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***Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [00:00]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18618 10/branches/3.0/ (5 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] Make edit plugin icon optional at the level of each icon, so that they can be disabled in the event of problems. [00:37]
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ricks99oy [03:19]
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lindon_i'm sure it needs tidying
going on two week vacation starting end of next week
may not see me for a while
but i'll be back :-)
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vkumar has joined #tikiwiki [05:07]
vkumarhi gary.. good morning.. [05:08]
chibaguyvkumar: hello [05:13]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18619 10/branches/3.0/styles/ (6 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] For IE6, prevent module widening in columns; log-in bar location also fixed in Feb12 [05:30]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18620 10/branches/3.0/styles/coelesce.css: [FIX] Height settings for IE6 (which doesn't support min-height) [05:41]
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vkumar has joined #tikiwiki [06:19]
vkumarHi Gary.. how r u ? [06:20]
chibaguyToday I'm busy trying to fix display problems in IE6.
Right now, working on menu dropdowns appearing behind/under tracker tabs and tab content.
vkumarok.. am I disturbing you ?? [06:25]
chibaguyit's ok.
how are things going?
vkumargoing good.. i have created a homepage.. it is just like any other tiki page and can be displayed in the mid region. It has it's own div's
The padding i asked you that day was comming from div-tiki-center ( 15px )
chibaguyah ok. [06:29]
vkumari removed it and now it seems ok
Are you related to fixing issues with themes or developing new themes ?
chibaguyboth [06:31]
vkumaroh thats cool
how do you know english.. i thought japanese don't speak english
chibaguyI'm american, but have lived in japan a long time.
i guess you speak english and hindi?
vkumaroh.. thats strange :)
yes... oh you know so much adt india
chibaguyeh, not so much really [06:37]
vkumarhow do you like japan ? is it better than america ? [06:38]
chibaguywell, both places have good and not so good.
overall, my family and I like it here quite a lot
vkumarSo you wnt there related to work
chibaguyyes [06:39]
vkumarhow do you manage the langusge barrier
chibaguyI can manage, but haven't really studied much (or enough).
but my wife is very good (part-japanese american from hawaii), and my kids are fluent (grew up here).
vkumaroh good.. do they like americans ?? 2'nd world war.. :) just kidding [06:44]
chibaguyyeah, mostly people don't still have feelings about that. [06:46]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18621 10/branches/3.0/css/ie6.css: [FIX] Prevent css menu dropdowns from displaying behind/under tabs and tab content. [06:47]
vkumarYa, I feel we too have started forgetting those things.. as the technology has advanced.. and nuclear bombs are in.. :)
just a joke..
chibaguyyep, plenty of modern problems to worry about, so no need to worry about the past. [06:49]
has the slow down affected japan ?
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18622 10/branches/3.0/css/ie6.css: [FIX] er, no need for ie6 hacks in ie6.css. [06:53]
chibaguyyes, so many japanese companies export to the us and europe...
so when sales are bad, companies here suffer
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chibaguyfortunately the banks here didn't get affected so much by financial problems,
but even before, they were tightening up on business loans, etc.
so small companies have been going out of business a lot
Are you an IT guy
chibaguyonly on the edge.
actually my day job has been in advertising and writing, etc.
(though company went out of business, so am now looking for new job)
vkumaroh cool.. so you very creative.. [06:58]
chibaguyi try ;-) [06:58]
vkumarwriting ?? articles ?? [07:00]
chibaguytext and headlines for advertising, also articles for company reports, etc. not too interesting really. [07:01]
vkumarFor english magazines in japan.. are there many english reders in japan ? [07:02]
chibaguyquite a few, but actually the work I was doing was for overseas readers.... [07:03]
vkumaroh ok.. [07:03]
chibaguylike a japanese company with investors or company branches and subsidiaries in asia would want to use english as a common language [07:03]
vkumarso in offices is english used for written communication ?
oh ok...
chibaguyyes, like between india and japan [07:04]
Ya .. i think there are many indians there in japan
chibaguyyes, that's true [07:05]
vkumarSo the themes that are available in the look and feel are the only legal themes of tikiwiki
chibaguythe themes available in look and feel are whatever css files are installed in the styles/ directory. [07:09]
vkumarwhen i say legal... the ones that are guarantied to work
yes right
I am saying abt a fresh instrall
chibaguythere used to be quite a few themes in the tiki package, but it was hard to keep them all maintained...
so the number was reduced to what we have now...
so hopefully they will all work well.
I don't know if we can actually say "guaranteed" though. ;-)
vkumarok :) [07:11]
chibaguybut if they are in the package, at least there are people with a sense of responsibility to make them work.
or a place users can come to complain. ;-)
vkumarI meant , the ones in the themes.tikiwiki were having some issues with IE. but the ones avalable in the tikiwiki were working good [07:11]
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chibaguythe themes in the tiki package are the top priority to keep maintained.
the themes at themes.tikiwiki.org have fallen a bit behind because (cough cough) mostly it's me who tries to keep them maintained too.
and I've been busy with the tiki 3 package lately
vkumarSo u are an IE enemy.. :)
u r the culprit
just kidding :)
chibaguyheh, I'm on the good side. IE is the DeathStar.
