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***Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [00:06]
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WiresAPHi! I'm trying to make it such that menu options are only visible to anonymous users (I want these options to disappear when they login). However, when I assing the option to the anonymous group, it appears in every other group. Any way around this? [01:31]
Caarriedont inherit anomymous to registered [01:32]
thank you very much
(I feel silly)
Caarrieyw [01:32]
I seem unable to
Registered is set to inherit from none, but still inherits permissions in the permission assign panel
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Tikiwiki|botInfo: TikiFest Montréal Summer 2009 hosted by CGCOM (July 16-17-18, 2009) - http://info.tikiwiki.org/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=66 [01:56]
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floh1111 has joined #tikiwiki [06:45]
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chibaguyAnyone else having a problem with Firefox 3.5 and shadowbox images? Ones that worked before I upgraded to FF3.5 now open in a new tab. :-| [07:04]
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chibaguy(maybe a local problem. FF3.5 is ok with shadowbox at some of my sites but not all.) [07:27]
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CIA-49tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r20075 10/trunk/styles/layout/layout.css: [MOD] Added height property (height:auto) to #shadowbox_toolbar and #shadowbox_toolbar_inner following eromneg's lead (allow height to increase when narrow image causes navigation text to wrap). [08:18]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: no icon for printer friendly version - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=33921 [08:41]
hi chibaguy
nope, i haven't experianced that
CIA-49tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r20076 10/branches/experimental/ws/lib/workspaces/ (wslib.php wstools/scriptCreator.php): [MOD] Improved wslib.php: now it uses the new field rootCategId [08:50]
luciashwhat i find bad in 3.1 though is the fact that when using some jQuery or something it "eats" id parameters of DIV and BOX plugins so they get no id attribute and it's pretty useles then... [08:50]
chibaguyhi luciash. I did a db update at one site and that fixed the ff3.5 problem.
yeah, I think a goal for tiki4, if not sooner, should be to smooth out the various problems with plugins.
(more important than some new feature, imo.)
In other words, make sure the basic things are working reliably.
CIA-49tikiwiki: 03axold * r20077 10/branches/experimental/ws/ (db/tiki-4.0-mysqli.sql lib/workspaces/wslib.php): [MOD] Solved a bug in the init_ws function, and improved other things [08:54]
luciashgood approach [08:54]
chibaguyIf every dev spent time answering user questions in the forums, there'd probably be more motivation to fix little problems. ;-)
(or more awareness of little problems)
idle-that's right [09:04]
luciashhmm, sorry, i have hardly time to answer user questions here :-p [09:04]
chibaguyyeah, I know. It's totally understandable that people don't have much time to help.
But if bugs are reported at dev.tw.o and devs check there, that's a pretty good mechanism.
luciashchibaguy: actually i don't check there, i check in my email watching the tracker ;)
anyway i have 273 unread mesages of the dev.tw.o tracker items as i check it now
chibaguyheh heh, ok, get busy. ;-) [09:20]
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axoldhi guys
do you know what happens to trunk?
because there are several problems, like all libs related to ddbb
Tikiwiki|bot??[x]: Usage: ?? <word> [> nick] [10:00]
luciashhuh ? ddbb ? no idea
sorry, haven't checked out trunk recently
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chibaguyaxold: You can update to revision 20046. r20047 broke things.
some got fixed. the latest trunk runs ok on my hosted domain (linux) but no revision since 20046 works on my windows xampp.
