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***clicc has joined #tikiwiki [00:11]
clicchi all - my tiki installation seems to be really slow
I've painstakingly tracked it down from tiki-index.php
and found out that the inclusion of plugins is generally slow
in particular, the trackers
I have under 400 items, one tracker w/ approx only 8 fields
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cliccinside tiki-trackerlist.tpl, I output the times it takes to load the data (w/ a max of 100 item view and pagination)
and its showing me that the template is actually taking all of the time that I was suspecting, approximately 8 seconds+ (to 15 seconds sometimes)
is this normal?
mohd7590anyone here
clicchi [00:20]
can i use tikiwiki for story archiving
anyone here have tikiwiki site
they can let me see
cliccwhat do you mean?
story archiving?
5like fanfiction.net
5and stuff
5like efiction software
cliccI see
my guess is yes
mohd75905Ok [00:22]
cliccwhat do you want to be able to do?
have people log in
and create their stories?
5people upload or post stories
cliccyeah totally [00:22]
mohd75905people read them and leave reviews
5and other stuff
cliccif you decide to use tikiwiki though.. [00:23]
cliccI have a warning - there may be multiple ways to do what you want [00:23]
mohd75905go on
cliccso you'll have to read up on the features
to figure out which is the one more suited for what you want
for example, you can create the archive via articles, wiki pages, forums, etc..
blogs even..
cliccI haven't messed with the rating system, but I'm sure they should work [00:24]
mohd75905maybe i can use it for personel
5like post pictures
5my own files and stuff
cliccyeah maybe [00:25]
5can I
cliccI dunno - I don't think there's much that it CAN'T do [00:25]
5oh well are u one of the developers
cliccits just that you'll have to be prepared to tweakthings and the learning curve is a bit steep
mohd75905yeah i guess
5u got a site like that
5can i see
cliccyeah, I'm using it as an intranet
company intranet
mohd75905can i get link
5or something
cliccnah sorry, its an intranet :P not accessible outside [00:26]
mohd75905oh [00:26]
cliccbut I read [00:26]
mohd75905my bad read wrong [00:26]
cliccthat mozilla uses tikiwiki
firefox ..dev site I think?
mohd75905i heard it sucked if there is a lot of stuff
5try this site
5uses Tikiwiki
5a lot of information and file download
clicco damn
mohd75905the site is so slow
5goes to maientaince
cliccI think b/c they have a lot of features turned on [00:28]
5what you think of it
5they guy that owns it
5contacted the developers
cliccwhere's the page? [00:28]
mohd75905and guess what there excuse was
5what page?
cliccyou said go to the maintenance?
what did they say
mohd75905i mean if a lot of people are using it
5it goes there
5they said they never thought some many people will use it
5and it will be that big
5well they said something like that
5not surfe
cliccI see [00:29]
mohd75905its good though [00:30]
cliccthe only instance I nkow of in which its true [00:30]
mohd75905I love it [00:30]
cliccare the trackers [00:30]
mohd75905i just think that it is a bit slow [00:30]
cliccit even says on tikiwiki dev site
or..doc site
mohd75905i guess
5ooh well later
cliccthat its not meant for a couple thousand items [00:30]
mohd75905I love the software though [00:30]
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ricks99 has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [00:39]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Slow Smarty Template for tiki-trackerlist.tpl - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=32969 [00:43]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r18662 10/branches/3.0/lib/smarty_tiki/block.add_help.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] add_help : probabily a typo, allow add_help to set the alt text of the
tikiwiki: icon
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Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [02:07]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18663 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-site_header.tpl: [FIX] Zero-height br in conditional comment to prevent top-bar custom code from overlapping siteloginbar in IE7. [02:34]
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marclaportepolom [03:02]
btiffinmarclaporte, I missed out again. Hope you had a good event... [03:05]
marclaporteit was great
popcorn is popping
btiffin;) [03:08]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03marcoaasilva * r18664 10/tags/2.4/lang/pt-br/language.php: pt-br translation [05:18]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18665 10/branches/3.0/styles/ (6 files in 5 dirs): [FIX] Workaround for IE6's #siteloginbar position problems. [05:44]
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vkumarHi everybody [05:47]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18666 10/branches/3.0/styles/strasa.css: [FIX] Full width + padding caused scrollbar. [05:51]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18667 10/branches/3.0/styles/layout/layout.css: [FIX] Misc. improvements. [06:06]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18668 10/mods/trunk/themes/andreas09_tiki_3/styles/andreas09/options/orange/: [KIL] Replaced by 'copper'. [06:49]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18669 10/mods/trunk/themes/andreas09_tiki_3/styles/ (8 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] Main theme is 'black' (monochrome); colors are options. (Since there can be a small delay before theme option colors display, it seems better to add color to monochrome than vice versa.) [07:01]
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18670 10/mods/trunk/Packages/themes-andreas09_tiki_3.info.txt: [FIX] Updated reflecting file changes. [07:15]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r18671 10/branches/3.0/lang/fr/language.php: [ENH] Grammar [07:26]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18672 10/mods/trunk/ (18 files in 5 dirs): [MOD] Updates for layout.css, theme options, suckerfish menu arrows, etc. [08:11]
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18673 10/mods/trunk/themes/eatlon_for_tiki_3/: [KIL] Redundant directory committed by mistake. [08:16]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r18674 10/mods/trunk/themes/andreas09_tiki_3/styles/andreas09/options/ (copper.css green.css purple.css red.css): [FIX] Menuhover bg image for suckerfish menus. [08:43]
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LordVan has joined #tikiwiki [09:35]
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jonnybrelevant time-based greetings to all! [09:50]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Connecting to MSSQL Database? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=32973 [10:13]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18675 10/branches/3.0/lib/smarty_tiki/function.icon.php: [FIX] Put back incorrectly deleted global $tikipath (thanks SylvieG) [10:31]
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SkyriderzHowdy, again :D [10:35]
jonnybhi [10:41]
SkyriderzI fully assume I can use the theme on esforces.com for the wiki style/theme, right?