I don't really care pro or con about MS and IE, except that they make more work for us, due to incompatibility with standards.
vkumarok [07:16]
chibaguyIE8 seems pretty good, though. So there is a tiny light up ahead. [07:17]
vkumarAnyway it is great job that you are doing [07:17]
chibaguybut a long tunnel to go through before all the ie6 and ie7 browsers are replaced [07:17]
vkumaryes [07:18]
chibaguywell, I enjoy it, the creative aspects anyway (not the bugfixing - can I outsource that? :-) ) [07:18]
vkumarcan i bid ?? :) [07:18]
chibaguyyeah, but if it's above $0, there may not be funds available. ;-) [07:19]
vkumari wish to keep myself busy with such works [07:19]
chibaguylet's make tiki more popular, so maybe there will be huge demand for our services. ;-) [07:20]
vkumarand i am also looking for some kind of work that I can do from my home ( when free)
But it's free right.. when you say demand.. what do you mean ??
chibaguythe software is free, but maybe you can earn money from consulting, like setting up a site, making modifications, etc. [07:23]
vkumari din't understand that.. can you explain a bit [07:25]
chibaguyif an organization wants a tikiwiki site installed but they don't have an IT department or any person with the knowledge, then they could contract with you...
to set up their site...
set permissions, make galleries, trackers, etc...
vkumaroh ok.. [07:26]
chibaguyWell, there are the tiki forums and irc and so on, but maybe for them, time is money, so they want results fast.
It's a small niche market, but maybe possible.
vkumarare there such things present already ? [07:28]
chibaguyA few individuals and small companies do get some income from Tikiwiki-related services. [07:28]
vkumarok [07:29]
chibaguybut still small [07:29]
vkumarya , but it was listed in wikipedia among top 5 cms.. thats why i chose
gary, i will be back in an hour.. got some work
thanks for you time
chibaguysure [07:31]
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Yoni_ has joined #tikiwiki [08:44]
Yoni_hi... i'm a little in emergency here. On a tw suddenly the home page is suddenly getting to a time out... i can still acces to admin but not index.php (wiki page)... how come ?
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /var/www/sites/dtc/netineo.com/subdomains/www/html/lib/init/initlib.php on line 120
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Unable to view categorized pages - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=32951 [08:54]
LordVanhi [08:55]
Yoni_Mouif.... pas terrible tks anyway bot [08:57]
chibaguyYoni_: Sorry, no idea on that. I hear advice like "check server logs" but don't know the details. [08:58]
Yoni_:) tks
but i'm sure i get it better :
[Mon May 11 10:45:02 2009] [error] mysql_query returned (1)
[Mon May 11 10:45:02 2009] [notice] db reconnect successful
i have restarted mysql
and i found out it was something else... dam ! :( [09:07]
vkumarHi gary... can we assign modules to our own div's rather than left, right ?
Say if i want to show last-articles module in my homepage( not wiki)
chibaguyvkumar: yes, use the MODULE wiki_plugin [09:15]
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vkumarthere is no such available in mine.. :( [09:20]
chibaguyyeah, I don't see it listed either.
It's in tiki 2...
syntax is: {MODULE(module=>,float=>left|right|none,decorations=>y|n,flip=>y|n,max=>,np=>0|1,args...)}{MODULE}
that syntax still works in tiki 3 (i just tested it) but I don't see the module plugin listed in the wiki help or the plugins approval admin page.
vkumarso this works in the wyswig editor or wiki editor. Can i use this in between a <div> </div> in my homepage [09:41]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r18623 10/branches/3.0/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] calendar: fix the prev and next buttons position in viewmode div [09:43]
chibaguyI don't use the wysiwyg editor so don't know about that. You can use it in wiki syntax div tags, which I do sometimes.
I assume it should be ok in wysiwyg too.
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vkumarok.. gary thanks.. let me try that out [09:45]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18624 10/branches/3.0/css/cssmenus.css: [FIX] Second-level lists losing focus in IE6.
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18625 10/branches/3.0/styles/coelesce.css: [FIX] Suckerfish menu appearance and function improved in IE6.
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chibaguyFor http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/site_width_include to work, the css would have to be put in <head>. custom code box puts data in <body>.
(no place to comment on the page, or I would have commented there.)
***Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie [10:57]
chibaguyThis would be a good addition for Look and Feel, but it isn't there yet. [10:57]
jonnybpolom chibaguy - is this something that can be done in a custom.css? (not via a profile i guess) [10:58]
chibaguyhi jonnyb. where would the custom.css be? [11:00]
jonnybin your /styles/ dir
just like a custom.js
(probably not very documented apart from on the commit message, sorry)
chibaguyah, ok, I was wondering how it worked.
seems like it would do the job, and would be interesting to try.
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jonnybno help for the profile tho - unless you put it on a wiki page and tell them to copy/paste :) [11:03]
but the <head> custom data box in Look and Feel would be nice for 3.* or tiki 4.
anyway, gotta eat now. will be back later.
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jonnybok - bibi [11:04]
vkumarbye gary.. see you tomorrow.. time to leave [11:05]
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chibaguy_awayjonnyb, I tried styles/tikinewt/css/custom.css with the styles as specified in site_width_include ^^, and it works in opera when I'm logged in,
but no sign of it in other browsers or when I log out of the site using opera.
jonnybhmmm - i thought it was just in the root of the style dir... [11:51]
chibaguy_awayoh, I'll try that, sorry [11:52]
jonnyb(but... how does Opera do it - weird!) [11:53]
chibaguy_awaywhat a browser, eh? [11:53]
jonnybby the way, chibaguy_away - are you "away"? ;) [11:53]
chibaguy_awayuh... [11:53]
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jonnybi'm having a chat in another place (due to IRC being blocked) with MatWho and Nagendra016 about http://dev.tikiwiki.org/wish1643 (Store session data in database -> fix or hide option)
i think it's just a lack of warnings etc as none of us seem to be able to recreate it (getting locked out as admin) - anyone else ever found this?
