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Kissaki: dev ceremony plz!
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Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Removing permissions from the admin group - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34088
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Kissaki: svn access plz
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tobi_h|away: Kissaki: good morning - i admire your perseverance - don't give up! :)
Kissaki: :P
well... it's getting more I have to commit
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Kissaki: svn access plz
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sylvieg: KIssqki: First we do not follow exactly zend (http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=DevTips) Identation is tabs
2) what do you plan to commit?
Kissaki: svn access plz
sylvieg: did you just try to highlight me?
sylvieg: well, the site you linked says: zend coding coding standars with following exceptions: ...
and there's no exceptions to variable or function naming
sylvieg: I plan on commiting different things. What I currently have to commit is: updated german translation, updated a theme css file to improve user experience on a specific link class, update the db scripts and add a windows db script (batch)
and I plan on checking sqlite and pgsql, if I manage to get a release pack for testing as I'm on a windows machine right now...
db script = db conversion script
sylvieg: what is your sourceforge user name
Kissaki: kissaki
sylvieg: also did you subscribe to the cvs or devel list?
we need a way to email you if you have some comments on your commits
ok Kissaki - you are new dev at tikiwiki
do you read the 3 rules?
Kissaki: yes, I did
thank you
yes I did
sylvieg: dev.tw is almost dead for me - to edit a page execution ime:242secs
CIA-57: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r20342 10/mods/trunk/themes/clubcard/styles/clubcard.css: [FIX] td class="odd" text color changed for better contrast.
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r20343 10/mods/trunk/themes/clubcard/styles/clubcard.css: [FIX] Contrast fixed for h2 headings in tabcontent.
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wookienz: hi, i dont want some people to view a bunch of pages. My though process is to disallow all viewing from everyone (non super user) then on the pages i want to them to view over ride the permissions. Is the sensible way to do it?
hi, i dont want some people to view a bunch of pages. My though process is to disallow all viewing from everyone (non super user) then on the pages i want to them to view over ride the permissions. Is the sensible way to do it?
CIA-57: tikiwiki: 03kissaki * r20344 10/trunk/styles/strasa/options/cold.css:
tikiwiki: [ENH]for strasa theme:
tikiwiki: make links with class linkmodule a block
tikiwiki: This will improve user experiance as link:hover will no longer deactivate on multi-line links
tikiwiki: 03kissaki * r20345 10/trunk/lang/de/language.php: [ENH]Translation German updated
tikiwiki: 03kissaki * r20346 10/trunk/doc/devtools/README.txt: [ENH]added note about release.sh (as that's the primary one, not tikirelease.sh as written in tikirelease.sh)
tikiwiki: 03kissaki * r20347 10/trunk/db/convertscripts/ (6 files):
tikiwiki: [ENH]some formatting, indentation and comments in convertsqls.sh
tikiwiki: Windows equivalent batch script convertsqls.sh
wookienz: i appear to be getting Db errors when trying to assign perms to a specific page.
when this query is run -> insert into `users_objectpermissions`(`groupName`, `objectId`, `objectType`, `permName`) values(?, ?, ?, ?)
Kissaki: wookienz: version? what kind of pages? which module/feature do you use? what's the error message?
wookienz: http://pastey.net/118619
assigning perms to an indiividual page.
tiki_p_view to the registered group
the error doesnt give me much to go on.
Kissaki: any ideas?
Kissaki: that you have a space in "wiki page" is probably not the error, right?
prepared statem. should do that...
hm, query "probably built" haha
no, don't know
did you try to execute that query manually?
and see if that works
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Tikiwiki|bot: New Forum Posts: PHP Testing – Unit Tests - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34093
New Forum Posts: over 200 concurrently running PHP processes - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34092
Kissaki: Tikiwiki|bot: you can't answer me, but your links don't work!
Caarrie|away: Kissaki: known issue a bug in TW not the bot
Kissaki: oO
is it fixed in trunk?