jonnyb ? [10:53]
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chibaguypolom [10:55]
jonnybpolom chibaguy - Skyriderz is asking about using a theme somewhere ("I fully assume I can use the theme on esforces.com for the wiki style/theme, right?")
i would say "assume makes an ass out of u and me" ;)
what is esforces.com? (never heard of it)
chibaguySkyriderz: the themes in the Tiki package and at mods.tw.o are all free to use - LGPL, GPL or Creative Commons Attribution license. [10:57]
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vkumarhi gary.. how r u ? [10:59]
SkyriderzI meant the theme on esforces.com, the style its using :p [11:00]
vkumar{wiki}{literal}{MODULE(module=>wiki_last_comments)/}{/literal}{/wiki} fixed my problem. [11:01]
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vkumarthanks a lot for that [11:01]
chibaguySkyriderz: if the theme has a public license, you'd be free to use it. But if not, probably not.
I doubt if esforces.com wants their site cloned.
I have total control over the site ^_^
chibaguywell, ok, then. :-) [11:03]
SkyriderzI wish to use it for wiki.esforces.com :p
Though I suck at css
chibaguythat could be a problem [11:03]
SkyriderzI tried looking for some tutorials, even on the themes website.. [11:03]
chibaguyvkumar: I'm glad it worked. :-) [11:03]
Skyriderzbut that seemed to be in a complete different language. [11:03]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18676 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-admin-include-login.tpl: [MOD] Added warning message if feature_clear_passwords = y (admin_security already lists this if on) [11:04]
vkumarok gary.. :( time to leave.. Bye catch you later [11:05]
chibaguyin tiki 3, ways to do themes are different and easier. should be some docs coming pretty soon.
but, still ,you need to know the basics of css, etc.
SkyriderzI suppose I had in mind to learn when attempting to clone the site to the wiki.
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chibaguyyeah, it should be possible. [11:06]
luciashhuh, why do we have grey folder icons in strasa default now ? [11:08]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18677 10/mods/trunk/goodies/batch_clean_structure/batch_clean_structure.php: some more messages [11:08]
luciashhi chibaguy [11:11]
chibaguyhi luciash
it wasn't me. i didn't touch those icons. ;-)
luciashit wasn't me either, i promised to not touch tiki code until release ;) [11:13]
jonnybhello - grey folder icons...? [11:16]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03awolfff * r18678 10/branches/3.0/lang/de/language.php: [ENH] Translations and date format [11:16]
jonnybik - looks like me (again) [11:16]
luciashjonnyb: heh, thanks for the theme option support for them but yes, my default strasa shows the grey ones now on the blue background [11:18]
jonnybthat's bizarre - the mono ones have gone! (sure it was eclipse/svn conspiracy - i did have some odd updates - must have messed it up though - fixing now) [11:18]
luciashdunno, maybe i have to clear cache again ? hmmm
but i see that on tw.o too
jonnybno, it's real - (on my local working copy) [11:19]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18679 10/branches/3.0/styles/strasa/pics/icons/ (folder.png ofolder.png): [FIX] Restore blue folder icons for strasa default [11:24]
chibaguyis there a module parameter like theme=tikipedia.css, to display a module only when that theme is used? [11:25]
jonnybchibaguy: not sdeen one
luciashjonnyb: thank you
jonnyb: did you restore to my transparent modifications ?
jonnybhmmm - N steps forward N*K steps back... [11:26]
luciashchibaguy: yes [11:27]
jonnybum... not sure - i took them from trunk (my copy) [11:27]
chibaguyI was hoping to do the tikipedia "toolbox" as a regular module instead of special tpl file but don't want it appearing with other themes. [11:27]
luciashchibaguy: yes, it is there [11:27]
jonnybluciash: yes, transparent blue ones [11:27]
luciashjonnyb: phew, thanks :) [11:28]
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jonnybthe odd thing now is that the options/mono/pics dir is missing from the repo, but my local copy says they're already there (so i can't commit it) - definitely something gone screwy with my svn... [11:30]
mib_oefp3ihi,i have small doubts,i have installed tikiwiki properly.now i want to change the server.should do the work from scratch or i transfer it.or least can i transfer userids file to new server.please help me [11:30]
chibaguyah, ok, thanks. now, if there was a wiki_page=y to only display on wiki pages, that'd be great. ;-) [11:31]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18680 10/branches/3.0/styles/strasa/options/warm/: [KIL] Remove unused option dir [11:31]
luciashchibaguy: it's there [11:32]
chibaguywoohoo, is that the syntax? [11:33]
mib_oefp3iam i clear ???:( [11:33]
luciashchibaguy: &section= [11:33]
chibaguymib_oefp3i, you can dump and restore the database, I believe.
luciashmib_oefp3i: no problem just export your db and move the files
chibaguy: tiki-admin_modules.php hover the Parameters ;)
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18681 10/branches/3.0/styles/strasa/options/mono/pics/ (6 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Replace missing grey icons (in the right place this time) [11:35]
jonnybgottago - more tomorrow! [11:36]
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chibaguyhmm I just get "Help link" in an empty popup....
but went to the doc.tw.o link... and it's working :-)
luciashchibaguy: just hover it, it's in the tooltip
any idea why on tiki-searchresults.php the "Date Search:" is rendered twice in Opera ?
chibaguyI tried, and got the box, but only a title in it. [11:43]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18682 10/branches/3.0/templates/ (tiki-edit_help.tpl tiki-searchresults.tpl): [MOD] homogenize add_help message with a click here [11:44]
chibaguyanyway, tikipedia for tiki3 is getting pretty close. [11:45]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03awolfff * r18683 10/branches/3.0/lang/de/language.php: [ENH] Translation [11:45]
chibaguyless non-standard code that in the previous version, and more flexible layouts, etc. [11:46]
sylviegI am lost there are help buttone that give a blue popup with title and content - and there are - same icons that give a shadow popup ...
which one is the best?
chibaguyluciash, i get that in the Milkyway theme I'm working on, but no other themes.
sylvieg, I'd ask jonnyb, but I'm not getting very good results in popups right now.
checking module parameters, i got a brown popup with only "Help link" title but no content.