it will log you out when you change the session management, but i think the not being able to get back in problem seems to be separate and just a coincidence here
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chibaguythe site_width_include css code works fine as custom.css; actually it can use #main as well as #main-shadow as they both enclose the whole page, so the extra shadow divs don't have to be activated. [12:11]
jonnybjolly good chibaguy - glad it's working for you (did you work out what opera was up to?) [12:12]
chibaguyno, I didn't look again at that [12:12]
jonnybdon't blame you! :) [12:13]
sylviegdoes somebody know how to rollback a deleted file with svn? [12:13]
jonnybhi sylvieg - sorry no - which file? [12:15]
chibaguysylvieg, when I used tortoisesvn (windows), i indicated the revision to roll back to, and it seemed to get the file from the repository or somewhere to add to my local files, and then put it in the main repository when I committed. [12:15]
sylviegI am trying to restore all the installer/schema I deleted [12:16]
jonnybwhich rev? [12:17]
sylvieg17168 [12:17]
jonnybjust looking it up (in eclipse/subclipse - it might have a nice "restore" button somewhere) [12:19]
sylviegI am on command line ... [12:19]
jonnybhmm - got an error... i think i have too much stuff open - just need to tidy up... (disadvantage of GUIs!) [12:22]
ChadDa3monI'm looking to setup tikiwiki3 for my company's new wiki. Is there any reason I can't begin to set things up with the RC1 release? I assume I can just upgrade it to 3.0 final once it's released [12:23]
sylviegyes go ahead with RC1 [12:24]
ChadDa3monThanks ;)
I hate to ask it, but any ETA on 3.0 final?
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18626 10/branches/3.0/lib/smarty_tiki/function.icon.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Smarty icon plugin now theme "option" aware
tikiwiki: i.e. it will use images in styles/my_style/options/my_option/pics/icons/ etc for folder images etc
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FF|Skyrider is now known as Skyriderz
SkyriderzHey guys
Mind if I ask a small question? :)
jonnybjust ask :) [12:28]
SkyriderzAt my wiki page, as admin I see "Quick Edit a Wiki Page" at the bottom left menu
Which option is this to set it for the registered users as well?
click the edit icon on quick edit & select reg from the group box
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jonnybsorry ChadDa3mon - not sure on 3.0 final (especially as people like me keep adding things to it!) [12:29]
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ChadDa3monheh, no sweat [12:30]
SkyriderzThanks jonnyb :D [12:31]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18627 10/branches/3.0/css/cssmenus.css: [FIX] Fix top-level horizontal menu item widths in IE6. [12:31]
jonnybi guess we'll be going an RC2 soon - and hopefully that's it? (8 days late so far, but that's not too bad for us, i think) [12:31]
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chibaguy...when you consider how much is new/changed from tiki2... it's pretty good, i think. [12:32]
ChadDa3monyea, no complaints here [12:32]
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Would you happen to know where the sandbox options are? Registered people can use it, but can't use preview.
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jonnyboh - that sounds like a possible bug (is this on 3.0? Skyriderz ) [12:35]
ChadDa3monI tried finding that one myself, thought it would be a group permission, but no luck [12:35]
SkyriderzYea. 3.0 [12:36]
ricks99how goes 3.0 work tikifesters? [12:36]
SkyriderzI'm an admin myself, and I can see the "preview" option
within the sandbox that is
jonnybpolom ricks99
is there still a fest on?
ricks99thought 2day was the last day? [12:37]
jonnybSkyriderz: sounds like a bug to me [12:37]
ricks99in ottawa? [12:37]
Skyriderzalrighty :) [12:38]
jonnybhey woo - sylvieg: 17168 rolledback locally - just checking and i'll commit, y? [12:39]
Skyriderzjonnyb, curious.
The categories you can make within pages.
If you create it, you see a text or the category in the page, correct?
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SkyriderzLet me change that.. [12:44]
jonnybsorry Skyriderz - i don't follow "categories you can make within pages" - pages (and other objects) go in categories [12:44]
Skyriderzhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VMWare <-- check the bottom, you see categories
Possible to do the same like that in tiki with categories?
jonnyboh right - yes... (somewhere)
on admin/wiki i expect
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18628 10/trunk/installer/schema/ (55 files): [FIX] Rollback of 17168 (removal of installer schemas after 3.0 branch) [12:45]
jonnybwas that right sylvieg? [12:45]
ricks99@Skyriderz: on Admin: Categories page, enable "Show Category Objects" [12:46]
sylviegthanks so much jonnyb
sylvieg was isntalling eclipse - but it will be for another time..
jonnybnot sure ricks99 if that's what Skyriderz means? (you want a display of cats this page is in, not other pages also in this cat?) [12:46]
ricks99o. then enable "show category path" [12:47]
jonnybi have a q for you, sylvieg: i was going to commit something to branches/proposed but wanted to update it (from 3.0) first, but the svn scripts in devtools won't let me - any ideas? (or is it a nyloth thing?)
that's the one ricks99 :)
on admin/wiki/page listings
sylviegjonnyb: sorry no idea [12:49]
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ricks99@Skyriderz; pls see docs: http://docs.tikiwiki.org/Category+Admin#General_Admin_setting [12:49]
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Guest17339hi [12:50]
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MatWhohi nagendra [12:50]
jonnybsylvieg: we should have a QT "meeting" soon/sometime, i think
hi nagendra - welcome
nagendrahi [12:51]
sylviegyeh [12:51]
jonnybno one commented on the http://dev.tikiwiki.org/wish1643 comments (about an hour ago) so i suggest we just add some more warnings etc [12:52]
chibaguyjonnyb, I thought commits were supposed to go to trunk, and then you could propose having it move to, ah, proposed, subject to ok from qt. [12:52]
SkyriderzThanks [12:53]
chibaguybut am hazy on this really [12:53]
nagendraok jonny [12:53]
jonnybi also (strongly) think that $prefs['forgotPass'] should be on by default - i thought this was going to happen a while ago - were there objections? [12:54]
SkyriderzI wonder if I can use the themes on http://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php for 3.0 [12:54]
chibaguyum, i forgot [12:54]
jonnybchibaguy: the branches/proposed is really for _after_ the 3.0 release (so control features for 3.1 and on) - i just wanted to practice :) [12:55]
chibaguyah [12:55]
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chibaguySkyriderz, the themes listed at themes.tw.o are only updated for tiki 2....
but there are tiki 3 versions that work pretty well (not all complete) at...
