(
sylvieg1it is normal that bu default feature_jquery is off and feature_jquery_tooltips is on
I think my problem is that jquery is off and the other jquery feature are on
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17133 10/branches/3.0/lib/tikidate-php5.php: [FIX] Removed parameter from DateTime object constructor. "Z" (timezone) part was incorrect and causing error notice. Defaults to "now" but please watch out for this in other timezones. [13:44]
luciashricks99: http://irc.tikiwiki.org/irclogger_log/tikiwiki?date=2009-03-02,Mon&sel=511#l507 [13:44]
sylvieg1ok that the problem... jonnyb do you think it is better to test everywhere if ($prefs['feature_jquery_tooltips'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_jquery'] == 'y')
or it is better to have the sub feature turn off id jsquery is off?
ricks99@luciash: none, sorry. been busy with 'real' life. [13:46]
luciashsylvieg1: +1 for the second option [13:46]
jonnybsylvieg1: hmmm - i was going to say "yes" (to test both) but not sure now...
i quite like it doing loads of stuff when you switch it on
so me +1 for option 1 - anyone else?
luciashhmmm :) [13:48]
jonnyb(i thought i had been doing it that way anyway - just missed some) [13:48]
luciashit should be checked like that anyway (option 1) otherwise it will crash when jquery disabled
"crash" == meybe it degrades nicely but can cause problems
ricks99: okay, np
ricks99should all of those inline styles be moved to admin.css? [13:51]
jonnybuserlink is the only place that needs it, so adding $prefs['feature_jquery'] == 'y' && there now [13:52]
luciashricks99: +1 [13:52]
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luciashluciash wonders how he can now reinstall fresh database
(except creating new one via mysqladmin)
to test how it sees user after new installation
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17134 10/branches/3.0/lib/ (smarty_tiki/modifier.userlink.php tikilib.php): [FIX] test also jquery is on
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17135 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-user_menu.tpl: [FIX] Notices
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17136 10/branches/3.0/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] pick user avatar: updated description string reflecting the reality (not only gifs are possible) + redirect to prevent resubmit on reload [14:05]
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luciash(ok, seems i've somewhat succeeded when logged out my admin first) [14:13]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17137 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-admin-include-look.tpl: [MOD]jquery: warn jquery feature must be on ad the sub setting are on by default
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17138 10/branches/3.0/templates/modules/mod-calendar_new.tpl: [FIX] Notices
luciashluciash wonders why there are in the db multiple Admin options in da menu at position 1050 [14:20]
sylvieg1because if a user has only one option like admin users and no other one - you need to create the section
so for each option below you need more or less an 'admin' section
luciashah, i thought for these are the permissions/sections separated by commas used [14:25]
sylvieg1permissions are a AND??? i think [14:25]
luciashon Admin > Menus
it's terribly hard to edit the menu 42 there
when there are dozens of Admin menu options pointing to the same tiki-admin.php
sylvieg1perhaps you are right luciash - need more test [14:29]
FrankP_germanon my online server tiki3 database login not work
tiki installer show blank page
PHP 5.0.4, MySql 5.0.41
sylvieg1did you check your apache error log? [14:34]
luciashsylvieg1: e.g. there are 3 Newsletters (ID 105,106 and 107) sections level 0, one has perm tiki_p_subscribe_newsletters, second has tiki_p_send_newsletters and third tiki_p_admin_newsletters...
sylvieg1: couldn't there be one with the perms separated by comma ?
sylvieg1I can not answer without testing.. [14:35]
luciashok [14:35]
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luciashi'm wondering about that because there are others which have, e.g. Received Pages (ID 46) has Permissions: tiki_p_view,tiki_p_admin_received_pages
so i guess it should work and simplify the menu size and editing
sylvieg1section is a AND
.. a little stupid but ...
and perm too..
not it will nto work
nkoth3hi guys [14:39]
sylvieg1we need an option - it is OR or a AND between section / perms
hi nkoth3
nkoth3I won't be online much longer today, maybe 1 hour [14:39]
ricks99@luciash: hvave moved inline styles in admin: general and admin: login to admin.css. where to commit? [14:40]
jonnybi also have to go out for an hour or so soon, but will be back fro the meeting thing later [14:40]
sylvieg1it was the same problem with groups - people were confused [14:40]
luciashsylvieg1: you mean Received pages can access only user with both of these perms, right ?
ricks99: branches/3.0
hi nelson
ricks99tx [14:41]
sylvieg1luciash: yes [14:42]
luciashit's little stupid, yes [14:43]
sylvieg1yes - I agree to change - but think it need an option for compatibility [14:43]
marclaportericks99: : you were missed these last few days [14:43]
sylvieg1or a message on devle list.... [14:43]
ricks99tx. "real" life got in the way :) [14:44]
glad to see you back in fantasy world
sylvieg1... a message on devel list and we hange the behavior?
or somebody will use the AND behavior?
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FrankP_germansylvieg1 : not items [14:46]
s0nixwe can't use / slash in a internal link ? ((myStruct/myPage))) [14:48]
luciashs0nix: is your wiki page name "myStruct/myPage" ? [14:49]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17139 10/branches/3.0/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [MOD] Put back theme drop-down so it doesn't change the theme without you clicking "apply". It does a post back onchange so you can select theme options.
tikiwiki: Changed message displayed when drop-down showing theme other than the site theme as it was unclear before (suggestions gratefully recieved!).
tikiwiki: Moved users change theme below theme option.
tikiwiki: Would be better if you could preview themes before selecting... TODO
but the link just doesn't regonize the page name
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luciashs0nix: go to Admin > Wiki and select full format for wiki page names links [14:50]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17140 10/branches/3.0/lib/tikilib.php: syntax [14:50]
sylvieg1((myStruct/myPage))) is working for me - so it is the setting luciash spoke about [14:53]
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MatWhohi all [14:53]
sylvieg1hi [14:53]
MatWhois there anything going on in Monreal I should watch in on? [14:54]
luciashMatWho: currently no ustream [14:54]
s0nixluciash: hmm i'm looking for this option [14:54]
marclaportemarclaporte is home
marclaporte will soon migrate to CGCOM
luciashMatWho: evening 18:00 your time [14:55]
MatWhook but I will look out for an announcement on IRC 18:00 is ok for me [14:55]
s0nixgood, i selected "complete" and that's work. thx [14:55]
marclaportein about 3h
f*^&k so much to do
luciashmarclaporte: tell me ;)
marclaporte: re the mail: it's linked from DevTips
marclaporteyay [14:58]
luciash(already was) [14:58]
marclaportehttp://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=TikiStringsFormatConvention I see no backlinks [14:59]
luciashweird [15:01]
marclaportey [15:02]
luciashis baclinks on on dev.tw.o ?
i bet it's off
s0nixseriously... i don't understand why the pages are not handled using structure path automaticaly, that just ... very bad [15:03]
luciashbecause structures are not made SEFURL compatible, they use ref_id [15:04]
sylvieg1marclaporte: this is an old page.... [15:04]
s0nixthe use of page alias doesn't fix anything.... if the url doesn't include a &structure=... , the title at the top of the page is the entire page name... ugly [15:04]
luciashs0nix: you can switch the page titles off and put !MyPage at top of your wiki page
marclaporte: you want backlinks on on dev.tw.o ?
ricks99@luciash: u changed the doc.tw.o home page. instead of 2x2 boxeson home page, i now see 1 column. i think that makes the page too 'long'? [15:08]
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luciashricks99: nope, it dynamically wraps... for higher monitor resolutions it's side by side... it was ugly on large monitor when done fixed 2x2 aligned on left and white space on right
maybe the boxes are also too large ?
i h8 my small monitor
maybe we don't need left & right cols?
dont knowl...
luciashricks99: i have 1920x1200 resolution, you know ;)
can you switch them off on doc.tw.o ?
we can enable it
ricks99have other doc.tw.o revmp ideas...
new home page was onlystep 1
i personally like the big boxes-- makes it easy to figure out where to go. but now (on my montitor at least) "get help" is below the fold
luciashhmm, marc, backlinks are on on dev.tw.o
marclaporte: seems a bug ?
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luciashricks99: kind of like them too, but we should stay consistent with the site look and feel and with the other tw.o sites
ricks99: maybe we can dogfood the fancylist wiki plugin
ricks99i'd like to see the other sites revamped, too [15:15]
luciashi revamped dev.tw.o homepage bit already [15:16]
ricks99y. id like to see the three "what do u want to do" boxes moved up (and more graphical) [15:17]
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s0nixluciash: Is setting "/" as delimiter of wiki page display supposed to work? in a page link [15:21]
luciashs0nix: don't understand, syntax is ((WikiPage|This link goes to my wiki page)) [15:23]
s0nixha, i'll specify the name like this also. thx [15:23]
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luciashdev.tw.o is somewhat unresponsive to me currently :-/ [15:24]
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marclaporteI will tell amette [15:25]
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ricks99*rick wonders how easy it will be to translate "bare-bones " :) [15:31]
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nylothHi all :) [15:31]
sylvieg1hi [15:31]
nylothLast TikiFest day :/ [15:31]
nkoth3Hi all [15:32]
luciashhi nyloth :) [15:32]
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Jyhempolom [15:34]
luciashricks99: not that bad, there are worse like "management" and "groupware" ;) [15:34]
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nkoth3I will try and stay online as much as I can, but text only. Depends on EV-DO network coverage. But $3 per MB once I cross the border means I can only send/receive "telegrams" lol. [15:34]
luciashpolom Jyhem
nkoth3: going to US ?
nkoth3y [15:35]
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ricks99what's wrong with simply "default"? [15:35]
nkoth3bare-bones highlights that is is really skeletal - so users are encouraged to select another profile (there will be some more by release time) [15:37]
luciashdev and doc is another virtual machine each ?
