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vkumar: hello everybody
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ricks99: hi vkumar
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: help now, failed upgrade to 3 - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=33065
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kaiiak: help
Tikiwiki|bot: Welcome to the official Tikiwiki English Irc Channel. TikiWiki or better known as TW, is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution, you can get more infomation at http://info.tikiwiki.org/ .
kaiiak: I just installed v3 and im getting a fatal error about dates, can anyone help me please
ricks99: @kaiiak: what is the error?
kaiiak: from gilb.com I get Fatal error: Call to undefined method TikiDate::getTimezoneId() in /home/gilbcom/public_html/lib/setup/prefs.php on line 818
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kaiiak: line 818 reads: 'server_timezone' => isset($tikidate) ? $tikidate->getTimezoneId() : 'UTC',
marclaporte: php version?
kaiiak: im checking php version
php v 5.2.8
-: ricks99 is out of his expertise zone on this one :(
kaiiak: thanks anyway ricks99
ricks99: off to upgrade smarties to 3.0...
kaiiak: @marclaporte are you looking into this?
@ricks99 where would I go to get help on this issue? Im totally lost!
marclaporte: kaiiak: : Jonny Bradley last played there
kaiiak: I suggest you check file integrity. Perhaps some files got lost/corrupted in upload
vkumar: hi, I am using firebug to inspect my web page.. earlier i had copied contents of an extenal css file to nornia 11.. Now in the firebug css section.. i see free entries striked through.. what does that men ?
kaiiak: marclaporte who is he/how can I contact him?
vkumar: few not free
kaiiak: marclaporte - ok
ricks99: @kaiiak: post in forums maybe?
marclaporte: look in left hand menu http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Security+Admin
vkumar: hi rics marc.. did u see my question ??
marclaporte: kaiiak: : http://profiles.tikiwiki.org/Debug_Mode_Enabled
vkumar: : I don't use Firebug. No idea
ricks99: @vkumar: strikethru means the style is being overridden.
-: ricks99 waiting for ftp.... ssssllllllooooowwwwww
vkumar: ok .. so the last one gets priority ??
ricks99: y. u can override the css.
vkumar: i have not done anything specifc.. may be in some sections i have used /* */. I noticed that ul{} was comming from both the stylesheets, the last one was taken
the first one is strikethru
ok .. i think i have messed up the question.. :)
let me analyze it more
ricks99: good luck
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-: ricks99 *still* waiting to ftp 3.0 to my server :(
ricks99 finally done with ftp
ricks99 starting the upgrade....
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Botrax has joined #tikiwiki
Botrax: Just upgraded from 2.3 to 3.0 and now I have NO available options for the Wiki withing Tikiwiki. Administrator cannot change ANY parameters, they do not appear in Control Panel
One thing gets fixed, but other stuff break.....
marclaporte: Botrax: : whack a mole!
Botrax: URL?
Botrax: URL to what?
mlaporte: to the problem
tiki-admin.php should lead you to everything
admin panels have been reworked to be easier
Botrax ^^
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: WIKI Admin Options missing after 3.0 upgrade - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=33070
Botrax: I go to ADMIN HOME, then to WIKI, I see no WIKI options, just the SAVE CHANGES buttons
EVERY Tikiwiki upgrade is painful and always breaks important stuff.
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vkumar: Hi, can we use firebug to edit an existing code of up and running tikiwiki ??
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Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Cannot redeclare class Zend_Filter_Interface in /usr/local/lib/php/Zend/Filter/Interface.php - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=33071
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Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Aula Wiki - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=15&comments_parentId=33072
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r18928 10/trunk/templates/edit_file_gallery.tpl: [FIX] list_file_gallery: look fix only. Both tabs cannot be "active" when we arrive on that template
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r18929 10/branches/proposed/templates/edit_file_gallery.tpl: [FIX] list_file_gallery: look fix only. Both tabs cannot be "active" when we arrive on that template
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r18930 10/branches/experimental/coe/lib/ (fckeditor_tiki/plugins/mediawiki/fckplugin.js tikilib.php): [ENH] FCK+WYSIWYG To HTML : add plugin support
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mib_2w1ssl: Hi there, just upgraded from 2.4 to 3.0 an now sidebar behaves strange (content is on top of the page, and sidebar is only on the left side under the main content). What's going wrong?
kaiiak: I just installed tiki v3 and im getting a fatal error, help apreciated
mib_2w1ssl: what kind of error do you get kaiiak?
kaiiak: http://www.gilb.com/ Fatal error: Call to undefined method TikiDate::getTimezoneId() in /home/gilbcom/public_html/lib/setup/prefs.php on line 818
line 818 reads: 'server_timezone' => isset($tikidate) ? $tikidate->getTimezoneId() : 'UTC',
mib_2w1ssl: mmmh, how did you upgrade? via shell or webfrontend?