Skyriderzah, oke :)
and as for the categories.
someone wants to have them at the bottom of the page.
chibaguyhttp://mods.tikiwiki.org [12:56]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18629 10/trunk/styles/strasa/options/mono/pics/ (6 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] Mono folder icons for strasa/mono [12:56]
ChadDa3mondocs.tikiwiki.org seems to be down [12:57]
chibaguylook for the "_tiki_3" on the name for the ones updated from before. [12:57]
jonnybSkyriderz: on admin/wiki/page listings/Categories path (checkbox) [12:57]
ChadDa3monerrr, it's doc, not docs [12:57]
chibaguythemes.tikiwiki.org still needs to be updated to tiki 3 before the new themes can be demoed there.
(I'll at least put links at themes.tw.o when the dust settles from tiki 3 a bit)
(i should get the layout.css versions of the mods.tw.o tiki3 themes up fast, I think)
even if not complete....
SkyriderzIs there any way just to display the categories? [13:00]
chibaguyso the files will be in place [13:00]
Skyriderzand not the pages? [13:00]
ChadDa3monI think it only displays the pages for Admin view, I can't replicate that as a normal user
heck, I can't get it to show up for a normal user at all, assuming there's a permision somewhere
SkyriderzIndeed, can't view it as a normal member. Though I'm looking for: Categories: NAME,NAME2, NAME3, etc. [13:03]
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ricks99is there a plugin to show total # of wiki pages?
i don't see anything obvious on http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Wiki+Plugin
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r18630 10/branches/3.0/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [NEW] Profile installer plugin (requested by marc) [13:25]
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SkyriderzGuess not possible? :D [13:27]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18631 10/trunk/ (120 files in 34 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/3.0 18473 to 18627 [13:30]
jonnybSkyriderz: was admin/wiki/page listings/Categories path (checkbox) not what you were looking for? if not, sorry - don't understand [13:31]
SkyriderzIndeed, can't view it as a normal member. Though I'm looking for: Categories: NAME,NAME2, NAME3, etc. <-- [13:32]
MatWhoi [13:32]
jonnybok, that'll be a permission that needs setting
something like tiki_p_view_categories or something
Skyriderzhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VMWare , at the bottom "Categories: Companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange | VMware | etc"
That's how I wish to view the pages :)
jonnyb(sounds like it should be a profile then) [13:33]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18632 10/mods/trunk/themes/ (26 files in 21 dirs): [ENH] Modify _tiki_3 stylesheets to import layout/layout.css; change LiteJazz color variants to theme options. [13:33]
ChadDa3monall thats really doing is helping you to browse categories though isn't it?
plus, categories have to be setup by ADMIN in tikiwiki, they're more dynamic in MediaWiki
SkyriderzIndeed, but it would be nice to have them all in 1 line. [13:34]
ricks99Skyriderz: u need to enable the "show category path" option [13:35]
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"Permission denied you cannot view this page"
When trying to view the category
While "tiki_p_view_categories" has been set on for guests
ricks99did u clear cache after changing perms [13:36]
SkyriderzAh, that's needed? XD
no access :s
ricks99tiki_p_view_categories only lets anonymous view the category (ie. browse)
u need tiki_p_view_categorized to actually view the objects
Skyriderztiki_p_view_categorized is also set to users.
guests that is
ricks99do u have category-specific perms? they will override the group perms [13:40]
Skyriderz"Current permissions for this object", none [13:41]
ricks99odd. should work then
Anon has tiki-p_view and view_cateogrized, right?
Skyriderz"Current permissions for categories that this object belongs to:"
Can view categories
ricks99what for Anon group [13:44]
Skyriderz? [13:44]
ricks99what permissions do u have for the Anonymous group [13:45]
luciashpoohlom [13:46]
ricks99did u give the Anonyoumous group permission to use/read wiki pages? [13:46]
Skyriderzyup [13:46]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18633 10/branches/3.0/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] edit plugin icons should not show in preview mode [13:46]
SkyriderzThe Anon group has a lot of read/view permissions
I believe mostly all
ricks99does the page belong to more than one category? [13:47]
Skyriderzhttp://wiki.esforces.com/tiki-index.php?page=Free+For+All <- this page belongs to 1 category
that's it
http://wiki.esforces.com/tiki-browse_categories.php?parentId=2 <- category gameplay
You can see the category as guest though
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r18634 10/mods/trunk/features/aulawiki/styles/workspaces_only.css:
tikiwiki: [FIX]display was broken in aulawiki for tiki 2.x. This is half way to let
tikiwiki: workspace modules display again properly. To be imported by some other theme
tikiwiki: style, in order to supply the required extra css params for workspaces. Works
tikiwiki: for me with a custom theme importing eatlon.css and this workspaces_only.css
Skyriderzoddly enough, not the page. [13:47]
CIA-46tikiwiki: file [13:47]
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ricks99and ur 100% that the catgory has botth browse_categoreis and *_categorized ?
dont know then, sorry.
sounds like some sort of perm issue
its wokring in my 3.x :
SkyriderzLets see
.. /tiki-assignpermission.php?group=Anonymous
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That should be it, right?
luciashluciash recently did many test installs of default profile and he became used to go first to the Admin > Groups > Anonymous and assign down there under Advanced > Level > Basic perms [13:51]
Skyriderz"tiki_p_view_categories" and "tiki_p_view_categorized" are both on basic
even "tiki_p_search_categorized" is
If these are the ones that are supposed to be enabled.
