[00:01] tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r18590 10/branches/3.0/templates/comments.tpl: [FIX] Adding __required__ note for comments body because if you leave blank, you get an error message. I don't think body should be mandatory but it is. [00:01] do you know how to set perms in general? [00:01] I am looking through the permission list. [00:01] look in wiki section [00:02] to find something about wiki attachments [00:02] k [00:04] lindon_ : : how are you doing? [00:04] think i need a database on the ourwiki site to test [00:05] don't seem to have privileges to do that [00:09] also, is there a way for the files to download to the public folder? [00:10] they went outside the public directory, so i copied them over [00:11] *** FrankP_german has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [00:21] lindon_: : use cPanel to create DB [00:22] to get the files at the right place, you can go to the right directory: using # cd www [00:22] then [00:25] svn co https://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tikiwiki/branches/3.0 . [00:25] the dot (.) at the the end means "here" [00:25] FF|Skyrider: : found it? [00:26] Indeed I have, thanks. [00:26] It was at the bottom of the permission page :0 [00:26] :) [00:54] *** FrankP_german2 has quit IRC ("Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de") [01:26] marclaporte:: i get a 500 internal server error when i try to go to where i've downloaded the svn to install [01:35] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [01:39] *** MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki [01:59] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [02:08] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [02:16] *** lindon_ has quit IRC ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316]") [02:17] *** mlaporte has joined #tikiwiki [02:19] tikifest keeps on going [02:19] but getting hungry, we are [02:23] *** MartinCleaver has quit IRC () [02:26] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [02:29] *** FF|Skyrider has left [02:31] hows the release going? [02:38] no more default logo on barebones install :( [02:47] *** danopia is now known as danopia`cow [02:50] *** danopia`cow is now known as danopia [02:51] *** FF|Skyrider has joined #tikiwiki [02:51] Hey [02:51] I have a small question still :) [02:52] The current release is 2.4 (final), and it says that 3.0 is to be released at may, 3. [02:52] It may be a bit later due to fixed, but my question is.. [02:52] is it worth to go to 3.0 instead with RC1 [02:55] Going to bed soon, so I hope someone can give me a quick answer :) [02:58] *** lindon_ has joined #tikiwiki [02:58] Anyone? :s [02:59] i would say 3.0 [02:59] Gracias :) [02:59] should be out soon and bugs are being fixed [02:59] nifty [02:59] 2.4 / 3.0 is really different? [03:04] not a quantum leap [03:04] but lots of improvements that add up [03:05] have you looked here http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Tikiwiki+3.0 ? [03:05] not yet, thanks. [03:06] +1 for 3.0 [03:09] tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r18591 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-edit_help.tpl: [03:09] tikiwiki: [FIX/MOD] merging back again wiki help and plugin help because for most users, [03:09] tikiwiki: there is no distinction between adding a link and adding a video. plugins are [03:09] tikiwiki: just advanced wiki syntax. Also, the plus buttons are not reliable and some [03:09] tikiwiki: users may not see the plugins section. Finally, adding a plugin is currently [03:09] tikiwiki: broken (but not by this commit). [03:22] *** chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [03:24] ricks99: about default logo on barebones [03:25] polom [03:25] I have an idea. Do you have time to chat? [03:25] pkdille here? [03:25] y marc [03:26] or anyone interested... [03:26] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18592 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-plugin_help.tpl: [FIX] Help insert plugin popup tool must specify area name to work [03:26] I tried removing the tiki-site_header.tpl files from coelesce and strasa, and the themes seem to display fine [03:27] chibaguy: +1 to less forked tpls [03:27] ricks99 & all: about top logo [03:27] ( was wondering why these are so problematic and other themes so solid, so wanted to try the default tiki-site_header.tpl with them....) [03:27] hehe [03:28] maybe whatever was (thought to be) necessary in the beginning got worked around somehow as everyone contributed. [03:28] In the past, I didn't like when the header said, "This is TikiWiki, blable [03:28] rick thinks the logo should be in the default profile [03:28] ricks99: ok, but how can we make super duper easy for people to replace with their own? [03:29] so i'll test some more and suggest removing (a little gunshy at present about major file changes since the theme-rename episode ;-) ) [03:29] so people don't leave it there because they don't how to change [03:29] I had in mind adding site title and subtitle in installer [03:29] add a default site title: "Use the Look & Feel to add your own logo) [03:30] for 3.x, add to the