kaiiak: I uploaded the files using an ftp client, then ran the upgrade script
mib_2w1ssl: OK, I used the webinterface. Did you check if the mentioned file is correct? Maybe you can try to fix via http://www.gilb.com/tiki-install.php
kaiiak: how do I check that it is correct? I have uploaded it again. And I have run the tiki-install.php again
it was an upgrade from latest v2. Right now im in the process of uploading all the file again, and running the installer again. Put that is just out of desparation
mib_2w1ssl: which timezone is configured in line 818? mine looks like this: 'server_timezone' => isset($tikidate) ? $tikidate->getTimezoneId() : 'UTC',
kaiiak: thanks for looking that up, looks just like mine
'server_timezone' => isset($tikidate) ? $tikidate->getTimezoneId() : 'UTC',
so it is probably not that line, but something it refers to/ where it pools the info ???
mib_2w1ssl: sorry, no idea so far,... have to fix my wired sidebar-problem first - maybe later on *grgrg*
kaiiak: well thanks and good luck. Im totally lost here if you do get an idea, please post it here http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=33065&thread_sort_mode=commentDate_asc
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mib_2w1ssl: OK,... did you ever had a sidebar that appeared under only the main content?
kaiiak: no, it says something about changes to the css needed for v3 here: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Upgrade+2.x+to+3.x&bl=y
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kaiiak: I need help (desparately) just upgraded to v3 and I get a fatal error: Fatal error: Call to undefined method TikiDate::getTimezoneId() in /home/gilbcom/public_html/lib/setup/prefs.php on line 818
mib_2w1ssl: I use tikineat.css sytle - why are my columns gone?
kaiiak: hi mib I guess just u and I here, sorry I cant help u
mib_2w1ssl: damned,... :-(
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chibaguyj: mib_2w1ssl, the tikineat theme isn't compatible with Tiki 3. You'll need to change themes.
luciash: polom this sunny morning
mib_2w1ssl: which one is the recommended theme for V3?
luciash: mib_2w1ssl: thenews, strasa, coelesce, feb12, tikinewt, darkroom are these bundled
mib_2w1ssl: others you can get at mods or themes.tikiwiki.org
hmm, http://dev.tikiwiki.org/SUMO+Upstream+Process doesn't load for me
mib_2w1ssl: woowwh STRASA looks cute! thanks a lot!
kaiiak: I need help (desparately) just upgraded to v3 and I get a fatal error: Fatal error: Call to undefined method TikiDate::getTimezoneId() in /home/gilbcom/public_html/lib/setup/prefs.php on line 818
luciash: hmm, kaiiak, is your php 5 configured with pear date support ?
kaiiak: you can login to your tiki or is it really fatal ?
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luciash: kaiiak: can you display tiki-admin.php?page=general in your browser ?
kaiiak: if not, then you can try to change in your database table tiki_preferences the value of feature_pear_date to 'n'
vkumar: hi gary.. how r u ?
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chibaguyj: hi vkumar. mibbet got restarted so I got disconnected.
vkumar: ok.. whats the j ?
not letting you in
kaiiak: hi luciash thanks for ideas. I was afk
chibaguyj: hmm, typo I guess.
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kaiiak: the good news is that I have re-uploaded the files, and now I get to the login. the site is all messed up (CSS) but Ill be looking into that and whatever else I need to do now.
vkumar: ok .. gary i am stuck with the menu section
kaiiak: Im really stoked Im passed that first hurdle, I have been working on it for hours without much progress :-)
vkumar: div.option a.linkmenu:hover {} what does this mean ??
chibaguy: here's a quiz: how many files are in the Tiki 3 package?
luciash: kaiiak: when upgrading i prefer to put new version in new directory or at least rename styles to styles_old and templates to templates_old before copying over
to prevent theme incompatibilities
chibaguy: heh, good one
chibaguy: answer: 8558
luciash: vkumar: empty CSS property for hovered links selector
chibaguy: kewl !
chibaguy: i know because I'm ftping them all to my server. ;-)
luciash: chibaguy: nice number
chibaguy: yeah, nice and symetrical
vkumar: ok so it will take the value mentioned in a, a:active, a:hover by default
chibaguy: that's right, vkumar.
luciash: vkumar: that one empty is menu options specific
vkumar: and if .linkmenu a:link a:hover is mentioned... the default is discarded
luciash: vkumar: so if you want them different, put something in there ;)
vkumar: and if .linkmenu a:link a:hover is mentioned... the default is discarded ?
luciash: vkumar: .linkmenu:link, .linkmenu:hover {} should work
chibaguy: about editing with firebug, the edit only has effect in your browser and only for that session, it isn't saved at the server.
anyway, that's my understanding. I don't edit with firebug myself.
