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ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki
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troqueiWe are looking for a tikiwiki expert for a job opportunity. Interested, please skype to: macnific. Thanks. [12:17]
Hi everyone.we are using 3.0. We changed the wiki timeout for 15 minutes and I can see it at wiki edit page, but even thought after editing just some minutes I can not preview the page because tikiwiki ask me to log-in again. Where and how to increase the admin timeout section? [12:22]
ricks99@troquei: check your session maxlifetime and cookie_lifetime in ur php.ini [12:24]
troqueithanks [12:24]
ricks99yw [12:25]
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ChadDa3monAnyone use the phpfreechat plugin?
the file I downloaded from mods.tw.o doesn't make any sense
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CIA-65tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r19259 10/mods/trunk/themes/eatlon_tiki_3/styles/eatlon.css: [FIX] More CSS redundancy removed; page header and menus improved, etc. [12:46]
chibaguyChadDa3mon, I don't think it has ever worked. [12:47]
knew it was too good to be true :/
chibaguyheh, yep. [12:47]
sylviegthe minichat is working? was working last time I checked [12:48]
ChadDa3moncan you do minichat outside of a module?
looking for multiple chat rooms
one for each team/department
sylvieglive support feature? [12:49]
ChadDa3monhaven't checked that one out yet, I'll do that [12:50]
chibaguyminichat can work in a wiki page using the MODULE plugin, but I'm not sure about multiple rooms. [12:50]
ChadDa3monsyntax seems to suggest you can do multiple rooms, will have to look into it [12:51]
chibaguyI think it's meant to have, but don't know if that's actually implemented. [12:51]
ChadDa3monah [12:51]
chibaguybut I haven't looked closely either. [12:51]
ChadDa3monseems to be working
Ah yes, now I remember the problem with minichat....Currently, the minichat data persist indefinitely in the database, with up to 100 (?) lines displayed in a channel window. There are no admin controls to clear out the data for a channel or the module.
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MatWhohi [13:10]
jonnybhello MatWho (ay?) [13:10]
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MatWho_androidhi station!
i am at the train station see you in 5 mins
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ChadDa3monis there a trick to the RSS feeds? or is that another feature that currently doesn't work well? [13:45]
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sylviegwhat is your problem with rss? [13:45]
ricks99which rss feeds? generated by tiki or syndicated from other souces [13:45]
ChadDa3mongenerated by tiki
the RSS feed seems blank for wiki pages
even after I edit a few of them
tiki-wiki_rss.php?ver=2 is blank
ricks99are the pages public? [13:46]
ChadDa3monI do have some permissions setup [13:46]
ricks99only pages that are visible to anonymous will appear in the rss feed (i believe) [13:47]
ChadDa3monbut I'm also logged in, so I'd think things would be fine?
sylviegtry with a caching time of 0 [13:48]
ChadDa3montried a page with tiki_p_view enabled for anonymous, still no luck
is that an RSS option?
or the wiki cache option
sylviegtiki-admin.php?page=rss [13:48]
ChadDa3monalready set to 0 :/
does it only track new pages, or any edit to a page?
ricks99new & edits (not sure if it tracks MINOR edits... sylvieg?) [13:50]
ChadDa3monnot doing minor edits [13:52]
sylviegI think it is last Modif pages - no consideration og minor ... but not sure without looking at the code [13:52]
ChadDa3monbut if it can only handle anonymous pages anyways, not much help for me [13:52]
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ricks99i dont think there is any security on the rss feeds. so they only include what would be visible by anonymous visitors [13:54]
sylviegaha h I have an error in my tikitrunk wiki rss...
sorry it is my trace
ChadDa3monThanks for the help you two [13:54]
sylviegworks for me [13:55]
CIA-65tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r19260 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admingroups.tpl: [MOD] admingroups: indent code - no changes [13:57]
tiki-wiki_rss.php works
it's the ?ver=X that seems to not work
and using that link, all of my private pages are showing up
Caarrie|awayChadDa3mon: that has been an issue for a long time ^^
Caarrie|away goes back away
only problem now seems that an external RSS reader can't view the RSS feed
due to the permissions thing I'm guessing
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CIA-65tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19261 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/block.tikimodule.php: notice
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19262 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD]error: option to not print E_STRICT error
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ikecohaving some major problems with 3.0 upgrade. Forums are no lnger functional, textarea admin screen non functional, etc..
