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lq_375: hey SEWilco2 think you can help me with a couple problems?
1. is when I'm trying to save a page the message pops up about navigating away from the page, 2. Some of the images in my image gallery appear their normal size instead of thumbnailed. Any ideas?
actually none of the images are thumbnailed now that I told it to rebuild thumbnails
SEWilco2: lq_375: 1. Maybe you have SEFURL turned on and there's a bad rule?
lq_375: 2. You need to declare a default scale. Go to the image gallery, edit it (the page where you edit the gallery description)...
... and the "Bounding box" is where you enter space-delimited list of allowed scales. "200 400" defines scales of 200 and 400 pixels max.
After saving the scales, again edit the gallery and now you can select a default scale.
lq_375: However, image galleries are deprecated. Should use file galleries. Newer, shinier, and no need to list allowed scales.
I don't recall if file galleries have a default thumbnail size.
lq_375: thanks SEWilco2. I'll look into all of that. Why use the file galleries over image galleries though? If I do use file galleries instead is there a way to transfer the images over? I'm talking high hundreds, maybe thousands of images
For the first problem, I do have SEFURL turned on but there are no rules related to saving a page. The problem seems more to do with the wysiwyg editor, though I'm not entirely sure
SEWilco2: lq_375: An imagegal -> filegal tool is being tested and should appear in 3.0 soon. Tested on 2.2 so will also work there.
lq_375: nice
what is the "Bounding box" lol
SEWilco2: lq_375: I've seen the "navigating away" error when real URL somehow didn't have a matching SEFURL rule. Dunno why you'd see it.
lq_375: "Bounding box" is a square pixel box. Basically, "200" sets a pixel limit of 200 either vertically or horizontally. Largest dimension becomes 200 pixels in scaled image.
lq_375: yeah the navigating error appeared when I installed 3.0. It's really annoying me so I'm sure it's confusing my users
I don't see anything called bounding box when editing the picture galleries
SEWilco2: I've only seen the navigating error on one page for which I have special SEFURL rules. Don't know why you'd see it.
lq_375: I do have alot of special sefurl rules lol
SEWilco2: lq_375: Whatever it's called it's a text entry box under the list of scales. Right now above it there probably is something like "original size is default".
lq_375: I don't have a list of scales either...
the closest thing I have to what you are talking about is in the admin of the picture galleries section. There is nothing when editing the image gallery itself like what you are talking about
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SEWilco2: tiki-galleries.php?edit_mode=1&galleryId=4
lq_375: some extra stuff in mine but looks like the same place
SEWilco2: Add scaled images with bounding box of square size:
lq_375: to where?
SEWilco2: That's the 2.2 phrasing.
lq_375: in the description?
SEWilco2: Isn't "galleries" what lists the galleries, not the admin edit page?
lq_375: it's one of my rewrites, it's tiki-galleries.php
The only places with boxes I can type in on that page are name, description, and folksonomy tags
SEWilco2: OK, well you have to get your desired thumbnail size under "Available scales". Either the system default or define at least one scale.
lq_375: Maybe you have to enable something. Go to global admin for imagegals and see what the options are.
lq_375: I have a section in the global admin that has a place for scale, along with # / row and # / column and stuff
I had already added a scale size there, but none of the settings I save in that area have any affect on my image galleries
even if I change the number displayed and stuff, it still does not change
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lq_375: in fact the images in the gallery show "&scalesize=80 80" but still show full size
Oh going back to the navigate away from this page error. I can confirm this has nothing to do with my rewrites and in fact is something with the wysiwyg editor. When I type something in the wysiwyg editor and switch to the normal editor I get the same message, both pages being /tiki-editpage.php. Also I can save fine if I do not make any changes, but any changes made in the wysiwyg editor and a save = error me
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xavi: polom...
I know it's not the best time of the day to ask for help but.... I?ll try (and check later on from work)
I'm attempting to use banners for a site and I don't get them to work neither on 1.9.11 nor 2.2
I'm following the details of the documentation at: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Banner+Admin
I added the code {banner zone=MyZone} on site identity custom code (tiki 2.x), or manually at header.tpl (tiki 1.9.x), and I don't get to see anything new displayed on the top of the page (not anywhere else)
We are using twist theme.