installer [03:30] ricks99: but it's hard to upload logo to Tiki [03:31] it should be an upload field like avatars [03:31] agree [03:31] ah, now I see strasa already had no tiki-site_header.tpl (my local test site was copied over, not directly svn-upped, so the old file was never deleted). [03:31] * chibaguy slaps forehead [03:31] speaking of uploading images... with the default install, try uploading a picture to a wiki page [03:31] not a text field, where I first need so upload to file gallery and worry about url, etc [03:31] you have to : [03:31] 1. use the file gallery [03:31] 2. create a new file gallery [03:31] 3. upload a pic to the gallery [03:32] 4. then add the pic code to the wiki page [03:32] :( [03:32] anyway, coelesce can probably lose its tpl too. [03:32] ricks99: I agree [03:32] but let's stay on logo [03:32] k. [03:32] and about last part, let's have the discussion with pkdille and nyloth [03:33] but I noticed same issue [03:33] so... [03:33] i vote for keeping the default loogo, and adding a default site title/subtitle explaining wheer to go to change the logo [03:33] (can use the file gallery to store the logo, y?) [03:33] ok, but I would change one thing [03:37] *** lindon_ has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [03:37] I don't want that explanation visible to the public So maybe a mouse-over of the logo, with tiki_p_admin check [03:38] *rick wishes he had had time to redo the Admin: L&F page [03:38] yes, you can use file gallery to store logo [03:38] that is a tricky one [03:38] what's wrong w/ making it public? i seriously doubt newbies will see/use the mouse-over text [03:39] because I don't want all these installs floating around with system messages [03:39] doesn't look professional [03:39] gives the impression that this thing wasn't finished/configured [03:40] instead: use the custom code area: {if $user eq admin}You can change the logo.... {/if} [03:40] and if the admin wants to keep the tiki logo, so be it, but it's not because it was difficult to fix [03:40] i just think that mouseover is not visible enuf [03:40] {if $user eq admin}You can change the logo.... {/if} is perfect!! [03:40] this way it will be highly visible -- but only to admin [03:40] thanks guys [03:40] gnight [03:40] *** FF|Skyrider has left [03:40] woo-hoo [03:41] ricks99: right! [03:41] bye FF [03:41] or an admin-only module (ala the old tiki assitant) [03:41] ricks99: yeah, something like that [03:42] {if $user eq admin} has the benefit of showing people what's possible to do with Smarty [03:42] ... has the danger of crashing tiki, too :( [03:42] we can also populate Site Identity via profiles, [03:43] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [03:43] "Fatal Smarty Error" is one of the most popular searches on Smarties [03:43] http://twbasics.keycontent.org/Top+Tips&bl#I_added_a_new_module_and_now_I_get_a_quot_Fatal_Smarty_error_quot_and_I_only_see_a_blank_page_ [03:43] ricks99: is this the same in 3.x? [03:43] ? [03:44] Page Not Found [03:44] well, I have noticed that tiki 3.x was more robust to user errors [03:44] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18593 10/branches/3.0/lib/wiki/wikilib.php: [FIX] retrieve cached plugin list properly [03:44] http://twbasics.keycontent.org/Top+Tips#I_added_a_new_module_and_now_I_get_a_quot_Fatal_Smarty_error_quot_and_I_only_see_a_blank_page_ [03:45] * rick wishes he could cut/paste better [03:45] hehe [03:46] wow.. tiki seems to recover from Smarty validation errors much better now!! [03:46] so, there were ways to crash tiki 2.x that no longer worked in 3.x [03:46] i see :-) [03:46] no risk then. i vote to use custom code [03:47] ok, I will test now to crash [03:47] do you have any examples handy of things that crashed tiki? [03:47] just did. removing the {/if} worked just fine :) [03:47] beautiful [03:47] including an opening {tr} (but no {/tr}) also worked fine [03:47] my 2 most common errors [03:48] seems very robust [03:48] yes, if you have error reporting on, you will see it in yellow/red at the bottom [03:49] http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/Debug_Mode_Enabled to get this an other debug stuff [03:49] is it possible to "stack" or "chain" profiles? [03:50] how can i get barebones + debbugmode? [03:50] would be nice if the installer, when u select a profile, can be a checkbox where u can select multiple [03:51] ricks99: you can make a profile which includes two profiles [03:52] i mean for an end-user. I see a list of profiles during my installation. would be nice to b able to pick multiple [03:52] yes [03:52] I have ideas for that [03:53] there would be "angles" / approaches / categories [03:53] 1- the permission type [03:53] 2- security level [03:53] 3- feature set family [03:53] and maybe more [03:54] and this would mix & match profiles to suit your preferences [03:54] for now, installer is just for 4 full profiles and we are still not really ready [03:55] how can i get barebones + debbugmode? -> install barebones, goto admin profiles, pick debugmodeenabled [03:55] what I would like is a profile plugin, which let's me run a profile from anywhere [03:55] ahh [03:55] so