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luciash: vkumar: or maybe better a.linkmenu:link, a.linkmenu:hover {} should work
hi geoff :)
vkumar: ok luciash
eromneg: Hi luci - is dev.tikiwiki down??
luciash: eromneg: yes, seems so
eromneg: OK - thanks
vkumar: what if I want to make some changes in the code...
luciash: amette: ring ring
chibaguy: vkumar: then you have to edit the stylesheet itself and ftp or whatever method you use to change server files.
luciash: vkumar: use Edit CSS feature in Tiki or edit the styles/theme-yourthemecopy.css directly in your favorite code editor
vkumar: you can enable it on Look & Feel
vkumar: then it appears under Admin menu expanded
chibaguy: luciash, did you check that it works in tiki 3?
luciash: and improved
chibaguy: yes, i use it actually
and improved
chibaguy: ok, great :-)
luciash: for tiki 3
chibaguy: that's good news
luciash: you can just save and reload to see the changes
(it will not yell the submit form has to be re-submitted now)
vkumar: ok .. and if i wish to change the code... like put a navmenu
luciash: still no syntax highlighting or other fancy stuff but it works better now
chibaguy: I think Tiki is changing from one of the hardest web software to style, to one of the easiest. :-)
luciash: vkumar: to put a navmenu you don't have to change code
chibaguy: hehe :)
vkumar: no if i wish to change the mnu_application menu
to 3d say for example
luciash: chibaguy: we have to put some more instructions for the upgraders and theme makers still
3d ?
vkumar: ?
vkumar: :) say for example :)
chibaguy: there's a lot of choices: theme options, custom.css in a theme's style directory, the shadow divs option, etc.
yes, we need good docs.
luciash: vkumar: just use what Look & Feels offers to you
Admin > Admin home (I hate to type this) > Look and Feel
vkumar: ok in look and feel what should i do ?
luciash: play :)
in the General Layout you can input custom code instead of using the easy tiki top bar menu
vkumar: ok but that is only for top bar right
chibaguy: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-my_tiki.php.php causes a tiki 404 error.
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luciash: vkumar: under General Layout > Top Bar you can check it on and see if you like the top bar menu
chibaguy: oh, there's an extra php there. hmm.
luciash: chibaguy: a typo in the menu ?
chibaguy: yeah, looks like. I'm checking now.
luciash: vkumar: but you can put your custom "3d" menu in Custom Code textarea for example
vkumar: do you see ?
vkumar: ya i have done that.. i have also made a 3d menu module and assigned to right
luciash: cool
vkumar: if i wish to edit the mnu_applications menu.. what should i do ?
not edit... code it
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chibaguy: mnu_applications menu has a typo.
vkumar: mnu_application menu
chibaguy: (bad url for mytiki page)
vkumar: :)
chibaguy: Is it distributed that way? or did it get edited at doc.tw.o?
must have gotted edited. I see the url is ok at another tiki 3 site.
gotted -> gotten
luciash: yes
or maybe it was bad before in some beta version and got stucked still on doc.tw.o somehow
chibaguy: Anyway, I wanted to change my theme preference there because on http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Upgrade+2.x+to+3.x the css menu dropdowns display behind the video.
luciash: if you want to code it explore the modules/ code
chibaguy: ...so was checking if it does that in other themes (so far, yes)
luciash: k
chibaguy: a z-index problem? or because it's flash?
luciash: flash must have parameter
chibaguy: <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> ? - is what i just googled for and found
luciash: yes
or wmode="transparent"
chibaguy: "…and in the line that starts out <embed src="...>, you must add ‘wmode="transparent"‘."
luciash: sure :)
chibaguy: http://brassblogs.com/blog/son-of-suckerfish-and-flash
so the flash plugin needs to be modified.
luciash: you didn't know that ? i wonder if it's not in bundled tiki plugins
FLASH should have it passed as a param, YOUTUBE can have it hardcoded i think
vkumar: could not find that luciash... do i need a source file ?
luciash: do we have other flash plugins ?
vkumar: the module is built from the menus data in database i think, dunno where exactly
chibaguy: mediaplayer too
luciash: chibaguy: ah, yep, that one
chibaguy: maybe wikiplugin_myspace
"Displays a SWF myspace mp3 playlist on the wiki page"
vkumar: say for instance if you view source of the main page it shows mnu_application_menu.. each option is a div.. If i wish to put an unorderd list in place of the divs.. what should i do ?
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luciash: vkumar: try the css menu, it uses ul
vkumar: how do we do that ?
luciash: vkumar: create custom module and put {menu css=y id=43 type=vert} there
vkumar: then to the assigned module parameters put overflow=y
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luminoso: hi
i want, on a wiki article to link to http://luminoso.ws/tw/tiki-galleries.php
what is the best way to do this?