doc works, dev doesn't
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ricks99maybe "minimal"? [15:41]
nkoth3+1^ [15:42]
luciashwhy not [15:42]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r17141 10/branches/3.0/ (5 files in 3 dirs): [MOD]new css styles for admin ui revamp. removed the inline styles. [15:42]
luciashthx [15:42]
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nylothWe are wondering, here in Montreal, if the "assistant" module is usefull anymore. In fact, the default homepage should be enough... and the assistant can't be removed from profiles (which only add things, not remove)... anybody againt removing this module ? [15:43]
Jyhemstill fighting the coffee machine :-( [15:44]
nyloth(well, at least not displaying it, not necessarily removing it completely from tiki) [15:44]
ricks99+1 [15:45]
luciash+10 [15:46]
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luciashoups :) [15:46]
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Jyhemwell, what is in the assistant which could not be on the intro welcoming wiki page ? [15:47]
ok, we'll remove it
luciashyou can even kil it completelly imho [15:48]
nkoth3do upgraders get neither/either assistant/welcoming page? [15:49]
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nkoth3i suppose if the answer is neither, kill the assistant [15:49]
luciashnope [15:49]
ricks99the only thing the module has.. identifies menu 42 as the deefault menu [15:49]
nylothchibaguy, marc, amette, .... just arrived
do the video will start soon I suppose
nkoth3k, maybe they have views on the assistant [15:50]
nylothsure ;) [15:51]
nkoth3"the assistant" sounds a bit like a name of a movie [15:51]
Caarriehehe [15:51]
luciashluciash would love to rename the menu section Admin to Setup
nylothluciash: not a so bad idea
nkoth3that would help to clear up the confusion between the "admin" and the "feature admin" pages...
the filename can remain the same I think, could just be a label thing, right?
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luciashyou could say go to Setup > Admin > Wiki, not go to Admin > Admin home > Wiki (sounds wth ?) [15:56]
triciaimho feature admin should be feature activation
confusing for newbies
luciashnkoth3: yes, clicking the Admin section does only javascript togggle anyway now
as the current tiki-admin.php almost exclusively sets up preferences, best for me would be Setup > Preferences > Wiki, but then the sorted menu will not allow "Preferences" on top
nylothluciash: well... for me there should not be Amin > Admin home > Wiki , but just Admin (or Setup) > Wiki [15:58]
luciashtricia: hmm, we have no "Feature Admin" now [15:59]
tricianyloth: +1 [15:59]
nylothI don't understand why the content of 'Admin' menu is not the same as the Admin home [15:59]
nkoth3nyloth: +1 [15:59]
ametteyeah, that is really confusing for beginners... [15:59]
regisbHello guys, will be with you soon [15:59]
MatWhohey I can see amette! [15:59]
luciashbecause of bad design obviously ;) [15:59]
nylothhi regisb [15:59]
nkoth3well - in the sense of "Setup" yes. [15:59]
regisbAmette you look awesome! [15:59]
MatWhohi [16:00]
nkoth3but the contents of the admin menu has all other non-setup admin things [16:00]
luciashtiki-admin.php is somewhat different though... should be tiki-admin_prefs.php
the others are already configuration of preferences you have enabled or viewing logs, so somewhat different tasks
nylothnkoth3: things that could not be accessible from the Admin home (not necessarilly directly at first level) ? [16:00]
triciai guess what i mean is admin > features [16:00]
nkoth3well, another word you can use is "config" vs "admin" [16:01]
ricks99*rick thought "admin" = "administer", as in, "Administer the Features, Administer the Wiki" etc
how does that differ from "config features, configure wiki, etc?
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luciashok, lets start with small steps ;) rename "Admin" section to "Setup" (or "System") ? [16:03]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 asks Igor about his opinion of the assistant [16:04]
nylothI don't like "System" [16:04]
chibaguygood morning. streaming has started.... :-) [16:04]
nkoth3to me "to configure" is different from "to administer". "configure" is those things I do once when I first start using thre feature and rarely after. "Administer" are things I do more often. [16:04]
luciashricks99: for me "configuration or administration" is done after you "set up a preference" [16:05]
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ricks99hm.. for me, setup is a one-time function [16:05]
Caarriei agree ^^ [16:05]
ricks99ie, the tikiwiki installler [16:05]
luciashyes, set up, anable/disable [16:05]
YoucefHi all [16:06]
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JyhemI just found an article on usability http://www.playingwithwire.com/2009/03/open-source-and-usability-joomla-vs-wordpress/ [16:11]
luciashso maybe "System" i better :-p which could contain Preferences, Administration (the current tiki-admin_something.php), Security, SysAdm and Info
or something like that
hi Youcef
also we don't have to stick with current Admin section but we can add one more called Setup and include every Preferences section there as menu item and the rest would stay in current Admin section
YoucefI can see and follow the tikifest
wawn super!
Marc seems busy!
nahhh, Marc is just discussing. He does that a lot :-)
YoucefI finished yesteraday coding the the spellchecher for research [16:16]
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YoucefI mean google-like research edit box
i work fine with french and english
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Youcefit* [16:17]
hiveminderror: "toolbar set 'tiki' doesn't exist - WYSIWYG editor under firefox (don't get it under IE7) TW 2.2 [16:18]
YoucefHi Marc [16:18]
ametteyo, what are you guys doing with doc and dev...?!? I have just turned my computer on and both sites die.... :O [16:18]
pstjeanI haven't been able to access Dev all morning either [16:18]
Youcefi would like to have to your advice about the spellchecker for search in Tiki [16:20]
ametteyeah, marc already told me that luciash told him and I already restarted and I don't know exactly what's up... :-/ [16:20]
Youcefis it a feature that can be included in the v 3.0? [16:20]
amette... I'm working on it!!
the database is going crazy... :O
99% CPU.. weird...
ok, sites back up
Youcefdo you mean that you're working on this issue? [16:23]
ametteyup, just finished working on it ;) [16:23]
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luciashk, sites back up, lets bring them down again ;)
thx amette
ametteROFL :P [16:24]
hivemindany ideas? [16:24]
ametteyou're welcome, bro [16:24]
nylothsylvieg: about sefurl stuff (which is nice btw): why using a smarty filter instead of directly generating good links through buttons ? (just a question, no problem with that) [16:25]
luciashhivemind: sorry, nope [16:25]
hivemindnothing re: the WYSIWYG bug?
sylvieggood link through button? [16:25]
hivemindthink so. works fine in IE, notsomuch in Firefox (this is over an SSL connection if that matters) [16:26]
slordjetteSylvie, question for you. [16:26]
sylviegnyloth: I do not understand [16:27]
nylothsylvieg: smarty button could generate sefurl links directly, instead of tiki-something.php (or AJAX links)
sylvieg: because in the current case it consumes more CPU to parse again the non-sefurl URLS
sylviegyeh but for a ref to a page in a wiki page?
I will not do a button?
nylothno, but this could be handled inside the wiki parser, no ?
well, it'was just a question btw ;⁾
sylviegthere are 2 speeds for the sefurl 1) during parse 2) afterwards
one day we will be using ony 1)
nylothsylvieg: yes, this is what I hope too :) [16:29]
sylviegah ok :-) [16:30]
mycomputerHello everyone. I do understand the option "Trackbacks Pings" of blog administration, but I am not sure to understand the option "Post level trackback pings". Can anyone explain it to me? [16:37]
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chibaguymycomputer, sorry, no idea. Did you check the blogs info at doc.tikiwiki.org? Otherwise, I guess you could do a few tests with your install to see what the behavior is. [16:40]
mycomputerThanks chibaguy for your answer : I looked at doc.tikiwiki.org indeed. I will make some tests (later) [16:41]
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nylothnkoth3: around ? [16:43]
nkoth3y [16:46]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r17142 10/branches/3.0/db/ (7 files): [MOD] new installs: do not display assistant module in default installation. Every information can be put in homepage and assistant module cannot be removed from profiles. [16:48]
amettemycomputer: afaik trackback pings code is not in Tiki right now as the implementation was a security risk - need to recode it with another library [16:48]
nylothnkoth3: as you may have seen, sept_7 has updated HTMLPurifier, which is a good thing. But this make me think that we have to add, in the release process, the freeze of external subversion links (I mean: modify the svn properties to look for a specific/fixed revision of each external links, even our third-parties) [16:49]
mycomputeramette: so it's useless to activate this option for the moment? [16:49]
amettemycomputer: I afraid so, yes.. :(
but test it, probably someone fixed it in between and I didn't notice
mycomputeramette: OK. thanks a lot for your answer [16:50]
amettebut if it doesn't work, then don't put too much time into it
nkoth3nyloth: yeah, that's an interesting situation. it might not seem right to ship with the non-latest version of external libs, but if the external lib upgrade is close to release, it needs to obey the freeze. Unless of course the new version of external libs fix security problems, for e.g. then it is a blocker for release. [16:52]
nylothnkoth3: yes. Because if we do not freeze those external libs, we may update one of them to a new API that is not supported by the stable branch
nkoth3: but this freeze may either be done now or before the candidate release
nkoth3nyloth: i don't know enough about the each external lib to say what is the correct answer, but in general my impression is that given our svn externals, we should be pulling from the external projects' stable branch, right? If that is the case, then any upgrades are likely just bug fixes with little risk at this stage. So freeze at RC seems enough. But I am not sure of each of the libs we use [16:59]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17143 10/branches/3.0/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX]TRACKERLIST: trackerlist with popup was not working because parse_first was replacing with . I do not see why this replacement is useful [16:59]
sylviegthis commit will probably have side effect - if it has, I will rewrite the smarty popup
freeze extarnal lib - we never know if it is security fix....
