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[o_O] has quit IRC (farmer.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) sylvieg has joined #tikiwiki [o_O] has joined #tikiwiki | [00:14] |
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lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki | [01:39] | |
Tikiwiki|bot | New Forum Posts: display problems after upgrade to 3.1 - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34206 | [01:47] |
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mlw4428 | Hi all, stupid question: How can I get a transparent PNG to render correctly in tikiwiki for IE6? | [02:48] |
Caarrie | upgrade to ie7+ or look for png hacks | [02:49] |
mlw4428 | I use firefox, it's for compatibility :P
I know of the hacks, but how would I implement them into tikiwiki? | [02:51] |
Caarrie | tell them to upgrade or look for hacks not a tw issue it is an ie issue
in the css file i think or tell the ie6 uses to upgrade :P | [02:51] |
mlw4428 | eh, can't really
it's for an intranet site at work and they standardly use IE6 dunno if they'll ever upgrade any time soon | [02:53] |
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CIA-57 | tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r20577 10/trunk/templates/ (41 files):
tikiwiki: [EHN+FIX] try to have consistent admin panel, first pass and XHTML validation tikiwiki: problems... Need to work on button consistency still... | [03:36] |
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Khaos has quit IRC (SendQ exceeded) Khaos has joined #tikiwiki | [03:39] |
mlw4428 | how does one use this: {GROUP(groups=
more specifically how do I specifiy more than 1 group? | [03:43] |
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Maybe it's better to rephrase the question | [03:59] | |
Caarrie | or ask when more people are awake ;) | [03:59] |
mlw4428 | ah | [03:59] |
*** | Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|sleeping
Bandari has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) | [04:01] |
FrankP_german has joined #tikiwiki | [04:15] | |
mlw4428 | anyone here good with tikiwiki? | [04:19] |
Khaos | I'm prity good a messing it up, does that count? | [04:19] |
mlw4428 | maybe
do you know how the {GROUP(groups= works? | [04:19] |
Khaos | nopers | [04:20] |
mlw4428 | !help | [04:20] |
Tikiwiki|bot | You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tikiwiki.org/TikiBot . | [04:20] |
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gmartin has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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Tikiwiki|bot | New Forum Posts: The plugin description list disappeared - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34209 | [04:43] |
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chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki | [10:09] | |
idle- | how do I get rid of this ugly help button | [10:16] |
chibaguy | idle:- go to admin features; it's under one of the tabs
then the help displays where it did before, at the bottom of the center column. | [10:18] |
idle- | ah ok it's called "Floating help aka the Big Blue Help Icon" thzx | [10:21] |
chibaguy | Is it the button itself, or how the help is displayed, that is ugly to you?
(like what if the button was redesigned?) | [10:27] |
..... (idle for 23mn) | ||
idle- | it's because the button is layered over the logo, if I put the logo on the right side | [10:50] |
luciash | polom
i guess we'll make it dragabble in version 4 | [10:56] |
chibaguy | ah, you could make a custom.css file with div#tikihelp {top: 100px} or whatever distance is needed from the top of the page, and put this file in your theme's styles directory. | [10:59] |
luciash | right
hi gary, how r u doing ? i'm sorry that we cannot stream the sessions because the connection is not very reliable but we make some footage which will be uploaded then at some place | [11:00] |
chibaguy | hi luciash, I'm doing ok. Yeah, I'm sorry to not see you all in action. | [11:01] |
luciash | we got a kind of break now before lunch | [11:02] |
chibaguy | It seems you're working hard. ;-) | [11:03] |
luciash | my wife is cooking today, so no octopus for lunch :) | [11:03] |
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luciash | we saw some octopus today morning though (living one ;)) while having a diving today morning | [11:04] |
chibaguy | wow | [11:05] |
*** | Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie | [11:06] |
luciash | and some fishes of course, but on the othe hand i lost my glasses somewhere in the waters :-p
luckily i have another one here with me chibaguy: btw, i implemented the shadowbox jquery replacement (colorbox) yesterday and it works nicely and is very fast... have to commit it today still | [11:07] |
chibaguy | ok, nice.
btw, I just noticed a problem when the edit help goes full screen in a shadowbox - black text on black bg. (in thenews, anyway) maybe div#shadowbox_content table.normal needs a white bg. (not all text is affected, just the area around the Plugins section title.) but it would be better to style the help sections, not the shadowbox that contains them. | [11:09] |
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hmm, no edit help in my current (not totally updated) svn trunk. | [11:33] | |
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jimboo has joined #tikiwiki | [11:35] |
jimboo | .