(by the way: i am new to tikiwiki)
should i use and internal or external link? it seems that internal is only to wiki pages
vkumar: luciash.. thats cool.. but if i give oveflow=y.. the dropdowns are missing
i am sorry... in IE the drop downs are missing
and yes this one uses ul... thanks verymuch luciash
bye gary.. bye luciash... see you later
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Floh1111: hi is there a function to get the fileid from the filename?
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Floh1111: something like getFileIdByFileName?
gezza: Hi! I have a problem since the upgrade to 3.0. We decided to switch on the wiki staging and approval, tryed to make it work but somehow we could not approve pages (not even as admin, we were follwoing the instructions here http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Wiki+Page+Staging+and+Approval). After a while we gave up and decided to switch it off
but now when editing a page the content gets duplicated
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: show/hide open a page with a side menu closed - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=33082
gezza: and I can not remove it, when i go back to edit mode and delete than save it appears on more time again
I switched off all staging features, cleared cache but now run out of ideas
have you met this problem before?
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luminoso: uploading images i have this: Note: Maximum image size is limited to 200.00 Mb
when i upload a zip file with photos i recive a warning with "maximum file size exceded"
but the zip have only 14MB!
any ideas?
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LordVan: luminoso, php.ini limit?
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18931 10/trunk/templates/ (tiki-upload_file.tpl tiki-upload_image.tpl): [MOD]upload: change the message to an around limit as the computation is not exact
luminoso: LordVan, php lmit for file uploads is 200mb
is there ay tikiwiki forum where i can post some questions?
LordVan: tw.org ?
was there a limit to set in tiki itself too? hmm
sylvieg: is it am img in image gal or a file in file gal or a file in comments?
there are a couple of system param see doc http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Image+Gallery+Config
+ tehre are soem limit in the tw admin pannel for soem feature
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r18932 10/branches/experimental/coe/lib/ (fckeditor_tiki/plugins/mediawiki/fckplugin.js tikilib.php): [FIX] include_once smarty icon function
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r18933 10/branches/experimental/coe/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] include_once smarty icon function
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18934 10/trunk/modules/mod-since_last_visit_new.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Tracker items with trackerId=0 caused major error
tikiwiki: (unfinished profile created them during development)
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r18935 10/branches/experimental/coe/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] missing globals
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LordVan: bugfixes to 3.0 already .. nice&quick ;)
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r18936 10/branches/experimental/coe/lib/fckeditor_tiki/plugins/mediawiki/fckplugin.js: [FIX] htmltowiki : empty table cell...
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: image galley - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_parentId=33085
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18937 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD]tracker: option 'creator is assigned to group' + 'and it becomes his defautl group'
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r18938 10/branches/experimental/coe/lib/fckeditor_tiki/plugins/mediawiki/fckplugin.js: [ENH] htmltowiki : handle -- -- <strike> and <del>
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r18939 10/branches/experimental/coe/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] restore custom FCK toolbar, add more supported tag
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Forums broken? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_parentId=33091
mib_2w1ssl: How can I submit a translation of "Most popular tags" in german lanuage in my system, and how can I contribute it to the tikiwikicommunity?
sylvieg: mib_2w1ssl: are you ready to complete the German translation?
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18940 10/branches/proposed/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Add #fgalexplorer to the JQuery flip() "toggle" exceptions as it's a table-cell and the animation gets messed up.
tikiwiki: Also added set cookie for toggled elements state.
tikiwiki: [bp/r18912] (i.e. backport of revision 18912 to trunk)
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r18941 10/branches/proposed/ (54 files in 42 dirs): [MRG] manual merge, /branches/3.0:18886-18940 (after 3.0 release)
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mib_2w1ssl: @<sylvieg>: why not,... drop me a short note via mail: wiki-at-artoc.de cheers, chris
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ChadDa3mon: In the other wiki's I've used...a section heading usually has a horizontal line under it
is there an option somewhere in tiki for this, or is it part of the theme I'm using maybe?
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r18942 10/branches/experimental/coe/lib/fckeditor_tiki/plugins/mediawiki/fckplugin.js: [FIX] HTMLToWiki : fix space before lists
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chibaguy: ChadDa3mon: This could be added in the theme CSS file (or at a site in a theme's styles/<themename>/custom.css file); none of the bundled themes have that now.
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ChadDa3mon: thanks Chiba
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r18943 10/branches/experimental/coe/lib/fckeditor_tiki/plugins/mediawiki/fckplugin.js: [FIX] HTMLToWiki : fix section transformation
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18944 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [FIX]group: divers fixes to the default group
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r18945 10/branches/experimental/coe/tiki-editpage.php: [FIX] HTMLToWiki : fix switching from normal to wysiwyg
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chibaguy: Does anyone know why I would get this error after upgrading a tiki 2.3 site to 3.0: "Error: the xajax Javascript component could not be included. Perhaps the url is incorrect? URL: lib/ajax/xajax/xajax_js/xajax_core.js
the file is actually at that url.
sylvieg: did you clean your browser cache?
marclaporte: try sh setup.sh
chibaguy: I don't have shell access at the server.
