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Lez has joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: Tiki became pretty verbose at last branch3 svn update, clearing cache:
Built headers:,0ms
object Object
column:0 parser:text
column:1 parser:text
column:2 parser:text
Building cache for 35 rows:.0ms
-- These were javascript alerts when I cleared the cache after update.
Actually I get those alerts when tiki-admin_system.php loads. ***: SEWilco2 has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection)
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Beestje has joined #tikiwiki Beestje: good meurning :)
Q : Tiki 2.2 - I'm currently using the Articles plugin to show some recent articles on the homepage. I would like to have the same useability for recent blogposts... where can I find this articles plugin to see it I can do the same for blogposts? chibaguy: Beestje, go to your tiki-admin_modules.php page and preview the modules in the dropdown list related to blogs and blog posts.
You can use any module in a wiki page, with the MODULE wiki plugin. ***: jacky has joined #tikiwiki
Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) Beestje: @chibaguy : thanks, that's a neat plugin and very usefull... but I can't get it to display the entire last blogposts
hmmm none of the parameters for last_blog_posts seem to be able to display the body of the blogpost instead of the title. :/
or both :) chibaguy: Hmm, you're right. I recall wanting a blog post (or part of one) in a module, but that wasn't available out of the box.
Maybe it could be done as a custom module. Beestje: so does e.g. the PluginArticles use a module to perform it's tasks or is that a separate thing?
getting confused by this plugins - modules thing
because the functionality resembles the pluginArticles feature, but I would like to do the same for a blogpost chibaguy: Sorry, the Articles plugin does the work on its own, it doesn't use a module (contrary to what I said earlier).
But the closest wiki plugin to that is Bloglist, which I think only displays the post titles. ***: Wilkins has joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: I mean the closest thing to display blog info... Beestje: hmmm, I don't even seem to find the Bloglist plugin in the docs (http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Wiki+Plugins&structure=Documentation)
so how do I go about achieving this?
step 1 : feature request? :)
step 2 : search similar plugin and start modifying chibaguy: Yep Beestje: ok chibaguy, I found the bloglist plugin under lib/wiki-plugins-dist ... but how do I use it? do I have to activate it somewhere? ***: optimus25 has joined #tikiwiki Beestje: when i try to use it on a page like a plugin, it's stating that the module bloglist is not found
aha, had to move it to the lib/wiki-plugins directory ***: optimus25_ has joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: that's right. ***: optimus25_ has quit IRC ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]")
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R|SK has joined #tikiwiki R|SK: Polom.
Can anybody explain me, why there is no permission tiki_p_admin_structures?
Users with tiki_p_edit_structures per can do everyting they want with my structures.
But I only want them to add new pages. chibaguy: Probably it was just an oversight not to have that permission. I suppose the use case was a trusted enviroment when the structures feature was added.
Or at least a situation where only trusted editors would add pages to structures. R|SK: So how can this be changed? chibaguy: Submit a feature request at dev.tikiwiki.org. Beestje: I'm trying to get the data of a blog and display it on a page, but it's not displaying the data. I probably have to tiki-parse the datafield so that it's displayed... how do I achieve this?
mods so far on pastebin : http://pastebin.com/m79d02a52
section is taken from wikiplugin-bloglist.php
lol and date shows as 19/48/2009 :D chibaguy: heh, back to the future .. or something.
anyway maybe http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Hello+World can help ? Beestje: date is already fixed both the date and the time had M in the format chibaguy: I mean help about wiki parsing. Beestje: tnx chibaguy, i'm reading up on it now :) chibaguy: ok ***: navster has joined #tikiwiki
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mdale has joined #tikiwiki mdale: luciash: I was here the other day chatting about broken phplayers menu. Turns out the problem was the google adsense module in the left hand column. Anyone else come across this? any workaround ideas? chibaguy: mdale, how was the menu broken? mdale: Only the top level was visible, the dropdowns didn't work. (I'm using 2.1). Firebug said "lwidthDetected is undefined". It looks like it should be defined in /libjs/layersmenu-header.ijs - say, what the heck is an IJS file anyway?
chibaguy, heres a link to the log on the conversation http://irc.tikiwiki.org/irclogger_log/tikiwiki?date=2009-03-30,Mon&sel=358#l354 chibaguy: ok. sorry but I don't have any ideas on this. Seems to me I've used php layers menus and adsense together in the past, but I think adsense has changed since then.
This is more long-term, but probably css menus (suckerfish) will be able to replace php layers menus real soon.
