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chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [03:43]
voraistoschibaguy, marclaporte check this out http://pastebin.com/m2b7bf6e3
tabification of tiki-admin.php?page=wiki
based on which version?
yesh, kinda weird I know
wiki3d's gone too
It's not visually perfect, but it works
does ricks99 know about this?
never seen that guy around here :D
Tiki's a big mess
I'm having fun with it, but it's a big mess
It'd be nice If for v4 "we" all just start by getting rid of the useless stuff
useless stuff == the images one can find everywhere and aren't used anymore for example
or the features/themes which are broken/unmaintained.
rha damn
I forgot
some of the URLs will be wrong
tiki-admin.php is now admin.php
chibaguyvoraistos, we've been working on that kind of thing. Most old themes are removed, we're trying for more consistency of code across features, etc. [04:06]
voraistosgreat ;) [04:07]
chibaguyBut still a lot to do, of course.
One problem is there's sometimes resistance to change.
But generally no problem if the change makes sense.
voraistosyeah, there's the backward compatibility people working for microsoft who try to make our lives hell. I know :D
then there are the linux guys who change everything every two days.
I think the main issue in tiki is that it's so big It's difficult to track wat's going on.
so code just gets lost, then one day someone will discover a feature long forgotten :P
A bit like the chat thing :D
chibaguyIt's true that people focus on one or a few things to improve, depending on their needs. Other stuff gets left on the side.
About your tabification of tiki-admin.php?page=wiki, the page already has tabs. How is your code different?
(asking as a guy who's not really a php coder)
maybe that's because someone else tabified it first
I downloaded the beta1 and started playing around with it
I didn't keep up with the dev.
chibaguywell, the code's been changing quite a bit.
best to svn-up pretty often
voraistosI don't know how to use that stuff :D
I'm modifying tiki in ways which aren't interesting for you guys, just fooling around
chibaguyIt's not hard. I use TortoiseSVN client on my winxp laptop; it integrates into my file manager. [04:27]
voraistosI don't know how I can keep up with the latest version without it deleting my own code [04:27]
chibaguyI have a local copy of branch3, for example, and also a "branch3-G" copy that I work on. [04:28]
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voraistosyes, but then you upload your code to tiki.
I don't.
chibaguyI copy the svn branch into mine (overwrite) fairly often. [04:29]
voraistoswell, yes then it means some of your stuff could be overwritten [04:29]
chibaguyBut protect (by labelling tikiLOCAL.tpl or something) files I want to protect from overwrite.
Well, yeah, sometimes I eliminate file differences because I contribute my code changes to the branch code.
voraistosI don't think that'd work in my case. I've made too many changes... For example, tiki-index.php doesn't exist anymore [04:30]
chibaguyBut basically I have the svn checkout and my working copy in parallel.
Yep, that's experimental branch territory. ;-)
voraistosnow I have index.php?language=en&feature=wiki&page=page to display the wikipage "page" in the english version of my tiki
for example
chibaguyIt's interesting on the design level even if pretty far from something that could be committed. [04:33]
voraistosthat's for true i18n that works and wikipages which can have the same name in different languages
no more HomePage-fr
also, imagine the url rewrite on that
tw.org/tiki/en/wiki/Some Page Just Like Wikipedia
and the stuff which shouldn't be sefURL just has a long, boring url like tw.org/t/index.php?language=en&feature=wiki&page=Some+Page&someotheroption=yes
chibaguyYep, definitely room for improvement there. [04:38]
voraistosthis also makes all the multilingual features much lighter too. the language you want is in the url. want to translate? just change the language attribute. easily done in php. And no need to check for feature this, or var that. [04:40]
chibaguyMaybe you should post on the tikiwiki-devel mailing list, to get some feedback on this. A lot more devs will see the message there than here.
(and will definitely have opinions ;-) )
voraistosI think I saw a page from SUMO requesting stuff like this.
somewhere on dev.tw.o, to do with performance mostly.