I've cleared the caches a few times.
also the CSRF confirmation step click just reloads the confirmation.
and none of my modules have boxes or titles.
things are a mess.
I updated by ftp-ing over an existing 2.3 install, but got such bad results I figured the ftp "replace if newer source" file dates must not have been read correctly or something.
so have been deleting directories and uploading new files, starting with lib and now templates and styles and root directory files.
still problems.
one php error: PHP (5.2.5) NOTICE (8): File: Smarty.class.php(1933) : eval()'d code Line: 3 Type: Undefined index: page
don't know if that's relevant or not.
well, there's plenty of room for user error, and installs at other sites are ok, so will keep checking.
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18946 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD]SUBSCRIBEGROUPS: option show_group_description
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chibaguy: damn. if all of lib/, templates/, styles/, modules/ and all root .php files are deleted and replaced, and all site and local caches cleared, shouldn't the upgrade work?
MartinCleaver: marclaporte: am in the SUMO meeting
chibaguy: In the error message "syntax error: plugin function smarty_block_tikimodule() not found in lib/smarty_tiki//block.tikimodule.php"...
are the double slashes a problem, or ok?
marclaporte: MartinCleaver: : which chatroom?
MartinCleaver: Telephone
See http://dev.tikiwiki.org/SUMO%2BUpstream%2BProcess
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chibaguy: don't know why, but turning off 'Smarty security' (which I had turned on w/o really knowing how it works, etc.) solved my missing module parts problem (or anyway coinciding with the problem disappearing).
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mib_exl4m7: any chance someone can help me with user creating problems: they are automatically created as members of admin group and I can't remove them from it. I tried both manual and bulk creation of new users.... any idea whats going on?
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r18947 10/branches/proposed/lang/fr/language.php: [FIX] Minor typo
chibaguy: mib_exl4m7, never heard of that problem before. what tiki version are you using?
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mib_exl4m7: hi chibaguy... its 2.4 i think
yes, just checked
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chibaguy: at my 2.3 site, I created a user, and he is just "Registered," as expected. I don't know what would cause him to be admin.
(I mean at your site.)
mib_exl4m7: yeah, registered stands to reason...i even used group mangement
i just tried again having cleared site cache.. samething
is there a default setting of groups that new users are assigned to??
SEWilco2: mib_exl4m7: Check if group "Anonymous" has been given admin permissions. Registered tends to inherit Anonymous permissions.
chibaguy: On tiki-admin.php?page=login, do you have anything set that would cause this?
SEWilco2: mib_exl4m7: Maybe Registered is inheriting Admin permissions (called "included" in Group admin pages). I don't remember how to remove included groups.
mib_exl4m7: checking these... thanks
take a few!
SEWilco2: yes, registered were inheriting admin properties! solved... thanks!
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chibaguy: hmm, so they weren't actually members of 'admin' group, but were registered and inheriting admin properties (just to clarify)?
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mib_exl4m7: that appears to be the case chibaguy
chibaguy: ah, ok.
mib_exl4m7: thanks for the help.. i'm just learning about tikiwiki, want to use for courses i teach
chibaguy: you're welcome.
mib_exl4m7: take care!
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grivest: Hello there, I'm wondering if I could get help on my upgrade from 2.2 to 3.0... I made backups, started install.php, and after giving db access codes, the first thing I tried was switching the language to french on the installation page - now the whole site only gives error 500 (internal db error)...
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FF|Skyrider: Hi
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FF|Skyriderz: Can someone confirm a bug for me?
sylvieg: grivest: do ou have a lang/fr/language.php file
grivest : you can try to check and chage the values in the database - table tiki_preferences look for name like %lang%
grivest: ok, checking
language.php exists
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Where are Tiki's Admin Settings Stored - Config File or Database Table(s)? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=33098
FF|Skyriderz: I installed 3.0 yesterday (fresh), and now I wish to edit account settings of someone within the user admin page.
When when I click the edit button, all I see is 1 button that you can select in the top left.. and that's it.
loading stops
grivest: sylvieg: I just changed language to "en" in the db, still gives an error
chibaguy: FF|Skyriderz: You're on tiki-adminusers.php?
sylvieg: you need to close your browser - ... to be sure it is not cached in your SESSION vars
grivest: OK, this will close the chat session, brb
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chibaguy: FF|Skyriderz: or you clicked on a user on tiki-adminusers.php and then are on the page to edit the user?
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grivest: sylvieg: back... still gives out error, I've also tried on a different computer
FF|Skyriderz: on tiki-adminusers.php , "edit account settings: username"
sylvieg: grivest: do yopu have a more meaningful message in your error log
chibaguy: Things seem normal to me at my site, for that page.