Then I fully assume this is a bug
ricks99works for me [13:55]
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Skyriderz:S? [13:55]
ricks99can u pm me a login w/ admin level? [13:56]
Skyriderzheh, sure
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18635 10/branches/3.0/lib/freetag/freetaglib.php: [FIX]freetag: clean up also freetags that reference also objects not existing anymore [14:06]
luciashjust svn upped recently and now i get on HomePage: WARNING: Plugin disabled img! [14:06]
sylviegricks99: ^^ perhaps it has something to do with your pb with freeetag? [14:06]
luciashluciash goes to try db upgrade [14:07]
ricks99@sylvieg: huh? [14:09]
sylviegdid you have a problem with freetag deletion? [14:10]
ricks99on doc.tw.o: there are many tags with no objects
such as: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-browse_freetags.php?tag=delete
tried to delete the DELETE tag, but nothing seems to work?
sylviegok - so it can be the fix - we will not at the next svn up ;-) [14:11]
ricks99kewl. tx [14:11]
SkyriderzThanks for the help guys, you too ricks99
I really have to though, bus to catch
later all! :D
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MatWho has left
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18636 10/mods/trunk/themes/ (12 files in 8 dirs): [NEW] suckerfish menu arrow images, etc. [14:26]
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chibaguycan installing a profile turn off features?
(wondering why i had to turn tags and categories on just now, when they were on before and I didn't turn them off.
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SEWilco2chibaguy: Does re-installing the same profile cause problems? If not, then you can try that profile again and see if the features turn off again. [14:37]
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chibaguygood idea [14:38]
nkoth3hi - just discovered that the "flpating help" icon width is quite wide and it overlaps the editpage scroll bar sometimes. Any idea how to fix this? [14:40]
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nkoth3"the transparent area cover part of the scroll bar , rendering the scroll bar unclicable at that area, which is really weird [14:41]
sylviegnkoth3: known problem... [14:41]
chibaguyreinstalled the only profile I installed recently, and it didn't turn off tags and categories, so apparently no problem.
so maybe user error. ;-)
or, the profile has changed a lot (and less buggy) since the first install, so who knows.....
but anyway it's ok now
thunder_dexHi sylvieg, for the bug Nelson was speaking of..
the "Help (?)" that disable the textarea scroll bar.
I think changing the css height will solve it.
sylviegno idea how to fix it - I tried a couple of times [14:53]
thunder_dexthis css
" div#tikihelp " under thenews.css
change the height from 75% to 75px;
because obviously it won't need a whole 75% of the screen height to fix that little HELP :p
I tried on my version of tiki3, it works, you wanna try on urs ?
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18637 10/branches/3.0/ (lib/wiki/histlib.php tiki-pagehistory.php): [FIX] page history functions/previews/views should not include edit plugin UI [14:57]
jonnybthunder_dex: making #tikihelp 75px high on Safari means the help is all squeezed into a 75px high box - no good (i think we've all had a go at this one from time to time) [15:01]
sylviegthunder_dex: commit in trunk [15:01]
jonnybi think the height needs to change depending if it's "open" or not [15:01]
sylvieg+1 for jonnyb
the problem with the help I had - is that even close there is a sensible one under and for instance the ok is a search box if be,low the icon can not be clicked
thunder_dexoh I see. [15:03]
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jonnybalso in thenews.css i find the help div stops the module flips from working too [15:05]
nkoth3isn't another "workaround a close ixon for this help?
jonnyba close icon for the help icon? really nkoth3 ?
ideally, the div should expand/contract when open/close I think...
like you said
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jonnybjust wondering if i dare try and do it on 3.0... [15:07]
nkoth3I'm not sure how it works in browsers though... [15:07]
jonnybif i can use jquery it's 2 mins work (ok, 10 maybe)
jonnyb can't do anything with svn at the moment due to setting off a diff of "proposed" vs "3.0" branches
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r18638 10/branches/3.0/lib/setup/prefs.php: [ENH] turning profile plugin on by default because we need in barebones install. [15:19]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18639 10/branches/3.0/styles/strasa/pics/icons/ (folder.png ofolder.png): [ENH] Mono folder icons for strasa/mono (again?) [15:27]
luciashnkoth3: see how i fixed it for strasa
you must not specify the height for the closed state of the edit help
jonnybhow was that luciash ? [15:28]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18640 10/branches/3.0/lib/setup/prefs.php: [FIX] reinsert new prefs (seems to have somehow disappeared on prev commit [15:28]
luciashand i had to set the height for the other divs inside by pixels then (but it's maybe not necessary anymore when the wiki syntax and plugin help merged now
nkoth3: i made comment about that problem in strasa.css and commit message
nkoth3luciash :so it needs to be tested on all the other theme is it? [15:30]
luciashyes, feel free to copy it if it works well in strasa [15:31]
nkoth3thunder_dex: maybe you can test on different browser... [15:31]
jonnybi'm going to update forgotPass default to 'y' - any objections? (devel list discussion seemed to say yes a while ago) [15:33]
luciashbut as jonny pointed out you could set the height by style via javascript depending if it's closed or open
but more work ;)
jonnybcss fix for now seems better (less is best ;) ) [15:33]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18641 10/branches/3.0/lib/setup/prefs.php: [FIX] Profile plugin should be inline, i.e. without edit UI [15:39]
jonnybluciash: i'm playing with the div.help_sections height - seems to only work if you give it a fixed (pixel) height - is that what you found? % height would be nicer... [15:40]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18642 10/branches/3.0/lib/setup/prefs.php: [MOD] Change 'forgotPass' pref to 'y' to reduce chance of admins' logging themselves out of new installs (providing they entered an admin email address) [15:51]
luciashjonnyb: yes, that's what i found out too
maybe 100% percent could work only when the position would be top: 0 and margin-top: something to push the help icon down if you can try but then you probably will come into trouble with the fullscreen icon etc.
err, padding-top, not margin-top
jonnybi'd say for now (so late) that 400px height seems a good compromise [15:56]
luciashbut imho it's not worth of waste time with
yes, exactly
jonnybpadding/margin box model weirdness - avoid! :) [15:56]
thunder_dexlol [15:57]
luciashyou don't have to be worried about box model differencies anymore when we are in standards compliant mode now but anyway...