Oh i see beta3 was released
beta2 had some nasty bugs
I helped in the discovery of one of them
some sql files were not executed by the installer, so editing a wiki page would give an sql error
............. (idle for 1h4mn)
chibaguyWhat is the best way to have a link in a tracker field? -- i.e., to have a field with a label like "company web site"?
Does the full url have to be input, so the ugly "http://...." must be displayed on the page?
marclaportechibaguy: : use text area field and you can use wiki syntax [06:03]
chibaguyah, ok, thanks. [06:03]
marclaportea specific URL field type would be nice [06:04]
chibaguyIt'd also be nice if textarea field types could display a truncated version in the listing and a "more..." that would link to the full tracker item. Is this possible yet? [06:12]
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chibaguyI'm also having trouble getting the email field to display anything but an unencoded mailto: . I tried as the examples show.
Probably, displaying "Tracker Item:" as part of the page title should be optional.
For example, for "Tracker Item: Job listings", "Job listings" is enough, right?
People don't care or need to know what Tiki feature is being used.
Similar case to not needing "Blog:" as part of the blog title.
Ah, but I'm forgetting about the wiki page interface for Trackers using the plugins. So maybe the actual Tracker interface isn't so important.
(aesthetically, etc.)
luciashpolom polom [06:30]
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chibaguypolom luciash [06:34]
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chibaguyAnyone able to create an encoded or obfuscated address in the email tracker field? [06:38]
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luciashhi chibaguy, it obfuscates here automagically in the body of wiki page
well, encodes
luciash goes to check his tracker
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luciashdoesn't encode in tracker field [06:43]
chibaguyhm, I'm just looking at the tracker field itself. [06:43]
luciashby default
default is plain text of course
chibaguyI'm trying the syntax shown on http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Email%20Tracker%20Field&structure=Documentation [06:45]
luciashworks for me: 1,,,
chibaguygrr, only plain text here... [06:48]
luciashe-mail type field ? [06:49]
cleared caches, logged out and back in, etc.
luciashit's upgraded tiki here [06:53]
chibaguyme too, or should be. [06:54]
luciashi saw it in my FF3 and CTRL+U [06:56]
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chibaguyhm, just tried in my current svn checkout, email field in view tracker item still displays as mailto with plain text. [07:12]
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chibaguyThis is with a new tracker and tracker item. [07:13]
luciashchibaguy: sorry, i don't have fresh SVN install currently to check [07:17]
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chibaguyWell, will be good to get some confirmation one way or the other, by other people. [07:29]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r17965 10/branches/3.0/templates/ (10 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Fix broken links to category browser. [07:48]
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chibaguyHeh, MOUSEOVER plugin is working. I haven't seen this working in years. :-)
(not at my test site anyway)
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Another interesting thing, since activating the 'add tpl start/top tags', I'm getting notification emails with subjects like "<!-- TPL: mail/tracker_changed_notification.tpl -->Tracker was modified at....<!-- /TPL: mail/tracker_changed_notification.tpl -->"
Maybe a little too much template identifying. ;-)
luciashchibaguy: ask sylvie, but as you shouldn't activate it on production site, i think it's not something she'll bother much about ;)
when i "hardcoded" it, i ommited the mail notifications templates, but now it's automagical, so it would need some list of tpls to exclude
it should be also ommited from the beginning of "top level" tpls like tiki.tpl to prevent switching to quirks mode
chibaguyok [08:36]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r17966 10/branches/3.0/ (37 files in 36 dirs): [ENH] Text improvement: Technical accuracy (thanks, Gary) [09:06]
marclaporteA related idea:http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/TroubleShooting [09:11]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r17967 10/branches/3.0/doc/devtools/tikirelease.sh: [MOD] precision in tikirelease doc
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r17968 10/branches/3.0/ (5 files in 5 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX][NEW] pagination: do not display "Page 1/1" by default when there is only
tikiwiki: one page in results. Add an option "pagination_hide_if_one_page" with a checkbox
tikiwiki: 'Hide pagination when there is only one page' in admin look panel.