any thoughts
sylviegadmin_forums? or tiki-admin_include_forums? [15:04]
chibaguyikeco, what version did you upgrade from, what theme was set before you upgraded, what is your server os? [15:04]
ikecothese items are simply failing to return (as if PHP error)--getting white screen
ricks99r u using a 3.0 compatible theme? [15:05]
sylviegdid you upgrade your database? [15:06]
ikecohave tried several, including default, and thenews
have upgraded Db
much if not most works, but some big pieces just arn't cooperating
chibaguyactually even an incompatible theme will only cause page irregularities, not a white screen, etc. [15:06]
ikecogetting white screens [15:06]
chibaguywhat server os? [15:07]
ikecoapache--on hostmonster, so I assume Linux
PHP 5.2.9
chibaguyI'd reupload the files related to forums, maybe. [15:08]
ikecoMYSQL 5.0.75 [15:09]
chibaguy(if upgrade was via ftp) [15:09]
sylviegcan it be memory limit? because admin pannekl are consuming [15:09]
ikecoI have tried to re-upload the LIB folder, but no luck---will maybe try a compleate reload.
Dont think so I've set very high
sylviegtextare adminis 37M on my local :-( [15:10]
ikecowithout textarea admin, I cannot enable plug-ins, which cripples many articles and pages
chibaguyhow about re-uploading the root .php files and the template files?
at least the ones related to forums...
ikecoThats where I will go next, I was kinda hoping that this was not a unique set of problems [15:16]
chibaguyand admin-textarea
I haven't seen any reports of those particular things not working after an upgrade to 3.0.
ikecoshould I try to upgrade/update Db again? [15:17]
chibaguy(of course I could've missed them, too.) [15:17]
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chibaguywell, running the 3.0 install/upgrade script is easy, so is worth a try.
did you have install errors at the upgrade?
ikecokk---I will try these things again tonight--I appreciate everyones help as always
no, no reported errors
CIA-65tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19263 10/trunk/lib/breadcrumblib.php: notice [15:19]
chibaguyok [15:19]
ikecoGTG, I'll check in tomarow and let yas know [15:19]
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ChadDa3monAre you guys aware of some gross problems between what is rendered in preview mode vs what is rendered once you hit the save button for wiki pages?
or do I need to submit a bug on this
SEWilco2ChadDa3mon: We know. Sigh.
ChadDa3mon: If you do a search on dev.tw.o for Preview, there should already be a bug report. I know I've heard it discussed here.
ChadDa3monk, cool
and thanks
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CIA-65tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19264 10/trunk/tiki-sefurl.php: [FIX]sefurl: do not put - at the end [15:49]
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CIA-65tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r19265 10/mods/trunk/themes/faulkner_tiki_3/styles/faulkner.css: [FIX] More CSS redundancy removed; todo: fix topbar cssmenu in IE6. [16:12]
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r19266 10/mods/trunk/themes/faulkner_tiki_3/styles/faulkner.css: [FIX] Missed this property update. [16:19]
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19267 10/trunk/ (5 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]sefurl: sefurl in article, blog and wiki [16:33]
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CIA-65tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r19268 10/mods/trunk/themes/fluidindex_tiki_3/styles/fluidindex.css: [FIX] More CSS redundancy re layout.css removed; [16:59]
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mizraith has joined #tikiwiki [17:42]
mizraithFrom a complete newbie dev: What's the best way to "echo" or "print_r()" from within the .php files to get an idea of execution flow and what's going on?
(more specifically): Inside userlib.php...... how would I insert snippets here and there to poke at variables and execution flow?
chibaguymizraith: maybe http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Hello+World can help [17:47]
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grobda24grobda24 says hello
Is there a way to reset the login if I've locked myself out by forcing an https login only that returns an error ?