via wiki pages, we publish documentation about stuff [03:55] and then, we have buttons, like "debug on" "debug off" [03:56] turn on tags and usually used modules for tags [03:56] etc. [03:56] this would be a way to deal with variations you will always have within a profile. [03:56] on admin:profiles, how do i know if a profile was successfully installed [03:57] seems to be no ui feedback? [03:57] some profiles have an instruction page, and after profile is installed, it sends you there [03:57] otherwise, no, sadly, no feedback [03:57] I think all profiles should have instructions [03:58] :( [03:58] *rick will have to play with profiles a bit more... [03:58] ex.: software project profile. -> if it's an open source project, chat makes sense. But if you have commercial software, you may want to use live support instead [03:59] ricks99: you're head will spin [03:59] oups [03:59] you're -> your [04:00] so about top logo [04:00] we could have different logo, message, treatment whatever for each profile [04:00] different logo for each profile? [04:01] do we have any mechanism on profiles.tw.o for tracking stats? which profiles are used most often? [04:02] which are used during intiital install? [04:02] which are used on an existing tiki site? [04:02] etc? [04:02] *rick wonders how many newbies will use anything other than "default"? [04:04] no stats yet [04:04] is there a way to collect stats? [04:10] I guess we could check number of visits [04:10] I guess that each profile install = a page hit [04:10] does that work for profiles selected during install? [04:11] yes, different logo for each profile if that's what we wanted [04:11] not saying that we do, but we have flexibility [04:11] profiles via admin-profiles can be used any time. [04:12] but 4-5 profiles in installer are only if you wipe DB [04:12] i would be very interseted in seeeing stats for profiles selected during installer [04:12] yeah, me too [04:15] and I agree about the danger of too many people picking barebones [04:16] ricks99: try Company Intranet profile on a clean install [04:17] rrr suckerfish topbar menus aren't working now in ie6, in strasa or coelesce.... [04:17] are solar activity or gamma rays involved in this somehow? [04:18] other themes are fine [04:18] that has got to be the most plausible cause [04:22] Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Unknown objects are referenced: profiles.tikiwiki.org/Intranet_Permissions#Intranet_Permissions, profiles.tikiwiki.org/General_File_Gallery#General_File_Gallery, profiles.tikiwiki.org/General_Forum#General_Forum, profiles.tikiwiki.org/Sample_Articles_include#Sample_Articles_include, profiles.tikiwiki.org/Sample_Articles_include#Sample_Artic [04:22] les_include2, profiles.tikiwiki.org/Test_All_Themes#Test_All_Themes, profiles.tikiwiki.org/Powered_by#Powered_by' in C:\wamp\www\branches\3.0\lib\profilelib\installlib.php:97 Stack trace: #0 C:\wamp\www\branches\3.0\lib\profilelib\installlib.php(143): Tiki_Profile_Installer->getInstallOrder(Object(Tiki_Profile)) #1 C:\wamp\www\branches\3.0\installer\tiki-installer.php(761): Tiki_Profile_Installer- [04:22] >install(Object(Tiki_Profile)) #2 C:\wamp\www\branches\3.0\tiki-install.php(64): include_once('C:\wamp\www\bra...') #3 {main} thrown in C:\wamp\www\branches\3.0\lib\profilelib\installlib.php on line 97 [04:22] problems with companyintranet profile [04:23] ie6 giving 'lwidthDetected' error now apparently involving php layers menu [04:26] ricks99: pascal here will test [04:26] ricks99: it normally work but pascal has improved a lot of things today [04:27] gotta sign off. 3.0 is looking good. last 'big' think i see... how to add pictures to wiki pages fora new install. [04:27] at a minimum, should create a home gallery [04:27] food for thought [04:27] ricks99, that's what file gallery is for now, isn't it? [04:27] (which is on by default now) [04:28] y, but try adding a picture to a wiki page on a brand new, bare bones profile [04:28] mm, ok. [04:28] takes 11 clicks (after clicking the ADD PICTURE on the edit page ) [04:28] no usable [04:28] *not [04:29] g'night all [04:29] g'night, ricks99 [04:29] *** ricks99 has quit IRC ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316]") [04:29] Profile works great here. Will update my version from SVN. its been a few hours [04:29] will try to see what is causing your problem [04:29] g'night ricks99 [04:34] pascalstjean & ricks99: I just tried a fresh install of company Intranet via installer and worked for me [04:34] on latest branches/3.0 [04:48] ah, was phplm not working for ie6, not suckerfish [04:52] related to that error, no doubt [05:00] *** nkoth3_ has joined #tikiwiki [05:00] *** lindon_ has joined #tikiwiki [05:01] *** nkoth3 has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) [05:04] mlaporte: : getting a server error on ourwiki [05:04] not sure what i'm doing wrong [05:04] lindon wishes he had a clue sometimes [05:11] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [05:13] hungrier & hungrier [05:18] sh setup.sh [05:19] file perms of tiki svn (and tarballs for that matter) are not well-liked by my server, and thus, the error. [05:20] *** nkoth3__ has joined #tikiwiki [05:22] going to bed....goodnight! [05:23] *** lindon_ has quit IRC ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316]") [05:30] *** nkoth3_ has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [05:33] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18594 10/branches/3.0/tiki-editpage.php: [FIX] Make add plugin buttons in help panel work (Note: lots of other sections need similar fix) [05:46] tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r18595 10/branches/3.0/tiki-tracker_rss.php: [FIX] RSS feed should show most recent change as no.1 [05:47] *** Lucymoz has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [05:48] *** franck_ has joined #tikiwiki [06:02] *** nkoth3__ has quit IRC () [06:02] tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r18596 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-admin-include-rss.tpl: [FIX] Remove link to nowhere. Unfortunately, there is no RSS feed for all changes across all trackers. You have to specify a trackerID. RSS feed per tracker can be found on tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId= [06:06] tikifest Ottawa closing up [06:06] back after food & sleep [06:07] Pascal did some massive work on profiles [06:08] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18597 10/branches/3.0/templates/styles/coelesce/tiki-site_header.tpl: [KIL] Problem of bad display of site title when no logo was solved by using default template. Apparently css changes, etc. have made this file unnecessary. Please watch for any bad effect of removal. [06:08] good job, TikiFestians. :-) [06:10] *** franck has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [06:12] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18598 10/branches/3.0/styles/coelesce.css: [FIX] Vertical alignment of site title and subtitle. [06:12] *** pascalstjean has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [06:15] *** mlaporte has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") [06:23] *** mlaporte has joined #tikiwiki [06:25] polom [06:30] still here Gary ? [06:30] *** mlaporte has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") [06:30] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18599 10/branches/3.0/styles/strasa.css: [FIX] Adjustments mostly in site header and posts. [06:31] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) [06:34] hi pkdille [06:35] I found that coelesce's tiki-site_header.tpl doesn't seem to be needed. [06:36] and in fact removing it solved a problem with the site title. [06:36] hi Gary [06:36] yes, same here [06:36] thanks [06:37] I was just trying to solve the issue without logo that you mentionned earlier [06:38] I looked at other themes that weren't having that problem, and wanted to duplicate their layout, which led to deleting the tpl. [06:39] ...as a test. and it just worked ok, still. [06:41] humm...I'm just testing and I lost the searchbar [06:42] do you have the same ? [06:43] I still have it. [06:43] the location of the sitesearchbar was the main difference in the forked tiki-site_header .....no ? [06:43] That's right. [06:43] you have it....I check [06:43] I'll clear caches. [06:45] ah, you're right. the searchbar is gone. [06:47] so, I think it is late in the release process to do such a change, I would propose to keep the template for now and to change this for, say, 3.1 [06:47] mm, maybe so. [06:47] ok, I'll roll back. [06:48] ok, rollback the removing and i will commit my changes in coelesce.css [06:48] ...it should work.... [06:48] what do you think ? [06:48] The problem is that coelesce's tiki-top_bar.tpl doesn't have the search, as it was moved to the site header tpl. [06:48] so unless the top_bar is also changed, the search will be missing. [06:49] anyway, I'll roll back for now. [06:50] ok, I commit the coelesce.css [06:52] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18600 10/branches/3.0/templates/styles/coelesce/tiki-site_header.tpl: [FIX] Lost sitesearchbar when file was killed, so it returns for now. [06:52] I need to make some changes in coelesce.css due to layout.css being imported, unless you did already. [06:53] no, I removed this too [06:53] tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r18601 10/branches/3.0/styles/coelesce.css: [FIX] coelesce: some fix in the header: with and without logo and with various browsers [06:54] ok [06:54] It's too late I think [06:54] yes, better to be safe [06:54] so...for 3.1 [06:55] ok [06:55] what are the latest news, will the tikifest release today ? [06:55] I didn't hear about the release yet. [07:01] ...still a problem with title and subtitle font size [07:01] ...will fix it [07:01] ok [07:02] ...do you have the same ? [07:03] I'll check.... [07:03] I have 3 browsers and this issue occurs only with firefox [07:07] yes, they are quite small now. [07:07] but in opera the site title is small. [07:08] subtitle is possibly ok. [07:09] also the login form is on the left, below the site title at my site (I still have logo activated.) [07:11] ...don't have this problem [07:12] div#sitetitle has lost its font-size, it seems. [07:13] yes, I fix this [07:13] according to firefox and