Caarrie|away: no idea
Kissaki: is the site probably running 3.1?
Caarrie|away: should be running trunk i think
Kissaki: the the sites
yeah? how often is it updated?
Caarrie|away: when they want
tobi_h|away: Kissaki: I could be totally wrong here, but i think it might be fixed - at least from http://irc.tikiwiki.org/irclogger_log/tikiwiki?date=2009-07-22,Wed&raw=on it says:
[12:27] <CIA-58> tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20300 10/trunk/tiki-view_forum_thread.php: [MOD]forum: not anymore necessary to give the forumId to see a post (cost one more request
hth, bbl... ;)
Kissaki: cu
whatever hth means
tobi_h|away: hope that helps
Kissaki: hehe
tobi_h|away: ;)
SEWilco2: Thanks, tobi_h|away: So when we next dogfood the forum the bad URLs should go away.
-: tobi_h|away blushes for undeserved thanks - which he redirects to sylvieg... ;)
marclaporte: Kissaki: : tks for the commits
Kissaki: :)
I found the trunk download link, so I'll probably check sqlite and pgsql in the next few days
my god the bugtracker sucks...
(yes, I already read the wiki pages on improvement etc :) )
what's the "resolution status" for if nobody can change it? :/
chealer: Kissaki: it can be changed...are you talking about your own bug reports?
Kissaki: no
admins only?
at least I can't change tracker items, only comment
and when end-users report (and thats where problems start: never closing, no status change, wrong priority), and someone fixes, he can only comment
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chealer: sylvieg, marclaporte: according to http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=HomePage developers can change the status of items, however the necessary group membership doesn't seem to come automatically.
Kissaki: wookienz: I just saw you created a ticket. Did you try to execute the sql string manually in your db?
oh, there's an edit button now :)
hm, it depends on the item
http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=2649 can't
http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=2648 can
on the second I have an edit/delete option
it's in the same tracker though
oh, the first one has a Submitted by, the second doesn't
chealer: strange, I think I opened http://dev.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=2649 twice and I got 2 different layout
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Kissaki: what's the difference between Trackers and Trackers (mirror) ??
I can't find the english strings :(
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chealer: Kissaki: did you see http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Mirror+Trackers ?
Kissaki: no :P
wtf... not even english... well "abandonware is enough"
chealer: Kissaki: oh. I thought I had it in French just because of my settings :/
Kissaki: :P
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CIA-57: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r20348 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [ENH] common chat emoticons syntax parsing support :-) (to be continued...)
SEWilco2: Kissaki: Did someone complete the dev ceremony for you yet?
Kissaki: yes :)
already some commits done
SEWilco2: Good.
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Kissaki: hey, I actually managed to set up a good tracker... Let's see who I'll have to bother to get a similiar one on the dev.tw.o page :)
SEWilco2: I've heard of someone who needs a "Naughty" tracker and a "Nice" tracker. :-)
Not merely a "Good" tracker.
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Kissaki: mh?
SEWilco2: Kissaki: Just a pun on meanings of "good".
Kissaki: :)
http://current.com/items/89471085_the-un-graffiti-man.htm awesome
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CIA-57: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r20349 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php:
tikiwiki: [ENH] more classic smileys supported (to be continued...)
tikiwiki: [FIX] allow smiley at the beggining of parsed data too
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Kissaki: hm, for priority we're using 1 as low and 9 as high. I think I would've put this the other way around. Which one is the more common one? In general and in software development?
lower = more important
luciash: hi
one says "number one priority" so i agree
now my question, what is more resources consuming ? a multiple queries to db if a feature is on or a calling a function multiple times which checks the feature is on every time after then ?