i agree
there's the shadowbox fullscreen help option to save the day too ;)
jonnybyes, it's nice - thanks luci [15:58]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18643 10/mods/trunk/themes/abse_tiki_3/styles/abse.css: [FIX] Misc details. [16:07]
marclaportepolom [16:11]
luciashnkoth3: do you still plan to replace all the copyright texts before release ?
polom marc
nkoth3: or update the year at least ?
nkoth3what was the plan before? [16:12]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18644 10/branches/3.0/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_profile.php: [FIX] This plugin should require admin validation to change, and also be set to inline [16:12]
luciashnkoth3: just curious ;) [16:12]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18645 10/mods/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): [NEW]structure: batch to reassign the position of a node in a structure to have a coorect value displayed un the structure div in tiki-index.php [16:12]
luciashnkoth3: i thought you planned it :) [16:13]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r18646 10/branches/3.0/lib/setup/prefs.php: [FIX] accidental commit [16:13]
nkoth3i remember it was the subject of discussio in beta4
you are talking about the text right?
I mean, of course I have to update the list of commiters
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luciashnkoth3: yes [16:22]
nkoth3did we come to a decision at beta4? [16:23]
luciashnkoth3: so is it not subject of discussion anymore after beta4 ? [16:23]
nkoth3I am trying to remmebr if it was settled/fixed [16:23]
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SEWilco2Maybe there should be a Wiki status page for keeping track of such status decisions. [16:26]
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Skyrider is now known as Guest22747
Guest22747 is now known as FF|Skyrider
FF|SkyriderHey guys
I'm back :p
Oh, before I forget.
When people upload files, can you filter what files are allowed, and disallowed?
Such as the wiki/page uploads, jpg/bmp/png are only allowed, exe,bat disallowed.
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03stojanovim * r18647 10/third_party/adodb/drivers/adodb-mysqli.inc.php: - prevent tiki-install.php from timing out (and giving a blank screen) after 30 sec on a slow machine
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18648 10/branches/3.0/styles/ (6 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX][CSS] Use fix from Strasa for div#tikihelp invisibly covering up the right hand column and/or textarea scrollbar in all other themes (including transitional and layout).
tikiwiki: Unfortunately only works with an absolute pixel height value - 400px for now is small but safe.
tikiwiki: TODO for 3.1 - replace with dedicated JS function to use 95% (or whatever) of window height
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18649 10/branches/3.0/styles/layout/layout.css: [FIX] Typo
jonnybFF|Skyrider: see http://doc.tikiwiki.org/File+Gallery+Config#Filename_must_match: for filegals [16:46]
You've been very helpful :D
jonnybwe aim to please :) [16:47]
FF|SkyriderI'm curious
Who are the dev on tikiwiki?
I don't see any ops within this channel, nor any bot to maintain the access.
Not really sure how freenode handles that.
jonnybhmmm - yes, we're a bit unstructured
there is some sort of bot on here - some stuff appears if you type !help
sylviegdoc.tw and dev.tw ahve still soem pages with 200s of execution time... [16:49]
FF|SkyriderBut no ops to see who's on access? ^^ [16:49]
Caarrieyou dont need ops on freenode [16:49]
FF|Skyrider:? [16:50]
Caarriea few people can op themselves but TW rathers not have ops/voice on the channel [16:50]
FF|Skyriderhow so [16:50]
Caarriethey are on the access list and have to ask cs for ops when they need it [16:51]
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FF|Skyriderjonnyb, the link you gave me with the filters
also applies to files being uploaded within the page itself?
luciashFF|Skyrider: when we need we become ops ;)
FF|Skyrider: otherwise we respect the wiki way
FF|Skyriderheh, alright :)
I just put some permissions with the link jonnyb gave me.
Though I can still upload exe's through the file uploader in the page itself.
luciashmostly we need it only to change the channel topic anyway ;) [16:56]
FF|Skyrideroh? why? [16:56]
luciashjust because it's sort of "official" announcement... we don't want anybody to change it :-p [16:57]
FF|SkyriderI mean
If you are on access
why needing the operator stats to change the topic?
Shouldn't the bot know you are on access and to be able to change it with a command?
Caarrietopic lock [16:58]
FF|SkyriderUnless of course freenode is totally different than the servers I know [16:58]
luciashi don't see such deeply into the details, sorry :) [16:58]
FF|SkyriderUsually, !topic command --> person has access but not an op --> can change topic [16:58]
Caarrienot on freenode [16:58]
FF|SkyriderAh, alright.
Caarrie, do you know the answer to my question though? :)
Caarriewhich question? ;) [16:59]
luciashFF|Skyrider: if it uploads to file gallery it applies, yes [17:00]
jonnybFF|Skyrider: sorry - you mean wiki page attachments? no file galleries are different (at the moment)
and the regexp patter only stops new files from being uploaded, afaik (not old ones)
FF|SkyriderI mean the wiki page attachments, yes
jonnybsorry - looks like no filename filter on that - you can delete them though here: tiki-admin.php?page=wikiatt
(i think)
FF|SkyriderI can easily remove the files from the same page, just a shame you can't filter them
people are uploading exe/bat/zip/rar files.
But I don't want to disable it either
nkoth3hi, you know how is it when you update a preference in admin, it says preference "..." updated
how do I change the "..." for each preference anme?
I mean preference "..." enabled/disabled
luciashnkoth3: it's converetd from the preference_something automatically, just replaces the underscores
nkoth3: but it's translantable
nkoth3: so you can change a bit in language.php
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jonnybFF|Skyrider: there probably is a WISH for this already - if not add one (would be good for 4.0 to use filegals for attachments) [17:05]
luciashjonnyb: hmm, what if people don't want to use filegals ?
the feature
jonnybthen they can't use files :)) [17:06]
FF|SkyriderI think I'll make this attachments uploads for specific groups only then
jonnybagain, it's the system/default gallery as discussed on devel - like for a custom logo... [17:07]
FF|SkyriderThough a filter for uploads is a must.