For a wiki site, is it possible to add a list of recently changed pages to the left menu for anonymous users? | [11:36] |
chibaguy | yes
Activate the last_modif_pages module on tiki-admin_modules.php, and include Anonymous as Group for that module. | [11:38] |
luciash | chibaguy: the problem must be only in thenews recently ? | [11:40] |
chibaguy | I don't usually look at the edit help in the shadowbox popup.
('fullscreen view') so didn't notice before. strasa has a #shadowbox_content {background: #f3fcf3}, so black text is ok. | [11:41] |
luciash | ah | [11:46] |
chibaguy | coelesce has #shadowbox_body {background: #000000} so text is ok.
darkroom doesn't specify bg, but has light text, so is ok. | [11:47] |
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chibaguy | feb12 is messed up because no bg color is set, so black is inherited from shadowbox.css #shadowbox_body....
same with thenews | [11:52] |
luciash | hmm, background #000000 is black | [11:54] |
chibaguy | yeah
ok for photos, I guess | [11:54] |
luciash | so text must be white | [11:54] |
chibaguy | but usually the shadowbox size fits its contents, right? | [11:54] |
luciash | or the other way around
not for iframes | [11:54] |
chibaguy | well, I was thinking of images.
so what's the best way to fix the contrast, I wonder. change #shadowbox bg to a light color, in theme stylesheets? | [11:55] |
luciash | yep, why not
it's theme specific | [11:58] |
chibaguy | ok | [11:59] |
jimboo | chibaguy: many thanks for your advice - that's just what I was looking for | [12:00] |
chibaguy | ok, great. | [12:02] |
ricks99 | anyone notice... watch emails from tw.o are including <!-- tpl --> notice in email title and body | [12:07] |
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chibaguy | sorry, I don't watch anything at tw.o ;-) | [12:14] |
ricks99 | lol
curious as to what is causing it? looks bad. plus all the emails are now being routed to my spam folder. | [12:15] |
chealer | ricks99: yes. marclaporte says that's because the site was put in debug mode due to blank pages. I think the problem isn't fixed but the debug was turned back off. | [12:16] |
ricks99 | ah. k. that xplains it | [12:17] |
CIA-57 | tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r20578 10/trunk/styles/coelesce.css: [ENH] Better visibility of survey queries, and more in tune with the general coelesce theme
tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r20579 10/branches/proposed/styles/coelesce.css: [ENH] Better visibility of survey queries, and more in tune with the general coelesce theme (backport from trunk #20578) | [12:19] |
luciash | ricks99: it's a feature
must clear template cache | [12:23] |
ricks99 | haviing <!--- in the subject line of watch emails is a feature? it is causing my spam filter to ID each email as spam | [12:24] |
luciash | yes, the cache on tw.o must be cleared
and of course it's wrong to put it in mail templates but i guess sylvie made it global and this wasn't excluded yet | [12:25] |
ricks99 | right. so the "show templates in html" option (admin: general) applies to emails too
good to know | [12:27] |
CIA-57 | tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r20580 10/trunk/styles/ (darkroom/ie6.css darkroom.css layout/layout.css): [ENH] Darkroom theme modified to import layout.css (redundant rules removed, and IE rules moved to their own files); minor change in layout.css.
tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r20581 10/trunk/tiki-admin_notifications.php: [FIX] Don't lose the value of javascript_enabled in order to have 'check all' checkbox again | [12:29] |
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CIA-57 | tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r20582 10/branches/proposed/tiki-admin_notifications.php: [FIX] Don't lose the value of javascript_enabled in order to have 'check all' checkbox again (backport trunk #20581) | [12:38] |
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CIA-57 | tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r20583 10/trunk/tiki-send_newsletters.php: [FIX]newsletter: parse if wysiwyg and wiki_parse | [12:47] |
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chibaguy | The new minimized module (for icon-only menu) is interesting.