SEWilco2nyloth: I added the SEFURL smarty filter as an option to help catch unprocessed links. [17:01]
nylothSEWilco2: I understand, no problem. But we should update smarty button and other parts of the code to be able to remove this post parsing after that [17:02]
SEWilco2nyloth: The filter is for people like me that want to map more URLs and don't care about extra CPU usage. (my cache helps) [17:02]
nylothsylvieg: in fact we should have third_party/3.0/... instead of third_party/... [17:02]
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SEWilco2nyloth: I don't understand the meaning of "smarty button".
nyloth: My understanding is that code has to be manually altered for each emitted URL. When that is completed for a URL type, the redundant rule could be removed from the filter.
sylviegnyloth: yes but it will be painful to manage - or you think it is easy? [17:04]
nylothSEWilco2: there is a smarty plugin named 'button' which is used in templates to generate nearly all links (at least those who are displayed as buttons). They are in charge of building a standard link (tiki-index.php) or an AJAX link, etc.... and it should also handle sefurl [17:04]
SEWilco2nyloth: The button sounds helpful. [17:05]
nylothsylvieg: I think it's easy to create (just svn copy at the release), but more work to update them separately [17:05]
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sylviegI suppose it is easy to call filter_out_sefurl on each link in button [17:05]
nylothsylvieg: yes [17:06]
SEWilco2Maybe third_party/3.0 should be used for stuff which requires 3.0? [17:07]
nylothI'm looking for a solution to have a translated HomePage after install... If we add a tra() around the content of this page in tiki-index.php (which creates it), it will be a translated content inside a page named HomePage (and not, for example, 'Accueil' in french). What do you think ? any other suggestion / solution ?
SEWilco2: yes maybe
sylviegand why not having the homepage content in language.php
as we do for the date format already
nylothsylvieg: if I add a tra() around the content, it will be in language.php, yes [17:09]
sylviegbecause the have this big left side ... will be painful
but ok
nylothoh, ok, you mean... only in language.php, not at all in tiki-index ?
I would prefer not to have the whole content in tiki-index
sylviegidea not sure it is good [17:09]
nylothsylvieg: no, in fact I like the idea
sylvieg: I'll do this
sylviegtra(HOMEPAGE) and "HOMEPAGE"=>"tototsdfsdfs" [17:10]
nylothsylvieg: but the problem of the pagename still occurs [17:10]
nkoth3sylvieg, nyloth: i like it too --- trying to think if any problem..... [17:10]
sylviegbuit we need a lang/en/langue.php
yeh page name :_(
nylothsylvieg: sure
sylvieg: but it already exists
sylviegbut it can be empty and deleted for perfmormance reason [17:12]
nkoth3does tra handle links ok? [17:12]
nylothsylvieg: do you suggest translation HomePage only when displaying (which is already done I think) or even when creating the page (so change the name that will be in database) which might be a problem if there is things that are looking for "HomePage" in the code... ? [17:12]
marclaportesylvieg: : do you remember about an old script which would check withing tiki code for all external links to doc.tikiwiki.org/XYZ, which was used to help detect/fix links? [17:12]
sylviegneed to think about this a little bit [17:13]
nylothsylvieg: ok, I come back in 5 min ;) [17:13]
SEWilco2I'm streaming both TF and a radio show. Sounds like WKRP on a bad day. [17:14]
marclaportemaybe default content page on HomePage should be handled by profiles nowadays? [17:14]
nylothmarclaporte: maybe, but this is probably not possible for 3.0
marclaporte: and we still need a default value for cases where there is no internet connection / profiles
marclaportegood point [17:16]
nyloththe problem is that there is only one HomePage (and not one for each languages, which would be nice when the user changes the language) and creating it with a specific language might be problematic
another idea: creating the HomePage content that uses a wiki plugin that will translate the content automatically
so.. not using tra(), but a wiki plugin
this way, we do not need to create pages for each languages, but just one special HomePage (which name is already translated btw)
so, after a new install, the language switching will work for HomePage
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nylothany comments ? [17:19]
nkoth3what's the advantage of this over tra? [17:21]
nylothnkoth3: the advantage is that the page will change the content to reflect the language switching... instead of being created only in one fixed language [17:22]
nkoth3well, I was thinking that if we tra() from --HOMEPAGE-- or something, that would allow the page to be created in any language too. However, this requires every lang file to have --HOMEPAGE-- default translation in it... [17:25]
nylothnkoth3: yes, but I meant that with tra() the page will be created, for example, in French... and after the installation is done, if the users switch to German, the content will still be french for the HomePage.
nkoth3: with a translation wiki plugin around the page content, it will then be displayed in German
nkoth3right. [17:27]
Youcefthe translation issues interest me
and I've a suggestion for this
nylothIn fact, the right way to translate pages is to use the one page per language and link them together through the translation system... but this is too heavy for the HomePage... (creating 50 pages ?) ... So I prefer a wiki translation plugin for this special case [17:28]
Youcefhow about to translate documents as we so for messages strings [17:28]
nylothYoucef: I don't see what you mean [17:29]
YoucefI mean we have may be to translate document (before installation) [17:29]
nkoth3I think the translate plugin nyloth suggests achieves this. Would it still make use of tra though? [17:32]
Youcefok, i try to clarify it again
i think we have to deal with home pages as strings messages
when tiki switch to a new language, it automatically select the right language.php for the new language
may be we have to do the same with the home pages
nylothnkoth3: yes [17:32]
nkoth3Youcef: yes. I think what nyloth is suggesting achives this [17:32]
nylothI think so too [17:32]
nkoth3I kind of imagine we may already have a translate plugin. lol [17:33]
nylothnkoth3: maybe ;p [17:33]
Youcefok [17:33]
ricks99q: on admin: text area, why do some plugins have a checkbox, and others (like catorphans) not? [17:33]
nylothlib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tr.php [17:33]
Youcefwhat make the difference of the this pluging and changing the messages languages? [17:33]
Ok, I'll try with this plugin :)
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nkoth3Youcef: the difference is that messages is in the code, and the homepage content is in the db [17:34]
Youcefif it do the same, that's great [17:34]
nylothYoucef: yep :) [17:34]
YoucefBTW, i've a question [17:34]
nkoth3it does the same, but for "content" vs. template strings [17:35]
paberggreni have a quick question when you are ready... [17:35]
Youcefi need to implement a php script, and need to retreive the active language [17:35]
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nylothYoucef: echo $prefs['language']; // ? [17:36]
Youcefare there any function in the api to know which language is selected? [17:36]
nylothsylvieg: any comment about the HomePage translation through wiki tr proposal ? [17:37]
sylviegno eral bettter idea [17:37]
Youcefthanks so much
now, i've a suggestion about some inconsistency in languages' names
sylvieg(in fact I have homepage - because if you delete it it come back
paberggrenis it possible as an admin to make some parts of the wiki private while most are public? [17:38]
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marclaportemeeting in 30 mins... [17:39]
sylviegpaberggren: it is on my list of things to do [17:39]
nkoth3how about simply configuring category perms? [17:39]
MatWhohow do I join it, with skype? [17:39]
chibaguypaberggren, if you mean some wiki pages private and others not, that's already possible.
I think sylvieg is referring to content within one page.
paberggrentnx - where do I look in the admin section? [17:39]
Youcefsylvieg : I'm wondering how you'll translate home page with the pluging? [17:39]
marclaporte: MatWho: http://tikiwiki.org/TikifestMontreal-meeting2009-March-03 [17:40]
paberggrenyes - some pages private, most pages public [17:40]
nkoth3someone, point to the relevant doc page? I am barred from using my browser,... [17:40]
chibaguypaberggren, you assign access permissions to the group you want to have see/edit, etc. [17:41]
paberggrenchibaguy: of course - thnk you! [17:41]
sylviegpaberggren: ah soory I am thinking of different edit sections in a single wiki page [17:41]
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sylvieg(sorry it is because I have this problem in mind that I misunderstood) [17:42]
chibaguySee doc.tikiwiki.org for info on setting permissions, etc. [17:42]
nylothhi jonnyb [17:42]
chibaguy:-) [17:42]
jonnybhi all [17:42]
paberggrenchibaguy: OK thanks! [17:42]
chibaguythanks for thinking about that, sylvieg [17:42]
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MatWhohi jonnyb [17:43]
ametteah, forgot to mention - doc and dev are svn upped [17:43]
jonnybi'll record the skype conf call, like last time if no one else is [17:44]
nylothjonnyb: just a suggestion about the way jquery was added to subversion : IMO, it should have been committed into third_party branch, not in each branches. It should use external links in those branches, like it's done for smarty, phplayers, jscalendar, and so on
jonnyb: but no urgency for 3.0
jonnybyes, i did consider that - but it's not really a single package (jquery itself is just 2 files) so i wasn't sure that was a good way to do it
also it means we can run one version for release and another in trunk if needs be...
chibaguyjonnyb, I added a few jquery items here: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Release30process#jQuasiblockers_jquery_things_ [17:46]
jonnybyummy :D [17:47]
In case you've nothing else to do.....
sylviegah louis philippe - if you can check my last commit http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/branches/3.0/lib/tikilib.php?r1=17140&r2=17143 - I suppose you know why this line is here [17:47]
nylothjonnyb: ok. I saw much more than 2 files, this is why. Probably not from jquery main code then. [17:48]
jonnyb(looks for roll-on-floor-laughing smiley) [17:48]
I know lph is on 'vacation' :-)
chibaguy:-) [17:49]
nylothsylvieg: lph won't probably anwser... [17:49]
sylviegif I do not ask - I will not have... [17:49]
jonnybyes nyloth - it's about 6 things joined together - including jquery.ui and the tooltips etc plugins
i put a readme file in to explain the layout (so no one will read it ;) ) but will adapt or change it if others think it could be better
i tried to aim for minimum maintenance
chibaguy: i fixed two of them this morning, have plans for the others (and added a couple myself!)
