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*** | MartinCleaver has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) | [00:17] |
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nelek has joined #tikiwiki | [00:32] | |
nelek | hello
how can i integrate html code in a tikiwiki edit? i want to put an iframe in a post !help | [00:32] |
Tikiwiki|bot | You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . | [00:32] |
CIA-65 | tikiwiki: 03marcoaasilva * r19042 10/branches/3.0/lang/pt-br/language.php: pt-br translation | [00:37] |
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Caarrie | nelek: this is a bad time to find people around in this channel, trying looking on the docs wiki for an iframe plugin | [01:14] |
nelek | apparantly :)
when is this channel most active? | [01:15] |
Caarrie | mid day USA time zones | [01:15] |
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jappareti | i have a menu that's only being displayed to admins. i have all of the menu option permissions set to admin and registered user groups. is there somewhere else i can set the permissions of the menu? | [01:20] |
nelek | okay. i found an iframe plugin but when i add it, it says that the plugin is not active
how can i activate a plugin? | [01:24] |
Caarrie | check in admin for it, i am not sure | [01:24] |
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*** | Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping | [02:07] |
Tikiwiki|bot | New Forum Posts: How can Articles Be Auto Approved? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=33152 | [02:08] |
CIA-65 | tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r19043 10/trunk/styles/ (coelesce.css strasa.css): [FIX] Tab text contrast problem in IE6 ('visited' state) corrected. | [02:20] |
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nelek | i found it and got it working :) | [02:38] |
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anybody know how to play with tikiwiki templates?
!help templates | [02:55] | |
Tikiwiki|bot | You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . | [02:56] |
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jappareti has quit IRC () mib_iwaow7 has quit IRC (Client Quit) | [03:00] |
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franck has quit IRC () | [04:03] | |
chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki | [04:09] | |
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danopia` has joined #tikiwiki | [06:14] | |
[o_O] has joined #tikiwiki
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btiffin has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) | [06:58] | |
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CIA-65 has quit IRC (zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net)
CIA-65 has joined #tikiwiki | [07:37] | |
CIA-65 | tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r19044 10/branches/proposed/styles/ (coelesce.css strasa.css):
tikiwiki: [bp/r10943][FIX] Tab text contrast problem in IE6 ('visited' state) corrected. tikiwiki: IE6 didn't use the correct text color on "visited" tabs. Addition of a:visited tikiwiki: property was also checked in other browsers and no bad effects noticed. | [07:46] |
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*** | Beestje1 has joined #tikiwiki
Beestje1 is now known as Beestje|Home Beestje|Home has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | [08:58] |
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gezza has joined #tikiwiki | [10:17] | |
nelek | hello
anybody here? | [10:30] |
chibaguy | hi nelek | [10:31] |
nelek | hi chibaguy
i'm looking for some help on tikiwiki i set it up yesterday and i think its awesome but i'm a bit puzzled by some of its features can you help me out? | [10:31] |
chibaguy | i can try | [10:33] |
nelek | well, i'm set up pretty much, but i'm a bit puzzled where i add the menus i made to the layout
my tikiwiki is a bit empty with one top bar and a side bar only when you login the login button is also on the button which is a bit inconvenient i would like it to look more like this example : http://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=new_themes | [10:34] |
chibaguy | you can add modules to the side columns at tiki-admin_modules.php | [10:37] |
nelek | ok i'll try | [10:39] |
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nelek | uhm
i want to add a google adsense menu theres a module called "adsense" but what exactly do i put in it? adding just the adsense id does not work and adding the whole adsense block doesn't work either | [11:01] |
chibaguy | I haven't tried that module in a while. It was having problems before, but then got fixed. I don't know what the status is now.