FF|Skyriderz: http://esforces.com/issue.jpg <-
that's what I get
that's it..
grivest: If I knew where the db error log was stored, I could check... perhaps this error is something I should first check with my web host?
chibaguy: I'd say either your installation isn't complete, or you need more php memory.
do you recall what the memory figure was reported as, during the install procedure?
sylvieg: grivest: if you are using cpanle - tehr is usually a button 'error l;og'
grivest: no, no cpanel
FF|Skyriderz: 32MB
chibaguy: as far as I know, that should be enough.
any other pages acting strange?
FF|Skyriderz: nope.
Just this one
The only thing I do remember if I go to a page manually.. like xxxx.com/gohan
it brings me back to the main page..
it should ask me to create the page as it doesnt exist
chibaguy: did you rename _htaccess to .htaccess, in your tiki root directory?
FF|Skyriderz: yup
chibaguy: maybe your server doesn't support it.
so you could contact the server admin about that.
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18948 10/trunk/tiki-view_tracker_item.php: [FIX]categ: check feature
chibaguy: anyway, I gotta take the dog out. will be back later.
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FF|Skyriderz: chibaguy_away
I think I got it
The user "admin" lacks access..
At least, lacked.
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r18949 10/branches/3.0/lang/fr/language.php: [FIX] Correct tense
tim432: i upgraded to 3.0 last night and my css is messed up it appears. when trying to change to a 3.0 theme, i am unable to see the 'look & feel' options, they are to the right of the website and i cant see them. please help
sylvieg: You are not able to see the columns?
tim432: right
now i am unable to login as an admin either
there is no login option anywhere on the site, it is usually in in the top bar
sylvieg: tiki-login_scr.php
I lost again the page - that explain the style difference in 3
tim432: k logged in now
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tim432: still same issue with the look&feel (and all options under Admin Home) - i am unable to see anything, the box is on the far right of the screen
partially hidden by 2 modules
chibaguy: tim432, what theme are you using?
tim432: moreneat
chibaguy: it's no longer compatible
tim432: is there a way to revert back to a default and choose a new theme in 3.0?
sylvieg: tiki-admin.php?page=look
chibaguy: you could delete templates/moreneat/ tpl files
that would force the use of default templates and probably allow the page to be seen
(delete or rename templates/moreneat/ )
tim432: sylvieg - the L&F page still displays the same
chibaguy - ill try that
sylvieg: did you change the theme in this apge?
tim432: i didnt, but the moreneat theme probably did
chibaguy: (I mean templates/styles/moreneat)
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tim432: chibaguy - that worked, which themes are 3.0? all of the options seem to be the same 2.2
chibaguy: in tiki 3.0, coelesce, darkroom, feb12, strasa, thenews, and tikinewt are in the package.
workerbee: When is the expected release of version 3?
chibaguy: but if you have upgraded from tiki 2, you need to delete the tiki 2 version files from their templates/styles/ directories.
since these themes now use the default template files.
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r18950 10/branches/3.0/ (. templates/edit_file_gallery.tpl):
tikiwiki: Quality Team Backport
tikiwiki: r18929 | pkdille | 2009-05-20 08:56:51 +0200 (mer. 20 mai 2009) | 1 line
tikiwiki: [FIX] list_file_gallery: look fix only. Both tabs cannot be "active" when we arrive on that template
chibaguy: darkroom, feb12, thenews, and tikinewt should have only index.php and credits.tpl in their templates/styles/(themename) directories
tim432: chibaguy - ok i just cleaned up those theme folders
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sacra: hi, I have an issue with logins and a DNS alias
if I access the site with http://my.server.name/tikiwiki/, logins work OK
if I access it with http://my.server.alias, they don't work
I think this is something with the session cookie generation, but I'm not sure
chibaguy: tim432, any improvement?
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sacra: do I need any special config if I use a DNS alias?
sylvieg: sacra: I have a site like that - I did not notice any pb
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r18951 10/branches/proposed/lang/fr/language.php: [QT] Rollback changes on language.php since it has to be commited to the stable branch directly
sacra: maybe it's the way I configured the apache virtual host
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sacra: is there an example of how it should be configured for TW?
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sacra: hmm, I think that's it
made a small change and it worked, just need to figure out how to do it without breaking the rest :)
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: How to disable "plugin pending approval" feature in 3.0? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=33099
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r18952 10/trim/ (6 files in 3 dirs): [NEW] Allow basic installation through FTP (requires curlftpfs)
sacra: got it :)
sylvieg: I think I'll commit some of the LDAP stuff we talked about into proposed
tim432: chibaguy - yeah its good now, just a few adjustments to be made, but thanks a bunch
sylvieg: sacra : cool - I still no time to finish my fixes - too many parallels jobs
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chibaguy: tim432: good to hear. :-)
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tim432: did the iframe plugin change?