They're looking real good in tiki 3 beta.
Hopefully this will reduce conflicts. It might just bring new ones, but since suckerfish and jquery, etc are actively developed and php layers isn't, the situation should be better.
don't know about that file extension. googling didn't help much. mdale: suckerfish menus work with the adsense module, although the css needs a bit of work in the eatlon theme. http://wiki.diracdelta.co.uk chibaguy: The suckerfish css gets a pretty major overhaul in branch 3.
There's a problem still with theme prefs getting mixed up when an object (page) has a theme different from the default, for not-logged-in users.... mdale: Since we're only just starting out would it be worth upgrading to 3? chibaguy: but you can see tiki 3 here: http://zukakakina.com/tw3/Eatlon
(combined Eatlon and Strasa themes) ;-)
(not intended)
hold on, i'll switch the site theme to eatlon...
I'm still playing with the positioning and colors of the dropdown arrows, but it's pretty close. mdale: Looks nice, good work. chibaguy: This site has jquery and superfish turned on.
Which will probably be standard. mdale: will the cssmenus.css from branch 3 work in 2.1? chibaguy: You could try. Get the css/cssmenus.css file from svn branch 3, and the Tiki 3 version of the theme file, for theme-specific css menu properties.
(which is either in svn branch 3 or svn mods.
Well, the dropdown arrows are provided by jquery right now, so these would have to be added another way in 2.1
But they're just a background image. mdale: I'll have a look tonight - best get back to work ;o) Where is the best place to find out about upgrading to 3? chibaguy: Same method as before: for a fresh install, just unpack the files where you want them, and run the install script.
or overwrite an existing installation to upgrade it. ***: philback|away has joined #tikiwiki
philback|away is now known as philback mdale: sounds simple enough. I might give it a go. See ya, chibaguy: But there may be issues, since it's a new release, so I'd be careful if it's a live site. mdale: Oh, in that case I might just play locally...
!help Tikiwiki|bot: You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . ***: mdale has quit IRC ("CGI:IRC") philback: I've got an issue with the Contact Us feature for anonymous users. I set the messages perm for the anonymous group, enabled messenging. The form shows but the textarea is not there. In the template there is a smarty {textarea} tag insteead of a <textarea>. Is there any side effect or another setting to turn on ? I am using 2.2 ***: marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki philback: I've got an issue with the Contact Us feature foranonymous users. I set the messages perm for the anonymous group,enabled messenging. The form shows but the textarea is not there. Inthe template there is a smarty {textarea} tag insteead of a <textarea>. Is there any side effect or another setting to turn on ? I am using 2.2 chibaguy: philback, is Allow anonymous users to "Contact Us" turned on, on tiki-admin.php?page=general ?
Also maybe "User Messages" on tiki-admin.php?page=features ? philback: http://philippeback.eu/tiki-contact.php
as you can see, the form shows
and messages can be sent
but no textarea for the message body
Allow anonymous users to "Contact Us": turned on on general
contact us and user messages turned on on features
perm given to anonymous for messages chibaguy: Hmm, maybe you should replace tiki-contact.tpl and tiki-contact.php. philback: ok, will look in the trunk copy. Updated this morning. chibaguy: well, whatever version will be compatible with your installation ***: axold has joined #tikiwiki
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got kicked ***: TheRedFox_ is now known as philback_ philback_: by putting a plain <textarea> it works.
need to dig into smarty extension... ***: philback has quit IRC (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) Beestje: chibaguy : I'm creating a new plugin : pluginBlogs, combining wikiplugin_bloglist and wikiplugin_articles.
If I understand this smarty thing correctly ... the bloglib.php thing gets the data and formatting is done in the tpl, so I don't have to format anything with the plugin?
So I just have to call the functions from bloglib.php in the wikiplugin_blogs.php file? chibaguy: I think normally plugins don't need a template file.
so, yeah. Beestje: ok :) trying to get the hang of this thing... first time I'm doing something in PHP, and then immediately trying to understand this smarty thing is not so easy as I tought chibaguy: I've only modified or made new plugins from existing ones, so am not much help in this area, I'm afraid. Beestje: so far I got it working without smarty so I'm able to view the data of the blogpost on my homepage, but I'd like to do it the tiki way sylvieg: Beestje: Usually, you fill up the table in the lib - you oraganize and assign smarty variables in the plugin.php and at the end you call smarty->fetch on a template - that displays the data
Beestje: did you read dev.tikiwiki.org/Hello+World Beestje: i'm constantly reading it and rereading :)
sylvieg : thanks for the quick explanation, now it makes sense to me :) ***: jacky has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") philback_: anybody could tell me where to look for the {textarea} related code ?
