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marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [01:18]
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MacleusI cannot get the watches to send an email in my tikiwiki
I have tested that my php is set up correctly using sendmail but tikiwiki wont send anything at all
Is anyone on???
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Macleusdoes anyone here use the watches feature in tikiwiki [02:29]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r18087 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-edit_help.tpl: [FIX] Improve UI of edit help. 1- Merge quicktags & wiki syntax in one section which reduces duplication. 2- Move less important comment about paragraph format to the bottom [03:43]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18088 10/branches/3.0/styles/darkroom/ (down.png right.css right.png): [KIL] Not needed; new method for arrows. [03:48]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r18089 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-plugin_help.tpl: [FIX] Adding link to doc.tikiwiki.org only if feature_help is on. [04:14]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r18090 10/branches/3.0/tiki-admin_include_features.php: [FIX] Using Tiki's cache clearing mechanism which preserves .svn files, and not smarty [06:35]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r18091 10/branches/3.0/INSTALL: [FIX] update installation docs [07:41]
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Guest98238Guten Morgen [08:05]
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RobertS_ has joined #tikiwiki
wenn das da rechts die angemeldeten user sind- schlafen aber viele auf der tastatur :P
or english :)?
marclaporteMa:-) [08:08]
carallunaMorning :-) [08:08]
RobertS_Hab mir nen Tikiwiki aufgesetzt - l�uft auch - auf strato-servern f�r 6,90 - ist extrem langsam teilweise und einige sachen sind mir noch unklar
finde keine M�glichkeit nen Logout f�r admin oder user einzurichten - weiss da wer was :)?
btw bin v�lliger Laie - muss ich dazusagen :P
carallunaRobertS_: Though I understand some garman, I'm not sure everybody in here does - guess english is the better option ;-) [08:13]
RobertS_ahhh ok i asked - thx :)) [08:13]
caralluna*german* [08:13]
RobertS_hehe :)) [08:13]
caralluna;-) [08:13]
RobertS_I've set up a tikiwiki what is running, but since Im pretty a newb in Php i still got some questions [08:15]
carallunaRobertS_: Do I understand you correctly that you don1t find logout? [08:15]
there is no logout possibility included on first installs=?
especially when im logged in as admin i want to be able to logout to test stuff as user - but cant find a way to logout
carallunaI never had that problem, but you could replace last bit of the adress with tiki-logout.php
usually it the top right corner somewhere
RobertS_yes if i remeber correctly there was it before - maybe i crashed some things with changing templates
im not sure how it happened - :P I'm afraid to change php-files since i never did
carallunayeah, they did remove an unmaintained theme the other day - and I think that theme served as foundation for a few others ... I see that the login option has disappeared on my site as well now if I use the unmaintained themes
Gues I have to bring back the login-box :-/
RobertS_another major problem ive got is to get images included on the wiki-pages [08:21]
carallunado they not show at all? [08:21]
RobertS_oh sorry please lets stay with logout issue
i didnt knew u would go further into it :))
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carallunaI just opened my own page and saw the login gone ... what theme are you using? [08:23]
RobertS_i used a theme whats called lieke isabel... something like this im going to have a look - im back to the tikineat (original) now [08:24]
caralluna...and what version Tiki are you using? [08:24]
RobertS_but logout is still gone and german as layout language is gone as well btw [08:24]
carallunasems you are on 2.x? [08:24]
RobertS_2.3 [08:25]
carallunaok hang on, I was on my 3.x :-) [08:25]
RobertS_it was isabelsworld.css that was the only one i dowloaded - but I treid many of the included themes
caralluna...and the problem remains? [08:27]
RobertS_yes [08:27]
carallunayou have removed the login box on the right? [08:28]
RobertS_it seems it doesnt matter which theme, but the "no-logout"-problem remains [08:28]
carallunayou could assign the login box to the left or right menu as a temporary workaround [08:29]
RobertS_now im thinking of - if there is a possibility i features maybe where i could have disabled it - then this maybe was my fault incidetially
i -in
carallunayeah, you could also enable "Site Login Bar" under Admin -> Look & Feel
if that is disabled
RobertS_ok - give me a sec - ill try it :)
ahhhh - so easy :PP
outsch - yes this was the reason - thx alot - problem 1 solved
carallunayeah :-) Had a few of those myself, I'm also pretty new to Tiki :-)
np, glad I could help :-)
RobertS_maybe you can help me with a general technical understanding as well :)?