nylothjonnyb: ok [17:51]
chibaguythank you [17:51]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17144 10/branches/3.0/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tag.php: [SEC] wikiplugin_tag: secured to allow only tags without attributes [17:52]
sylviegnyloth: one thing I do not like with homepage - if your default is article - and you have no wiki default - the homepage is created again after for example delete of a page. I do not like it... [17:54]
nylothsylvieg: yes, the homepage should be created once, at installation time, and not in tiki-index.php [17:56]
sylviegok we agree [17:56]
nylothbut changing this is probably too late for 3.0 [17:56]
sylviegyeh next release [17:57]
nkoth3note that tiki-editpage.php also returns homepage if no page specified, so removing this is not completely trivial
nylothI think I'll do a small hack for HomePage translation in 3.0, rollback if you don't like
To precise, the hack might be to use 'en' translation of the homepage content (let say '_HOMEPAGE_CONTENT') in tra() if there is no translation available in the language required
because we don't want to have _HOMEPAGE_CONTENT_ that displays in every languages that doesn't have a translation
pascalstjeanConference call will begin shortly
if you would like to be added please contact me via skype
skype ID = pascalstjean
nylothwell... I'll see [18:00]
pascalstjeanI'll gladly add you to the conference call [18:00]
nkoth3I need close captioning. :) [18:01]
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MartinCleaverHowdy Tiki-ers [18:02]
nkoth3no - too expensive [18:02]
MartinCleaverQ: I note that UsersLib extends TikiLib and that the event of successful login is instigated through routines validate_user and validate_user_cas ; Does Tiki allow the administrator to specify a subclass of UsersLib to be used? [18:02]
nkoth3roaming too expensive
Hi MartinCleaver
nkoth3= Nelson
MartinCleaverSome one's not on Skype!!
y, I figured!
nkoth3roaming... expensive [18:03]
MartinCleaverhence not on Skype?!
you are in Montreal?
nkoth3many TIki people are in Montreal - [18:03]
MartinCleaverfor the Fest [18:03]
nkoth3but I had to take a train to US today. [18:03]
This bit above is an extract from an email to you...
nkoth3Anyway, I am not sure about the answer to your Q. Maybe someone else knows.
But userslib don't look to me like a first class php5 object to me
MartinCleaverOk - will send you the email as is... [18:05]
nkoth3I mean it was written in the php4 era
i won't be checking email till late tonight though
MartinCleaverY, PHP. bluegh.
php5 is much better
but still
hopefully someone else will have an answer
MartinCleaver nudges marclaporte and regisb and amette
I'm thinking to extend UsersLib and overrides the validate_user_cas routine with one that wraps super->UsersLib::validate_user_cas with the bits we need to override.
nkoth3sounds theoretically possible. I don't know. btw, a conference call was starting just before you joined the irc chat room.... so people might be engaged in that [18:08]
MartinCleaverok [18:09]
chibaguyAnyone watching ustream video, is sound ok?
MartinCleaverMartinCleaver goes back to hack-and-slash [18:09]
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chibaguyhttp://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestMontreal2009 [18:09]
MartinCleaverNelson: tiki-setup_base.php:$userlib = new UsersLib($dbTiki); [18:10]
luciashchibaguy: is cool [18:10]
MartinCleaverthat's where it kicks off [18:11]
ametteheya MartinCleaver :) [18:11]
chibaguyheh, sorry about the video glitch (tripod leg collapsed) [18:11]
MartinCleaverhowdy amette !
wow. the code base is quick an adventure
jonnybjonnyb tries out an action
woo! such a n00b ;)
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luciashjust a note for the skype conference call ppl: you can click the little mic icon to mute your mic when you don't want to actually talk [18:14]
it will have better overall sound for everyone
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r17145 10/branches/3.0/lib/profilelib/installlib.php: [FIX] Menu handler to nest menus correctly [18:16]
chibaguySkype conference call starting. Ustream and IRC also for nonskypers. [18:17]
luciashweird skype call is somewhat quiet by the last man talking [18:18]
MatWhono sound [18:18]
jonnybwell that went well! :) [18:18]
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MatWhohelp I got cut off [18:19]
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ . [18:19]
MatWho:) [18:19]
m_stefhi guys. [18:20]
luciashwhy the call was drop ? [18:20]
pascalstjeannot sure [18:20]
MatWhogone again [18:20]
luciashok [18:20]
marclaporteplease see: http://tikiwiki.org/TikifestMontreal-meeting2009-March-03#Agenda [18:21]
MatWhoyes [18:21]
sylviegyes [18:22]
wikimanEric here. [18:22]
slordjetteHi everyone [18:22]
luciashweird is i hear better from the one with phone on the ustream channel than from my skype [18:22]
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MatWhothis is so exciting I can hardly sit still!!! [18:23]
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luciash*g* [18:23]
chibaguyMatWho, feel free to pace about... [18:23]
luciashwho is the phone number ? :-p [18:23]
MatWhook .... pace .... pace ... bump ..... pace ... [18:24]
amettechibaguy: I got it - it was a clear case of "Houston, we have two problems" ;) [18:24]
MatWho:) [18:24]
amettefirst needed to disable TCP-checksumming due to Xen-bug and then disable Apache's Sendfile systemcall usage due to the documentroot being mounted via NFS
now it should be rather ok - first load still takes a bit, but then it runs nicely :)
luciashcan't hear well when the "phone number" talks :-p
or speaks
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chibaguyah, ok, amette, thanks.... [18:25]
amettenow we need to figure out the themes to install and find a way to make it easy for you to install new ones.. [18:26]
chibaguyyes, much faster [18:26]
amettegreat :) [18:26]
chibaguy(amette is tuning new themes.tw.o server) [18:26]
amette(yup) [18:27]
luciashgood idea :) [18:27]
ametteluciash: you can test with /etc/hosts entry: themes.tikiwiki.org [18:27]
luciashmarc will participate in da call ? [18:28]
ametteyup [18:28]
luciashamette: kewl [18:28]
pascalstjeanhere we go [18:28]
MatWholegibility index is at 3 out of 10 [18:29]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r17146 10/branches/3.0/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] default HomePage translation: allow translators to translate the default homePage by translating '_HOMEPAGE_CONTENT_' string in lang/*/language.php [18:29]
luciashif marc is the "phone number" talking i can hear him very badly, others ppl audi is perfect [18:30]
jonnybsounds good to me [18:30]
luciash*audio even [18:30]
MartinCleavernkoth3__: y.t. ? [18:30]
amettewhat frickin' "phone number talking" do you actually mean? [18:30]
he means the phone in from the conference phone in your room sounds rubbish
ametteah, ok... hmm.. :-/ [18:31]
luciashi can hear you very quietly, marc, but if others are ok, i'll try to adjust my volume up [18:31]
ametteluciash: you were _really_ silent here, too - we hear others rather clean and loud [18:31]
MatWhomarc get closer to phone or get phone closer to marc [18:31]
amettewow - marc already speaks rather loudly!! :-/ [18:32]
luciashamette: ah, thanks for letting me know [18:32]
ametteyw [18:32]
luciashi think i have to put volume from ustream broadcast up again to be able what you talk about guys .-/ [18:33]
jonnybonly getting about 10% of this [18:33]
ametteyou guys probably don't really hear jyhem now, right?
ouch, fuck... :(
sylviegnot very much [18:33]
pascalstjeanthe Mic we are using for USteam is much better [18:33]
luciash:D [18:33]
sylviegyes [18:33]
pascalstjeanwe are trying to fix it
once sec
MatWhoThe conference phone keeps cutting out get closer to it [18:33]
sylviegthe ustream sound is better [18:34]
luciashabout 5 seconds
3-5 seconds
sylviegI headr everything - but I needed to concentrate
+1 perfect
pascalstjeanok USteam and Skype at the same time
please try both
luciashthe problem is when i have ustream sound up i hear everything twice :-p [18:35]
pascalstjeanand use what works best [18:35]
jonnybthat's good for me [18:35]
sylviegustream is 1 minutes later - not real time [18:35]
pascalstjeanok [18:35]
luciashi think i'll mute my skype output ;) [18:36]
pascalstjeanfor some USteam doesn't have that long of a delay [18:36]
marclaporteFYI: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Roadmap [18:36]
MatWhoaudibility index is 4 out of 10 [18:36]
marclaporte4 major points: 1- Calendar releases, 2- Stable downloads, 3- Trunk, releasable at any time, 4- Experimental branches [18:36]
MatWhono sound [18:36]
nylothand : http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Where+To+Commit [18:37]
nkoth3__pascalstjean - there is a phone number people can call? [18:37]
pascalstjeanlong distance yes [18:38]
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pascalstjeanone sec guys we are trying out [18:39]
amettewe're trying to fix it by coming into the skype call with the good UStream mic [18:39]
chibaguyustream will be down for a minute while mic is switched. [18:39]
sylviegam i the only to no sync between skype and ustream - ustream is about 30s late [18:39]
jonnybgood plan [18:39]
MatWhoThe phone you are using is not designed for conferences, it will cut off the microphone when the speaker is operation, to stop it howling. You need a special conference phone. [18:39]
luciashsounds of future ;) [18:40]
jonnyb:O [18:40]
amette;) [18:40]
MatWhoustrean gone now [18:40]
nylothsylvieg: yes, Ustream is very slow [18:40]
MatWhoustream [18:40]
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sylvieggood to have somebody with a cough - at least we know we are still connected [18:42]
ametteLOL :P
I do my very best ;)
jonnybme too [18:42]
sylviegkeep on the good job [18:42]
amette:) [18:43]
Jyhemback online :-) [18:43]
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MatWhopace ... pace ... [18:43]
sylviegpace for me too [18:43]
MatWho:) [18:43]
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m_stefinteresting feeling to have you all - here at home. [18:44]
amette:) [18:44]
chibaguyustream back up. laptop mic being used (which accounts for the thumping sound -- keyboard) [18:44]
amettehow's sound now? [18:45]
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mib_99ebephello guys
iam katz_kul and nothing is currently being broadcasted
luciashfor me the same, but i can hear a bit
chibaguyhttp://www.ustream.tv/channel/tikifests [18:46]
mib_99ebepyup same url [18:46]
chibaguyhttp://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestMontreal2009 [18:46]
amettewuh? weird... so it's skype and not the microphone that's the problem...?!? [18:46]
marclaporteA * calendar releases
B * a stable, bug-free version available for download
C * a dev version suitable for use at any time
D * the possibility to add major improvements through branches which
are merged afterwards
E * that backward compatibility must be maintained (3 rules, etc.)