(was hover over ? icon)
luciashchibaguy: i get that in STrasa
sylvieg: what popups ?
chibaguyhm, I just checked and was ok (but my svn may be several hours old) [11:55]
mib_oefp3ithanks for suggestion i will try [11:55]
sylviegluciash I sent a message on the cvs list .... ;-)
perhaps a little storm ...
luciashchibaguy: i get no pop-up in my Opera when i click the "Parameters" string on Admin > Modules
chibaguy: only the overlib tooltip with hint of possible parameters
chibaguy: on hover
sylvieg: heh
chibaguyyeah, luciash, I only tried hover [11:57]
luciashah, does it change when the jQuery tooltip is on ? [11:59]
chibaguysorry, it was a blue popup on admin modules - title but no content
I have jquery on
luciashi have jquery off maybe
no, i have jquery on too
chibaguywith jquery off, I get a "?" "popup character" when hovering over the "?" icon, in opera (not very helpful ;-) ) [12:01]
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luciashgoddamnit i thought help is optional feature on Features too ? [12:02]
chibaguyoh, the character is the help cursor [12:02]
luciashi have JQuery Tooltips on too, so i wonder why i get the old "overlib" tooltip style, while you say you get the "jquery Tooltip" [12:03]
chibaguyluciash, i used to be optional iirc
heh, i -> it
(I'm still optional ;-) )
luciashold "overlib" i mean the blue-violet background tooltip
chibaguy: do i understand correctly that you see the jQuery tooltip with dark blue title bar and then the tooltip content ?
chibaguy: where was the checkbox to enable/disable Help ?
chibaguystrasa-like colors, dark blue/light blue, and a shadow. that's jquery? [12:06]
luciashi just want to test how Tiki goes without it ;)
chibaguy: yes
chibaguy: found the checkbox on tiki-admin.php?page=general
chibaguyah, right. I just found it there in tiki 2. (was checking back) [12:08]
luciashthis is funny, feature_help disabled, still i get the Help icon on tiki-searchresults.php :-p [12:08]
sylviegI thought feature_help was only for link to doc.tw [12:09]
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luciashsylvieg: now thanks to your change i get "Help: Click Here" as the title of shadowbox fullscreen help for Advanced Search from there :-p [12:10]
luciashsylvieg: yes, but it shouldn't... it should be optional too i think [12:10]
sylvieg1) we have to choose between the {add_help} and the blue popup
2) I think like in advanced search , it must be something that stays in the window - I want to type my quey and see the help at the same time
luciashsylvieg: can you rollbax/fix ? even funnier is when i open the help tool on the top right and i click the fullscreen expand icon, i get "Help: Help: Click Here"
awolffHi, I just found a works-for-me solution on this:
Can anybody give advise whether it is worth checking in?
luciashsylvieg: i don't know where the blue popup goes but maybe for these little icons when not linking to doc.tw.o for short help it could work
awolff: solution for what ?
sylvieg(but I really spent 30mn yesterday evening to try to debug why the ? in advanced search was not giving a popup....) [12:16]
awolffthe following bug: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=2435 [12:16]
luciashsylvieg: i haven't seen this icon anywhere else than in the Search Results page, where else is it used ? [12:18]
sylviegand with contribution - I have a 3- popup - a purple one... [12:18]
luciash!bug 2435 [12:19]
chibaguyawolff, looks like a good idea to make that change. [12:19]
sylvieghelp in contribution when editing a page - help in admin->modules params [12:19]
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ . [12:19]
chibaguy....and help in #tikiwiki ;-) [12:20]
awolffchibaguy: do you understand that behaviour? [12:20]
luciashsylvieg: i have only the old overlib tooltip in admin->modules params
sylvieg: i'll test the contribution (must enable it first)
sylviegthis is fun :-) [12:20]
chibaguyno, I don't really understand why it would make a difference. [12:21]
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awolffchibaguy: if the margin is em I do not get the file dialog, if it is in px I get it. [12:21]
luciashsylvieg: can you roll back the Click Here change until we find another solution ? this is not good change imho to break the "Advanced Search" title [12:21]
chibaguyapparently some browser quirk, or something not obvious. But the change should be made, I think. [12:22]
sylviegin fact Iwas trying to roll back to a consistent behavior - but it is so messy [12:22]
reno-hello [12:22]
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reno-I hav a problem with a [reply to] link in a mail generated by a forum
is it the good place to talk about?