But isn't maintaining its minimized state between page refreshes. (same problem as column-flipping in general has had in tiki 3) Also I wonder why the minimize icon needs to appear in all modules. It's strange to click the minimize icon in the login module in the right column and watch the menu module in the left column minimize. :-) Doesn't seem to work with suckerfish menus yet. Or the right column. | [12:57] |
*** | Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away | [13:10] |
chealer has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection)
chealer has joined #tikiwiki Redhatter has quit IRC (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | [13:16] | |
chibaguy | Having the title "Properties" especially on image displays seems redundant and distracting. It's obvious that the information is image properties, and I think the shadowbox display has become too cluttered.
The beauty of the image displayed in shadowbox is that there isn't a bunch of visual noise around it. The white on black before wasn't too bad, but now there's a .opaque box with div.box-title and .div.box-data, with theme coloring. Too much, IMHO. | [13:25] |
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dragonauta | hi o/ | [13:29] |
ricks99 | hi dragonauta | [13:30] |
dragonauta | I can't find in docs about this, maybe any could help me... I've installed tiki 3.0. setting language in spanish
when try to login with wrong password there's a message indicating invalid pass when try to login with wrong user, there's a message indicating invalid user I assume that is a security issue an attacker could know when a user is valid and keep trying several passwords can i change that message in any way, or hide it? | [13:31] |
ricks99 | u can set the max # of failed password attempts before tiki will "lock" the account and send re-verification email to the user | [13:33] |
dragonauta | thanks ricks99
I'll search that | [13:34] |
ricks99 | i believe it is on Admin: General page
or Admin: Login | [13:35] |
dragonauta | yes!
it's in Admin:Login... thanks again ricks99 :) | [13:36] |
ricks99 | np | [13:36] |
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AleKu has joined #tikiwiki | [13:50] | |
AleKu | hello
who know why ihave this error Failed to set max_execution_time to 0 for PHP when i install the tikiwiki ? somebody online??? | [13:50] |
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Bandari | Hi Rodrigo
How are you doing? | [13:53] |
ricks99 | try setting the max_execution_time to something else? | [13:53] |
Bandari | I need one help from you - this is with regards to migration from Dokowiki to Tikiwiki
Yesterday - some one from chat room session refered your name. Please help me | [13:54] |
AleKu | when i install
in my domain he right this Failed to set max_execution_time to 0 for PHP. | [13:56] |
*** | Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie | [13:57] |
AleKu | and when i finshed the install it`s blank page
:( | [13:57] |
ricks99 | @AleKu: can u set the max_execution_time to something else (in your php.ini file) | [13:57] |
AleKu | but where is the php.ini
i dont know where is that the problem | [13:58] |
ricks99 | depends on host. but usually in root | [13:58] |
AleKu | o god
it`s a free domain :D | [13:58] |
Bandari | php.ini should be in <PHP installation root directory> | [13:58] |
AleKu | i uploaded tikiwiki there | [13:59] |
ricks99 | can put a customized php.ini in ur tiki root
but if a "free" domain, maybe they don't allow you to overrwite | [13:59] |
AleKu | i can create?