axoldok thx chibaguy, i'm working on ws experimental branch, so I had troubles doing the merge [10:19]
chibaguyyes, seems like you better wait. [10:19]
luciashluciash is wondering if there is some really good ws demo website
to understand what it actually is and can do
we are working on this
i hope we can a ws.tw.org domain soon
we can have
luciashi still cannot imagine what the feature possibilities are :)
yup, that would be great
demo and docs
i need to get into it really soon because i am working on social networking friendship feature enhancements using trackers, templates and some plugins
and i read everywhere ws is sn related but no idea how
chibaguyAs I understand it, with ws there can be an admin for each workspace, who is like a mini-admin for users and so on there. [10:27]
luciashaxold: demo/wip at http://crystals.ourwiki.net [10:28]
chibaguyAlso, I hope the way it can work is that somebody can register and join a workspace and, automatically, pages created there will be visible only to users in that workspace. [10:29]
axoldthe major idea of ws [10:29]
luciashchibaguy: ok, can you compare it to something ? [10:29]
axoldyou can create your own communities, subcommunities
and whatever you want
tiki will have life itself because you can have one workspace
for an enterprise with its hhrr workspace, development team workspace
and so on
as a member of workspace
luciashwhat is hhrr workspace ? [10:30]
chibaguyI'm thinking of a school situation. If you log in and enter the "science class" workspace, then any page you make automatically is visible just to science class, unless you publish it for the whole school. [10:30]
axoldhuman relationship
yes for example
and think about
luciashcan you compare to facebook feature ? [10:31]
axoldif you are a student you can have
your personal stuff
this is, your wikis, trackers
and more
it's like facebook
luciashsay workspace is like ... on facebook ;) [10:31]
axoldwith all power of tiki [10:32]
luciashis it like groups on facebook ? or group of friends ? [10:32]
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luciashor like networks on facebook ? [10:33]
chibaguyTo be honest, I haven't spent enought time at facebook to say.... [10:33]
axoldwell I'm on facebook but I didn't use this features (actually, I don't use it very much)
so I don't know the differences
luciashis there confirmation step who can join what workspace ? [10:34]
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luciashah :) [10:34]
axoldyes, there will be
and you can join to a workspace
or leave
Caarrieanyone working on the rss feeds? [10:34]
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luciashi am pretty used to facebook so i thought i would understand it better if you could compare it to something i know [10:34]
axoldyeah, sorry luciash [10:35]
chibaguyaxold, maybe when a workspace is created, it could have a switch: allow users to join freely, or users can only join by being invited. [10:35]
axoldyes [10:35]
luciashyou can join group or leave currently in tiki too [10:35]
axoldof course
all this features will be at your disposal
and if you are an admin
you can set your workspace
Caarriesomeone pointed our yesterday that the tw forum rss feed is not working 100% correctly [10:35]
luciashi miss the confirmation step there [10:35]
axoldto be whatever you want [10:35]
Caarrie[Sun 12:06:54 pm] <Tikiwiki|bot> New Forum Posts: Cannot see reply to my post - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=33916
[Sun 12:32:02 pm] <tobi_h> Hm - just in case someone feels in charge of the bot: If i follow this link http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=33916 I get the following error on the page: Notice: this variable may not be empty: $_GET["forumId"]
axoldbut currently
mangapower and I
we are working on the wslib
that will manage all of this topics
chibaguyyeah, Caarrie, the forum urls are weird at times at tw.o now. [10:36]
luciashCaarrie: yep, seems forumId is required now [10:36]
Caarriei just used the rss link i was given, not sure where the issue is [10:36]
axoldok, guys time to code, if i have more time, i will explain better ws ;) [10:37]
luciashaxold: yeah, i only hope it will be not too complicated for me to understand and build on it ;) [10:37]
chibaguythanks for your work, axold. -) [10:37]
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axolddon't worry because ws will be very easy to manage (I have on mind features to do cool things, but for that we need time ;)), thx for your interest in ws :D [10:38]
rodrigo_sampaiopolom [10:38]
luciashmoloq [10:39]
rodrigo_sampaioluciash: :) [10:39]
luciashaxold: i am interested because of the work on SN enhancements
axold: i hope we can merge our efforts at some point
chibaguyluciash, you could look at http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Workspace , especially "Key features" [10:41]
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luciashchibaguy: thanks [10:41]
lwolfhi, i'm interested by a file of the "html2pdf" mod. But i do not find any download link for this mod ? is there a way to fetch hml2pdf mod source code without installing tikiwiki ? [10:42]
luciashbtw, for example i already enhanced the Group plugin for a param to display content only to friends (using the Friendship feature) of specified user(s): http://crystals.ourwiki.net/PluginGroup [10:43]
rodrigo_sampaiois http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=DatabaseSchemaUpgrade up to date? Because apparently the SQL specific files for each BLAB are not up to date. When I run convertsqls.sh it adds more queries than the one I have added to tiki.sql (maybe is just that someone did some changes and forgot to run convertsqls.sh before commiting). Just checking if I'm adding the new query the way it is supposed to be
by BLAB I meant database software
luciashthe enhanced GROUP plugin in action here: http://crystals.ourwiki.net/i+am+johndoe
brb, lunch time here
chibaguylwolf, you can go to http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/mods/trunk/ and navigate to the files. I don't know where that one is exactly. [10:45]
lwolfchibaguy, thank you [10:45]
CIA-49tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r20078 10/trunk/db/ (6 files): running convertsqls.sh to update the database system specific files (apparently they were outdated) [10:53]
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CIA-49tikiwiki: 03floh1111 * r20079 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Readded Qickpermissions. Permissionbundles are now based on the permission levels. [10:58]
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luciashstill bbl, coffee time ;) [11:13]
CIA-49tikiwiki: 03axold * r20080 10/branches/experimental/ws/lib/workspaces/ (wslib.php wstools/unitesting.php): [MOD] Solved a bug in create_ws function [11:24]
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CIA-49tikiwiki: 03axold * r20081 10/branches/experimental/ws/lib/workspaces/ (wslib.php wstools/unitesting.php): [MOD] Reordered the params in create_ws
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r20082 10/trunk/ (9 files in 3 dirs): [NEW] permission and menu entry for the Tiki Importer
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CIA-49tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r20083 10/mods/trunk/Packages/features-aulawiki.info.txt: [FIX] Updated information with latest fixes by pingus on aulawiki 1.7.2
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r20084 10/trunk/templates/tiki-importer.tpl: [ENH] confirm button for the Tiki Importer
chibaguyjonnyb, ping [11:55]
jonnybhi Gary [11:55]
chibaguyhi Jonny [11:56]
jonnybjust enjoying the joy of tiki blogs css :D
and the conflicts with forums... mmmmmm
chibaguyAre you being sarcastic? [11:56]
how you?