luciashsylvieg: where the heck is this feature switched on ? i search for it on Admin > Wiki > Features :-p [12:24]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18684 10/branches/3.0/templates/ (tiki-edit_help.tpl tiki-searchresults.tpl): rollback 18682 [12:24]
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luciashreno-: yes
sylvieg: thx
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03awolfff * r18685 10/branches/2.0/styles/thenews.css: [FIX] bug 2435: File galeries did not present an upload dialogue if the margin is in "em". (Firefox 3.0.10) [12:24]
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sylviegcontribution? admin->features [12:24]
luciashsylvieg: ah, fine, i thought it's wiki only feature [12:25]
reno-the problem is the replyto link which had two slash after the domain name : eg : http://tapemovie.org//tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=36#form [12:26]
luciashreno-: what's the problem ? the link works [12:27]
reno-so the link is right, but when I click on [post] after typing an answer, the adress is http://tiki-view_forum_thread.php/ and I loose my answer [12:27]
chibaguyawolff: good catch. :-) [12:28]
sylviegin admin->modules->user modules - it is also iverlib [12:28]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03awolfff * r18686 10/branches/3.0/styles/thenews.css: [FIX] !bug 2435: File galeries did not present an upload dialogue if the margin is in "em". (Firefox 3.0.10) [12:28]
awolffchibaguy: I took out one element after the other until I found this ... [12:28]
reno-I hope I'm clear [12:28]
luciashreno-: ah, you can workaround it if you use apache rewrite rules... i have no idea where the extra slash comes from now [12:29]
chibaguyawolff: I feel your pain. ;-) [12:29]
reno-Maybe I could try to use [apache rewrite rules] ... is it a complicated task? [12:30]
luciashsylvieg: i'm on tiki-admin_contribution.php and see no help icon
reno-: for a newbie ? yes :)
chibaguyawolff: the other themes are ok, i just checked. [12:32]
reno-ok... thank for the help ... [12:32]
sylviegactivate contribution for wiki - and edit a page
you have also the overlib popup in admin->modules->user modules
awolffchibaguy: I was wondering that at other places the css uses em-margins as well, not sure about the implications ... [12:34]
reno-<luciash> you think it will be useful to add an entry in the bug tracker? [12:34]
awolffIs there a way to synchronise a menu with contents of the middle? I.e. the menu item that is related to the contents is always selected/highlighted? [12:35]
chibaguymargins in ems are pretty common, afaik, and not usually a problem. [12:36]
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chibaguytiki's menu system gives a class to the link that's selected (about the synchronizing), which can be styled, like bold or italic or whatever [12:39]
sylviegawolff: more or less [12:41]
awolffCan it automatically open the menu tree depending on the contents in the middle? [12:41]
in 3
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awolffShould I just read the manual or where can I find more about this? [12:41]
luciashreno-: search for it if it wasn't filed yet and yes, if you add you have more chances for replies from other devs as well [12:43]
sylviegdoc.tw is again dead for me ... it should be in module admin page... [12:43]
luciashreno-: maybe it was already fixed in recent Tiki code, i have no clue now [12:43]
reno-luciash : ok, I will hav a look . Tx
I'm interested too about the class of the item menu actually selected. Where could I found some exemple bout? or the class name?
sylviegsept_7 seems to be in very bad mood [12:45]
chibaguyyou could use firefox and firebug add-on to check the classes in the page. there aren't docs, really, afaik. [12:46]
sylviegstill waiting sunce 2 mn doc.tw to come up... [12:46]
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awolffdoc.tw is fine here [12:47]
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luciashreno-: try Firefox Firebug or Web Developer extension... it will tell you exactly the class name [12:49]
chibaguyI've had mixed results with doc.tw.o in the last few hours [12:49]
luciashoops, sorry, chibaguy already told it :) [12:50]
sylvieg{menu id=n menu_cookie=n} must eb used
luciash: do you really want a shadow box for advanced search?
I will prefre to have a box open in the page
because I want to see the documentation when I type a query...
luciashsylvieg: you have the big help icon on the right top
the little one is just quick help tip
sylviegso perhaps we can delete the little ? [12:52]
luciashyes, maybe but maybe better would be link to doc.tw.o as it is for all the others
i didn't get exactly why this was special and different
sylviegI agree for a link to doc.tw [12:53]
luciashi didn't see a point of having two icons on the page displaying the same thing [12:54]
and in fact the little ? should be on the page title
luciashi think the {add help} with show="y" would be useful when the big help icon tool was optional and user could choose which one to display [12:55]
sylvieg+1 too [12:56]
luciashyou can keep it there if it's only the Advanced checkbox related
link to doc.tw.o
if it's global help for search, then on title of course
reno-luciash : tx for the firebug tip [12:58]
awolffIs there a possibillity for a user to apply for membership in a group which gets aproved by a "group admin"? [13:00]
luciashreno-: thanks to chibaguy i started using it too :) [13:01]
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chibaguyit is kind of a heavy resource user, but is a good tool. [13:03]
luciashchibaguy: do you use dragonfly for Opera too ? [13:03]
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chibaguyi tried it but it seemed awkward to use. anyway, gotta eat now. will be back soon. [13:05]
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luciashbbl too [13:12]
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sylvieginteresting the login bar on doc.tw.org is not working on IE7 [13:14]
luciashre :)
interesting i get no theme when choosing Site Default :-p
on my local 3.0
sylviegI remember I got this when my site default had a old theme [13:20]
luciashluciash goes to check what theme is set as default
hmm, it should be strasa
luciash re-applying it and going to clear cache again, logout and switch to default again to see
ok, logged out, changed to thenews, changed to site default and it's plain xhtml again :-/
it's broken, bueheheheh :-p
btw, yay, thanks someone fixed the CODE plugin renders <?php echo "foo"; ?> properly again with colors=php !
Floh1111hi, hast tikiwiki something like a versioneering system for file- and imagegalleries? I want to get something like "three new images since..." or file changed... like the functions get_page_info and get_page_history... not for pages but for imagegalleries and filegalleries [13:27]
ChadDa3monDid something change for collapsible sections between beta 4 and RC1?
