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***ozman has joined #tikiwiki [00:27]
ozmanI am new into this [00:28]
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marclaportepolom [00:35]
luciashhi marc [00:37]
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idle-_ has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [01:20]
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Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [02:09]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17332 10/branches/3.0/templates/styles/strasa/tiki-site_header.tpl: [KIL] strasa theme: custom tiki-site_header.tpl not necessary
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17333 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-site_header.tpl: [FIX] site header: don't put sitetitles in sitelogo div to allow better positioning flexibility
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17334 10/branches/3.0/styles/strasa.css: [FIX] strasa theme: sitetitles position more like in original design by patrick, alignment of the logo, custom top bar code, PLMs
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tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17335 10/branches/3.0/styles/strasa.css: [FIX] strasa theme: location bar link colors [03:09]
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chibaguyPage-top search form seems to be missing from branch 3.0 now. Just my install, or missing for others?
Also strasa cssmenu is no longer where it should be (should be same location as phpl menu, at top right of site header, but is now under the header).
And shouldn't the strasa phpl dropdowns start just under the top items, not at the bottom of the site header?
chibaguy seems to be cranky this morning ;-)
See http://zukakakina.com/tw3/tiki-index.php for correct location of cssmenu. [04:08]
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masterjim has joined #tikiwiki
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masterjimfirst time in here so hi all [05:21]
chibaguyhi masterjim [05:22]
masterjimso for my first time i have a problem with url in tiki 3 beta (updated to latest form svn) exemple of error: The requested URL //tiki-pagehistory.php was not found on this server.
think that the tiki add / for a strange reason to url when i click source at the bottom of a wiki page for exemple
chibaguyHmm, I'm not getting that error. What kind of server are you using? [05:24]
masterjimwampserver latest version
on windows
have same error at work on a xampp server on windows too
chibaguyI use xampp server on windows xp (my laptop) and the urls are ok; I have the most recent branch 3 svn update.
..so we have a mystery... :-)
masterjimhum xampp at my job wasnt updated (and is probably outdated) so i cant rely much on that part but on my comp it all to latest so we have a mistery ;)
i stumbed upon that kind of path related because of windows in joomla too but in tiki im not very good to find my way in code :P
chibaguyAs far as I know, my setup is default; I didn't change any xampp config details. [05:32]
masterjimsame here for wampserver... [05:33]
chibaguyBefore xampp I used Reactor Server on winxp and again no problems with the urls.
I don't think the url problem is specific to Tikiwiki; I'm guessing it has something to do with how your server or os is configured.
masterjimif you want an example of error: http://www.cpe.uqam.ca/%5C/tiki-pagehistory.php?page=HomePage&source=0 [05:35]
chibaguygoogling "extra backslash in url windows xampp" turns up quite a few results
you're in canada? I was just there (Montreal) for the Tikifest. :-)
masterjimi was invited but cant go to it :)
i yep im in montreal
It was fun, but there will be more; maybe in the future you can get there.
masterjimwhere do you from? [05:39]
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was a long trip. ;-)
masterjimwow i have a french collegue at my work who travel to japan in a few month !
you are right about the extra backslashes its seems to be a mistake in config at some point im investigating this
chibaguyok. [05:46]
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masterjimfirst i havent activated that in apache: LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
dont know if tiki rewrite many url so
chibaguyIf you rename _htaccess to .htaccess in your Tiki installation's root, you can use short urls. [05:57]
masterjimcould be the idea ill try [05:58]
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masterjimdidnt work ill try it again tomorow so thanks a lot for the help and have a nice day [06:15]
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Hansi has joined #tikiwiki [07:24]
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luciashluciash poloms in
hi chibaguy, just read your mails... i hope to fix all these issues this weekend in strasa you pointed out... thanks for the feedback
chibaguyhi luciash, that sounds good. [09:47]
luciashonly thing i wonder is that you say you have nomore search... i have it displayed correctly [09:47]
chibaguyah, I'll check again here. [09:47]
luciashnot on the position as in the original design, but it's there [09:47]
on another topic, I uploaded some pictures here: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=37
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chibaguyfrom tikifest, and events before and after... [09:49]
luciashah, cool, thanks [09:49]
chibaguyAlso, I recorded (video/audio) amette's talk at php quebec conference. Not great quality, but ok. [09:50]
luciashwow, great, thank you :) [09:50]
chibaguyThe mpg4 file is around 1GB; the .flv file is about 160MB. :-)
Not sure where to put it|them.
***Amorphous has joined #tikiwiki [10:02]
luciashchibaguy: you caa see the search here: http://test.ground.cz/tiki/3.0/tiki-index.php
are you sure you have search feature enabled and tiki_p_search ?
chibaguy: still there ? [10:07]
chibaguyyep, was checking my site configs. [10:08]
luciashok :) [10:08]
chibaguytiki-assignpermission.php has a closing div problem. [10:08]
luciashsame with new blog created :-[10:09] <chibaguy> Really? Hmm..
i want to ask, on http://zukakakina.com/tw3/tiki-index.php i can see you work on the footer, how is it implemented ? is it custom code area or planned to commit ?
chibaguyDo you mean for strasa? [10:09]
luciash(it was on my todo list to add the third icon (RSS) from the original design and use it somehow like that [10:10]
chibaguyIt's bottom bar custom code, input in L & F. [10:10]
so it was just for test, ok
chibaguyWell, it was to replicate Patrick's design, but I wanted to do it as input code in L&F admin, not as a tpl. [10:11]
luciashthe problem is i have no source for the original design, i cut only from the patrick's png mockup amette forwarded to me once [10:11]
chibaguyThe original files are at ui.tikiwiki.org in a gallery.