F * having more built-in features than any other comparable app
G * Very open contribution policy, people can commit things that are not always future-proof
luciashseems so, maybe skype for linux handles phone calls badly while skype calls are good ? [18:47]
sylviegsomebcan you hear me? [18:47]
luciashno idea [18:47]
sylviegyes ok [18:47]
please repeat
we can hear you
nylothwoaoo [18:47]
luciashi'll better write and hear ustream channel [18:47]
nylothhard to understand here [18:47]
mib_99ebepnow i hear [18:48]
sylviegthe 3 rukles are working - no need to chage [18:48]
luciash(skype crashed) [18:48]
ametteI agree with sylvie [18:48]
nylothwell, IMO this is not to replace the 3 rules [18:48]
pascalstjeanim' trying to get you back up luci [18:48]
sylviegeasy to upgrade + open politics + build-in feature [18:49]
ametteI didn't have the feeling like it's about replacing the 3 rules - but what's it about then? ;)
extending them?
nylothcompleting [18:49]
luciashi don't know what's the problem :-p [18:49]
MatWhothis important conversation is not working due to skype [18:49]
luciashwith 3Rules i mean ;) [18:49]
amette*g* [18:49]
nylothfor me there is no problem ;p [18:49]
mib_99ebepi like the embedding [18:49]
amettefor me neither [18:49]
mib_99ebepon tiki way better :) [18:50]
sylviegsorry I used reserved word - marc's 3 points [18:50]
luciashLOL, reserved word ? [18:50]
nylothsylvieg: so you meant the 3 first points ? [18:50]
sylviegyes [18:50]
nylothok [18:50]
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jonnybi think the skype conf is not helping (50 minutes and very little communication so far) - better with ustream and irc - imho [18:50]
nylothwe don't have a real B yet
B = a stable, bug-free version available for download
jonnybalso, people could call in like i did about the jquery stuff [18:51]
pascalstjeantechnical maintenace being performed
one more minute
luciashi think we never had real B [18:51]
pascalstjeanthen we will turn it off
we are trying new speaker and mic
nylothmarc is doing a lot of noise here ;p [18:52]
luciash*g* [18:52]
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luciashBSoD ! wow [18:52]
MatWhoThe problem is that the release version is getting very little support/bug fixes - so every one moves on to trunk to get fixes and the latest features. This then makes trunk very difficult to develop with because so many people use trunk as if it was a production version. [18:53]
nylothok, so.. who doesn't agree with one of the points listed by marc ? (A to G) [18:53]
luciashi haven't seen it for years ;) [18:53]
nylothMatWho: I agree [18:53]
sylviegMatWho: yes we need more bug fix into 3.0 [18:53]
ametteMatWho: nyloth said that two days ago - we need (should) work for one/two months on the stable some further before concentrating on trunk [18:53]
nylothI agree with what amette reported from my previous thoughts ;p [18:54]
luciashi didn't hear what is the ABC list about so i can't say [18:54]
JyhemMatWho: I agree that release version should get real bugfixes (not just security), so that it's actually what people want to use in production [18:54]
luciashis it priorities ? ascendant list ? [18:54]
jonnybA * calendar releases
B * a stable, bug-free version available for download
MatWhothe problem is there is a point missing Point H - we fix important bugs in he production version and migrate enhancements over as possible from trunk to the production version in between main releses [18:55]
ametteI opt for allowing 3.x releases for bugfixing, slight feature improvement - and use 3.x.y for security patches (as is common practice with version numbering - this also helps with people assessing what they download) [18:55]
jonnybC * a dev version suitable for use at any time
D * the possibility to add major improvements through branches which are merged afterwards
E * that backward compatibility must be maintained (3 rules, etc.)
F * having more built-in features than any other comparable app
ametteMatWho: I wouldn't migrate stuff from trunk to stable - that's what trunk is for [18:55]
jonnybG * Very open contribution policy, people can commit things that are not always future-proof [18:55]
luciashamette: +1 [18:55]
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Jyhemamette: +1 [18:56]
sylviegin fact I like backport we test in trunk and if ok we put back in 3.0 [18:56]
jonnybI'd say D is tricky one for me - more time managing the branch than actually doing the coding [18:56]
nylothamette: we could also keep 3.x only, for bugfixes and/or for security fixes [18:56]
MatWhobut that meant everyone is made to move from the production version to trunk and then it gets difficult to develop in trunk [18:56]
Jyhembut still fix important bugs in he production version: +1 [18:56]
MatWhosylvieg: exactly, I agree [18:56]
sylviegis more secure than deevlopping directly in 3.0 [18:57]
luciashnyloth: we can't when you named the branch 3.0 ;)
nyloth: just joking
nylothluciash: lol [18:57]
MatWhosylvieg: yes exactly, we need to manage the process of adding fixes/functions in to 3.x [18:57]
nylothsylvieg: I agree... but will people do backport ? Do we need a quality team that do the backport ? [18:57]
amettesylvieg: I wouldn't put completely new features in the released version - only fixes in already existing features - it's only six months to the next release, that should be ok - no? [18:57]
sylviegI will go for we develop in trunk and each week we backport in 3.0 what is interesting [18:58]
amettehmmm.... [18:58]
MatWhosylvieg: +10 [18:58]
sylviegye a quality team will be good for that [18:58]
luciashinteresting idea [18:58]
nylothsylvieg: ok for a quality team for this task [18:58]
chibaguystreaming will be off momentarily for another mic switch. [18:58]
MatWhosylvieg: ok maybe just backport easy/important features [18:59]
m_stefsylvieg: +1 [18:59]
Jyhemwhich would be the stable releases ? [18:59]
MatWho3.x [18:59]
marclaporteWe are testing new speakerphone setup on Skype
This seems better
sylviegsound is good now [19:00]
MatWhogood sound [19:00]
m_stefyay. let us hear it on ustream as well. ;) [19:00]
pascalstjeanremember if you are not talking please mute your mic
will generate even better sound
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MatWhoyes from me [19:01]
sylviegyes [19:01]
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sylviegyou baclport by replying the diff
MatWhoIf it is "important" [19:03]
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sylviegthe reviewer group decides - it is not a free world [19:04]
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nylothsylvieg: +10 [19:04]
MatWhosylvieg: +1 [19:04]
jonnybamazing noises... [19:04]
Jyhemwho is the reviewer group ?
any volunteers ?
sylviegwho volunteer? [19:04]
nyloththe "quality team" we were talking about [19:04]
nkoth3_sylvieg: +10 reviewer group decides on backport [19:04]
nylothI volunteer if there is not enough other volunteers [19:05]
Jyhemok, who is the quality team ? [19:05]
sylviegI volunteer [19:05]
nylothJyhem: it has to be created [19:05]
sylviegand choices are abritary - no need to explain - it is the group responsability [19:06]
MatWhoyes [19:06]
jonnybi'll help - and we review the reviewers each major release? [19:06]
no problem for me ;p
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Jyhem:-) [19:06]
sylviegright [19:07]
sylviegno because the bacport will be more and more difficult - so one day it will be time to move on [19:07]
jonnybterrible sound - have we been invaded? [19:08]
nylothlol [19:08]
MatWho4.0 will be the way to get new features in that have taken serious changes to achive [19:08]
luciashi gived up with skype and listening perfect sound from the ustream ;) [19:08]
nyloth4.0, 5.0, and so on are scheduled... so they will surely be released [19:08]
sylviegI do not agree to define rules - it is arbitrary - if somebody wnat really the fix to be in 3.0 , he should explain - prove... that it will create no problem [19:09]
nkoth3_maybe the quality team could be release/branch specific [19:09]
nylothI agree with sylvie ... I think the quality team should decide or vote [19:09]
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nylothamette: +1 [19:11]
sylviegno database change will perhpas one rule [19:11]
MatWhoa suggestion : it gets back ported if a) it will be a safe backport that has little impact and b) is required to stop someone moving on to trunk to get things working. This is just a vague definition and I agree the Q Team should decide [19:11]
nylothsylvieg: probably [19:11]
triciafyi: getting WARNING: Plugin disabled REDIRECT! on http://doc.tikiwiki.org/File+Galleries [19:12]
sylviegwe still need one month where we work bug fix in 3.0 and merge in trunk [19:12]
amettetricia: yeah,m with 3.0 we need to look at the new system again... I'll take a note - thanks!
tricia: link to the page? so I can check?