it seems broken in RC1
sylviegbut if I try to delete the little help in search result - the big help disappears too [13:29]
luciashsylvieg: don't delete it ! only set show='n' [13:30]
sylviegthanks [13:30]
luciashand put it under
or nope, leave it there in place, just set show='n'
in case JS is off it will render there though (you can try)
and put the help link icon on title
ChadDa3monFor Collapsible sections, I can't get the [+] and the section title on the same line
it worked in beta 4
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18687 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-searchresults.tpl: [FIX]search: help on the title to the doc + take away the little help near advanced search - as redundant with the big help + some label and classes for styling like find.tpl [13:40]
sylviegsylvieg likes the new big help button [13:44]
thunder_dexheight:50px;padding-top:2px; [13:52]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r18688 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] button: deploy button in comment-footer + Fix button plugin with _auto_args param + add _anchor param in query plugin + deploy auto_query_args in tiki-index.php (thks nyloth) [13:53]
reno-I have just try with firebug to know the name of the class of the active item in the menu, but all the item hav the same class : horbaritem [13:55]
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chibaguysylvieg: I think when doc.tw.o is updated, the login will work in IE7. I did a commit several hours ago to prevent tiki-top custom code div from overlapping the log in form. [13:56]
sylviegah ok - thx chibaguy [13:56]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18689 10/branches/3.0/styles/darkroom.css: fix the top right corner login box location, was not visible
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18690 10/branches/3.0/styles/tikinewt.css: fix the top right corner login box location, was not visible
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r18691 10/trunk/ (templates/tiki-show_calendar.tpl tiki-show_calendar.php): [KIL] show_calendar: remove some obviously unused files
reno-chibaguy : could you give me a theme's name which have a the active class for menu's item? [14:03]
luciashreno-: you have to switch from using PHPLayerMenus to CSS menus to have this "current item" i think but maybe i'm wrong [14:06]
chibaguyreno-: strasa does, if you're using suckerfish menus. [14:06]
reno-luciash : I will hav a look in admin panel
chibaguy : I will try it
luciashhuh ??? who changed the logo on dev.tw.o now ? :-/ [14:08]
chibaguyreno-: it's li.selected. [14:08]
luciashhow can i know it's dev site now from the logo ? [14:08]
chibaguythe url? [14:08]
luciashi mean at first sight [14:09]
chibaguyyou're right, luciash, it needs "dev" on there somewhere.
and why the bland color there also?
luciashand there should be full project name imho, it's not just about Tiki release :-[14:12] <luciash> bland ? [14:11]
chibaguythe white header bg [14:12]
reno-chibaguy : ok, good !! [14:12]
chibaguyI thought it could be dark blue
reno-: you can check at http://zukakakina.com/tw3/ if you like. css menu is used there.
luciashi thought it too but MatWho complained it's too distracting [14:13]
chibaguyhard to come to agreement on subjective things. [14:14]
luciashamette: svn up dev.tw.o pls [14:15]
chibaguyI was going to say 'just look at sourceforge' (example of colored top bar) then I saw http://sourceforge.net/
is matwho involved in that site, by any chance? ;-)
luciashnot at all i think ;)
but the rest is black header, right ?
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luciashon sf.net [14:16]
chibaguyyeah, that's true.
and people can handle it ok.
i mean colored header bars are so common on the net, people probably hardly notice them.
i don't think there's any danger of them being a distraction.
luciashsure, i agree it can be useful for the doc.tw.o but not necessary for dev.tw.o [14:18]
chibaguyyeah, I thought so too. [14:19]
luciashrevolution ? ;)
just joking ;)
chibaguywell, maybe after the craziness of the release, this can be talked about some more. [14:21]
luciashbut i haven't seen any discussion to replace with that logo on dev.tw.o :-[14:22] <chibaguy> no...
i'd agree if it wasn't that much different (no Tiki Wiki+CMS+Gr)
chibaguyI don't understand why there's no indication that it's the dev site. [14:23]
luciashit's in the SItetitle but it's invisible due to the white text on white background :-P [14:24]
that's the title color we talked about here, right?
luciashit's fixed i think, just needs svn up
chibaguyok, at least for that part [14:26]
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chibaguythat logo is also way too wide, imo.
the image includes a lot of white space to the right
luciashi'll rollback to the previous logo just without the "grafitti text" as seen here i think → http://info.tikiwiki.org/Fact+Sheet [14:27]
chibaguyor was the idea to center the site title text? [14:27]
ametteluciash: dev is svn up [14:28]
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luciashamette: great ! thx [14:28]
MartinCleavermornin' all [14:28]
Yoni_hi all [14:28]
luciashhi guys [14:29]
Yoni_konishuwa, ahoj, hallo [14:29]
chibaguymorning, MartinCleaver (and it is almost morning here ;-) ) [14:29]
MartinCleaver:) [14:29]
ametteluciash: errr.... I upped doc.tw.o... :P [14:29]
chibaguykonnichiwa, Yoni_ [14:29]
amettelet me do dev now ;)
hi all :)
luciashamette: oops :D [14:29]
Yoni_(which category best for Nominate Tiki for the 2009 Community Choice Awards ?) [14:30]
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luciashYoni_: i voted for best project and the last one [14:31]
MartinCleaverInteresting - checking the logs, my revision (svn 18659) didn't get announced by CIA-46 in the IRC channel [14:32]
luciashMartinCleaver: sometimes it happens [14:33]
MartinCleaverah, ok.
shame, it was my first tiki commit!
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chibaguy is now known as CIAbaguy
Yoni_k [14:36]
CIAbaguyRevision: 18659 http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/tikiwiki/?rev=18659&view=rev Author: mrjc Date: 2009-05-11 20:52:37 +0000 (Mon, 11 May 2009) Log Message: ----------- [FIX] plugin editor was discarding parameters not listed in module_info (jonnyb, ?194?160as discussed on IRC with nkoth, please help to review. Thanks) [14:36]
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luciashLOL [14:36]
chibaguyA little late and not the real bot, but.... [14:37]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18692 10/branches/3.0/lib/structures/structlib.php: backport from trunk - to have the batch_structure working [14:41]
MartinCleaverheh, thanks chibaguy ;) [14:41]
chibaguysure, and congratulations :-) [14:41]
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Tikiwiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #29 - articles home page - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=29
Recent Bug: Tracker item: #30 - link into chat messages - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=30
Recent Bug: Tracker item: #31 - Renderproblem"?" - http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=31
ametteluciash: dev is svnup [14:45]
sylviegthx amette [14:45]
Yoni_I know it is not really a tiki event even if we are talking about 3.0 version.... i'm gonna be dad for the third time. :) [14:47]
ametteyw [14:48]
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amettehey, cool - congrats Yoni_ :D [14:48]
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Yoni_tks... now we have drums, guitar, bass, voice... i'll had to work for sax and keyboard :) [14:49]
amettehehe ;) [14:49]
nkoth3hmm, maybe I shouldn't have tried to clear the caches...