(I know ... you can laugh if you want .. lol )
sylviegthere should be a preference in the database
selct * from tiki_preferences where value like '%https';
sorry '%https%'
grobda24sylvieg, using phpsqladmin ? [17:54]
sylviegyeh [17:54]
mizraithsylvie beat me to it. Yes, under tiki_preferences table in the database there is "https_login" . set to "disabled" [17:54]
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CIA-65tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r19269 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] Adding rudimentary feedback for profiles installation
tikiwiki: * Feedback while profile retrieved via AJAX from repository
tikiwiki: * JS Confirm dialogue to check install
tikiwiki: * Minimal list of object, prefs and groups modified after install (if no instruction page in profile)
grobda24sylvieg, mizraith - I edited it to "disabled" but I still get the login error. do I have to get tikiwiki to reread it's preferences somehow ? [17:59]
sylviegclose your browser or delete your cookie [18:00]
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grobda24Yeah, got it. thanks for the help sylvieg & mizraith :D [18:03]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: File Gallery Write Issues - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=33305 [18:04]
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CIA-65tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19270 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php: [FIX]TARGET: fix target [18:11]
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mizraithGonna re-ask (hoping for a developer).... if I'm trying to trace execution path or variable state inside of userlib.php, what is the simplest way to get an "echo" or "print_r" to work and output something to my browser window. Thanks! [18:13]
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ChadDa3monso how crazy is this: I'm hoping to move over 120+ users from our old wiki to tikiwiki. I'm setup using LDAP....can I just import all of them into the user database so I can start setting up permissions ahead of time? Otherwise I have to wait for each person to login, and then setup permissions [18:41]
CIA-65tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r19271 10/trunk/templates/ (tiki-admingroups.tpl tiki-adminusers.tpl): [MOD] admingroups and adminusers: deploy tabset plugin to this templates [18:51]
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CIA-65tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r19272 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_modules.tpl: [MOD] admin modules: indent code - no changes [19:26]
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mizraithChad --- I'd try just what you're doing on a test instance first (or a "non-live" installation). My guess is you should be able to get the LDAP import to work on user and group info. You'll have to set up TikIWiki group permissions to match (perhaps?). [19:41]
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CIA-65tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r19273 10/trunk/tiki-admingroups.php: [MOD]group: give an error if name is empty [20:22]
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tcatAULAWIKI help needed: when adding a Workspace Type Resource, the dropdown list 'Resource type' doesn't shpw anything. I have this in both a 2.4 and 3.0 TW test sites [20:48]
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tcatbbl: [21:04]
SEWilco2SEWilco2 wonders what a Workspace is. [21:18]
mizraithBeen a while, so re-asking as I have made no progress on this issue ($debugger doesn't seem to work for this case). QUESTION: if I'm trying to trace execution path or variable state inside of userlib.php, what is the simplest way to get an "echo" or "print_r" to work and output something to my browser window. Thanks! [21:21]
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SEWilco2mizraith: I think I've simply done echo or print_r. But won't work if execution error causes PHP to emit nothing. [21:24]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Flash will only play once - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=33307
New Forum Posts: Viewing variables and state information: inline debugging? - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=3&comments_parentId=33306
mizraithThanks SEW. That's where I'm stuck. Inside of userlib.php both echo and print_r output nothing. $debugger doesn't seem to work either. Hmmmm [21:29]
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luminososylvieg, helo [21:36]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: AULAWIKI: Workspace Type Resource problem - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=33308 [21:50]
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vilisi_thttp://localhost/phpmyadmin/ guys i am here right now....does anyone what username and password i shud enter [21:53]
Caarrie|awayusername/password for the db you want to access [21:53]
vilisi_ti have just installed phpMyAdmin
and want to create a db
Caarrie|awayuse mysql to make the db [21:54]
vilisi_tok [21:54]
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vilisi_tdoes anyone know how i can log into phpMyadmin? [21:56]
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Caarrie|awaysame reply i said above vilisi_t [21:56]
vilisi_thow do i do that? [21:56]
Caarrie|awaygoogle phpmyadmin for more info [21:56]
vilisi_tok :-[ [21:57]
Caarrie|awayyou need a mysql db on your localhost to use it [21:57]
vilisi_tokay [21:58]
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tcatAULAWIKI help needed: when adding a Workspace Type Resource, the dropdown list 'Resource type' doesn't shpw anything. I have this in both a 2.4 and 3.0 TW test sites [22:53]
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