I'm glad too I've found you here :))
carallunaProbably not, but try me ;-) [08:34]
RobertS_at the install procedure - it says 16 MB at php.ini would be ok but 32 would be better
if i do the php-info it says 8MB at mine
carallunaDo you have several php.ini-files? [08:36]
RobertS_is that server related or am I able to change it? [08:36]
carallunadepends on your provider and what kind of access they give you [08:37]
RobertS_my tikiwiki is not on a home server [08:37]
carallunasome kind of shared server then, or is it a VPS? [08:37]
RobertS_since im a newb to php and mysql i cant say much about it
i can login to a mysql site thing
carallunaI am new too, no knowledge og php, but I have installed a fair bit of webapps [08:38]
RobertS_:P [08:38]
carallunaog => f
of even
my god ;-)
RobertS_so the php.ini is not in my tikiwiki folder? its somewhere on the server where my database is running?
my english fades sometimes too its sunday morning :P - but im happy you understanding me :)
carallunano, php.ini is not tiki-specific, it is a php-related file, but tiki is written in php, so you may need it
theoretically it coud even be on a different server than your sqlserver, but it is probably the same ;-)
RobertS_the question for me is - how and if I can change it - or do i have access to it at all? [08:42]
carallunayou may not have access to it at all
but you sometimes do
RobertS_ok ok :) i have to figure out this in my special case for my provider then - maybe i should email them [08:43]
carallunathese problems are one of my reasons for using a VPS rather than a shared hosting service - with a VPS you have full control over as good as everything on the server
yeah, they may be able to change it
RobertS_VPS on your own machine? [08:44]
carallunano, vps with a provider
though I could use VPS on my own macine as well ;-)
RobertS_if i would use a VPS what is possible its like ~35 20ac - im at 6,90 20ac atm [08:46]
carallunaI use yourshelter.net (german based I think) and slicehost.com (US based)
yeah, would be more expensive, but for me at least it's well worth it
RobertS_and since I'm in a kind-of-testing period - I'm fine with it at the moment :)) [08:48]
carallunayeah ;-) [08:48]
RobertS_you are living in germany but you are from the states right? [08:49]
carallunanope, I am from Norway and I live in Norway ;-) [08:50]
RobertS_hehe ok :)) [08:50]
carallunajust curious; What made you make that assumption? ;-) [08:50]
RobertS_funny what brought you to the german tikiwiki then :)
s.a. :P :)
carallunathe features my friend, THE FEATURES! :-P [08:51]
RobertS_ahh :) well so you tested the english version as well? [08:51]
carallunaI thought they are all the same?
I mean, Tiki is available in a whole lot of languages
RobertS_no clue :P ok ok - you mean the features on this site here then not the tikiwiki features
carallunabut I think there is only one IRC channel?
the features of Tiki is what I meant :-P
RobertS_ok - now - you started the IRC not from the german website - thats what i mixed - I think I goz it now :P
carallunaguess all Tiki IRC is in one channel
AFAIK anyway
RobertS_but its cool - so the community of tikiwiki is able to meet here :)
worldwide :)
carallunayeah I love it :-) and ppl here are very helpful :-) [08:56]
RobertS_indeed :)) [08:57]
carallunaIf I remember correctly there is going to be a TikiFest next weekend in London
that is, a "physical meeting"
I toyed with the thought of going, but it does't fit my economy @ the moment unfortunately
RobertS_wow :) in London - very nice - bad economy as well - plus id feel lost in space of php'lers :P [09:00]
carallunayeah, probably me too ;-)
RobertS_Cara I need to do some housework like laundry .. later Im back here probably - tyvm for your help - and cya later - Have a wonderful sunday [09:03]
carallunaU too :-) [09:03]
RobertS_bb:) [09:03]
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amettewhy is line 767 in trackerlib sooo evil?!? [10:37]
spoonypjkhmm is trunk coelesce supposed to have the actions menu offset fixed again?.. because Ive just tested trunk coelesce and its "different" but still not fixed (the actions menu is still offset but is now horizontally spread).