Looks like it just needs the client number. So you tried that and it didn't work? | [11:03] |
nelek | yeah | [11:06] |
chibaguy | well, you could ask at the tikiwiki.org forums, or report the bug at dev.tikiwiki.org. | [11:07] |
nelek | always says "You forgot your Google ad_client number !" | [11:09] |
chibaguy | did you enter it as a parameter? | [11:12] |
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reno- | Hello, Can I have a way to display a different adress for my wiki pages than www.mydomain.com/tiki-index.php?page=myPageName . I'm looking for something like www.mydomain.com/myPageName. There is a clue for that? | [11:24] |
nelek | i tried but i'm not sure if i'm doing it correctly chibaguy | [11:25] |
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chibaguy | nelek, did you find any docs for this module at doc.tikiwiki.org? | [11:26] |
nelek | chibaguy yes, but the doc are a bit lacking as to how to enter the parameter | [11:27] |
chibaguy | as I said, I haven't tried it for quite a while, so don't really know the details.
as far as I know, you just enter the number alone. | [11:27] |
nelek | thats okay. i appreciate you helping me out as i just installed it yesterday | [11:27] |
chibaguy | ok, try the forums, maybe other users know.
reno-, you have to rename _htaccess in the tiki root directory to .htaccess... | [11:28] |
reno- | chibaguy, but this will diseapear the [tiki-index.php?page=] ? | [11:29] |
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chibaguy | it will enable links like www.example.com/HomePage to work.
it uses apache url rewriting. internally, tiki still uses the long urls. | [11:30] |
reno- | ok, great !! Tx chibaguy ;-) | [11:31] |
chibaguy | ok, you're welcome :-) | [11:33] |
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nelek | how can i edit FAQ entries? | [11:53] |
chibaguy | That feature hasn't changed much for a long time, so there should be info at doc.tikiwiki.org. | [11:55] |
On the other hand, it hasn't been developed much, so maybe FAQ entries can't be edited - I don't know. | [12:00] | |
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chatter is now known as nelek2 | [12:15] |
nelek2 | hm, can't find it
another question... when i edit entries in the wiki its only visible for admin users and not registered users. i have the same thing happening to some menu items. how can i change the settings so all users see the same pages? | [12:15] |
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nelek2 is now known as nelek | [12:24] |
nelek | darn this is confusing
i see no way of overriding the global permissions on a wiki article | [12:38] |
chibaguy | nelek, you can just assign 'tiki_p_view' to a particular group for a particular page, and that permission overrides the global permission.
any object-level perm overrides the global perms. | [12:51] |
nelek | it doesn't allow me to override it
it says global permissions are in effect | [12:52] |
chibaguy | must be a procedure problem. normally it works.
I guess you saw this page: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Permission | [12:52] |
nelek | nm i found it
i'm stupid :) | [12:54] |
chibaguy | well, it isn't simple, for sure. | [12:54] |
nelek | it makes sense from an engineer perspective but its not intuitive | [12:55] |
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nelek | heh i changed the perms but no change o_O | [12:57] |
chibaguy | sometimes the old perms are stored in the current browser session
or in the tiki cache | [12:58] |
nelek | do menu items have separate permissions? like when i add a wiki page to the top menu, do i need to set a permission on the item of the top menu as well? | [12:59] |
*** | Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away | [12:59] |
chibaguy | I don't think you need to.
But following the example of the default menu is a good idea, about menu details. | [13:00] |
nelek | yeah you have to
just fixed it most pages show up now but the wiki page for the registered user is still blank, while the one for admin has all the info on it wierd | [13:07] |
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chibaguy has quit IRC ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") | [13:55] | |
chatter has joined #tikiwiki | [14:09] | |
nkoth3 has quit IRC ()
nelek has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | [14:16] | |
nelek has joined #tikiwiki | [14:27] | |
chatter has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | [14:37] | |
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Tikiwiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Gallery - approval of images - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=33158 | [15:19] |
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*** | Zjeraar has joined #tikiwiki
Zjeraar is now known as Beestje|Home | [15:48] |
Beestje|Home | hello all! | [15:49] |
nelek | hey beestje
is tikiwiki a dutch initiative? ah neen, je bent een belg :) | [15:51] |
Beestje|Home | hoi nelek | [15:53] |
nelek | ben jij een tikiwiki guru, beestje? | [15:53] |
Beestje|Home | niet echt, ben er al wel redelijk lang mee bezig, maar nog niet echt met het programmeren en zo... | [15:53] |
nelek | oh okay | [15:54] |
Beestje|Home | als ik wat tijd heb doorloop ik wel wat bugs en zo | [15:54] |
nelek | weet jij hoe je FAQs kan editeren+ | [15:54] |
Beestje|Home | versie 3? | [15:54] |
nelek | ja
ik kan nieuwe toevoegen maar ik vind niet hoe je de ingegeven vraag/antwoorden kunt wijzigen | [15:54] |
Beestje|Home | zal er even naar kijken
hmmm da's niet duidelijk :) als je de faq's opsomt, krijg je onderaan dus een lijst met alle verschillende faq's naast fe faq aan de rechterkant heb je dan het editeerknopje, een helpknop en het rode verwijderkruisje die helpknop is dus geen helpknop maar eentje om de vragen weer te geven / te bewerken en zo kan je dus vragen bewerken ;) | [15:56] |
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nelek | heh
je moet er maar op komen bedankt beestje :) | [16:04] |
Beestje|Home | geen probleem :) | [16:05] |
I just did a fresh install of 3.0, barebones profile.