firebug, at my site now, #siteloginbar has no css properties. [07:16] oh, I forgot to svn up the template [07:17] ...ah, that's better. [07:19] ok, so font size is the only problem. [07:20] I have, it's a typo....commit in 2 sec [07:20] tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r18602 10/branches/3.0/styles/coelesce.css: [FIX] coelesce: typo [07:22] I've tested with Firefox3, IE6 and IE7, with and without logo....I __hope__ it's ok this time [07:27] hmm, I seem to have a problem somewhere - font is still small, but I'm checkinf for cause. [07:27] did you update ? [07:29] ah, now it's ok. [07:30] actually in opera it's like before: title is up high and cut off by window. [07:32] some cache or browser behaviour ? [07:34] I cleared the browser cache... [07:35] and site caches. Usually Opera shows CSS changes right away, so I guess the method of aligning the site title doesn't work the same in opera. [07:35] but I don't know any opera-specific hacks, off-hand. [07:37] was it ok "before" ? [07:38] no, it needed fixing then, iirc. [07:40] unfortunately, I have to go (some familly constraints....) [07:40] sure, I'll check around for an opera fix. [07:42] thanks and thanks for your help [07:42] bye [07:43] bye, and thanks to you, too. [08:05] *** btiffin has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [08:22] polom polom [08:26] please, bring the logo back [08:26] now the bare-bones (default) installation looks like it is missing something :-\ [08:33] +1 for putting the logo back [08:34] +1 for {if $user eq admin}You can change the logo.... {/if} in custom code [08:47] +1 to add there a link to clear all tiki cache too [08:50] but maybe put it in custom code of the *top bar* because the main custom code doesn't work well with strasa ? [08:52] and now i see there's bug with top bar because it shouldn't be rendered at all when the checkbox is not checked :/ [09:31] *** danopia` has joined #tikiwiki [09:41] *** danopia has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [10:00] *** [o_O] has joined #tikiwiki [10:07] *** MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki [10:10] * MartinCleaver resumes his tikifest activity [10:13] *** danopia` has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [10:24] amette: you there? [10:25] I am looking for which code reads the wikiplugin _info() function [10:34] Found it: tiki-modules.php [10:44] I need to find where tiki determines the validity of the 'params' key of the array returned by wikiplugin_*_info() [10:44] any clues? [10:48] Did someone break last_tracker_items, btw? [10:49] I see incorrect parameter - not sure if this is on my code but I note that wikiplugin_trackeritemfield.php was modified last night [10:50] * MartinCleaver checks irc history [10:55] * MartinCleaver concludes "no" from http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/branches/3.0/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php?sortby=date&view=log [11:14] *** Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie [11:27] How do I clear tiki's caches? [11:30] Admin -> System [11:50] these regressions suck in 3.0 [11:51] now code plugin is broken for simple {CODE(caption="Test",colors="php")}{CODE} [11:51] renders only "(); ?>" in there :( [11:58] luciash: do we have a version of lite.css that is not full width but fix width [11:59] fixed [12:02] sylvieg: it's not job for lite.css, it's job for theme designer [12:03] sylvieg: see e.g. www.menghao.cz [12:04] * caralluna wishes there were no fixed width pages. They irritate me ;-) [12:04] caralluna: sorry for the link then, don't watch it ;) [12:04] ;-) [12:05] btw, too late, already did ;-) [12:06] eek ! :) [12:06] thx luciash [12:09] *** mlaporte has joined #tikiwiki [12:11] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [12:13] good morning marc [12:13] pkdille: : ping [12:13] hi luciash! [12:14] polomolop [12:15] anybody need a file deleted and then rolled back? I'm getting pretty good at that. ;-) [12:16] hehe [12:17] thx amette [12:24] I seem to be missing the admin menus, even when logged in as admin [12:24] can I clear caches manually? [12:26] nevermind, figured out the name of the php file, invoked without link [12:26] chibaguy: *g* [12:27] marclaporte: can you please bring the logo back as i and rick suggested ? [12:28] weird, tiki calls a plugin's _info() routine 4 times during page load, but actually ignores the output of it completely, instead favouring the result in the cache. [12:28] * MartinCleaver wonders what the point of that could be [12:29] luciash: : I just +1 you mail on devel [12:30] marclaporte: great, thx [12:30] any idea why is the preview parsing different then after save ? [12:32] e.g. for plugin code it renders nothing in preview even with {CODE(caption="Test")}{CODE} [12:32] after save it's displayed though [12:33] it kinda sux for ppl pasting code [12:34] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [12:35] *** btiffin has joined #tikiwiki [12:39] btiffin: : 'morning [12:39] Good morning marclaporte ... Hope your night went well. [12:40] Happy Mother's Day by the way. Don't forget to drop notes and phone calls to all the