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chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: A tw.o forum post link is getting rewritten to point to a nonexistent gallery -- was there a change in the last several hours in tw.o's .htaccess file maybe?
This url : http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=32456&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&forumId=4
goes to this address : http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=24
It's the most recent post in the Features/Usability forum. Older posts' links are ok.
I did another post as a test and it works ok.
Only that one post is affected. SEWilco2: chibaguy: Interestingly odd. I note that "24" is in both URLs.
chibaguy: Another possibility is that the item being displayed contains a REDIRECT. chibaguy: Apparently that post was viewed a number of times before this failure started; it could have been edited, but seems unlikely. ***: jerkface03 has quit IRC ()
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lq_270 has quit IRC (Client Quit) CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r17501 10/branches/3.0/styles/ (16 files in 4 dirs): [FIX] Strasa with no theme option was missing background images. ***: SvenAERTS has joined #tikiwiki
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MatWho has joined #tikiwiki MatWho: hi all
all alone, again
hi bot
help Tikiwiki|bot: Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ . chibaguy: MatWho, hi there. MatWho: hi, I was just about to start having a conversation with the bot! chibaguy: I'll try to do slightly better than the bot. MatWho: what is keeping you busy in TikiLand? chibaguy: Today I'm checking the bundled themes with IE7.
I need to fix module titles and suckerfish menus for IE7, for one thing.
or is that two? MatWho: great idea, have you checked them in IE7-1 dont dare use the swear word directly chibaguy: I was aware that there are problems, so I'm finally bracing myself and attempting some fixes. MatWho: I know jonny has made some fixes to get WYSIWYG working in Safari, maybee some of them impact the CSS I will check with him. I have to test his fix first. chibaguy: Ok. I don't look at the wysiwyg much myself. I installed Safari but haven't tested with it much.
I noticed IE8 is now available, too, adding to the fun. MatWho: It looks like IE8 is going to be full of "issues" as well which is very anoying.
I have just read that Microsoft is just about to launch vast numbers of mobile devices with IE7-1 on them in China. This is a very bad step, now we will never get rid of it. chibaguy: well, I hope those get fixed soon, but on the other hand IE8 doesn't seem to be taking off very quickly, so people are sticking with the devils they know. MatWho: We need a Firefox plugin for IE6, 7 and 8 :)
oh someone at the door. see you later ***: MatWho has left CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r17503 10/branches/3.0/templates/module.tpl: [FIX] .box-data contents need protection from floats in .box-title, in IE7 (.clearfix on box-title not enough).
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r17504 10/branches/3.0/templates/module.tpl: [FIX] .box-title contents need protection from floats in .box-data, in IE7 (.clearfix on box-title not enough). luciash: polom
lunch here soon ;)
hi chibaguy, what needs protection from what then ? ;) chibaguy: hi luciash, in IE7, the suckerfish menu wasn't starting at the left margin of the module box, was getting stuck on the module title, not cleared.
Also, other items in modules were affected -- top line of normal menu wasn't flush left.
the clearfix class on box-title wasn't powerful enough to cure ie7.
I imagine anything that's floated in box-data would have trouble in ie7 without a fix.
(if it's at the top of box-data) CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r17505 10/branches/3.0/styles/ (6 files): [FIX] Catch stylesheets up to class name change in module.tpl, remove redundant postioning method for flip image. chibaguy: It's irritating to be getting inconsistent suckerfish menu behavior in IE7 (from one theme to another). I thought I had gotten css/cssmenus.css to produce the right layout even for IE7.
And since all the themes use cssmenus.css, why do some work fine in IE7 and some not? Grrr.
I guess the theme stylesheet is overriding in a bad way.
(I think that general box-data ul padding/margin settings are messing up the suckerfish uls in some themes.)
A class="cssmenu" added to the div containing a suckerfish menu would be helpful.
(in a module, etc.)
Next is to sort out why topbar suckerfish menu dropdowns display _behind_ suckerfish menu in the topleft module, in ie7. Happens in Darkroom and TheNews but not in Feb12 or Coelesece. ***: Custom1 has joined #tikiwiki
Custom1 has left CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r17506 10/branches/3.0/styles/tikinewt.css: [FIX] box-data ul property preventing suckerfish menu dropdowns from flying out in ie7. chibaguy: It'd be good to have a wiki page listing all the Tiki z-indexes.
I noticed suckerfish menus are displaying on top of shadowbox images - not good.
Menu folder flipping seems to be broken in IE6, unless my standalone IE6 isn't typical.
On the other hand, module flipping works for anonymous in IE7, whereas it doesn't in FF3 or Opera, for me. luciash: re
(was at lunch)
yeah, that's difficult, i guess the overflow: visible in some themes can affect it or some other style properties conflict with the cssmenu behavior
would need to do research on that what affects suckerfish menus
the z-indexing is mostly evil workaround... i try to avoid using them as much as possible
but sometimes it's necessary to use them chibaguy: I had to change overflow properties for the left column to enable the suckerfish dropdowns to display.
So overflow is hidden at div.box but not otherwise.
div.box of the suckerfish menu has overflow: visible. luciash: btw, according to one very nice and clever book about CSS, z-index property should apply only on elements which are *absolutely* positioned
on the others it shouldn't have any meaning
but maybe the book is wrong and some browsers ignore that rule chibaguy: heh, well, to follow that rule, some things in Tiki would need to be re-thought.