amette: is it normal that it takes a long time to clear the caches on doc.tw.o?
sylviegcongrats Yoni_ [14:51]
amettenkoth3: hmmm.... dunno... it's been a long time that I did that...
there's not much load on the machine - it should all work well...
nkoth3let me restart my browser and see if it helps [14:53]
amettehmm, ok.. [14:54]
nkoth3ok, the images are back [14:54]
amettehuh, images? [14:54]
nkoth3someone must have svn updated earlier? [14:54]
just a couple of minutes ago
nkoth3without a preferences cache clear, the images will not show, coz img plugin is enabled by default (bu tin the pref) [14:55]
luciashwhat the hell [14:55]
ametteaaaah, ok.. [14:55]
luciashi enabled img wiki plugin on dev.tw.o and got huuuuge list of disabled
nkoth3same reason.
because preferences are cached
luciashaaaah :) [14:56]
nkoth3so you are still running on old preferences....
when you set it
it still not know the existence of the new ones (unless you cleared cache between the svn update and your setting)
luciashdamn, so what plugins should i enable back from the list now :-p [14:57]
nkoth3there should not be any effect [14:58]
luciashall of them i suppose .) [14:58]
nkoth3the disabling is for the inline setting for the plugin, not for the plugin itself [14:58]
luciashall of the ones which were disabled
you're right, sorry i missed that "wikiplugininline"
i have read that as "wikiplugin" :)
nkoth3right, that was why I asked you yesterday if that was changable
because I realized it could be confused
but translating so many is .... well a lot
luciash:) [15:00]
nkoth3amette: did you svn update dev also? - should clear the preferences cache also [15:01]
luciashnkoth3: i was talking about dev.tw.o [15:02]
nkoth3oh right
chibaguyYoni_: congratulations! (I just got back to the keyboard.) [15:03]
luciashYoni_: yeah, great [15:03]
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Yoni_Ah ah ! who's the man ! (wife is out !) [15:04]
luciash*g* [15:05]
chibaguy:-) [15:06]
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chibaguyThe logo is a bit too tall for the bg at http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php, or should be less padding above it.
the logo's text is cut off at bottom (well, looking in opera, anyway)
luciashchibaguy: read the mails :-[15:17] <chibaguy> uh, yeah, I did [15:16]
chibaguyif the results were fantastic, I wouldn't be bothered so much by the process, but... sorry, but doc.tw.o looks quite unprofessional to me right now.... [15:20]
luciashluciash unfortunatelly agrees [15:20]
chibaguylooks like random placement of objects in the header area
and no real design on the rest of the page, just a mix of stuff
i don't know if patrick is laughing or crying (compare to original strasa design).
Yoni_Yoni_ agree too, very nice idea but need serious finishing on doc [15:22]
luciashi suggested use only the logo without any text something like we have on profiles.tw.o and add the sitetitles next to it but apparently it was ignored... :-[15:25] <luciash> see http://profiles.tikiwiki.org [15:24]
chibaguyif there's concern about appearance, I don't think the horizontal menu up there looks so good; it'd be much cleaner without them. [15:26]
luciashor if we stay with the text in the graphics of the logo it must be TikiWiki (not just Tiki) for the project sites name [15:26]
chibaguyeither that or coordinate the menu with the other text some way -- alignment, style, something [15:26]
luciashchibaguy: yes, i don't speak about the menu, but the logo only [15:27]
chibaguyand the boxes down in the page are overdone and make things look too close together. I'd get rid of them and use whitespace. [15:27]
luciashchibaguy: on doc.tw.o ? [15:27]
i mean in the center column
boxes in a box
luciashluciash didn't see the hompage yet
luciash goes to look with his fingers over his eyes
chibaguyyeah (passing luciash, going over to dev.tw.o) dev is cleaner without the top menu
but you're right about the logo and site title at dev.tw.o - it's repetitive
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luciashwell, it's repetitive because i rolled it back kind of [15:33]
chibaguyand as long as I'm ranting, I don't think the left-column bg color and login bg color work very well by themselves. The original dark blue topbar kind of bridged them or somehow made them all ok together... [15:33]
luciashi think i give up and change it back and let the others figure out [15:33]
chibaguy...but without the dark blue, the other two look kinda unrelated to me, not so nice.
but just imho, of course.
luciashluciash already wasted lot of time with this here [15:34]
chibaguywell, thanks for your efforts. [15:34]
luciashdev.tw.o: better ? *g* [15:36]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r18693 10/trunk/templates/ (modules/mod-login_box.tpl wiki-plugins/error_tracker.tpl): [MOD] deploy button plugin to 2 more templates [15:39]
chibaguywell, at least the logo and site title don't repeat so much, but I'm still reading "wiki cms groupware" twice. [15:40]
luciashchibaguy: it was a "joke" [15:41]
chibaguyoh [15:41]
luciashwhat about this jok ? :-p
chibaguy(hard to know when people are serious or joking, on this topic ;-) ) [15:41]
SEWilco2It was a joke joke, I hear hear.
"Knock, knock."
chibaguythe original strasa was good, I thought, because it was so simple. color was not a factor at all.
water under the bridge...
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luciashso the last good looking is tw.o it seems [15:52]
chibaguywell, it's my personal favorite, then info.tw.o.
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ricks99hi all :)
how goes the 3.0 "release"?