ignore me for a second. i havent updated the tpl's yet
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***Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away [11:15]
luciashpolom [11:17]
spoonypjkhiya. [11:17]
carallunaHi :-) [11:17]
luciashhi spoony [11:17]
spoonypjkhmm replaced the tpl's now too and still no change unless im doing something wrong :) [11:18]
luciashand caralluna :)
amette: what's evil there ?
ametteluciash: that's what I'd like to know... [11:19]
carallunaSQL is evil ;-) [11:19]
luciashLOL [11:20]
amette... this query kills dev.tw.o every now and then. [11:20]
luciashi'll ask differently: who said it's evil ? [11:20]
ametteI do
luciashaaaah :-p
killing dev.tw.o is apparently evil thing :)
amettethis query just sometimes hangs with "Sending data" and never returns, effectively stopping any actions on the dev.tw.o database - evil!
yup, yup ;)
luciashsorry, i don't know SQL much to give you answer [11:22]
amettehmm, yeah... well, if you find someone, let me know ;) [11:22]
luciashtry lph
or sylvie ;)
or nyloth
amettewell, I tried devel-list already.... [11:23]
luciashcool [11:23]
there was no reaction whatsoever :P
luciashwhen was it, i don't see it in recent messages [11:24]
amettedunno exactly... a week ago or so... [11:24]
luciashi see now, maybe refresh that thread with this exact question [11:25]
ametteamette nods [11:25]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03luciash * r18092 10/branches/3.0/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_redirect.php: [MOD] redirect plugin - SEO: Redirect with HTTP status 301 - Moved Permanently rather than the default response by header("Location: ") which is 302 - Found [11:30]
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r18093 10/branches/3.0/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_redirect.php: just Id to svn:keywords, brief and @author [11:39]
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spoonypjkspoonypjk considers giving up on coelesce [11:58]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03luciash * r18094 10/branches/3.0/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_js.php: Id to svn:keywords, removed svn:executable (there's no need to have this file executable) [12:02]
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luciashchibaguy: hi gary [12:31]
chibaguyhi luciash
spoonypjk, my fix was just for the offset; I noticed the items in the box were displayed inline, but didn't do anything to correct that yet.
spoonypjkchibaguy: you mean the whole box displaying about 15cm off to the bottom right.. right? :)
when you click the actions button.
maybe I havent imported enough from trunk... because now im using coelesce from trunk.. and the menu is still offset but not displays horizontally instead of vertically.
chibaguyThe position of the whole box is correct now, isn't it? more or less starting under the pointer?
The file I committed was in branch 3; it hasn't been merged to trunk yet.
hmm, i was pulling out of trunk
will get it out of branch 3
chibaguy: just out of interest.. because I tried to fix it myself a few times.. (more of a learning experience).. Where was the particular culprit? (to give me an idea of if I was looking in the right or wrong place when I tried to fix it).
chibaguyShouldn't Anonymous be able to see a file gallery (tiki-list_file_gallery.php) if the group perms are set to allow that?
I can't understand why Anons can't see my test file gallery.
spoonypjkhmm i thought I saw a bug about that..
could be wrong though.
chibaguyI assigned the relevant perms for the Group, and there's no perm on the specific gallery.
spoonypjk, you can see the changed lines here: http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/branches/3.0/styles/coelesce.css?r1=17986&r2=18086
spoonypjkwhich perms did you set for anonymous?
list and view?
chibaguyThe problem was that earlier in the making of the Coelesce theme, relative positioning was used to place some parts up around the top of the center column. [12:49]
spoonypjkare you trying to "list" the gallery.. or goto the gallery directly via a link? [12:49]
chibaguyBut when a div's ancestor is relatively positioned, it seems to throw off the popups.
Maybe there's another solution for this, in the popup code, but I don't know about that.
Anyway, there was no longer a need for tiki-center to have position:relative, so the property could be removed.
spoonypjkahh I completely wouldnt' have found that. Was looking more at the file gal specific stuff in there. [12:51]
chibaguyYeah, it's something I noticed before, which is how I knew where to look.
Also I noticed the wiki edit page 'help' mouseovers were also offset.
spoonypjkthanks for that. just pulled down 3.0 branch and going to upload the fixed files in a sec. [12:52]
chibaguySo it wasn't gallery-specific. [12:52]
spoonypjkah [12:53]
chibaguyThese days branch 3 is more advanced than trunk, as far as I know.