hmm .. | [13:59] |
ricks99 | just a text file
have u seen: tikiwiki.org/TikiFriendlyHosts | [13:59] |
AleKu | ia | [13:59] |
Bandari | Rodrigo - Are you busy?? | [14:00] |
AleKu | i try to make in my system
php.ini what he write inside? | [14:00] |
Tikiwiki|bot | New Forum Posts: hi -> Failed to set max_execution_time to 0 for PHP. - http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=&comments_parentId=34211 | [14:01] |
rodrigo_sampaio | Bandari: hey Bandari! how can I help you? | [14:01] |
Bandari | we have Dokowiki and wanted to move to Tikiwiki | [14:02] |
ricks99 | try: max_execution_time = 300 | [14:02] |
Bandari | Migrating the documents from Dokowiki to Tikiwiki | [14:02] |
rodrigo_sampaio | Bandari: I'm working on a Mediawiki to Tikiwiki importer
Bandari: for the syntax parsing I'm using the PEAR package Text_Wiki Bandari: I now that Text_Wiki supports the Dokowiki syntax but it is probably outdated Bandari: you can also that a look at the code I'm doing to the Mediawiki importer, it might help you | [14:02] |
Bandari | Is that your parser is sharable? | [14:04] |
AleKu | o god | [14:04] |
rodrigo_sampaio | Bandari: it is on trunk, on the lib/importer directory | [14:04] |
AleKu | it`s too hard | [14:04] |
rodrigo_sampaio | Bandari: what do you mean by a sharable parser? | [14:04] |
Bandari | How do I go there? | [14:04] |
ricks99 | @AleKu: make a text file with max_execution_time = 300 in it. upload t your tikiwiki root. | [14:05] |
Bandari | Can I get the source code? | [14:06] |
rodrigo_sampaio | Bandari: sure! it is on the Tiki repository
Bandari: you just have to take a look on the directory lib/importer on tikiwiki trunk | [14:06] |
Bandari | How do I get the access the TIKI repository | [14:06] |
rodrigo_sampaio | Bandari: you checkout it using SVN
Bandari: you can take a look at my project documentation page to get more information about it to have a better idea how what I'm doing can help you http://dev.tikiwiki.org/gsoc2009rodrigo Bandari: are you familiar with SVN? | [14:07] |
Bandari | yes
but not much let me try May I know your timinigs of availability? | [14:10] |
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Bandari | Do you have any documentation for SVN configuration for your project? | [14:13] |
ricks99 | @Bandari: try http://dev.tikiwiki.org/SVNTips | [14:14] |
Bandari | Thank you | [14:14] |
ricks99 | de nada | [14:15] |
AleKu | ricks99 : dont work | [14:15] |
ricks99 | @AleKu: then your host may not allow custom php.ini. what is your host/url? | [14:15] |
AleKu | ricky99 enjoy
www.inimideschise.lx.ro u have ident yahoo ? | [14:16] |
Bandari | rodrigo_sampaio : May I know your time availability for today? | [14:16] |
AleKu | i give u pass and user | [14:16] |
ricks99 | i dont think it meets the minium requirements. have you tried: http://tikiwiki.org/TikiFriendlyHosts | [14:17] |
AleKu | iya
i have just 128 mb memory on this hosts | [14:18] |
ricks99 | 128M server memory? that is more than enough | [14:19] |
AleKu | so? | [14:20] |
Bandari | rodrigo_sampaio : I will try and touch base with you...Thank you so much for your time. | [14:20] |
ricks99 | see http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Requirements+and+Setup and confirm that your host meets the db and php requirements | [14:20] |
rodrigo_sampaio | Bandari, ricks99: any of you speak portuguese or spanish? | [14:21] |
AleKu | oki..
thx very much not enoght not enogh u have right | [14:21] |
rodrigo_sampaio | Bandari: I'm on the final weeks of my GSOC project so I don't have much time, but just ask me and I can tell you if it is possible to help or not | [14:22] |
AleKu | :P
bye bye all and thx for help | [14:22] |
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ricks99 | @rodrigo: un poco (translate.google.com is my friend :) | [14:22] |
rodrigo_sampaio | ricks99: que bueno! :) | [14:27] |
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CIA-57 | tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20584 10/trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs): (log message trimmed)
tikiwiki: [ENH] Object permissions admin mini-revamp tikiwiki: Groups now displayed on each perm (in a grid) and set/unset by checking/unchecking tikiwiki: Perms grouped by type with collapsible headings (using treetable) tikiwiki: Filter by text in perm rows including description (using listfilter) tikiwiki: TODO tikiwiki: Figure out what to do when there are dozens of groups (probably using perspectives to set a new "visible groups" pref). | [14:50] |
ricks99 | Q: does tiki provide any language-specific stats? is there a way to determine how many visitors are using the switch lang module? or which languages are being selected most often?
or will i continue to need google analytics for this type of data? | [14:51] |
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CIA-57 | tikiwiki: 03nagendra016 * r20585 10/branches/experimental/kaltura_integration/ (templates/tiki-kaltura_video.tpl tiki-kaltura_video.php): video upload, info edit fix | [15:11] |
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nkoth3 has joined #tikiwiki | [15:47] | |
CIA-57 | tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r20586 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] Propabily a tipo...