(sorry was disconnected) sylvieg: lib/smarty_tiki/block.textarea.php ***: navster has quit IRC ("shit! they found me")
Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie R|SK: polom
How can I insert some code to get the current date and time from the server? CIA-24: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r17741 10/branches/3.0/ (9 files in 4 dirs): [ENH] Calendar navbar link construction simplified; links using theme button style. Also a few more selectors moved from transitions to calendar.css. philback_: mmmh, sylvieg, its missing from my folder...(I do have 2.2)
and its in the trunk
it works waay better now ! (time to upgrade to 3.0 ?) :-)
but the form contents is *not* in my messages list where it was with the <textarea>
.. because the {textare has no "name" attribute ...
putting a name gives me another name: name="edit". chibaguy: philback_, you have a Tiki 2.2 installation, so I'm not sure why you are comparing files to those in trunk. These aren't necessarily compatible. Am I missing something here? philback_: the files I need are absent.
in 2.2
I am digging now. chibaguy: oh, ok, but it seems to me there could be compatibility/dependancy problems. philback_: well, the {textarea} uses <textarea id='editwiki' class='wikiedit' name='edit' rows='{$rows}' cols='{$cols}' style='width:99%'>{$pagedata|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</textarea> so the name is "edit" but in the contact page, I've got body. So, I may have messed up things a bit. Will look at a fresh install I've elsewhere with 2.2 sylvieg: {textarea} isnew in 3.x philback_: well, it has a bug: the name of the control is hardcoded as "edit"
the contactus page template contains {textarea name="body"} but shall never work.
it uses wiki_edit.tp
l chibaguy: Contact us (for anonymous) works in Tiki 2.3. philback_: mmm, still using the old tpl for wiki_edit, damnit
my mistake. Remixing trunk with 2.2 is dangerous indeed :) chibaguy: :-) philback_: well, that was it: the wiki_edit.tpl needed some update with the new stuff from trunk. It works great now. Thx all. ***: Lezard has joined #tikiwiki
Lez has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) CIA-24: tikiwiki: 03pingus * r17742 10/mods/trunk/features/aulawiki/lib/workspaces/resourceslib.php: Added public="y" flag in cretaing file gallery luciash: polom Beestje: anyone can point me in the right direction to view php error logs? (Apache on Ubuntu) luciash: Beestje: /var/log
Beestje: depends on your php.ini setting where the php error messages are written to ***: axold has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) Beestje: @luciash : tnx, but i'm unable to find anything ... and the error logging is turned on and the logfile is defined in the php.ini file. But I don't need it anymore for now. solved part of the problem. ***: philback_ has quit IRC ("There is a byte stuck in my modem!!")
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tikiwiki: [FIX]tracker: quick dirty patch: each computed field must be recalculated and
tikiwiki: stored in the db value to be able to sort on this field: TODO move all the
tikiwiki: mandatory action like evaluation of computed field, user selctor... in
tikiwiki: replace_item + use only the stored value for computed field instead of
tikiwiki: recalculating each time
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r17744 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): (log message trimmed)
tikiwiki: [FIX] newsletters:
tikiwiki: * fix a bug that was unsubscribing a user from all newsletters instead of the newsletter corresponding to its unsubscription code. This was occuringwhen the user was added through a group of users
tikiwiki: * fix unsubscription codes that were changing on each newsletter sending, which implied that a user was only able to unsubscribe itself using the last mail of the newsletter
tikiwiki: * also keep subscribers from included newsletters in database for the
tikiwiki: newsletter, in order to have a different unsubscription code for each
tikiwiki: newsletter. This should also fix the number of subscribers which now includes
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r17745 10/branches/3.0/css/cssmenus.css: [ENH] Better arrow positions. ***: SEWilco2 has joined #tikiwiki CIA-24: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17746 10/branches/3.0/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] Switch Theme mod: Add "site default" to options menu, capitalise theme names and remove .css's Beestje: Woohoow! after messing around most of the day, I finally got my wikiplugin_blogs :D
still need to make some changes so that the title and some other stuff that's normally displayed is not shown, but it's a start ... ricks99: @could u simply show the rss feedf for the blog? Beestje: I just need the last blogpost on the homepage, and using the rss feed is not really what I had in mind.
the functionality of wikiplugin_articles is what I want, but then for blogs
And not everyone needs to be able to see the blogpost, so I think it's better to use a plugin.