And I've tried also with text banners, or with a simple image uploaded
If anybody here have banners working for them, I would appreciate to know at least that banners work for anybody else, and any tip on what to look for to make them work
(and good night those of you who are still in sleeping time in your respective time zones :-) )
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luciash: xavi: banners work for me → http://test.ground.cz/tiki/3.0
xavi: but it is 3.0
CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17271 10/branches/3.0/styles/strasa.css: oops, FF needs border-style specified
Yoni: hi all
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kamil: hello, i have one question..
hello, i have one question..
in some wikipages and trackers occures question mark after some words.
in some wikipages and trackers occures question mark after some words.
Those words are well known words like PowerPoint and so on
Those words are well known words like PowerPoint and so on
Those words are well known words like PowerPoint and so on
but there are no WikiPage called PowerPoint for example
I would like to disable that question mark and unfortunately dont know haw to do it ?
When I create new page it is clear how question mark works...
tikiwiki 2.0
tikiwiki 2.0
It looks like suggestion for new page, but why ??
anybody knows ?
anybody knows ?
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kamil: Could it be wikiword... ?
Could it be wikiword... ?
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kamil: Sometimes the Wiki software mistakenly thinks a word with odd capitalization is a Wiki page name. It places a question mark after the word to indicate that it cannot find a page with that name. To keep the Wiki software from formatting a word as a Wiki page name, surround the word with doubled, reversed parentheses, as in the following example:
Sometimes the Wiki software mistakenly thinks a word with odd capitalization is a Wiki page name. It places a question mark after the word to indicate that it cannot find a page with that name. To keep the Wiki software from formatting a word as a Wiki page name, surround the word with doubled, reversed parentheses, as in the following example:
luciash: kamil: yes
kamil: disable it on Admin > Wiki
kamil: That is exacly what I was looking for.
That is exacly what I was looking for.
see you
see you
luciash: c u :)
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-: luciash wonders why kamil always have an echo
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CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17272 10/branches/3.0/styles/ (strasa/fold-topright.jpg strasa.css): little enhancements
luciash: yo marclaporte
marclaporte: yo
luciash: marclaporte: please tell patrick to join tikiwiki-artwork ml ;)
marclaporte: ok
why artwork?
and not design/themes, etc?
luciash: because artwork contains it all
Yoni: yo lu, yo marc
luciash: yo yoni
marclaporte: luciash: : ok, super I registered and informed Patrick
luciash: artwork = graphics design, themes, icons, logos, look and feel, visualiasation
marclaporte: great :)
marclaporte: amette: : still redirect problems on dev.tw.o
luciash: : for new list, can we dogfood: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Forum+and+List+Synchronization
luciash: i'd love to
does it work ?
which forum to sync ? make one on dev.tw.o ?
marclaporte: on tikiwiki.org
http://tikiwiki.org/forums <-> should sync with mailing lists
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luciash: hrm, Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchRow() on a non-object in /var/www/tiki/3.0/installer/installlib.php on line 234
(says installer)
hi chibaguy
chibaguy: hi luciash
luciash: when trying to install sqlite
i guess osmeone used mysql specific function instead of the adodb
lets fix it :-p
is $this->query( "show tables" ); mysql specififc ?
sylvieg: show tables is mysql
luciash: seems so, at least sqlite doesn't have it
sylvieg: right :)
sylvieg: there is no adodb in the installer
I do nopt know if we write one instruction for each db... or if we do not check...
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luciash: sylvieg: i write a switch
sylvieg: +1
Kutti: i have problem with creating wiki pages, whenever i have creating or edit the wiki page, i am getting error like "The requested URL /iTTk-Dev/ggh&saved_msg=y was not found on this server."
how to solve this problem?
any idea ?
sylvieg: do you have a activated sefurl and you have no .htaccess file
Kutti: No, could you tell me plz how to do this?
CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17273 10/branches/3.0/installer/installlib.php: [FIX] sqlite: switch in case we install sqlite which desn't understand 'show tables'
sylvieg: goto admin->feature in 2.x and uncheck search engine friendly url
luciash: and now something completely different ;) → Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Smarty_Tikiwiki in /var/www/tiki/3.0/setup_smarty.php on line 236
sylvieg: when do you have that
in the insatller?
luciash: yep, after i fixed the previous bug
after step 5
in setup_smarty.php there i see it really twice
oh, nope , sorry
i don't know why it yells with sqlite on this
sylvieg: does setup_smarty look into db ?
sylvieg: I do not think so - except in translations are in database..