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Beestjestupid Q : what's the difference between $WikiName and $PageName ? [09:55]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r17969 10/branches/3.0/tiki-calendar_edit_item.php: [FIX] Save user a click until calendar is created. [10:01]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r17970 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-install.tpl: [ENH] Adding 4 new profiles. They are still being worked on. Company_Intranet is a good example. [10:31]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r17971 10/branches/3.0/ (6 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] No need for suckerfish horizontal menu top items to have explicit width, so menu width can be reduced; also minor adjustments for IE. [11:14]
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Beestjeand yet another 5 older bugs bite the dust :) [12:00]
luciash:) [12:01]
Beestjemarclaporte, are you there? [12:11]
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otrotabihi everyone, is it possible to store an url address in a tracker field and to be able to link it to the destination address using the trackerlist plugin ? [12:59]
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Beestjehello otrotabi, I'm still using 2.2 so I don't know whether it's available in 3.x, but there is no url type field for the tracker in 2.x [13:11]
otrotabiNeither in 3.0, I thought there might be a work-around to the problem. Closest thing I have seen is that if you use the "static text" field type, you can have it parsed and so you can point to the destination address
However, I need to associate each record with a different url address
BeestjeI guess it'll be a good feature request :) [13:24]
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otrotabiBeestje, there are many people asking the same question in the forums, some are dated quite a long time ago, so I agree, where should I post the request ? [13:35]
BeestjeI think the best way to do this is through a feature / bug request : http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Report+a+Bug
Just put as much info in the request as you can and perhaps link to the forum posts regarding this item.
otrotabiI´ll do it, thanks for your hel`p [13:39]
Beestjenp :) [13:39]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17972 10/branches/3.0/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_article.php: typo [13:42]
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sylviegif otrotabi stops to log out - he will have huis answer - to bad for him [13:44]
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sylvieghow do we say the type of diff in pagehistory now? [13:55]
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otrotabiBeestje, I found how to do it, at least on the same server, if you use the text area type and copy the address between [ ] , the localhost address is inserted automatically [14:09]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17973 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-pagehistory.tpl: admin page [14:10]
sylviegotrotabi: I tried 2 times to tell you that - but you left each time [14:10]
otrotabisorry sylvieg
i´m happy now, thanks for your help
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marclaporteBeestje: : yes [15:02]
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luminosoany news about beta2?
or RC?
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17974 10/branches/3.0/ (installer/tiki-installer.php tiki-install.php): reference [15:09]
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marclaportebeta3 is out [15:14]
BeestjeQ about pagenames : according to http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page_ref_id=270 the doc, wiki pages can only contain alphanumeric characters and - and _ is that correct? [15:16]
marclaporteIf you want to use some accents, or 'funny' characters check admin->wiki->wiki link format, do be sure what you want as page name is recognized there. [15:17]
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BeestjeI'm asking because of bug 899 (http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=899&trackerId=5&show=view)
in 2.2, i can still create a pagename from structures using quotes, and it refers to the page as Wiki"Example. When I rename the page afterwards, it modifies the pagename to Wiki&quotExample, and tikiwiki isn't able to find the page.
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BeestjeI don't see any improvements in the changelog for 2.3 and 2.4 [15:23]
sylviegit was a securoty fix [15:25]
chibaguyI made a page called Ampersands & S/ashes and it works as tiki-index.php?page=Ampersands & S/ashes, but not in the short url form; it isn't handled correctly by url rewriting.