Hey, I'm rather curious
tiki v3.0 and mediawiki? Which one is better? I'm sticking with tiki, but just curious.
in your own opinion
jonnybhaven't used MW for ages so can't really comment (tiki ate my life ;) ) [17:10]
Caarrieas long as you ask in a channel for either wiki most people will say that one is the best option ;) to use [17:11]
luciashluciash never used MW, what a shame :-p [17:11]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18650 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-admin-include-textarea.tpl: [MOD] Fix confusing UI [17:11]
luciashwell, i used it to edit some pages on Wikipedia of course but never installed it ;) [17:11]
FF|SkyriderIt is true asking on this channel is a bit, well, stupid :p
But, every software has its benefits and downsides.
it depends is the other "answer"
luciashFF|Skyrider: go to #wikicomparisons ;) (nope, just joking) [17:13]
FF|Skyriderlol :p
I got this tiki from a compare website
luciashjonnyb: i think it's still kind of handy to have attachments when i want "pure wiki"... you don't have to enable forums when you want user comments too ;)
Sug4r: is Tiki the best wiki engine available ?
Sug4rNo way. [17:17]
luciash smacks his bot
marclaportepkdille: , Jyhem, you aroud? [17:17]
luciashSug4r: is Tiki the best wiki engine ever ? [17:17]
Sug4rThe answer is def-- oooh! shiny thing! [17:17]
Caarrie:P [17:18]
ricks99mw vs. tw? depends on what you want/need [17:18]
jonnybtrue luciash, but it leads to code duplication (and feature disappointment like this) - maybe there could/should be a system filegal that's "always on" independently of the "feature"? (one day) [17:19]
luciashyup yup
maybe we can have then attachments to anything including the file gallery files themselves then ;)
ricks99would it b easier to simply build a check into img/wiki_up that checks for duplications? [17:21]
luciashluciash dreams about an ideal world where there's only one root directory writable and optionaly outside of the web root [17:22]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18651 10/branches/3.0/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_code.php: rollback 17317 [17:30]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r18652 10/branches/3.0/lib/setup/prefs.php: [ENH] turning profile plugin on by default because we need in barebones install. [17:31]
sylviega new member sacra wants a ceremonmy - any volunteer?
I already added him to sf
marclaporteamette likes ceremonies
marclaporte welcomes sacra
jonnybwelcome sacra
jonnyb imagines trumpets!
sylviegsacra has some fixes for ldap - and right now I can not commit for him - I have no ldpa test site [17:33]
quick intro, I'm 27 and I'm from Portugal but have been living and working in Italy for the last 4 years
sylviegwho wants to deploy the red carpet? [17:36]
jonnybjonnyb might be able to manage a red pixel [17:39]
sylviegso sacra, did you read the 2rules [17:40]
sacraI read 3, is that a doc bug? [17:40]
jonnyb:) [17:40]
sylviegit is my usual bad typing - .. I was testing you ;-)
I like to add one - subscribe to sbn list to be able to discuss with you if problem
sacraI already subscribed to tikiwiki-cvs and tikiwiki-devel
is there one just for svn?
we did not change the title tikiwiki-cvs
sacraok [17:43]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18653 10/branches/3.0/styles/strasa/options/mono.css:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Use same selectors for buttons in strasa/mono option (selectors have to be the same to override)
tikiwiki: Sorry about button2 leakage - TODO (again) for 3.1
sylviegso sacra - welcome ... suppose people left for eating or sleeping or ... it is quiet here [17:45]
ametteamette dances the ceremony expression dance in the blue and one handed variant
welcome sacra :)
amette hugs sacra a very warm welcome :)
sacrasacra has no idea what the ceremony expression dance in the blue and one handed variant is but figures it's a good sign [17:47]
amette thinks sacra figured it right.. ;)
chibaguychibaguy welcomes sacra and pours drinks for all [17:49]
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sacraI also have to go eat and sleep, so talk to you tomorrow [17:52]
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MartinCleaverwhat's the syntax for writing a bug/wish number into the code? e.g. my bug is #2499, so what do I write as a shortcut to my bug?
MartinCleaver writes // TODO HACK: See bug 2499 http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=2499
this is for nkoth3
nkoth3just bug2499 or wish2499 I think
i don't thik there is an linking mechanism
MartinCleaveroh, ok.
nkoth3jonnyb, sylvieg, we'll be committing this fix for the plugin editor eating up params it does not know problem
But it seems to introduce a problem explained in this bug 2499
anyway, would appreciate some peer review of the change as a whole...
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18654 10/branches/3.0/lib/ajax/ajaxlib.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] initialise $js_script if needed for array_merge() below to work (was set before by autosave i think)
tikiwiki: Fixes quicktags etc in AJAX edit mode
jonnybthanks nkoth3 - i'll be interested to see how you tackle it (been wondering about that one myself) [18:07]
MartinCleaverYour bug tracker has a bug in it in Safari. The image uploader appears behind the main popup form making it impossible to attach a screen shot [18:08]
nkoth3MartinCleaver: Our bug tracker :) have to get you signed up as a dev lol [18:09]
MartinCleaverSafari 3.2.1 [18:09]
nkoth3but good to know the Safari bug anyhow... [18:09]
MartinCleaveroh, happens in Firefox 3.0.10 too (MacOS 10.5.6) [18:11]
nkoth3probably a zindex issue... [18:11]
MartinCleaverprobably [18:12]
jonnybSafari 4 seems ok (beta) MartinCleaver, how do you mean "main popup"? [18:12]
MartinCleaverMartinCleaver sends jonnyb a png over IRC file transfer [18:13]
jonnybjonnyb is seeing "nothing downloaded yet"... [18:13]
MartinCleavery, you on Skype?
How do I insert an attachment image into a bug report? Syntax? e.g. !filename.png! ?
jonnybadd it on the "attachments" tab? (you can then link to it on the description)
sorry - misread it
try using {img src=tiki-download_item_attachment.php?attId=183}
off now - MartinCleaver: can you (bear to) add another item about the z-index thing? thanks (i'll try to remember but...)