luciash: i don't know if it does with mysql too... it's fresh 3.0 sqlite install attempt
(Tiki 3.0)
i'll try with mysql now
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Kutti: sylvieg: Thank you
Yoni: polom... pouf
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luciash: sylvieg: the error doesn't happen with mysql
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sylvieg: luciash: how do you select the sqlite in the installer?
luciash: sylvieg: it offers in the dropdown when you have support in your PHP for it
sylvieg: ah ok missing the php lib
luciash: i have still sqlite2 on test.g.cz
i'd be very happy if it worked at least as it did in tw 1.x
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dniz0r: hello all,. im having an issue populating the db when running 'tiki-install.php' I get an error message saying ADONewConnection: Unable to load database driver '' .... Also in the database type drop down menu on the tiki-install.php page is empty.. I tried googling for an answer but found nothing..
sylvieg: you must install the appropriate extension for php
which system?
luciash: sylvieg: this is my sqlite tiki test which works: http://test.ground.cz/tikilite/tiki-index.php
sylvieg: it's 1.9.something
dniz0r: sylvieg: centos 5.2 running on vmware and i have php-mysql, php-devel, etc..
what is the aappropriate extension ?
sylvieg: I do not know centos .. on my fedora I yum install php mysql php-mysql mysql-server php-mbstring ...
dniz0r: the only one i dont have is php-mbstring
luciash: sylvieg: it's surprisingly fast on sqlite with no accelerator on the old gentoo machine compared to mysql
dniz0r: sylvieg: these are the packages i have isntalled on my box ..http://dni.uid-0.com/screencap.bmp
sylvieg: I have the same problem than you with sqlite - no idea why I can not enable it
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CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17274 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-plugin_blocked.tpl: missing </div>
luciash: sylvieg: i got past the screen
sylvieg: you have to fill path_to_your_writable_dir/yourdbfilename instead of localhost and then three times foo in the fields for dbname, dbuser and dbpass to proceed
sylvieg: see http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=33
sylvieg: but then comes this smarty related error
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CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17275 10/trunk/tiki-view_tracker_item.php: [FIX]tracker: check categ perm on item when view item (TODO: check also on list)
sylvieg: sorry I give up for now with sqlite - no idea why I can not install it...
amette: uhm, didn't read all the way back... but there is "show tables" in the installer - I think that is _very_ MySQL specific?!?
CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17276 10/branches/3.0/lib/tiki-js.js: [MOD] Indentation and syntax (semicolons and curly brackets) plus restrict correctPng to IE5 and 6 only
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17277 10/branches/3.0/lib/tiki-js.js: [KIL] Remove unreferenced (and badly written) function: setFolderIcons()
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jonnyb: hi all
i'm investigating ie6 and pngfix and the folder thing, and they are indeed related. ie6 doesn't spot "m
ie6 getElementsByName doesn't work on created things, so once correctPng has created the fake ones, the javascript can't find them
does anyone know why all these are accessed by "name" rather than id? They must be unique, so id would seem the logical choice, but name seems to be used on all these toggling things
sylvieg: i bet because it is oldies year 2002...
jonnyb: hat's what i thought - netscape 4 times ;)
sylvieg: yeh
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jonnyb: !help
Tikiwiki|bot: You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot .
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sylvieg: jonnyb: the menu in the tpl is obsolete
jonnyb: that's what i thought - shall we KIL it? or maybe it should just call {menu id=42} to ease upgrade problems?
sylvieg: I thought we already killed
jonnyb: so did i - but i still have it... in both trunk and 3.0
sylvieg: but tiki-user_menu.tpk is still used
find . -name mod-application_menu.php -print -> nothing
jonnyb: are they connected?
sylvieg: I do not remember
the tpl is used by {menu id=42} for instance
luciash: amette: yes, mysql specific, made a switch for sqlite at least but still it doesn't finish the installer
sylvieg: ah but there is a templates/modules/mod-application_menu.tpl
jonnyb: well that's odd - you're right, it's not in the repo - just on my local
luciash: amette: it's already commited ;)
amette: luciash: ok :)
jonnyb: ah
luciash: jonnyb: thanks for looking into it
jonnyb: i just _love_ IE6 ;)
luciash: *g*
no, it's rick sapir who really loves it ;)
sylvieg: and sorry for the commit 16577 - it was a general change
I think all the commits on it are gereneric one
... I will go for a delete to this one for avoiding confusion...
to avoid
jonnyb: lovely, thanks
sylvieg: or replace it by 'please move to menu 42...