I used WAMP, and put the tiki install in the root www directory. Most of the stuff works out of the box, but for wiki's, the edit buttons below the page contain incorrect links: http://localhost/%5C/tiki-editpage.php?page=HomePage they all have the backslash just after the localhost/ I've been looking through open bugs but I'm unable to find anything yet. is this a known problem? | [16:10] | |
nelek | WAMP? o_O | [16:13] |
Beestje|Home | bluh.... yep wamp.... | [16:13] |
nelek | Windows Apache MySQL PHP ? | [16:13] |
Beestje|Home | :( linux box is dood momenteel, moet alles op xp bak doen | [16:13] |
nelek | :( innige deelneming | [16:14] |
Beestje|Home | maar vanaf volgende week nieuwe voeding voor de ubuntu server en een nieuwe imac, dan kan ik de xp terug gebruiken waar ie goed voor is | [16:15] |
nelek | om door het venster te gooien? :?) | [16:15] |
Beestje|Home | of stof te verzamelen ... dubbel thermisch glas kost iets te veel | [16:16] |
nelek | 'k heb overlaatst ook een nieuwe iMac gekocht
je kan ook het venster open doen vooraleer je'm erdoor gooit ;) | [16:16] |
Beestje|Home | da's niet zo leuk ... | [16:16] |
nelek | lol | [16:16] |
Beestje|Home | en hoe bevalt de imac je? | [16:17] |
nelek | heel goed
24 inchje | [16:17] |
Beestje|Home | idem :) | [16:17] |
nelek | zee van desktop ruimte en draait nog vlot spelletjes ook
FlatOut 2 is wel fijn | [16:17] |
Beestje|Home | da's best een leuk spel, zeker als je met meerdere spelers aan't lannen bent of zo | [16:18] |
nelek | dat heb ik nog niet geprobeerd
ik ben er ook nog niet zo goed in ik crash veel | [16:19] |
Beestje|Home | dan ben je in de stunts toch goed, want daar moet je eigenlijk crashen ;) | [16:21] |
nelek | 'k hoop dat ze ooit Burnout eens uitbrengen op Mac. op xbox al veel plezier aan beleefd
hehe ben je al lang mac gebruiker beestje? | [16:21] |
Beestje|Home | ik game bijna nooit meer op pc sinds ik mijn ps3 heb gekocht... vroeger vooral shooters, maar na een tijdje begon het te vervelen.