chibaguywell, I'm doing ok. [11:57]
luciashre :) [11:57]
chibaguyActually I know exactly what you mean about the blog and forum css/templates.
and feel bad that it's the way it is now.
did you know the forum layout is almost identical to the phpbb layout, when they switched away from tables?
jonnybit's one of the main reasons we've never used either of them - i work with a design professor and if it looks bad he makes me switch it off
maybe we should adapt blogs to be like wordpress or something then?
luciashdesign professor ? [12:00]
jonnybanyway - i want a blog so i'm fixing my theme so it looks ok...
hi luciash
luciashluciash lookin' forward for jonny's shiny new blog :) [12:02]
chibaguyI'd like it if the blogs were more like wp or other blogs. [12:02]
luciashhi jonny :) [12:02]
jonnybyup - at goldsmiths - he's a splendid chap - called John Wood [12:02]
chibaguyit's been kind of nutty, because also patrick's designs are sort of nonstandard. [12:02]
luciashthere must be the prev next blog post links [12:02]
jonnybI shot one of his lectures last year - http://blip.tv/file/1712708 [12:04]
chibaguythere should also be a way to replicate the typical wordpress blog layout, like using the right column for modules such as blog archives, and these would
appear for the right blog, etc. and not at other times.
luciashcool, jonnyb, thanks [12:05]
jonnybsounds like something for the module revamp LP's doing now chibaguy [12:05]
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chibaguyAbout layout.css, how about if the one for trunk/Tiki 4 is named layout.css, and the one that's for use as Tiki 3 reference is named layout-tiki3.css or something.
In other words, the production file has the simpler name.
which stays the same
chibaguy watches tumbleweeds blow past..... [12:13]
ricks99ricks99 blows tumbleweeds by chibaguy... [12:14]
chibaguyAnyway, that's the way I'm thinking. [12:20]
ricks99been following the discussion on mail list. seems good 2 me [12:22]
chibaguySo I guess the trimmed down trunk layout.css (after empty selectors and comments are removed) would be the one to clone to use as a "tiki 3" reference.
got to eat now. bbl.
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CIA-49tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20085 10/trunk/tiki-objectpermissions.php: notice - please check the read one
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20086 10/trunk/modules/mod-change_category.php: notice
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CIA-49tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r20087 10/trunk/tiki-install.php: [FIX] Error handler was not set and caused default to throw an exception. New handler does nothing as the installer is supposed to deal with errors. [13:16]
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CIA-49tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r20088 10/trunk/styles/strasa/options/ (cold.css mono.css): [FIX] .postbody-title .actions ("Watched by categories" text) in forum titles had bad contrast. Thanks to xavi.
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r20089 10/trunk/styles/strasa/options/cold.css: [FIX] (Forgot to save before committing.) .postbody-title .actions ("Watched by categories" text) in forum titles had bad contrast. Thanks to xavi.
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r20090 10/branches/proposed/styles/strasa/options/ (cold.css mono.css): [bp/r20088, r20089][FIX] .postbody-title .actions ("Watched by categories" text) in forum titles had bad contrast. Thanks to xavi.
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Big problems with my 3.1 upgrade - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=33925 [14:12]
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Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Allow only users who are signed in to post - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=33927 [15:14]
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WiresAPHello! I showed up yesterday and asked a question, but didn't get a viable solution. I am trying to create a menu where some of the options are displayed only when the user is anonymous - ie: the options would disappear as soon as the user would log in. However, when I set the option to the Anonymous group, it displays for all users. How moght I avoid this? Thanks. [15:36]
sylviegDoes registered group include Anonymous group? [15:41]
and there appears to be no way around it
I was hoping that there might be another option I had missed
or a work around
the reason I need it in the same menu is because I'm using the top-menu option, so I can't control the option according to module permissions, so far as I know
MacLeodIn my installation, the Registered group does not include the Anonymous group. [15:42]
WiresAPnot explicitly [15:43]
sylviegdo you mean that you can not have anonymous included in registerd in admin->groups?
ypu can always do 2 menus one only for anonymous and one for this others...