But I tended to work from a screenshot, I think.
luciashah, psd ? [10:12]
chibaguyyes [10:14]
luciashdo you know where the ıØÞı↑
oops :)
chibaguyheh :-) [10:14]
luciashdo you know where the double right arrow comes from in the css menus now ? [10:14]
chibaguyI guess maybe from superfish? Or anyway from something jonny added. It wasn't there before his additions. [10:15]
luciashi have to finish one site design now but will look into it later today or tomorrow
yes, i think i have to review superfish css
does the search already appear for you ?
chibaguyI found that the feature was turned off.
yes, it's working here now.
was my problem.
luciashfine [10:17]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17336 10/branches/3.0/lib/phplayers_tiki/templates/ (8 files):
tikiwiki: [NEW] PHPLayersMenus: added copies of the original templates to allow
tikiwiki: customization and avoid for example the annoying stuff like multiple &nbsp;s
tikiwiki: used for layouting the menus which prevented possibility to have centered menu
tikiwiki: items in top level horiz menu
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17337 10/branches/3.0/lib/phplayers_tiki/tiki-phplayers.php: [MOD] PHPLayersMenus: change path to the tiki copies of menu template files
chibaguyluciash, the strasa files were on profiles.tw.o, not ui.tw.o, but I can't see them there now. Do you want the original psd file? [10:39]
luciashchibaguy: yep, would make things easier for me [10:41]
chibaguyI'll email to you. [10:41]
luciashthx [10:41]
chibaguyluciash, what do you think about making a transition from php layers to css menus, maybe by tiki 4?
Maybe they need to kept for legacy reasons, but I think we should basically assume css menus as the default, some time soon.
luciashsure, PLMs are old table monster but we have to live with that for now
cssmenus are definitely much better especially when they work in browsers with no need to call JS
chibaguytrue [10:49]
luciash( in modern browsers ;-) )
and they degrade nicely
chibaguyA couple of things bother me, though -- a phplm will move its dropdowns to the left instead of right, when the right margin is encountered.
css menus don't, they just go off screen.
unless there is a way to fix that.
Also, do css menus and children need to be a set width?
phplm can have variable widths, expanding to fit wide menu items. I'm not sure if css menus can do that.
luciashi think there must be a way ;) we just have to find out [10:51]
chibaguyYeah, should be possible, esp. with js/jquery help. [10:52]
luciashit could be a good task for google's summer of code ;)
marclaporte: ^ wink wink
chibaguyActually I saw a css menu that was smart enough to move dropdowns the other direction to avoid margins. I'll try to find it again. [10:56]
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stoopiddoes anyone feel like helping a total noob config a new install? [10:59]
luciash2.2 ? [11:00]
stoopidy [11:00]
luciashwhat's the problem ?
>doc.tw.o Install
>doctwo Install
Sug4rhttp://doc.tikiwiki.org/Install [11:01]
stoopidI have it installed fine just having problems customising it to what I want [11:01]
luciashah, okay [11:02]
stoopidlike I started to write an article to test it and it doesnt show up [11:03]
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mycomputer has quit IRC ("Quitte") [11:12]
chibaguyluci, a 'smart' css menu: http://pfirsichmelba.de/artikel-scripts/dropdown/horizontal.html
Description: http://pfirsichmelba.de/artikel-scripts/suckerfish-accessible.html
uses jquery also... :-)
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bbl [12:05]
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franck has joined #tikiwiki [13:01]
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navster has quit IRC ("getting some furry loving") [18:00]
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SEWilco2Aww, stoopid left already. I wonder if he used "submit article" but not "approve article" so it wasn't visible. :-( [18:48]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17338 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-site_header.tpl: [FIX] look and feel: align sitetitles where sitelogo goes [22:59]
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17339 10/branches/3.0/styles/strasa.css: typo [23:13]
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17340 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-edit_css.tpl: [ENH] Edit CSS: emphasized comments [23:24]
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CIA-71tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17341 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-edit_css.tpl: no code change, indentation only [23:34]
patlajHey there... Tikiwiki noob - I am trying to run a bilingual English/French site... I get Fr "on", using switch_lang. Translated docs show up as expected. But I don't get French UI. I see I can "import" French, but don't see where to find what I need to import. [23:36]
luciashusing db for translation ?
french language file is in lang/fr/language.php, try to import that
patlajyeah, DB for translation is on
k will try import, thanks
heheh... ok... that's it -
you don't even have to choose, you go to "Import", and it just installs it automatically
luciash:) [23:40]
patlajso thanks - I'm set. :) [23:40]
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