jonnybMatWho & sylvieg: +1 [19:12]
nylothsylvieg: yes, the QTeam may take care of the stable release after the final release, not after the technical release [19:13]
sylviegok [19:13]
MatWhook [19:13]
m_stefdo you take into account what could be if a unit testing framework would be installed? [19:13]
JyhemSo, first decision is: QA team (Sylvie, Nyloth, JonnyB) decide what is backported in 3.0 ? [19:13]
sylviegthe good point is that the fix/modif is checked in trunk before to be backported [19:14]
m_stefi believe that unit testing framework would make things like backporting also easier. [19:14]
nylothsylvieg: yes [19:14]
JyhemI suggest we take the unit testing framework into account when it is installed and evaluated ? [19:14]
nylothm_stef: probably, but for me it's another point [19:14]
m_stefok [19:15]
MatWhosylvieg: exactly [19:15]
sylviegI give up with skype - seems nobody hear me - I hear perfectly [19:15]
triciaamette: some othershttp://doc.tikiwiki.org/Blogs http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Forums [19:15]
sylviegit is still a good idea - (if it is not a personal branch) [19:16]
MatWhoI have lost skype [19:16]
nylothsylvieg: +1 [19:16]
amettetricia: great, thanks! :) [19:16]
jonnybi bailed out (skype) [19:16]
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sarright :)
amette:) [19:17]
jonnybbranches should be for very heavy things that will break lots of stuff - like changes to prefs or categories (need doing) [19:17]
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sylvieg+1 for jonnyb [19:19]
nylothmarclaporte: I think we can affort it. Keeping trunk as stable as possible, using experimental branches for new features still in development. + a stable qith backports from QTeam
I'm not so far to agree with jonnyb too
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MatWhoyes Branches is where you try and get things to work, Trunk is where you try and get what works back in to the main product. X.X is what people use for real work and it should be supported with minor backports when it is important and they defiantly will work. [19:21]
sylviegman power on Qteam will limit the backport
if enough ressource to backport - nice / but not sure we have
6 months for me
nylothsylvieg: I think we can try [19:23]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17147 10/branches/3.0/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_fancylist.php: [FIX] wikiplugin_fanylist: allow wiki links and other stuff in the items [19:23]
jonnybI favour releasing new things when they exist and work, not just when it's a certain month
I also like version numbers to represent how much has changes in the code (but i'm generally old-fashioned)
+1 from me on doing 3.01 etc
nyloth-1 for me [19:26]
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sylviegthey would like securty and bug fixes [19:26]
luciashbtw, if i understand you, at my job we still use CVS but we do it like you propose, we keep stable stuff on HEAD where really stable versions of file meant for production are tagged STABLE, unsure tagged TEST and we eventually create branches for testing/experimental
(well, but this is too different i think)
sylviegpeople can use svn export if they want the soft [19:31]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17148 10/branches/3.0/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] Removed JQuery attempt at toggleCols() - wouldn't animate nicely (left in commented out to have another go later) [19:31]
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sylviegrelease can stay when security pbs occur [19:31]
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sylviegI do not really aggeree with jonnyb to release when we think there is enough good features - [19:32]
SEWilco2"Enough" and "good" are subjective. And off I go to write some defiant code... [19:33]
jonnybi know sylvieg, it's just me :) [19:33]
sylviegit is time consuming to release .... [19:34]
nylothsylvieg: +1 [19:34]
sylviegprefer to spend my energy in backporting
we can say people your bug is fixed the revision svn export this revision
amettenyloth: what did you say yesterday? Our goal should be to be able to release "in five minutes"? I agree with that - it's a good goal! :) [19:34]
SEWilco2"make release" [19:35]
ametteyup [19:35]
SEWilco2tiki-make_release.php [19:35]
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jonnyb(custom js and css in database) it's on my list marclaporte! :) [19:42]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17149 10/branches/3.0/tiki-admin_include_features.php: [FIX] Notices [19:44]
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jonnybmaybe we should have a deprecated label - like experimental but the opposite
like for imagegals
we never close ;)
MatWhojonnyb: +1 [19:46]
nylothdeprecated / obsolete, yes, but only for 1 or 2 versions... [19:46]
chibaguyjonnyb, I suggested the same thing, only with the label 'Neglected'
amettehttp://amette.eu/blogpost166 [19:46]
jonnybah... sounds so sad! [19:46]
nylothinstead we will end with more features in deprecated than in the rest [19:47]
chibaguythe truth hurts... [19:47]
marclaporteI think the most important thing is calendar releases. [19:47]
SEWilco2I've been contributing stuff which is generalized, to make it easier to be used in many situations without customization. [19:47]
marclaporteneglected LOL [19:47]
SEWilco2And now that I discovered that imagegals is out of favor, my imaging stuff is supporting both imagegal and filegal. [19:48]
nylothI would like to have neglected/deprecated/whatever features that are announced like this in 1 or 2 versions max [19:48]
MatWhochibaguy: but by making something "depreciated" might be the motivation required for someone to rescue it, currently it is very difficult to see what needs fixing/rescuing [19:48]
jonnybSEWilco2: good plan - we're (going to be) doing similar with GroupMail [19:48]
sylviegok for me [19:49]
SEWilco2Deprecated. "Depreciated" is a financial term. Is there a numerical scoring system? [19:49]
chibaguy"decroded" [19:50]
SEWilco2"eroding" [19:50]
sylviegthe 'quality team' should be open - it is easy to backport with the author... [19:50]
jonnybrusty [19:50]
nylothok [19:50]
sylviegI am not sure I trust enough peple to backport....
any people
nkoth3So long as there is a "reasonable" (need not be fixed) time limit or features that are deprecated to stay around. I really like the deprecated label. [19:51]
jonnybQTeam will end up doing a fair bit of it, i guess [19:51]
nyloththe QTeam will be in charge of backporting bugfixes. What about translations, themes fixes and security fixes ? (just to be more precise) [19:51]
nkoth3I think the QT can get helpers, but is ultimately the decider. [19:51]
nylothFor translations, I think QTeam is not necessaeirly needed [19:51]
sylviegtraanslation can not really be backported [19:52]
MatWhonyloth: +1 [19:52]
jonnyb+1 nyloth (translations) [19:52]
m_stefis marc proposing a semantic configuration? [19:52]
sylviegI want a little bit of control [19:53]
nkoth3+1 nyloth (translations) [19:53]
sylviegit is why I would like an open Qteam [19:53]
amettesylvieg: you have it by being on the quality team - it'll work out!
open qteam sounds very good
marclaportem_stef: huh? [19:53]
sylviegI am no more on skyope - seems nobody heard me... [19:53]
jonnybi gotta go for a little while - someone's cooked food for me :D - i'll be back (& will try and catch up) [19:53]
ametteand then discuss with the people who want their stuff backported, if and how it is done [19:53]
m_stefno only ustream... :(
30 seconds lag, i know
sylvieg+1 amette [19:54]
MatWhono skype [19:54]
amette( this includes the IF and the WHO - so it'll be ok I think - we'll see about the final process - let it develop, I say) [19:54]
SEWilco2Or document how to contribute a backport so a dev can contribute both forward and back versions. [19:54]
pascalstjeaneverybody moved to UStream [19:54]
m_stefmarclaporte: tagged configuration options sound a lot like a semantic whatever. [19:54]
sylviegyes pascalstjean [19:54]
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sylviegI need to check my headset is working properly - was at the beginning - but I lost the possibility to speak [19:56]
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sylviegexperimental - forever [19:56]
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MatWhoback in 5 mins [19:56]
SEWilco2"Igor, that vat stinks, dump it out." [19:57]
nylothIf the branch is not needed anymore, it would be fait from the developper to close it (I've done it recently for calendar_ng)
sylviegustream is good [19:58]
m_stefi meet the lead developer tomorrow of ustream, if you agree i'll buy him a tikibeer. [19:59]
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sylvieg:-) [19:59]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 nods gently, so as to not upset the tikibeer's head. [19:59]
chibaguym_stef, please tell him thanks for the service. It's been great for us. :-) [20:00]
amettem_stef: do that! Ttell him, we had a good time with his product!! :) [20:00]
m_stefi already invited him to this conf, not sure if he makes it, but i wanted to show him, in what innovative ways their service is used. ;) [20:01]
amette:) [20:01]
sylvieg1) +1 for rick job and other [20:02]
SEWilco2Does ustream have a way for streams to categorize themselves, so streams about one event could be in same category? Ustream could suggest such related things. [20:04]
sylviegyou give tags to a broadcast
so you can waht you want...
SEWilco2Oh, good. [20:04]
sylviegpoint 1) I do like too much the themes for the tw sites - not very sexy - even if it is a good theme - but not enough colorful / javascript... for these sites
2 point) good job chibaguy, luciash, pkdille and others...
marclaporte:-) [20:07]
SEWilco2Speaking of installation... easier favicon installation would be nice. [20:09]
marclaporteSEWilco2 : + 1 and with logo as well [20:09]
SEWilco2marclaporte: "Type a description of your desired logo. The image and an invoice will be produced." :-) [20:11]
sylviegYeh nyloth [20:11]
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amettewb ricks99_ :) [20:12]
nylothhi ricks99 [20:12]
ricks99_:) [20:13]
amettecheck out: http://www.ustream.tv/videoplayerpopup/channel/523448 ;)
and http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFestMontreal2009
( beware, the stream is there too - so you might get sound duplication ;) )
the link directly to ustream doesn't lag so far behind though apparantly
sylvieg+1 for chibaguy and css layput [20:14]
marclaportechibaguy rocks [20:15]
ametteyup :) [20:15]
sylviegand like this we can document and explain what table.normal is for
for instance
amette:) [20:16]
nylothsylvieg: +1 [20:16]
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SEWilco2themes3.tw.o [20:16]
MatWhohi [20:17]
SEWilco2Or... 3.themes.tw.o ? [20:17]
sylviegyou can overload icon now - thax nyloth [20:18]
nyloth:) [20:19]
luciashluciash is back [20:20]
chibaguyright, we need descriptions of existing css selectors, as guideline for developers, to avoid new selectors... [20:21]
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chibaguy...that may be unneeded. [20:21]
luciashproblem with favicon is that it's not easy to overwrite because in root of tiki [20:21]
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sylviegI do not hink people are specialized - so it is hard to say this guy is the guy of the feature... [20:22]
luciashexcept if we will forget favicon support for ie6 [20:22]
sylviegluciash: you can do a special command that write in root(if the perms are good) [20:22]
SEWilco2luciash: Being in root and awkwardness in uploading are two favicon problems. Being in root makes it a candidate for an installation step. [20:22]
matthew: can you tell us about marketing?