important ladies today. ;) [12:40] we finished at 3am [12:40] I will let the other sleep in a bit :-) [12:46] where's the wikiplugin edit icn enabled ? [12:46] it's not on Edit and Plugins [12:47] in admin wiki [12:47] it should be on edit & plugins, wanna move it? [12:47] *** aallustriel has joined #tikiwiki [12:47] there are dozens of these little annoyances [12:48] i don't have time now [12:49] *** aallustriel has quit IRC (Client Quit) [12:50] i should start work on something finally today but these little annoyances and bugs in 3.0 drive me crazy and make me addicted to Tiki... i wonder if i would be adicted that much if everything worked in Tiki :-p [12:50] hehe [12:50] what about tiki-festers ? will the gang be able to fix something today still ? [12:51] or what's the plan ? [12:51] Pascal & I are working on profiles [12:51] are you streaming btw ? [12:51] no streaming [12:51] * marclaporte is all for streaming but doesn't want to take lead on it [12:52] Nelson is fighting with plugin edit & help [12:52] MartinCleaver : & rob are helping online with fixing bugs [12:53] i see, what's wrong with plugin edit & help still ? i thought it was pretty usable already [13:19] (btw, adding a plugin from the edit helper works for me) [13:35] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r18603 10/branches/3.0/styles/strasa.css: show help in strasa theme: have it displayed full height again when marc merged wiki syntax and plugins help [13:50] *** mlaporte has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") [14:08] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [14:09] *** nkoth3 has joined #tikiwiki [14:10] * luciash fixing the relative path for inserted images from fgals [14:13] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r18604 10/branches/3.0/lib/tiki-js.js: [FIX] wiki editpage JS quicktags icon to add image from file gallery: use relative path instead of absolute [14:17] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18605 10/branches/3.0/templates/styles/strasa/custom_site_footer.tpl: [FIX] bad
clear property [14:24] tikiwiki: 03luciash * r18606 10/branches/3.0/lib/tiki-js.js: [FIX] wiki editpage JS quicktags icon to add image from file gallery: add at least an empty alt attribute to prevent xhtml validation errors [14:29] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18607 10/branches/3.0/templates/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] Same id (login-remember) appearing more than once in page causes validation error, so changed to class. [14:32] *** mlaporte has joined #tikiwiki [14:37] in the future, tikiwiki might consider splitting up the tiki-js.js file [14:39] ah, dang. "label for" has to be used with an id, so switching to class is no good.... [14:40] I'll change it back to id, and use id=login-rememberme-module for the module instance, I guess. [14:45] luciash: I found out sebastien's problem IE7 jerks the right column if you have a html comment before tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18608 10/branches/3.0/templates/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] label for needs an id, not class, so changed back to id but different name for module instance. (No bundled stylesheets currently style this id.) [14:49] sylvieg: i told it many times [14:49] sylvieg: it must not render it there [14:50] chibaguy: right, i was already wondering [14:50] ;-) [14:50] chibaguy: or use ;) [14:51] chibaguy: with no need of "for" attribute and "id" which it has to point to [14:51] I need better education on the fundamentals. :-) [14:52] sylvieg: but the site i was checking has the html comments logging off anyway so i wonder... [14:52] *** [o_O] is now known as danopia [14:53] MartinCleaver: why ? it saves http requests ;) [14:54] XHTML 1.0 Transitional valid is close, but I get errors on pages with tabs, like admin. "cannot generate system identifier for general entity 'cookietab'" and related. [14:54] well, you can always compile down to a single, compressed, js file. But for development purposes the js files might be better targeted at particular functional areas. [14:54] luciash: .. humm right the tpl andre copied was teh time the coment was individually in - no luck [14:57] can a p contain a div? [14:57] (paragraph) [14:58] luciash: can you help me do something? [14:59] no, p cannot contain div I think [15:00] I get a validation error that one particular div can't be where it is. it's inside a paragraph. [15:00] chibaguy: i guess having valid admin pages is not totally necessary as the users accessible frontend [15:00] chibaguy: nelson is right [15:00] nkoth3: help with ? [15:01] chibaguy: but i agree we should be valid for everything on trunk [15:01] right, for the tabs. regarding the

, this is when articles are shown in wikitext. [15:01] I guess depends on paragraph method in wiki admin, maybe. [15:01] sylvieg: ah [15:02] making the plugin adding buttons work everywhere that there is a editor [15:02] i see $parsed is composed in tiki-editpage.php, where is it for tiki-index.php ? [15:04] only other error is a

    sequence in the module containing a suckerfish menu. [15:04] tiki-page.php ? [15:06] chibaguy: ah, is the