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nkoth3ricks99 : still resolving kinks [16:43]
ricks99k. tx [16:47]
Yoni_hi rick [16:47]
ricks99hi yoni :) [16:48]
Yoni_how you are doing ? [16:49]
ricks99anxiously awaiting 3.0 :) [16:49]
Yoni_:) [16:49]
MartinCleaverif I run release.php with --no-tagging and --no-first-update can I trust that it's not going to write back to the repository? [16:50]
Yoni_yes i think it will worth it... [16:50]
ametteaaaah, ok.. [16:51]
MartinCleaverthe code sometimes uses `` & sometimes passthru : calls to svn are not stratified into svntools.php [16:51]
amettehuh, what? did I say that?
amette is happy not to have pasted any passwords or pr0n-links ;)
Yoni_lol [16:52]
ricks99** huh... rick's ears just perked up [16:52]
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ricks99:) [16:52]
amette*G* [16:53]
ricks99just ran svn up, ran new install w/ default profile.... still no logo
** rick really thinks the tw should b in the default profile... looks like something is 'missing'
MartinCleaverlooks like I need --no-secdb too
MartinCleaver is working on this for nkoth3 and would rather not make a mistake on this
nkoth3ricks99, marclaporte removed the logo,
I gather you are not on the devel mailing list?
ricks99y. had talked w/ him yesteday. thought conviced to re-add it, plus some admin only in the custom code [16:57]
luciashluciash ranted about bring the logo back too ;) [16:58]
ricks99i guess not enuf :) [16:58]
luciashi have no more power to rant [16:58]
nkoth3so, if we have logo and some thing admin only in the custom code to indicate way to remove it, and also suggest clear cache, seems to me a good idea [17:00]
luciashnkoth3: all the ingrediences were already sent to marc, now it's up to you to put them in the cook ;) [17:01]
ricks99anyone know why tiki does not honor the %l (lower case "L") for time format
php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php says it is valid
is this a tiki problem? or my php?
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Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [17:14]
nkoth3luciash: starting the stove... [17:14]
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sylviegricks99: it is a tw problem
not everything is implemented in the date lib
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ricks99ah. tx sylvieg [17:41]
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sylviegI think it is lib/pear/Date.php that is incomplete [17:43]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03pingus * r18694 10/mods/trunk/features/aulawiki/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: workspaceslib: get_workspace_type_by_id returns an array, not a string wstype.
tikiwiki: mod-workspace_my: corrected an error in hiding workspaces with hyde= 'y'
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18695 10/branches/3.0/lib/structures/structlib.php: [FIX]structure: demote was not updating the pos of the previous brothers (but the pos of the previous uncles) [18:17]
ChadDa3monSo I hate being 'that guy' but this collapsible sections thing is iirking me, anyone know if they changed/broke it between beta 4 and RC1?
it's not working like it used to
and it was one of the features I really liked, now I can't show it off to others
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sylviegdo you have an url? [18:19]
ChadDa3monthe [+] is below the section, and much smaller, instead of on the same line
not one you can access from the internet
thats the code
sylviegand what us your theme? [18:20]
ChadDa3monit gives me the section name on one line (in big font) and then a little [+] on the next line
I have a beta4 setup and an RC1 that are pretty identical
sylviegI thought it was always on 2 lines [18:21]
ChadDa3monone line on my beta 4 setup, which I thought was normal
if you have an email you don't mind sending me, I can send you screen shots
.... (idle for 19mn)
sylviegin tiki2 it was on 2 lines
so what was the version it was on one line?
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Blog/Wiki crossreference? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=32979 [18:44]
MartinCleaverin http://dev.tikiwiki.org/how%2Bto%2Brelease "To make a list of all possible feature_names used in the code"
is there a grep that would find these?
Assuming nkoth3 wants this done I can do this
MartinCleaver reads up on sec_db [18:57]
ChadDa3monsorry Sylvieg, meeting called
it's 1 line in 3.0b4
!- Hidden Content (click to expand)
gives me: [+] Hidden Content (click to expand)
sylviegthere is an option feature_wiki_show_hide_before [19:05]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03mrjc * r18696 10/trunk/doc/devtools/ (release.php tikirelease.sh): release.php now has --no-commit to avoid commit steps and ; tikirelease.sh is more verbose [19:05]
ChadDa3monwhere's that at?
I don't recognize it, but maybe I came across it and forgot in b4
MartinCleaverCIA-46 is in action [19:06]
ChadDa3monThink I found it in Admin -> Wiki
A HA, you're a genious
Thank you so much for that, thought I was losing my mind
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MartinCleaver18270 sylvieg echo color("nUpload the files on SourceForge.nInstructions can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/59uubvnn", 'cyan');
18481 sylvieg http://tinyurl.com/59uubv
doesn't exist
(from release.php)
that would be because the whole space has disappeared from SF
nkoth3MartinCleaver: sourceforge must have moved the page.
can change it later I suppose
sylvieg??? [19:23]
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nkoth3sylvieg: this was a link in the release.php file pointing to sourceforge wiki for instructions on how to upload files to sf
added by you some time back?
sylviegquestion: do we continue to bug fix in 3.0 unitl release - or we have to move now [19:34]
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nkoth3sylvieg: what kind of bug? [19:34]
sylviegBLOGLIST has a broken date + muissing sefurl [19:35]
nkoth3we are still waitin gfor the 4 profiles to be complete, and the defatult homepage to be enhanced
those should be finished soon (by end of today)
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18697 10/trunk/ (53 files in 33 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/3.0 18627 to 18695 [19:36]
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nkoth3sylvieg: i think we should get ready for release soon, as I have only one more commit left...., but it looks like BLOGLIST patch could be harmless [19:41]
..... (idle for 23mn)
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nkoth3i realise that with jquery on each page takes 38 requests... but I thought that the js files would be cached Am I doing some wong in my browser settngs?
or is there a way to transfer all the js files as one chunk in zipped compressed form or someting?
anyway, I'll turn it off and test more...
now 25.... now turning off mootools
SEWilco2Never trust mootools over 25? [20:11]
nkoth3i now have 20... but still have suckerfish/phplayers/shadowbox on so...