MatWhoyes [20:23]
MartinCleavernkoth3: y.t. ? [20:23]
MatWhois skype going to work? [20:23]
marclaporteyes [20:23]
sylviegit was working.. [20:23]
SEWilco2Just enough time to run a TW commercial. [20:23]
luciashfavicon in FF can be anywhere else and different format than ico [20:23]
sylviegthx luciash did not know that [20:24]
marclaporteno, call Pascal [20:24]
luciashsylvieg: i'm not sure, you have to give write permission to the favicon file itself and dunno if it will work if / is not writable [20:24]
SEWilco2luciash: Good point. We could provide easier support for non-IE favicon, and document the rest. [20:24]
sylviegluciash: yes it is the point / problem [20:24]
marclaportePascal's computer has speakerphone [20:24]
luciashSEWilco2: yep, that could be good compromise [20:24]
sylvieg(like the .htaccess file btw) [20:24]
marclaporteloud and clear [20:24]
sylvieghi MatWho
luciashheeelou :D
sylviegheee loooooo [20:25]
SEWilco2luciash: Don't need write permission to a file if there is a .htaccess rule pointing to a certain file/program which emits favicon. [20:25]
marclaportecan you give us status report on marketing?
amette is gone
sylviegSEWilco2: good point [20:25]
luciashSEWilco2: ah yup, htaccess can work it out [20:26]
yes, we hear you loud and clear
tricianice haircut [20:27]
luciashhuh ? [20:27]
triciabad joke speaker on phone see phone, phone has nice haircut [20:27]
omstefanovthanks Matthew [20:28]
luciashaaah :D [20:28]
omstefanovwhat name do you want to protect? [20:28]
luciashit's like live on news ;) [20:28]
chibaguy:-) [20:28]
sylviegahaha [20:28]
luciashomstefanov: that's the problem we don't know yet :-p [20:29]
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omstefanovi heard marc loud and clear [20:30]
chibaguy(actual mic/speaker shown -- regular phone before was studio prop) [20:31]
sylviegwhat is the name ? aaaaa [20:31]
luciashROFL, chibaguy is learning broadcasting tricks ;) [20:32]
nylothsylvieg: lol
sylvieg: how about GGG ? ;)
sylviegdo we know at least one guy who comes from mediawii? [20:33]
triciasound echo echo echo
has sound changed changed changed ??
sylviegI have write for the cnrs the import/export xml of page (with attacfh, comment, image) ... if somebody has an idea about a good format for this xml file - it can be poweful for the part out the syntax [20:35]
chibaguytricia, be sure you only have one window playing the video. [20:35]
luciashno echo here, check if you don't have two ustream players open
sylvieg: cool
sylviegmigating the look?
I think content will be already a good step
triciathanks had a shadow box, it started to echo all of a sudden ???? :-:
plus fort patrice !!
luciashtricia: soory, if you open in hadowbox you have to pause the one on page first :-/ [20:38]
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nyloth:) [20:39]
sylviegfor example transfer a page with all its dependency from one tiki and another one - we need that
-1 for this idea - for personal reason - because my customers one day will give me a calendar job, ontother will be tracker
nylothsame as sylvieg [20:42]
SEWilco2It would help to have contact people for things. [20:42]
sylviegI do not want to specialize - but it is MY situation [20:42]
omstefanov1 for this idea too. perhaps "interest groups" for features? [20:42]
SEWilco2sylvieg: Just take your specialized problem and supply a generalized solution. [20:42]
Jyhemsame as Sylvie [20:43]
SEWilco2sylvieg: Would also be nice so a page could be shared among a community of servers. [20:44]
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luciashwe got a feedback coment ;) → http://www.ustream.tv/channel/523448 [20:44]
sylviegso we need 10 .. mailing lists [20:45]
nylothsylvieg: LOL [20:45]
marclaportefilters/tags/categories [20:46]
sylviegI think the devel list is not enough specialize... [20:46]
SEWilco2We need a "contact info" space on web page for various features. Multiple names allowed. Wiki page? Tracker field? [20:46]
MatWhoSEWilco2: +1 [20:46]
nylothsylvieg: +1 [20:46]
sylviegSEWilco2: fien I will put my name in each one [20:46]
triciasewilco2: +1 [20:47]
SEWilco2Contact info could be dev.tw.o user name. email address not necessary. [20:47]
nylothSEWilco2: -1 [20:47]
sylviegwe will finish like the consultants apge - a big list and people do not know how to approach the list [20:47]
SEWilco2With two comments, is that a -1 or (-1*2)?
Approach the list with flowers or chocolate.
nyloth:) [20:48]
chibaguyand money [20:48]
MatWhoSEWilco2: This seems to be an easy solution to the problem, which does not change much but makes it really easy to find the person who knows the answer [20:48]
triciaquick question: tikiwiki markup for comments ??? [20:50]
luciashtricia: ? we have quotes plugin [20:50]
sylviegi think we know each other - and when there is a message on the devel that can be considered asour duty to answer - I answer [20:50]
luciashfor comment area the same syntax as wiki page [20:51]
nylothsylvieg: +1 [20:51]
triciainline comments like html <!-- fdkalsfkl -> [20:51]
luciashah, there's one, yep, wiki plugin i think
tricia: see the help
sylviegwhat is this page? [20:52]
triciai did try, takes some digging, was being lazy as everyone is on [20:52]
SEWilco2Are IRC comments visible to the TF discussioneers? [20:52]
sylviegwhat is this page? [20:53]
marclaportehttp://tikiwiki.org/WhoWhat [20:53]
sylviegtricia ~tc~ [20:54]
luciashsylvie digged it out :) [20:54]
triciahooray sylvie to the rescue again !!! merci mille fois [20:57]
new contributors +1 and -1
SEWilco2The permissions in 2.2 still seem fragile, so it's harder to not give admin rights to people. And admins can break sites.
marclaportehttp://tikiwiki.org/SWOT#Integration_of_new_contributors_to_the_community_D_ [21:01]
sylviegwe need a Qteam - because the newbies that are not happy because we do not agree with their code ... take this personnally [21:01]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 keeps thinking of the Lensman Q-gun. [21:02]
sylvieg(I had 2 persons recently that were unhappy with me because I said thet it was not feeting tw
and after you must say - ok commit and we have a big 'verrue' in the code
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luciashsylvieg: yup yup [21:04]
ricks99we can now capture email addresses from new installs (via mail test)... [21:05]
sylviegricks99: is smart ;-) [21:05]
luciashricks99: that's privacy breach [21:05]
sylviegte regexp in tracker [21:05]
ricks99not if disclosed [21:05]
sylviegand th best_lang [21:05]
luciashdon't forget we're open source ;) [21:06]
MatWhoricks99: -100 [21:06]
ricks99how about simply an automated response to their test email? "thanks for installing" [21:06]
sylviegth regexp tracker was badly implemented - and each 2 days he snet we an email he wants to commit because it is done [21:06]
MatWhoricks99: much better [21:06]
marclaportehttp://dev.tikiwiki.org/Roadmap [21:07]
luciashbtw, i tested the mail thing on my localhost, it said ok, but i didn't received any mail from info at tw.o.. is it ok there goes actually no mail ? [21:07]
ricks99@luciash: dont quite understand. I have seen lots of the test emails coming to info@tw.o [21:08]
chibaguystreaming still ok? video is stuck on my monitoring of ustream tikifests page. [21:08]
luciashor it goes to /dev/null ?