I guess css is like religion - depends on what book you read. ;-)
Or be a dharma bum and do your own tests. :-) luciash: :D
mostly this book was very true and helps me a lot as a reference, only this z-index i'm not sure ;)
but sometimes when i see z-index in tiki i think "hmm, is this a good thing to put it here ? didn't the code author only found out it's the easiest way how to override what was there before causing a problem ?"
like "well, this has z-index: 10, i'll give my element z-index: 1000 and i must always win !" :-p chibaguy: :-) -: luciash goes to change the correctpng to something better luciash: http://www.dillerdesign.com/experiment/DD_belatedPNG/
it works also on background positioned png images and applies only per class selectors, not all png images by default
chibaguy: have you already downloaded IE8 ? chibaguy: Not yet. I was thinking about it. Will probably update the family desktop pc (nobody uses IE there).
DD_belatedPNG looks good if it doesn't bog down the ie6 computer too much. luciash: i have tested it with IE6 on my test ground and it worked fine on bg png image
i didn't measure CPU usage though, but nothing was like getting stuck or something
i'll try more testing but first i have to fix other stuff ;)
you can test it on your site too without touching tiki's tpl files
you just have to put the <script src="DD_belatedPNG.js"></script> link in your custom code textarea
and try the example script with CSS selector of your choice chibaguy: pretty neat
The next time you test branch3 with IE6, can you see if the menu selector open/close icons work? This seems to be broken now, for me. luciash: yup, i can chibaguy: On the bright side, no javascript error messages now. luciash: the only disadvantage of belated seems it works only for IE6 (not IE5.5) chibaguy: I hope we can forget about IE5.5... ***: Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away luciash: i've applied the belated fix on the logo of http://test.ground.cz/tiki/3.0 but i can't currently test with IE6
i have this in my custom code: http://pastey.net/110632 chibaguy: Looks good. :-) luciash: currently i have only IE6 in Wine and IE6 via RDP (remote desktop protocol) provided by marc, but that one seems currently down
chibaguy: i can apply it on more png images to test the performance but currently don't know which ones ;) chibaguy: http://zukakakina.com/tiki-browse_image.php?imageId=144 luciash: wow, now i know "Start" in japanese ;) ***: nkoth3 has joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: :-) luciash: now to fix the rest of the siteheader problems in IE6
i also have trouble with designing menghao web site
i have to figure out graphical borders on right and left side
and i think i'll need something like we have for the modules boxes
(extra shadow divs) ***: nkoth3 has quit IRC (Client Quit) luciash: btw, the graphical text links on top are common text links converted by typeface.js script on the fly ;)
maybe the extra wrapper divs could also figure out the fixed-width centered layout problem chibaguy: ok. it's coming kind of slowly. Anyway, it's time to eat here now. I'll be back in a little while... luciash: enjoy your meal :) sylvieg: the forum problem should be fixed with a svn up on dev.tw.org CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17507 10/branches/3.0/lib/commentslib.php: global ***: fantoms has joined #tikiwiki
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chibaguy has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r17508 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-browse_categories.tpl: [MOD] quick and small changes to the look of that grid. Homogenize with other grids.
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r17509 10/branches/3.0/styles/coelesce.css: [MOD] coelesce: add navbarclass definition to this stylesheet (was only in transition stylesheet). Define a line-height ***: Redhatter has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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tikiwiki: [FIX]tracker: if the pretty tracker wiki is dependant of the user(ex: use of
tikiwiki: TRACKERITEMFIELD of the user tracker inside), it must not be cached -
tikiwiki: approxiamtion: if there is a plugin there iit is risky (do not penalize the
tikiwiki: pretty tracker for a simple list) -> TODO perhaps a param ***: marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki CIA-71: tikiwiki: 03campbe13 * r17511 10/branches/3.0/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Adding Wiki Mindmaps checkbox in admin panel (experimental section). This was in Magic admin panel but had not been duplicated. marclaporte: oups -: luciash is playing with YSlow and cannot find on doc.tw.o a single page which would use tiki's wiki page cache ***: ang has joined #tikiwiki
lorinc has quit IRC (Connection timed out) luciash: marclaporte: what oups ? marclaporte: I did last commit
but from a server where Patricia had done the install
(during TikiFest) luciash: ah, *g* :) marclaporte: so she can get in trouble :-) luciash: marc in the skin of patricia ;)
in YSlow the performance grade A menas best ? and F means worst ?
s/menas/means/ ***: mycomputer_ has quit IRC ("Quitte")
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ang has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) luciash: sylvieg: on dev.tw.o there's no forum enabled, what did you mean ?
sylvieg: was there some before ? ***: lorinc has joined #tikiwiki
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tikiwiki: 03luciash * r17513 10/branches/3.0/ (templates/tiki-admin_system.tpl tiki-admin_system.php): [NEW] Tiki cache admin: allow to clear all cache at once instead of 3 steps ***: FrankP_german has quit IRC ("Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de") marclaporte: luciash: +1
I hate having to click three links ***: lalitd has joined #tikiwiki
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