Certainly in terms of small fixes, etc.
spoonypjkin terms of timeline/order.. branch 3.0 goes into trunk.. and from trunk a beta gets generated? or am i getting confused? [12:54]
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chibaguybranch 3.0 was split off from trunk. [12:58]
well, I'm a noob on the topic really, but I understand it as the branch is basically a copy of trunk originally, and then it gets polished up for release. [13:03]
Hey that menu is great now.. just one question are the menu items supposed to run horizontally or vertically in that theme?
chibaguyuh, which menu? [13:04]
spoonypjkthe actions menu
in the file gal
chibaguyoh, probably vertically, same as the other themes.
so that needs to be corrected.
spoonypjkah. Had a quick look to see how that's set but hadnt found it yet. [13:08]
chibaguyI recommend Firefox and the Firebug add-on, for identifying CSS selectors/properties. [13:11]
...which shows a div.iconmenu being used in the popup....
... which in coelesce.css has a display:inline property....
which strasa.css also has but....
...strasa.css also has '.opaque .iconmenu {display: block}'
which is the specific context in the file gallery popup.
(This is why I'm doing a 'layout.css' that each theme imports and then adds eye-candy on top of.)
chibaguy adds .opaque .iconmenu {display: block} to layout.css.... :-)
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18095 10/branches/3.0/styles/coelesce.css: [FIX] Missing property for file gallery Actions popup contents (thanks to spoonypjk for spotting problem). [13:30]
chibaguyMost of the stylesheets don't have .iconmenu {display:inline}, so the Action divs display as blocks. Not sure why coelesce has that property there. [13:38]
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spoonypjksorry, back. Reading text now :) [13:52]
chibaguyActually maybe a better fix would be to remove coelesce's .iconmenu {display:inline}, but this needs more checking. The only file that applies it is smarty_tiki/function.icon.php. [13:52]
spoonypjkI use firefox with the web developer plugin.. but will checkout firebug..
chibaguy(If I can't figure out what a css class is for, one way to get a clue is to search the files, first templates, where most are used, and if not there, in libs.) [13:53]
spoonypjkah I'll remember that.
bit of a learning curve getting to know the css layout in tw. wrapping my head around what applies to what and why. :)
chibaguyYes, it's a dark forest from which some never return... ;-) [13:59]
spoonypjkhahah :) (or rather muwahah). [13:59]
chibaguyIt's kind of ironic that CSS can simplify styling in simple documents, but can get really obscure when there are lots of files, and it is relied on more for complex layout and behaviors, etc. [14:01]
spoonypjkYeah, perhaps it comes down to standards.. seems like everybody uses css differently when it comes to more files/more complex layout. (just in general.. everywhere)
all working nicely for the time being, thanks for that :)
chibaguyWell, I've been learning as I go, so have looked at what other people are doing, here in this project and outside.
Never really studied this formally.
spoonypjkYeah it can be like that with things sometime.. pick it up as you need it.. and delve in deeper if required or find it interesting etc.
just installed firebug too, taking a looksie.
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18096 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-read_article.tpl: [FIX] Move print, etc. icons from center to right side. [15:38]
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MacleusIs there a watch that will just let me know of ANY change to the website??? Instead of individualy selecting each forum, tracker, wiki page, etc [15:41]
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RobertSahoi [16:34]
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luminosoMaximum file size is limited to: 35 MB
this is based in memory limit?
my php mem limit is 128MB
i would like to upload files with +128M
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luciashMacleus: iirc yes [17:16]
Macleus: you can choose it on tiki-admin_notifications.php
but sorry, there's no "anything on site changes"
you have to choose from the dropdown
but better than individual forum watch etc.
carallunaluminoso: are you checking the correct php.ini? I have several php.ini's on my server, maybe you do too? [17:34]
luminosocaralluna, the correct phpinfo is the one on tikiwiki menu, right? [17:36]
carallunawhen you check phpinfo from the admin menu? yeah, think so [17:37]
luminosomemory_limit 128M
so the upload limit is 32M? :-s
carallunaI don't think its the same setting, hang on a sec
check the "upload_max_filesize"
I think that should be the one you want
and remember to restart you webserver after changing it ;-)
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philbackanyone having an easy way to improve the performance of tikiwiki for mostly static sites ? [19:22]
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sylvieg: : ping

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