gary: works but slow video
sylviegno idea about radmaop for 4.0 depends on customers... [21:08]
ricks99no, it is a real addresss [21:08]
chibaguyyeah, ok. [21:08]
nkoth3i clicked that test mail some days ago also.... [21:09]
chibaguyI hope the recorded video clip is better. [21:09]
ricks99but if we want to do an auto-responder, should use a unique address [21:09]
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sylviegIE6 will be hard [21:09]
chibaguyrecording of video seems to be going ok. [21:09]
lq_180Hello. I'm trying to integrate phpbb forums into tikiwiki. I've read through the forums but haven't found alot other than people talking about tikipro and bitweaver. I found this page on bitweaver about the integration http://www.bitweaver.org/wiki/phpBB+Edits but can this be done on tikiwiki? [21:11]
chibaguylq_180, if you're a good coder, probably so. ;-) [21:11]
sylviegbitweaver does not support anymoer phpbb - so far I know [21:12]
luciashricks99: ok, i thought i receive mails sent to info tw.o but i mixed it with the watches which go "from", sorry [21:12]
ricks99@lq_180: open request: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=8qw&q=tikiwiki+phpbb&btnG=Search [21:12]
chibaguylq_180, our priority is to improve internal features rather than integrate outside programs. [21:13]
MatWhoI have to go and eat ... [21:13]
sylviegbon appetit [21:14]
marclaportehttp://dev.tikiwiki.org/AvanTech_net [21:14]
luciashlq_180: maybe via integrator but it's very old code unmaintained [21:14]
nkoth3why not use the forums in TikiWiki? [21:15]
sylviegforum in tikiwiki will allow to share perms, access... [21:17]
lq_180I can't figure out how to break down the forums in tikiwiki into sections and subsections
that's the only reason
SEWilco2{TELECONFERENCE} plugin? Configurable for various video/chat services? Iframes? [21:19]
sylviegthre is section notion in forum [21:21]
ricks99@lq_180: see docs: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Forum+User&structure=Documentation#Creating_editing_forums "section" option [21:21]
sylviegthat groups forums together - only one level [21:21]
Jyhemour ratings would be better with more girls on screen [21:21]
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luciashbtw, isn't netineo something simmilar ? [21:22]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 looks for the Skype archive... [21:22]
luciashas ustream.tv ? [21:22]
nkoth3to ustream? [21:22]
luciashnkoth3: yep, it's about online tv channels too, right ? [21:23]
lq_180I'm reading through the stuff and while it says the forums can be broken into sections, it does not say how this is done [21:23]
sylviegit is the 4 setting line in admin-> a forum [21:23]
nkoth3yes, similar - not exactly the same, ustreamis bigger though (I suppose $13mi in funding helps) [21:24]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r17150 10/branches/3.0/lang/fr/language.php: [ENH] french translation of the homepage content [21:24]
lq_180lol wow I don't know how I missed that. I guess it's been a long day. Thank you [21:25]
sylviegphone conference will be good [21:25]
luciashnkoth3: just remember it because it dogfoods tiki partly ;) [21:25]
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SEWilco2TF stream froze and audio is breaking up. [21:25]
marclaportebeer for us soon
so speak now
or else :-)
nkoth3luciash: sure. [21:26]
sylviegI am here [21:26]
ricks99waiting for my beer :) [21:26]
wikimanHere [21:26]
SEWilco2nkoth: Sure, you online or sure you gave up? [21:26]
tricialurking [21:26]
sylvieghope I have a beer in the freezer [21:26]
SEWilco2"15 viewers" [21:27]
sylviegno 16.. [21:27]
luciashsylvieg: last time we tried call conference we used gizmo and it worked pretty well, there's audio recorded still attached to the dev page: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=AdminUIRevamp20071210 [21:27]
nkoth3SEWilco2: ? [21:27]
sylviegthanks [21:27]
wikimanThis was a good experience. Thank you all. [21:27]
luciashluciash still have one in the fridge too ;) [21:27]
lq_180so what was added in the beta 3.0 package? [21:28]
sylviegand thanks for chibaguy the cameraman [21:28]
SEWilco2Is this the end of the TF, or should we wait for return? [21:28]
triciathank you everyone, only problem is no way to get beer virtually [21:28]
nyloth:) [21:28]
SEWilco2tricia: There is a way, but it's a hardware problem. [21:28]
luciashmany thanks to chibaguy, right [21:29]
SEWilco2No partying words. [21:29]
triciadang, i hate hardware [21:29]
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SEWilco2tricia: Even hardware with beer? [21:29]
sylviegthe sound is breaking down each 10 mn - my computer is tired [21:29]
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that I would like
luciashyes, here too, i think ustream servers are getting overloaded [21:30]
triciagtg great fest everyone thanks again [21:30]
SEWilco2tricia: A beer well? There's an idea. [21:30]
triciaoooh good idea [21:30]
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sylviegblapblapblap [21:31]
luciashyeeeeah ! very cool virtual tikifest for me ;) thanks to my wife that she allowed me to sit the whole time here ;) [21:31]
m_stefyaehaw [21:31]
SEWilco2One guy to focus.. that would be the cameraman. [21:31]
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luciashnext time we can produce the free tikibeer, just grab the open source receipt ;) [21:32]
mib_dqr5amluciash, lucky you! (xavi here, kind of hidden)
m_stef:) [21:32]
luciashheheh, LOL
wb xavi hidden ;)
ricks99*clap* [21:33]
m_stefyeaah! [21:33]
sylviegblabla... [21:33]
wikimanprops [21:33]
sylviegclapclapcalp [21:33]
marclaporteparty time! [21:35]
luciashbeer prepared here ! ;) [21:35]
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m_stefcheers! [21:35]
nkoth3party! - *cry* (missing it) [21:35]
luciashcheeeeeers ! [21:36]
omstefanovthanks to all online participants [21:36]
nkoth3throw me a beer anyway! [21:36]
I am happy we released something
ricks99woo-hoo :) [21:36]
luciashyou can see me in the webcam enjoying it ;) [21:36]
m_stefm_stef throws some beers to nkoth3 [21:37]
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m_stefdon't do this in real life [21:37]
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luciashnkoth3: already abroad ? [21:37]
nkoth3still on the train [21:37]
SEWilco2Yes, kiddies. In real life throw whiskey, but never beer. [21:37]
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nkoth3opening portal for beer to come through [21:38]
nylothbye everybody. TikiFest is over. Will try to return alive in France ;p [21:38]
nkoth3lol [21:38]
ricks99by all :) [21:38]
luciashbyez guys ! [21:38]
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m_stefbye all [21:39]
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luciashhey xavi ! everybody is just leaving ! [21:39]
chibaguystreaming is about to end. thanks to all for kind words and your participation. :-) [21:39]
SEWilco2My code minion will try to create a imagegal<->filegal mover. Seems that we need one. [21:39]
nkoth3thanks chibaguy for keeping the camera running [21:39]
luciashchibaguy: i hope you enjoyed it too [21:39]
chibaguysure, it was fun. :-) [21:40]
xavioh, well, I came then just to say thanks for all your work [21:40]
luciashchibaguy: not only the technical stuff around the camcorder ;) [21:40]
chibaguy:-) [21:40]
luciashare you attending the php conference still ?
to see amette's speech ?
nkoth3yeah - awesome theme work for 3.0 all o fyou [21:41]
lq_180Could anyone tell me why sefurl and apache rewrites seem to be working on most of the site, including list pages, but under my categories it's like it just goes away and stays with the standard links? [21:41]
chibaguyyes, I'll attend and be here til march 8. [21:41]
nkoth3lq_180: what do you mean "under my categories"? [21:41]
SEWilco2lq_180: Probably the cat URLs don't have good rules yet. [21:41]
chibaguywill see amette's speech; also LPH is speaking but in French. No subtitles. [21:42]
luciashlq_180: hard to say, paste your .htaccess somewhere
chibaguy: cool
chibaguy: more pictures to come ?
lq_180the category urls are the same links as the original ones under list pages, the ones under list pages rewrite correctly while the ones under the categories do not [21:42]
chibaguyYes, I took some photos but not too many.
Others took some, so the total will be good.
SEWilco2lq_180: And which version of TW? [21:43]
lq_1802.2 my rewrite rules can be found here http://thetenniswiki.com/files/htaccess.txt [21:44]
chibaguySorry, no video steam of the party, but there'll be photos & .meg4s.
bye for now.
nkoth3bye, enjoy the party [21:46]
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lq_180apparently the last changes option also uses the old links, so the rewrites don't work in the categories and last changes? [21:50]
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SEWilco2lq_180: What "last changes option"? [21:52]
lq_180The one that is on the wiki menu that shows you what pages were recently changed [21:53]
luciashold links ? [21:54]
lq_180the standard wiki links, before the rewrites take place [21:54]
SEWilco2lq_180: How does it behave if you go to /categories [21:55]
luciashRewriteRule ^lastchanges$ tiki-lastchanges.php [L]
doesn't work ?
lq_180the rule does work [21:56]
luciashwhat doesn't work then ? [21:57]
lq_180the display of the page names under categories, last changes, and search. I think it has more to do with sefurl function than the rewrites
I'm trying to create a sitemap and it's telling me there's 170k+ links (still counting up)
luciashdisplay of page name ? [21:58]
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luciashyou mean in browser title ? [21:58]
SEWilco2I wonder if these "page names" have &options appended. [21:58]
sylviegupgrade to 3.0 and you will have the sefurl postfilter [21:58]
luciashhey sylvieg, cheers, did you found the beer , ;) [21:59]
SEWilco2lq_180: If you have calendar enabled, a crawler will have trouble. Need robots.txt telling it to not go deep in calendar. [21:59]
lq_180is there a list of changes in 3.0? [21:59]
sylviegI found a coffee [21:59]
lq_180calendar is disabled [21:59]
luciashsylvieg: *g*
i'll find it after the beer i think ;)
luciash wonders where amette went so early... i his cold so bad ?
sylvieghttp://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=TikiWiki%203.0&structure=Documentation [22:00]
lq_180let's see if I can rephrase this. The links to my pages under the categories, last changes, and search are not the cleaned up sefurl links like are displayed in listpages [22:00]
luciashlq_180: it will be in changelog.txt if not there already [22:01]
sylviegthe documentation is not finished because the release is still in beta..
I am still doing the developper list of chages - I am on beginning of October - quite a bit of job
luciashsylvieg: wow [22:03]
sylviegthe pretty page is xavi's one
good pages
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Redhatter has joined #tikiwiki
luciashluciash hopes marclaporte will find route to his home after the party at least ;) [22:04]
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lq_180can I just upgrade tikiwiki without it killing all of my database stuff? [22:08]
luciashsure, just make a backup anyway [22:09]
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lq_180was already backing up before I asked
I've changed alot of code in the php and tpl files, so I'll probably have to rewrite some of those
luciashyes, you have to make diffs [22:11]
uSlackerI feel like a noob asking this, but how do I quote javascript in a blog post?
~pp~ seems to eat the tags
*some tags*
luciashtry {CODE()} [22:16]
uSlackeroh, that sounds familiar
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SEWilco2uSlacker: The displayed code might not work if cut-and-pasted. There may be <x> scattered around, which are invisible on browser. [22:29]
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xavi has left
navster has quit IRC ()
Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away
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sylviegit is silent around here - was getting use to the sound of tikifest
sylvieg thinks svn is as css - not good at merging - getting a lot of conflicts... [22:53]
luciashluciash goes to make a coffee [23:00]
luciash: I got my beer
do we have a name for 4.0? [23:13]
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17151 10/trunk/ (134 files in 80 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/3.0 17062 to 17150 [23:16]
luciashnot yet afaik [23:18]
sylviegdevel mail sent about the name
i committed in trunk file that should not be committed - we will clean later
the release process / merge proces is not perfect (was better before)
SEWilco2I'll drink to 4.0 "afaik" :-) [23:26]
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...... (idle for 25mn)
CIA-71tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17152 10/branches/3.0/lib/smarty_tiki/block.tabs.php: [FIX] smarty block tabs: no unwanted whitespace [23:52]

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