the syntax looks the same in 3.0 as in 2.2
but none of my iframes are showing up
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sylvieg: tim432: did you enable the plugin>
tim432: the mods says You will probably some find mods shown as being compatible with older versions of Tiki will work with later versions with little or no modification. Your help is needed! Please visit dev.tikiwiki.org to find out more.
i cant enable it for some reason
marclaporte: tim432: : iframe is now bundled
tim432: thats what i thought, but it isn't working. it was previously in 2.2 and i just upgraded to 3.0
marclaporte: did you try various browsers? I heard of white page issue on ie7
tim432: same in FF and IE, it says IFRAME Plugin Disabled
sylvieg: tim432: tiki-admin.php?page=textarea#tab2
it is where you enable it
tim432: that works
appreciate it
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: file gallery menu not working for register 3 group and they have permissions - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_parentId=33103
New Forum Posts: file gallery menu not working for register 3 group and they have permissions - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_parentId=33102
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franck: The duplicate tracker code is broken with mirror tables. I had to create the tables myself in mysql
marclaporte: franck: : miror tables is unmaintained should be pulled out of Tiki
no maitainer for 2+ years. It's dead
franck: yes, if there is a transition path
marclaporte: and there has been a warning in admin panel for a long time
franck: or a converter from old tables to new
I have sites with mirror tables
marclaporte: ok, so who should do this transition path?
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marclaporte: I think realistically, no one will ever volunteer for that
franck: here is a friendly challenge to prove me wrong :-)
I made a big mistake a long time ago
mose was against adding this feature
sylvieg: franck: usually peoplem export the database in csv format and import
franck: I think mirror tables is great but never been used to potential
marclaporte: It was added by gillesm just before a release
sylvieg: seems to be easy
marclaporte: I also think it has amazing potential and this is why I argued with mose to let it be added to the code.
franck: well the mirror table code has not been pulled out from 3.0?
marclaporte: and in this case, mose was correct. It should never have been accepted
nowadays, we can accept as experimental. So at least, people are warned that they should be careful
franck: : no, it was not pulled to because some people like you, xavi and others are stuck with data
franck: ok
Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Recreating the account validation link. - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=33105
marclaporte: franck: : I hope we can dump in 4.0: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/RoadMap#Release_schedule
franck: or keep?
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franck: marclaporte: in your roadmap, you should include stuff under the hood, like improve API, add tests to the code, etc...
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marclaporte: just tell me where to find enough coders and I will gladly put more stuff
franck: hehe
marclaporte: improve API: that is fluff
everyone says that
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marclaporte: and when I ask for specific examples, I never get an answer
franck: marclaporte: yes, so you need to divide tht in things more specific
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franck: well for instance, one single place to have a text entry
be it in wiki, comments, blog, etc... ensure the text entry is the same code called from API
ricks99: Q: is there a script I run run against all my wiki pages (in the db) that will automatically create wiki links, if they're not there already?
for example, if page FOO has the text ALPHA BETA and a page named ALPHA BETA exists, is there a script I can run to change it to ((ALPHA BETA)) ?
marclaporte: ricks99: : never heard of that but there is hotwords
franck: another thing is documenting the code, adopt something like doxygen, and start documenting the code
ricks99: would b *very* helpful when porting docs/pages/etc into tiki
hm... hotwords... maybe... tx marc
hm.. .hotwords do not create backlinks :(
marclaporte: franck: http://de.tikiwiki.org/dox-BRANCH-3-0/html/
ricks99: : yup
franck: marclaporte: cool
ricks99: bummer
really would like/need to have back links created too
how do others approach this problem when creating a tiki from existing content?
FF|Skyriderz: When I go to my own tikiwiki site, for example: wiki.xxxxx.com/pagehere
shouldn't it say "pagehere doesn't exist, do you wish to create it"?
or something like that
ricks99: deepnds...
do u have the "if page does not exist go to similar" option?
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FF|Skyriderz: I don't want it to go to similar honestly :o,
or.. that option also asks you to create the page if not existing?
ricks99: then make sure u have that option off. :)
FF|Skyriderz: Honestly..
ricks99: do u have perm to create new pages? it should allow u to create the page
FF|Skyriderz: when I go to any page that does not exists
it refers me back to the main site
I can create sites, but as mentioned above.. if I manually type in a name to go to, it just goes back to the wiki site.
the homepage
ricks99: try non-sefurl
FF|Skyriderz: same
back to main page
ricks99: this in 3.0?
FF|Skyriderz: yup
3.0 RC1 worked fine
luminoso: i have a bug that is: on image upload to image galleries my php upload limit is 200MB. i upload a zip file with 13MB. i get an error: file size exceeded.
any tip on this? i changed from images on database to images in directory. tested with single photo upload and zip with 2/3 photos and no problem.