Kissaki: first I'd say.
with querying db you're doing the letter as well
on the letter you have a cached variable (hopefully, class attribute) and only have to read that from ram
CIA-57: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r20350 10/trunk/lib/shoutbox/shoutboxlib.php: [ENH] shoutbox emoticons (smileys) support
luciash: Kissaki: that's what i am not sure... would be great if read from RAM
so you think better check if the feature is on at multiple places before calling the function ? or better call the function every time and check if the corresponding feature is on only at one place (inside the function)
Kissaki: well, when executing the script file it's doing everything in ram
that's what memory_limit is for
huh? that definitely in the function
luciash: the example i am looking at now is in tikilib.php there's function parse_smileys and it checks if the smileys feature is on inside of it
Kissaki: otherwise you'd have tons of redundancy
well, depends on the function though
luciash: i was wondering if it's not slowing down calling the function every time when actually the feature would be switched off
Kissaki: there's probably a parse function?
luciash: yes
Kissaki: for content
well, parsing smileys is probably done seperatly from parsing wiki syntax, right?
one after the other
then I'd check: smileys? parse : ; afterwards the other parse like it was
luciash: yep, it's separate function because it's feature dependent
Kissaki: after all a parse function should not check but parse
give it only the function it's supposed to have
luciash: hmm, but then you have this "redundant" check every time before you call that function
it would be needed in tikilib.php itself plus in shoutboxlib.php now
if it stays like it is (check inside the function), it's not necessary to copy the check everywhere
i am not lazy to add the feature check before calling the smileys parse function, just wondering what is faster to render tiki page ;)
Kissaki: well, you only have it once in code, right?
just where you have a wiki parse, you'll have a check and smiley parse
that's ok/good
this is not only about performance, you definitely add it before calling parse
1.) parse fn should only parse, not check. You'd have function calls for "parsing" with nothing happening
luciash: two places, tikilib for wiki parsing and shoutboxlib... shoutbox is different, it doesn't do wiki parse, only smileys now
Kissaki: 2.) maybe you'll do something where you don't want to check before parsing. Now you have a problem :)
that's ok
luciash: i agree with you that it sounds more logical to check before calling the parse_smileys()... it's just less effective and if i am gonna to change it i wanna be sure it has more benefits (performance) than drawbacks (need to check where everywhere is this function called from and add the check there before replacing it from the parse function)
Kissaki: it's not less effective.
you'll check before or after function call in both cases
but in the function you'll have a function call more
and see my 2.) for dev. performance... :)
luciash: ok, so basically how someone did it (current check inside the parse function) means it's bad coding habit of some lazy programmer, right ? ;)
Kissaki: yes
well, maybe not lazy but unthoughtful/impulsive
could also be... :)
mmeh... page is so slow... definitely gotta speed up tiki...
luciash: ok, grepped it's called just from three files in trunk
found the same redundant function in commentslib :-p
Kissaki: ? was there already a smiley function?
wookienz: Kissaki: I don have root access to the server s i can execute from the CLI.
Kissaki: ?
are you missing 't s?
or is that me
on the rec end
wookienz: what are you refering to?
wookienz: my manual db entry
from a feew hours ago - jus got up!
luciash: Kissaki: sure, there was
Kissaki: ah
wookienz: but you have to the database, right?
wookienz: no, essentially somone elses server i am admin'ing the tiki setup. Is it really possible that the program cant execute the query itself?
Kissaki: hm, k
well, that would give us a at least a more specific error
if not, we know it's somewhere in-between in tiki
latter, it would give us a correct string but not pass it to the db correctly
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Kissaki: wer gibt mir nen SE Job für paar Monate? :)
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wookienz: Kissaki: correct me if my implementation is wrong, but i have some pages which i want viewable by registered members, and some pages not. The "not"pages are for super suers. I plan to run view permission off for registered users and then turn on per page (per structure) permissions for the registered users so they can only see content specific to them. is my thought process right?
Kissaki: probably... I'm new to tiki :P
you're probably using wiki?
didn't use structures yet, but if they have structure-individual view settings, that's the way to go for