in 4.0 we have to figure out more efficient distrbution of js
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SEWilco2TW needs more ways to make content appear to be files which don't need cookies, so more stuff will get cached. [20:15]
Tikiwiki|botWelcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ . [20:15]
nkoth3SEWilco2: yes [20:16]
Yoni_is it safe to use same db with a tw2.2 and a tw3.0 ?
sylviegyou have to upgrade the db to be usuable in 3 [20:20]
Yoni_ok, i mean this i knew but could this prevent my 2.2 to use the db (testing for now) ? [20:21]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18698 10/branches/3.0/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]BLOGLIST: respect perm + sefurl + multilingual date + use a tpl [20:22]
sylviegno idea [20:22]
Yoni_ok duplication is best
..... (idle for 22mn)
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18699 10/branches/3.0/templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_bloglist.tpl: [FIX]BLOGLIST: Blog post title was supporting html -> no escape [20:44]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18700 10/branches/3.0/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] Do not show edit plugin icons in features other than wikis since they won't save the changes anyway [20:58]
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luciashgood night all, i'm heading to bed... bbl [21:05]
Yoni_goodnight [21:05]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03pingus * r18701 10/mods/trunk/features/aulawiki/templates/tiki-workspaces_resource_types.tpl: Put back the whole drop-down selection menu for adding new objects to workspace [21:18]
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nkoth3anyone noticed that our new logo does not fit into the space available in the theme in dev.tw.o?
when logged out...
same with doc for that matter.... probably css fixable...
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SEWilco2SEWilco2 looks for a logo cleaver icon. [21:38]
Yoniinstalling a svn tw3.0 i got 2 errors while upgrading my db... if it helps :
# 2008-10-04 lphuberdeau
INSERT INTO `tiki_menu_options` (`optionId`, `menuId`, `type`, `name`, `url`, `position`, `section`, `perm`, `groupname`, `userlevel`) VALUES (197,42,'o','Mind Map','tiki-mindmap.php',255,'feature_wiki_mindmap','tiki_p_view','',0)
Duplicate entry '197' for key 1
INSERT INTO users_permissions (permName, permDesc, level, type) VALUES ('tiki_p_search_categorized', 'Can search on objects of this category', 'basic', 'category')
Duplicate entry 'tiki_p_search_categorized' for key 1
using Tiki installer v3.0 rc1
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nkoth3should be no issue
these duplicate entries
strange though
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03wggley * r18702 10/trunk/lib/userslib.php: [FIX] Updating tables with user information. [22:03]
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FF|SkyriderHowdy, again :P
I'm wondering. I know I have a lot of questions, but does tiki has the option to enable some kind of navigation? Browse pages.
Guess I found it :)
This should be under "admin groups", right?
Oddly enough, I do see the usergroups..
Just not the "add new group" part
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18703 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-change_password.tpl: [FIX] do not allow changing of username field when changing password when username is already provided (otherwise users might try to change their username)
tikiwiki: 03wggley * r18704 10/trunk/templates/ (5 files): [FIX] Displaying name of user instead of login based on the user_show_realnames preference.
FF|SkyriderOh, I have a small question when someone's around. I know I should just ask, but if I have to go soon and no one's around, no point in asking :) [22:34]
vilisi_twheres everybody @ [22:36]
nkoth3what's the question? [22:37]
FF|SkyriderIs it possible to add specific pages within the menu on a specific page?
Like, if you visit the page named "awesome", that in the left menu, it'll show automaticly a set of pages that you can add/select.
Much like a category.
i think the options in edit menu options allow you to set links to show based on sections, permission, and group
(not category)
FF|SkyriderBut you can't add manually?
specific pages?
nkoth3i suppose there might be ways....
like in a User module?
FF|SkyriderMm [22:43]
nkoth3modules can be shown on certain pages only
But it's not exactly the same as menu items...
vilisi_thttp://www.maps.gov.ck/tiki-map.php?mapfile=Outer%20Islands%20Water%20and%20Power%20Reticulation%20Feasibility%20Study.map map interface is shown but not the map..HELP! [22:44]
FF|SkyriderWhat about the sections you were talkinga bout? :) [22:44]
nkoth3like feature_search, feature_wiki and so on [22:46]
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FF|SkyriderI wonder if there is a BB code system for Tiki [22:50]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18705 10/branches/3.0/templates/tiki-admin-include-general.tpl: [FIX] Add warning message to avoid users setting store session in db and getting themselves into trouble [22:50]
nkoth3FF|Skyrider: there is wiki syntax :) [22:51]
I can't really see that as BB code.
That's much different
sylviegdid you try page=your+page in admin->modules [22:52]
CIA-46tikiwiki: 03stojanovim * r18706 10/trunk/lib/core/lib/Multilingual/MachineTranslation/GoogleTranslateWrapper.php: - fixed a bug, GoogleTranslate tests work fine now [22:52]
and do different menu
vilisi_thttp://www.maps.gov.ck/tiki-map.php?mapfile=Outer%20Islands%20Water%20and%20Power%20Reticulation%20Feasibility%20Study.map map interface is shown but not the map..HELP! [22:55]
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CIA-46tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18707 10/branches/3.0/tiki-mods.php: [FIX] (UI) Default to show 3.0+ mods, to avoid clutter of lots of old mods by default
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r18708 10/branches/3.0/tiki-mods.php: [FIX] typo in prev commit
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nkoth3vilisi_t: for map, the best person to ask is franck_ [23:15]
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vilisi_t:-/ [23:15]
nkoth3which you probably know? [23:16]
vilisi_tnkoth3: yup [23:16]
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nkoth3anyone here willing to help on some "make graceful degradation for IE6" type issues in 3.0?
rant: http://www.realisingdesigns.com/weblog/2009/01/07/how-many-people-still-use-ie6/
ok, cu tomorrow
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