In the view_articles.tpl there are a lot of preference variables to display or hide title, author, ... that I'm missing in the view_blog.tpl. :/ So if I want to hide them I need to write a .tpl file just for my plugin ***: FrankP_german has joined #tikiwiki
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R|SK has left ricks99: k. i just wanted to show the last blog posts. i used rss ***: Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away
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PrezKennedyIII has joined #tikiwiki CIA-24: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17749 10/branches/3.0/ (8 files in 4 dirs):
tikiwiki: [MOD] mod-shoutjax finally replaces mod-shoutbox so it now works with AJAX if enabled.
tikiwiki: Retains previous behaviour if AJAX disabled
tikiwiki: Includes script to replace assigned shoutjax module with shoutbox
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r17750 10/branches/3.0/styles/ (strasa/options/mono.css strasa.css): [ENH] Minor calendar color change (days before/after month). ***: FrankP_german has joined #tikiwiki
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tikiwiki: [MOD] mod-switch_lang word mode replaces mod-switch_lang2
tikiwiki: Includes script to replace assigned switch_lang2 module with switch_lang (mode=words)
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17752 10/branches/3.0/lang/flagmapping.php: [FIX] Typo and missing flag image ref removed (sorry Korea)
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17753 10/branches/3.0/templates/ (7 files): [MOD] more goup watches ***: porsh has joined #tikiwiki porsh: Do you know of any CMS with Image Manipulator (Image Cropper, Resizer, etc)? luciash: porsh: pivot
porsh: you can do it via www.picnik.com though porsh: I was going through this http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=1767&trackerId=5 and thought this should be of importance to tikiwiki. Your views?
Am working on its implementation may be as a wikiplugin ***: porsh has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client")
Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) CIA-24: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17754 10/branches/3.0/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [NEW] JQuery wikiplugin (wikiplugin_jq)
tikiwiki: Options for not to execute on doc ready and to change the string returned if feature not enabled.
tikiwiki: Needs approval and shows on admin/security as unsafe. ***: rpg has quit IRC () CIA-24: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17755 10/branches/3.0/styles/strasa/options/ (cold.css mono.css): [CSS] flipmodimage had gone again ***: Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie CIA-24: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r17756 10/branches/3.0/styles/ (strasa/options/cold.css strasa/options/mono.css strasa.css): [CSS] Feint lines under left hand modules in strasa ricks99: q: is there anyway to get notification (or to monitor) the shoutbox?
or to queue items for approval ***: fantoms has joined #tikiwiki ricks99: i need something better than the banned words list to moderate the shoutbox ***: FrankP_german has quit IRC ("Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de") CIA-24: tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r17757 10/branches/3.0/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [FIX][BP-17744] newsletters fixes luciash: ricks99: must be coded ***: luminoso has joined #tikiwiki luminoso: any date for 3.0 final? luciash: end of april luminoso: there is any tarball of 3.0b1?
only livecd and svn? luciash: there's tarball on sf.net luminoso: oh.. sorry
found it! luciash: np
but current SVN 3.0 is far better imho luminoso: there is any way to make a tarball from svn? luciash: there's some script in doc/devtools luminoso: ty ***: ricks99 has quit IRC ("Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com") CIA-24: tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r17758 10/trunk/templates/tiki-send_newsletters.tpl: [MOD] send_newsletters: some other tiny mods on newsletters snarlydwarf: is it just me or does /tiki-magic.php?featurechain=/1/3 have not one, but two "Site Title" text fields under Site Logo and Title?
tw-svn-from-this-morning but its been that way for a while
or /tiki-magic.php?featurechain=/1/3/879 for the full path luciash: snarlydwarf: nobody takes care of magic now, it's an experimental orphan now snarlydwarf: how do i make it um, vanish? luciash: snarlydwarf: since the developer stopped
snarlydwarf: feel free to adopt it ;)
vanish ? snarlydwarf: is there a "stop putting this in my bar" button?
i dont like it, i like the old way :) luciash: just disable it on Admin > Features
under experimental tab snarlydwarf: ah good :)
much prettier ***: lq_349 has joined #tikiwiki lq_349: I recently completed the install, but I do not see any of the icons, I have tried the following browsers, IE7, Firefox, Camino, Safari. Did I forget to do something. Thanks ***: franck has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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!help Tikiwiki|bot: You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . ***: SEWilco2 has left
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