WiresAPAlthough it does not appear explicitly, even though I have not specified that registered inherit anonymous (in fact, I have specified none), the permissions section of registered shows inheritance for anonymous
I believe it is hardcorded
as for different menus
the reason I cannot do that is because I am using the top menu option in admin->look and feel, and can only specify a single menu
sylviegyou can do a specific code {if $user}{menu id=...} {else}{menu id=...}{/if} [15:46]
oh, I would do that in the custom code section of the top bar?
sylviegshould work [15:47]
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the menu no longer appears as the top bar, but instead appears directly under it, as it would display in a module
sylviegdid you use css=y or phpmanu... [15:49]
I'm rather new at this, sorry
what is the phpmanu?
sylviegI think there was an option for this anonymous pb in menu - bnut I can not fiond it anymore...
{phplayers id=42} makes everything disappear....
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WiresAP{menu id=42 type=horiz} does not make it horizontal.... [15:56]
rpgIs there some way, looking at a Tiki, to see what version of tw it's running? [15:57]
sylviegyou need type=css I think... [15:58]
rpgI'm looking at one and I see no obvious "about tikiwiki" sorta link... [15:58]
sylvieglook at changelog.txt [15:58]
WiresAP{menu id=42 css=y}
according to http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=menus
what does the current version checkbox do?
I can find no documentation on it
css wasn't working because I had css menus off
however, it is still below the actual menu bar, as well as below the breacrumbs
which is not where I want it
if top bar is unchecked, but there is code in the custom box, it still displays the menu
rpgsylvieg: was that for me? If so, is there a way to look at a tiki install from outside to see what revision it is? [16:11]
WiresAPthanks for your help sylvieg
I'm gonna take a break - I'll be back later
CIA-49tikiwiki: 03axold * r20091 10/branches/experimental/ws/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [MOD] Fixed some typos errors in wslib, and expanded the unit test [16:14]
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MacLeodWhen sending out mail notifications, how does Tiki know what mail server to send them to? It's not specified in the config settings within Tiki... [16:45]
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luciashMacLeod: it uses the same server where it runs [17:27]
Tikiwiki|botNew Forum Posts: Since your last visit box not showing for logged iin users - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=33932
New Forum Posts: Security code image before posting - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=33931
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CIA-49tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r20092 10/branches/experimental/ws/lib/workspaces/ (wslib.php wstools/scriptCreator.php): [MOD] Improved remove_ws_object [17:53]
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I am having problems due to file curruption and lost my tiki_user_mail_accounts DB
I rebuilt it but it has 0 data in it
Where can I find the default users that reside in this file?
err DB
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CIA-49tikiwiki: 03mangapower * r20093 10/branches/experimental/ws/lib/workspaces/ (wslib.php wstools/scriptCreator.php): [MOD] Added remove_all_ws and improved remove_ws: now it deletes recursively [18:41]
marclaportefloh1111_: ping [18:41]
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saffohowdy [18:57]
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Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie [20:13]
CIA-49tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r20094 10/branches/3.0/img/tiki/tiki3.png: [ENH] A logo for tiki 3.x which does not require updating at every release [20:22]
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CIA-49tikiwiki: 03stojanovim * r20095 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs):
tikiwiki: Machine translation feature (TO BE CONTINUED):
tikiwiki: - for now languages shown as candidates for machine translation are the ones the user can read (as set in User Preferences), and which are not already used for translations by a human translator
tikiwiki: - machine translation needs to be improved (some tags dissapear after GoogleTranslate causing some of the text to lose its formatting)
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CIA-49tikiwiki: 03stojanovim * r20096 10/trunk/templates/tiki-show_page.tpl: - changed the warning message for machine translation [20:53]
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CIA-49tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r20097 10/branches/proposed/img/tiki/tiki3.png: [ENH] A logo for tiki 3.x which does not require updating at every release (should have been sent here first instead of 20094 in 3.0) [22:12]
luciashcan tiki auto-create a "top" level category for user at registration time so he/she can later add his/her own categories into this category and admin them ? [22:19]
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ametteluciash: sounds like something you should discuss with the workspace-people [22:49]
luciashhehe, yup yup [22:49]
luciash just wonders what does "Auto create corresponding categories" and "Allows to select each user for small groups" when Creating/Editing a tracker
sylvieg: salut, do you know ?
ah, kewl, i tested now and when i enabled the first it created the same name category as the tracker name and under it after registering new user it created a subcategory of the same name as its username, very nice
SEWilco2luciash: I remind you of how RSS config asks for a RSS URL. "####" is a code which replaces the imagegal ID or something like that.
luciash: A similar "What is user category pattern?" interface may be useful for your need.
luciash: Sounds like someone needs to add a Help link next to "Auto create corresponding categories" :-)
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