just in case people upgrade and have no more menu
luciash: sylvieg: why sorry for the revision ? is it somewhat related ?
jonnyb: can't we do that in a database update?
sylvieg: luciash: see jonnyb 's message on devel
jonnyb: good idea
jonnyb: I say "we", sylvieg... ;)
sylvieg: I can do it ... it 's what you mean? ;-)
jonnyb: would you? (i haven't done one of those new style schema things yet.... shocking isn't it!)
sylvieg: ok i will do it
jonnyb: thx
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CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17278 10/branches/3.0/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] remove the application menu tpl and change its reference to the menu application module
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17279 10/branches/3.0/ (5 files in 4 dirs):
tikiwiki: [NEW] Pref: feature_ie56_correct_png in admin/look/other
tikiwiki: Enable/disable (default) JS attempt to fix transparency on PNG images in IE5.5 and 6
tikiwiki: Moved JS function from tiki-js.js to js_detect.php called in setup so only included when necessary.
tikiwiki: When enabled IE6 menu folders and module flips do not work.
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17280 10/branches/3.0/ (css/cssmenus.css styles/transitions/2.0to3.0.css): [FIX] Two small css corrections
luciash: thank you jonny :)
jonnyb: IE6 is still a complete nightmare - the module flips don't work for me - even with pnghack off - anyone else?
sylvieg: IMHO - to have less feature on IE6 is acceptable
if it does not prevent people to interact - IE can be buggy
jonnyb: true, but if the login mod is hidden you can't use anything
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sylvieg: a css rule to never hide a module in IE6
jonnyb: i've been meaning to ask - what's the point of hiding control buttons? means it doesn't work on touch-screens (no rollover) and makes the interface harder to understand (imho)
the ie6 css is linked before all the other, so you can't override :(
sylvieg: Who put this in? gary?
jonnyb: think so
i was quite impressed initially - looks clever
i think i should move the ie6.css include to be the last one, then it can do useful stuff
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CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17281 10/branches/3.0/ (lib/headerlib.php templates/header.tpl):
tikiwiki: [MOD] Moved the ie6.css include from header.tpl to headerlib/output_headers()
tikiwiki: Also moved all IE6 includes to after other css so it can override them.
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17282 10/branches/3.0/css/ie6.css:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Reset position for flipmodtitle images (IE6 can't handle that sort of thing!)
tikiwiki: Checked in thenews, strasa and coalesce
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sylvieg: somebody broke the fact that the 'Show php error messages' stays open..
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jonnyb: yes, i tihnk most of those stay open things are broken (comzone etc)
hope it wasn't me :)
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sylvieg: ah ah if I desactive jquery the cookie-jar is back
seems there is another flip function in jquery
jonnyb: oops - i'll have a look
i seem to remember changing something in there when i was "porting" that fn - do u have JS on?
sylvieg: yes
jonnyb: (silly me ;) )
sylvieg: if with firefox I set a breakpoint in flip - I stop only without jquery
jonnyb: it's overriden in tiki-jquery.js - wrongly it seems - i'll fix it
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CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17283 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-admin-include-look.tpl: [FIX] Warnings
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17284 10/branches/3.0/ (tiki-admin_include_login.php tiki-admin_include_look.php): [FIX] Moved available_styles simple_set_value from login to look (and removed available_languages as it's already in i18n)
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CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17285 10/branches/3.0/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] JQuery version of flip() not setting state in tiki_cookie_jar (thanks Sylvie)
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17286 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-admin-include-look.tpl: [MOD] Only show warning if prefs or module is set to show a theme other than the site default, and changed wording to reflect that.
sylvieg: thx jonnyb
jonnyb: is ok?
sylvieg: svn up on the way
jonnyb: :)
seems a shame it does a trip to the server each time we do that, but never mind...
sylvieg: I do not know if there is a reason ...
it was mose's commits
jonnyb: i think it's for when cookies are off - but it doesn't check if they're on
sylvieg: or to stay longer than cookie...
(no se4nse if session = cookie)
I really do not know...
or perhaps because we hjave a limitted number of cookies?
jonnyb: think it's about 4k max cookies - usually enough
off out now (late) - more soon!
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sylvieg: is there a meeting about project managment?
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stox: Could someone help me with a mod_rewrite? I see tiki-categories has been rewritten to cat# and all now, but I was wondering how I would rewrite the part after that, ?&deep=on or ?&deep=off to just be nothing