FF|Skyriderz: timeout?
luminoso: timeout can produce the size limit error?
ricks99: @luminoso: if u r using a shred host, ur provider may impose limits that override your specific php.ini
i have seen this many times
@FF|Skyriderz: don't know. sorry
luminoso: ricks99, i've uploaded bigger files before with RC1
FF|Skyriderz: alrighty, thanks though
luminoso: also. i may test with RC1. i stil have a parallel version installed
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r18953 10/trim/ (10 files in 3 dirs): [NEW] Instance backup through FTP
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03wggley * r18954 10/trunk/templates/mail/user_watch_blog_post.tpl: [FIX] Displaying name of user instead of login based on the user_show_realnames preference.
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03wggley * r18955 10/trunk/lang/ (15 files in 14 dirs): [FIX] Displaying name of user instead of login based on the user_show_realnames preference.
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luminoso: ok
now i am shore that is a bug!
i have a 30MB zip file with photos.
php post/upload limit: 200MB
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luminoso: i upload the photos to image gallerie and i get error: "file size exceeded"
i upload it to file galleries: no problem
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luminoso: anyone?
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SEWilco2: luminoso: Maybe the image galleries and file galleries are treating zip files differently. I don't recall if they do that, or if there are configuration options.
-: SEWilco2 notices the cache wastebaskets are never full.
luminoso: SEWilco2, i am only uploading 30MB
is not that much, is it? :-[21:20] <luminoso> SEWilco2, with who or where can i talk more about this?
CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18957 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD]SUBSCRIBEGROUPS: groupHome link + wysiwyg on unassign
SEWilco2: luminoso: There is a forum, or try at a different time. Others might be asleep or commuting right now.
luminoso: SEWilco2, what is the forum link please?
SEWilco2: 30MB is the size of the zip, but the contents are larger? I don't know how that might be handled.
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luminoso: SEWilco2, JPEGs are all smaller than 1MB
average 350KB
:-[21:24] <luminoso> !help
Tikiwiki|bot: You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot .
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r18958 10/trim/ (4 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Site locking during updates
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tim432: is anyone having problems adding a Google Gadget to a wiki page using the JS plugin? I am getting an "Information is temp. unavailable" when displaying the app.
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HerrPi: How do I show a module (e.g. shoutbox) only when clicked on one specific menu item?? I know about the module parameter "page" but that seems only to be for wiki pages???
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CIA-65: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r18959 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD]SUBSCRIBEGROUPS: defaulturl option
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luminoso: HerrPi, no ideia
HerrPi: well... very sad!! but this has to be possible!!!
sylvieg: I do not think so
HerrPi: why not? shouldn't this be one of the minimum requirements of such a system that i can decide when to display certain modules and when not??
luminoso: sylvieg, are u a developer? i never know who are the developers on this channel
sylvieg: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Module+Parameters&structure=Documentation
it is not here
Yeh I am an devalopper
it is easy to do - nut nobody did it
HerrPi: develop it yourself - I can help - or find a consultant
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HerrPi: well, on that page it says "page" as a parameter. but does this refer only to wiki page names??
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sylvieg: no it is wiki page
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sylvieg: - should fix trhe doc
tiki-modules.php is easy to patch with something like url=
HerrPi: can you php a little bit?
HerrPi: yeah!
sylvieg: lok at tiki-modules.php
do you see something like if ($pass == 'y' && isset($module_params['section'] ...
HerrPi: ok, and there i could add someting for url or anything...
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HerrPi: and what would you suggest?
sylvieg: just after you will have to do somethink like if ($pass == 'y' && isset($module_params['url']) && $module_params['url'] == $_SESSION[....])) $pass='y';
I let you find the SESSSION var that = your url and the after you wil add url=your_url in the params in admin->module
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HerrPi: so then i could just enter the urls (i.e. the php pages actually) i wish to see the shoutbox, for example?
sylvieg: yeh more or alees - but if you can program php - I think you can figure this out
and if you figreu out - you are welcome to commit back to trunk
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HerrPi: yay, i guess so... cool thing, and already i've joined the community! :-) ok, i'll try that tomorrow... thanks a lot, i'll come back when there are more questions! :-) byebye everyone!
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nyloth: Hi all
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marclaporte: hi nyloth!
Can I call you mister quality? :-)
nyloth: lol
I hope I'm not alone to worry about quality :)
ricks99_: hi mr quality :)
marclaporte: :-) :-) :-)
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snarlydwarf: with image galleries being pretty much deprecated, it would be nice to have some way to convert image gals to file gals
nyloth: :)
snarlydwarf: yes, sure, it's planned for 4.x
snarlydwarf: and some way to hash directories or something so we don't have 19209130 files in the same dir?
i did a cheapo hack for that for image gals on my system (i futz with the db and cheat) but it breaks thumb nail caching :P
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luminoso: sylvieg, can you take a look at this please? http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=2517&trackerId=5&show=view&offset=1250&reloff=32&cant=1283&status=o&trackerId=5&sort_mode=f_41_desc