    in module necessary ? i think it depends on wiki paragraph formating set on [15:06] hmm, nope, tiki-page.php is for html pages feature i guess [15:06] before, I didn't get this error (we validated!), so maybe (i hope) a config setting. [15:08] Turned off wiki paragraph formatting and.... "This document was successfully checked as XHTML 1.0 Transitional!" [15:09] *** nkoth3_ has joined #tikiwiki [15:10] *** nkoth3__ has joined #tikiwiki [15:12] chibaguy: maybe you have some empty space, new line in the module [15:13] this is weird... only reference for assigning $parsed to smarty i can find in tiki-editpage.php but i can see it is used in tiki-show_page.tpl too [15:13] the page is valid now [15:14] *** nkoth3___ has joined #tikiwiki [15:14] chibaguy: i mean if you have then the wiki paragraph formating generates

    instead of
    which caused you trouble to validate the module [15:15] ah [15:15] sylvieg: do you know where $parsed is smarty assigned for tiki-show_page.tpl ? [15:16] sylvieg: i can find it only for tiki-editpage.tpl [15:16] nope, menu syntax is the first line of the module data. [15:16] sylvieg: i'd like to diff these two $parsed assignations to see the difference and inconsistency between preview and after save page show [15:17] but wiki parsing is turned on, which is probably not needed. [15:19] with wiki parsing not turned on, for the menu module, no validation error there even when wiki paragraph formatting is on, which is logical. [15:21] chibaguy: yes, it's logical, wiki paragraph formating starts a paragraph on first line, it wouldn't make sense to start on the other line [15:22] can somebody change the overlib calls in tiki-editpage.tpl to the jQuery tooltips for consistency sake ? [15:23] i gotta run away now :-/ [15:23] ok, thanks for info [15:26] *** nkoth3 has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [15:26] *** nkoth3_ has quit IRC (Connection timed out) [15:27] *** nkoth3__ has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [15:43] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [15:44] *** lindon_ has joined #tikiwiki [15:48] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18609 10/branches/3.0/styles/strasa/options/mono.css: [FIX] More "mono-izing" of colors needed. [16:05] *** pkdille has quit IRC (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [16:05] *** niclone has quit IRC (calvino.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [16:20] *** niclone has joined #tikiwiki [16:25] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18610 10/branches/3.0/ (5 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Since the generation of plugin help content is within list_plugins, info about textarea needs to be there, also the cache needs to respect for different text area [16:26] trying first commit but authentication at sourceforge is failing [16:26] lindon_ : : what is your SourceForge username? [16:27] lindonb [16:28] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18611 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-view_forum.tpl: [FIX] add top-right floating help tool [16:29] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18612 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-plugin_help.tpl: [16:29] tikiwiki: [FIX] hide insert plugin syntax tool in floating help area in wysiwyg and other [16:29] tikiwiki: cases with no textarea id set, as it won't work anyway. For the wysiwyg case, [16:29] tikiwiki: later we should have a way of inserting plugins from within the wysiwyg... [16:50] *** eromneg has joined #tikiwiki [17:08] *** FrankP_german has joined #tikiwiki [17:27] *** chibaguy has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") [17:34] lindon_: : coming up [17:35] thank you [17:42] https://sourceforge.net/users/lindonb/ [17:44] tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r18613 10/branches/3.0/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_lastmod.php: [FIX] World's smallest fix. Changed one character (O to Z) so time zone appears instead of %O. [17:44] woooohoooooooo! [17:44] congrats Lindon! [17:44] thanks! [17:44] broke record for most man hours per character changed [17:45] thanks for setting me up and walking me through it! [17:46] you are most welcome [17:46] I am very pleased you are committing [17:46] it's so much more efficient than handling patches, etc. [17:47] totally agree [17:47] will try to improve doc on this [17:49] my server is not cool with that Internal Server Error [17:50] I would prefer if the file perm from Tiki tarball didn't cause this. But if we change, it may cause issues with other servers [17:52] yes I finally figured out that i needed to change the file permissions [17:52] can add this to the doc [17:52] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [17:54] ricks99: 'morning [17:54] ricks99: : are you enjoying profiles yet? [17:54] afternoon :) [17:55] profiles +/-... 