MartinCleaverugly!! {img src=tiki-download_item_attachment.php?attId=183} [18:25]
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nkoth3easy enough to write a plugin alias for that [18:31]
MartinCleaveryup [18:35]
nkoth3MartinCleaver, btw in 3.0 you can create these in the admin panel... [18:38]
MartinCleavery, but do you want every admin to define it differently? [18:38]
nkoth3n, and y, I suppose a default one could be shipped [18:40]
hey, where's the original bug I am working to? I can't find it with http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-searchresults.php?highlight=plugin+editor+eats+up+parameters&search=Go
nkoth3i think there might aready be one
i mean plugin for attachmet
but anyway, original byg?
it wasn't files
it was on the dev.tikiwiki.org/Release30Process
MartinCleaveroh. Ok.
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18655 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-admin-include-textarea.tpl: [FIX] Do not allow checkbox to change inline plugin setting if it is hardcoded in plugin itself [18:50]
ChadDa3monIs it possible to change how the link appears for pages that don't exist?
instead of the default "?" next to the text
luciashChadDa3mon: only by modifying the parser [18:57]
nkoth3or if you want to embellish it, it does have the css class wikinew I thnk
maybe there is something you can do via css..
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luciashnkoth3: ah nice, but it would need at least two tags to hide one and use the other one to display a background image i guess [19:03]
nkoth3it's an <a> tag [19:04]
luciashexcept the user can afford ignoring IE
then it could be rendered something using :after
(for the background-image it would need something like <a class="wikinew" ...><span>?</span></a> to hide the span content and render bg on the <a>)
ChadDa3monyea, already too much over my head ;)
was hoping there was an easy checkbox somewhere
thanks anyways :)
nkoth3unfortunately, no simply checkbox.... but please file a wish [19:08]
ChadDa3monWill try to tomorrow, time to go home for me [19:08]
nkoth3k :) [19:08]
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sylviegdoc.tw is so slow... [19:13]
nkoth3ouch.... thenews.css if you activate the Register, the top part goes above the page in Firefox [19:15]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18656 10/branches/3.0/styles/thenews.css: [FIX] Provide enough space on top for "Register" when activated [19:29]
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nkoth3hi, any theme guys around to help me check the above ^^^, on all other themes? Is this the best fix? [19:55]
luciashnkoth3: i see no problem whenregister is on [20:01]
nkoth3only in firefox [20:01]
luciashthe link is normalle next to the I forgot my password link [20:02]
nkoth3tikinewt problem [20:02]
luciashin FF3 here
nkoth3thenews I fixed [20:02]
luciashyou wrote thenews [20:02]
nkoth3I committed a fix for thenews.... not sure if it si a good fix
but I nitce the problem on tikinewt now
luciashthenewt looks ok here too
cannot reproduce
nkoth3do you have a logo? [20:03]
luciashyes and the tpl html comments logging off [20:04]
nkoth3i have no logo
disable logo and see?
luciashi hope the logo will be back at the time of release [20:05]
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nkoth3well, basically this is an issue with the site login bar not having enough space without logo [20:12]
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luciashjest remove the logo image or deactivate the site log and title feature ?
luciash just removed the logo image for now
ah, now i see the problem in tikinewt
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luciashdoes it happen when there's the sitetitle ot sitesubtitle too ?
but i think it must be just some negative margin-top, thenews looks fine so i propose to do it the same way
marclaportepolom [20:21]
marclaporte hopes someone can put logo with the note for admins? [20:32]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r18657 10/third_party/adodb/drivers/adodb-mysqli.inc.php: [FIX] roolback commit 18647, better fix it in tiki-installer.php
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r18658 10/branches/3.0/installer/tiki-installer.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] better fix for commit 18647 : Try to set a longer execution time for the
tikiwiki: installer
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MartinCleaverMartinCleaver waits for his revision to hit irc [20:56]
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nkoth3not sure why CIA not reporting your commit.
Anyway, thanks, and remember the dev.tikiwiki.org/3Rules :)
MartinCleavery.w. I'd be interested in feedback, especially on 2499 [20:59]
nkoth3yeah, will expect jonny will look at it tomorrow morning in the UK [21:00]
MartinCleaverok. I better get going.
Speak tomorrow
nkoth3k [21:00]
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sylvieghow do UI say now in search I want only wiki page (I am on tw.org) [21:17]
good question
admin. .. look and feel.... general layout
Custom site header
it looks like the default one there has that search, right?
sylviegand what is doing Advanced search? [21:22]
nkoth3where is this "Advanced search"? [21:23]
sylvieghttp://tikiwiki.org/tiki-searchresults.php?highlight=toto&search=Go [21:24]
nkoth3ah i see
under admin serarch
there is a checkbox for "
object filter
if you turn that on, you will see the filter not jsut in results but in the top search
btw, we are headed out to the TikiFest party right now.I won't be packaging anything today, maybe tomorrow or wed. A lot of bug fixing is happening right at this moment, with a number of recent commits still under review. I've got a couple of patches still uncommitted myself :).
sylviegah tahnks [21:25]
luciashenjoy the party everyone and thanks for the fixes ! [21:26]
nkoth3thanks too! I'll continue tomorrow [21:27]
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snarlydwarf has quit IRC ("Ex-Chat") [21:47]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r18660 10/trunk/templates/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] replace some of the last button2 by button plugin [21:49]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18661 10/mods/trunk/goodies/batch_clean_structure/batch_clean_structure.php: [FIX] missing include [22:52]
btiffinDoes anyone know where the TikiFesters went for the close out beverages? And perhaps when it may continue until? I'm hoping to say thanks again, in person. [23:06]
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Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [23:35]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Is there a mass editor/bot available or equivalent? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=32968 [23:50]

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