It gets encoded by Tiki as Ampersands+%26+S%2Fashes
But it's pretty nutty to try to have ampersands and slashes in a page name that will be part of the url. :-)
(I mean it gets encoded and is correctly used in the long url form. But doesn't work in the short url form.)
sylviegI have the fix on my local... need to commit [15:29]
luminosomarclaporte, so the topic is outdated? [15:31]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17975 10/branches/3.0/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [MOD]sefurl: urlencode + the title article option (setting still not to be committed) [15:33]
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ChadDa3mon!help [15:44]
Tikiwiki|botYou can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . [15:44]
ChadDa3monIs anyone aware of a good place to go for Group/Category permissions in 3.0? [15:46]
marclaporteChadDa3mon: : for documentation? [15:47]
ChadDa3monthat would be a good place to start, I just can't figure this relationship out anymore
not sure if posting on the general feature forum is OK for 3.0 yet
luminosothere is any way to auto-upgrade to beta3? [15:47]
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marclaportehow come edit button is no longer in red when someone else is editing page? [16:10]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17976 10/branches/3.0/tiki-blog_post.php: [FIX]per: tiki_p_blog_post is more like a tiki_p_edit_categorized that a tiki_p_view_categorized [16:19]
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suihi [17:39]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r17977 10/branches/3.0/doc/devtools/tikirelease.sh: [FIX] Update post-release instructions. Do we still want, for example, to call it 1.9.2 (SVN) until it's official at 1.9.2?
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r17978 10/branches/3.0/ (4 files in 2 dirs): [MOD]sefurl: option to create url like article1-title bag1-title
rlopez_is the FCKeditor/wysiwyg feature still experimental? [17:48]
sylviegstill bug with autosave for instance [17:48]
rlopez_i'm asking this because i read a post in the tikiwiki forums in spanish, and they want to choose between twiki adn tikiwiki
they like the twiki editor
thanks sylvieg
well, can I propose them other option?
i mean wysiwyg
i just told them to try tikiwiki + fck, but this is not a good idea, i guess
sylviegI do not think there is better wyswyg / wiki integration around -(except perhaps moinmoin that has a wiki wyswyg - but htat has also a lot of bugs
I bet the twiki is bugged too - a round trip twiki syntax->html->twiki syntax is propably bugged
i will try to encourage them to use tikiwiki
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sylviegI bet you can bug the twiki editor by copy/paste word [17:57]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r17979 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-sheets.tpl: [FIX] fix broken link to image [18:40]
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ChadDa3monDoes anyone know how to prevent the tiki_p_edit_categorized from allowing "remove" as well?
I want people to be able to edit, but not remove pages
sylviegyopu have to change this in the code
depending on the version either in get_perm_from_categPerms (look at tiki_P_remove) or either in the call of user_has_perm_on_object (.... tiki_p_remove...)
...... (idle for 25mn)
ChadDa3monThanks for that response :)
you're talking source code of one of the php files I assume?
sylviegyeh there is no option yet - probably in 4.0 [19:31]
ChadDa3monwhich file?
the tiki-index?
sylviegwhich tw version? [19:33]
ChadDa3mon3, sorry [19:33]
sylvieglib/tikilib.php and look the function get_perm_from_categPerms [19:34]
ChadDa3mongot that up, looking through it now
I think this is it?
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r17980 10/branches/3.0/templates/mail/user_validation_mail_subject.tpl: [FIX] People don't care to know what Tiki is in their registration email. Can cause confusion about site. [19:44]
ChadDa3monGotta head home for the day, but I think I have a good starting place sylvieg, thanks for the help01 [19:45]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r17981 10/branches/3.0/templates/mail/user_validation_mail.tpl: [FIX] Cosmetic fix in validation email. [19:46]
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franckinteresting blog post about indexes in mysql on large datasets: http://bret.appspot.com/entry/how-friendfeed-uses-mysql [20:48]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r17982 10/branches/3.0/lib/cache/cachelib.php: [FIX] templates_c cache clearing was deleting .svn info [21:11]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r17983 10/branches/3.0/lib/cache/cachelib.php: [FIX] cached file count shouldn't include svn files [21:57]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r17984 10/branches/3.0/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] For MyTiki articles to be treated the same way as blogs, tasks, etc. [23:10]
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