2 b honest, i'd rather choose by *feature* instead of an arbitarary name such as "extranet" [17:57] *** luminoso has quit IRC ("Leaving") [17:59] been reading the discussion of file gallery vs. img/wiki_up for default profile... [17:59] so a blog profile? [17:59] wrt profiles: id rather have the abiltity to turn on specific features during the installation (blog, wiki, etc), but this would require ability to select multiple profiles at once [18:04] *** luminoso has joined #tikiwiki [18:04] not in the installer, but in profiles, you can run them successively [18:05] y. i know. sort of kludgy [18:05] something to look at for 3.1 [18:17] *** pkdille has joined #tikiwiki [18:20] *** nyloth has joined #tikiwiki [18:20] hi all :) [18:21] sylvieg: around ? [18:26] *** L0ggar starts logging #tikiwiki at Sun May 10 18:26:23 2009 [18:26] *** L0ggar has joined #tikiwiki [18:43] *** btiffin has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [19:03] *** btiffin has joined #tikiwiki [19:17] *** Skyrider has joined #tikiwiki [19:17] *** Skyrider is now known as Guest63945 [19:22] tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r18614 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-editpage.tpl: [FIX] save wiki page in WYSIWYG mode... /me go hidding under a rock :( [19:25] I wonder [19:25] Does 3.0 has the same file feature as 2.4? [19:25] *** Guest63945 is now known as FF|Skyrider [19:25] Had the ability to upload files within the same wiki page, but can't find any option for that in 3.0 [19:25] And with upload, I do mean upload so people can see the file at the bottom of the page [19:26] "attachments" [19:26] do u have the wiki attachments feature enabled? [19:27] is working in my 3.0 [19:27] mmm [19:27] must have slipped that one [19:27] sec [19:30] Where can I find it under features? [19:30] Under which tab [19:30] Admin: Wiki page [19:31] "Features" tab [19:31] Yes, I mean under which one under features? :p [19:31] There's tons [19:31] enable "Attachements" [19:32] see http://twbasics.keycontent.org/Configuring+the+Wiki [19:32] I don't see any attachements [19:32] page = Admin: Wiki, tab = Features, option = "Attachments" [19:33] Main, Global Features, More func, UI enhance, Experimental, admin, user and programmer [19:33] That's all I see as tabs [19:33] as under main, no "attachements" option [19:33] you are on the Admin: Features page [19:33] need to be on Admin: Wiki [19:33] ah, my bad [19:33] pls see link [19:33] Sorry ^^ [19:34] Gracias [19:34] tiki has so many features :p [19:34] de nada [19:35] still working on improving admin ui [19:36] There we go, much better :D [19:47] *** topitic has joined #tikiwiki [19:57] tikiwiki: 03gezzzan * r18615 10/branches/3.0/lang/hu/language.php: HUN translation for wiki and plugin help and many other translations [20:10] *** ricks99 has quit IRC ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316]") [20:13] *** mlaporte has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") [20:29] *** topitic has quit IRC ("Quitte") [20:31] hi, anyone know what is the letter for the field type for textarea? [20:31] (trackers) [20:32] "a"? [21:24] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18616 10/branches/3.0/ (18 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Make top-right floating help plugins-help, add plugin work with text areas, and also quicktag plugin adding work. [21:28] *** FF|Skyrider has quit IRC ("( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: www.esnation.com )") [21:40] *** eromneg has left [21:41] *** gezza has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") [21:50] *** FrankP_german has quit IRC ("Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de") [21:53] *** vilisi_t has joined #tikiwiki [21:57] *** nyloth has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [22:09] definitely need to check me on the shell access part at the beginning [22:09] and the commit part [22:10] and everywhere inbetween ;-) [22:16] hehe [22:16] lindon_: : there are gui clients on mac & windows to commit via SVN [22:16] just that the docs for that are different [22:17] hmm, have to try that next time [22:17] hehe [22:19] do you know the names of some windows ones? [22:20] Run the svn command to make the code changes you want to make and save them -> text edit, no? [22:21] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Subversion_clients [22:22] wow, there's a million of them [22:22] i meant the nano thing [22:23] that's just a text edit command i guess? [22:25] yes [22:25] i'll change it [22:28] turtoisesvn has been around [22:29] i'll try that one [22:54] or only to something like xampp [22:57] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18617 10/branches/3.0/lib/ (setup/prefs.php wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php): [FIX] Make img plugin as all other plugins be pref controllable [23:14] lindon_: I think turtoise is to manage the files on your pc, so you would not checkour to ourwiki [23:17] marclaporte, Sorry about not getting down to the Fest. Spent the day in the Animal Hospital. Clover our Jack Russel was in for a precautionary measure. Only $600 bucks for "no real diagnosis yet". :) [23:18] btiffin: I understand [23:19] there is always tomorrow :-) [23:19] cocktail in the evening [23:52] Intranet and Blog profiles are looking excellent thanks to Pascal's dedication. He is "in the zone"!