euh.... eerste mac die hier staat is nog een Mac SE30 | [16:22] |
nelek | mooi
mijn oudste is een mac plus :) | [16:22] |
Beestje|Home | daarna overgestapt op windows.... en een jaar of 4 geleden een 17" powerbook op de kop kunnen tikken. sindsdien is het zo'n beetje al mac wat de klok slaagt
wow :) nostalgie | [16:23] |
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nelek | bij mij ist altijd mac geweest, heb er ondertussen een 10tal verzameld | [16:25] |
Beestje|Home | heb vroeger moeten overschakelen vanwege de studies informatica ... dat was al windhoos wat de klok sloeg
maar daar zijn we dus al lekker vanaf :) | [16:25] |
nelek | juist ja
is dat zo? eind jaren 90 was dat erg | [16:25] |
Beestje|Home | was idd eind jaren 90 begin jaren 2000
brb | [16:26] |
nelek | kk
dus je bent programmeur? | [16:27] |
Beestje|Home | ook al. heb eerst richting programmeren gevolgd en daarna systeembeheer | [16:33] |
nelek | fijn
Ben ook systeembeheerder, ik heb heel lang Macintosh en Unix systeembeheer gedaan | [16:34] |
Beestje|Home | ik zit jammer genoeg vast in een windows omgeving... maar sinds ik er werk zijn er al wel 2 linux servers bijgekomen :) | [16:36] |
nelek | mooi
in het datacenter van het vorig bedrijf waar ik werkte stonden er 25 mac servers, 5 linux servers en slechts 2 windows servers de windows servers waren voor de boekhouding en de rommel die nergens anders op draaide :) | [16:36] |
Beestje|Home | hehehe :)
was dat bedrijf meer gericht op grafische toepassingen of zo? | [16:38] |
nelek | ja
softwarebedrijf toegespitst op de grafische sector de ganse IT was in-house, heel plezant om te doen en nooit problemen | [16:39] |
Beestje|Home | lijkt me zalig... bij mij komt er elke dag wel weer iets nieuws op de proppen | [16:40] |
nelek | jammer genoeg medio 2007 overgekocht door hun grootste concurrent en nu alles geconsolideerd naar windows :(
de gebruikers klagen steen en been natuurlijk :( | [16:41] |
Beestje|Home | dat kan ik me voorstellen. voordeel bij mij is dat de meesten niet beter weten dus ze denken maar dat het altijd zo bagger moet werken ;) | [16:41] |
nelek | lol
nuja, doe nu Mac's in bijberoep. is ook plezant | [16:42] |
Beestje|Home | beheer en zo van die zaken? | [16:45] |
nelek | ja... voornamelijk voor particulieren en kleine zelfstandigen
vroeger had iedereen een desktop computer en een modem, nu wil iedereen een draadloos netwerk met verschillende laptops naast de desktops, gedeelde printer, enzoverder daar help ik mensen mee, om het op te zetten, te beveiligen en er ook voor te zorgen dat ze de voordelen van een netwerk ten volle gebruiken bvb het centraal stockeren van hun data, data backup, enzoverder | [16:45] |
marclaporte | marclaporte hopes a hero will solve Tiki install on Windows problems | [16:48] |
nelek | ik heb een zelfstandigen statuut dus ik kan op factuur werken
als je wil geef ik je even mijn coordinaten mee | [16:49] |
Beestje|Home | Beestje|Home starts making a cape for my hero :) | [16:50] |
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grobda24 has joined #tikiwiki | [16:57] |
grobda24 | grobda24 says hello.
Where is the spreadsheet ? I have tried features and the wiki but I cannot find it. | [16:59] |
marclaporte | grobda24: : turn on in admin feature | [17:09] |
grobda24 | marclaporte, thanks ... ok, I could not see it there but I will look again | [17:16] |
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CIA-65 | tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19045 10/trunk/lib/searchlib.php: [FIX]search: completly rollback 17601 | [18:05] |
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MartinCleaver has joined #tikiwiki | [18:26] | |
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CIA-65 | tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r19046 10/branches/3.0/ (. styles/coelesce.css styles/strasa.css):
tikiwiki: [QT] Quality Team Backport tikiwiki: r19044 | chibaguy | 2009-05-23 09:45:46 +0200 (sam. 23 mai 2009) | 1 line tikiwiki: [bp/r10943][FIX] Tab text contrast problem in IE6 ('visited' state) corrected. tikiwiki: IE6 didn't use the correct text color on "visited" tabs. Addition of a:visited tikiwiki: property was also checked in other browsers and no bad effects noticed. | [18:53] |
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timmy is now known as Guest59818 | [18:55] |
Guest59818 | i seem to be having problems installing mods, specially aulawiki. clicking install on the mod page is followed by server busy-ness but no installation seems to happen. Any ideas??
!help | [18:57] |
Tikiwiki|bot | You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . | [19:01] |
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pishy | is any one familar with Aulawiki & basics of mod installation?? | [19:11] |
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marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki | [19:24] | |
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marclaporte | polom | [19:51] |
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franck has joined #tikiwiki | [23:47] | |
CIA-65 | tikiwiki: 03marcoaasilva * r19047 10/branches/3.0/lang/pt-br/language.php: pt-br translation | [23:47] |
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