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r20587 10/trunk/lib/filegals/filegallib.php: [FIX] notice + default values | [15:53] |
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r20588 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_split.php: [FIX] notice | [16:01] | |
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CIA-57 | tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r20589 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] fix cssmenu decision for the left columns... avoid hysteresis of tikiwiki: module_type parameter... | [16:20] |
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20590 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.treetable.php: [FIX] Warning (typo) and notice (type) | [16:33] | |
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jimboo has quit IRC ("Page closed") | [16:41] |
FrankP_german has joined #tikiwiki | [16:52] | |
CIA-57 | tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20591 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.treetable.php: [FIX] More flexibility to supply strings (comma delimited) or arrays as params | [16:58] |
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chealer | sylvieg: looks like tikiwiki.org is not responding | [17:20] |
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CIA-57 | tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r20592 10/trunk/ (21 files in 8 dirs): [KIL] Getting rid of mootools, jonny will still clean up the remains
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r20593 10/trunk/lib/jquery/colorbox/styles/ (8 files in 2 dirs): [NEW] a colorbox style and images tikiwiki: 03luciash * r20594 10/trunk/ (lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js templates/header_jquery.tpl): [MOD] colorbox implementation and setup (shadowbox replacement) | [17:36] |
*** | Kissaki is now known as Kissaki^0ff | [17:42] |
CIA-57 | tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20595 10/trunk/templates/ (7 files in 2 dirs): [KIL] Part two of mootools removal | [17:43] |
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r20596 10/trunk/ (14 files): [KIL] mootab?
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r20597 10/trunk/templates/header.tpl: [DEL] shadowbox replaced by colorbox (more info see http://colorpowered.com/colorbox/) tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20598 10/trunk/db/tiki.sql: [FIX] Missing field on tiki_webmail_contacts_fields tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r20599 10/trunk/lib/core/lib/TikiDb/Pdo.php: [FIX] Failure detected when no results returned and removing extra bind insanity tikiwiki: 03luciash * r20600 10/trunk/lib/ (shadowbox/ shadowbox_tiki/): [KIL] due to stuck-in at old version of shadowbox (latest version is not LGPL compatible) shadowbox replaced by colorbox tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r20601 10/trunk/db/ (6 files): [FIX] Convertscripts | [17:55] | |
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r20602 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] typo ? please jail master ?
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20603 10/trunk/styles/strasa/options/mono.css: [MOD] Lighter table headings backgrounds | [18:12] | |
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tikiwiki: 03zchermit * r20604 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_modules.tpl: [FIX] Add {tr} tag for translation
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r20605 10/trunk/ (19 files in 10 dirs): [KIL] Games | [18:31] | |
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r20606 10/trunk/ (8 files in 2 dirs): [KIL] Games (database) | [18:40] | |
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SEWilco2 | Doubleplusgood changes:talk ratio. | [19:00] |
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wikiman has joined #tikiwiki | [19:10] | |
Tikiwiki|bot | Hello everyone | [19:11] |
marclaporte | polom | [19:13] |
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wikiman | Is there a way to change file gallery listing (type, desc, size, etc.) of existing galleries without having to edit each gallery's listing individually? | [19:18] |
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SEWilco2 | wikiman: I don't think so. I think filegal admin defines default filegal settings, but once a filegal is created its settings can be altered individually.
wikiman: I suppose one should check if there is a preference which allows/disallows individual filegal settings. wikiman: For that, look in Admin/Groups and look at the available privileges for file galleries. | [19:34] |
wikiman | Will do. If there isn't one, it would be nice to have. I have probably 50 file galleries that I'd like to change and while I get paid by the hour, it's still pretty boring to do that ... :) | [19:41] |
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